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T4 - Towards End-To-End Speech Recognition PDF

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Bo Li, Yanzhang He, Shuo-Yiin Chang

ISCSLP Tutorial 4
Nov. 26, 2018

Google Brain Team Google Speech Team

● Raziel Alvarez ● Michiel Bacchiani ● Vlad Schogol

● William Chan ● Tom Bagby ● (June) Yuan Shangguan
● Jan Chorowski ● Deepti Bhatia ● Khe Chai Sim
● Chung-Cheng Chiu ● Alexander Gruenstein ● Gabor Simko
● Zhifeng Chen ● Shankar Kumar ● Trevor Strohman
● Navdeep Jaitly ● Qiao Liang ● Zelin Wu
● Anjuli Kannan ● Ian McGraw ● Ding Zhao
● Patrick Nguyen ● Golan Pundak ● Kazuki Irie (intern)
● Ruoming Pang ● Rohit Prabhavalkar ● Shubham Toshniwal (intern)
● Colin Raffel ● Kanishka Rao
● Ron Weiss ● David Rybach
● Yonghui Wu ● Tara Sainath
● Yu Zhang ● Johan Schalkwyk

The content of this tutorial is mostly based on the following tutorial with recent updates. Many
slides are borrowed with authors' consent.

End-to-End Models for Automatic Speech Recognition

Rohit Prabhavalkar and Tara Sainath
Tutorial T2, Interspeech 2018
What is End-to-End ASR?
Conventional ASR

DNN/RNN Second-Pass Output

Acoustic Model Rescoring Words
Input Speech Feature
Conventional ASR
AM Training

DNN/RNN Second-Pass Output

Acoustic Model Rescoring Words
Input Speech Feature

Monophone CD-phone
AM Training
GMM System GMM System
Utterances Decision Tree-based
CD-Phone Clustering
Conventional ASR
LM Training

DNN/RNN Second-Pass Output

Acoustic Model Rescoring Words
Input Speech Feature

Language First-Pass Decoder

Model Training Graph Generation

Text Data

CD-Phone Pronunciation
First-Pass LM Second-Pass LM
Clustering Lexicon
Conventional ASR

● Most ASR systems involve acoustic, pronunciation and language model components
which are trained separately
● Discriminative Sequence Training of AMs does couple these components
● Curating pronunciation lexicon, defining phoneme sets for the particular language
requires expert knowledge, and is time-consuming
Proprietary + Confidential

What is End-to-End ASR?

A system which directly maps a
“ sequence of input acoustic
features into a sequence of
graphemes or words.

A system which is trained to
“ optimize criteria that are related
to the final evaluation metric
that we are interested in
(typically, word error rate).

Typical Speech System

Acoustic Model

End2End Trained
Verbalizer Sequence-to-Sequence

Key Takeaway A single end-to-end trained sequence-to-sequence model, which directly outputs words or
graphemes, could greatly simplify the speech recognition pipeline.
Research developments on end-to-end models towards productionisation.

Attention Pushing the limit of attention-based end-to-end models.

Online Models Streaming models for real world applications.

Production Interaction with other components in production.

Historical Development of
End-to-End ASR
Proprietary + Confidential

Connectionist Temporal Classification
Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC)

● CTC was proposed by [Graves et al., 2006]

as a way to train an acoustic model
without requiring frame-level alignments
● Early work, used CTC with phoneme
output targets - not “end-to-end”
● CD-phoneme based CTC models achieve
state-of-the-art performance for
conventional ASR, but word-level lagged
behind [Sak et al., 2015]
[Graves et al., 2006] ICML
Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC)

Key Takeaway CTC allows for training an acoustic model without the need for frame-level alignments
between the acoustics and the transcripts.
Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC)

Key Takeaway Encoder: Multiple layers of Uni- or Bi-directional RNNs (often LSTMs).
Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC)

B B c B B a a B B t
B c c B a B B B B t
B c B B a B B t t B

Key Takeaway CTC introduces a special symbol - blank (denoted by B) - and maximizes the total probability
of the label sequence by marginalizing over all possible alignments
Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC)

B B c B B a a B B t
B c c B a B B B B t
B c B B a B B t t B

B c B a

In a conventional hybrid system, this would correspond to defining the HMMs corresponding
Key Takeaway to each unit to consist of a shared initial state (blank), followed by a separate state(s) for the
actual unit.
Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC)


c c

a Algorithm Computation a


t t
1 2 3 Frames, t T-2 T-1 T

Key Takeaway Computing the gradients of the loss requires the computation of the alpha-beta variables
using the forward-backward algorithm [Rabiner, 1989]
CTC-Based End-to-End ASR

● Graves and Jaitly proposed a system with

character-based CTC which directly
output word sequences given input
● Using an external LM was important for
getting good performance. Results
reported by rescoring a baseline system.
● Also proposed minimizing expected
transcription error [WSJ: 8.7% → 8.2%]
[Graves and Jaitly, 2014] ICML
Refinements since [Graves & Jaitly, 2014]

