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Selamawit Tilahun

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JUNE, 2017




A Thesis Submitted to the Department of Accounting and Finance College of Business and
Economics for the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science
(M. Sc.) in Accounting and Finance


JUNE, 2017
Statement of Declaration

I declare that the thesis entitled “Performance of Ethiopian Manufacturing Sector: In the
case of Ethiopian Meat Processing and Export Industry sub-Sector” submitted for the partial
fulfillment of the M.Sc. Degree in Accounting and Finance at Addis Ababa University is my
original work and it hasn’t been presented for the award of any other Degree, Diploma, or other
similar titles at this or any other university or institution.

Declared by Confirmed by Advisor

Selamawit Tilahun Eshete Abebe Yitayew (PhD)
Signature _______________ Signature __________________
Date ___________________ Date ______________________
Statement of Certification

I certify that the thesis entitled “ Performance of Ethiopian Manufacturing Sector: In the
Case Ethiopian Meat Processing and Export Industry sub-Sector” is the work of Mss.
Selamawit Tilahun. She carried out the research under my guidance and I certified that, to the best
of my knowledge, the work reported herein doesn’t form part of any other project report or
dissertation on the bases of which a degree or other award was conferred on an earlier occasion on
this or any other candidate.

Advisor: Abebe Yitayew (PhD): _________________________

Date: __________________________

A Thesis Submitted to the Department of Accounting and Finance College of Business and
Economics for the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science
(M. Sc.) in Accounting and Finance


Approved by the Board of Examiners:

_______________________________ ______________
Advisor Signature

_______________________________ ______________
Examiner Signature

_______________________________ ______________
Examiner Signature

First, I would like to express my special gratitude to my advisor Abebe Yitayew (PhD) for his
countless suggestions, assistance and invaluable advice from the start to the end of the study. The
preparation of this paper owes much to the hard work, dedication, advice, contributions and
support of many people and organizations. I would like to extend my appreciation to all of them.
In the course of developing this study, various individuals, supportive institutions, federal and
regional state government bureaus, research and academic institutions, export abattoirs, etc. were
contributed to the development of the study. Among the most contributors, Ethiopian meat and
dairy industry development institute, Ethiopian meat producers and exporters association,
Ministry of industry, Ministry of trade, Ministry of Live Stock and Fisheries, and International
Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) are some of them. In addition, I am grateful to all my friends
and colleagues for all their invaluable contributions, dedication, commitment in providing
materials, facilitating to get necessary documents and other information, which helped me to
shape this research document to this level and succeed in my academic endeavor.


CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................1

1.1 Background of the Study ..................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the Problem .................................................................................................3
1.3 Research Objectives ..........................................................................................................4
1.3.1 General Objective ............................................................................................................... 4
1.3.2 Specific Objectives .............................................................................................................. 4
1.4 Research Questions ...........................................................................................................4
1.5 Scope of the Study .............................................................................................................4
1.6 Significant of the Study .....................................................................................................5
1.7 Limitations of the Study ...................................................................................................5
1.8 Organization of the Paper ................................................................................................5
CHAPTER TWO: LITRATURE REVIEW ......................................................................................6
2.1 Global Production and Consumption of Meat ...............................................................6
2.1.1 Global Meat Production Trend (Asia and Europe).............................................................. 6
2.1.2 Global Meat Consumption Trends ...................................................................................... 6
2.1.4 Global Meat Export and Import Trends .............................................................................. 7
2.1.5 Global Meat Value Chain and Its Characteristics ................................................................ 8
2.1.6 Laws and Regulations Governing Meat Industry ................................................................ 8
1.9 Overview of Livestock and Meat Processing and Export Sector in Ethiopia ..............9
2.2 The Livestock Sector and Its Economic Contribution in Ethiopia.............................10
2.2.1 Livestock Production System ............................................................................................ 13
2.2.2 Livestock Productivity in Ethiopia ..................................................................................... 15
2.2.3 Livestock Marketing in Ethiopia ........................................................................................ 15
2.3 Review of Ethiopian Meat processing and export Industry ........................................16
2.3.1 Major Value Chain Actors in Livestock and Meat Processing Sector................................ 16
2.3.2 Livestock Examination, Meat Processing and Transportation in Ethiopia........................ 18
2.4 Ethiopian Meat Production and Consumption Trend .................................................19
2.4.1 Meat Production Trends in Ethiopia ................................................................................. 19
2.4.2 Meat Consumption Trends in Ethiopia ............................................................................. 20
2.4.3 Meat Export Performance in Ethiopia .............................................................................. 20
2.4.4 Enterprises involved in Meat processing Industry............................................................ 21
2.4.5 Large-and Medium-scale Meat Processors ...................................................................... 21
2.4.6 Recent Development in Meat Processing Business .......................................................... 26
2.4.7 Regulatory Issues and Gaps Affecting the Meat Industry Sub-sector .............................. 27
2.4.8 Support Needed to Strength Meat processing and Export Sub-Sector ............................ 29
2.4.9 Laws, Regulations and Guidelines governing Meat Industry in Ethiopia.......................... 30
2.5 Empirical Literature Review .........................................................................................31
CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................................34
3.1 Research Design Approach and Type ...........................................................................34
3.2 Study Location .................................................................................................................35

3.3 Data Type and Source .....................................................................................................35
3.4 Instruments for Data Collection ....................................................................................35
3.5 Sample Design..................................................................................................................36
3.6 Data Analysis and Presentation .....................................................................................37
CHAPTER FOUR: DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS ............................................38
4.1 Meat Export Performance Trend of Selected Abattoirs .............................................38
4.2 Annual Growth Rate for selected Meat Processing and Export Abattoirs ................40
4.3 Survey Results of Sample Export Abattoirs .................................................................41
4.3.1 Response Rate and Respondents’ Profile ......................................................................... 42
4.3.2 Analysis Result of the Study and Discussion ..................................................................... 43
4.3.3 Challenges and Opportunities identified in the Livestock Sector ..................................... 55
CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................59
5.1 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................59
5.2 Recommendations ...........................................................................................................60
5.3 Areas of Further Research .............................................................................................61
REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................62
ANNEX-1 .......................................................................................................................................66
ANNEX-2 .......................................................................................................................................73


Table 1: Top Ten Meat Importer and Exporter in Tones 2014 ........................................................ 7
Table 2 : Export performances of selected Meat Processing and Export Abattoirs (in tones) ....... 38
Table 3: Export performances of selected Meat Processing and Export Abattoirs (in ‘000 USD) 40
Table 4: Overview of export abattoirs and offal processors in Ethiopia ........................................ 71


Figure 1: Export Performances of selected Meat Processing and Export Abattoirs (in Tones) ..... 39
Figure 2: Annual export growth rate of selected Export Abattoirs (in tones) ................................ 41
Figure 3: Export Destination for Cattle products ........................................................................... 44
Figure 4: Criteria used f while purchasing cattle ........................................................................... 44
Figure 5: Preferred cattle age range for meat processing and export ............................................. 45
Figure 6: Diseases affecting meat processing and export .............................................................. 50
Figure 7: Market demand for meat and existence of competition .................................................. 51
Figure 8: Effect of defects on meat processing and export………………………..................55
Figure 9: Slaughtering capacity of abattoirs per day ……………………………………………..56
Figure 10: Extend of automation and method of slaughtering…………………………………... 57
Figure 11: Diseases affecting meat processing and export……………………………………… 57
Figure 12: Market demand for meat and existence of competition ……………………………...58
Figure 13: Observed trends of market demand for meat……………………………………....... 59
Figure 14: Reasons for market price variation………………………………………………....... 59
Figure 15: Responsible organ for market price determination……………………………………60
Figure 16: Preferred mode of Transportation………………………………………………….. 61
Figure 17: Length of time cattle are maintained in Abattoirs…………………………………61


AGP Agricultural Growth Program

AI Artificial Insemination
BMC Botswana Meat Commission
CBPP Contagious Bovine Pleura-Pneumonia
CSA Central Statically Agency
DFZ Disease Free Zones
DVM Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
E.C Ethiopian Calendar
EMDTI Ethiopian Meat and Dairy Industry Development Institute
ERCA Ethiopian Revenue and Customs Authority
ES Ethiopian Standard
FAO Food and Agricultural Organization
FAOSTAT Food and Agricultural Organization Statistics
FDI Foreign Direct Investment
FDRE Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
FMD Foot and Mouth Disease
GDP Growth Domestic Product
GFDRE Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
HACCP Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
ILRI International Livestock Research Institute
IRR Internal Rate of Return
ISO International Standard Organization
Kg Kilogram
Km Kilometer
KSA Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
LDMP Livestock Development Master Plan
LLP Livestock and Livestock Products
LMA Livestock Marketing Authority
LMIS Livestock Market Information System

MENA Middle East & North African
MOA Ministry of Agriculture
MoARD Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
MOFED Ministry of Finance and Economic Development
MOI Ministry of Industry
MoLF Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries
NAIC National Artificial Insemination Center
NGOs Non-Governmental Organizations
OIE Office International des Epizootics
PACE Pan African Campaign against Epizootics
PLC Private Limited Company
QSAE Quality and Standards Authority of Ethiopia
RMA Rapid Market Appraisal
RVF Rift Valley Fever
SNNP South Nation Nationalities Peoples
SPS Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary
TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training
UAE United Arab Emirates
US$ United States Dollar
USAID United States of America International Development
USD United States Dollar
VAT Value Added Tax
WB World Bank
WHO World Health Organization
WTO World Trade Organization


Ethiopia is one of the countries with largest livestock populations in Africa. However, the
performance of meat processing and export of the country is very low compared to other similar
economies with low livestock population. There are different internal and external factors for this
poor performance of the sector. The main objective of this study is thus to assess the performance
of meat processing and export sector of Ethiopia and its trends, identifying the major challenges
and opportunities in the sector. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used in the study.
In addition, primary and secondary data were collected and used for analysis. The primary data
were collected using semi-structured questionnaire. Sample abattoirs were selected for the study
based on their length of service, performance, employee number and 35 sample participants were
selected from each abattoirs using convenient sampling. In addition, secondary data were
collected from reports of NBE, MoFED, and CSA to undertake trend analysis for five years
(2010/11 – 2014/15) on selected abattoirs. Analysis was made to identify the relationship between
variables identified in the paper using SPSS and Microsoft Excl. Results of the study revealed that
shortage of livestock supply both in quantity and quality, lack of standard functional export
abattoirs and slaughtering houses and problem of livestock market structure, inconsistent price,
absence of sufficient infrastructural facilities and logistic supplies are the major constraints
hindering the performance of meat processing and export. Hence, to enhance the performance of
meat processing and export industry, it is very important to enhance the supply of quality
livestock, minimize livestock market intermediaries, expand the number of standard export
abattoirs and work on livestock related infrastructure such as transportation and modern
fattening facilities so as to enhance the performance of the sector. The paper also invites
researcher to assess the determinants of investment on meat processing and export in Ethiopia.

Keywords: Livestock, Export abattoirs, Meat processing and Export performance


1.1 Background of the Study

Ethiopia is among the rapidly growing economy in Sub-Saharan Africa with an average growth
rate of 10.5% for the past consecutive years. The sectors that contributed for this growth include
agriculture, industry and service. For centuries, the Ethiopian economy is highly characterized by
agricultural based subsistence, low input-low output, rain fed farming. Currently, industry and
service sectors are the two important sectors that are growing at a very significant rate, replacing
the role of agriculture. Since 2010, the service sector took the leading role of the economy,
resulting in structural shift. It contributed around 46% of the economy followed by agriculture
with a share of 44% (MoFED, 2014/15). Industry sector, which is growing at around 20% per
annum, contributed only 14% to the national GDP. Manufacturing is key sub-sector contributed
about 25% to industrial output and 4.2% to real GDP during the period (MoFED, 2014/15).

In Ethiopia, modern manufacturing industry began to appear in the 1950s’, much earlier than
many other Sub-Saharan African countries with the intention to substitute imports. This
development, however, disturbed whatever little there was in private initiative due to changes in
policies (MoFED, 2014/15). In l970s, the manufacturing sector was characterized by the
revolution towards foreign ownership and foreign managerial, professional, and technical
staffing. It also gave more emphasis on light industries, inward orientation and relatively high
tariffs, capital-intensiveness, underutilized capacity, minimal linkage among the different
sectors, and excessive geographical concentration of industries in Addis Ababa.

Starting from 1991, the industry sector in general and the manufacturing sector in particular were
given due national importance following the formulation of the national industry policy in 2002.
This policy was designed within the framework of global environment based on underlying
principles of free-market economy. The 2002 industry policy has identified priority sectors that
deserve attention to build the platform for the industry to take its key leading role in the
economy. These sectors include textile and garment, leather and leather products, chemical,
metal, agro-processing and construction industries (ibid). The industry policy has continued to be
the corner stone for future industrial development in Ethiopia.

In line with the industrial policy of the country, one of the major manufacturing sectors that
plays important role for the economic development of the country is the food industry (agro-
processing industry). Specifically meat processing and export sub-sector is among the main food
industry contributing greatly to the economic development of the nation. In this regard, Ethiopia
has the largest number of livestock in Africa and ranks tenth in the world. Reports of the Central
Statistical Authority (CSA, 2014/15) indicated that livestock population in Ethiopia is estimated
to be 56.7 million heads of cattle, 29.3 million heads of sheep, 29.1million heads of goats and 2.5
million heads of camels. Livestock sector contributes around 25% to GDP and 45% to the
agricultural sector, supporting the livelihoods of 70% of the population, and generating about
16% of annual export earnings. Livestock have multiple uses aside from income generation,
including cash storage for those located in remote areas, means of draught and pack services,
source of milk and meat, and manure for fuel and fertilizer (ILRI, 2013/14).

Meat processing and consumption is common all over the world, especially in countries endowed
with livestock. As income of population increases, there is high demand for livestock and meat.
In this regard, increase in per capital income leads to increase in demand for meat, as observed in
the Middle East, North and West African countries. As a result, Ethiopia has been earning
foreign currency by exporting processed meat (mainly chilled shoats’ carcass) and cattle meat
through exporting to markets like UAE, KSA, Yemen and Egypt. As the country has the largest
number of livestock in Africa, Ethiopia has much to gain from the growing global market for
livestock products (SPS-LMM, 2010). Subject to the above facts, this study examines the
performance of meat processing and export sector. It also assesses those enterprises involved in
meat processing and export industry and identifying major challenges affecting their
performance and examines opportunities in the sub-sector. The study also proposes possible
recommendations that help to improve the efficiency of this sector.

