Lab Manual
Version 7
In this lab you will be configuring a new network to connect a company’s Engineering, Marketing and Accounting
departments using IPv6 and RIPing on two routers. You will be also configuring IPv6 static routing between the company’s gateway
router (R2) and an ISP (R3). The gateway router will propagate the IPv6 default route via RIPing. Your task is to configure RIPing to
enable full connectivity between all routers.
Note: This lab uses Cisco 1941 routers with Cisco IOS Release 15.4 with IP Base. The switches are Cisco WS-C2960-24TT-L with Fast
Ethernet interfaces; therefore, the router will use routing metrics associated with a 100 Mb/s interface. Depending on the router or
switch model and Cisco IOS Software version, the commands available and output produced might vary from what is shown in the
Required Resources
a. Apply the following configuration to reach router along with the appropriate hostname. The exec-timeout 0 0 command
should only be used in a lab environment
a. Using the addressing scheme in the diagram, apply IPv6 addresses top the fast Ethernet interfaces and serial interfaces R1,
R2 and R3. Then create Loopback1 on R1, Loopback on R2, and Loopback on R3 and address them according to the diagram.
R1 (config)# interface GigabitEthernet 0/0
R1 (config-if)# description Engineering Department
R1 (config-if)# ipv6 address 2001 :db8 :cafe :1: :1/64
R1 (config-if)# ipv6 address fe80: :1 link-local
R1 (config-if)# no shutdown
R1 (config-if)# exit
R1 (config)# interface serial 0/0/0
R1 (config-if)# description Serial link to R2
R1 (config-if)# ipv6 address 2001 :db8 :cafe :2: :1/64
R1 (config-if)# ipv6 address fe80: :1 link-local
R1 (config-if)# clock rate 64000
R1 (config-if)# no shutdown
Leave the switch in its default (blank) configuration. By default, all switch ports are in VLAN1 and are not administratively down
Note: If the switch has been previously configured, erase the startup config, delete the vlan.dat file from flash memory, and reload
the switch
a. Verify the line protocol of each interface is up and that you can successfully ping across each link. You should see output
similar to the following on each router.
FE80::2 [up/up]
a. After you have implemented your addressing scheme, enable RIPing on R1 using the following commands in global
configuration mode.
Notice that IPv6 routing must be enabled prior to configuring RIPing using the ipv6 unicast_routing
command. The network statement has been eliminated in RIPing. RIPing routing is enabled at the
interface level instead, and is identified by a locally significant process name as multiple processes can
be created with RIPing.
As shown on R2, the RIPing process can be configured on the interface without first configuring rthe RIPing
process in global configuration mode. The RIPing process will automatically be created if it doesn’t already exist.
Which interfaces are involved in the RIPing routing process on router R2?
Which active interface(s) are NOT involved in the RIPing routing process on router R2?
b. Use the show ipv6 route command to view R1’s IPv6 routing table.
What is the next-hop address and the type of IPv6 address for the RIPing routes on R1
6 CCNP ROUTE Lab Manual Version 7
c. Ping the following remote address: 2001:db8:cafe:3::1, 2001 :db8:café:10::1, and 2001 :db8:feed: 1::1.
Which pings were successful and which were not? If there were any pings that were successful,
Explain the reason why.
a. Configure an ipv6 static route on R3 forwarding all packets for the 2001:DB8:CAFE::/48 prefic to R2.
Note: The ipv6 unicast-routing command is required for a router to forward IPv6 packets; however, IPv6
Static routes can be configured without this command and forwarding IPv6 packets will be successful.
However, it is suggested to use the ipv6 unicast-routing command.
b. Configure an IPv6 default static route on R2, forwarding packets to R3. Propagate the default route to
Other RIPng routers in addition to the other routes in R2’s routing table.
Step 5: Propagate the default route along with other routes via RIPng and verify.
a. Propagate the default route to the other Rpngs routers in addition to the other routes in R2’s routing table.
The originate keyword propagates the default route in R2’s routing table.
b. Display the RIPng routes in R1’s IPv6 routing table. Verify that R1 is receiving both an IPv6 default route and other routes
from R2 Via RIPng.
R ::/0 [120/2]
via FE80 : : 2, Serial0/0/0
R 2001 :DB8 : CAFE : 3 : : / 64 [120/2]
via FE80 : : 2, Serial0/0/0
R 2001 :DB8 : CAFE : 10 : : / 64 [120/2]
via FE80 : : 2, Serial0/0/0
R 2001 :DB8 : CAFE : 11 : : / 64 [120/2]
via FE80 : : 2, Serial0/0/0
Lab 1-1 Basic RIPing and Default Gateway Configuration 7
What is the RIPng hop count for the default and other routes? Explain how the hop count is determined.
c. To check whether you have full connectivity, from R1 ping the interfaces on R2 and R3. If you have successfully pinged all
the remote interfaces, congratulations! You have configured RIPng including a defult route.
Step 6: Propagate only the default route via RIPng and verify.
a. Remove the previous command that propagates the default route using the originate keyword and replace it with the same
command using the only keyword.