● LM incorporated into first-pass decoding; easy integration with WFSTs

○ [Hannun et al., 2014] [Maas et al., 2015]: Direct first-pass decoding with an LM as
opposed to rescoring as in [Graves & Jaitly, 2014]
○ [Miao et al., 2015]: EESEN framework for decoding with WFSTs, open source toolkit

● Large-scale GPU training; data augmentation; multiple languages

○ [Hannun et al., 2014; DeepSpeech] [Amodei et al., 2015; DeepSpeech2]: Large scale
GPU training; Data Augmentation; Mandarin and English

● Using longer span units: words instead of characters

○ [Soltau et al., 2017]: Word-level CTC targets, trained on 125,000 hours of speech.
Performance close to or better than a conventional system, even without using an LM!
○ [Audhkhasi et al., 2017]: Direct Acoustics-to-Word Models on Switchboard
● And many others ...
CTC-Based End-to-End ASR

CTC produces “spiky” and sparse activations -

can sometimes directly read off the final
transcription from the activations even without
an LM

Reproduced from [Maas et al., 2015] NAACL

Shortcomings of CTC

● For efficiency, CTC makes an important independence assumption - network outputs at

different frames are conditionally independent

● Obtaining good performance from CTC models requires the use of an external language
model - direct greedy decoding does not perform very well
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Encoder-Decoder Models
Attention-based Encoder-Decoder Models

● Attention-based Encoder-Decoder Models

emerged first in the context of neural
machine translation.

● Were first applied to ASR by [Chan et al.,

2015] [Chorowski et al., 2015] [Chan et al., 2015]

[Chorowski et al., 2015]

Attention-based Encoder-Decoder Models

● Encoder (analogous to AM):

○ Transforms input speech into higher-level representation
● Attention (alignment model):
○ Identifies encoded frames that are relevant to producing
current output
● Decoder (analogous to PM, LM):
○ Operates autoregressively by predicting each output
token as a function of the previous predictions
Attention-based Models

Reproduced from [Chan et al., 2015]

Attention-based Models

Reproduced from [Chan et al., 2015]

Attention-based Models
Attention module computes a
similarity score between the decoder
and each frame of the encoder
Attention-based Models
Dot-Product Attention [Chan et al., 2015]

Additive Attention [Chorowski et al., 2015]

Attention-based Models

Reproduced from [Chan et al., 2015]

Attention-based Models
Attention mechanism summarizes encoder
P(a|<sos>,x) = 0.01
P(b|<sos>,x) = 0.01 features relevant to predict next label
P(c|<sos>,x) = 0.92
Attention Mechanism
Output: c Softmax
Query Vector
<sos> Decoder

Encoder Output

Attention-based Models

P(a|c,<sos>,x) = 0.95
P(b|c,<sos>,x) = 0.01
P(c|c,<sos>,x) = 0.01

Output: ca Softmax Labels from previous step are fed into

decoder at the next step to predict

c Decoder


Attention-based Models
P(a|a,c,<sos>,x) = 0.01
P(b|a,c,<sos>,x) = 0.08
c = 0.89
Output: cat Softmax Labels from previous step are fed into
decoder at the next step to predict

a Decoder


Attention-based Models
P(a|t,a,c,<sos>,x) = 0.01
P(b|t,a,c,<sos>,x) = 0.01 Process terminates when the model predicts
... <eos> which denotes end of sentence.
c = 0.96
Output: cat Softmax

a Decoder


Proprietary + Confidential

Online Models
To be discussed in the 2nd part of the tutorial
Model Comparisons
on a 12,500 hour Google Task
Comparing Various End-to-End Approaches

● Compare various
sequence-to-sequence models
head-to-head, trained on same
data, to understand how these
approaches compare to each
● Evaluated on a large-scale 12,500
hour Google Voice Search Task

[Prabhavalkar et al., 2017]

Experimental Setup
Model Configurations

● Baseline
○ State-of-the-art CD-Phoneme model: 5x700 BLSTM; ~8000 CD-Phonemes
○ CTC-training followed by sMBR discriminative sequence training
○ Decoded with large 5-gram LM in first pass
○ Second pass rescoring with much larger 5-gram LM
○ Lexicon of millions of words of expert curated pronunciations

● Sequence-to-Sequence Models
○ Trained to output graphemes: [a-z], [0-9], <space>, and punctuation
○ Models are evaluated using beam search (Keep Top 15 Hyps at Each Step)
○ Models are not decoded or rescored with an external language model, or a
pronunciation model
Experimental Setup

● Training Set
○ ~15M Utterances (~12,500 hrs) of anonymized utterances from Google Voice Search
○ Multi-style Training: Artificially distorted using room simulator by adding noise
samples extracted from YouTube videos and environmental recordings of daily

● Evaluation Sets
○ Dictation: ~13K utterances (~124K words) open-ended dictation
○ VoiceSearch: ~12.9K utterances (~63K words) of voice-search queries

Dictation VoiceSearch

Baseline Uni. Context

6.4 9.9
Dependent Phones (CDP)

Baseline BiDi. CDP 5.4 8.6

CTC-grapheme 39.4 53.4

Key Takeaway Decoding CTC-grapheme models without an LM performs poorly.


