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Tizita Endeshaw Final Thesis

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JULY, 2017




JULY, 2017







________________________ _________________
Dean, Graduate Studies Signature &Date

________________________ ________________
Advisor Signature &Date

________________________ ________________
External Examiner Signature &Date

________________________ ________________

Internal Examiner Signature &Date


I confirm that the thesis entitled “Assessment of Coffee Export Marketing strategy and Practice in
Ethiopian Trading Business Corporations” has been supervised by me and forwarded for a defense

Alula Tessemma (PhD)

--------------------------------------- --------------------------------
Advisor Signature & Date

I, the undersigned declare that this thesis entitled “Assessment of Coffee Marketing Strategy and
Practice in Ethiopian Trading Business Corporation, is my original work prepared under the guidance
of Alula Tessemma (PhD) .All sources of materials used for the thesis have been acknowledged. I
further confirm that this study has not been submitted in part or full for any degree completion to any
University or Collage.

TIZITA ENDESHAW Signature_________________________

Content Page
List of Abbreviations…………………………………………………………………… ............ II
List of Table ................................................................................................................................ III
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study ........................................................................................................ 1
1.2 statement of the problem ........................................................................................................ 3
1.3 Research Question .................................................................................................................. 4
1.4 Research objective .................................................................................................................. 4
1.4.1 General objective ............................................................................................................ 4
1.4.2 Specific objectives .......................................................................................................... 4
1.5 Definition of Key terms .......................................................................................................... 5
1.6 Significance of the study ........................................................................................................ 5
1.7 Scope of the study ………………………….………………….………………..…...………5
1.8 Limitation of the study ........................................................................................................... 6
1.9 Organization of the study………….………………………………………………..…...…...6
Chapter Two: Review of Related Literature
2.1Theoretical literature review……………..………………….…………..…...…………..…7
2.1.1Marketing Strategy Overview………………………………………….………….......7
2.1.2Marketing Strategy Development……………………..…….………….……………..8
2.1.3Elements of Marketing Strategy…..…………………………………………………..8
2.2 Theories on International Trade and Marketing Strategy…………………………….…..9
2.3 Coffee Marketing Strategy in Ethiopia …………..…………..……………..……..…….12
2.3.1 Features of Ethiopia‟s Export Strategy………………………………………..…...12
2.3.2 Marketing……………………………………………………………….....…...……13
2.3.3 Determinant of coffee export performance in Ethiopia………………………....…..16
2.4 Empirical literature ……….………………………..………..…..…...………….…..….....20
Chapter Three: Research Methodology
3.1 Research approach and design …………………………………………….………......23
3.2 Population and sampling………………………………………….…………………....23
3.3 Instrumentation and data collection techniques……………………………………… 24
3.4 Data analysis procedures and interpretation…..…….…………………….…………..25
3.5 Reliability Test ….………………...…………..………….………………..…………..25
3.6 Ethical Consideration………………….………...…………………………….………26
Chapter Four: Data Presentations, Analysis and Discussions
4.1 Introduction…….………………………………...………………….….…….………..27
4.2 Result of Demographic Question…………………………...……….…………..……..27
4.3 Result and discussions of research Question ……………………….…………..….….30
4.4 Analysis of Interview Data…………………………………………...…….….………38
Chapter Five: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1 Summary of Finding ………………………………….………………….....…….…...41
5.2 Conclusion of the Study ..…………………………………..…………….……………43
5.3 Recommendation …………………..………………..……………………….……….. 45
Appendix A: Questionnaires to Employee
Appendix B: Interview Question to the Management Team

First I would like to thank my almighty GOD, who helped me in every facts of my life.
Next I would like to forward my special thanks to my advisor, Dr Alula Tessema, for his unreserved
support in giving constructive comments, scholarly guidance throughout the study. I would like to
express my appreciation for all the employees who voluntary to survey questionnaires and interview
.Finally, special thanks to all my family my close friends who where around and supported me in any
way during my study.

AGP-AADE: Agribusiness and Market Development

ADLI : Agricultural Development Led Industrialization

ATO : Agricultural Trade Office
COMESA: Common Market for Eastern and South Africa
EGTE : Ethiopian Grain Trade Enterprise
ECX: Ethiopia Commodity Exchange
FAO : Food and agriculture Organized
FDRE : Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
GDP : Gross Domestic Product
GOE: Government of Ethiopia
IACO: Inter Africa coffee Organization
ICO : International Coffee Organization
MoARD: Ministry of agriculture and Rural Development
USAID: United States Agency for international Development
USDA: United State Department of Agriculture

List of Table and Figure page

Figure 1: Framework of Marketing Strategy…………..……………………………………….…..8
Table 3.1 Reliability Statistics of Cronbach‟s Alpha…………………………….………….……25
Table 4.1: Frequency Distributions of Respondent with respect to their Gender…….…..……….27
Table 4.2: Frequency Distributions of Respondent with respect to their Age.…………………...28
Table4.3:FrequencyDistributions of Respondent with respect to their Educational Background.28
Table 4.4: Distributions of Respondent with respect to their work experience…………….…….29
Table 4.5:Frequency Distributions of Respondent with respect to their position………………...29
Table 4.6: Opinion of employees towards on marketing mix strategy of the business unit……..30
Table 4.7: Employee response on Customer Primary reason for buying the Export coffee……….31
Table 4.8: Employees opinion about the current coffee quality of the business unit………...…….31
Table 4.9: Employee opinion concerning the price of the export coffee of the business unit...........32
Table 4.10: Employees response on factors considering in setting pricing strategy..………..……..33
Table 4.11: Respondent on the company coffee availability and accessibility……….………........33
Table 4.12: Employee opinion on advertising strategy of the business unit…...…………..…..….34
Table 4.13: Employees response on Promotion tool……….………………………………………35
Table 4.14: Employees response communication effectiveness between corporate sales and
marketing department and other department………………………..…….……….….35
Table 4.15: Area of the company give direction about export coffee……...……….…………..…36
Table 4.16: the major challenges in the implementing of export coffee marketing ……..………37

The study has been designed to Coffee Export Marketing Strategy and Practice in Ethiopia
Trading Business Corporation. Both primary and secondary data collection instruments were
used to collect data. Closed ended and open ended questionnaires along with interviews were
used for the purpose of data collection. The selection of the respondents were carried out by
using census sampling research method because no other departments were concerned about
marketing strategies and the researcher took all the respondents of marketing staffs and planning
as a total population of the study, The collected data were analyzed and interpreted using SPSS
analytical software.
Ethiopia Trading Business Corporation provides quality export coffee with affordable prices by
promoting its products by using high and effective advertising mechanisms with the
determination of the buyers' accessibility to the products. Even though the marketing strategies
of the company are somewhat effectively practiced, there are some problems that the company
faced with implementing it. These are the capability of the company to compete in the export
international market is becoming difficult due to the structure of the company it have high
member of the employee not enable the company to have cost advantage, and complex
marketing challenge, limited access to market information, communication problem and poor

