L-CSMA: A MAC Protocol For Multihop Linear Wireless (Sensor) Networks
L-CSMA: A MAC Protocol For Multihop Linear Wireless (Sensor) Networks
L-CSMA: A MAC Protocol For Multihop Linear Wireless (Sensor) Networks
Abstract—We consider a multihop wireless linear network [5]. In the case of LWSNs, all nodes generate data to be trans-
where multiple nodes are evenly spaced over a straight line. Two mitted toward a specific destination node (the sink). In this
scenarios are addressed: a network where only one source gener- paper, we denote as LWN a network where only the first node in
ates traffic to be transmitted via multiple hops to the destination
and the case of linear sensor networks where all nodes in the line the line acts as a source generating data for a destination node
generate data. A novel contention-based medium access control at the end of the line, with relays in between the two extremes,
(MAC) protocol, called L-CSMA, specifically devised for linear and as LWSN a network where all nodes (but the destination)
topologies, is proposed. Carrier-sensing multiple access (CSMA) generate data (both the source and relays).
suffers from the well-known hidden/exposed-node problems: The While in general the medium access control (MAC) and rout-
scope of L-CSMA is to reduce their impact, while minimizing the
protocol overhead. L-CSMA assigns different levels of priority to ing protocols represent the most delicate components of the
nodes, depending on their positions in the line: Nodes closer to the protocol stack in multihop networks, in the case of linear and
destination have higher priority when accessing the channel. The regular topologies, the routing mechanisms can be simplified,
priority is managed by assigning to nodes different durations of owing to the network geometry. Therefore, we focus on the
the carrier-sensing phase. This mechanism speeds up the transmis- MAC layer. We assume that when the MAC algorithm runs in a
sion of packets that are already in the path, making the transmis-
sion flow more efficient. Results show that L-CSMA outperforms wireless node to access the radio channel, the routing protocol
existing contention-based MAC protocols. A mathematical model at the upper layer has already set the complete route (i.e., each
to derive the performance in terms of packet success probability node knows the next hop); each node is aware of the number
and throughput is provided. The key idea of the model is the of relays in the path toward the destination (as usual, in routing
definition of the generic state at the network level, instead of the protocols such as, e.g., ad hoc on demand distance vector).
node level, and its representation through a set of bits indicating
the status (activity or not) of the corresponding link. The model is In most of the application examples previously mentioned,
validated through comparison with simulations. owing to the possible presence of long sequences of nodes,
there is no centralized network control; therefore, contention-
Index Terms—CSMA, linear networks, MAC protocols, mathe-
matical modelling, multihop, wireless sensor networks. free scheduling of transmissions is difficult to achieve. As
usual, in this case, the class of carrier-sensing multiple access
(CSMA)-based protocols is considered, with nodes sensing the
I. I NTRODUCTION channel to assess whether it is busy or free (as in the IEEE
802.11 or 802.15.4 families of protocols). CSMA is known to
L INEAR wireless networks (LWNs), where nodes are reg-
ularly deployed over a straight line and data transmission
happens hop by hop through all nodes, are increasingly attract-
suffer from the hidden/exposed-node problems [6]: The former
consists of the fact that carrier-sensing is made at the transmitter
ing interest [1], [2]. Generally, in these applications, data are side, and even if no transmissions are detected, some active in-
generated by a source node in the line, which has to transmit terfering node might be close to the receiver while hidden to the
it toward a given destination node in the line, passing through transmitter, causing packet collision and loss; a well-known so-
some relays. The specific case of linear wireless sensor net- lution is represented by the request-to-send (RTS)/clear-to-send
works (LWSNs) is perhaps the most relevant, with applications, (CTS) mechanism [7], which, however, introduces protocol
for example, in the area of gas/water/oil pipeline control [3], overhead and generates the exposed-node problem (with a node
river environmental monitoring [4], and smart cities where sen- inhibited by a transmitter sending the RTS, even if far from its
sors are regularly deployed on the asphalt or on the lamp posts receiver).
In this paper, we propose a CSMA-based protocol, which
is called L-CSMA, specifically devised for linear networks; it
Manuscript received April 16, 2014; revised September 15, 2014 and reduces the impact of the hidden-terminal problem, without the
December 12, 2014; accepted December 27, 2014. Date of publication
January 13, 2015; date of current version January 13, 2016. This work was sup- use of RTS/CTS packets, therefore preventing the increase of
ported by the European Commission in the framework of the FP7 Network of the exposed-node problem. L-CSMA assigns different levels
Excellence in Wireless COMmunications (NEWCOM#) under Grant 318306. of priority to nodes when accessing the channel, depending on
The review of this paper was coordinated by Prof. X. Wang.