R2 (config)# interface serial 0 / 0 / 0
R2 (config–if)# no ipv6 rip ROUTING-RIPng default-information originate
R2 (config–if)# ipv6 rip ROUTING-RIPng default-information only
IPv6 Routing Table – deault – 6 entries
Codes: C – Connected, L – Local, S – Static, U – Per-user Static route
B – BGP, R- RIP, I1- ISIS L1, I2 – ISIS L2
IA – ISIS interarea, IS – ISIS summary, D – EIGRP, EX – EIGRP external
ND – ND Default, NDp -ND Prefix, DCE – Destination, NDr – Redirect
O – OSPF Intra, OI – OSPF Inter, OE1 – OSPF ext 1, OE2 – OSPF ext 2
ON1 – OSPF NSSA ext 1, ON2 – OSPF NSSA ext 2, a - Application
R ::/0 [120/2]
via FE80 : : 2, Serial 0 / 0 / 0
R2# show ipv6 rip
RIP process “ROUTING-RIPng”, port 521, multicast-group FF02 : : 9, pid 240
Administrative distance is 120. Maximum paths is 16
Updates every 30 seconds, expire after 180
Holddown lasts 0 seconds, garbage collect after 120
Split horizon is on; poison reverse is off
Default routes are generated
Periodic updates 338, Trigger updates 5
Full advertisement 0, Delayed Events 0
8 CCNP ROUTE Lab Manual Version 7
GigabitEthernet 0/0
Serial 0/0/0
How many RIPng Processes are running on R2 and what are the process names?
What destination address and type of address does RIPng use to send updates?
Which entry is installed in the IPv6 routing table and why is the other router not included?
What is the next-hop IPv6 address and exit-interface of both RIP database entries?
Lab 1-1 Basic RIPing and Default Gateway Configuration 9
What happens when “expires in n seconds” reaches 0? What keeps this value from expiring?
b. On R2, examine the number of next hops for the RIPng process.
R2# Show ipv6 rip ROUTING-RIPng next-hops
RIP process “ROUTING-RIPng”, Next hops
Fe80 : :1 / Serial 0 / 0 / 0 [ 2 paths ]
Why are there two paths from the next-hop FE80 : : 1/Serial 0 / 0 / 0 but only one route in the ipv6 routing
table using the next-hop FE80 : : 1?
10 CCNP ROUTE Lab Manual Version 7
Review a basic EIGRP configuration.
Explore the EIGRP topology table.
Identify successors, feasible successors, and feasible distances
Use show and debug commands for the EIGRP topology table
Configuring and verify equal-cost load balancing with EIGRP
Configure and verify unequal-cost load balancing with EIGRP
As a senior network engineer, you are considering deploying EIGRP in your corporation and want to evaluate
its ability to converge quickly in a changing environment. You are also interested in equal-cost and unequal-
cost load balancing because your network contains redundant links. These links are not often used by other
link-state routing protocols because of high metrics. Because you are interested in testing the EIGRP claims
that you have read about you, you decide to implement and test on a set of three lab routers before deploying
EIGRP throughout your corporate network.
Lab 2-1 EGRP Load Balancing 11
Note: This lab uses Cisco 1941 routers with Cisco IOS Release 15.4 with IP Base. Depending on the Cisco
IOS Software version, the commands available and output produced might vary from what is shown in this
Required Resources
a. Apply the following configuration to each router along with the appropriate hostname. The exec-timeout
0 0 command should only be used in a lab environment.
a. Create three loopback interfaces on each router and address them as 10.1.X.1/30. 10.1.X.5/30, and
10.1.X.9/30, where X is the number of the router. Use the following table or the initial configurations
located at the end of the lab.
b. Specify the addresses of the serial interfaces as shown in the topology diagram. Set the clock rate to 64
kb/s, manually configure the interface bandwidth to 64 kb/s.
Note: if you have WIC-2A/S serial interfaces, the maximum clock rate is 128 kb/s. if you have WIC-2T
Serial interfaces, the maximum clock rate is much higher (2.048 Mb/s or hiher depending on the
Hardware), which is more representative of a modern network WAN link. However, this lab uses 64 kb/s
And 128 kb/s settings.
R3 (config-if)# bandwidth 64
R3 (config-if)# ip address
R3 (config-if)# no shutdown
R3 (config-if)# exit
R3 (config) # interface serial 0/0/1
R3 (config-if)# description R3 --> R2
R3 (config-if)# bandwidth 64
R3 (config-if)# ip address
R3 (config-if)# no shutdown
R3 (config-if)# exit
c. Verify connectivity by pinging across each of the local networks connected to each router.
d. Issue the show interfaces description command on each router. This command displays a brief listing of the interfaces,
their status, and a description (if a description is configured). Router R1 is shown as an example.
e. Issue the show protocols command on each router. This command displays a brief listing of the interfaces, their status, and
the IP address and subnet mask configured (in prefix format /xx) for each interface. Router R1 is shown as an example.
b. Use the debug ip routing and the debug ip eigrp 100 commands to watch EIGRP install the routes in
the routing table when your routers become adjacent. (Note: The type of output you receive may vary
depending on the IOS.) you get output similar to the following.