Key words: Marketing Strategy, Coffee, export

1.1 Background of the Study
World consumption of coffees is expected to increase by 0.8 percent from 2015/16 to
2016/17.USDA (2004) Following this increases in world demand for coffee, volume exported by
different countries is expanding. For instance in2015/16, Brazil stands first for world coffee
exports, which account for about 28 percent of the total exports, followed by Vietnam, Colombia,
Indonesia and Honduras taking 24, 10, 7, and 4 percent of world exports consequently . In
2015/16, Ethiopia took ninth place according to this data, which accounted for about 3.12 percent
of world total with export of 3520 thousand bags. USDA (2004).
On the other hand, Ethiopia which is considered as coffee‟s birthplace produces high-quality
Arabica coffee for both the domestic and international markets. Coffee plays a major role in
Ethiopia‟s economy and is deeply intertwined with cultural traditions and day-to-day living.
According to (Tefera, 2016) there are an estimated 15 million people, or approximately 15 percent
of the country‟s total population, who derive their livelihoods from coffee. Annually, an average of
about 150,000 tons of coffee is produced in Ethiopia and the livelihood of about 15 million people
depends directly or indirectly on the production, processing and export of coffee from Ethiopia. In
contrast to other coffee producing countries, the Ethiopian coffee production is dominated by small
holder agriculture, contributing with more than 90% of total harvest (Dercon, 2002). A special
feature of Ethiopian coffee production is that domestic consumption is considerably high, as coffee
is traditional beverage throughout the country, FAO estimates that about 50% of total harvest is
used domestically, and that some farmers grow coffee only for home consumption (Dercon, 2002).
Ethiopia is the single largest African producer of coffee with about half of its production going for
export. And, the country is the world‟s third largest producer after Brazil and Colombia,
accounting for about 7.5 percent of global coffee production.
Coffee is Ethiopia‟s most important cash crop, with more than 15 million people directly or
indirectly depending on it for their livelihoods. It plays a central role in Ethiopia‟s economy and as
the country‟s leading export is an important source of foreign exchange. In addition to its
economic importance, coffee is deeply intertwined in the country‟s social, cultural and historical
identity. On the world stage, Ethiopia account for 4.5 percent of global coffee production.
Ethiopia‟s contribute of the world coffee market is 4.3 % in 2015/2016. (Tefera, 2016).
The coffee bean export business reserved for Ethiopia citizens. Out of the total number of coffee
exporting companies, 93 percent are private companies, 5% are coffee growing farmers‟
cooperatives, and 2 % are governmental enterprise. The extent to which cooperatives and private,
including previous Ethiopian Grain Trade Enterprise (EGTE) now named Ethiopia Trading
Business Corporation and state farms, play a role in coffee exports from Ethiopia.
The Ethiopian Trading Businesses Corporation is the public enterprise established 22nd December,
2015 by the council of ministers. The corporation has consolidated the former four business
Enterprises know as Ethiopian Grain Trade Enterprise, Ethiopian Trading Enterprise, Ethiopian
Procurement Service Enterprise and Ethiopian Fruits and Vegetables Sh.C(Etfruit). One of the
Business Units under the corporation is Grain & Coffee Trading business Unit which it has been
engaged in exporting coffee, oilseeds, and pulses, and local grain market stabilization. The unit
serves the interest of Ethiopian coffee producer and coffee buyers by exporting coffee. It buys
coffee from Ethiopian Commodity Exchange and process the coffee for exporting Arabica Green
Coffee which is yirgaceffe Grade 2, Sidama Grade 2/4, Harar Grade 4/5,Lekempti Grade 4/5 and
Limmu Grade 2 high land grown coffee and major type of commercial coffee to the world market.
the unit owned modern coffee cleaning machine that can polish ,sort and clean 90 mertic tons of
coffee per day ,warehouse that can accommodate 820,000 metric tons of grain and coffee and
bulking machine that can pack 300- 320 kg coffee per hour. By using all this capacity the Grain &
Coffee Trading business Unit export coffee in 2015/16 year 53,840 quintal which is take 30 %
share out of the total exported commodity in the business unit. (Egte, 2016)
Given its significant contribution in the national export earning, the unit serves the interest of
Ethiopian coffee producer and coffee buyers by exporting coffee studying to assess coffee
marketing strategy and practice in Ethiopian Trading Business Corporation importance for
decision maker, policy makers and future research undertaking.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Overall, we note an increase in the number of exporters and increasing diversity of players (e.g.
private sector, cooperatives, public) in the export market. However, the shares of income-bent
firms are large, possibly because of the expertise and reputation required to gain market share in
the coffee export business, as well as problematic access to trade credit for new entrant firms,
especially (World Bank, 2014).
Even more, high performing exporters have a “desire to capitalize on the firm‟s competitive
advantages”. Therefore, exporting companies will design their marketing strategy in order to build
sustainable competitive advantages. A useful approach marketing strategy is to understand the
performance differences between exporters, i.e. why are some firms more successful than the
others in their export operations. Is it because of different strategies or managerial attitudes?
Katsikeas (2000) identified two main groups of explanatory variables of export performance:
background variables and intervening variables. Intervening variables are those that have a direct
influence on export performance, such as the company‟s targeting and marketing strategy.
Relatively little empirical research has been developed to identify which elements of the marketing
strategy are most associated with export performance. The key decision companies have to make
in terms of their export marketing strategy is the level of standardization or adaptation of each
element to the local conditions (Douglas and Craig, 1989; An appropriate level of market
adaptation is a key determinant of market performance.
Ethiopia has shown a significant growth in the exports of coffee over the last years. Although the
importance of supply side factors like production cost and climatic conditions, the international
market channeling factors of coffee may give insight for future policy implications. For example, it
accounts for 55 percent of the export revenue and contributes over 25 percent of GNP (Ashenafi
2006).Given its significant contribution in the national export earning, the unit try to serves the
interest of Ethiopian coffee producer and coffee buyers by exporting coffee, oilseed & pulses by
developing marketing strategy plan for five years to be competitive in the exporting sector. By
applying the marketing plan the unit export oil seeds & pulses by volume 125,590 quintal and
coffee 53,848 quintal in 2015/16 year which is the coffee take 30 percent of the total exported by
the business unit.
Having the above information, Even though there is a remarkable increase in the export activity in
the business unit it is not as intended for coffee and data shows that the export growth rate of the
unit low as compared to other commodity in the business unit and other private exporter which
have similar capacity and other features. So in considering those gaps, this paper tries to answer
this specific question by analyzing the descriptive value of marketing strategy elements at once.
1.3 Research Question
This study attempted to assess the problem associated with coffee marketing strategy and practice
in Ethiopian trading business corporation. The following research question formulated in line with
the above problem:-
 How does the marketing mix element designed for marketing strategy in order to fulfill
customer requirements?