The authors are with the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Informa- their positions in the line: Nodes closer to the destination have
tion Engineering (DEI), University of Bologna, 40136 Bologna, Italy (e-mail: higher priority. The priority is managed by assigning to nodes
c.buratti@unibo.it; roberto.verdone@unibo.it). different durations of the carrier-sensing phase; nodes closer to
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. the destination sense the radio channel for a shorter time. While
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TVT.2015.2391302 this mechanism has been proposed in other papers to allow the
0018-9545 © 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
management of different priority levels of data packets [18], where the performance of both, i.e., ALOHA and CSMA,
[8]–[11], here, it is used to speed up the transmission of packets are studied. In [19], the success probability of ALOHA and
that are already in the path, making the transmission flow more CSMA is studied, assuming an interference-free guard zone
efficient: The proposed protocol allows to avoid starvation of around the receiver. However, the abovecited works focused on
packets at intermediate relays. a single-hop scenario.
L-CSMA can be applied both to LWNs and LWSNs, pro- The first paper studying ALOHA in a multihop context is
vided that relay nodes append the data they locally generate to [20], where the probability of successful transmission is evalu-
the payload of the packet they have just received from the previ- ated, considering a simple model where interference only pro-
ous hop (the simplest form of data aggregation or data concate- pagates two hops away. In [21], a widely accepted model
nation [12]); therefore, packets generated by the source, which for ALOHA in a network with spatial reuse was introduced.
flow through the line, act as tokens, giving the right to nodes In [22], the problem of starvation and throughput imbalances
to transmit their data. It is shown that the protocol proposed in multihop CSMA-based wireless networks is addressed. In
inherently allows the efficient transmission of the multiple data [23], the use of CSMA with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA)
blocks; in fact, at each hop, the carrier-sensing phase is made protocols in multihop wireless networks is studied, and [24]
shorter, thus leaving more room for data transmission within the shows the performance of a CSMA protocol in a 2-D Pois-
slot duration. L-CSMA is designed such that, under ideal chan- son distributed multihop network. In [25], nodes distributed
nel conditions (i.e., no fading), packet collisions are completely according to a Poisson point process over a line are considered,
avoided, by properly setting the sensing threshold. To measure and the performance of a CSMA-based protocol is evaluated.
its performance in more undetermined environments, we con- Finally, in [26]–[28], networks with an infinite number of nodes
sider the presence of fading, which causes packet collisions. are considered. In contrast with the latter works, we propose
A power control mechanism is applied to limit the amount of a mathematical model for a multihop network with a finite
packet losses. number of nodes.
A mathematical model for evaluating the network perfor- Priority issues have been largely studied in IEEE 802.11
mance of L-CSMA is also introduced in the paper. It is based on networks (see, e.g., [8], [11], and [29]). As an example, refer-
a novel approach using state transition diagram analysis, where ence [11] proposes a token passing-based MAC protocol to be
states are defined according to the transmissions occurring used to manage real-time traffic in 802.11 networks. A virtual
within each hop and on the state of the queue at nodes. The nov- token circulates among real-time-constrained devices with the
elty of the approach stands in the fact that the generic state rep- aim of prioritizing real-time traffic. However, IEEE 802.11 is
resents the network status, instead of the node status, as largely not suitable for wireless sensor networks; therefore, it is not
done in the literature (see, e.g., [13]–[15]). Since the model in- considered in this paper. Many works are also dealing with the
cludes some simplifying approximations, it is validated through proposal of priority schemes to be applied to IEEE 802.15.4,
simulations. A very good fit is found, showing that it captures all with the objective to provide different priority levels to
the essential elements of the protocol. data packets, that is to guarantee different quality-of-service
Summing up, the main contributions of this paper are levels: reference [9] proposes to adapt the sleeping period
• the proposal of a novel MAC protocol for multihop LWNs duration depending on the priority level; in [10], a priority-
or LWSNs, based on CSMA; based service differentiation scheme is presented; reference
• the proposal of a mathematical model for the L-CSMA [30] extends the 802.15.4 standard to prioritize packet delivery
protocol, based on a novel approach. time, whereas in [31], an efficient utilization-aware guaranteed
time slot allocation scheme to enhance quality of service is
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The following proposed. In contrast with the aforementioned works, where the
section discusses related works and the scope of this paper. priority concept is applied to packets to get different quality-of-
Section III introduces the reference scenario and assumptions. service levels, in this work, the priority concept is applied to
Section IV describes L-CSMA. In Section V, the mathematical nodes, with the aim of reducing the hidden-terminal problem
model is described. In Section VI, the benchmark protocols are and increasing the throughput.
introduced; numerical results are discussed and the model is While most papers dedicated to wireless multihop networks
validated in Section VII. The final section summarizes the main consider bidimensional scenarios [26], [27], [32], several works
contributions of this paper. in the literature also propose and study MAC protocols for
linear topologies. In [33], ALOHA and CSMA/CA protocols,
II. R ELATED W ORKS AND S COPE OF T HIS PAPER when considering a linear and a grid topology, are compared
in terms of throughput. In [34], routing schemes for LWNs are
A. Literature Survey
proposed, where a source node transmits data to a destination
Many works in the literature study the performance of node, and intermediate nodes are equidistantly placed on a line.