<output omitted>
R3 (config-router)# end
R3#undebug all
All possible debugging has been turned off
Essentially, the EIGRP DUAL state machine has just computed the topology table for these routes and
installed them in the routing table.
c. Check to see that these routes exist in the routing table with the show ip route command
d. After you have full adjacency between the routers, ping all the remote loopbacks to ensure full connectivity.
You should receive ICMP echo replies for each address pinged.
e. Verify the EIGRP neighbor relationships with the show ip eigrp neighbors command.
a. EIGRP builds a topology table containing all successor routes. The course content covered the vocabulary for EIGRP routes in
the topology table. What is the feasible distance of route in the R3 topology table in the following output?
b. The most important thing is the two successor routes in the passive state on R3. R1 and R2 are both advertising their
connected subnet of Because both routes have the same feasible distance of 41024000, both are installed in
the topology table. This distance of 41024000 reflects the composite metric of more granular properties about the path to
the destination network. Can you view the metrics before the composite metric is computed?
c. Use the show ip eigrp topology command to view the information that EIGRP has receive about the route
from R1 and R2.
R3# show ip eigrp topology
EIGRP-IPv4 Topology Entry for AS(100)/ID( for
State is Passive, Query origin flag is 1, successor(s), FD is 41024000
Descriptor Blocks: (Serial0/0/0), from, send flag is 0x0
Composite metric is (410240000/40512000), route is Internal
Vector metric:
Minimum bandwidth is 64 Kbit
Total delay is 40000 microseconds
Reliability is 255/255
Load is 1/255
Minimum MTU is 1500
Hop count is 1
Originating router is (Serial0/0/1), from, route is 0x0
Composite metric is (41024000/4051200), route is Internal
Vector metric:
Minimum bandwidth is 64 Kbit
Total delay is 40000 microseconds
Reliability is 255/255
Load is 1/255
Minimum MTU is 1500
Hop count is 1
Originating router is
The output of this command shows the following information regarding EIGRP:
The bandwidth metric presents the minimum bandwidth among all links comprising the path to the destination
The delay metric represents the total delay over the path.
18 CCNP ROUTE Lab Manual Version 7
The minimum MTU represents the smallest MTU along the path.
If you do not have full knowledge of your network, you can use the hop count information to check how many
Layer 3 devices are between the router and the destination network.
EIGRP produces equal-cost load balancing to the destination network from R1. Two equal-cost paths are
available to this destination per the earlier topology table output.
a. Use the traceroute command to view the hops from R3 to this R1 IP address. Notice that both R1 and R2 are
listed as hops because there are two equal-cost paths and packets can reach this network via either link.
Cisco IOS enables Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF), which, by default, performs per-destination load balancing. CEF allows for
every rapid switching without the need for the route processing. However, if you were ping the destination network, you
would not see load balancing occurring on a packet level because CEF treats the entire series of pings as one flow.
CEF on R3 overrides the per-packet balancing behavior of process switching with per-destination load balancing.
b. To see the full effect of EIGRP equal-cost load balancing, temporarily disable CEF and route caching so that all IP packets are
processed individually and not fast-switched by CEF.
R3(config)# no ip cef
Note: Typically, you would not disable CEF in a production network. It is done here only to illustrate load balancing. Another
way to demonstrate per-packet load balancing, that does not disable CEF, is to use the per-packet load balancing command
ip load-share per-packet on outgoing interfaces S0/0/0 and S0/0/1.
c. Verify load balancing with the debug ip packet command, and then ping Like any debug command, debug ip
packet should be used with caution on a production network. Without any ACL filtering, this command will overwhelm the
router’s CPU processes in a production environment. Issue the undebug all command to stop debug processing. You see
output similar to the following:
<output omitted>
R3# undebug all
Notice that EIGRP load-balances between Serial0/0/0 (s= and Serial0/0/1 (s= This behavior is part of
EIGRP. It can help utilize underused links in a network, especially during periods of congestion.
a. Issue the show ip eigrp topology command on R3 to see successors and feasible successors for each route that R3 has
learned through EIGRP.
Perhaps you expected to see two entries to the R1 and R2 loopback networks in the R3 topology table.
Why is there only one entry shown in the topology table?
b. Issue the show ip eigrp topology all-links command to see all routers that R3 has learned through EIGRP. This command
shows all entries that EIGRP holds on this router for networks in the topology, including the exit serial interface and IP
address of the next hop to each destination network, and the serial number (serno) that uniquely identifies a destination
network in EIGRP.
What is the reported distance to the R1’s loopback networks using R1 and R2 as next-hop routers?
c. Use the show ip eigrp topology command to see the granular view of the alternate paths to, including
ones with a higher reported distance than the feasible distance.