 What are actual practices for coffee market strategically targeting, segmenting, targeting
and positioning its product to win its competitors?
 What are the major problems in implementing the marketing strategies?
 What kind of practice is used in evaluating and reviewing the strategic document
1.4 Objectives of the Study
1.4.1 General Objective
The general objective of the study to assess coffee marketing strategy and practices of the
Ethiopian trading Business and to identify whether it is aligned with the target marketing,
marketing mix and corporate mission to satisfy customer requirements.
1.4.2 Specific Objectives
 To identify the company‟s marketing mix strategies that appeal to the target market.
 To investigate how the company strategically positioning and segmenting the market to
achieve its objectives.
 To explore the various factors to be considered in implementing marketing strategy of the
 To investigate the practical used in evaluating and reviewing the strategic marketing
1.5 Definition of Key Terms
Marketing Strategy: - The marketing logic by which the companies hope to create customer
value and achieves profitable customer relationship.(Kotler 2012)
Targeting Marketing is the identification of the market segments that are identified as being the
most likely purchasers of the company‟s product(wallyey,A,2010,pp 76)
Market segmentation is the process of dividing the total market for a particular product category
in to relative homogenous segments or groups.(Ferrell and Hartline,2010,pp 167)
Positioning is the strategy that enable a firm to competitively and strongly place its brand in the
customers mind such that it becomes the most preferred brand.(saxena,2002,pp181)
Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans, which are the seeds of berries from
the Coffea plant.
Exportis a function of international trade where by goods produces in one country are shipped to
another country for future sale or trade.
1.6 Significant of the Study
The significant of the study will serve as an input for the organizations to re-examine the coffee
marketing strategy and practices in the organizations towards improving the performance of the its
practice to ward coffee market and achieving organization objectives.. The study was focused on
how marketing mix, corporate, mission, and target marketing used in order to enhance, maintain
and attract customers and to identify how those tools should affect their marketing strategy and
under taking such study is very crucial for any business entity so as to shape its marketing strategy.
The study was worth doing because it was helped the company to look at its problems, to take in to
the alternative consideration, and it will help as a source of reference and a stepping stone for those
researchers who want to make further study on the area afterwards.
1.7 Scope of the Study
The study conducted on the organization‟s side which is the coffee marketing strategy and
practices of the corporation from employees and management perspective and uncovered other
stakeholders, customers and competitors intermediaries, and also the study will be delimited to the
data obtained from the rates using questionnaires and interviews in the Addis Ababa branch only
while further study of other regions in the country would have a significant effect on the
comprehensiveness of the study.
1.8 Limitation of the Study
The study conducted on the organization‟s side which is the coffee marketing strategy and
practices of the corporation from employees and management perspective and uncovered other
stakeholders, customers and competitors. As a result the input from customer will not incorporate
in this research.
In addition in this study only 4P‟s of marketing mixes aligned with STP are taken as a variable of
marketing strategies, there are additional other 3P‟s of marketing mixes (People, process and
physical evidence)that may applicable in the service marketing and well-establish business
companies used to define their marketing strategy. Beside to this, with in marketing strategy
practices the remaining 3p‟s are not considered in this study. Thus, other researcher may consider
these issues for further studies.
1.9 Organization of the Study
The research project organized into six chapters: Chapter one contained the introduction part
dealing with research problems, objectives, and scope and significant of the study. The second
chapter is discussed the review of related literatures about the subject matter. In chapter three
research methodologies is discussed, how to obtain the important information and the appropriate
tools to collect the data. Four focuses on Data Analysis and Discussions the analysis of the subject
matter to investigate and evaluate the problems. The chapter five is discussion Summary,
Conclusion and Recommendations part. Finally, chapters six have covered the conclusions of the
findings and forwards recommendations.
2.1 Theoretical Literature Review
2.1.1 Marketing Strategy Overview
Marketing is the process of planning production, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas,
goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals, cited in
Kolter, 2003).
When we start marketing strategy, the same term apply to the words “objective” and “strategy”.
The marketing objectives are the aims, the goal to which the entire marketing effort of the
organization is directed. Marketing strategy therefore refers to the means by which the marketing
objectives will be achieved. The same short hand will also apply; the marketing objectives must
begin with the word “To...” and the marketing strategies with the word “By” (Paul Fifield
While all marketers do not agree on a common definition of marketing strategy, the term
generally refers to a company plan that allocates resources in ways to generate profits by
positioning products or services and targeting specific consumer groups. Marketing strategy
focuses on long term company objectives and involves planning marketing programs so that they
help a company realize its goals. Companies rely on marketing strategies for established product
lines or services as well as for new products and services. Marketing strategy determines the
choice of target market segments, positioning, marketing mix, and allocation of resources.
Marketing strategy encompasses selecting and analyzing the target market(s) and creating and
maintaining an appropriate marketing mix that satisfies the target market and company. (Paul
Fifield 1994).
According to McDonld, Marketing strategies are the means by which marketing objectives will be
achieved and are generally concerned with the four major elements of the marketing mixes;
product, price, promotion and place (Malcolm McDonald and Ian Dunbar,2007). In the word of
Kotler, marketing strategy is the marketing of logic by which the business unit expects achieve its
marketing objectives. Marketing strategy consists of marketing decisions on the business‟s
marketing expenditure, marketing mix and allocations in relation to expected environmental and
competitive conditions (Philip Kotler, 2007).
2.1.2 Marketing Strategy Development
After testing and selecting a product concept for development, the new product Manager must
draft a three part preliminary marketing strategy plan for introducing the new product into the
market. The first part will describe the target market‟s size, structure, and behavior; the planned
product positioning; and the sales, market share, and profit goals sought in the first few years. The
second part will outline the planned price, distribution strategy, and marketing budget for the first
year. The third part will describe the long run sales, profit goals, and marketing mix strategy over
time. This plan forms the basis for the business analysis that is conducted before management
makes a final decision on the new product (Ranchhod A., 2007).
2.1.3 Elements of Marketing Strategy
In order to achieve the marketing objectives, we need to have a strategy that includes different
elements. Here there are four major elements that are used in the literature to explain the detail of
marketing strategy. These are the Target market, Segmentation, Positioning and the marketing
mixes (Roger Brooks bank, 1994, pp.1014.).