1.2 Statement of the Problem
Ethiopia is a country with large livestock populations. However, the sector has not developed as
expected to help the country and generate the expected economic benefit as compared similar
economies with low livestock population. Its current share in the global export market for meat is
quite small due to low operational performance. In 2013, the volume of global meat exports was
estimated at USD 105 billion but the share of Ethiopia accounted only less than one percent of
this total. With this share Ethiopia ranked 43rd largest meat exporter. Majority of this export
constituted with chilled sheep and goat carcasses (FAOSTAT, 2014).

Even if there are slight improvements in the number of abattoirs and corresponding capacities,
the value addition of meat industry has not increased to the existing potential. The slaughter
houses in the country have inadequate facilities for meat processing, thus not performing value
addition for incurring cost. However, due to the emerging meat export opportunities to the
Middle East and North African countries, the country is being establishing several large scale
meat processing abattoirs. These developments are in the right direction to increase foreign
exchange earnings and improving the livelihoods of livestock producers and other actors
engaged in the livestock business. However, the Ethiopian meat processing and export marketing
system is operating in an environment characterized by several constraints that needs the
attention and action of the government and other non-governmental organizations. Some of these
constraints include inadequate and low quality live animal supply and lack of modern
slaughtering houses and export abattoirs, which resulted in the existing meat processing facilities
to operate at less than 50% of their operational capacities (ibid).

In addition, the topic under discussion has no updated information on the reason why the
performance of the sector still low. Studies made on similar topics are also not sufficient enough
to provide detailed information. Daniel Tewodros (2008) conducted specific study that gives
more emphasis on beef cattle production system and opportunities for market orientation in
Borena Zone of Oromia Region. It is, therefore, imperative to assess and identify the major
factors affecting the performance of meat industry in general and the smooth functioning of the
Ethiopian meat export market in particular so as to take appropriate action. Thus, this study
assesses the operational performance of meat processing and export subsector in selected export

1.3 Research Objectives

1.3.1 General Objective

The overall objective of this study is to assess the operational performance of Ethiopian Meat
processing and export industry.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

On the basis of the general objectives, the specific objectives of the study are listed below.
 To assess and examine the past and current performance of meat industry in relation to
meat production and export in Ethiopia
 To identify the major challenges that hinders the growth of the sector.
 To define major opportunities available in the sector.

1.4 Research Questions

The study will attempt to address the following questions to achieve the intended objectives:
1. What is the past and current performance of meat industry sub-sector in relation to meat
production and export?
2. What are the major challenges that hinder the development of the sector?
3. What are the major opportunities available in this sector?

1.5 Scope of the Study

This study is delimited to study the operational performance of meat processing and export
industry in Ethiopia. The study specifically focuses on assessing the performance of export
abattoirs located in Bishoftu and Modjo, Ethiopia. Especially it is delimited on assessing and
examining the operational and export performance and available opportunities in this sector. It
also focuses on identifying the major constraints in meat processing and export of Ethiopia that
hinder the development of the sub-sector. A total sample of five (5) export abattoirs and offal
processors that are located and operating in Bishoftu and Modjo towns were considered for the
study. In addition, abattoirs with 5 years and above experience in the sector were considered in
the study. Besides, analysis of data for 5 years (2010/11 – 2014/15) was made with the intention
to observe the operational trends of the sub-sector.

1.6 Significant of the Study
The relevance of this study can be seen from three important perspectives. First, it addresses the
overall operational performance of meat industry in Bishoftu and Modjo towns, Ethiopia. This
will help to identify the major challenges that hinder the contributions of the sector on foreign
earnings of the country. Second, the findings may guide policy makers, local administrative,
pastoralists, market actors, meat exporters and different stakeholders working for the
development of the sector to be alert on where to focus while supporting the sector to contribute
more for national economic development. Finally, the study will help as input for researchers and
academicians as secondary sources to undertake further researches.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

Some of the factors that limited the research work include lack of comprehensive data, problem
of on-time accessing of sample respondents to distribute and collect questionnaire and
respondents bias towards the study. These limitations may affect comprehensive assessment and
limit the study to draw the overall picture of the industry under study.

1.8 Organization of the Paper

This paper is organized into five sections. The first charter give emphasis on the background of
the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, scope,
significance and limitations of the study. On the other hand, chapter two deals with review of
related literature and the third chapter is about the methodology used for data collection,
compilation and analysis. Discussion and analysis of the data and its interpretation is presented
in chapter four. The last chapter summarizes the findings of the study and provides conclusion
and recommendations.


In this chapter review of existing literatures was made in the area of global and domestic livestock
and meat production and consumption trends. Overview of the livestock sector and its contribution
to domestic economy and assessment of Ethiopian Meat Industry are also broadly addressed in the
chapter. Detail review of literature and the assessment related findings is presented in the sections

2.1 Global Production and Consumption of Meat

2.1.1 Global Meat Production Trend (Asia and Europe)

FAO (2014) report state that the total world meat production was estimated around 308.5 million
tons in 2014, indicating a compounded growth rate of 1.8 percent between 2005 and 2014. Most of
the increase is reported from developing countries, where over 63 percent of the production
originates. FAOSTAT (2014) report also indicated that Asia is the leading meat producing region,
accounting for more than 43 percent of the total. Strong consumer demand and government
support policies are among the supporting factors to increase Asia’s region output by 1.6 percent
of annual growth rate. Most of the production in Asia is covered by China, which the largest meat
producing country, representing over 65 percent of the Asian share and about 27 percent of the
world’s share.

Similar report stated that Europe is the second largest meat producing region following Asia,
accounts for 19 percent of the global meat production. Total meat production of Europe in 2014
has reached around 52.5 million tons, indicating a compounded annual growth rate of over 1
percent between 2005 and 2014. EU, the second largest meat producer after China, is reported to
account most of the region share, with the production of 44.9 million tons in 2014, representing
over 76 percent of the region’s share and about 15 percent of the world share (ibid).

2.1.2 Global Meat Consumption Trends

Global meat consumption reached more than 307 million tons in 2014, indicating a growth of
about 13 percent between 2005 and 2014 (ibid). With an estimated population of 7.18 billion,
global per capita consumption of meat was about 42.8 Kgs in 2014. Asia is the leading meat
consuming region, accounted for more than 45 percent of the world consumption of meat.

FAO (2014) report stated that meat consumption in developing countries is projected to grow
faster than the developed ones. Per capita consumption of meat is also expected to remain much
higher, more than double, in the developed countries by 2022. Furthermore, per capita
consumption growth is projected to spread over all meat types in the developing countries with the
largest increase expected for poultry consumption, followed by pig meat and beef. In contrast, only
marginal growth in per capita meat consumption is anticipated in the developed countries by 2022
as a result of aging populations, changing lifestyles and diets which affect consumption (ibid).

2.1.4 Global Meat Export and Import Trends

Global meat trade by volume reached 30.9 million tons in 2014. USA, the largest total meat
exporter, holds export market share of 24.5 percent. Brazil and China are the second and third
largest meat exporter after USA at about 21 and 6 percent of the world market, respectively.

Table 1: Top Ten Meat Importer and Exporter in Tones 2014

Rank Importer 1000’ Tons Exporter 1000’ Tons
1 China 4407 USA 7569
2 Japan 3102 Brazil 6423
3 Russia 2370 EU 4016
4 Hong Kong 2132 Australia 1965
5 Mexico 1802 China 1900
6 USA 1608 India 1774
7 Viet Nam 1351 Canada 1720
8 EU 1336 New Zealand 923
9 Saudi Arabia 1090 Hong Kong 913
10 Republic of Korea 875 Thailand 800
Total 29,444 Total 30874
Source: FAOSTAT, 2014

In terms of import, China, Japan and Russia ranked one up to three in the global market with a
total import volume of 4.4, 3.1 and 2.3 million tones of meat respectively. Unlike Russia and

Japan, which are the net importers of meat, China is one of the largest exporters of meat in the
world as well. This may be due to the number of livestock produced in the economy.

2.1.5 Global Meat Value Chain and Its Characteristics

The global livestock market value chain generically constitutes various actors along the value
chain stages including, livestock keepers or group of farmers, processors, wholesalers and retailers
that work to supply the animal and its product. In meat sub sector, for instance, the farmers are the
source for the livestock. They rear and fatten animal and supply to ranchers or feedlot operators for
preparation to live animal marketers or processers. The processors buy live animals for
slaughtering and process further to add value to the market requirement and supply to wholesalers.
The consumers buy livestock products either directly from processors or from retailers or
wholesalers. Local market and export market of the livestock and their products is performed
following the channels while exporters are involved in the later case and quality of the products is
ensured as per the export market requirement (FAO, 2014).

2.1.6 Laws and Regulations Governing Meat Industry

In order to regulate the meat processing and export sector different nations and continental
organizations has adopted a range of legislation that governs the management of livestock and
their slaughter at all stages of the food processing. These include requirements in designing and
establishing slaughtering facilities and dressing requirements for meat processing and export
business. In order to address these requirements, different laws and regulations are adhered in
different part of the world. The EU food hygiene regulations are one of the most cited regulations
that are applied in all member states from 1 January 2006, replacing 17 directives, including eight
that are specifically related to meat. These regulations include Regulation 853/2004, Regulation
854/2004, Regulation 852/2004, Regulation 2076/2005, Regulation 852/2004, Regulation
853/2004, Regulation 854/2004 and Regulation 2076/2005. As per the requirement of these
regulations, all livestock and related food products are expected to meet the requirements stated in
these regulations. This made to ensure the quality of livestock products and protect the public from
any health hazards.

1.9 Overview of Livestock and Meat Processing and Export in Ethiopia
Ethiopia is one of the countries with this abundant livestock. However, the country is one of the
lowest per capita consumptions of meat in world. There are several reasons for this low
consumption: among the main reasons for low consumption in Ethiopia, low per capita income,
high domestic meat prices, long fasting days (by 43% of the population), which accounted for over
200 days per year can be mentioned (FAOSTAT, 2013/14). Despite this fact, there is appreciable
growth in terms of number of Ethiopian meat processing industries during the period 2005 - 2014.
There are more than 22 meat industries that are either already established or under construction.
Currently, there are 16 industries that were engaged in either meat or offal processing but some of
them stop their operation due to different reasons.

Ethiopian abattoirs and other processors are found in different status; out of 22 meat industries 9
export abattoirs are functional, 6 of them are non-functional while 7 others are under construction.
Even, those functional abattoirs are working under their capacity (with an average capacity of
about 34%). Moreover, despite increase in the number of abattoirs and corresponding capacities,
the value addition has not proportionately increased due to reason that none of the current
functional meat processing industries and export abattoirs produced semi-processed and processed
meat products. Slaughter houses have also inadequate facilities for processing, thus not performing
value addition for incurring cost. Out of meat produced, there is little or no meat converted into
value added products. In order to increase the value added, Ethiopia needs to invest in modern
abattoirs and meat processing industries of international standard with all the necessary facilities.

In response to inadequacies in the sector, several large scale meat processing abattoirs have been
established in Ethiopia in response to the emerging meat export opportunities to the Middle East
and North African Countries. There are also several meat export abattoirs under construction and
more are planned to be established in the near future in different regions of the country. These
developments are in the right direction towards diversifying and increasing Ethiopia’s foreign
exchange earnings and improving the livelihoods of livestock producers and other actors engaged
in the livestock related activities (Asfaw and Mohamed, 2007). As a result, meat exports from
Ethiopia, (mostly chilled but some frozen and some canned), grew from almost nothing in the
early 1990s to an average of about 2000 tons by the year 2002.

Trade expansion was mainly due to the emergence of private slaughter houses and their ability to
meet the sanitary standards of importers. As it is well known, Ethiopia has a strong comparative
advantage in the region, because of its proximity to large meat importing economies such as Saudi
Arabia, UAE, etc., with short delivery times in contrast to countries such as Australia, which
supply mostly frozen meat in bulk, and provide preferred products and in particular meat from
favored fat-tail sheep such as the Black Head Ogaden and serve niche markets for products such as
offal in West Africa (MoARD, 2012). Meat export volume significantly increased from 870 tons
in 2000/01 to 17,666 in 2011/12. The Country’s export performance reached its peak in 2011/12
by exporting 17,666 tons of meat. In the period under review, the meat export (chilled shoats
carcass) value has picked up from USD 1.7 million to USD 79.1 million (EMDTI, 2014).

Ethiopia’s current share in the global meat export market is quite low. For instance, in 2011, the
volume of global meat exports was estimated at USD 105 billion, and Ethiopia accounted for less
than one percent of this total, of which most is chilled sheep and goat carcasses. With this share
Ethiopia ranked the 43rd largest meat exporter. This is merely due to very low off-take rates, large
numbers of animals that by-pass abattoirs and exported live, producers who are not commercially
oriented and sell only in need of cash or when draught animals get too old, lack of certifications
and acceptable international standards by meat processors . Despite this fact, the sector played
significant role in employment creation, which increased slightly within the last consecutive three
years, (increased from 1130 in 2012 to 1550 in 2014). However, the growth in employment has
not been proportional with the increase in the number of abattoir and their corresponding capacity.
The reason behind this is due to the current low capacity utilization of the existing functional
abattoirs, which is below 50 percent, mainly due to import bans, competition between enterprises
for limited supplies in limited supply shades; problems related to quality and inadequate
throughputs (EMDTI, 2014).

2.2 The Livestock Sector and Its Economic Contribution in Ethiopia

Livestock is the major sources of income for majority of the people in Ethiopia. It contributes
greatly for meat processing and export business. CSA (2014/15) report indicated that Ethiopia has
the largest livestock herd in Africa, with an estimated population of 56.7 million cattle, 29.3
million sheep, and 29.1 million goats. In terms of significance and contribution, livestock has
strong economic and social importance both at household and national levels. Although estimates

10 | P a g e
vary widely, the livestock sector is contributing approximately 25% of Ethiopian gross domestic
product (GDP), 45% of agricultural GDP and 16% of foreign earnings (ibid). Livestock have
multiple uses aside from income generation, including cash storage for those beyond the reach of
the banking system, draught and pack services, and manure for fuel and fertilizer. In addition to
these non-market values, a thriving informal export trade in live animals further emphasizes the
significance, though unrecognized by official statistics, of livestock (particularly cattle) in the
Ethiopian economy (ILRI, 2013/14).

Livestock export constitutes the large share of income of Ethiopia. Different constraining factors
contributing for low performance, in the year 2000, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia imposed an
import ban on all livestock and livestock products from the Horn of Africa in response to the
health risks related to Epizootic Rift Valley Fever (RVF) (FEWS NET, 2010). This ban reduced
the volume of export significantly. Though meat and livestock exports tied with the
aforementioned problems, livestock export income has increased and accounted for approximately
$150 million in formal export earnings, making up 10% of the formal exports in 2008.
Approximately, half of this value comes from live animal and meat exports and the remainder
being from hides and skins.