When using the show ip eigrp topology command, why is the route to through R1 (via 10.
1.103.1) not listed in the topology table?
Record your answer, and then experiment by shutting down the R1 S0/0/1 interface while and extended
ping is running as described next.
d. Start a ping with a high repeat count on R3 to the R1 Serial0/0/0 interface
e. Enter interface configuration mode on R1 and shut down port Serial0/0/1, which is the direct link from R1
to R3.
Note: When examining the EIGRP reconvergence speed after deactivating the serial link between R1 and R3,
the focus should not be on the count of lost ping packets but rather on the duration of connectivity loss or how
long it took to perform a successful cutover. The router waits for up to two seconds for each sent ICMP ECHO
request to receive a reply and only then does it send another ECHO request. If the router did not wait for the
reply the count of lost packets would be much higher. Because two packets were lost, the cutover took
approximately 4 seconds.
Another factor to consider is that an interface deliberately delays the information about loss of connectivity for
2 seconds to prevent transient link flaps (link going up and down) from introducing instability into the network.
If the real speed of EIGRP is to be observed, this delay can be made as short as possible using the command
g. Issue the no shutdown command on the R1 Serial0/0/1 interface before continuing to the next step.
a. Review the composite metrics advertised by EIGRP using the show ip eigrp topology
The reported distance for a loopback network is higher than the feasible distance, so DUAL does not
consider it is a feasible successor route.
Lab 2-1 EGRP Load Balancing 25
b. To demonstrate unequal-cost load balancing in your internetwork, upgrade the path to the destination network through R1
with a higher bandwidth. Change the clock rate and bandwidth on the R1, R2 and R3 serial interface to 128 kb/s.
c. Issue the show ip eigrp topology command again on R3 to see what has changed.
After manipulating the bandwidth parameter, the preferred path for R3 to the loopback interfaces of R2 is
Now through R1. Even though the hop count is two and delay through R1 is nearly twice that of the R2
path, the higher bandwidth and lower FD results in this being the preferred route.
Note: Hop count is only mentioned to help you visualize the two paths. Hop count is not part of the
composite EIGRP metric.
d. Issue the show ip route command to verify that the preferred route to network is through R1 via Serial0/0/0 to
next hop there is only one route to this network due to difference in
26 CCNP ROUTE Lab Manual Version 7
The route must be loop-free, a current feasible successor in the topology table.
The metric of the route must be lower than the metric of the best route (successor), multiplied by
the variance configured on the router.
In the previous output, R3 shows the best path for through via Examining the topology table on R3,
there is also a feasible successor to this network through R2 via
f. Issue the debug ip eigrp 100 command on R3 to show route events changing in real time. Then, under
the EIGRP router configuration on R3, issue the variance 2 command, which allows unequal-cost load
balancing bounded by a maximum distance of (2) x (FD), where FD represents the feasible distance for
each route in the routing table. Using as an example, (2) x (21152000) = 43204000. The FD
of the feasible successor is 40640000, which is less that the variance-modified FD of 42304000.
Therefore, the feasible successor route become an additional successor and is added to the routing table.
g. Issue the show ip route command again to verify that there are now two routes to network
Notice that the two routes have different (unequal) metrics (feasible distances).
h. These unequal-cost routes also show up in the EIGRP topology table as an additional successor. Use the
show ip eigrp topology command to verify this. Notice there are two successor routes with different
(unequal) feasible distances.
i. Load balancing over serial links occurs in blocks of packets, the number of which are recorded in the
routing table’s detailed routing information. Use the show ip route command to get a detailed
view of how traffic is shared between two links. The traffic share counters represent the ratio of traffic
over the shared paths. In this case the ratio is 48:25 or about 2-to-1. The path through R1,,
will be sent twice as much traffic as the path through R2, A traffic share count of 1 on all
routes indicate equal cost load balancing. If the traffic share count of 1 on all routes indicates equal
cost load balancing. If the traffic share count is 0, the path is not in use.
j. Check the actual load balancing using the debug ip packet command. Ping from R3 to with a
high enough repeat count to view the load balancing over both paths. In the case above, the traffic share
is 25 packets routed to R2 to every 48 packets routed to R1.
To filter the debug output to make it more useful, use the following extended access list.
Note: if a deliberate metric manipulation is necessary on a router to force it to prefer one interface over
another for EIGRP-discovered routes, it is recommended to use the interface-level command “delay” for these
purposes. While the “bandwidth” command can also be used to influence the metrics of EIGRP-discovered
routes through a particular interface, it is discouraged because the “bandwidth” will also influence the amount
of bandwidth reserve for EIGRP packets and other IOS subsystems as well. The “delay” parameter specifies
the value of the interface delay that is used exclusively by EIGRP to perform metric calculations and does not
influence any other area of IOS operation.
k. Issue the show ip protocols command to verify the variance parameter and the number of maximum
paths used by EIGRP. By default, EIGRP will use a maximum of 4 paths for load balancing. This value
can be changed using the maximum-path EIGRP configuration command.