Segments market
Target market

PPPP = product
Promotion p P

Place p P

Figure 1: Framework of Marketing Strategy

Source: Adopted from Roger Brooks bank, 1994, pp.1014.
2.2 Theories on International Trade and Marketing Strategy
The content analysis of numerous studies presented by scientists of different countries shows that
there are still many theoretical and practical problems to be solved in the area of development of
export marketing, enhancements and promotion .different authors had presented different strategy
and marketing strategy determination as well as the strategy factors, elements and driving forces
of trade internationalization. For example, Anssoff(1976) stressed mutual interdependence of
product and market (Ansoff‟s matrix). A.Branch (1994) designated four main factors, that must
be apprized in market selection: market potential, common market and promotion factor, market
accessibility and capital payback. M.Czinkota(1994) stresses out the need for exporting goods to
be modified in accordance with foreign market requirements: characteristics of market ,and
product attributes. P.Ghemawat(1991) suggest model of seven forces( market force, competitors‟,
organization by itself ,buyer full satisfaction, learning authorization and leadership) .he also
stresses six main entry barriers to be overcome. S.Majoro (1993)refers to 4 factors that must be
taken in to account while preparing strategy for entry in to foreign market: Objectives, market
demands, resources available, and product. H.Chee and R.Harries(1994) suggested to pay most of
attentions to level of risk and market control .observation of strategies made by
R.casas(1999),contribution ,methods on measurements in marketing research suggested by
V.Pranulis(1998),contribution of R.Virvylaite(2000) on market research and A.Vasillauskas
(2004) in strategic planning and had a positive impact on the research.
The evolution of international trade theories is counted from the end of seventeen century.
The significant input to research of problem was made by Adam Smith and David Ricardo. Plenty
of books have been written on international trade and dozens of definitions of international trade
has been provided .for example Snieska,V.Baumilience and D.Bernatonyte define international
trade as selling – buying process which is running in different countries among buyers and sellers
or intermediaries. The assumptions of international trade according to them are such: different
production condition, different productivity level, priorities, aptitudes, dispositions, predilections
for product from abroad.(Bernatonyte,D,2004).Estimating new conditions on the edge of new
millennium, M.Porter(1998) stress out that the way a competitors can avoid loses in variety with
competitors is low cost suppliers or product differentiation that grant opportunity to sell product
at high prices.
According to Ricky W.Griffin and Michale W.pustay international trae and coopration is a tricky
complex of various factors, action and processes and its interaction covering marketing
,marketing research ,product development and quality production packaging, logistics,
distribution advertising and selling (Griffin.R,pustay M.,2003).
The problem that is that every internal or external factor and their interaction depends on the
process in global market and policy of the country. The requirements for production in different
market, at different time may differ significantly. In solving those difficulties, every enterprise
faces specific not investigated enough problems requiring much time and resources.
By the way in which enterprises are trying to enter international market two classes of them could
be identified: proactive and reactive. Proactive firms want to undertake an international trade
actions by itself while reactive are forced to do that by circumstances.
(vijeikis,J.Vijeikiene,B.,2003).Anyway, economic benefit as a natural objective of every
enterprise as well as any country is to gain additional values from international trade. Thus
objectives and tasks are reflected in Industrial and trade policies of the enterprise and countries.
Policy and some other measures for enhancement of export and for safeguarding domestic market
are still used in many countries making barriers for market entry.
One of the trade restrictive factors in free international trade is dumping. According to Philip
Kotler dumping is most formidable quotation form. By the means of those instrumentalities
foreign trade regulation is possible though pro actionist policy is failing slowly according to WTO
agreement (kotler, ph, 2001).
In gaining advantage in international trade the problem is to find out the most effective ratio
among the value that gets the customer from the product and its price. Each successful enterprise
can tell about its added value strategy to win the clients satisfaction.
For choosing strategies for market entering a few matrixes‟ are known as as: 4ps (product, price,
place, promotion), 5ps (plan, ploy, position, pattern, perspective),suggested by H.mintzberg, 6ps,
(5ps,mentioned with “people” in addition, value chain and diamond) suggested by M.porter.
International market research ought to take in to account all additional client value factors and
factors influencing market research. In composing marketing export promotion strategies‟ and
programmers‟ the marketing research can be defined as the systematic gathering, recording,
analysis, and interpretation of data on problems relating to the marketing of goods and services.
Knowledge of country conditions, managerial experience, and skill in managing a multi-country
production remain an important factor of marketing research. Very general guidelines to help in
thinking about competitive strategies suggested by Malcolm McDonalds(1993)are: known the
market on which you are fighting, know the resources of your enemies, do something with
determination that the competitors aren‟t expecting.
(Grosse,R,Kujawa,D1992) suggest the OPAR objectives, planning, action, review)model for
helping the researcher ensure a systematic approach to steps of market research,
(Grosse,R,Kujawa,D,1992)has defined international marketing research carried out in a country
other than that of sponsor, such an information systems would have to identify and analyze
potential market. (Hill, W, 1994) stressed out that uncertainty in international activities and the
lack of market knowledge is the greatest obstacle to the trade in foreign market. There are primary
three functions to be carried out: scan international market to identify and analyzed the
opportunities; build marketing information systems to monitor environmental of marketing
strategies. Though those general guidelines are to be implanted it is necessary to analyses the
market and competitors in detail. Marketing research and strategic marketing planning meets such
barriers ass confusion of strategic and operational goals, mentality of chief mangers, lack of
knowledge and skill, etc
2.3 Coffee Marketing Strategy in Ethiopia
According to Abu Tefera, (2016) assessment of Commodity and trade, the level of development of
the economy, resource endowments, policies and development strategies pursued are some of the
determining factors of the export structure of a country. Being underdeveloped economy that
heavily depends on agriculture, the structure of Ethiopian export is dominated by agricultural
products which used to account for more than 90% over a long period except the last two years
when the export share of the industrial sector showed relative increases. The shares of export
earnings generated by the industrial sector were 15.2% in 1999/2000 and 26.5% in 2000/01. This
is attributed from improved industrial activities, besides the decline of world prices for primary
commodities, specifically coffee. Coffee has been the dominant export commodity for the last five
decades making-up on average 55-60% of total exports.
2.3.1 Features of Ethiopia’s Export Strategy
The Ethiopian Development Strategy has twin objectives. The first one is to promote rapid
economic growth with a stable macro-economic environment. The second one is to enhance the
integration of the Ethiopian economy with the world economy. In this endeavor, due emphasis has
been given to the promotion of exports. Accordingly, an export development strategy has been
devised to increase and diversify the country‟s exports. Ethiopia‟s long term development strategy
is based on Agricultural Development Led Industrialization (ADLI). This envisages that over a
period of two decades economic growth in Ethiopia will be led by agriculture. The implication is
that the pace of economic growth will be set by agriculture directly through its contribution to
growth of GDP, and indirectly as a market for the rest of the economy.
For the last three years, the GOE has been considering the creation of a specialized state-run
institution, like the state-run Sugar Corporation, to provide dedicated leadership and
technical support to the coffee value chain. However, at this date, there are no announced
plans or timeline for standing up such an entity.
There are no specific governmental policies related to coffee production, though the GOE
does support its production through various extension services (e.g. seedlings, research, etc.).
Separately, there are market-related regulations that dictate how coffee is bought and sold in
the marketplace. Several examples include: the prohibition on selling exportable grade coffee
on the local market, even when the local market price is better than the international price;
special business licenses are required for wholesaling, exporting, and roasting; storage limits;
and the coffee business is exclusively limited to Ethiopian-owned companies.
2.3.2 Marketing
Coffee export sales are generally done through three consecutive channels: local, ECX, and
the international market. At the local level, coffee farmers sell their coffee to traders or
cooperatives whereupon most of it ends up going to ECX for eventual export. In addition, a
small percentage of exportable coffee bypasses the ECX and is sold directly to foreign
buyers. However, this direct sales option is only available to cooperative unions and large
commercial operations.
In 2008, the GOE established the ECX to handle the marketing of agricultural commodities
like coffee, sesame, and beans. The main purpose for establishing ECX was to stabilize
prices, eliminate the huge number of middlemen involved in coffee sales and distribution,
and to enable coffee farmers to benefit from prevailing market prices. The ECX bidding
system is an „open cry out‟ system where sellers and buyers meet on an open trading floor to
negotiate and finalize the sales deals. Nearly all coffee is sold on the ECX floor either
directly through organized coffee producer cooperatives or middle men. ECX also conducts
coffee grading
In addition to its support to boost coffee production, USAID‟s Agricultural Growth Program
Agribusiness and Market Development (AGP-AMDe) coffee value-chain project is also
focused on marketing Ethiopian coffee abroad with the aim of achieving the government‟s
GTP export targets. For example, with the support of the AMDe program, GOE officials, co-
operative leaders, and Ethiopian exporters participated in the April „15 Specialty Coffee
Association of America Expo where Ethiopia was able to showcase its coffee as the „portrait
country‟ and connect with prospective international buyers. Aside from this international
event, Ethiopia has been selected as the host of the 4th World Coffee Conference which will
be held in conjunction with the International Coffee Council in March 2016. This will mark
the first time the WCC is held in Africa.
Another area where USAID is providing support, in cooperation with the private sector and
ECX is building a functional traceability system to trace back coffee to where it is washed
and hulled. The installation of such system is critical to meet the demands for international
coffee buyers. In addition, it will help facilitate the marketing of organic-certified coffee
which is currently a challenge since the identity of the coffee cannot currently be maintained
when it reaches ECX.
Ethiopian Arabica coffee exports account for 25-30% of the region‟s total export revenue.
Ethiopia accounts for 29% of the African coffee trade. Arabica coffee is a high-quality coffee
in the world and the developed countries are regular importers of the Ethiopian Arabica
coffee. Germany, Italy, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, the United States of America,
Belgium, Spain, France and Sudan are the major importers of the Ethiopian Arabica coffee.
The agriculture based Ethiopian economy is highly dependent on coffee since it accounts for
more than 25% of the GNP and 65% foreign currency of all export earnings (MoARD, 2009).
Coffee production in Ethiopia is the driving force since over a million coffee farming
households and about 25% of the total population of the country is dependent on production,
processing, distribution& export of coffee (World Bank, 2009).
Currently coffee generates less than 35 percent of the total export earnings. For the last
several years its relative predominance in the export sector is decreasing because of increased
contribution of other agricultural products like horticulture and floriculture. Consequently,
only a little over 26% percent of the total export earnings is contributed by coffee during the
year of 2011 (FDRE, 2011). This is the lowest share earned from export of coffee in the
history of economy of the country and the trend for the last several years shows that the share
of coffee in foreign exchange earnings will further decline. Coffee also contributes for
sizeable amount of government tax revenue. It seems that Ethiopia will, to some certain
extent, continue to rely on this item for its export earnings in the coming future.

The current government of Ethiopia encourages private investment in the coffee industry to
promote a market economy including liberalization of the coffee sector, lifting price ceiling of any
kind, streamlining of export licensing procedures, removal of price control, currency devaluation,
foreign exchange auctioning, creation of relatively better investment environment through new
investment code and regulations , launching of new export promotion strategy, suspending all the
export taxes, the recent establishment of the Ethiopian Commodities Marketing Authority and the
Ethiopian Commodity Exchange (ECX). This was undertaken as a means of increasing producer
prices, Thereby encouraging production, reducing smuggling and maximizing export earnings.
(Gebreyesus, 2014)

Overview of Coffee Buying System

Coffee may be purchased in Ethiopia through one of three main channels: from exporters from
of exporters and private estates. Exporters generally purchase their coffee through the Ethiopian
Commodities Exchange (ECX). Private estates that hold their own export license may sell and
export directly to international buyers. Coffee lots of Ethiopia‟s many primary cooperatives are
generally channeled through one of the four cooperative unions.
The Ethiopian Commodities Exchange incorporates a trading platform for coffee and as cooperative
unions and directly from private estates. Addendum 2 contains a comprehensive list the name
implies, it deals in several commodities, not just coffee. The basic function of the ECX is to provide
a centralized, standardizing body where agricultural goods and futures can be traded. The ECX was
originally designed with commodities like wheat, maize, and haricot beans in mind, with an eye
towards helping to stabilize prices and production, get better prices for farmers, and help the
agriculture sector function more efficiently.