contention-based protocols for wireless networks. ALOHA, In [35], the threshold phenomena and the MAC-layer capacity
presented by Abramson in 1970 in [16], was one of the first in finite wireless networks on a line, using random geometric
MAC protocols for radio networks. Later, both theoretical and graphs, are studied. Finally, in [36] a token passing mechanism
practical studies have been carried out to improve ALOHA; we is proposed, using RTS/CTS plus a novel control packet, which
mention as an example the work by Roberts [17] on slotted is called ready-to-receive (RTR), to manage the flow of data in
ALOHA. A 2-D Poisson distributed network is considered in the line. While these control packets reduce the hidden-terminal
that they will not compete with those transmitted in the rear. to guarantee PR ≥ PRmin at Ri+2 ), its transmission will
This mechanism speeds up the transmission of packets that not be heard by Ri .
are already in the route. On the other hand, this protocol 3) The packet is lost owing to collisions, and Ri+1 will
requires longer sensing times, which erode the amount of generate no implicit acknowledgement.
radio resource used for the transmission of useful information. In the two latter cases, a potential deadlock condition is
In the performance analysis, we carry out accounts for both generated, with Ri waiting for some acknowledgement that will
effects. never come. In these cases, a timeout approach is the solution
we take, with Ri trying to transmit the next packet W slots
B. LWSN Protocol after the transmission of the previous packet. W is set to 1 in
Fig. 2 (right part) shows the protocol behavior in the case of this paper for the sake of throughput maximization.
an LWSN with three hops (z = 3). In the case of LWSN, the Finally, note that in case of a packet loss, it does not make
(i) sense to retransmit the packet, as new data can be generated at
sensing durations, denoted as Ts , are the same set for the case
the next slot. However, for the sake of completeness, the use of
of LWNs. Therefore, the source node will sense the channel for
retransmissions is also investigated in Section VII.
a longer time than relays; however, the latter transmit longer
packets (that includes multiple data blocks) and the two effects V. M ATHEMATICAL M ODEL
(i) (0)
are complementary. The latter is given by Tp = Tp + i · P/
Rb . As a result, the guard time is set to zero in all hops (i.e., We assume perfect power control, that is, each node in
(i) the line is able to measure the fading sample to be used
Tg = 0). Any other aspect of the protocol is similar to the case
for the transmission, according to the procedure previously
of the LWN, bringing to a condition where no collisions can
described. Given the latter, no connectivity issues are present
happen if the radio channel is deterministic. Moreover, the slot
(i) (i) (i.e., condition 1 defined in Section III-A is always satisfied);
duration is still given by Tslot = Ts +Tp = (n+2) · T +H/Rb .
therefore, losses are only due to possible collisions. In this
case, the success probability for the source node, in the case
C. Countermeasures to Fading of LWNs, represents the probability that C/I is larger or equal
In the presence of fading, connectivity issues between two to the capture threshold, in all the links connecting S to D. In
consecutive nodes in the line can happen, causing losses of the case of LWSNs, we will evaluate the success probability
packets because of disconnected link(s). averaged among the nodes (nodes nearer to the destination will
To overcome the given issue, we apply power control, which have larger success probability with respect to those farther).
is implemented by introducing an implicit-acknowledge mech- As far as throughput is concerned, according to the defini-
anism as follows. After the transmission of a packet by node tions given in Section III, the source throughput in both LWNs
Ri toward node Ri+1 , node Ri will listen to the channel for the and LWSNs is given by
following slots, waiting for the reception of the packet that node P
Ri+1 is forwarding toward node Ri+2 . Upon reception of such Σ = Σ̂ · [bit/s]. (3)
packet, Ri will get an implicit acknowledgement on its previous
transmission. Note that for the case of LWSNs, we could also evaluate the
Moreover, node Ri+1 will include in the header of the packet network (i.e., generated by all nodes in the network) through-
the level of transmit power used (one byte is sufficient), such put; however, the latter is simply Σ · (n + 1), since in LWSNs,
that node Ri can compute the loss between itself and the a correctly received packet carries the information generated
receiver, i.e., Ri+1 , and can implement power control for the by all the n + 1 sources. As a result, there is only a scaling
following transmissions. factor that would differentiate the two throughput definitions,
The use of power control prevents connectivity issues, but and for this reason, only results related to Σ defined in (3) are
collisions can still happen, because a node X (e.g., the second provided.
relay) can be hidden to Y (e.g., the source) owing to a bad In the remainder of this section, we first introduce notations
channel sample, while its transmission might be characterized and describe formally the sensing mechanism and packet cap-
by a strong power level at the intended receiver (the third relay). ture; then, we provide the model for the cases: z = 3, 4, and 5
We need then to discuss how the protocol will behave in the (the two-hop case is trivial).
presence of collisions and packet losses.
