Fabrication of Silicon Based Glass Fibres For Optical Communication
Fabrication of Silicon Based Glass Fibres For Optical Communication
Fabrication of Silicon Based Glass Fibres For Optical Communication
Abstract. Silicon based glass fibres are fabricated by conventional fibre drawing process. First, preform
fabrication is carried out by means of conventional MCVD technique by using various dopants such as SiCl4,
GeCl4, POCl3, and FeCl3. The chemicals are used in such a way that step index single mode fibre can be
drawn. The fibre drawing process consists of various steps such as heating the preform at elevated tempera-
ture, diameter monitor, primary and secondary coating, and ultra violet radiation curing. The fibres are then
characterized for their geometrical and optical properties. The drawn fibre has diameter of core and cladding
to be 8⋅⋅3 µ m and 124⋅⋅31 µ m, respectively whereas non-circularity is found to be 4⋅⋅17% for core and 0⋅⋅26% for
cladding as seen from phase plot. Mode field diameter is found to be 8⋅⋅9 µ m and 9⋅⋅2 µ m using Peterman II
and Gaussian method, respectively. The fabricated fibres showed the signal attenuation of 0⋅⋅35 dB/km and
0⋅⋅20 dB/km for 1310 nm and 1550 nm, respectively as measured by the optical time domain reflectometer
Keywords. Optical fibre; preform fabrication; fibre drawing; mode field diameter; OTDR measurements.
74 Vivek P Kude and R S Khairnar
freon to remove surface impurities. The reactants (SiCl4 + 2.2 Fibre drawing
O2) are introduced at one end of the rotating tube while
an exhaust is located at the other end. Cladding layer is The performance of optical fibres, specifically the trans-
made by deposition of materials such as SiCl4, GeCl4 and mission losses, bandwidth and strength, is strongly influ-
POCl3 in different environments such as oxygen, helium enced by the fibre drawing and coating process. This
and freon. During clad process, freon reduces the refractive process must be treated as an integrated operation desig-
index of clad and reaction converts halides into oxides. ned to impart desired properties to the resulting fibre.
Approximately, 25–30 layers of cladding are deposited The essential components of whole process are shown in
on the inside of the substrate tube. A core layer is deposited the form of flow chart in figure 2, which consists of feed
by means of compounds like SiCl4, GeCl4 in gaseous en- glass, heat source, fibre diameter monitor, cooling system,
vironment of oxygen, helium and freon. GeCl4 converts to coating applicator, curing apparatus, and fibre puller/wind-
GeO2, which serves as a dopant to increase the refractive ing mechanism. The components are arranged in vertical
index of the core layer, whereas helium lowers the depo- position to take advantage of gravitational forces. The feed
sition temperature (Fleming 1978). The flow of reactants glass preform is fed at speed of 0⋅02–0⋅03 cm/s depending
and the speed of traversing oxyhydrogen burner are closely on the heat source, preform diameter and draw speed.
monitored using a video camera. When the desired thick- Continuous lengths of more than 40 km have been drawn
ness is achieved, valve is closed to stop the flow of the from such a preform in one drawing. Fibre drawing pro-
reactants. After deposition of core layers on the inner side ceeds by heating the tip of the preform to a molten state
of tube, this composite tube is heated to high temperature and allowing it to extend under the force of gravity
from outside so that it collapses to form a solid rod. The downward into a fine-diameter filament without the use
freon gas is passed while collapsing so that the core has
higher refractive index than the clad as well as the solid
glass rod becomes free of air bubbles. The chlorine gas is
also used in combination with freon so as to remove OH
from SiO2. This preform is subjected to fibre drawing
The reactions that take place during preform fabrication
are as follows.
Figure 1. The photograph of preform. Figure 2. Flow chart of fibre drawing and coating process.
Fabrication of silicon based glass fibres for optical communication 75
of any die mechanism whereas pulling and winding diameters and noncircularity for core and cladding. It is
mechanism sustains a drawing force. The fibre diameter seen that clad ovality is maintained constant within 1%
is monitored continuously as the fibre passes through the and core ovality within 6%.
furnace. Any variation of the fibre diameter is detected
by a control device that automatically readjusts the tem-
3.2 Mode field diameter
perature and the speed of pulling mechanism to compensate
for initial change. Since this bare fibre consists of core
The mode field diameter is a measure of distribution
and clad, the fibre diameter is an important parameter,
width of electric field intensity. Small value of mode
which influences wave propagation phenomenon used in
field diameter for a fibre denotes less bending losses for
optical fibre. When the fibre comes out of the furnace, it
optical signal. A variable wavelength light source is scanned
is cooled in the presence of helium gas without altering
through its spectral range and enters the fibre input end
its physical dimension. Then it enters the coating applica-
face through a lens and a mode stripper. The near-field
tor immediately. A clean environment is maintained at
this junction to reduce the risk of contaminating the fibre
surface. Polymer coating is applied concentrically in suf-
ficient thickness and solidified using ultra-violet curing
technique very rapidly. Later on, it is scanned for the de-
tection of defects such as voids, lumps and uncoated sec-
3. Characterization
light pattern is observed at the output end of fibre. As OTDR measurements are carried out by means of back
wavelength increases from below the cut-off, the diameter scattering technique by using GN Nettest model CMA
of the LPo1 mode and the LP11 mode increases at first. The 4000 instrument. A silica fibre of more than a kilometer
mode field diameters are computed by two methods, viz. in length, having core diameter of 8⋅3 µm, is ground pol-
Gaussian and Peterman II techniques, separately (Ghatak ished and connected to the fibre stage of OTDR setup. A
and Thyagarajan 1999). The formula given below is used
to compute the mode field diameter (2Wo) by Gaussian
−1 / 2
π / 2
2Wo = [( 2 )(λ / π )] a (θ ) sin 2θ dθ
, (3)
square pulse signal of 275 ns is injected onto the optical wavelength, respectively. These results indicate that the
fibre. A small amount of the pulse is continuously reflec- drawn fibres can be useful for optical signal communi-
ted back in the opposite direction by irregularities in the cation.
optical fibre structure. By measuring the amount of back-
scatter signal vs time, the loss vs distance of the optical
fibre is measured. Figures 6(a) and (b) display the OTDR Acknowledgements
trace for 1310 nm wavelength and for 1550 nm wave-
length signal, respectively. The vertical scale is the reflected The authors are thankful to Prof. (Dr) S A Suryawanshi,
signal level on a logarithmic scale in dB. The horizontal SRTM University, Nanded, for constant encouragement.
axis corresponds to the distance between the instrument One of the authors (VPK) gratefully acknowledges Sterlite
and a location in the fibre under test. Typically, the positive Optical Technology Ltd., Aurangabad, for providing ex-
spike near point ‘A’ is due to the reflection at the front perimental facilities.
connector whereas the one beyond point ‘B’ is due to fibre
end. Both the traces show gradual decrease in the signal References
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