Coffee was added as one of the crops under the umbrella of the ECX in late 2008, replacing the old
“auction system” in Ethiopia. The auction system had been often criticized for being unfair and for
leading to misrepresentation and price manipulation of various coffees.
All coffee that enters the ECX is given a grade and a geographical designation. Grades are based on
physical inspection of lots and on cupping. 1 is the highest grade, and 9 is the lowest. Geographical
designations are given at the “sub-regional” level, more specific than large regions like Harrar or
Sidama, but less specific than the particular farm, village or woreda level. Once coffee is graded, it
is stored at an ECX warehouse to prevent tampering, and coffee is bid on and sold to exporters.
Starting in 2010, under the purview of the ECX, there is also an auction called the Direct Specialty
Trade auction, or DST. This auction sells top-quality coffees through a special DST auction
platform, but while maintaining the traceability of the lots. So far, very little coffee is sold this way,
but it is an option which may grow more influential in the future.

Cooperative Unions
Most farmers in Ethiopia hold and work very small parcels of land. Over the years, farmers (with
the help of the government) have formed local cooperatives and pool their coffee to create lots large
enough for export. Usually these primary cooperatives have their own washing or drying station,
though sometimes they use that of someone else. Coffees produced at the cooperative level are not
required to pass through ECX. The co-ops, representing the hands that farmed the coffee, are
considered owners of their own product, unlike commercial exporters who buy and sell coffee.
However, cooperatives generally work through a cooperative union, which functions as an

2.3.3 Determinants of Coffee Export Performance in Ethiopia

The instabilities in export supply are usually defined in terms of short run deviation around a trend.
Since export earning is a product of export supply, instability in export earnings is taken as a
function of instability in export supply. Rise and fall in earnings from the export of primary
commodities, partly due to instability in export supply, has long been a major cause of concern for
primary producing countries. It has been argued that a high degree of instability in export supply
would imply large fluctuations in export income of the country in question. Such fluctuations can
have a negative effect on the economy of a primary commodity exporting countries. Behrman
(1982) has been justified that if there is a large fall in export income, then there could be a shortage
of foreign exchange, which limits the capacity to import. It follows that a decline in the imports of
capital goods which have an adverse effect on the rate of growth of investment, which in turn will
reduce the overall economic growth. That is, as we know, many developing countries are
technologically backward and have poor capacity to produce capital goods which are crucial for
their economic development. As the result it makes developing countries to depend on the
importation of these goods from the industrialized countries. At times of shortfalls in their foreign
exchange earnings as a result of primary commodity export supply fluctuations, their capacity to
import will be limited, which in turn means lower investment and there by affects various sectors of
the economy through the multiplier.
The Ethiopian export supply of agricultural products has subject to large fluctuations mainly
because of the price and non price factors. And the economic growth of the country is too weak to
absorb the effect of these exogenous shocks; it is less flexible to deal with both internal and external
disturbances. Therefore the instabilities and decline in export of agricultural commodity has led the
country to an adverse economic growth and macroeconomic imbalances, such as, budget deficits,
balance of payments and debt problems. And there is a need for large foreign exchange reserve in
the short run while trade and exchange rate policies reforms would be the long run instruments to
reduce the instabilities in the export earnings (Amin, 2001).
Coffee is the major source of foreign currency in Ethiopia and it contributes more than 35% of the
total export earnings of the country (MoARD, 2009). However coffee export of the country is
instable for instance between the year of 1997 and 2001 export of coffee from the country declines
by 9.11% but in contrast from the year of 2007 to 2011 the export supply grows by 4.3% (ICO,
2011). In addition to its fluctuation the growth of coffee export supply in the last two decades
(1991-2010) is too low; it grows on average only by 0.041 percent per annum (ICO, 2010).
The empirical result obtained from study of (Tadese Gebreyesus, 2015 ) indicates that among the
price factors, export price and world price of coffee are found to be statistically significant with
their respective expected sign that is the supply of coffee export responds positively to the change
in real export price of coffee and negatively to world supply of coffee. However, the short run as
well as long run effect of both variables to the total export of coffee are inelastic. The other price
factor which is included in the model is real exchange rate and its impact to the coffee export of the
country is found statistically insignificant.
Regarding the non price factors domestic production of coffee and road network which is proxy for
infrastructure, positively and significantly affects the coffee export supply of the country. This is in
line with the expectation of the study that is expansion in domestic production of coffee and road
sector will have positive effects on coffee export of the country. The short run impact of both
variables on coffee export is inelastic where as their long run effect is elastic.
Finally openness to trade which is captured by the percentage share of export and import to GDP is
statistically different from zero to explain the variation in supply of coffee exports in the long run.
While the short run the effect of openness to trade is statistically insignificant.
The granger causality test is employed to find the direction of causality between the dependent
variable of coffee export supply and some of the independent variables. And the empirical result
indicated bidirectional causality of coffee exports with domestic coffee production while
unidirectional causality of coffee exports supply with real export price as well as world production
of coffee.
(Tadese Gebreyesus, 2015 )on his study of determinants of Coffee Export Performance in Ethiopia,
indicated that domestic coffee production provides a base for the development of coffee exports
supply of the country as the result government of Ethiopia should have to increase the quantity of
national production of coffee through new plantings and/or intensification (higher productivity).
Development in road sector has a significant and positive impact on coffee export supply of
Ethiopia and it is suggested to make the road sector better through Construction of roads to each
coffee growing rural area in collaboration with farmers & cooperatives so as to increase export
performance of coffee.
The research results highlight several important considerations to developing the coffee market in
Ethiopia. An emphasis on stimulating increased washing of coffee by creating the right investment
incentives is important, as it leads to significantly higher export prices and, thus, higher foreign ex-
change earnings for the country. With only a small proportion of the coffee exported sold as washed
coffee, there is still room for growth in this area. However, profitability for the setting up of wet
mills needs to be carefully assessed, along with the environmental implications of more widespread
washing. Improved processing methods, such as ecological pullers which reduce water demand
significantly, should be more widely adopted. The growth of washing coffee in Ethiopia may have
been impeded because of regulations and difficulties of access to the foreign exchange needed to
import wet milling machines. Due to climatic and quality constraints, coffee cherries produced in
some areas of Ethiopia are also not suitable for washing, thus limiting the opportunities for spatial
growth in wet milling services to coffee producers.
Another aspect to consider is specialty coffee. It has been estimated that between 20 and 30 percent
of Ethiopian coffee could qualify as specialty coffee. Therefore, making efforts to increase access
by Ethiopian producers to global specialty coffee markets could open export opportunities. Ethiopia
could also benefit from increasing its branding of coffee, extending participation in certification
schemes, and emphasizing trade in traceable coffee products. This is especially important given the
growing emphasis in international markets on certification of sustainable coffee production
practices. However, as certification is often a costly process that might also limit benefits for
producers, setting up cheaper and internationally credible local certification schemes that are
advantageous to local producers should be considered. Furthermore, as many of these international
certification schemes require collaboration with farmer cooperatives, further capacity building of
these cooperatives will be required.
Finally, coffee yields are very low in Ethiopia compared to other countries, and this study highlights
some significant opportunities for productivity growth. By increasing support at farm level and
training coffee farmers towards higher adoption of improved technologies, such as mulching,
pruning, rejuvenation of trees, planting of improved varieties, and modern input use, higher
productivity can be achieved. These practices could lead to higher local supply and, therefore, to
increased quantities of coffee ex-ported. In addition, efforts should be made with the agricultural
research and agricultural extension services to address widespread concerns related to coffee
diseases and to support adaptation to and mitigation of climate change as it affects coffee production.
These efforts are likely to have major impacts on the coffee sector in Ethiopia.
2.4 Empirical Literature
Coffee is the major source of foreign currency in Ethiopia and it contributes more than 35% of the
total export earnings of the country (MoARD, 2009). However coffee export of the country is
instable for instance between the year of 1997 and 2001 export of coffee from the country declines
by 9.11% but in contrast from the year of 2007 to 2011 the export supply grows by 4.3% (ICO,
2011). In addition to its fluctuation the growth of coffee export supply in the last two decades
(1991-2010) is too low; it grows on average only by 0.041 percent per annum (ICO, 2010).