Dictation VoiceSearch

Baseline Uni. CDP 6.4 9.9

Baseline BiDi. CDP 5.4 8.6

CTC-grapheme 39.4 53.4

Attention-based Model 6.6 11.7

Key Takeaway Attention-based model performs the best, but cannot be used for streaming applicaitons.
End-to-End Comparisons [Battenberg et al., 2017]

Switchboard DeepSpeech
Key Takeaway Similar conclusions were reported by [Battenberg et al., 2017] on Switchboard. RNN-T
without an LM is consistently better than CTC with an LM.
Combining Approaches

● Various end-to-end approaches can be successfully combined to improve the overall

● CTC and Attention-based models can be combined in a multi-task learning framework [Kim
et al., 2017]
● RNN-T can be augmented with an attention module which can
○ condition the language model component on the acoustics [Prabhavalkar et al., 2017]
○ be used to bias the decoder towards particular items of interest [He et al., 2017]
● An attention model can be augmented with a secondary attention module which can bias
towards an arbitrary number of phrases of interest [Pundak et al., 2018] (will be discussed
in more detail in a few slides)
Further Improvements
Improvements for productions
To match an end-to-end model to a strong conventional system:

● Structural improvements
○ Wordpiece models
○ Multi-headed attention
● Optimization improvements
○ Minimum word error rate (MWER) training
○ Scheduled sampling
○ Asynchronous and synchronous training
○ Label smoothing
● External language model integration
Proprietary + Confidential

Structure improvements
Wordpiece Model

● Instead of the commonly used grapheme, we can use longer units such as wordpieces
● Motivations:
○ Typically, word-level LMs have a much lower perplexity compared to grapheme-level
LMs [Kannan et al., 2018]
○ Modeling wordpiece allows for a much stronger decoder LM
○ Modeling longer units improves the effective memory of the decoder LSTMs
○ Allows the model to potentially memorize pronunciations for frequently occurring
○ longer units require fewer decoding steps; this speeds up inference in these models
● good performance for LAS and RNN-T [Rao et al., 2017].
Wordpiece Model

● sub-word units, ranging from graphemes all the way up to entire words.
● there are no out-of-vocabulary words with word piece models
● The word piece models are trained to maximize the language model likelihood over the
training set
● the word pieces are “position-dependent”, in that a special word separator marker is used
to denote word boundaries.
● Words are segmented deterministically and independent of context, using a greedy
Multi-headed Attention

● Multi-head attention (MHA) was first explored in [Vaswani et al., 2017] for machine
● MHA extends the conventional attention mechanism to have multiple heads, where each
head can generate a different attention distribution.
Multi-headed Attention

● Results
Proprietary + Confidential

Optimization improvements
Minimum Word Error Rate (MWER)

● Attention-based Sequence-to-Sequence models are typically trained by optimizing cross

entropy loss (i.e., maximizing log-likelihood of the training data)

● Training criterion does not match metric of interest: Word Error Rate

Minimum Word Error Rate (MWER)

● In the context of conventional ASR system, for Neural Network Acoustic Models

■ State-level Minimum Bayes Risk (sMBR) [Kingsbury, 2009]

■ Word-level edit-based Minimum Bayes Risk (EMBR) [Shannon, 2017]

○ In the context of end-to-end models

■ Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) [Graves and Jaitly, 2014]
■ Recurrent Neural Aligner (RNA) [Sak et al., 2017]: Applies word-level EMBR to RNA
■ Machine Translation:
● REINFORCE [Ranzato et al., 2016]
● Beam Search Optimization [Wiseman and Rush, 2016]
● Actor-Critic [Bahdanau et al., 2017]
Minimum Word Error Rate (MWER)

Number of Word Errors

Key Takeaway Minimizing expected WER directly is intractable since it involves a summation over all
possible label sequences. Approximate expectation using samples.
Minimum Word Error Rate (MWER)

● Approximate expectation using samples [Shannon, 2017].

● Approximation using N-Best List [Stolcke et al., 1997][Povey, 2003]

Minimum Word Error Rate (MWER)

● Results on Google's Voice Search

Uni-Directional Bi-Directional
Encoder Encoder

Baseline 8.1 7.2

+MWER Training 7.5 (7.4%) 6.9 (4.2%)

Minimum Word Error Rate (MWER)

● Since [Prabhavalkar et al., 2018] we have repeated the experiments with MWER training on
a number of models including RNN-T [Graves et al., 2013] and other streaming
attention-based models such as MoChA [Chiu and Raffel, 2017] and the Neural Transducer
[Jaitly et al., 2016]
● In all cases we have observed between 8% to 20% relative WER reduction
● Implementing MWER requires the ability to decode N-best hypotheses from the model
which can be somewhat computationally expensive
Scheduled Sampling