When a node Ri in the line performs its transmission to the A. Notations
next node, i.e., Ri+1 , there are three different events that can
To evaluate pS , p̄S , and ˆ , we model the network behavior
happen. through a finite-state transition diagram [41]. The network
1) The packet is correctly received at the current time slot, status, denoted as S(z) , can be modeled through a (2 · z)-
and at the next slot, Ri+1 will try to access the channel, dimensional stochastic binary and stationary process, com-
and once successful, its transmission will be heard by Ri posed of two sequences of bits, denoted as S(z) = {L(z) , Q(z) },
(which is in sensing and detection state): This packet will where L(z) = {L0 , . . . , Lz−1 } is a z-bit sequence represent-
act as an implicit acknowledgement. ing the status of each link in a given slot, connecting Ri
2) The packet is correctly received by Ri+1 , but when Ri+1 to Ri+1 , with i ∈ {0, . . . , n}, whereas the z-dimensional se-
will access the channel (with a level of transmit power set quence of bits, i.e., Q(z) = {Q0 . . . Qz−1 }, represents the status
of the queue of nodes in the route, i.e., of nodes Ri with B. Sensing and Packet Capture
i ∈ {0, . . . , n}, during the same slot. In particular, Li = 1
We denote as hi,j the probability that node i can “hear” node
in case of active link, that is in case during the slot there
j (and vice versa), which is given by
is a transmission occurring on link i, that is from Ri to
Ri+1 , and Li = 0, otherwise. We set Qi = 1 if node Ri has hi,j = P PRi ≥ PSmin = P PT k d−β
(j) (j)
i,j fj,i ≥ PSmin
a packet in the queue, because 1) a new one has been gen-
erated, or 2) there is a packet in the queue that was not (j)
where PRi is the power received by node i when node j is
transmitted because the channel was detected as busy. Note that transmitting, given by (1), fj,i is the fading sample between
the “1”s in the vector L(z) represent packets that are travel- node j (the transmitter) and node i (the receiver), and di,j is
ing the radio channel and are not in the queue of any nodes the distance between nodes i and j, which will be expressed in
during the slot. the following as xi,j · d, being xi,j an integer. By using (2) and
We denote as s(z) the number of the possible states in which recalling that the random variable representing fading is nega-
the z-hop route could be, and as π (z) the s(z) -dimensional tive exponentially distributed, we have
state probabilities vector, where each element is given by:
P{L0 = l0 , . . . , Lz−1 = lz−1 , Q0 = q0 , . . . , Qz−1 = qz−1 } = fj,j+1 PRmin −β
hi,j = P ≤ xi,j
πl0 ,...,lz−1 ,q0 ,...,qz−1 , also denoted as πl(z) ,q(z) , where l(z) fj,i PSmin
and q(z) are sequences of z bits. We also denote as P(z) the +∞γ
s(z) × s(z) matrix of the state transition probabilities, where = e−(fj,i +fj,j+1 ) dfj,i dfj,j+1
(z) (z) (z)
P ij (z) (t) = P{S(z) (t) = {Lj , Qj }|S(z) (t − 1) = {Li , 0 0
(z) (z) (z)
Qi }} is the probability of passing from state {Li , Qi } to
where γ = (PRmin /PSmin )x−β
(z) (z) i,j . The latter results in h(xi,j ) =
state {Lj , Qj } in t that is equal to P ij (z) , i.e., it is indepen- hi,j = γ/(1 + γ).
dent of time t owing to the stationarity of the process. For what concerns the capture effect, we have
Due to the complexity in the evaluation of pS , p̄S and Σ̂, (i)
which increases by getting z larger, we report in the following C fj,i+1 xβi+1,j
ci,j = P ≥α =P ≤
the complete analysis in the cases z ≤ 5. Simulations are also I (j) fj,j+1 α
used to show results achieved with the L-CSMA protocol when
z > 5. We refer to [40] for the discussion about the possible which is obtained by denoting as xi+1,j · d the distance be-
extension of the model to the case of larger networks. tween the interferer j and the useful receiver, i + 1 and using
In the model, the following simplifying assumptions are the following constraints: C (i) = PRi+1 = PRmin and I (j) =
PT k (xi+1,j · d)−β fj,i+1 = PRmin x−β
made: 1) Two consecutive nodes in the line, being connected (j)
i+1,j (fj,i+1 /fj,j+1 ).
(due to the power control), can also “hear” each other; 2) only Δ
the nearest interferer is considered to evaluate the interfering The latter results in c(xi+1,j ) = ci,j = ξ/(1 + ξ), where ξ =
power (as in [25]); 3) the probabilities ci,j that a packet trans- xi+1,j /α.
mitted by node i and interfered by node j is captured (by node
i + 1) are assumed to be independent, whatever the values of i C. Three-Hop Network
and j. With reference to assumption 1), it could happen that a In Fig. 3, we show the finite-state transition diagram describ-
node i cannot “hear” node i + 1, since the transmit power of ing the behavior of the network when two relays are present.