As the result the researcher seeks to examine and analyze the effect of those possible major
determinant factors that hinder the growth and the overall performance of coffee export sector and
tries to addresses issues that enhance the export growth and to make that growth sustainable,
competitive in the international markets and eventually maximize the benefit that could be earned
from the coffee sector. The overall success of any strategy to increase coffee export supply will
depend on the knowledge of what factors constrain coffee export growth and the responsiveness of
exporters to changes in both price and non-price conditions. Accordingly, a better understanding of
the determinants of past performance, and the direction and magnitude of the relevant elasticity is
desirable. So far some studies have been undertaken in Ethiopia related to the export performance
of coffee.

Teshome (2009) study determinants of coffee export supply equation by taking coffee arrival as
dependent variable sing a time series data. The major finding of his study indicates that world price
and producer price of coffee affects coffee export negatively. The impact of rainfall is significant in
both short run and long run. However credit access and extension service are insignificant in the
long run but significant in the short run. The study also indicates gross domestic product and real
exchange rate does not have any impact on the export supply of coffee.

Yoseph (2009) investigated export supply response of coffee in Ethiopia for the years of 1975-2008
by employing Autoregressive Distributive Lag (ARDL) model. world price of coffee affects coffee
export positively its export price elasticity was 2.48, while the impact of producer and export price
is insignificant in the long run as well as in the short run. The estimated elasticity for domestic
supply of coffee, exchange rate and GDP were 1.07, .891 and 1.35 respectively.
Xiang Li (2015) on her study uses company A as an example to analyze the impacts of business
strategy on coffee production and the environment. Farmer loan support, as an environmental
engagement strategy of company A, is found to impact the decision-making processes of farmers,
inducing the production shade-grown Arabica coffee. Integrating environmental sustainability into
business strategies links to the stable supply of high-quality Arabica coffee. The strategy benefits
both the company and the environment. This study demonstrates that the establishment of a win-
win relationship between the corporation and the environment is possible. The business model
developed by company A could help to reduce deforestation, CO2 emissions, and climate change
impacts. If all corporations that engage in coffee business integrate environmental sustainability
into their business strategies, more farmers would be induced to produce shade-grown Arabica
coffee that is healthier to the environment. In doing so, the overall social benefit would increase.
Coffee is one of three major beverage crops. Sustainable farming practices link to the health of the
environment and the livelihood of people who depend on coffee production to support their

To reduce the production of Sun-grown Robusta coffee and to increase the production of
environmental friendly shade-grown Arabica coffee, supports by consumers, farmers, corporations,
and governments are essential. Besides corporate efforts, further research and policies that are more
effective to induce the production of shade-grown Arabica coffee should be designed and analyzed.

Samuel (2012) on his study identified some of the main determinants of agricultural export in
Ethiopia for the period 1980-2010. To test empirically the relationship between agricultural ex-port
performance and its major selected determinants such as terms of trade, gross domestic product,
domestic price, world price, kilometers paved roads and fertilizer input import over a period; co
integration and error correction approaches in the regression analysis were used. The results from
the co integration and error correction models revealed that all the above listed ex-planatory
variables significantly affected agricultural export performance in the long run except domestic
price. In the short run, gross domestic product (GDP) became insignificant and negatives in sign
which was unexpected. Domestic price was also insignificant like in the case of long run. However,
except these two variables other variables were found to significantly affect the agricultural export
performance of the country. On the other hand, out of the variables significantly affected
agricultural export both in the long run and short run; terms of trade, world price, fertilizer input
import over a period and kilometers of paved roads affected agricultural export positively.
3.1 Research Approach and Design
The study has adopted descriptive research design by using both qualitative and quantitative to
obtain the desired results of the company and to explore detailed description about the coffee
marketing strategy and practice of company. In the course of analyzing the problems, both
primary and secondary data collection procedures were employed. To achieve this goal,
questionnaires, interviews and document reviews were going to be the main tools
Descriptive Research sets out to describe and to interpret what is. It looks at individuals, groups,
institutions, methods and materials in order to describe, compare, contrast, classify, analyze and
interpret the entities and the events that constitute the various fields of inquiry. It aims to describe
the state of affairs as it exists. The methods that come under descriptive research are: survey,
Correlation studies, Observation studies and Case studies. The study is a descriptive type of
survey method which is concerned with the present situation and attempts to determine the status
of the phenomena under investigation. Since this study is intended to critically assess the
organization‟s coffee marketing strategy and practices, data will collect across a population.
3.2 Population and Sampling Design
The target populations of the study are the higher managers and staff of the marketing department
in grain/coffee trading unit and planning department. The total number of employees who are
working in headquarter marketing department are 48, who are participant that will conduct in the
interview. So the questionnaires distribute to all marketing staff in headquarter. The interview
forwarded to top management of the company.
The selections of the respondents are carried out by using purposive sampling research method
because no other department are concerned about marketing strategies and the sampling
procedure is census and the researcher take all the respondents of marketing and planning staffs
as a total population of the study. In addition to this, and the data will be collected using
qualitative approaches by employing in depth interview with top management

3.3 Instrumentation of Data Collection

In order to gather the data from relevant sources, both primary and secondary data collection
instruments are used. The primary data conducted in the form of personal interviews with
marketing managers and closed and open-ended questionnaires were distributed to the staff of
marketing and planning department as well as managers. On the part of secondary data, written
documents on corporate and marketing strategies revise, different reference books, journal articles,
and Internet web sites, from the corporation evaluated. The information obtained by using both
instruments was incorporated during data presentation and analysis phase.
The questionnaire part is consist of 2 sections .the first one is the general information section the
overall information of the responded; such as the respondent gender, age, educational background,
work experiences and position in the organization. The second part is essential information that
covers the research question on marketing strategy practices of the company.
The designed questionnaires and interview questions is adopted from different source getting from
internet websites on the same topics entitled in different service organization and from the research
itself. The variables used in this study are: -Marketing mixes that consist of 4p‟s product, price,
place and promotion, marketing segment, positioning and target marketing.
As Zikmund (2003) describe that, there are four types of measurement scales: nominal, ordinal,
interval and ratio scales. A nominal scale, sometimes called categorical scale, is the simplest type
but has no intrinsic ordering. An ordinal scale is similar to nominal scale, but the difference
between the two is that there is a clear ordering scales. An interval scale is similar ordinal scale,
except that the intervals between each level are equally spaced. Ratio scale on the other hand has
absolute rather than relative quantities.
Beside these four type of scale, Skeran (2003) explained that there are two categories of attitudes
scales :(1) rating scales and (2) ranking scale. Rating scales have several response categories and
are used to elicit responses with regards to the object, event, or person studies. Ranking scale ,on
the other hand, make comparison between or among objects, events, or person and elicit the
preferred choices and ranking among them .
So on case of this research, the researcher will use mixed level of measurement, in the first section
of the questionnaires nominal measurement scales were used to measure the general information of
respondent. In the second section of the questionnaires rating scale of using a five point liker
scales, nominal and ordinal measurement scales were used to measure the intensity of the
respondents attitude on marketing strategy practice of the company.
3.4 Method of Data Analysis
The collected data through different techniques was analyzed and interpreted by using both
qualitative and quantitative techniques. The data collected by open ended interviews
questionnaires was analyzed qualitatively. Closed ended questionnaires were analyzed
In this study descriptive statistical tool was used in the analysis part to measure the variables. The
researcher used SPSS Version 20 software in the analyzing the data. The descriptive statistics
utilize based on frequency tables o provide information on demographic variables as well as the
research question variables. According to the result of the analysis were interpreted.
3.5 Reliability Test
Reliability tests the consistency and stability of measurement instrument (punch,2003).in the
qualitative research component of this research, reliability issue were addressed by carrying out a
major a major element analysis and calculating the coefficients of Cronbach‟s alpha.The result of
Cronbach alpha coefficients is portrayed in the following table.
Table 3.1 Reliability Statistics of Cronbach’s Alpha