● Feeding the ground-truth label as the previous prediction (so-called teacher forcing) helps
the decoder to learn quickly at the beginning, but introduces a mismatch between training
and inference.
● The scheduled sampling process, on the other hand, samples from the probability
distribution of the previous prediction (i.e., from the softmax output) and then uses the
resulting token to feed as the previous token when predicting the next label
● This process helps reduce the gap between training and inference behavior. Our training
process uses teacher forcing at the beginning of training steps, and as training proceeds,
we linearly ramp up the probability of sampling from the model’s prediction to 0.4 at the
specified step, which we then keep constant until the end of training
Asynchronous and Synchronous Training

● synchronous training can potentially provide faster convergence rates and better model
quality, but also requires more effort in order to stabilize network training.
● Both approaches have a high gradient variance at the beginning of the training when using
multiple replicas
○ In asynchronous training we use replica ramp up: that is, the system will not start all
training replicas at once, but instead start them gradually
○ In synchronous training we use two techniques: learning rate ramp up and a gradient
norm tracker
Label Smoothing

● a regularization mechanism to prevent the model from making over-confident predictions.

● It encourages the model to have higher entropy at its prediction, and therefore makes the
model more adaptable
● We followed the same design as [Szegedy et al., 2016] by smoothing the ground-truth label
distribution with a uniform distribution over all labels.
Optimization improvements

● Results
Proprietary + Confidential

External Language Model


Reference LAS model output

What language is built into

what language is built into
electrical circuitry of a
electrical circuit tree of a

Leona Lewis believe

vienna lewis believe

Suns-Timberwolves score sun's timberwolves score

Key Takeaway Some Voice Search errors appear to be fixable with a good language model trained on more
text-only data.

● The LAS model requires audio-text pairs: we have only 15M of these
● Our production LM is trained on billions of words of text-only data
● How can we look at incorporating a larger LM into our LAS model?
● More details can be found in [Kannan et al., 2018]
Extending LAS with an LM

• Listen, Attend and Spell [Chan et al., 2015]

• How to incorporate an LM?
• Shallow fusion [Kannan et al., 2018] Shallow fusion

• LM is applied on output
• Deep fusion [Gulcehre et al., 2015] LM
• Assumes LM is fixed
Deep/Cold fusion
• Cold fusion [Sriram et al., 2018]
• Simple interface between a deep lm and the
• Allows to swap in task-specific LMs
• In these experiments, fusion is used during the beam
search rather than n-best rescoring.
Shallow Fusion

● Log-linear interpolation between language model and seq2seq model:

● Typically only performed at inference time

● Language model is trained ahead of time and fixed
● LM can be either n-gram (FST) or RNN.
● Analogous to 1st pass rescoring.
● [Chorowski and Jaitly, 2017]. [Kannan et al., 2018].
Comparison of Fusion Results

• Shallow Fusion still seems to perform the best

• Full comparison in [Toshniwal, 2018]

System Voice Dictation


Baseline LAS 5.6 4.0

Shallow Fusion 5.3 3.7

Deep Fusion 5.5 4.1

Cold Fusion 5.3 3.9

Proprietary + Confidential

State-of-the-art Performance
Google's Voice Search Task

Key Takeaway LAS achieves better performance than convention models.


Key Takeaway Similar observations have been reported by other groups.

Yan et.al; Attention-based sequence-to-sequence model for speech recognition: development of state-of-the-art system on LibriSpeech and its application to non-native English
Online Models
Streaming Speech Recognition

Finalize recognition &

Taking action / fetching the search results

Recognize the audio

Streaming Speech Recognition

Finalize recognition &

Taking action / fetching the search results

Endpoint quickly

Recognize the audio

Streaming Speech Recognition

Important implications for embedded applications:

● Reliability
● Latency
● Privacy

Recognize the audio

Online Models

• LAS is not streaming

• We will show a thorough comparison of different online models
• RNN-T [Graves, 2012], [Rao et al., 2017], [He et al., 2018]
• Neural Transducer [Jaitly et al., 2015], [Sainath et al., 2018]
• MoChA [Chiu and Raffel, 2018]
Recurrent Neural Network Transducer
Recurrent Neural Network Transducer (RNN-T)

• Proposed by Graves et al.,

RNN-T augments a
CTC-based model with a
recurrent LM component
• Both components are
trained jointly on the
available acoustic data
• As with CTC, the method [Graves et al., 2013] ICASSP;
[Graves, 2012] ICML Representation Learning Workshop
does not require aligned
training data.
Recurrent Neural Network Transducer (RNN-T)

RNN-T [Graves, 2012] augments CTC encoder with a recurrent neural network LM
Recurrent Neural Network Transducer (RNN-T)
Softmax over n + 1 labels, includes a
Softmax n+1 blank like CTC.
<blank> → advance in Encoder, retain
Network prediction network state


t=1 frame
Recurrent Neural Network Transducer (RNN-T)
Softmax over n + 1 labels, includes a
Softmax n+1 blank like CTC.
<blank> → advance in Encoder, retain
Network prediction network state


t=2 frame
Recurrent Neural Network Transducer (RNN-T)
Softmax over n + 1 labels, includes a
Softmax n+1 blank like CTC.
<blank> → advance in Encoder, retain
Output: g
Network prediction network state


t=3 frame
Recurrent Neural Network Transducer (RNN-T)
Softmax over n + 1 labels, includes a
Softmax n+1 blank like CTC.
<blank> → advance in Encoder, retain
Output: go
Network prediction network state


t=3 frame
Recurrent Neural Network Transducer (RNN-T)
Softmax over n + 1 labels, includes a
Softmax n+1 blank like CTC.
<blank> → advance in Encoder, retain
Output: goo
Network prediction network state


t=3 frame
Recurrent Neural Network Transducer (RNN-T)
<blank> Inference terminates when all input