32 CCNP ROUTE Lab Manual Version 7
To improve network stability and reduce resource utilization on the HQ network you have decided to configure one of the
Note: This lab uses Cisco 1941 routers with Cisco IOS Release 15.4 with IP Base. The switches are Cisco WS-C2960-24TT-L with
fast Ethernet interfaces; therefore, the router will use routing metrics associated with a 100 Mb/s interface. Depending on
the router or switch model and Cisco IOS Software version, the commands available and output produced might vary from
what is shown in this lab.
Required Resources
a. Apply the following configuration to each router along with the appropriate hostname. The exec-timeout 0 0 command
should only be used in a lab environment.
Router(config)# no ip domain-lookup
Router(config)# line con 0
Router(config-line)# logging synchronous
Router(config-line)# exec-timeout 0 0
a. Using the addressing scheme in the diagram, configure the interfaces on each router.
R1(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0
R1(config-if)# ip address
R1(config-if)# no shutdown
R1(config-if)# exit
R1(config)# interface serial 0/0/0
R1(config-if)# ip address
R1(config-if)# clock rate 64000
R1(config-if)# no shutdown
R1(config-if)# exit
R3(config-if)#no shutdown
b. Verify connectivity by pinging across each of the local networks connected to each router.
c. Issue the show ip interface brief command on each router. This command displays a brief listing of the
interaces, their status, and their IP addresses. Router R2 is shown as an example.
a. Enable EIGRP as 100 for all interfaces on R1 and R2. For your reference, these are the commands that
can be used:
R1(config)# router eigrp 100
R1(config-router)# network
b. Summarize R2’s loopback interfaces in its EIGRP update to R1 using manual summarization.
R2(config)# interface serial 0/0/0
R2(config-if)# ip summary-address eigrp 100
c. Configure a static route on R2 to R3’s LAN. Configure a default static route on R3 forwarding all traffic
to R2.
R2(config)# ip route
R2(config)# ip route
e. Verify the EIGRP neighbor relationship between R1 and R2 with the show ip eigrp neighbors command.
Verify that R1 is receiving a summary route for R2’s loopback networks. The output for R2 is as follows.
f. Examine R1’s routing table with the show ip route eigrp command.
R1# show ip route
Codes: L – local, C – connected, S – static, R – RIP, M – mobile, B – BGP
D – EIGRP, EX – EIGRP external, O – OSPF, LA – OSPF inter area
N1 – OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 – OSPF NSSA external type 2
E1 – OSPF external type 1, E2 – OSPF external type 2
i – IS-IS, su – IS-IS summary, L1 – IS-IS level-1, L2 – IS-IS level 2
ia – IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U – per-user static
o – ODR, P – periodic downloaded static route, H – NHRP, 1 – LISP
a – application route
+ - replicated route, % - next hop override
a. The EIGRP stub routing feature enable you to limit the EIGRP Query messages’ scope in the network.
Routers configured as stubs do not forward EIGRP learned routes to other neighbors.
Use the eigrp stub command to configure a router as a stub where the router directs all IP traffic to a
Distribution router.
The eigrp stub command can be modified with several options, and these options can be used in any
combination except for the receive-only keyword. The receive-only keyword will restrict the router from
sharing any of its routes with any other router in that EIGRP autonomous system, and the receive-only
keyword will not permit any other option to be specified because it prevents any type of route from being
sent. The four other optional keywords (connected, static, summary, and redistributed) can be used in
any combination but cannot be used with the receive-only keyword.
If any of these five keywords is used with the eigrp stub command, only the route types specified by the
particular keyword(s) will be sent. Route types specified by the remaining keywords will not be sent.
The connected keyword permits the EIGRP stub routing feature to send connected routes. If the
connected routes are not covered by a network statement, it may be necessary to redistribute connected
routes with the redistribute connected command under the EIGRP process. This option is enabled by
The static keyword permits the EIGRP stub routing feature to send static routes. Without the
configuration of this option, EIGRP will not send any static routes, including internal static routes that
normally would be automatically redistributed. It will still be necessary to redistribute static routes with the
redistribute static command.
The summary keyword permits the EIGRP stubs routing feature to send summary routes. Summary
routes can be created manually with the summary address command or automatically at a major network
border router with the auto-summary command enabled. This option is enabled by default.
The redistributed keyword permits the EIGRP stub routing feature to send other routing protocols and autonomous
systems. Without the configuration of this option, EIGRP will not advertise redistributed routes.
Note: There is one more keyword: the leak-map option. The leak-map keyword permits the EIGRP stub
routing feature to reference a leak map that identifies routes that are allowed to be advertised on an
EIGRP stub router that would normally have been suppressed.
Notice that R1 shows EIGRP routes for R2’s connected networks and R2’s summary route.
d. Issue the show eigrp neighbors detail command to verify that R1 sees R2 as a stub router.
Step 4: Configure and verify EIGRP stub routing options static, connected, and
a. Modigy R2’s stub routing to also include its static route in its EIGRP updste to R1. It is necessary to also
include the redistribute static command.