Information collected from the same source shows that formal live animal exports are
predominantly constitutes cattle, accounting 70% of total export. Meat exports are almost entirely
from sheep and goats, and hides and skins are primarily from cattle. Trends over the last 10-20
years show that meat and live animals becoming important to livestock exports relative to hides
and skins (Sintayehu et al., 2010). In 2009/10 budget year, around 36% and 28% increment of
meat export in volume and value terms, respectively, compared to the previous year (2008/09). In
addition, while comparing with 2008/09, the number and value of live animals exported in
2009/10 increased by 55% and 15%, respectively (Trade bulletin, 2010).

Ethiopia exported approximately 200,000 livestock annually through formal channel after 2004
(Yacob and Catley, 2010). This figure is significantly higher than the annual official exports of
cattle (12,934 head), sheep (13,554 head) and goats (1,247 head) that are registered between 1998
and 2003 (Asefaw and Mohammad, 2007). This shows that the growth of the formal channel since
2004 is high. This result is registered due to an increase in government oversight of the sector.

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Data shows that of the total 200,000 livestock exported formally, approximately 40,000 are cattle
and they are exported from Amhara Region to Sudan, while smaller volumes of livestock are
exported formally to Somalia and Kenya. The majority, however, is exported to Djibouti. The
reason behind high exports to these countries includes climatic similarity of importing countries
and the localities in which the animals grew.

Despite the above facts, In 1990s, the share of live animal exports in total and livestock products
export earnings was declined due to the collapse of the Somali state in 1992. The war in North-
west Somalia resulted in the closure of Berbera Port (FEWS NET, 2010). In addition, increased
domestic demand due to population growth and stagnant or declining production in the early 1990s
led to major decrease in exports. It was also predicted that the population growth rate (2.9%)
absorbed official exports for domestic consumption, and an increase in productivity was
recommended to prevent the decline in export levels (FAO, 1993).

Recent data from Ethiopian Revenue and Customs Authority shows that live animal exports
contributed 70% of the earnings and meat exports accounted for the remaining 30%. Chilled sheep
and goat carcasses accounted for 80%, beef 9% and offal 11% of the exported meat in volume. Of
the number of exported live animals, cattle accounted for 46%, sheep 35%, camels 13% and goats
6%; whereas cattle contributed 67%, camels 25% and shoats 8% to the revenue generated (ERCA,

On the other hand, studies made on livestock shows that Ethiopia owns huge number of small
ruminants, estimated to be 58 million heads of sheep and goats. Small ruminants are found mainly
in the lowland agro-ecology which constitutes 65% of the area, where 25% sheep and close to
100% goat population exist (PACE-Ethiopia, 2003). Sheep and goats cover more than 30% of all
domestic meat consumption and generate cash income from export of meat carcass, edible organs,
live animals and skins (Fletcher and Zelalem, 1991). Hence, an increase in small ruminants’
production could contribute to the attainment of food self-sufficiency in the country particularly in
response to protein requirement for the growing human population as well as to enhance the export
earnings (Teferi, 2000).

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Even though the contribution livestock is high for economic growth, there is significant economic
loss annually as a result of mortality, poor weight gain and condemnation of edible organs and
carcasses at slaughter. This production loss in the livestock industry is estimated at more than 900
million USD annually (Jacob, 1979; Abebe, 1995; Jobre et al., 1996). These problems have
affected the contribution of the livestock sub sector. In addition, the development of the livestock
subsector is also hampered by different constraints. These include rampant animal diseases, poor
nutrition, poor husbandry, poor infrastructure, and shortage of trained man power and lack of
government support (PACE-Ethiopia, 2003). As a result, significant economic losses have been
registered each year due to animal mortality, inferior weight gain and condemnation of edible
organs during slaughtering (Jobre et al., 1996; Abebe, 1995).

2.2.1 Livestock Production System in Ethiopia

According to the study by Ministry of Agriculture, all animals slaughtered by local and export
abattoirs arises from three livestock production system: highland crop-livestock mixed farming,
lowland, and urban and pre-urban meat production system (MoA, 2014. Details of each production
system are presented as follow.

A. Highland Crop-Livestock Mixed Farming System

It is featured by a mixed farming system where crop cultivation and livestock production are
undertaken side by side complementing each other. From the total national livestock holdings,
about 80% of cattle (about 40 million heads) in small herds (averaging 2-4 cattle), 75% of sheep
(averaging per household about 4 sheep), 25% of goats (averaging per household about 4 goats),
and 95% of poultries are found in this production system (USAID, 2014B). Livestock plays a
pivotal role in the highland settings through provision of draught power for crop production,
manure for soil fertility and fuel, and serves as source of supplementary family diet and source of
income (that is income from sale of livestock and its products) particularly when markets for crops
are not favorable. Cattle are used primarily for draught power (oxen are 40-50 percent of the herd)
and dairy (dairy cows are 25 percent of the herd). Meat production is secondary, and thought to
involve mainly old and unproductive animals.

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B. Lowland Production System
Lowlands are situated in the Eastern, Southern, and Western part of the Central highlands (Afar,
Somali, Borena, South Omo, some part of Gambela and Beneshangul). The sector is characterized
by pastoral and agro–pastoral production systems where about 20 percent of cattle, 25 percent of
sheep and 75 percent of goats of the total national livestock population are found. The population
of 10 million pastoralists spans largely nomadic communities and largely sedentary agro-
pastoralists: but nearly all own cattle in herds typically of 10-15 cattle and about 7 sheep and/or
goats. Livestock are the principal source of subsistence providing milk, meat and cash income to
cover family expenses for food grains and other essential household requirements (mostly
consumer goods). Cattle are used primarily for dairy for household consumption, with the result
that the majority of the herd is female.

Pastoral regions are densely populated by international pastoral standards although livestock
density is lower in comparable countries. Average distance to market is about 90 kilometers
(Sintayehu, 2010et al., 2010). Nearly all of the live animals and meat exported from Ethiopia
comes from lowland cattle, goat and sheep (20% sheep and 80% goats) due in large part to the
preferences of the international market for these animals that have developed over the years (CSA,
2013). The key interaction between the two systems is the sale of male calves from the lowlands to
the highlands for draught power and eventually, for fattening.

C. Urban and Peri-urban Systems

Urban and Peri-urban systems include semi commercial and commercial private farms (feedlots)
concentrated around Addis Ababa and other large towns. This production use exotic and cross
breed animals in addition with local breeds. Feed from natural pastures and other grazing resources
that are actually directly "harvested" by livestock is even less important in urban and peri-urban
system than in the other Ethiopian production systems. Thus, bought in hay and crop residues are
complemented by manufactured concentrates and agro-industrial by-products from the milling and
brewing industries. Such by-products include oil seed cakes, cotton seeds, brewer’s grains and
slaughter house products (ibid).

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2.2.2 Livestock Productivity in Ethiopia
Productivity of Ethiopian livestock sector is low compared to other nations. This is due to lack of
well organized effort towards improving the system of cattle breeding and care. Livestock
production in Ethiopia is highly fragmented and geographically dispersed, with limited large
commercial operations. In Ethiopia, meat cattle productivity is much below potential (one of the
lowest) and characterized by low birth weight, sub-optimal growth rate, average age at first
calving (4.5 years), Boran cows under pastoral management (4 years), Boran cows at Abernosa
ranch (22 months), long calving interval (2 years), delayed age to reach market or slaughter
weight, low power output of draught animals, low carcass and milk production, average meat
production/slaughtered animal (110 kg beef and 10 kg mutton) and low per capita consumption of
animal products meat (8.5- 10 kg) (ibid).

Meat production per head of livestock in Ethiopia is low by standards of other significant
livestock-producing African countries. It is just 8.5 kg per head of cattle per year, significantly
lower than that of Kenya and Senegal, 21 and 16 kg respectively. Off-take in Ethiopia is low
compared with that in other East African countries, suggesting that many livestock holders prefer
to keep their live cattle for domestic use rather than selling them. It is commonly claimed that
inconsistent supply of quality animals is a major constraint to commercialization (Sintayehu et al.,

2.2.3 Livestock Marketing in Ethiopia

In Ethiopia, most households with livestock motivate for sale when there are incidental household
expenses (taxes, loan repayments, social and family obligations) rather than pre-planned
commercial gain. This indicates that many livestock holders do not view their animals as
commercial entities but rather as household assets that can be sold as needed. Hence, the main
objective of keeping different combination of livestock in Ethiopia is not for commercial purpose.
The primary purpose of cattle keeping in most of the highlands is to produce oxen. Pastoralists are
relatively less responsive to price, timing and market condition poorly. For example, there is often
a supply glut of poor animals during the dry season. In general, livestock producers are widely
perceived to be “subsistence-oriented” rather than “market-oriented” in Ethiopia.

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Current knowledge on livestock market structure, performance and prices are poor and inadequate
for designing policies and institutions to overcome perceived problems in the marketing system.
Knowledge on how marketing routes and systems could contribute to the spread of diseases and
the implications of these for national and international trade in livestock is also highly inadequate
to design any policy or institutional innovation to improve marketing for the benefit of the poor
(Ayele et al., 2003). Further, regaining the export market will require an understanding of the
market potential in the importing countries including growth in demand, sanitary and
phytosanitary (SPS) and other quality requirements, rules and regulations governing the market
(Ayele et al., 2003).

2.3 Review of Ethiopian Meat processing and Export Industry

Meat processing and export industry is one of the sectors that have been given development
priorities by the Ethiopian government in order to increase meat exports, especially beef in order
to capture value of hides and offal’s and to create job opportunities and market outlet to producers,
particularly the pastoralists. Due to the favorable investment opportunity of the country, many
investors are getting to this sector and large number of export abattoirs is established since 1998.
Currently there are 9 working export abattoirs that are engaged in slaughtering and meat
processing. In addition, other new export standard abattoirs are under construction in Bishoftu and
Bahir-Dar, which are expected to start exporting to different countries in the near future.

In the last decade, there has been considerable development in the private livestock export
industry. The number of modern livestock export firms established in the country has been on the
rise. There has also been a growing demand and expanding export market for livestock products,
particularly goat meat, from Ethiopia. The primary destinations include Middle Eastern and Gulf
State nations. The present structure of Ethiopia’s meat exports indicates, the main meat products
exported from Ethiopia are chilled whole sheep and goat carcasses, chilled beef, chilled camel
meat, chilled offal, and preparation of poultry.

2.3.1 Major Value Chain Actors in Livestock and Meat Processing Sector
The key players in Ethiopian livestock and meat processing sector include producers, collectors,
fatteners, live animal exporters, export abattoirs, domestic butcheries, hotels, restaurants,
supermarkets and other service providers. These players have their own role in their respective

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chain and play specific role in adding values. While looking at the market chain of the sector, most
of the export abattoirs and live animal exporters collect animals either through their own
purchasing agent assigned in major livestock markets or through other small and large scale
traders. Sometimes livestock trading cooperatives are also directly supplying animals to the

On the other hand, exporters’ agents in turn collect animals either from collectors, small traders,
livestock trading cooperatives, farmer groups or directly from producers. Producers have the
option of selling their animals to the collectors in their village, small traders, and livestock trading
cooperatives or directly to the exporters. Some farmers also form groups and supply animals to the
market (Getachew et al.,2008).

Producers of live animal especially goat and sheep for meat export are found in the lowland areas
such as Low lands of Oromia, Afar, Somali and South Omo. The marketing behavior of producers
varies from place to place. Pastoralists consider larger herd size as symbols of prestige. Sales of
live animals are taken as a last resort and animals are generally sold when the producers face
financial shortage and drought. During summer season, there is shortage of live animal in the
market due to over flooding of rivers and road problem. In addition, the pastoralists want to
reproduce their animals in order to increase their animal wealth (Adugnaw M. et al., 2009).

Live Animal Traders (suppliers/agents), especially sheep and goat, are mostly found in Metehara,
Borena and Afar. They buy live animals either directly from the farmer /producers/ pastoralists or
buy from other traders at different village markets.

Animal feed suppliers supply animal feed for the fattening centers and abattoirs. Most of the
time, abattoirs use grass only for animals, because they keep their animals for the maximum of
three days in their compound. The abattoirs get grass from areas like Selale, Sululta and sendafa.

Abattoirs/Butchers, out of the existing 16 export abattoirs and offal processors only 9 are
currently functional. All of the existing abattoirs have facilities for sheep and goats, but facilities
for cattle and beef are limited in all of the abattoirs. These abattoirs get their animals supplied by

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traders or through their agents. When the demand is high and the supplies are limited from their
usual sources, some of them buy animals from big traders at their factory gate.

2.3.2 Livestock Examination, Meat Processing and Transportation in Ethiopia

In order to make animal ready for slaughtering, animals expected to pass through physical
examination. Livestock are rested for two to three days in a holding area where they receive feed
and water. In addition, before slaughtering, they are expected to be held in the lairage for 12 to 24
hours with access to water but not feed. During their stay in the lairage, animals undergo ante
mortem or pre-slaughter examination. Animals that pass the examination are slaughtered using the
Halal procedure. Afterward the carcass is chilled at -2 to 2 degrees Celsius for 24 hours. As meat
is the main source of protein to man, it should be clean and free form diseases of particular
importance to the public such as tuberculosis, hydatidosis, cysticercosis, and fasciolosis (Sirak,

A proper ante-mortem inspection of the animal makes the task of routine post-mortem inspection
simpler and straightforward procedure (Gracey, 1986). Post-mortem inspection is the center
around which meat hygiene revolves since it provides information indispensable for the scientific
evolution of clinical signs and pathological processes that affect the wholesomeness of meat
(Libby, 1995; Gracey, 1986).

A thorough meat inspection procedure requires two steps; ante-mortem and post-mortem
inspections. The importance of ante-mortem inspection in the abattoir has long been recognized in
an attempt to avoid the introduction of clinically diseased animals into the slaughter hall and
should be done within 24 hours of slaughter and repeated if slaughter has been delayed over a day
(Gracey, 1986; Teka, 1997).

In most cases slaughtering is done when abattoirs receive orders from their customers. The only
processing that local abattoirs do is putting the carcass in stocknet for shipping. Depending on
demand and availability of freight, carcasses are loaded onto trucks fitted with coolers and
transported to the airport. All of the export abattoirs have their own trucks which they use for
transporting. Upon arrival at the airport, the chilled carcasses are transferred to cold stores and
held there until loaded onto the airplane shortly before the flight time.

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All export abattoirs have networks in destination markets through which they sell their product.
Mojo Modern even has a retail outlet in each of Riyadh and Dubai from which they sell meat
directly to consumers as well as being an outlet for their wholesale business in Saudi Arabia and
the UAE, respectively.