Softmax n+1 frames have been consumed

Output: google


t=T frame
Recurrent Neural Network Transducer (RNN-T)
t, u During training feed the true label sequence to
the LM.
Softmax n+1 Given a target sequence of length U and T
acoustic frames we generate UxT softmax
Joint t

Encoder c

u-1 <SOS>
1 2 3 4 5
Frames, t
Recurrent Neural Network Transducer (RNN-T)

Reproduced from [Graves, 2012] ICML Representation Learning Workshop

Recurrent Neural Network Transducer (RNN-T)

[Graves et al., 2013] showed promising results on TIMIT phoneme recognition, but the work did not seem to
get as much traction in the field as CTC.

Reproduced from [Graves, 2013] ICASSP

Recurrent Neural Network Transducer (RNN-T)
• Intuitively, the prediction network corresponds to the “language model” component and the encoder
corresponds to the “acoustic model” component

• Both components can be initialized from a separately trained CTC-AM and a RNN-LM (which can
be trained on text only data)
• Initialization provides some gains [Rao et al., 2017] but is not critical to get good performance
• Generally speaking, RNN-T always seems to perform better than CTC alone in our experiments (even
when decoded with a separate LM)
• More on this in a bit when we compare various approaches on a voice search task.
RNN-T: Case Study on ~18,000 hour Google Data

Reproduced from
[Rao et al., 2017] ASRU

RNN-T components can be initialized separately from (hierarchical) CTC-trained AM,

and recurrent LM. Initialization generally improves performance.
RNN-T: Case Study on ~18,000 hour Google Data
• If graphemes are used as output units, then the model has limited language modeling context: e.g.
errors: “the tortoise and the hair”
• Using words as output targets would allow modeling additional context, but would introduce OOVs
• Intermediate: Use “word pieces” [Schuster & Nakajima, 2012]
• Iteratively learn a vocabulary of units from text data.
• Start with single graphemes, and train an LM from the data.
• Iteratively combine units in a greedy manner which improve training perplexity
• Continue to combine units until reaching a predefined number of units or perplexity improvements
are below a threshold
• E.g., “tortoise and the hare” → _tor to ise _and _the _hare
RNN-T: Case Study on ~18,000 hour Google Data

Initializing the “encoder” (i.e., acoustic model)

helps improve performance by ~5%.
RNN-T: Case Study on ~18,000 hour Google Data

Initializing the “decoder” (i.e., prediction network, language model)

helps improve performance by ~5%.
RNN-T: Case Study on ~18,000 hour Google Data

The RNN-T model with ~96M parameters can match the performance of a
conventional sequence-trained CD-phone based CTC model with a large first pass LM
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Further Improvements
Improved Architecture

• Recurrent projection layer [Sak et al., 2014]

• Introduced after each LSTM layer in both the encoder and decoder.
• Improves accuracy with more compact representation.

• Layer normalization [Ba et al., 2016]

• Applied to all layers.
• Stabilizes hidden state dynamics of the recurrent layers.
• Improves accuracy.
Forward-Backward Algorithm for Training



Efficient Forward-Backward in TPU
Native TF support for
efficient batched
/b/ forward-backward
[Sim et al., 2017]

• Main idea: shift the matrix
to do pipelining (so that
each column only depends
on the previous column but
not itself).
This allows us to train faster in TPUs with much larger batch sizes than would be
possible using GPUs, which improves accuracy.
Comparisons of Streaming Models for Mobile Devices
More details: [He et al., 2018]

● Inputs:
○ Each 10ms frame feature: 80-dimensional log-Mel.
○ Every 3 frames are stacked as the input to the networks, so the effective frame rate is 30ms.

● RNN-T:
○ 8-layer encoder, 2048 unidirectional LSTM cells + 640 projection units.
○ 2-layer prediction network, 2048 unidirectional LSTM cells + 640 projection units.
○ Model output units: grapheme or word-piece.
○ Total system size: ~120MB after quantization (more on this in a later slide).