With each change of the EIGRP stub settings, reestablishment of the EIGRP neighbor session is
b. Examine R1’s EIGRP routes using the show ip route eigrp command.
R1# show ip route eigrp
Why does R1 only have R2’s static route to R3’s LAN? What do you need to do so R1 includes the
previous EIGRP routes?
c. R2’s stub configuration can be verified using the show Ip eigrp neighbors detail command on R1 and
show running-config | section eigrp on R2.
d. Configure R2 EIGRP stub routing to include the connected, summary, and static options.
e. Examine R1’s routing table and notice R1 is now sending its connected, summarized, and static routes to R1.
f. Verify R2’s modified stub configuration using the show ip eigrp neighbors detail command on R1.
g. Examine the change to R2’s running-configuration using the show running-config | section eigrp command.
Notice that R1 does not receive any EIGRP routes from R2.
c. Issue the show ip eigrp neighbor detail command on R1 to verify it sees R2 as a Receive- only stub
EIGRP for IPv6 has the same overall operation and features as EIGRP for IPv4. However, there are few major differences
between them:
EIGRP for IPv6 is configured directly on the router interfaces.
In the absence of the router having any IPv4 addresses, a 32-bit router ID must be configured for the routing
process to start.
IPv6 unicast routing must be enabled before the routing process can be configured.
In this lab, you will configure the network with EIGRP routing for IPv6. You will also assign router IDs, configure passive
interfaces, a summary route, and verify network fully converged.
Note: This lab uses Cisco 1941 routers with Cisco IOS Release 15.2 with IP Base. The switches are Cisco
WS-C2960-24TT-L with Fast Ethernet interfaces; therefore, the router will use routing metrics associated with
a 100 Mb/s interface. Depending on the router or switch model and CISCO IOS Software version, the
commands available and output produced might vary from what is shown in this lab.
Required Resources
4 routers (Cisco IOS Release 15.2 or comparable)
3 switches (LAN interfaces)
Serial and Ethernet cables
a. Apply the following configuration to each router along with the appropriate hostname. The exec-tiemout
0 0 command should only be used in a lab development.
Router(config)# no ip domain-lookup
Router(config)# line con 0
Router(config-line)# logging synchronous
Router(config-line)# exec-timeout 0 0
a. Enable Ipv6 unicast routing and EIGRP for IPv6 on each router. Since there are no active IPv4 addresses
configured, EIGRP for IPv6 requires the configuration of a 32-bit router. Use the router-id command to configure the router
ID in the router configuration mode.
Note: Prior to IOS 15.2 the EIGRP IPv6 routing process is shut down by default and the no shutdown router
configuration mode command is required to enable the routing process. Although not required with the
IOS used in creating this lab, an example of the no shutdown command is shown for router R1.
Step 3: Configure EIGRP for IPv6 on Serial, Gigabit Ethernet, and Loopback Interfaces.
a. Issue the IPv6 eigrp 1 command on the interfaces that participate that participate in the EIGRP routing process. EIGRP for
Ipv6 does not use network command. Ipv6 prefixes are enabled on the interface. Similar to EIGRP for IPv4, the AS number
must match the neighbor’s configuration for the router to form an adjacency.
R3(config-if)# exit
R3(config-if)#interface loop1
R3(config-if)#ipv6 eigrp 1
R3(config-if)#interface loop2
R3(config-if)#ipv6 eigrp 1
R3(config-if)#interface loop3
R3(config-if)#ipv6 eigrp 1
R3(config-if)#interface loop4
R3(config-if)#ipv6 eigrp 1
R3(config-if)#interface loop5
R3(config-if)#ipv6 eigrp 1
b. When you assign EIGRP for IPV6 on R2’s serial 0/0/0 interface you will see the neighbor adjacency
message as the interface is added to the EIGRP routing process.
*Sep 24 15:28:13.911: %DUAL-5-NBRCHANGE: EIGRP-IPv6 1: Neighbor FE80::2
(Serial0/0/0) is up: new adjacency
What address on R2 is used to form neighbor adjacency with R1? What type of IPv6 address is used to establish the
a. On R2, issue the show ipv6 eigrp neighbors command to verify the adjacency has been established with its neighboring
routers. The link-local addresses of the neighboring routers are displayed in the adjacency table.
c. Use the show ipv6 route eigrp command to display IPv6-specific EIGRP routes on all the routers. The output on R1’s
routing table is displayed next.
d. Examine R1’s EIGRP for IPv6 topology table using the show ipv6 eigrp topology command.