Abattoirs in Ethiopia sell both meat and meat by-products. Contrary to the approach taken by
abattoirs elsewhere, the abattoirs in Ethiopia try to sell as much of the byproduct as they can
because it is by selling the by-product of the animals – hides, skins, blood, intestines, organs, etc
that they make enough money to break even. Consistently selling the meat into the market is the
road to profitability for the abattoirs in Ethiopia.

In Ethiopia, there is an active domestic market for by-products as well. These include rumen gastro
intestinal tract (GIT), liver, kidney and lung. Of these products the lung is usually sold as a pet
food (cat) and other products are used in some dishes preferred by consumers in the market. Some
export abattoirs have recently started exporting by-products like kidneys, brain and intestines.
There seems to be a prospect for expanding the export of by-products as new markets for these
products are appearing. Two by-product processing plants, which are located in Dukem (Turkish
Company) and Bishoftu (Chinese Company) mainly process intestines and other GIT products and
export to various countries including Vietnam, China, Turkey and the Gulf states. It is notable that
the cost of these by-products have increased to 10 ETB per kg, up from just 2 ETB/kg only two
years ago (Getachew et.,al. 2008)

2.4 Ethiopian Meat Production and Consumption Trend

2.4.1 Meat Production Trends in Ethiopia

FAOSTAT (2014) report indicated that the total meat produced in 2012 reached around 65.9 tones,
indicating a compounded annual growth rate of 2.3 percent between 2000 and 2012. Despite the
fact that Ethiopia is the tenth largest livestock population in the world, the production of meat is
still low and contributed for about 0.2 percent of the world total meat production, of which most is
sheep and goat meat. This ranked Ethiopia the 55th largest meat producing country in the world.
The reasons behind for this are multiple: the low production of meat in Ethiopia are low off-take
rates; large numbers of animals that by-pass abattoirs and are exported live, producers who are not

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commercially oriented and sell only in need of cash or when draught animals get too old, and other
limited meeting international market requirements like acceptable international standards by meat

2.4.2 Meat Consumption Trends in Ethiopia

FAOSTAT (2014) even with abundance of livestock population, Ethiopia still has one of the
lowest per capita consumptions of meat in world. There are several reasons for this low
consumption, including low per capita incomes, high domestic meat prices (recently) and the
fasting days by the Orthodox Christians which means that 43% of the population does not
consume meat products for over 200 days per year.

2.4.3 Meat Export Performance in Ethiopia

Ethiopia has the tenth largest livestock inventory in the world. However, the country’s current
share in the global export market for meat is quite small. In 2014, the volume of global meat
exports was estimated at USD 105 billion, and Ethiopia accounted for less than one percent of this
total, of which most is chilled sheep and goat carcasses (USAID, 2014B). There are many reasons
for this which include very low off-take rates; large numbers of animals that by-pass abattoirs and
are exported live, producers who are not commercially oriented and sell only in need of cash or
when draught animals get too old, and other limited meeting international market requirements
like acceptable international standards by meat processors. Over a decade ago, Ethiopia was
exporting relatively close to no meat at all, but since that time the country has built markets in
several African and Middle Eastern countries including, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia,
Angola, Egypt, and Bahrain. The export performance of Ethiopian meat industries does not show
better performance for the last ten years. There are ups and downs in meat export performance.
This is due to bans by importing countries. Relatively, better performance is registered in the year
2012 both in volume and value of export.

The meat volume exported has declined in some years due to periodic interruptions from bans
imposed by importing countries due to disease outbreaks (Sintayehu et al., 2010). However, the
exports of meat and live animals have dramatically increased in 2010 - 2012 and exported 16,877
tonnes of meat and 472,041 head of live animals, recording a 69% increment from last year’s
export revenue (ibid).

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The bulk of meat exports in the form of whole sheep and goat carcass indicate the lack of product
diversification in meat exports. Ethiopia exported chilled meat to eight different countries: KSA,
United Arab Emirates (UAE), Yemen, the Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Sudan, India, and Oman.
The countries importing live animals from Ethiopia are also the importers of meat. The two major
meat importers from Ethiopia were KSA and UAE and each accounted for about 49 percent of
Ethiopia’s total meat exports. As opposed to the volume of live animal export, there was no
pronounced seasonality in the volume of meat exports from Ethiopia (ibid).

2.4.4 Enterprises involved in Meat processing Industry

Information collected from the sector indicates that enterprises involved in meat processing have
been broadly categorized in two. The first category comprises of all export standard abattoirs (may
be large or medium scale) and offal processing factories. Offal processing companies get their row
materials from export abattoirs and municipalities. The second category focuses on all city and
municipality abattoirs which considered as small scale processers that serve the slaughtering
process for only local consumption (Annex - 2).

2.4.5 Large-and Medium-scale Meat Processors

Literature indicates that abattoirs that are automated and semi-automated in their slaughtering,
dehiding, dressing and sanitation operations are considered as large and medium scale processers.
The abattoirs in this category are found in three different statuses. Some abattoirs are operational
others are non-operational although their construction phase is completed and the rest are under
construction. Of the total export abattoirs that complete their construction phase, only 9 are
currently functional (EMDTI, 2014).

Organic Export Abattoir: Organic Export Abattoir was established in 2005 by an Ethiopian
national. The firm is located in Modjo, a town about 73 km from Addis Ababa. It covers 2.5
hectare land area. It has annual capacity of 4500 ton shoat meat and 7200 beef. The abattoir is
HACCP and ISO certified. The firm faces transportation problems (in transporting live animals)
and a shortage of skilled labor. The abattoir has hygiene and sanitation problems. African
countries including South Africa, Angola and Congo are potential export destinations, but
transportation to these countries is not economic. The firm is in the process of acquiring land to
establish its own animal fattening project and cattle slaughtering line (EMDTI, 2014)
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Luna Export Slaughter House: Luna Export Slaughter House was established on 2.5 hectare
land as a PLC in 2003, with its headquarter in Addis Ababa and slaughterhouse in Modjo,73 km
from Addis Ababa. It has designed slaughtering capacity of 5230 ton/day. The firm is currently
engaged only in exporting lamb and mutton. It is not currently producing at its full capacity, in
part because of lack of adequate supply of live animals that meet the required standard. The
abattoir has requested land for ranch development, but still did not get satisfactory response from
the concerned bodies. Trade fairs, e-marketing and embassies business diplomacy in target
countries are the main means of getting customers. All the products of the company are produced
for the export market, mainly for countries in the Middle East (EMDTI, 2014)

Modjo Modern Export Abattoir PLC: Modjo Modern Export Abattoir was established in 2002
on 2.7 hectare land area in Modjo town, 83 km far from the capital. It has annual production
capacity of 5230 ton of shoat meat. It exports lowland sheep and goat meat to the UAE and Saudi
Arabia. It is HACCP and ISO certified. Modjo modern abattoir sells its products to a group of long
established clients and does not look for additional customers since the firm has no confidence on
the supply of live animals, its processing capacity and the unpredictable air cargo service. In
addition, there is no air plane flight to North Africa, where there is potential market for Ethiopian
meat product. The abattoir has no separation line between killed and live animals, which is not in
line with the animal’s welfare. It has also direct implication on meat quality. Moreover, the ground
of the slaughter house is not hygienically constructed. (EMDTI, 2014)

Helmex: It was established in 1998 in Bishoftu, on an area of 5.6 hectares. It has annual
production capacity of 6000 ton shoat and 7200 ton cattle meat. It is HACCP and ISO 22000
certified. It is under expansion to export cattle and camel meat. Main weakness of the abattoir for
less performance in 2005 E.C are poor management, unpredictable cattle supply, maintaining
malfunctioning units like chilling units and sterilizers. Since the factory is not using latest meat
technologies, the product sometimes has dark color, which is quality defect. The factory is also
poor in its hygienic practice, with cracked floor (EMDTI, 2014).

ELFORA Agro Industries PLC: ELFORA Agro Industries PLC owns three export abattoirs
located in Bishoftu, Melge Wondo, Metehara, and other two meat factories at Gondar and

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Kombolcha. Each of these abattoirs has their own capacity and performance. Details of the
companies’ status and performance are discussed below.

A. Bishoftu ELFORA: Bishoftu ELFORA export slaughterhouse, is one of the MEDROC sister
companies, it was established in 2000. It is located in Bishoftu with land area of 5 hectares.
The firm has 4608 ton shoat meat annual production capacity. It used to export meat of around
100 cattle on a weekly basis. Beef was exported to Congo and Ivory Coast. But currently it is
limited to local supply in its cattle meat production. The condition of the abattoir is very poor
with unhygienic equipment, walls, floors and ceilings. The sinks in the kill floor do not have
hot water and soap for general hygienic purposes. The plant does not have appropriate
sterilizers and sinks (MoARD, 2010).

In addition to the above facts, the performance of the abattoir is decreasing from time to time,
due to shortage of cattle supply. In connection with the abattoir is limited by the government to
purchase livestock only from VAT registered suppliers which multiplies its cattle shortage.
Assigned managers do not have the mandate to decide even on simple cases of the factory
(EMDTI, 2014). This also makes the factory’s management performance to be poor.

B. Metehara ELFORA: Metehara export abattoir was initially established in 2001 in Methara
town by Saud Arabian investor and later owned by MEDROC sister company, ELFORA. It
has land area of 5 hectares. The abattoir has got maintenance service by 17 million birr budget
support form Ethiopian meat and dairy technology institute before two years but still did not
start operation. The reason behind this is small number of VAT registered livestock traders that
are not even sufficient to supply the behind this is small number of vat registered livestock
traders that are not even sufficient to supply the Bishoftu ELFORA. The export has strong
resistance not to operate unless it is permitted to purchase animals from non VAT registered
suppliers/traders (EMDTI, 2014).

C. Melge-Wondo Meat Factory: Melge-Wondo Meat Factory was one of the ELFORA agro
industries which were engaged in chilled beef production. It is located SNNP in specific
location Wondogenet. The abattoir used to export quartered carcass to Egypt but not operating

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D. Gondar ELFORA: Gondar ELFORA is located in north Gondar The factory, after privatized
by MEDROC sister company, ELFORA, is not involved in production. Instead it was
providing slaughtering service for Gondar town. Now another abattoir is established by small
and micro enterprises just to serve the slaughtering service in Gondar. It was very difficult to
get more information about the current status and future plan of the abattoir. The factory
manager at Gondar did not allow the study team to visit the factory. Currently it is engaged in
poultry egg production.

E. Kombolcha ELFORA: Kombolcha ELFORA and food processing factory, was initially
established by Italian government, produces canned meat sauce for military ration. Now it is
also serving as abattoir for Wollo University and large hotels in Dessie. The factory is
currently facing cattle supply shortage. Expensive cattle price is also another challenge for the

Abergelle Export Abattoir: It was established by EFFORT in 2010. It has 5 hectare land area.
The abattoir has annual production capacity of 2850 ton shoat meat and 9072 ton beef. It was
engaged in exporting frozen beef until 2012. But after engaged in operation, it stops due to loss
instead of profit that the factory faces, since local meat price becomes expensive compared to
export market price. The abattoir also lacks air cargo service from MeKelle airport and there are
no customers who pay better price for the product. According to EMDTI 2014 poor internal
management system is another weakness of the Abergelle export abattoir that hinders the overall
performance of the abattoir.

Aschraf Export Abattoir: It was established by Sudanese investor in 2010 in Bahirdar on an area
of 5.5 hectares. The abattoir is highly modern compared to other abattoirs in Ethiopia. It has
annual meat production capacity of 5378 ton shoat 13219 ton beef. It also has well equipped
facilities for deboning and meat processing (rendering plant). The abattoir was exporting chilled
beef, but stop immediately due to high cattle price. EMDTI has tried to make it operational by
making market study of shoat meat export. But generally the measures taken by federal investment
agency, the Amhara regional state administration and Ethiopian meat and dairy technology
development institute are not as such significant to make the abattoir operational (EMDTI, 2014).
It needs serious attention, follow up and support to make the abattoir functional.

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Abyssinia Export Abattoir: The former Sami export abattoir and later Abyssinia export abattoir
was previously owned by Egyptian investor. The abattoir is located in Bishoftu with 1.5 hectare
land area coverage. Due to financial problem, the owner sold the abattoir to Ethiopian investor to
work together in the form of Share Company. The abattoir faces serious problems of credit
services, land provisions services, basic infrastructures, for extended time. The abattoir is currently
trying to facilitate market destination in Dubai, Saud Arabia and Egypt (EMDTI, 2014).

Jima Abattoir: This abattoir under construction and is being built at 6 km east of Jima town in a
place called Seka. It is owned by an Italian company known as Gvo River Organic Agro-Industry
P.L.C. The total land area secured by the company is 196 hectare of which 156 hectare, few
distance from the abattoir, is to be used as holding ground. Essential equipment and machinery are
to be imported from Italy and the purchase process has not yet started. There is a plan to buy a
refrigerated track of 8 ton capacity to transport meat from the abattoir to Jima airport. However, no
thought is given to buy a dedicated truck to transport animals from purchasing centers to the
abattoir. The company has no immediate plan to prepare deboned carcass and to use vacuum
packing technology. The throughput of the abattoir would be 25 cattle/hour or 200 cattle per 8
hours and 75 shoat/hour or 600 shoat per 8 hours. There would be two physically separate lines for
cattle and shoat, which allow the slaughter of the two species simultaneously. The company plans
to use private planes to transport the meat to markets in the Middle East (MoARD, 2012).

Aksker Ethiopia Casing Plc: It is located in Modjo was initially involved in offal processing and
exporting. The factory has got 2.5 hectare land to perform offal processing and export and
construct export abattoir. The new export abattoir, which is under construction, has annual
production capacity of 6,000 ton cattle meat, 6,000 ton shoat meat and 3710 ton offal products.
Turkey is the key market destination for its offal product. The abattoir is still requesting electric
power, land and credit services for its progress. Ethiopian meat and dairy technology development
institute is working with the concerned bodies to facilitate these services (ibid).

Yongtai Offal Processing PLC: It was involved in offal processing using rent house in Bishoftu
town. It has annual production capacity of 380 ton offal products. China is the market destination
for its products. Since the communities in the area are disturbed by the factory it is transferred to

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modjo and provided with 1 hectare land. Currently Yongtai Offal processing factory is under
construction, but its land shortage is still serious problem for the enterprise (EMDTI, 2014).

NFA Business PLC: It is located in Modjo. It is currently processing offal products using rented
premises. The company has around 78 ton of annual offal production capacities. The factory
exports its products to china. The factory has no land for undertaking its business. It has also
problems of market destination for its products (EMDTI, 2014).