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach‟s Alpha N of Items
0.809 22
There are different methods of reliability test, for this study cronbah‟s alpha is considered to be
suitable. According to reliability statistics, Coronbach‟s Alpha coefficient is 0.809,which is
acceptable based on different literatures. As described by Andy (2006) the value of Cronbach‟s
Alpha around 0.8 is good. The alpha value in this study is around 0.809 and therefore it is good.
3.6 Ethical Consideration
In this study all participant and data collected remain confidential and identities of respondents
remain anonymous. Moreover, the privacy of the respondent‟s s will be respected in reporting of
this research. no details of individual involved in this research. Informed consent is a written
statements that explained aspects of a study to participant and asks for their voluntary agreements
to participate before the study begins Neuman, (2006)In this study, each participant will provides
with an information sheet at the beginning of the research questions explaining the purpose of the
research prior to each questionnaires and interview. And the research got consent from the
participants before the surveys and interview was made.
4.1 Introduction
This chapter present the data collected from self-administered questionnaires self- interview
questionnaires from marketing staff both, interview with chief officer, managers and data from
strategic marketing documents and provided a detailed analysis of the data collected using both
qualitative and quantitative approaches. The chapters begin with the analysis of qualitative data
collected from marketing staff followed by the analysis of qualitative data gathered from depth
interviews together with the findings
The focus of this study mainly on the marketing strategy practice of the company with respect target
marketing, marketing segmentation, positioning and marketing mixes (product strategy, price
strategy, place strategy and promotion strategy) that constitutes for marketing strategy application.
4.2 Result of Demographic Question
In the study 45 questionnaires were distributed to the respondent and 43 questionnaires were return
which consist 96% from the total, two of the respondents 4% failed to return the questionnaires.
Table 4.1 Frequency Distributions of Respondent with respect to their Gender

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Percent Percent
Male 38 88.4 88.4 88.4
Valid Female 5 11.6 11.6 100.0
Total 43 100.0 100.0

Table 4.1 indicate that the gender allocation of the sample of respondent from the marketing
department employees which the research was conducted. As depicted on Table 4.1, 8.4%were male,
while the remaining 11.6% comprised of female respondents. This implies that, there is gender
disparity sowed in the company.
Table 4.2 Frequency Distributions of Respondent with respect to their Age
Age of the respondent
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
21-35 19 44.2 44.2 44.2
36-50 14 32.6 32.6 76.7
51-65 10 23.3 23.3 100.0
Total 43 100.0 100.0

According to Table 4.2 the age of majority employees were between 21and 35 years old that account
44.2%.epmloyees who were between 36 to 50 years are 32.6% and from 51 to 65 years olds were
23.3%.this indicate that there is potential advantage for working by young employees especially to
achieve future objectives of the company‟s marketing strategy.
Table 4.3 Frequency Distributions of Respondent with respect to their Educational
Educational level of the respondent
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
4 9.3 9.3 9.3
Valid BA/Bsc 33 76.7 76.7 86.0
MA/Msc 6 14.0 14.0 100.0
Total 43 100.0 100.0

As shown the table 4.3 the respondent education level divided in to three groups i.e. 9.3% were
certificate diploma, 76.7%`were first degree holders and the remaining 14% were second degree
holders. Here we can say that respondent are educated ,this implies that the respondent the company
has take advantage of utilizing its human resource for marketing strategy application and they can
gives the company competitive advantage were the competition will exist in the future.
Table 4.4 Distributions of Respondent with respect to their Work Experience

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Percent Percent
2 to 5years 17 39.5 39.5 39.5
5 to 10 years 15 34.9 34.9 74.4
10 to 15 years 5 11.6 11.6 86.0
more than 15
6 14.0 14.0 100.0
Total 43 100.0 100.0

As can be seen in the table 4.4 most of the respondent have been working in the company for five and
above longer years experience show that there is a relatively lower employee turnover as a result
company reduce cost of hiring new employee and saves time .as a result the company can achieves its
objective and can maximize its profit.

Table 4.5 Frequency Distributions of Respondent with respect to their Position

Position Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Percent Percent
4 9.3 9.3 9.3
Valid Manager 3 7.0 7.0 16.3
Staff 36 83.7 83.7 100.0
Total 43 100.0 100.0
According to table 4.5 majority of the respondent were staff levels which are 83.7% senior manager
and manger represent 9.3% and 7% respectively.
4.3 Result and Discussions of the Research Questions
Table 4.6 Opinion of Employees towards on Marketing Mix Strategy of the
Business Unit.

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative Percent

Product 5 11.6 11.9 41.9
Price 12 27.9 27.9 69.8
promotion 5 11.6 11.6 81.4
Valid distribution 3 7.0 7.0 88.4
All the
18 41.9 41.9 100.0
Total 43 100.0 100.0

Marketing Mix deals with the way in which a business product, price, distribution to market and sell
its product and service. As indicate from the above table 4.6 majority of the respondent which is
41.9% of the commented that the company uses all 4Ps of marketing mix element.11.6% of the
replies the company use product and remaining 27.9% the company uses price and distribution.
The above response implies that the company use 4ps marketing mix element for the purpose of
marketing strategy implementation. And it shows that company using for achieving marketing. Target
in terms of sales, profit and customer satisfaction. Additionally these market mix represent the
company‟s view of the marketing tools for influencing the buyer.
Table 4.7 Employee response on Customer Primary reason for Buying the
Export Coffee
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Quality of Product 15 34.9 34.9 34.9
Proximity of Supply 10 23.3 23.3 58.1
Lower Price than
4 9.3 9.3 67.4
Effective promotion 2 4.7 4.7 72.1
12 27.9 27.9 100.0
Total 43 100.0 100.0

As indicate on table 4.7 majority of the respondent which account 34.9% implies that the primary
reason for buying Ethiopia trading business corporation export coffee are because of the quality of the
product ,the least number of the respondent which account 4.7%answer that the customer primary
reason for buying company coffee are through promotion. Coffee business have strong competition
on this environment, the result indicate that the company preferred by its customer by is coffee
quality and proximity of supply.

Table 4.8 Employees opinion about the Current Coffee Quality of

the Business Unit.
Frequenc Percent Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent
17 40.5 40.5 40.5
Valid Good 19 45.2 45.2 85.7
very poor 6 14.3 14.3 100.0
Total 42 100.0 100.0
Coffee quality is very competitive issue and constantly changing to meet changing customer demand.
As table 4.8 show majority of the respondent replies that the company coffee export quality rate as
good specifically 40.5% of the respondent said that the company export coffee quality is very good,
14.3% said that very poor. Again 45.2% of the respondent said good. The analysis implies that
company satisfies their customer requirements at medium level and its need to examine the quality of
coffee based on the customer requirement.

