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Redraw The Line Between The Board and The CEO: John C. Smile

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Redraw the line between the board and the CEO

Empowered boards are the need of hour for any organization in present business dynamics. The
management is becoming more accountable to the shareholders and the board is being dominated
by the outside directors. However, this situation leaves us with many other questions regarding
the relationship between the board and the CEO of an organization. To what extent outside
directors play their part I formulating the strategy for a company? When and how can outside
directors bypass the CEO? How can directors evaluate CEO?

This document summarises the responses of five professionals who somehow worked out the
answers to above questions and have their own perspective along with their organizations
perspective of the relationship between board and the CEO.

John C. Smile

He is the non executive chairman of board of GMC and believes that although corporate
governance is now a necessity for ay public organization but their guideline are neither universal
nor are the eternal. The foremost responsibility of any board is to serve the interests of the
owners. The functionality of the board is enhanced when independent and outside directors are
included in board of directors. This act removes any chances of cultural bias which could have
come from within the organization. Out of many few examples are illustrated below:

1- There should be a clear majority of outside directors:

Apart from the CEO every other member of the board in GM is supposed to be
independent. This helps the organization’s management to be scrutinized properly.

2- The independent directors select a lead directors:

The lead director can be the chairman of the committee formed by the board, in case the
chairman of the board is CEO. He must be the first one amongst equals and has the
responsibilities of presiding the meeting and preparing the agenda.

3- Independent directors should meet alone:

Apart from the scheduled meetings which are twice or thrice per year it is highly
recommended for the independent directors to meet each other in absence of CEO. This
can provide them with the opportunity to discuss the subject matter more thoroughly
without any pressure.

4- Independent directors should take responsibility of all the procedures:

The size and structure of the board committee has to be decided by the board along with
its policies and regulations.
Alan J. Patricof

He himself is a venture capitalist and believes that the existence a strong independent board is
imperative for an organizational growth. In his opinion a strong and self confident CEO is not
self centered and is inclusive in nature. This allows the board to make certain decisions or at least
direct CEO to make decisions without being intimidated by management. Giving the example of
compensation committee, Alan suggested that one of the most daunting task for a board is to
discuss CEO’s salary. For such critical issues it is advisable to form committee including
individuals possessing skills pertinent to that task. Moreover, independent and outside
consultants cannot be pressurised by the management and will feel autonomous to give objective
advice. Liaison between the directors and management is critical in order to ensure the smooth
running operations of a company hence, special trainings must be given to management under
CEO to work with outside directors, moreover, there must an internal audit report which must be
presented to outside directors for external audit. In order to remove issues like agency problem,
stakes of directors in the firm are increased via compensation through stock options. However,
this act can lead to steps which may glorify the books in short term compromising long term
growth of company.

Denys Henderson

He pointed out the growing trend separating the job of board’s chairman and CEO in USA. The
non executive director is expected to be an outsider who obviously is alien to environment within
the company. This rather is a blessing in disguise as it prevents the outsider to poke into CEO’s
job. With that said, the non executive chairman has it binding himself to observe how the
management is working. Their major responsibility is monitoring hence, by knowing their
boundaries directors can help creating a progressive and well coordinated relationship with the

Bernard Marcus

He is the chairman of Home Depot and a firm believer of activist directors on board. As a
chairman he informed that the management used to share its success and failures with the board.
However, outside directors are rather expected to move into the stores and get a first hand
information from the customers and employees who according to Bernard were major
stakeholders of the company. Many companies make a mistake by appointing directors based on
social issues. This is not a right move because director’s job is sometimes extremely technical in
nature therefore skill set must be a primary decider. Moreover, an outsider must built his own
stakes in the company to ensure he works for the progress of shareholder however, its drawback
has already been mentioned above.
David W. Johnson

With the increase in free trade, responsibilities and competition amongst the business have also
heightened. This phenomenon has lead to the greater deal of accountability of the directors at the
hands of owners. Now it is upon the management and the directors to see this process of
accountability as constructive and positive rather than considering it as menace. On the other
hand CEO and owners must try to be more inclusive in nature and must carry out the task
division in a clinical way. They must show that their intention is to net the fabric of the company
in friendly and progressive way where each individual knows his task so that their skill sets are
built according to the task in hand

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