2.4.6 Recent Development in Meat Processing Business

The numbers of meat processing factories in Ethiopia are growing, although there are serious
challenges to operate sustainably. With the presence of non-operational export standard abattoirs,
there are still new constructions of large scale export abattoirs. Among the well-known recent
developments in meat industry sector, we can find Allana sons Ltd, Jigjiga livestock export
abattoir, Halal food industry meat export abattoir, zayen export abattoir, petram export abattoir,
Diredawa & Harar, abattoirs.

Allana Sons Ltd: It is one of the largest Indian meat processing companies, has invested $20
million to establish its first meat processing and exporting plant in Africa. The company has made
its base in Ethiopia's Ziway town in Oromiya state of Ethiopia, 159 km from capital Addis Abeba
(Walta Information Center). The Company secured 75 hectares of land, from the Oromia Regional
government to erect the plant around the Adami Tulu area in Ziway town, 163 kms from Addis
Abeba. Upon completion, the plant will become Allana's first experience of investment on the
African continent. Allana is one of the leading meat processing industries worldwide, exporting
meats to more than 70 countries. Allana's commencement of operations is expected to exceed the
supply of all the exporters that have been operating in Ethiopia in 2012, because it is going to
produce 27, 375 tons of meat annually in its first phase.

Allana also submitted proposals to the Ministry of industry to be given land to erect two meat
processing plants in other areas. One of these is Yabelo, in the Borena Zone of the Oromia
Regional State, located 567 kms east of Addis Abeba and known for its livestock abundance. Another
one is in the Somali Regional State.

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Jigjiga Livestock Export Abattoir: Jigjiga livestock export abattoir is one of large export
abattoirs under construction in Jigjiga on 5 hectares of land. It has annual production capacity of
6,000 ton of beef and 6000 ton of shoat meat. The abattoir is allowed to import its machinery free
of tax. EMDTI has been facilitating the credit service needed for the abattoirs from Ethiopian
Commercial Bank.

Halal Food Industry Meat Export Abattoir: Halal export abattoir is another large export
abattoir with annual production capacity of 16, 200 ton of beef and 4500 ton of shoat meat. It is
located in Modjo town on a total land area of 4 hectares. Its construction phase is nearly
completed, but did not start operation due high electric power fluctuation and lack of efficient
transformer supply.

Zayen Export Abattoir: This abattoir is located in Arsi zone, Dera town and covers a total land
area of 6 hectares. It has annual production capacity of 5000 ton of shoat meat and 15,000 ton of
beef. Zayen export abattoir is under construction by foreign partners. Unfortunately the partners
reach to disagreement on certain issues. Currently the project is on trail and there is also attempt to
continue the construction by local investors (EMDTI, 2014).

Petram Export Abattoir: The abattoir is located in Bishoftu and covers a total land area of 5
hectares. It has annual production capacity of 5760 ton shoat meat and 18,000 ton beef. The main
challenges that hinder the progress of the abattoir development are lack of credit services, shortage
of livestock supply, and challenges associated with office bureaucracy of custom, insurance and
banks in providing on time services.

Kegna Export Abattoir: It is located around Awash Melkassa, around 110 km far from Addis
Ababa. However, it is found difficult to access sufficient information about this abattoir.

2.4.7 Regulatory Issues and Gaps Affecting the Meat Industry Sub-sector
In the 21st century, it is a must for food processing industries (for instance meat sector) to meet
international rules and agreements to join the dynamic global market. Currently, Ethiopia has
planned to improve livestock development with the focus of increasing meat sector productivity.
Below, regulatory issues and problems/gaps developing countries with much emphasis to Ethiopia
facing are discussed below.

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International Sanitary Rules and Agreements: The WTO agreement on the application of
Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) agreement is aimed at minimizing the negative effects of
unjustified health barriers on international trade. The agreement requires member countries; with a
view to achieving the widest possible harmonization of the animal health measures they take to
ensure the protection of human and animal life and health, to establish those measures on the basis
of international standards, guidelines and recommendations. For animal health and zoonsis, the
SPS Agreement refers to the ‘standards, guidelines and recommendations developed under the
auspices of the Office International des Epizootics (OIE)

The OIE International Animal Health Code and the International Aquatic Animal Health Code
contain standards, guidelines and recommendations designed to prevent the introduction of
infectious agents and diseases pathogenic to animal and humans into the importing country during
trade in animals, animal genetic material and animal products.

The health and other certificates issued for animals and animal products export must indicate that
the animal or meat is free from diseases, safe and fit for human consumption, i.e., without harmful
levels of chemical, biological or antibiotic residues in the meat, and have an original veterinary
health certificate;

International Certificates: Export-oriented meat processing plants need to be certified with

HACCP, ISO-9002, and other required standards to meet OIE norms.

Disease Free Zones, Quarantine Facilities and Holding Grounds: To stay under the umbrella
of changing international standards, Ethiopia expected to update animal health, livestock products
and derivatives required by OIE/FAO/WHO (for exports, imports and domestic production and

Gaps of SPS Standards, Diseases and Market Strategies in Ethiopia: In addition to the above
regulatory issues, literatures identified the following important points that need to be considered in
the sector.
 Small scale of export operations causes deficient SPS facilities and lower standard than
developed countries.

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 Due to lack of operational fund, it is difficult to apply separate treatment to products
destined for foreign markets, since domestic SPS standards and methods of production are
not compliant with those required by the foreign importer,
 High risks of diseases and infections.
 The lack of Disease Free Zones (DFZ) and under financing (including mismanagement in the
past) of the livestock sector.
 Existing quarantine centers are not properly equipped and some are inconveniently located
(for example, Logia), though there are plans to build four new holding grounds/quarantine
 The livestock market authority (LMA) is not represented in regional governments and this
absence of linkage creates difficulty for implementing and sustaining strategic plans at the
grass-root level.
 External market information gap from importing countries.
 Insufficient and inconsistent supply of price competitive export quality meat and livestock,
 Lack of capacity for cattle slaughter, cold chain processing, packaging and cost effective
cold chain transport of export quality meat products by road and sea for delivery to Middle
East & North African (MENA) and other international markets,
 Limited knowledge of market preferences for type and quality of meat products and lack of
established and profitable contracts with meat importers in international markets.

2.4.8 Support Needed to Strength Meat processing and Export Sub-Sector

The Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (GFDRE) recognizes livestock
as one of the country’s key economic resources. The government’s policy aims to increase in-
country value addition by encouraging meat exports over live animal exports. The detailed on
government support on major areas of the sector are discussed below.

Strategy: To support the sector the Ethiopian government, launched a new Livestock
Development Master Plan (LDMP) under Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
(MoARD). The intended target for this master plan is to support meat production for both the
domestic and export markets and encompass technology packages for meat production, the
establishment of disease-free zones and a standardized sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) system.

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Market: To strength market structure of the sector and introduce new market destination,
Ethiopian government created Livestock Marketing Authority (LMA) to complement national
livestock policy. In the process of developing and understanding livestock marketing in Ethiopia,
i.e., four subject areas have been recently identified by the LMA, which include livestock resource
census, livestock marketing studies, hides and skins market assessment and investigation on
contraband livestock trade.

Investment: It is encouraged by enabling investment climate including stable political and

economic environment; security; large domestic and proximity to strategic markets; packages of
incentives both to FDI and national investors such as exemption from capital goods import duties;
tax holidays; duty incentive schemes and carry forward losses a number of investments in
slaughterhouses and feedlots have been registered in the country.

Animal Health: To prevent outbreak of animal disease, the Ethiopian government contribution for
the sector includes establishment of Veterinary laboratory Services at different levels,
establishment of strong and modern surveillance system, veterinary public health services, and
emergency preparedness and contingency planning.

2.4.9 Laws, Regulations and Guidelines governing Meat Industry in Ethiopia

Review of the different laws, proclamations and regulations the country is summarized to indicate
the level of standard expected and to verify the application level of the rules in livestock
management in the sector.

A. Proclamations: In order to manage the sector properly, the government of Ethiopia put in
place different proclamations. Accordingly, the following are some of the important
proclamations identified in the sector.

 Animal disease control No 267/2002. Refers to prevention and control of diseases;

outbreak notification authority, provisions, declarations and measures and powers;
establishment of quarantine stations; entrance and exit ports for export of LLP,
international animal health sanitary certification, animal movement permit.

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 Meat inspection No 274/1970. Gives power to MoA to control and regulate lawfully
establishment of foreign and domestic markets to ensure wholesomeness of foreign and
domestic markets dealing with LLP handling and processing.
 Meat inspection amendment No 81/1976. Gives power to MoA to issue regulations and
establish criteria useful to determine LLP as fit for human consumption, classification and
inspection of LLP, processing plants and database management.

Regulations: On the basis of the proclamations stated above, different regulations are introduced
to govern the performance of the sector. Some of the regulations used in the sector include:

 Meat inspection No 428/1972, which is set to govern abattoirs and commercial

establishments dealing with slaughtering, preparation and processing of LLP for export
from or import into Ethiopia.
 Animal diseases prevention and control regulation. It aims at enhancing the disease
reporting, investigation and surveillance mechanisms at federal and regional levels. It also
sets modus operandi for intervention and control of disease outbreaks.
 Regulation to control movement of animals and transportation of animal products and by-
products. Sets mechanisms to prevent spread of infectious diseases out of the foci of
occurrence and increase confidence of recipient/importing countries.
 Regulations to provide for the registration and licensing of animal health professionals.
Issues regulations governing the registration of animal health professionals, delivery of
services and other miscellaneous provisions.

2.5 Review of Assessment Results on Meate Processing and Export

Studies made to assess the contribution of the industrial sector identified manufacturing sector as
the backbone of the economy. Prebisch (1950) and Singer (1950) identified that the manufacturing
sector has long been the main engine of economic growth and structural transformation. World
Economic Forum (2000) also supported this agreement by stating that the competitiveness an
economy is ensured through productivity of the manufacturing sector. Rodrik (2004) stated that
the success of East and South Asian countries in manufacturing and export was not the result of
conventional recommendations of liberal markets and the restricted role of the government but a
mix of standard and non-standard policies.

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Meat processing and export is one component of the manufacturing sector with high economic
contribution. Trends over the last successive years show that meat processing and export in the
global market have been increasingly important (Sintayehu et al., 2010). However, there were
different challenges associated with the sector. One of the challenges include problem of proper
analysis the markets and ignoring dynamic adjustments to sector characteristics and relationships
(Raikes et al 2000; Kaplinsky and Morris 2001). In this case, undertaking value chain analysis
help to examine the inter-relationships between diverse actors involved in all stages of the channel
(Giulani et al 2005; Pietrobelli and Saliola 2008). It provides the basic understanding needed to
design and implement appropriate programs and policies to support stakeholders’ participation.
However, failure to utilize the value chain approach and avoiding small farmers’ participation has
been a challenge to ensure success in meat processing and export sector (GTZ 2007).

Unlike other countries, meat processing and export sector in Ethiopia is affected by various
factors. Daniel (2008) identified long export trade routes, problem of convenience transportation
system, lack of feed and water in holding grounds as a serious challenge to meat processing and
export business. LMA (2004) indicated frequent occurrence of livestock diseases and low supply
of livestock to processing center as the main challenges of low performance of meat processing
and export. Workneh (2006) argued that gaps in the legal system and market structure of the
country and expansion of illegal livestock smuggling greatly contributed for poor performance of
meat processing and export. Thus, it is important for the country to work on the challenges stated
above if the country wants to improve the productivity of the sector.

Mohammed et al (2004) and Yitay (2007) stated that lack of modern livestock reproduction
system, integration of livestock with crop production, the influence of agro-ecology and market
orientation have strong effect on the productivity of the sector and greatly affects the performance
of meat processing and export. Ayele et al (2003) reported that poor and inadequate knowledge on
livestock market structure, performance and price contributed for the problem of designing
policies and overcome perceived challenges in the market. These challenges hindered the countries
competitiveness in the export market as alternative suppliers and ability to respond to the export
market opportunities (Ayele et al., 2003).

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Sintayehu et al. (2010) reported that the major factors contributing for weak performance of meat
processing and export as expansion informal livestock trade. In their argument, it is indicted that
the reason for the expansion of informal livestock trade and exports are existence of numerous
procedures required to export formally including export licenses, quarantine, banking clearance for
remitting foreign exchange, minimum weight restrictions, and informal minimum price
requirements. Hence, it is important for the concerned organ of the government to consider the fact
and adjust its procedures.

In general, there are different factors that affect the performance of livestock, meat processing and
export sector. Some of these factors are associated with the value chain of the livestock market and
others are associated with the livestock production system. In addition, the status of meat
processing facilities and its export system are important factors hindering the effectiveness of the
sector. Thus, it is important to consider this fact and act to ensure success and utilize the
opportunities available in the economy.

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Research is a process of systemic and methodical inquiry and investigation to increase the body of
knowledge. Since discipline is established by developing a body of knowledge, every research
expected to add new knowledge to the body of existing data. Thus, this chapter focuses on the
research methods used while conducting the study. It includes data source and collection methods,
sampling and sample design, study approaches and data analysis methods used in the study.

3.1 Research Design Approach and Type

Creswell (2009) stated that there are three basic views that are considered to be bases for
quantitative, qualitative and mixed research methods that are post-positivist, social constructivist
and participative and pragmatic respectively. In order to achieve the objective of the research,
considering the nature of the problem and the type of the assessment, this study employed both
qualitative and quantitative research approaches (that is mixed method).Adopting mixed methods
has a number of benefits. First, it helps for triangulation pertaining to a situation where researchers
seek convergence, corroboration, correspondence of results from quantitative and qualitative
methods to increase validity of constructs and inquiry results. Secondly, it helps researchers seek
elaboration, enhancement, illustration, clarification of the results from one method with the results
from the other method. Third, it helps researchers to use the results from one method to help
develop or inform the other method. Fourth, mixing methods support the discovery of paradox and
contradiction, new interpretations, the recasting of questions or results from one method with
questions or results from the other method. Finally, it helps to increase the scope of inquiry to
extend the breadth and range of inquiry by using different methods for different inquiry

Considering the objective of the study, which aims at assessing the performance of meat
processing and export sector of Ethiopia, it is crucial to describe existing facts and future potential
of the sector. Hence, the research is explanatory type. This type of research focuses on enquiring
“what”, “when”, “how”, “why” and “which” of the event and it is found to be more appropriate to
have detailed insights and understandings on the topic under consideration. Questionnaire used in
this study helps to find out the research problem at hand.

