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• Introduction
• Beginner Methods
• Method 1: Going Phishing
• Method 2: Crypto Mining
• Method 3: Exploiting Pay Per Install
• Advanced Methods
• Method 1: Youtube CPA
• Method 2: Locked Torrents
• Method 3: Instagram Flipping
• Conclusion

Firstly, I would like to thank you for purchasing
BLACKHAT MONEY. This guide will give you
SIX blackhat methods + 1 Bonus method, to
teach you how to make money online, now
blackhat doesn't mean 'illegal' all the time
however most of these methods ARE ILLEGAL.
Make sure that you have good OPSEC when
actually following along, OPSEC = Operational
Security. Use an operating system like Tails.
These methods are public, however not easy to
find, especially a guide on how to actually do
any of the methods. BLACKHAT MONEY is easy
to read and will teach you what you need to
know to start making money, obviously these
methods need investment, well not all of them
but it's better to have some spare cash to be
able to make more of it.. Let's begin.

Beginner Methods.
These methods are extremely easy to put into
action. There will be pictures as well as clearly
written steps to show you how to do
everything, if you get confused, just go back
through the steps and you'll soon realize what
you did wrong. These methods include 'Going
Phishing', 'Crypto Mining' and 'Exploiting Pay
Per Install'.

Method 1: Going Phishing.

By far the easiest and probably one of the most
profitable methods, phishing
Instagrams/Twitters/Snapchats with high
followings, securing the accounts and selling
them off for cash!

Step 1. Sign up here: https://ogfish.net

Step 2. Create a phishing link.
Step 3. Seek out pages with high stats.

Step 4. Send the account a DM with the

following or something similar
Hey, I checked out your profile and I think this guy is stealing
your photos... [phishing link] Hopefully you can get his account
Step 5. Retrieve the account info, it'll show you
the location of the account.
Step 6. Find a proxy with the same country
login location.
Step 7. Change your location to the proxie's
and login.
Step 8. Change the email to something else
that you own, you can use
Step 9. Secure the phone number, theres
members on HF who do Phone verification, or
just use a burner phones number.
Step 10. Find forums like https://ogusers.com
Step 11. Sell the accounts..
Accounts that have 10k followers are worth
about $30.. You do the math if you phish an
account with 500k..
Method 2: Crypto Mining.
This method kinda speaks for itself, all you
really need is intiative.

Step 1. Buy a miner builder or code one

yourself, they're sold on HF pretty cheap.
Step 2. Buy a crypter, theres many on HF, I
would recommend CyberSeal.
Step 3. Setup a botnet (optional)
Step 4. Create your miner with the builder.
Step 5. Make the miner and crypt it, there are
many guides on how to get your Miner FUD..
Step 6. Once it's FUD, you'll want to spread,
you can use your brain and simply figure out
your own private methods, however if you can't
then I'll provide some public methods..
Youtube -
Create a fake video promoting a game hack
etc and post the download link to your miner
FaceBook -
Make posts on people's walls with hacked FB
accounts with the download link
Torrents -
Spread using torrents, use a VPS to act as a
seedbox so your torrent is always
downloadable and you don't have to seed your
Step 7. If you're using a botnet, just do the
same except when you've infected 10k people
you then 'Download & Execute' your FUD
Step 8. Rinse and repeat, sit back and watch
your crypto go up up and UP!

Method 3: Exploiting Pay Per

This method is a little more complicated
however has potential for earnings of $300 -
$3,000 per day.

Step 1. Obtain a botnet, you can do so on HF.

Step 2. Setup the botnet, guides are
everywhere dude, just search.
Step 3. Crypt your botnet stub and use the
spreading methods above to spread your
botnet stub.
Step 4. Now instead of mining, however you
could mine aswell, you're going to find a PPI
provider who allows Blackhat methods of
getting the installs, and you're going to get the
link to the direct download they provide and
once you have 30k bots, you simply
'Download & Execute' the PPI link and cash
out big, providers usually pay $1 - $2 per
install, 30k bots, $1 per install.. $30,000

Advanced Methods.
These methods will provide you with all you
need to know to create money online using
slightly more complicated methods and a more
'steady' income.

Youtube CPA.
With youtube CPA you rank your videos and
use CPA to make money, basically incentive
traffic, they want something, they do a survey,
you get paid. Not blackhat, not yet. However to
rank on youtube you need HUGE social
presence, we can't do that, that takes way too
long.. No we're going to do it the blackhat way.

Step 1. Signup to a CPA network, I recommend


Step 2. Create a link locker, with the download

link to anything you want (botnet stub would
be handy 😉 )
Step 2. Create a niche, lets just do 'Clash Of
Clans Hack.

Step 3. Create a video, voice is good especially

a females voice.

Step 4. Make the video believable, add fake

proof of it working

Step 5. Keywords & a catchy title.

Title: How to Hack Clash Of Clans 2018 + Proof
Keywords blah blah Keywords, blah blah

Keywords: CoC Hack, Clash of clans hack, free clash

of clans hack, clash of clans hacker.
Step 6. Use an SMM panel, this is used to bot
fake views/likes/comments, I recommend

Step 7. Bot views/comments/likes, rank the


Step 8. Watch as your earnings skyrocket,

Method 2: Locked Torrents.

This guide will show you how to make some
cash with torrents.

Step 1. Use a link locker to a pastebin link, the

pastbin will be a post with a password,
example ( Password: abc987 )
from OGads.
Step 2. Find a torrent like 'Cracked
MalwareBytes' download it, and replace the
crack with your botnet stub/miner.

Step 3. Zip the files and add a password, the

same password as the pastebin. (abc987)

Step 4. Add the zipped file to another folder

and add a notepad called 'Password' then
inside the notepad paste the locked link.

Step 5. Zip the new folder with the password

notepad and the locked zip folder.

Step 6. Re-upload it as a torrent..

Step 7. Profit...

Method 3: Instagram Flipping.

This method requires work and isn't fast. The
only method that takes time.

Step 1. Buy a VPS, one that allows botting.

Step 2. Buy JARVEE.

Step 3. Buy Aged Instagram Accounts 5+ year

old accounts only.

Step 4. Load your accounts into jarvee and use

some botting settings, you can find these with
a quick google search. Start warming up your
accounts, and bot bot bot.

Step 5. Once your accounts are successfully

growing, 5k – 10k followers, sell them for cash
and start buying and selling bigger/better
All methods mentioned in this guide have been
personally tested and are all working, the
methods are unsaturable and will all provide
profit given the amount of effort put in.

Yup, here's a bonus method just incase you
hadn't heard of it..

Step 1. I assume you're using Tails.

Step 2. Locate an online marketplace on TOR.

Step 3. Find a ransomeware seller.

Step 4. Create an anonymous wallet, easy to

find a guide on google.
Step 5. Use the anonymous wallet to act as the
ransomeware wallet.

Step 6. Buy a ransomeware build.

Step 7. Spread and watch your earnings sky


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