node i + 1 is set according to the fading sample between node In the diagram, h02 represents the probability that node zero
i + 1 and i + 2 and does not depend on fi,i+1 . However, being (the source) and relay 2 can “hear” each other (and h̄02 =
PSmin ≤ PRmin , according to most real devices, the latter event 1 − h02 ), whereas c02 is the probability that the packet trans-
happens with very low probability. For that which concerns mitted by node zero and interfered by relay 2 is captured (and
assumption 3), if we consider, for example, a three-hop net- c̄02 = 1 − c02 ).
work, we have that c02 and c13 are correlated since they both Each state is represented by two sequences of three bits
depend on the fading sample between R1 and R2 , f1,2 = f2,1 .3 each, representing the status (active or not) of the first, the
However, in the mathematical model, to compute the joint prob- second, and the third links, and of the queues of source, R1
ability (e.g., the probability that the packet sent by S is captured and R2 , respectively. In particular, the possible states in which
when interfered by R2 and that the packet sent by R1 is captured a three-hop network can be are S(3) = {{100,100}, {010,100}
when interfered by R3 ), we assume that the two events are inde- {001,100}, {000,100}, {101,100}}.
pendent, and we just multiply the two probabilities, i.e., c02 and Note that the diagram has been derived considering an LWN
c13 (see below). Comparison with simulation results demon- application, where only the source generates data, and its queue
strates that, owing to the linearity of the topology, the im- has always a data block ready to be transmitted, according to
pact of the simplifying assumptions is not very significant. our application. The latter results in having Q(3) = {100} for
Finally, as previously stated, the model is derived for the all the states, since in this particular network, there are no cases
case W = 1. in which relays are inhibited in the transmission, and their data
blocks remain in the queue for more than one slot. Note that
the results related to the LWSNs can be extrapolated from the
3 Owing to the symmetry of links. same diagram, bearing in mind the following: 1) Each relay
wise, the network will enter the state {101,100}, where possible
∀i,j,q(3) πij1,q(3) 1
collisions may occur. From the latter state, if the packet sent by pS |h̄02 c̄02 =1 = =
∀ j,k,q π | 2
1jk,q(3) h̄02 c̄02 =1
S is captured by R1 (this happens with probability c02 ), the net-
work comes back to {010, 100}; otherwise, the network moves ∀i,j,q(3) πij1,q(3)
pS |h̄02 c02 =1 = = 1.
to state {000,100}, where no transmissions occur, since accord- ∀ j,k,q(3) π1jk,q(3) |h̄02 c02 =1
ing to the protocol, after a transmission S has to wait for W slots
before transmitting the following packet because W = 1 at the Therefore
subsequent slot the network will come back to the initial state, pS = h02 + (1/2 · h̄02 c̄02 + h̄02 c02 )c20 .
with probability 1.
The state probabilities vector is π (3) = [πA(3) , πB (3) , πC (3) , Finally, with reference to the LWSN case, the average success
πD(3) , πE (3) ]T , where [.]T denotes the transpose. The matrix of probability can be expressed as
the state transition probabilities is given by
⎡ ⎤ p̄S = p̄S |h02 =1 · h02 + p̄S |h̄02 c̄02 =1 · h̄02 c̄02 c20
0 0 1 1 0 + p̄S |h̄02 c02 =1 · h̄02 c02 c20
⎢ 1 0 0 0 c02 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
(3) ⎢
P = ⎢ 0 h02 0 0 0 ⎥ ⎥. where
⎣ 0 0 0 0 c̄02 ⎦
0 h̄02 0 0 0 πij1,q(3)
∀ i,j,q(3)
p̄S |h02 =1 = =1
∀ i,j,k,q(3) (i + j + k)πijk,q(3) |h02 =1
To find the state probabilities, the following system should be
∀ i,j,q(3) πij1,q(3) 3
solved: p̄S |h̄02 c̄02 =1 = =
(i + j + k)π (3) |h̄ c̄ =1 4
∀ i,j,k,q
(3) ijk,q
02 02
πA(4) = 1/4 h02 h03 + 1/4 h̄02 c̄02 + 1/5 h02 h̄03 c̄03
+ 1/4 h̄02 c02 c20 h̄13 c̄13
πB (4) = 1/5 h02 + 1/20 h02 h03 + 2/15 h02 h̄03 c03
+ 1/2 h̄02 c02 c̄20 + 1/4 h̄02 c̄02
+ h̄02 c02 c20 (1/3 h13 + 1/4 h̄13 c̄13 )
πC (4) = 1/4 h02 h03 + h02 h̄03 (1/3 c03 + 1/5 c̄03 )
πD(4) = 1/5 h02 h̄03 c̄03 + 1/4 h̄02 c̄02 c̄20
πE (4) = 1/2 h̄02 c02 c̄20 + 1/4 h̄02 c̄02 + h̄02 c02 c20
· (1/3 h13 + 1/4 h̄13 (1 + c13 ))
πF (4) = 1/4 h02 h03 + 1/4 h̄02 c̄02 c20
πG(4) = 1/5 h02 h̄03 (1 + 2/3 c03 )
πH (4) = 1/3 h̄02 h13 c02 c20
πI (4) = 1/4 h̄02 h̄13 c02 c20 (1 + c13 ).