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3.2 Study Location
The study has been conducted on two towns with relatively good number of export abattoirs.
These two towns are Bishoftu and Modjo. The towns are located in Oromia Regional State, within
a radius of 100 km from Addis Ababa. Specifically, Bishoftu is located at a distance of 47 Kms
while Modjo located at distance of 70 Kms South East of Addis Ababa. There are around two
abattoirs in Bishoftu and three abattoirs in Modjo. These study sites are selected because of two
major factors; relatively large number of abattoirs and large proportion of carcass/meat destined
for export are produced in these areas. In addition, these export abattoirs have relatively large
number of meat production staff. In each selected export abattoir 500 - 2000 sheep and/or goats
slaughtered every day depending on the demand from customers, availability of supply of animals
and air cargo space.

3.3 Data Type and Source

In order to achieve the objective of the research both primary and secondary data were utilized
from different sources. The primary data were collected from staffs and officials who are working
in the Export Abattoirs using semi-structured questionnaire. Furthermore, secondary data were
collected from reports that are issued by National Bank of Ethiopia, Ministry of Finance and
Economic Development, and Central Statistical Authority. In addition, relevant books, working
papers, previous researches reports, websites, journals, unpublished materials and other related
documents are used as information sources in the research.

3.4 Instruments for Data Collection

Introducing appropriate data gathering instruments will help researchers to combine the strengths
and adjust any inadequacies of data sources. It also helps to minimize the risks of arriving on not
credible conclusion. Consistent and reliable research indicates that the research is conducted using
appropriate data collection instruments. Use of proper data collection instruments increase the
credibility and value of research findings (Koul, 2006). In line with this fact, semi-structured
questionnaires were developed and used to collect primary data. In addition, reports of the
different government organ were reviewed to collect secondary data. These two sources of data
were assumed to be sufficient for addressing the objectives of the study.

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In order to support the collection of sufficient data, the research questionnaire was prepared with
two sections. The first part intended to gather information about the demographic characteristics of
respondents. While the second part is concerned with questions related to the operational
performance of selected abattoirs and provide respondents with the chance to identify and
indicated the challenges and opportunities associated with the sector. On the other hand, existing
reporting format of the different offices were used in a way that support data analysis.
Accordingly, the past five years performance data of the sector was collected from the official
reports of the NBE, MoFED, and CSA and used to analyze the current status and operational
performances of Ethiopian meat processing and export industry.

3.5 Sample Design

As stated above, the intention of the study is to assess the operational performance of the
Ethiopian meat processing and export sector. In order to achieve the stated objective, the study
used non-probability convenient sampling technique. Accordingly, Modjo and Bishoftu towns
were identified for their proximity to the researcher and the number of abattoirs operating in the
area. This may solve the problem of time and cost and help smooth application of the research.
Moreover, with respect to sample frame, the researcher selected five abattoirs (two export abattoirs
from Bishoftu and three export abattoirs from Modjo towns) out of the 16 abattoirs operating in
the country. These abattoirs include Helmex and Bishoftu ELFORA export abattoirs from Bishoftu
and Organic, Luna and Modjo Modern Export Abattoirs from Modjo. The selection of these
abattoirs is also considered their year of experience and their current status in the business. This
effort has solved the problem of insufficient sample size and data as well.

Alreck and Settle (1995) indicated that the choice of sample size is normally made after
considering statistical precision, practical issues and available resources. In addition, Fowler
(1984) noted that there is no a single precise way for the determinations of sample size hence there
are a number of inadequacy for deciding on sample size. Considering these facts, it is found
important to seek sufficiently diverse groups of respondents while determining sample size. Such
effort would help to obtain meaningful spread of perceptions concerning operational performance
of meat export industry. In order to define the number of respondents, first employees are
classified into their respective group of engagements. Accordingly, employees of each
organization are grouped into three major groups of respondents, including meat processing,

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administration and marketing and sales. Consequently, a total of 20 staffs from meat processing,
10 from administration and 5 staffs from marketing and sales were considered for each abattoir.
This made the total sample size or the number of participants involved in the study to be one
hundred seventy five (175). However, the total employees of the factories are around 1550. This
shows that the sample size is sufficient to draw logical conclusion about the industry. The study
used convenient sampling technique while establishing the sample frame and selecting the
respondent to be involved in the research.

3.6 Data Analysis and Presentation

As stated above, the research employed both qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques.
Data acquired through questionnaire were analyzed descriptively based on the number of
respondents participated in the study. Similarly, quantitative data collected from reports of
different organizations like NBE, MoFED, etc were analyzed using simple descriptive statistical
techniques like frequency table, graphs, and charts. On the other hand, qualitative data collected
using the stated instruments are also analyzed through narration, comparison, interpretation, etc.
Qualitative analysis was used for data collected from sample respondents and reports the relevant
sector. Mainly, narrations were used for qualitative inquiries that were secured via questionnaire.
In order to undertake the required analysis the study employed data analysis tools like Ms-excel.

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Detail analysis was made on the data collected from the Ethiopian meat processing and export
sector. Its aim was to examine the performance, challenges and opportunities, and prospects of the
sector. On the basis of the data composition, analysis results of the study were documented in two
sections. The first section focuses on the performance history of the selected abattoirs for the past
five years and the second section deals with the views of respondents collected through
questionnaire. The analysis also tries to make cross reference between the two results so as to draw
valid conclusions regarding the operational performance of meat processing and export sector.

4.1 Meat Export Performance Trend of Selected Abattoirs

Assessment made on the performance of meat processing and export indicates that there has been
encouraging performance change for the past five years. However, the performance of each
abattoir has not been consistent. The export performance of selected abattoirs for the past five
years (2010/11 – 2014/15) shows that the sector has been registering annual growth of production
in tones . Looking at the performance of the five top meat exporter of the sector, it is possible to
observe that the performance of Modjo Modern export abattoir has been the best and consistent in
terms of annual export in tones. However, the average export performance of the company for the
past five years is lower than that of Luna. The lowest average export performance, in terms of
tones, was registered by Helmex.

Table 2 : Export performances of selected Meat Processing and Export Abattoirs (in tones)

Abattoirs Name 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 Average

Modjo Modern 2,405.00 3370.60 4195.20 4349.50 4993.80 3862.82
Luna 3,225.00 4260.40 4420.50 4285.90 3299.16 3898.19
ELFORA 1,455.00 1862.10 1755.60 1975.80 1683.12 1746.32
Helmex 1,352.00 1998.80 1751.50 1586.00 1203.04 1578.27
Organic 857.00 1999.50 2044.30 1878.90 2400.19 1835.98
Total 9,294.00 13,491.40 14,167.00 14,076.10 13,579.00 12,921.58
Source: CSA Report, 2014/15

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As stated in the table above, Modjo Modern export abattoir is has produced and exported around
2.4 and 5.0 thousand tones of meat to neighboring countries in 2010/11 and 2014/15 respectively.
On the other hand, Helmex export abattoir, the lowest processer and exporter of meat during the
stated period, has produced and exported around 1.4 and 1.2 thousand tones of meat in 2010/11
and 2014/15. Except Modjo Modern, the growth in tones of meat export shows variation due to
different factors like problem of supply, market, etc.

Figure 1: Export Performances of selected Meat Processing and Export Abattoirs (in tones)

Source: CSA Report, 2014/15

The performance of the remaining three export abattoirs is found between the two extreme ends.
While examining the performance the five export abattoirs, Modjo Modern and Luna constituted
around 30% of the annual average meat export share of the five selected abattoirs for the past five
years followed by Organic and ELFORA export abattoirs, which constitute around 14% meat
export share of the five abattoirs. The lowest share of the five abattoirs is owned by Helmex,
which has around 12% of the export share.

In terms of income, it is also possible to observe similar performance trend among the five meat
export abattoirs. Hence, Modjo Modern export abattoir has been generating average annual export
proceeds of around $18.25 million for the past five years. This money constitutes around 32%
share of the average total annual export income of the five export abattoirs. Similarly, Luna export
abattoir has been generating average annual export income of around $15.29 million for the past
five years. This money constitutes around 27% share of the average total annual export income of

39 | P a g e
the five export abattoirs. The lowest export share was registered by Helmex, which constitutes
10% share of the five export abattoirs for the past five years.
Table 3: Export performances of selected Meat Processing and Export Abattoirs (in ‘000 USD)

Abattoir Ave.
2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 Average
Name Share
9,669 15,200 21,080 21,480 23,830 18,251.80 0.32
Luna 1,105 16,400 20,190 20,750 17,980 15,285.00 0.27
ELFORA 5,473 8,300 9,290 11,030 9,540 8,726.60 0.15
Helmex 399 7400 7,930 7,670 5,770 5,833.80 0.10
Organic 2,857 8900 11,080 9,890 13,180 9,181.40 0.16
Total 19,503 56,200 69,570 70,820 70,300 57,278.60 1.00
Source: CSA, 2014/15

As indicated in table 3, Modjo Modern export abattoir generated the highest income of around
$23.8 million in 2014. On the other hand, Helmex export abattoir has generated the lowest meat
export income of $5.8 million in the same period. The table also shows that, except for Modjo
Modern, the export performances of the abattoirs under assessment were not consistent.

4.2 Annual Growth Rate for selected Meat Processing and Export Abattoirs
Looking at the annual growth rate of meat processing and export for selected abattoirs, it is
possible to observe inconsistencies. The graph below shows the existing growth performance
fluctuation among selected abattoirs. Accordingly, Modjo Modern export abattoir registered the
highest growth rate of 0.40 in 2011 and reached on the lowest growth rate in 2013 before returning
back. This shows that, though the company registered consistent growth across the five years
period, the annual export growth rate of the company was not uniform. Though its volume of
production was low, Organic export abattoir had registered the highest growth rate of 1.33 in 2011.
This growth rate was later decline to its lowest performance (0.08) in 2013 and started to recover.
Unlike the above two abattoirs, Modjo Modern and Organic, the remaining three abattoirs
registered consistent negative growth rate during the past consecutive years.

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Figure 2: Annual export growth rate of selected Export Abattoirs (in tones)

Source: CSA, 2014/15 and Own computation

In addition to low growth rate among all export abattoirs, there is uniformity in performance trend
of the different abattoirs. This may indicate that there is common external challenge that prohibited
the companies to register better export performance. Using the information collected from the
stated abattoirs, the study identified that all the abattoirs have been working below their capacity.
Considering the potential of the country, all abattoirs operating in Ethiopia have not yet
contributed to the extent the country is expecting from the sector. The main reasons for such lower
achievement associated with lack of adequate supply of live animals that meet the required amount
and standard specified by the importing countries, low number of abattoirs with adequate facilities
and poor slaughtering house design, which is not in line with the animal’s welfare.

4.3 Survey Results of Sample Export Abattoirs

In order to understand the performance status and operational challenges of meat processing and
export sector, detail assessment was made using semi-structured questionnaire. Reliability test
result, profile of respondents and detail analysis result of the study is documented and presented in
the next section.

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4.3.1 Response Rate and Respondents’ Profile
On the basis of the arrangement made on the questionnaire, respondents view were organized into
two sections, the first section gives brief information on the response rate followed by general
respondents’ profile. This means the section focuses on the demographic characteristics of
respondents. The second section focuses on the operational performance of export abattoirs in the
view of respondents and their challenges and opportunities while operating in the sector.

A. Response Rate
The study covered a total of 175 sample respondents working in two cities, Bishoftu and modjo,
and five different abattoirs. Questionnaires were proportionally distributed to all abattoirs and all
of them were properly filled and collected, making a response rate of 100%. This is an interesting
response rate and considered as sufficient to draw logical conclusions about the population.

B. Demographic Characteristics of Respondents

In order to understand the profile of study participants, respondents were requested to fill
questions related to their attributes such as location, gender, age, occupation, years of service, and
education level. The result of the study indicated the following picture about the participants of the

Gender of Respondents: In terms of gender, majority of the respondents (61%) participated in the
study were male while 39% are female. This shows that the result of the assessment is relatively
dominated by male participants (Annex-3).

Age of Respondents: While looking at the age of respondents, around 77% of the total
respondents is found under the age group of 30 – 64, indicating that majority of the participant are
found under economically active age group. The remaining 23% are found within the age group of
15 – 30, indicating that there also young operators in the field (Annex-3).

Education Level of Respondents: The level of education for majority of respondents (71%) is
below grade 12. This may indicated that the sector needs more of experience than education and
use larger proportion of lower level educated staff as compared to the educated ones. However,
around 29% of the respondents are individuals with higher level of eduction (Annex-3).

42 | P a g e
Occupation of Respondents: The result of the analysis shows that around 60% of the respondents
are engaged in meat processing while the remaining 27% and 13% of the participants are working
on administration and marketing and sales efforts of the organization respectively. This indicates
that the study incorporated larger proportion of meat processor than others (Annex-3).

Work Experience of Respondents: In terms of experience, around 46% of the respondents have
an experience of 5 – 15 years in meat processing and export business. The proportion of fresh staff
respondents is very low. This fact is very helpful to get more relevant information from those
experienced and well exposed employees of the sector (Annex-3).

Location of Respondents: Looking at the location of respondents, majority of the respondents

(60%) is found around Modjo and the remaining 40% of the participants of the study are located in
Bishoftu (Annex-3).

4.3.2 Analysis Result of the Study and Discussion

This section covers the overall assessment and findings of the study. It discusses the views of
operators in relation to operational performance of the sector. Here assessment was conducted in
relation to export destination, market preference, availability of cattle supply, level of market
demand for processed meat, capacity of export abattoirs, etc.

A) Export Market Destination and Cattle Preference

Result of the assessment revealed that around 25% of the respondents agreed with the choice that
export abattoirs export their product to both Middle East and North Africa. However, majority of
the respondents (45%) confirmed that export abattoirs export majority of their meat products to
Middle East rather than other countries. This shows that the Middle East is a priority market for
the Ethiopian meat export (Figure 3).

43 | P a g e
Figure 3: Export Destination for Cattle products

Source: Survey result and own computation

While looking at the market preference for cattle, majority of the respondents (66%) confirmed
that Boran is more preferable. The availability of these types of cattle is also good compared to
others. This may be due to proportionally higher level of concentration and distribution of these
kinds of cattle across the country.

B) Criteria used to Purchase Cattle

In order to purchase cattle from the market, exporters use different criteria. The most common
criteria used to purchase cattle to be slaughtered are age and weight. Respondents rated these two
criteria (age and weight) as the most important factors to be considered while procuring cattle for
export business with a proportion of 35% and 38% respectively.

Figure 4: Criteria used f while purchasing cattle

Source: Own computation

44 | P a g e
In some cases, exporters also consider sex. This may be due to the weight variation between male
and female cattle. This shows that other attributes are less important in purchasing cattle for
slaughtering to export market. While looking at the market sex preference, around 58% of the
respondents preferred male compared to female cattle (35%) and the remaining 7% preferred both
sex for export meat processing business.

