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Judicial Affidavit On Direct Examination: Roy Miller

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Republic of the Philippines

Branch 25,
Buguias City

Civil Case No.
- versus- 1129425621
FOR: Declaration of
JUNE HEAVENS Nullity of Marriage
Respondent. Under Art. 36 of the
x------------------------------------------------------x Family Code

(OF Witness Antonia Heavens)

I, Antonia Heavens, of legal age, Filipino Citizen, widow, and a

resident of Montreal, Buguias City, Philippines, after having been duly
sworn to in accordance with law, hereby depose and state that:


In relation to the above-entitled case, petitioners’ counsel Atty.

Gray S. Tambiac, with office address at Rm. 301, Rudel Bldg., Lower
Mabini St., Baguio City, Philippines, asked me questions. The
examinations and questions were asked in the English language, which I
speak and fully understand. After which, it was translated in English,
and fully explained to me. I answered his questions fully conscious that
I did so under oath and that I may face perjury and any other criminal
liability for false testimony.

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The testimony of Miss Antonia Heavens is being offered to serve

as her direct testimony and to prove the following:

a. That the respondent June Heavens engaged in extra

marital affairs with several men which resulted in the
birth of an illegitimate child;

b. That both June and Roy do not know and understand

their respective obligation as a father, mother,
husband, and wife;

c. That petitioner and respondent have been separated as

husband and wife for more than ten (10) years;

d. She will likewise testify on other matters related to the



1. QUESTION : Miss Witness, kindly tell your name, age,

address, nationality, marital status, and your profession?

ANSWER : My name is Antonia Heavens, 35 years old, and

a resident of Montreal, Buguias City. I am a Filipino citizen
and I am a housewife sir.

2. QUESTION : Are you married?

ANSWER : I am a widow sir.

3. QUESTION : By the way, do you know what kind of

case you are testifying Miss Witness?

ANSWER : Yes sir. Roy Miller wants his marriage

with June Heavens be annulled.

4. QUESTION : What can you say about this case filed by

Roy Miller?

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ANSWER : I also want that the marriage of Roy Miller

and June Heavens be annulled sir.

5. QUESTION : Why do you want that the marriage of

Roy Miller and June Heavens be annulled?

ANSWER : I want it because they no longer love each

other. Also, they do not know their respective obligation ay
husband and wife and at the same time, as parents to their

6. QUESTION : What made you say that Roy Miller and

June Heavens no longer love each other, and they do not
know their respective obligations as husband and wife and
as parents to their children?

ANSWER : They have been separated as husband

and wife for more than ten (10) years. June Heavens loves
another man whom they got a child while Roy Miller had
several illicit relationships when he went to Spain and
Boston to work.

7. QUESTION : What other reasons that made you say

that the marriage of June Heavens and Roy Miller be

ANSWER : June heavens had an extra marital affairs

not only once, but, several times.


So on and so forth. You are conducting a direct examinations so your

questions must not be leading or, the answer should not be found in the
question. Otherwise, the opposing counsel will make an objection.

8. QUESTION : Do you confirm that the contents of your

judicial affidavit and that everything you stated are nothing
but the whole truth Miss. Witness?

ANSWER : Yes sir).

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9. QUESTION : Are you willing to sign your judicial

affidavit Miss. Witness?

ANSWER : Yes sir.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affix my signature over

my printed name this 13rd day of February 2020, in Baguio City,

PRC ID NO. 12345
VALID UNTIL: June 21, 2020

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 13th day of February

2020 in Baguio City Philippines, affiant voluntarily signed the foregoing
JUDICIAL AFFIDAVIT in my presence and avows under penalty of law to
the whole truth of the contents of the same.

Doc. No. 1;
Page No. 1;
Book No. V;
Series of 2020.


Baguio City ) S.S.


I, ATTY. GRAY S. TAMBIAC, of legal age, Filipino citizen, and with

office address at Rm. 301 Rudel Bldg. Lower Mabini St., Baguio City, do
hereby certify that,

1. I conducted the examination of the affiant – JUNE HEAVENS at

my above-given address;

2. I also apprised her to consciously and honestly answer the

questions as she is under oath, for she may face criminal
liability for false testimony or perjury;

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3. I faithfully recorded the questions and corresponding answers

that the witness gave; and

4. During the examination, neither I, nor any other person then

present, or assisting the witness coached her regarding her



SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 13TH day of

February 2020 in Baguio City, Philippines.

Doc. No. 2;
Page No. 2;
Book No. I;
Series of 2020.

Copy Furnished:


Justice Hill, La Trinidad, Benguet

Class, I intentionally used different colors to show

compliance with the different important provisions of the
judicial affidavit rule, especially sections 3 and 4 so that it
will be admitted as an evidence.

RED: It will show that the judicial affidavit complied with

section 3 paragraphs a, b, c.

ORANGE: It will show that the judicial affidavit complied with

section 6.

YELLOW: It will show that the judicial affidavit complied with

section 3 paragraph d, e, f.

BLUE: It will show that the judicial affidavit complied with

section 4

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