● A competitive CTC baseline model for embedded speech recognition:

○ Similar to [McGraw et al., 2016], but with bigger models.
○ 6 layers, 1200 unidirectional LSTM cells + 400 projection units. sMBR sequence-trained.
○ Model output units: CI phones.
○ With a 5-gram first-pass LM, and a second-pass rescoring LSTM LM.
○ Total system size: ~130MB after quantization.
Quality Improvements


RNN-T Grapheme 8.1% 4.9%
+ Layer Norm 7.6% 4.6%
+ Large Batch 7.5% 4.4%
+ Word-piece 6.8% 4.0%
CTC 9.3% 5.3%

With all the optimizations, a streaming RNN-T model improves WER by more than
20% over a conventional CTC embedded model + word LMs.
Proprietary + Confidential

Real-Time Recognition
Time Reduction Layer

• Time reduction layer [Chan et al., 2015, Soltau et al., 2017]

• Reduces the sequence length in the encoder by concatenation.
• Speeds up training and inference.
• Inserted after two encoder LSTM layers to maximize
computation saving without hurting accuracy.
• Input frame rate 30ms, output frame rate 60ms: no accuracy
loss in RNN-T grapheme and wordpiece models, but hurts a
CTC phoneme model.
More Inference Optimization

• Prediction network state caching

• The prediction network computation is independent of the acoustics.
• Analogous to an RNN language model.
• Apply the same state caching technique used in RNN LM in order to avoid redundant computation
for identical prediction histories.
• In practice, 50–60% of the prediction network computations are cached during beam search, with
different beam sizes.

• Encoder / prediction network multithreading

• Encoder splits over two threads: before and after time-reduction layer.
• Prediction network runs in a separate thread.
• Enables pipelining among different threads through asynchrony.
• Results in a speed-up of 28% with respect to a single-threaded execution.
Parameter Quantization

• Quantizes parameters from 32-bit floating-point precision into 8-bit fixed-point.

• Reduces model size by 4x.
• Symmetric quantization
• Assumes that parameter values are distributed around floating point zero for quantization.
• Directly uses the quantized vector/matrix for multiplication without offset, which is more efficient
compared to asymmetric quantization with offset.
• 3x speedup compared to floating point execution.
Comparisons of Streaming Models for Mobile Devices (cont’d)
Real Time (RT) Factor (processing time divided by audio duration) is measured on a Google Pixel Phone.
RT90: Real time factor at 90 percentile. Lower is better.

Weight Output VS IME

Model Size RT90
Storage Type Frame Rate WER WER
RNN-T Grapheme Float 468MB 30ms 7.4% 4.5% 2.71
+ Time Reduction Layer Float 468MB 60ms 7.5% 4.4% 1.58
+ Word-piece Float 480MB 60ms 7.0% 4.1% 1.43
+ Asymmetric Quantization Int 120MB 60ms 7.1% 4.2% 1.03
+ Symmetric Quantization Int 120MB 60ms 7.3% 4.2% 0.51
CTC + Symmetric Quantization Int 130MB 30ms 9.2% 5.4% 0.86

RNN-T decodes speech twice as fast as real time on a Google Pixel phone, which
improves WER by more than 20% relative to a conventional CTC embedded model.
Neural Transducer
Neural Transducer: “Online” Attention Models

<sos> Decoder

Attention Mechanism


Neural Transducer: “Online” Attention Models

c Decoder

Attention Mechanism


Neural Transducer: “Online” Attention Models

a Decoder

Attention Mechanism


Neural Transducer: “Online” Attention Models

t Decoder

Attention Mechanism


Neural Transducer: “Online” Attention Models

<epsilon> Decoder

Attention Mechanism

Chunk Chunk

Neural Transducer: “Online” Attention Models

i Decoder

Attention Mechanism

Chunk Chunk

Training Data for Neural Transducer

hello how are you

• Online methods like RNN-T, Policy Gradient learn alignment jointly with model
• We train neural transducer with a pre-specified alignment, so don’t need to re-compute alignments
(e.g., forward-backward) during training, which slows things down on GPU/TPU.
Training Data for Neural Transducer

<epsilon> how are <epsilon> you <epsilon>

hello <epsilon> <epsilon> <epsilon>

hello how are you

• <epsilon> signals end-of-chunk

• Since we don’t have grapheme-level alignments, we wait till the end of the word to emit the entire
word’s graphemes
Neural Transducer Attention Plot

Unidirectional LAS with Neural Transducer Attention

Multi-Headed Attention

NT model examines previous frames without looking beyond the current chunk
Monotonic Chunkwise Attention
Monotonic Attention
Monotonic Chunkwise Attention (MoChA)

Soft attention Hard monotonic attention Monotonic chunkwise attention

[Chiu and Raffel, 2018]

Training Monotonic Chunkwise Attention

• Compute expected probability of hard attention

• The expected probability distribution provides a soft attention
• Same training procedure as LAS

Train Inference
Online Model Comparison


LAS 5.7 4.1

RNN-T 6.8 4.0

MoChA 5.8 4.2

NT 8.7 7.8

• Explored multiple alternatives of online end-to-end models.

Achieving streaming recognition at a small cost of

accuracy over LAS.

• Investigated RNN-T in depth as one promising choice.