The finite-state transition diagram is reported in Fig. 4. The The five-hop-case model is presented here. Due to the com-
set of states in this case is: S(4) = {{1000,1000}, {0100,1000}, plexity of the model, a simplified analysis for this case has also
{0010, 1000}, {0000, 1000}, {1010, 1000}, {0001, 1000}, been developed, still bringing very good results. This analysis
{1001,1000}, {0001,1100}, {0101,1000}} = {A(4) , B (4) , is reported in the technical report of this paper [40].
C (4) , D(4) , E (4) , F (4) , G(4) , H (4) , I (4) }. The state probabil- In Fig. 5, we show the finite-state transition diagram de-
ities vector is π(4) = [πA(4) , πB (4) , πC (4) , πD(4) , πE (4) , πF (4) , scribing the behavior of the network, with the indication about
πG(4) , πH (4) , πI (4) ]T , and P(4) is given by the different states S(5) = {A(5) , . . . , V (5) }. The matrix of the
⎡ ⎤ state transition probabilities P(5) is given by (7), shown at the
0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 c̄13 bottom of the page.
⎢ 1 0 0 0 c02 c̄20 0 c03 1 0 ⎥ By solving the equation system similar to (4), we can derive
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 0 h02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ⎥ the state probabilities vector, i.e., π (5) . For the sake of con-
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 0 0 0 0 c̄02 c̄20 0 c̄03 0 0 ⎥ ciseness, we report in (8), shown at the bottom of the page, a
⎢ ⎥
P(4) = ⎢ ⎢ 0 h̄02 0 0 0 0 0 0 c13 ⎥ ⎥. single formula that is valid to derive all the states probabilities
⎢ 0 0 h03 0 c̄02 c20 0 0 0 0 ⎥ (which is denoted generically as π) by changing the parameters
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 0 0 h̄03 0 0 0 0 0 0 ⎥ included in the formula. The value of the parameters αk for
⎢ ⎥
⎣ 0 0 0 0 h13 c02 c20 0 0 0 0 ⎦ k = 1, . . . , 35 to be set are reported in Table I, where the apex
0 0 0 0 h̄13 c02 c20 0 0 0 0 is omitted for the sake of space.
For the sake of conciseness, we report a single formula that
To find the state probabilities, the following system should is valid to derive all the three performance metrics (denote
be solved: generically as M ), Σ̂, pS , and p̄S , by changing the parameters
⎧ included in the formula. In particular, by applying the same pro-
⎨πA(4) + πB (4) + πC (4) + πD(4) + πE (4) + πF (4) cedure defined for the other scenarios, we get (9), shown at the
+πG(4) + πH (4) + πI (4) = 1 bottom of the page, for M , where the values of the parameters
⎩ (4)
π = P(4) · π(4) . βk for k = 1, . . . , 35 to be set are reported in Table II.
Σ̂ = 1/4 h02 h03 + h02 h̄03 (1/3 c03 c30+1/5 c̄03 c30 ) + 1/4 h̄02 c̄02 c20 + 1/3 h̄02 h13 c02 c20+1/2 h̄02 h̄13 c02 c20 · (c13 c31 + 1/2 c̄13 c31)
pS = h02 h03 + h02 h̄03 (c03 c30 + 1/2 c̄03 c30 ) + 1/2 h̄02 c̄02 c20 + h̄02 h13 c02 c20 + h̄02 h̄13 c02 c20 (c13 c31 + 1/2 c̄13 c31 )
p̄S = h02 h03 + h02 h̄03 (c03 c30 + 4/5 c̄03 c30 ) + 4/5 h̄02 c̄02 c20 + h̄02 h13 c02 c20 + h̄02 h̄13 c02 c20 (c13 c31 + 2/3 c̄13 c31 ) (6)
VI. B ENCHMARK P ROTOCOLS IEEE 802.15.4 works in the 2.4-GHz band, using a bit rate of
250 kbit/s. We refer to the standard for a complete description of
In the following section, the performance of L-CSMA is the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC protocol [37], but here, we recall that
compared with that obtained when using three different slotted in beacon-enabled mode, time is divided into slots of 320 μs
and contention-based protocols suitable for WSNs: 1) IEEE each and that each node has to sense the channel for two sub-
802.15.4 (in beacon-enabled mode), which is the de facto stan- sequent slots (of 320 μs each) before transmitting the packet,
dard for WSNs; 2) Ripple, which is a token-based protocol [36]; bringing a sensing duration at each attempt of 640 μs. Each