In terms of age, around 47% of the respondents choose cattle with an age group of 2 to 4 years for
exportable meat processing. On the other hand, around 33% of the respondents prefer cattle with
age group between 4-6 years. This shows that young cattle are preferable for export meat
processing than the older one.

Figure 5: Preferred cattle age range for meat processing and export

Source: Own computation

While considering the availability of these groups of cattle, around 84% of respondents confirmed
that these groups of cattle are available in the market. However, relatively small number (16%) of
respondents has a doubt on their availability. One of the common means of identifying cattle age is
looking at their teeth. In this case, majority of respondents (59%) confirmed that the number of
broken teeth give a clue on the age of a cattle. On the other hand, other respondents, constituting
26% of the samples, selected observation as a means to identify age of cattle.

Similarly, most of the respondents selected a weight range of above 300 as their preference for
slaughtering. This choice may not go with the respondents’ preference of age of cattle, where
younger cattle may not have higher weight and large amount of meat.

45 | P a g e
Figure 6: Weight range preferred for meat processing and export

Source: Own computation

As it is indicated on the figure above, majority of the respondents (35%) has a preference for cattle
to purchase with a weight range of 200 kg to 300 kg for meat processing and export. Those
respondents with a preference of cattle weight with a range of above 300 kg constitute around 29%
of the total sample. While assessing the availability of these types of cattle in the market, majority
of the respondents (75%) confirmed their existence. However, around 25% of the remaining
sample has a doubt on their full existence. The study also identified that color of a cattle has no
importance for meat processing and export. However, some of the respondents selected white
color cattle as their preference.

C) Common Suppliers of Cattle

Supply has significant effect on addressing the growing demand for meat. As per the result of the
survey, majority of respondents (64%) indicated that agents are the main sources of cattle supply.
Official supplies such are fattening farms are also the second largest supplier of cattle.

46 | P a g e
Figure 7: Suppliers of cattle for abattoirs

Source: Own computation

In addition to agents and official suppliers, ordinary farmers and local cattle breeders supply
significant share of cattle for abattoirs. This shows that, in addition to agents, ordinary farmers are
now the main sources of cattle for export abattoirs.

D) Effect of Physical Defect on Meat Processing and Export

As per the assessment result of the study, majority of the respondents confirmed that physical
defect has an effect on meat processing and export business. However, the effect varies across the
type of defect. Accordingly, around 78% of the respondents indicated that leg and skin defect has
serious effect on meat processing and export.

47 | P a g e
Figure 8: Effect of defects on meat processing and export

Source: Own computation

On the other hand, the effect of horn and eye is minimal in the business of meat processing and
export. This shows that businesses operating in meat processing and export consider the type of
defect exposed while procuring cattle from the market.

E) Availability of Cattle Holding Ground and Daily Meat Supply

Results of the analysis shows that majority of the abattoirs have holding ground for their cattle.
However, the size of the holding ground varies from abattoir to abattoir. The largest space is
owned for export abattoir reaches around five hectares of land (Elfora, Modern, and Luna). The
rest abattoirs have operation space of around two hectares.

The study identified that, depending on the size of the abattoirs, the number of cattle to be
slaughtered varies. Majority of the respondents (47%) confirmed that the number of cattle
slaughtered per abattoir reaches between 1500 and 3000 per day. However, around 46% of the
respondents indicated that the slaughtering capacity of the abattoirs is between 1000 and 1500 per
day, indicating slight variation.

48 | P a g e
Figure 9: Slaughtering capacity of abattoirs per day (In number)

Source: Own computation

The result of the analysis shows that majority of the abattoirs has a daily slaughtering capacity of
less than three thousand. Given the market potential of the country, the capacity of each abattoir is
relatively small and requires further effort to expand their capacity. This is also an opportunity for
other investors in the area.

F) Method of Slaughtering
All abattoirs use either manual or machine based slaughtering. Due to the level of development of
the business, cultural and religious facts, the means of slaughtering varies across abattoirs. Despite
the above facts, the result of the survey indicated that majority of the respondents (66%) identified
use of machine as the only means of slaughtering for meat processing and export. However, large
proportion of respondents (36%) revealed that significant number of abattoirs use both machine
and manual slaughtering.

49 | P a g e
Figure 10: Extent of automation and method of slaughtering

Source: Own computation

However, the study clearly indicated that most of the abattoirs do not have complete meat
processing facilities. As a result, they use a combination of manual and mechanical processing to
avail the required meat to the market. This effort has its own drawback both in the quality and
amount of meat to be deliver for the market.

G) Diseases affecting Meat Processing and Export and Its Inspection

Meat processing and export businesses are highly affected by animal disease. Subject to the
information collected from respondents, RVF (47%) is the most common disease affecting cattle
followed by FMD (42%) and CBPP (12%). These diseases have affected the number of cattle to be
slaughtered and the performance of export abattoirs significantly.

Figure 11: Diseases affecting meat processing and export

Source: Own computation

50 | P a g e
In order to meet the meat export standard, inspections have been conducted on individual cattle. In
most cases such inspections of cattle have been undertaken by professionals of the company.
However, occasionally, the Ministry of Agriculture undertakes inspection to ensure export quality
standard at national level.

H) Market Demand and Competition

Assessment made to identify the level of market demand and check the existence of competition
indicated that there is strong demand for meat products. However, the level of competition is weak
compared to other sectors. In this regard, majority of the respondents (87%) confirmed that the
market is not yet satisfied with the existing supply. Moreover, large number of respondents (62%)
revealed that the level of market competition is weak as the level of demand is high.

Figure 12: Market demand for meat and existence of competition

Source: Own Computation

On the basis of the above findings, it is possible to conclude that the sector still needs additional
effort and more investment to satisfy the existing market demand.

I) Market Demand for Meat

According to the information collected from respondents, the demand for meat has been growing
from year to year. In this case, larger proportion of the sample (81%) confirmed that the demand
for meat products has been increasing. This may be due to an increase in the level of income of
meat importing countries.

51 | P a g e
Figure 13: Observed trends of market demand for meat

Source: Own computation

Individuals that opt for decreasing and it depends may associate seasonal fluctuation of meat
supply with its demand. However, majority of the respondents opt for increasing trend of demand.

J) Cattle Supply Variation and Its Reason

Subject to the responses of survey participants, the major reason for cattle supply variation is
draught (63%) flowed by disease (14%), transportation problem (12%) and price fluctuation
(11%). This shows that change in climatic condition has strong effect on the supply of cattle and
meat export market.

Figure 14: Reasons for market price variation

Source: Own computation

52 | P a g e
In addition to draught, it is possible to state that animal disease and lack of transportation access to
market has significant role in price fluctuation, which in turn plays its own negative contribution
on cattle supply.

K) Market Price Determination

Results of the analysis indicated that those companies engaged in meat processing and export
determines the price of meat and related products. However, in some cases, government interferes
in the market to set market price for these products. In line with this fact, majority of respondents
(71%) indicated that the price of meat and meat products are fixed by the organization in which
they are working in.

Figure 15: Responsible organ for market price determination

Source: Own computation

However, around 24% of the respondents indicated that selling price of meet has been fixed by
government. This view of operators may be linked with previous market interference government
on meat price.

L) Mode of Transportation
Meat is one of the most perishable products. As a result, it needs proper care while transporting
from area to area. In line with this fact, the study identified that airlines is the main system of
transportation for meat export. In addition, shipping lines is the second preferable means of
transportation, especially for offal and related products.

53 | P a g e
Figure 16: Preferred mode of Transportation

Source: Own computation

The figure above indicates that around 87% of the respondents opt for airlines followed by
shipping lines. Only 4% of the respondents selected both mode of transportation, indicating low
use of other services.

M) Cattle Fattening and Time Duration

Respondents of sample abattoirs are asked for the length of time for which cattle are maintained in
abattoir. The result indicated that three months are the most common length of time used to
maintain cattle in the abattoir.

Figure 17: Length of time cattle are maintained in Abattoirs

Source: Own computation

54 | P a g e
In addition to the three months period, around 31% of the respondents are selected two months as
the length of period for fattening. Moreover, around 12% of the samples are also opted for one
month. This shows that most abattoirs maintain their cattle for one to three months until they
slaughter. This means, there is additional cost feed for maintaining livestock in each abattoirs.

4.3.3 Challenges and Opportunities identified in the Livestock Sector

As indicated in chapter two, Ethiopia has immense potential for livestock breeding and meat
production. This potential is associated with different social and economic opportunities. Despite
this fact, the livestock sector is surrounded by different challenges that hinder the growth of the
sector. In line with the assessment made through questionnaire, different internal and external
challenges are identified for the sector. Moreover, the available opportunities of the sector are
isolated using questionnaire. Accordingly, the next section deals with the possible challenges and
opportunities of livestock sector.

A. Major Challenges
In line with the result of the assessment, a series of challenges span the meat processing and export
sector. These challenges are mainly associated with production, fattening and trading, and

Production: From the study it is learned that the livestock production systems have low
productivity and off-take, due to: (i) input constraints of feed and water to pastoral herd size and
reproduction; (ii) reluctance of pastoralists to commercialize livestock because of social
importance and lack of alternative assets; (iii) limited and periodic access to appropriate animal
health services; and (iv) competition of draught power with meat for young males lead to aged and
low-quality off-take in highlands.

Fattening and Trading: Formal trading is constrained by irregular and variable quality in supply
of cattle because: (i) livestock cooperatives are not effective in delivering value added to their
members; (ii) a large proportion of sales are on credit and incur late payment; (iii) limited
transparency on quality, health, and weight; (iv) the feedlot industry faces severe constraints for
feed, water, land, financing, and markets.

55 | P a g e
Other Challenges: Problems associated with genetic improvement of livestock, which include
lack of selection and genetic improvement programs for indigenous breeds, limited crossbreeding
of local breeds with exotic animals for dairy and sheep only, limited capacity of government
ranches and multiplication centers for the supply of improved animals, inefficient and ineffective
AI services, distribution of improved breeds or technologies in isolation from other associated
inputs and services, weak follow-up and extension services and limitation on number of improved
genetic resources distribution per household. Alternative systems have to be explored in order to
have an effective and efficient improved breed improvement and supply system.

In terms of livestock finance and insurance, there is limited credit facility for livestock
development. The problems associated with the existing credit facility include high interest rates,
small amounts and discouraging upper limits of credit that is not attractive for livestock
intervention. In addition, the focus of the available credit for livestock is on short term activities
such as fattening that has short re-payment schedule. Moreover, there is no livestock insurance
system in the country.

In marketing aspect of livestock sector, a number of constraints were identified in the middle of
the value chain, at the aggregation and trading stage, where the formal trading channel has had
mixed success in marketing irregular and variable-quality supply. Key challenges include: (i)
ineffective livestock marketing cooperatives such as poor member patronage and limited access to
production inputs; (ii) pervasive sale on credit and late payment; (iii) lack of transparency on
quality, health and weight; (iv) a rapidly-growing feedlot industry constrained by feed, water, land
and finance; and (v) informal cross-border trade driven by weak highland-lowland linkages and
strong cross-border forces. Formal trade competes with substantial informal cross-border trade due
to weak highland-lowland linkages and incentives offered by the informal market. Some of factors
contributing to large volumes of informal livestock trade and exports include:

 Onerous procedures required to export formally including export licenses, quarantine,

banking clearance for remitting foreign exchange, minimum weight restrictions, and
informal minimum price requirements.
 Better prices and more reliable market across the border;
 Poor market linkages, featuring high transportation and transaction costs;

56 | P a g e
 Consumer goods (food, clothes, electronics) can be traded for livestock and are readily
available from across borders;
 Bans on Ethiopian livestock and meat;
 Financial and non-financial advantages to informality, including taxation, black market
foreign exchange rates, lack of bureaucratic delay and clan and linguistic ties.

B. Opportunities
The study also identified that there is huge livestock production potentials in Ethiopia for the fact
that existence of high livestock population, diverse genetic resources, diverse agro-ecologies,
different livestock production systems, increased demand for livestock products, increased interest
in market oriented livestock production, less commercialization, inadequate livestock product
processing and by product (offal) processing. Moreover, there are many alternative investment
opportunities in livestock sectors that include:

 Establishment of ranches;
 Establishment of meat export abattoir;
 Rearing and breeding of cattle;
 Livestock fattening and export
 Trading of cattle domestically after the completion of a fattening cycle
 Production and processing of feed for domestic market and use
 Establishment of poultry farm
 Processing of offal for export

In addition, respondents stated the government initiatives to improve the livestock, meat
processing and export sector. Accordingly, strong emphasis and sufficient incentives was given for
the private investors who have an interest to participate in the sector. The major incentives of the
sector were indicated as:

 Tax holiday for three to five years.

 Duty free material import that are intended to the investment from any country
 Easy way of delivering investment land

57 | P a g e
 Facilitating the financial support through financial institution like development banks with
30/70% (that means 30% of the total investment cost will be covered by the investors the
rest 70% is handled by the bank) based on the some conditions and with respect to the
viability of the project the system of delivering the finance will be changed in
 Facilitation of infrastructure in the investment areas like road, airport, water supply, electric
power supply

In general, the result of the assessment indicated that the performance of the different meat
processing and export abattoirs has been operating with an environment of high demand and low
supply. Assessment made on sample export abattoirs shows that they have been operating below
their capacity due to different reasons. Some of the major reasons for low production include lack
of sufficient cattle that meat export standard, poor organization of export abattoirs, problem of
cattle and meat market chain, inadequate transport facilities, etc. As a result, due attention should
be made to improve the current situation and enhance performance of the sector.

58 | P a g e

5.1 Conclusion
Ethiopia is one of the countries with large livestock population in the world. However, the country
is known with less commercially oriented livestock production systems, inadequate production and
marketing infrastructure, and inadequate services, institutions, and support systems. Its
contributions to both agricultural value-adding and national GDP are not substantial. Literatures
indicate that, at household level, livestock plays critical economic and social role in the lives of
pastoralists, agro-pastoralists, and small farm holders. Livestock fulfills an important function in
coping with shocks, accumulating wealth, source of nutritious food and serving as a store of value
in the absence of financial institutions. As a result, improving livestock production and marketing
is critical for enhancing livelihoods and to alleviating poverty in Ethiopia.

Unlike its economic importance, poor livestock management system resulted in low productivity
and low income generation capacity. Problem of reliable and adequate supply of quality live
animals and meat has been one of the major challenges facing meat export sector in Ethiopia.
Development of the private sector and institutional capacity to reliably deliver the required
quantities of live animals and meat of a specified quality standard as agreed upon by the importers
is crucial. In this regard, some of the major challenges identified in the study include poor quality
of live animals as a result of disease, insufficient feeding, and sanitary, marketing infrastructure
deficiencies, lack of transportation facilities, etc. In order to fill this gap, it is important to adapt
production and marketing methods that fit to the export market requirements.