R1# show ipv6 eigrp topology
EIGRP-IPv5 Topology Table for AS(1)/ID(
Codes: P – Passive, A – Active, U – Update, Q – query, R - reply,
r – reply Status, s – sia Status
P 2001:DB8:CAFE:5::/64, 1 successors, FD is 2684416
via FE80::2 (2684416/2172416), Serial0/0/0
P 2001:DB8:CAFE:1::/64, 1 successors, FD is 2809856
via FE80::2 (2809856/2297856), Serial0/0/0
P 2001:DB8:CAFE:2::/64, 1 successors, FD is 2809856
via FE80::2 (2809856/2297856), Serial0/0/0
P 2001:DB8:CAFE:3::/64, 1 successors, FD is 2172416
via FE80::2 (2172416/2816), Serial0/0/0
P 2001:DB8:CAFE:4::/64, 1 successors, FD is 2681856
via FE80::2 (2681856/2169856), Serial0/0/0
P 2001:DB8:CAFE:2::/64, 1 successors, FD is 2169856
via Connected, Serial0/0/0
P 2001:DB8:ABCD:3::/64, 1 successors, FD is 2809856
via FE80::2 (2809856/22978560, Serial0/0/0
P 2001:DB8:ABCD:5::/64, 1 successors, FD is 2809856
via FE80::2 (2809856/22978560, Serial0/0/0
P 2001:DB8:ABCD:4::/64, 1 successors, FD is 2809856
via FE80::2 (2809856/22978560, Serial0/0/0
P 2001:DB8:ABCD:1::/64, 1 successors, FD is 2809856
Lab 2-3 EIGRP for IPv6 47
Why are there two more entries in R1’s EIGRP topology table than there are when displaying R1’s EIGRP
routes with the show ipv6 route eigrp command?
c. Issue the show ipv6 protocols command to verify the configured parameters. Examining the output, EIGRP for IPv6 is the
configured IPV6 is the configured IPV6 routing protocol with as the router ID for R1. This routing protocol is
associated with autonomous system 1 with two active interfaces: G0/0 and S0/0/0.
What would be the result if the ipv6 eigrp 1 commands were remove from the G0/0 interfaces instead of
using the passive-interface command?______________________________________________________
b. Issue the show ipv6 protocols command on R1 and verify that G0/0 has been configured as passive.
GigabitEthernet0/0 (passive)
Issue the show ipv6 route eigrp command on R3 to verify it is still receiving EIGRP updates containing
the IPv6 prefixes that were configured as passive-interfaces.
R1# show ipv6 route eigrp
IPv6 Routing Table – default – 13 entries
Codes: C – connected, L – Local, S – Static, U – Per-user Static route
B – BGP, R – RIP, H – NHRP, I1 – ISIS L1
I2 - ISIS L2, IA – ISIS interarea, IS – ISIS summary, D – EIGRP
EX – EIGRP external, ND – ND default, NDp – ND Prefix, DCE-
NDr – Redirect, O – OSPF Intra, Oi – OSPF Inter, OE1 – OSPFR ext 1
OE2 – OSPF ext 2, ONI - OSPF NSSA ext 1, ON2 – OSPF NSSA ext 2
a – Application
D 2001:DB8:CAFE:1::/64 [90/2684416]
via FE80::2, Serial0/0/1
D 2001:DB8:CAFE:2::/64 [90/26818566]
via FE80::2, Serial0/0/1
D 2001:DB8:CAFE:3::/64 [90/2172416]
via FE80::2, Serial0/0/1
a. Issue the show ipv6 route eigrp command on R1 and verify that it has all five of R3’s loopback prefixes in its IPv6
routing table.
b. To optimize EIGRP for IPv6, on R3 summarize the loopback addresses as a single route and advertise
the summary route in R3’s EIGRP updates on R2. Using the same summarization method used for IPv4,
the IPv6 loopback addresses can be summarized as 200:DB8:ABCD::/61. The loopback addresses
have the first 61 bits in common. After configuring the summary route on the interface, notice that the
Neighbor adjacency between R3 and R2 is resynchronized (restarted).
R3(config)# interface serial 0/0/1
R3(config-if)# ipv6 summary-address eigrp 1 2001:db8:abcd::/61
*Jun 25 08:35:05:383: %DUAL-5-NBRCHANGE: EIGRP-IPv6 1: Neighbor FE80::2
(Serial0/0/1) is resync: summary configured
c. Examine R1’s routing table and verify that R1 is now only receiving a summary route for R3’s loopback prefixes.
R1# show ipv6 route eigrp
IPv6 Routing Table – default – 13 entries
Codes: C – Connected, L – Local, S – Static, U – Per-user Static route
B – BGP, R R – RIP, H – NHRP, I1 – ISIS L1
I2 – ISIS L2, IA – ISIS interface, IS – ISIS summary , D – EIGRP
EX – EIGRP external, ND - ND Default, NDp – ND Prefix, DCE –
NDr – Redirect, O – OSPF Intra, IO – OSPF Inter, OE1 – OSPF ext 1
OE2 – OSPF ext 2, ONI – OSPF NSSA ext 1, ON2 - OSPF NSSA ext 2
A – Application
D 2001:DB8:ABCD::/61 [90/2809856]
via FE80::2, Serial0/0/0
D 2001:DB8:CAFE:3::/64 [90/2172416]
via FE80::2, Serial0/0/0
D 2001:DB8:CAFE:4::/64 [90/2681856]
via FE80::2, Serial0/0/0
D 2001:DB8:CAFE:4::/64 [90/2681856]
via FE80::2, Serial0/0/0
D 2001:DB8:CAFE:5::/64 [90/2684416]
via FE80::2, Serial0/0/0
d. From R1, ping R3’s loopback addresses to verify reachability to each address.