and 3) slotted ALOHA. time a node finds the channel busy, a random delay (backoff)
⎡ ⎤
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 c̄13 c̄31 1 0 0 0 c̄14 0 0 0 0 0 0
⎢ 1 0 0 0 c02 c̄20 0 c03 c̄30 0 0 0 c04 c̄24 0 0 1 0 0 c̄04 0 0⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 0 h02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 h02 c14 0 c̄04 0 0 0 0⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 0 0 0 0 c̄02 c̄20 0 c̄03 c̄30 0 0 0 c̄04 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 0 h̄02 0 0 0 0 0 0 c13 c̄31 0 0 0 1 h̄02 c14 0 0 0 0 0 0⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 0 0 h03 0 c̄02 c20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 0 0 h̄03 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 0 0 0 0 h13 c02 c20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 0 0 0 0 h̄13 c02 c20 0 0 0 0 0 0 c24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 0 0 0 0 0 h04 c̄03 c30 0 h04 c̄13 c31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0⎥
P(5) = ⎢
⎢ 0 0 0 0 0 h̄04 0 0 h̄04 c̄13 c31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0⎥⎥
⎢ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 h̄24 c13 c31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 h04 h24 c13 c31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 0 0 0 0 0 0 h̄14 c03 c30 h̄14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 0 0 0 0 0 0 h14 c03 c30 h04 h14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 h̄04 h24 c13 c31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c04 0 0 0 0⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 h̄04 h14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎣ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c04 0 0⎦
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
π = h02 h03 α1 · h04 + h̄04 (α2 · c04 + α3 · c̄04 ) + h̄03 c03 c30 α4 · h14 + h̄14 (α5 · c14 + α6 · c̄14 ) + α7 · c̄03 c30
+ α8 · c03 c̄30 + α9 · c̄03 c̄30 ]} + h̄02 c02 c20 h13 h14 α10 · h04 + h̄04 (α11 · c04 + α12 · c̄04 ) + h̄14 (α13 · c14 + α14 · c̄14 )
+ h̄13 c13 c31 h̄24 (α15 · c24 + α16 · c̄24 ) + h24 h̄04 α17 · c04 +α18 · h03 c̄04 + h̄03 (c̄04 (α19 · c03 c̄30 + α20 · c̄03 c̄30 )
+ h̄14 c03 c30 (α21 · c14 c̄04 + α22 · c̄14 c̄04 )+ c30 c̄04 (α23 · h14 c03 +α24 ·c̄03 ) +c̄13 c31 α25 · h04 + h̄04 (α26 ·c04 +α27 ·c̄04 )
+ α28 · h04 h24 c13 c31 +α29 · c13 c̄31 +α30 · c̄13 c̄31 ]}+ h̄02 c̄02 c20 α31 · h04 + h̄04 (α32 · c04 + α33 · c̄04 )
M =h02 h03 β1 · h04 + h̄04 c40 (β2 · c04 + β3 · c̄04 ) + h̄03 c03 c30 β4 · h14 + h̄14 c41 (β5 · c14 + β6 · c̄14 ) + β7 · c̄03 c30
+ h̄02 c02 c20 h13 h14 β8 · h04 + h̄04 c40 (β9 · c04 + β10 · c̄04 ) + h̄14 c41 (β11 · c14 + β12 · c̄14 )
+ h̄13 c13 c31 h̄24 c42 (β13 · c24 + β14 · c̄24 )+h24 h̄04 β15 · c04 c40 +β16 ·h03 c̄04 c40 + h̄03 (c̄04 c40 (β17 ·c03 c̄30 +β18 ·c̄03 c̄30 )
+ h̄14 c03 c30 (c14 c̄04 (β19 · c40 c41 + β20 · c̄40 c41 + β21 · c40 c̄41 ) + c̄14 c̄04 (β22 · c40 c41 + β23 · c̄40 c41 + β24 · c40 c̄41 ))
+h14 c03 c30 c̄04 (β25 · c40 + β26 c̄40 )+c̄03 c30 c̄04 (β27 ·c40 + β28 ·c̄40 ))))+c̄13 c31 β29 · h04 + h̄04 c40 (β30 · c04 + β31 ·c̄04 )
+β32 · h04 h24 c13 c31 ]} + h̄02 c̄02 c20 β33 · h04 + h̄04 c40 (β34 · c04 + β35 · c̄04 ) (9)
is introduced before trying to access the channel again. The ing the same data aggregation strategy used for L-CSMA.
slot for this protocol has a different meaning with respect to Moreover, power control is used, and no retransmissions are
the L-CSMA case, where it includes sensing and transmission allowed.
time. For the latter reason, performance is compared in terms of
success probability and throughput and not in terms of normal-
ized throughput. VII. N UMERICAL R ESULTS
The Ripple protocol described in [36] is also considered.