Meat processing and export industry is one of the sectors that have been given development
priorities by the Ethiopian government to increasing meat exports, especially beef in order to
capture value of hides and offal’s and to create job opportunities and market outlet to producers,
particularly the pastoralists. Due to the favorable investment opportunity of the country, many
investors are getting to this sector and most of the export abattoirs are established from 1991E.C
onwards. Despite the huge potential of the country, the meat processing and export sector has been
operating below expectation. The performance selected export abattoirs have been decreasing for
the past five years due to problems stated above. In addition, the existing meat processing and
export infrastructure of the different abattoirs also requires further emphasis. However, assessment

59 | P a g e
made on selected abattoirs shows that there is high demand for the product from both domestic and
international consumers. Therefore, it is important to concentrate on solving the problems of these
abattoirs and expand the sector in a way that contributes for the national economy.

In general, on the basis of the findings of the study, it is possible to say that meat processing and
export business is found at its infant stage. The volume of meat export to neighboring countries is
very low compared to other countries due to various challenges. In addition, the number of
businesses engaged in meat processing and export is very low compared to the potential of the
country. Furthermore, the technology and infrastructure used for meat processing and export are
found at its low level and requires further investment to avail quality meat and related livestock
products. Therefore, proper emphasis is expected to minimize the challenges of the sector and
enhance its contribution to the national economy.

5.2 Recommendations
The meat processing and export industries can play a pivotal role in shaping the market for high
quality meat domestically and using advantage of international market opportunities by utilizing
the country‟s livestock potential.

In order to enhance the contribution of the livestock sector and curb the problem of meat
processing and export of Ethiopia, it is important to consider the stated internal and external
challenges of the sector and propose appropriate remedies that solve or minimize their impact and
also design intervention together with member banks to alleviate constraints to access to capital,
to effective transport, to foreign exchange, and to the import of trucks and cold chain equipment,
will improve the effectiveness of the meat value chain The intervention can include the
development of business cases for transport logistics and promote to potential investors.

On the basis of the foregoing findings and discussions, a series of recommendations are proposed
for the problem at hand. Some of these recommendations include:

 Involving and creating awareness among small farmers and pastoralists on modern
livestock breeding and fattening in a way that meets meat export requirements
Strengthening the transportation link in areas with problems of road infrastructure

60 | P a g e
 Establishing efficient and accessible market information system that helps to facilitate easy
transaction among participants.
 Establishing holding grounds in lowlands and carrying out uninterrupted livestock
purchases to maintain sustainable and adequate livestock supply
 Establishing primary livestock and commodity markets in remote pastoral areas that will
increase both the cash demand of the pastoralists and market access for their livestock
 Upgrading the marketing/management skills of livestock producers and their cooperatives
 Developing and adopting a unified livestock pricing system in the supply chain such as
auction system, which is a mechanism where floor price is decided based on the available
market price and bidders are invited to offer their prices based on the pre-set rules of game.
 Implementing uniform pricing system, developing standardized units of measurements for
the animals traded (like body weight, heart girth, animal height, age etc); price will be set
based on the developed standards, and bidders will compute accordingly.
 Developing and disseminating research output which helps to increase productivity through
improving reproductive efficiency and improving nutrition and management practices on
slaughter management and chilling techniques for highland shoats. Undertake further
investment on meat processing infrastructure and human skill in a way that meets
international standards.

In general, in order to enhance the performance of Ethiopian meat processing and export
industry, all stakeholders of the sector, including Government, should work together in a way that
improve the existing bottlenecks and enhance the expansion of meat processing industries such as
export standard abattoirs and meat processing industries of international standard with all the
necessary facilities to qualify for exporting processed and further processed meat products,
recognizing livestock as one of the country’s key economic resources.

5.3 Areas of Further Research

In this study focus is given for assessing the operational performance of meat processing and
export business in Ethiopia. However, the determinants of investment in meat processing and
export are not yet covered in this research. Thus, this study invites researchers to undertake further
research on the determinants of investment in meat processing and export sector of Ethiopia.

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65 | P a g e

Semi-structured questioner for Export Abattoirs

Dear respondents, I am a post graduate student of Addis Ababa University undertaking a research
on “The Operational Performance of Manufacturing Sector in Ethiopia: Meat Processing
and Export Subsector. Semi-structured questioner is used for the purpose of collecting the
necessary data for this research. Therefore, I kindly request your assistance in completing the
questioner. Please give your most appropriate answer and your answer will kept confidential and
no need of writing your name.

<< Thank you in advance for your Cooperation >>

Name of the abattoir _______________________

Region ___________________________
Zone ___________________________
Woreda ___________________________

Part I: Demographic Characteristic of the Respondents

1) Sex of respondent Male Female
2) Age of respondent
a. Less than 15 years b.15-30 years c .30-64 years. d. above 64 years
3) Level of education?
1. Grade 0-8 c. Grade 9-12 complete d. Diploma and above
4) What is your major occupation?
a. Meat processing b. Administrative staff c. Marketing and sells
e. others (specify)___________________

Part II. Questions on the operational performance of the abattoirs

1) How long have you been in export of slaughtered animals business?
1. < 1 year 2. 1-5 years 3.5-15 years 4. >15 years

66 | P a g e
2) To which country (ies) do you export slaughtered cattle? Name of the country (ies) --------------
3) What kind of cattle breed do these countries prefer?
1. Horro 2. Boran 3. Both 4. Any other (specify)
4) Do you get the required breed at the market?
1. Yes 2. No
5) What are the criteria’s to purchase these animals from the market?
1. Sex 2.Age 3.Color 4.weight 5.all 6. Other (Specify)
6) Which sex is preferable for your market?
1. Male 2. Female 3.Both
7) What age range is preferable for your market? -----------------------------------------------------
8) Do you get this age group at the market?
1. Yes 2. No
9) If yes, how do you identify their age?
1. Teeth 2. Observation 3. Other (specify)
10) If no, what do you think is the reason? ------------------------------------------------------------------
11) What weight range is preferable to purchase? -------------------------------------------------------
12) Do you get this weight range at market?
1. Yes 2. No
13) If no, what do you think is the reason? ------------------------------------------------------------------
14) Does skin color have effect on your cattle purchase?
1. Yes 2. No
15) If yes, what color is preferable?
1. White 2. Brown 3. Gray 4. Other (Specify
16) 16) Does physical defect affect your purchase of cattle?
1. Yes 2. No
17) If yes, what type of defects?
1. Skin damage 2. Blind eyes 3. Broken horn 4. Broken leg 5. Other ……..….

67 | P a g e
18) Do you have holding ground at the abattoir?
1. Yes 2. No
19) If yes, how many cattle can it accommodate at a time? -----------------------------------------------
20) How many cattle can your abattoir slaughter per day? ------------------------------------------------
21) How is your method of slaughtering?
1. Manually 2. Using machine 3. Other (Specify)
22) If manually, how many cattle can your abattoir slaughter per day? ---------------------------------
23) If using machine, how many cattle can your abattoir slaughter per day? ---------------------------
24) Are there complete slaughtering facilities and services in your abattoir?
1. Yes 2. No
25) If yes, please indicate/explain the available slaughtering facilities/services.
26) If no, please indicate/explain the problem of not fulfilling the necessary facilities/services.

27) What are the major diseases inspected at your abattoir?
1. FMD 2. CBPP 3.RVF 4. Other (Specify)
28) Who is the inspector at the abattoir?
1. Ministry of Agriculture 2. Your professionals 3. Both 4.Other (Specify)
29) Do you satisfy your customer’s demand/volume with respect to resource of the Country?
1. Yes 2. No
30) If no, what is your reason? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
31) Do you think domestic market is competing with you?
1. Yes 2. No

68 | P a g e
32) If yes, how? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
33) If no, how? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
34) Who specifies the selling price of slaughtered cattle?
1. Yourself 2. Government 3. Other (Specify)
35) Do you think the price for export market affect the domestic market?
1. Yes 2. No
36) If yes, mention how it affects. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

37) If no, why? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
38) How is the trend on demand/volume of your customers?
1. Increasing 2. Decreasing 3. Constant 4. It depends 5. Other(specify)
39) If decreasing, what is the reason?
1. High price 2. Low quality 3. Disease causes 4. Other (specify)
40) Who supply cattle for you?
1. Yourself 2. Brokers 3. Official suppliers 4. Others, please specify---------------
41) 41) Does the supply of cattle to your abattoir vary from season to season?
1. Yes 2. No
42) If yes, what is the reason?
1. Price change 2. Transportation problem 3. Drought (Lack of grazing land)
4. Disease incidence 5. Or other, specify
43) In which months of the year do you think is the cattle price become higher and lower?
1. Month high price 2. Month lower price
-------------- ----------- ------------- -----------
-------------- ----------- -------------- -----------

69 | P a g e
44) Why do you think is the reason for cattle price variation across months/season? -----------------
45) What mode of transportation do you use?
1. Air lines 2. Shipping lines 3. Both 4. Other (Specify)
46) Which mode of transportation is the fastest one?
1. Air lines 2. Shipping lines 3. Both
47) How do you do if you cannot sell the slaughtered cattle you offered to the export market?
1. Take them to Restaurants 2. Take them to Hotels 3. Sell at lower price
4. Other means indicate------------------------------------------------
48) Do you fatten (condition) animals before bringing to market?
1. Yes 2. No
49) If yes, for how long?
1. Two weeks 2. One month. 3. Two months 4. Three months
5. > three months
50) What are other internal constraints you face? (Mention)-----------------------------------------------
51) What are other external constraints you face? (Mention) ---------------------------------------------
52) What do you recommend to alleviate these constraints? (Mention)----------------------------------

Thank you very much for your time!

70 | P a g e
Table 4: Overview of export abattoirs and offal processors in Ethiopia
Year of Geographical Installed annual Attained Capacity
Sr. Land area Importing
Export Abattoir establishment Location Type of products Meat production utilizatio Current status Comment
No. (hectare) countries
(Region and Production capacity n (%)
Modjo,  Chilled sheep capacity (tons) (ton)  KSA Operational work in
1 Organic 2006 2.5 4,500 2400.19 53.33
Oromia and Goats  UAE good capacity (70
 Frozen
 Chilled offal
sheep  Vietnam
 KSA %)
Modjo modern Export Modjo,
2 2000 2.7 and Goats 5,230 4993.75 95.48  UAE Functional, work in
Abattoir PLC Oromia
 Frozen offal  Vietnam very good capacity
 Chilled sheep  KSA Operational,
(85 %) work in
Luna slaughter house Modjo,
3 2003 2.5 and Goats 5,230 3299.16 63.08  UAE very good capacity
plc Oromia
 Frozen offal (85 %)
 Chilled
 Beef forsheep
local  KSA Operational, but Not working
Helmix (Hashim Nuru Bishoftu, 6,000 shoat meat
4 1998 5.6 and Goats 1203.04 20.05  UAE work under capacity efficiently to
Jiru plc) Oromia 7,200 beef
 Frozen offal  Vietnam (25 %) find end markets
 Chilled sheep  KSA Operational, but Not working
Bishoftu 4,608 shoat
5 ELFORA Bishoftu 1973 5 and Goats 1683.12 36.52  UAE work under capacity efficiently to
(Oromia) meat
 Frozen offal (35 %) find end markets
 Beef for local  Previo Not operational , Need
6 ELFORA, Melgewondo 1961  Beef for local usly to b/se not renewed the rehabilitation of
Egypt approval from VSD infrastructure
Almost not Recently

Metehara,  Chilled sheep Functional since approved by

7 ELFORA, Metehara 2001 5 and Goats 2112 25.5 1.2 2000 (1%) Will UAE, and KSA
 Frozen offal  UAE increase capacity to will approve it
 Chilled camel 50 % once they get soon
meat Saudi approval
71 | P a g e
Bahir-Dar, 5378 shoat meat
8 Aschraf group PLC 2010 5.5 0 0 Not operational Not approved by
Amhara 13219 beef
UAE, and
Abergelle international Functional only 5 % Approved by
MeKelle, 2,850 shoat meat
9 livestock development 2010 5  Chilled sheep 28.13 0.98 because of transport UAE, and KSA
Tigray 9,072 beef
PLC and Goats costs and will approve it
 Frozen offal difficulties in direct soon
 Chilled sheep Functional, but work Approved by
Bishoftu/ air transportation
Abyssinia export and Goats 5,148 shoat meat under capacity (20 UAE, and KSA
10 2013 Bishoftu 1.5 22.3 0.43
abattoir  Frozen offal 6,578 beef  UAE %), Once KSA will approve it
 Chilled beef approval given, will soon
Frozen offal
 Chilled sheep increase to 65but
Operational, %. Approved by
6,000 shoat meat
Aksker Ethiopia casing and Goats  UAE work under capacity UAE, and KSA
11 2015 Modjo 2.5 6,000 beef 3710 815.13 21.7
PLC  Frozen offal  Qatar (20 %), Once KSA will approve it
 Frozen beef approval given, will soon
ELFORA Combolcha 2000 Amhara,  Beef for local Not Functional,
increase to 75 %.b/se Need
12 (Combolcha) not renewed the rehabilitation of
approval from VSD infrastructure
Not Functional, b/se Need
13 ELFORA Gonder 2000 Amhara,  Beef for local not renewed the rehabilitation of
(Gonder) approval from VSD infrastructure
Jimma  Middle Almost not
14 Jima Abattoir 1.96
(Oromia) east functional
Yongtai offal Bishoftu/
15 380 Under construction
Processing Bishoftu
16 NFA business Plc 78 Operational
Sources: (EMDIDI, 2014), (MoA, 2014)

72 | P a g e


Description Measurement Indicator Result

Sex F 75
M 100
Age <15 0
15-30 40
30-64 135
>64 0
Education <8 65
9 to 12 60
Diploma and Above 50
Marital Status Single 33
Married 122
Divorced 8
Widowed 12
Occupation Meat Processing 100
Administrative Staff 50
Marketing and Sales 25
Experience <1 8
1 to 5 25
5 to 15 80
above 15 62
Location Bishoftu 70
Modjo 105
Abattoir Organic 35
Luna 35
Modjo Modern 35
Elfora 35
Helmex 35
Export country Middle East 78
North Africa 28
Both 43
Others 26
Country Preference Horro 45
Boran 115

73 | P a g e
Description Measurement Indicator Result
Both 58
Others 15
Access to breed Yes 146
No 29
Criteria to purchase Sex 34
Age 152
Colour 37
Weight 165
All 41
Others 13
Market Sex preference Male 102
Female 61
Both 12

74 | P a g e

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