Substantial accuracy and efficiency improvement over a

conventional CTC embedded model with similar size.
Toward product excellence


Fast endpointing

Multi-dialect ASR
“Bias” the priors to the speech models based
on personal information
• Contacts - “call Joe Doe, send a message to Jason Dean”
• Songs - “play Lady Gaga, play songs from Jason Mraz”
• Dialog- “yes, no, stop, cancel”
Why Important

• Biasing can improve WER in domains by more than 10% relative

Test Set WER, No Biasing WER, Biasing

Contacts 15.0 2.8

● Paper reference [Pundak et al., 2018]
● Test sets
○ Songs - “play Lady Gaga, play songs from Jason Mraz”
the grey chicken</bias> jumps

Si Si

• Directly model P(y|x, z)

• z: bias-phase e.g. contact name/song
• Goal: bias the model towards
outputting particular phrases
• Predict </bias>: the model has to
attend to the correct bias phrase

Audio Encoder Biaser Encoder

B1 = grey chicken
B2 = blue dog
• Example ref: The grey chicken jumps over the lazy dog
• Sample uniformly a bias phrase b, e.g. grey chicken
• With drop-probability p (e.g. 0.5) drop the selected phrase
• Augment with additional N-1 more bias phrases from other references in the batch
• quick turtle
• grey chicken
• brave monkey
• If b was not dropped, insert a </bias> token to reference:
• The grey chicken</bias> jumps over the lazy dog
● The Biaser embeds each phrase into a fixed length vector
○ → Last state of an LSTM
● Embedding happens once per bias phrase (possibly offline)
○ Cheap computation
● Attention is then computed over the set of embeddings



h_2 h_3

Weights for
each phrase

• CLAS is better than biasing with extern LM
• CLAS model + external LM works best

Method Songs

LAS No Biasing 20.9

LAS + external LM 13.4

CLAS 6.9

CLAS + external LM 5.7

“Determine when the user has finished
speaking: fast and accurate ASR”
Streaming speech recognition

Finalize recognition
Fetching the search results

Endpoint quickly

Recognize the audio

Confidential & Proprietary
Why is it hard?
1. Latency vs WER tradeoff


Confidential & Proprietary

Why is it hard?
1. Latency vs WER tradeoff


2. Noisy conditions

Confidential & Proprietary

Endpointer: Latency and WER Impact
WER vs median latency

10% WER
vs 100 ms

Median latency (ms)
VAD vs end-of-query detection

VAD: detect speech vs non-speech

VAD and end-of-query detector (user finished speaking) are different



PrefetchEvent RecEvent
SOS = start of speech PrefetchEvent
EOS = end of speech
Confidential & Proprietary
EOU = end of utterance
Training a Voice Activity Detector
● Take an utterance with ground-truth transcription
● Use forced alignment to find the timing of the utterance
● Based on the timing mark each frame as SPEECH (0) or NON-SPEECH (1)

Driving time to San Francisco

1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

Confidential & Proprietary

End-of-query detector
● Labels:
○ Speech (0)
○ intermediate non-speech (1) - between words
○ Initial non-speech (2)
○ Final non-speech (end-of-query) (3)

Driving time to San Francisco

2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 3

*Improved end-of-query detection for streaming speech recognition

M. Shannon, G. Simko, S. Chang, and C. Parada Interspeech 2017
Confidential & Proprietary

Confidential & Proprietary

Endpointer Models
● LSTM based models p(speech), p(init sil), p(inter sil), p(final sil)
[Chang et al., 2017]
○ Bottleneck layer
○ 2 lstm layers LSTM LSTM
○ 1 dnn layer .
○ 1 softmax output layer LSTM LSTM .
● Dilated CNN (WaveNet) DNN DNN t-conv
[Chang et al., 2018] dilated
○ temporal modeling with f-Conv
LSTM t-conv
log Mel
log Mel log Mel
features features

Confidential & Proprietary

● VAD to EOQ: ~150 ms improvement
● Models: ~100 ms improvement
● More than acoustic information: E2E endpointer

Confidential & Proprietary

Multi-Dialect ASR

● British English (en-gb) vs American English (en-us)

○ Acoustic variation:
■ Cut: (en-gb): /kʌt/ (en-us): /kʌ/
■ Work: (en-gb) /wɜːk/,(en-us): /wɝrk/
○ Spelling variation:
■ (en-gb): centre, (en-us): center
■ (en-gb): colour, (en-us): color
E2E multi-dialect ASR
Conventional Systems Conventional Co-training. Seq2Seq

Decoding Rescoring Decoding Rescoring Decoding






… …
In conventional systems, languages/dialects, A single model for all.
are handled with individual AMs, PMs and LMs.
Upscaling is becoming challenging.
Multi-Dialect LAS

● Modeling Simplicity ● Joint Optimization

● Data Sharing ● Infrastructure Simplification
○ among dialects and model components ○ a single model for all

Table: Resources required for building each system.