Here, we show numerical results achieved through the math-
In particular, we enhanced the IEEE 802.15.44 through the
ematical model described in Section V and through a simulator,
transmission of three control packets, i.e., RTS, CTS, and RTR,
written in C, implementing the two reference scenarios and the
used to avoid the hidden-terminal problem and acting as tokens
different protocols considered, as they have been described in
in the line. In particular, RTS is used as a token in the down-
the previous sections. In particular, the simulator implements
stream (from the source to the destination), whereas RTR is
the LWN and LWSN applications described in Sections III-B
used as a token in the upstream (from D to S).
and C and the channel and packet capture models described in
In pure slotted ALOHA, when a node has a packet ready
Section III-A. With reference to the latter, for each transmit-
to be transmitted, it will transmit it at the beginning of the
ted packet, the total level of interfering power (i.e., I as the
following slot. Such protocol has a low success probability
sum of the interfering power) is computed, and the signal-to-
when used in multihop networks; therefore, in this paper, we
interference ratio is compared with the threshold, i.e., α, to
consider a smarter version of the protocol, where we impose
decide if the packet has been received or not. Therefore, the
that each node transmits the packet with a probability that is
total level of interference is accounted for. This will allow deter-
a function of the number of relays in the network and set
mination of the level of accuracy of the model, which accounts
equal to 1/(n + 1). In this case, time is divided into slots of
only for the nearest interferer. The simulator has been validated
duration Tslot , where each slot just contains the data packet. The
in [40] through comparison with results achieved using an
latter implies that in the case of LWNs, we have Tslot = Z/Rb ,
NS-3 simulator and experiments performed with TI CC 2530
whereas in the case of LWSNs, we have Tslot = (n + 1) ·
devices. See [40] for details on this.
P/Rb + H/Rb .
In all simulations, results are achieved by averaging among
For the sake of fairness in the comparison, the same ap-
1000 different scenarios and 1000 different transmissions from
plications, i.e., LWN and LWSN, are considered by apply-
S to D per scenario. Each scenario is characterized by a different
fading sample symmetric matrix (obtained by extracting inde-
4 Although the protocol has been originally proposed for IEEE 802.11, we pendent samples of a negative exponential random variable with
apply it to 802.15.4 because it is our reference standard. unit mean) and maintaining the same channel matrix for the
burst of 1000 transmissions, so that proper possible correlations requested in L-CSMA. Finally, for the case of 802.15.4, MAC
among links are accounted for. parameters are set to the default values [37]. If not otherwise
The simulator parameters, when no otherwise specified, are specified, retransmissions are not allowed.
set as follows: Rb = 250 kbit/s, k = −40 dB (considering a
frequency of 2.4 GHz as that used by 802.15.4), H = 160 bits
A. Validation of the Mathematical Model
(20 bytes), P = 160 bits (20 bytes), d = 40 m, β = 3, α =
5 dB, PRmin = −90 dBm, and W = 1. We also set the size Here, we compare the mathematical model results with sim-
of RTS, CTS, and RTR packets equal to 20 bytes. For fair ulation results. The scope of validation through simulation is
comparison among the different protocols, we set the same bit to demonstrate that the simplifying assumptions described in
rate for all cases, and we set the minimum sensing duration, i.e., Section V slightly affect performance.
T , for L-CSMA equal to 640 μs, corresponding to the sensing In Fig. 6, we show the packet success probability, i.e.,
duration for the 802.15.4 and Ripple cases that are also equal to pS , for the source in the case of LWN, as a function of the
the transmission time of the considered payload (20 bytes), as sensing threshold, i.e., PSmin , when considering the model
B. L-CSMA Performance
Here, we compare the performance achievable through the
L-CSMA protocol with those of IEEE 802.15.4, slotted
ALOHA, and Ripple.
Fig. 8. Σ as a function of PSmin : Simulations and model results. We first evaluate the performance in terms of pS for the case
of LWN as a function of the number of hops (see Fig. 9), for dif-
and simulations, for the cases of three, four, and five hops, ferent values of PSmin (note that in the case of slotted ALOHA,
respectively. In this case, we set P = 800 bits (100 bytes). the sensing threshold does not affect performance). In all cases,
As can be seen, slight differences are present in the case of L-CSMA significantly outperforms the other protocols. As
five hops, due to the impact of not considering the correla- expected, Ripple outperforms 802.15.4 but still behaves worse
tion among the capturing probabilities. Fig. 7 refers to the than L-CSMA. Note that since in our protocol packets are lost
LWSN case, i.e., we show the average success probability only due to the presence of hidden node(s) causing a damaging
p̄S , when varying PSmin and setting P = 160 bits (20 bytes). collision, comparing the success probability coincides with
Finally, Fig. 8 shows the source throughput Σ as a function comparing the probability of not having the hidden-terminal
of PSmin considering the LWSN case and P = 160 bits (20 problem: Fig. 9 shows the improvement obtained in this regard
bytes). In all cases, simulations and mathematical model results with respect to 802.15.4.
are compared: A perfect agreement is found. With reference The comparison related to the average success probability,
to the general behavior of the curves, we can note that the i.e., p̄S , is shown in Fig. 10, considering the LWSN case.
Fig. 11. Σ as a function of z for the LWN case. Fig. 12. Σ as a function of z for the LWSN case.
The authors would thank A. Stajkic for the useful discussions
on the model.
Fig. 14. ηTX as a function of z for the LWSN case.
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