• Introduction
• Beginner Methods
• Method 1: Going Phishing
• Method 2: Crypto Mining
• Method 3: Exploiting Pay Per Install
• Advanced Methods
• Method 1: Youtube CPA
• Method 2: Locked Torrents
• Method 3: Instagram Flipping
• Conclusion
Firstly, I would like to thank you for purchasing
BLACKHAT MONEY. This guide will give you
SIX blackhat methods + 1 Bonus method, to
teach you how to make money online, now
blackhat doesn't mean 'illegal' all the time
however most of these methods ARE ILLEGAL.
Make sure that you have good OPSEC when
actually following along, OPSEC = Operational
Security. Use an operating system like Tails.
These methods are public, however not easy to
find, especially a guide on how to actually do
any of the methods. BLACKHAT MONEY is easy
to read and will teach you what you need to
know to start making money, obviously these
methods need investment, well not all of them
but it's better to have some spare cash to be
able to make more of it.. Let's begin.
Beginner Methods.
These methods are extremely easy to put into
action. There will be pictures as well as clearly
written steps to show you how to do
everything, if you get confused, just go back
through the steps and you'll soon realize what
you did wrong. These methods include 'Going
Phishing', 'Crypto Mining' and 'Exploiting Pay
Per Install'.
Advanced Methods.
These methods will provide you with all you
need to know to create money online using
slightly more complicated methods and a more
'steady' income.
Youtube CPA.
With youtube CPA you rank your videos and
use CPA to make money, basically incentive
traffic, they want something, they do a survey,
you get paid. Not blackhat, not yet. However to
rank on youtube you need HUGE social
presence, we can't do that, that takes way too
long.. No we're going to do it the blackhat way.
Step 7. Profit...
Yup, here's a bonus method just incase you
hadn't heard of it..