Conventional Seq2Seq

lexicon data
text normalization

● We share the same interest:
○ S. Watanabe, T. Hori, J.R. Hershey; Language independent end-to-end architecture for
joint language identification and speech recognition; ASRU 2017. MERL, USA.
■ English, Japanese, Mandarin, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese,
○ S. Kim, M.L. Seltzer; Towards language-universal end-to-end speech recognition;
submitted to ICASSP 2018. Microsoft, USA.
■ English, German, Spanish.
Dialect as Output Targets

● Multi-Task Learning: Joint Language ID (LID) and ASR

○ LID first, then ASR
■ "<sos> <en-gb> h e l l o ப w o r l d <eos>"
■ LID errors may affect ASR performance

○ ASR first, then LID

■ "<sos> h e l l o ப w o r l d <en-gb> <eos>"
■ ASR prediction is not dependent on LID prediction, not suffering from LID errors
Dialect as Input Features
<sos> h e l l o w o r l d <eos>

● Passing the dialect information

as additional features LSTM

[previous context vector,

components variations previous label prediction]

encoders → acoustic

lexicon and
decoders → LSTM


Experimental Evaluations

● 7 English dialects: US (America), IN (India), GB (Britain), ZA (South Africa), AU

(Australia), NG (Nigeria & Ghana), KE (Kenya)

★ unbalanced dialect data ★ unbalanced target classes

LAS Co-training Baselines

dialect-ind. 10.6 18.3 12.9 12.7 12.8 33.4 19.2
dialect-dep. 9.7 16.2 12.7 11.0 12.1 33.4 19.0

★ dialect specific fine-tuning still wins

★ simply pooling the data is missing certain dialect specific variations

LAS With Dialect as Output Targets

9.7 16.2 12.7 11.0 12.1 33.4 19.0
LID first 9.9 16.6 12.3 11.6 12.2 33.6 18.7
ASR first 9.4 16.5 11.6 11.0 11.9 32.0 17.9

★ LID error affects ASR Example target sequence

★ ASR first is better LID first <sos> <en-gb> h e l l o ப w o r l d <eos>

ASR first <sos> h e l l o ப w o r l d <en-gb> <eos>

LAS With Dialect as Input Features

9.7 16.2 12.7 11.0 12.1 33.4 19.0
encoder 9.6 16.4 11.8 10.6 10.7 31.6 18.1
decoder 9.4 16.2 11.3 10.8 10.9 32.8 18.0
both 9.1 15.7 11.5 10.0 10.1 31.3 17.4

★ feeding dialect to both encoder and decoder gives the largest gains
LAS With Dialect as Input Features
Feeding different dialect vectors (rows) on different test sets (columns).

Test set

dialect feature

★ encoder is more sensitive to wrong dialects → large acoustic variations

★ for low-resource dialects (NG, KE), the model learns to ignore the dialect information
LAS With Dialect as Input Features

● The dialect vector does both AM and LM adaptation

Table: The number of color/colour occurrences in hypotheses on the en-gb test data.

color colour
dialect vector encoder decoder (US) (GB)
❌ ❌ ❌ 1 22

<en-gb>: [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ✓ ❌ 19 4

<en-gb>: [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ❌ ✓ 0 25

<en-us>: [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ❌ ✓ 24 0

★ dialect vector helps encoder to normalize accent variations

★ dialect vector helps decoder to learn dialect-specific lexicons

Final Multi-Dialect LAS
<sos> h e l l o w o r l d <en-gb> <eos>

○ output targets:

■ multi-task with ASR LSTM

first [previous context vector,

previous label prediction]
○ input features:

■ feeding dialect to
both encoder and
decoder LSTM




Final Multi-Dialect LAS

9.7 16.2 12.7 11.0 12.1 33.4 19.0
output targets
9.4 16.5 11.6 11.0 11.9 32.0 17.9
(ASR first)
input features
9.1 15.7 11.5 10.0 10.1 31.3 17.4

final 9.1 16.0 11.4 9.9 10.3 31.4 17.5

★ small gains when combining input and output

★ the final system outperforms the dialect-dependent models by 3.1~16.5% relatively

Proprietary + Confidential

Proprietary + Confidential

Attention Online Models Production

● Attention-based end-to-end ● Recurrent Neural Network ● Personalization (Biasing)

model achieves state-of-the-art Transducer (RNNT) ● Endpointer
performance on Google's Voice ● Neural Transducer (NT) ● Multi-dialect/lingual
Search and Librispeech tasks. ● Monotonic Chunkwise
○ wordpiece output targets Attention (MoChA)
○ multihead attention
○ MWER optimization
○ synchronous training
○ scheduled sampling
○ label smoothing
Open Questions
Proprietary + Confidential

Question 1 Question 2

How to handle long-tail problems? Can we push the "end" further?

Rare words/phrases, numeric entities etc Can end-to-end model be built to directly
have very low or no appearance in the transform speech to semantics, intents or
training data. How can we make the actions?
end-to-end model recognize them
Lingvo (tensorflow/lingvo)
A toolkit suited to build neural networks, particularly sequence models.

Machine Speech Speech Language

Translation Recognition Synthesis Understanding
Google's Neural Machine State-of-the-art Speech Hierarchical Generative Modeling Semi-Supervised Learning for
Translation System: Bridging the Recognition With for Controllable Speech Synthesis. Information Extraction from
Gap between Human and Machine Sequence-to-Sequence Models. ... ... Dialogue.
Translation. ... ... ... ...
... ...

Source: https://github.com/tensorflow/lingvo
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Thank You
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