R1# ping 2001:db8:abcd:1::1
Type escape sequence abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to 2001:DB8:ABCD:1::1, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 52/55/56 ms
R1# ping 2001:db8:abcd:2::1
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to 2001:DB8:ABCD:2::1, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 52/55/56 ms
R1# ping 2001:db8:abcd:3::1
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to 2001:DB8:ABCD:3::1, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 56/56/56 ms
R1# ping 2001:db8:abcd:4::1
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to 2001:DB8:ABCD:4::1, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 56/56/56 ms
R1# ping 2001:db8:abcd:5::1
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to 2001:DB8:ABCD:5::1, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 52/56/60 ms
e. Issue the show ipv6 protocols command on R3 to verify the configured summary route. From the output, EIGRP is
still advertising the loopback addresses and that there is address summarization is in effect.
GigabitEthernet0/0 (passive)
Address Summarization:
2001:DB8:ABCD::/61 for Se0/0/1
Summarizing 5 components with metric 128256
a. On R3 configure an IPv6 default static route using next-hop address R4. Redistribute the static
route in EIGRP using the redistribute static command.
Note: With the use of CEF (Cisco Express Forwarding) it is recommended practice that a next-hop IP
address is used instead of an exit-interface. There is a bug in IOS 15.4 that prevents an IPv6 static route
with only a next-hop address from being redistributed. A fully specified static route with both a exit-
interface and a next-hop address is used in the example.
b. Issue the show ipv6 route eigrp command on R1 to verify it has received the default route using EIGRP.
R1# conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z
R1(config)# ipv6 cef
R1# show ipv6 cef summary
IPv6 CEF is enabled and running centrally.
VRF Default
14 prefixes (14/0 fwd/non-fwd)
Table id 0x1E000000
Database epoch: 0 (14 entries at this epoch)
Lab 2-4 Named EIGRP Configuration 53
What is known as “classic” EIGRP requires separate EIGRP configuration modes and commands for IPv4
and IPv6. Each process is configured separately: router eigrp as-number for IPv4 and ipv6 router eigrp as-
number for IPv6.
Named EIGRP uses the address family (AF) feature to unify the configuration process when implementing
both IPv4 and IPv6. In this lab, you will configure named EIGRP for IPv4 and IPv6.
Note: This lab uses Cisco 1941 routers with Cisco IOS Release 15.4 with IP Base. The switches are
Cisco WS-C2960-24TT-L with Fast Ethernet interfaces; therefore, the router will use routing
metrics associated with a 100Mb/s interface. Depending on the router or switch model and Cisco IOS
Software version, the commands available and output produced might vary from what is shown in this lab.
54 CCNP ROUTE Lab Manual Version 7
Required Resources
a. Apply the following configuration to each router along with the appropriate hostname. The exec-timeout
0 0 command should only be used in a lab environment.
Router(config)# no ip domain-lookup
Router(config)# line con 0
Router(config-line)# logging synchronous
Router(config-line)# exec-timeout 0 0
R3(config)#Interface GigabitEthernet0/0
R3(config-if)# ip address
R3(conifg-if)# ipv6 address FE80::3 link-local
R3(config-if)# ipv6 address 2001:DB8:CAFE:5::1/64
R3(config-if)# no shutdown
R3(config-if)# exit
R3(config)# interface Serial0/0/1
R3(config-if)#ip address
R3(config-if)#ipv6 address FE80::3 link-local
R3(config-if)#ipv6 address 2001:DB8:CAFE:4::2/64
R3(config-if)# no shutdown
R3(config-if)# exit
R3(config)# interface Serial0/1/0
R3(config-if)#ip address
R3(config-if)#ipv6 address FE80::3 link-local
R3(config-if)#ipv6 address 2001:DB8:FEED:77::2/64
R3(config-if)# clock rate 64000
R3(config-if)# no shutdown
b. Verify connectivity by pinging across each of the local networks connected to each router.
c. Issue the show ip interface brief and show ipv6 interface brief commands on each router. This command displays a
brief listing of the interfaces, their status, and their IP addresses. Router R1 is shown as an example.
R1# show ip interface brief
Interface IP-Address Ok? Method Status Protocol
Embedded-Service-Engine0/0 unassigned YES Unset Administratively down down
GigabitEthernet0/0 YES manual up up
GigabitEthernet0/1 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
Serial0/0/0 YES manual up up
Serial0/0/1 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
R1# show ip interface brief
Em0/0 [administratively down]
GigabitEthernet0/1 [up/up]
GigabitEthernet0/1 [administratively down/down]
Serial0/0/0 [up/up]
Serial0/0/1 [administratively down/down]