Table 4.9 Employee Opinion concerning the Price of the Export

Coffee of the Business Unit

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Percent Percent
Cheap 2 4.8 4.8 4.8
Affordable 27 64.3 64.3 69.0
Expensive 13 31.0 31.0 100.0
Total 42 100.0 100.0

As illustrate on table 4.9, 64.3%of the respondent replies that price of the export coffee of a company
are expensive and 31% and 4.8% of the respondent replies affordable and cheap respectively.
From the above result it implies that the company pricing strategy is reasonable and affordable so that
most customers can handle the pricing set up of the company. On contemporary a company
marketing strategy document doesn‟t show how to set the pricing method and what factors considered
in setting pricing strategy of the company.
Table4.10 Employees response on Factors Considering in Setting Pricing
Strategy of Business Unit
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
product value 12 27.9 27.9 27.9
Cost 12 27.9 27.9 55.8
Perceived Value 6 14.0 14.0 69.8
2 4.7 4.7 74.4
Valid Condition
8 18.6 18.6 93.0
Competitor price 3 7.0 7.0 100.0
Total 43 100.0 100.0

As indicate on table 4.10 the respondent replies that the key factor considered in setting pricing
strategy is cost and product value both are take 27.9 % of the respondent. Marketing objective
account 18.6%.Percive value and economic condition are considered 14% and 4.7% respectively. The
above analysis implies that the cost and product value the major factor considering setting price.

Table 4.11 Employees response on Availability and Accessibility of

Export Coffee of the Business Unit.
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
very good 18 42.9 42.9 42.9
Good 13 31.0 31.0 73.8
Valid Fair 9 21.4 21.4 95.2
Poor 2 4.8 4.8 100.0
Total 42 100.0 100.0
The majority of the respondent answer that the availability and accessibility of coffee are very good
and good which 42.9% and 31.0% respectively.21.4% of the respondent replies that the company
product and service availability and accessibility are fair .the remaining 2% of the respondent said
that the company product availability and accessibility are poor.
The result show the degree to which the company coffee are availability to as many people as
possible so that the company distribution system are very good and determine the product marketing
presence and buys accessibility to the product which means it has a good potential for the store.

Table 4.12 Employee opinion on Advertising Strategy of the Business Unit.

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Free Sample 13 30.2 30.2 30.2
Internet 7 16.3 16.3 46.5
Billboard 5 11.6 11.6 58.1
Bazaar &
18 41.9 41.9 100.0
Total 43 100.0 100.0

As shown on table 4.13 the majority of the respondent which account 41.9% replies that Bazaar &
exhibition next to that free sample take 30.2%.
From the above point we can conclude that best advertising strategy practices way of this implies that
the company way of advertising means is limited on the above strategy .More over the company does
focus much attention to attract customers to find out more about their product on free sample and
Bazaar & exhibition.
Table 4.13 Employees response on Promotion Tool
Responses Percent of
N Percent Cases
Internet 14 28.0% 45.2%
effective promotion Billboard 6 12.0% 19.4%
tools Bazaar &
30 60.0% 96.8%
Total 50 100.0% 161.3%
a. Dichotomy group tabulated at value 3.

As illustrated on the table 4.14 the majority of respondents notes that Bazaar & exhibition, billboard
and internet which account 30%, 14% & 6% respectively.
The above analysis indicate that the company promotional mix strategies are vital for the marketing
product its create good image for the company in order to present information about the product that
they need to understand what the product is and how it benefit them. it addition it increase demand to
increase sales.

Table 4.14 Employees response Communication Effectiveness between

Corporate Sales and Marketing Department and Other Department
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
strongly agree 6 14.3 14.3 14.3
Good 15 35.7 35.7 50.0
Valid 18 42.9 42.9 92.9
Poor 3 7.1 7.1 100.0
Total 42 100.0 100.0
Communication is essential for effective functioning in every part of the organization one of the more
important form of the organizational communication is inter departmental communication and it‟s
important in order to achieve organization strategic objective of the company.
The above table 4.16 show that 42.9% of the respondent respond that communication between
department marketing and other department are somewhat good 35.7% of the respondent replies its
good 6% of the respondent that communication between marketing department and other department
are strongly good the rest 3% replied it is poor.
The above result indicate that more than half of the respondent respond that the communication
effectiveness of the company somewhat good. And this result implies that there is somewhat
ineffective communication practice in the company and these will create not to achieve marketing
strategy practice effectiveness communication increase cost well as it takes longtime.

Table 4.15 Area of the Company give Direction about Export Coffee

Frequency Percen Valid Cumulative

t Percent Percent
sale target 14 32.6 32.6 32.6
customer service 5 11.6 11.6 44.2
Customer satisfaction
19 44.2 44.2 88.4
Valid area to be covered
5 11.6 11.6 100.0
Total 43 100.0 100.0

As shown in the table 4.17, 44.2 % of the respondent said that they have received the direction about
export coffee requirement from customer satisfaction area to be covered and 32.6% of respondent
received sale target .11.6% of the respondent both received directing from the customer service and
advertisement planning. The response implies that the company‟s much more focused on customer
satisfaction area which is good to be competent in the business.
Table 4.16 The Major Challenges in the Implementing of Export Coffee
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
19 44.2 44.2 44.2
ineffective promotion 9 20.9 20.9 65.1
Valid poor planning 8 18.6 18.6 83.7
Lack of integrity 2 4.7 4.7 88.4
Lack of commitment 5 11.6 11.6 100.0
Total 43 100.0 100.0

From the above table 4.20 majority of the respondent which account 44.2% responded that
communication problem and 20.9% of the respondents responded that ineffective promotion .Poor
planning for marketing strategy of marketing strategy of export coffee, lack of integrity and lack of
commitment are which account 18.6%,4.7% and 11.6% respectively.
The above analysis implies that the company has got major problem in the implementation of
marketing strategy. These challenges hinder not to achieve the stated goals are objective of the
4.4 Analysis of Interview Data
To gather more information about marketing strategy practice of Ethiopia trading business unit
,interview question were forwarded to the top management of the company such as chief Manger of
Grain & coffee business unit, marketing officer ,planning manger and manger of marketing
department .and this interview response are presented and analyzed as supportive of employee
questions, and these interview responses were organized in one analysis.
The business unit, Grain and coffee business unit is under government owned corporation that dealing
with export of coffee, pulses and oilseeds and also provide grains locally. And Supply of agricultural
product and export of coffee, pulses and oilseeds and also provide grain locally. There are a wide
range of product exports different types of coffee for international market. The major coffee type was
classified as washed and unwashed type (dry coffee).Another classification of coffee was based on
the rank that coffee has based on their quality. These are yirgacheffe-2, sidama2, 4, 5, limmu2, jimma
4, 5, Harer 4, 5, and Nekemte 4, 5. Accordingly, these types of coffee were exported for the last five
years. These coffees again grouped under washed and dry coffee type during export time and other
than coffee.

Coffee export business affected the overall sales volume and value the of the company, In addition it
also affects foreign currency of earning of the country. According to the interview responded that
the business unit target market is the country who direct import Ethiopian coffee, trade house and
brokers and the major customer of the business unit in exporting coffee Volcafe, Bernhard
Rothfos,InterAmerican coffee, Almustaneer Trading , Hinrich Christen.They stated that the main
competitors of the business unit are Aba hawa trading, Hora trading, Mullge plc,Esea Bagersh and
Oromiya union.

Regarding the competitor and the marketing strategies designs to win the competitor ,competitor
analysis help the company understand its competitive advantage relative to competitors .it also
generate competitor past, present and most importantly future strategy. More over it provides an
informed basis to develop strategies to achieve competitive advantage in the future. Despite the fact
there are to be quality oriented company, experienced in the export business, by diversified business
providing better quality and increasing market share increase volume of sale by offering competitive
price as per customer demands and will effectively accomplished by improving the type, quality and
quantity of the products, by discarding all out dated machines and substituted them with modern and
state of the art for the preparation of the export coffee, the study indicate that the existing market
segmentation of the company is geographical and behavioral
As they replies the company is participating in international exhibition and trade air with the aim to
expand our market destinations and thereby increase our markets share and the company believed that
this should be followed in supported by giving priority to improve service quality depending on
customer feedback by providing quality product, consistently work on quality delivery and focus on
cost reduction to compete with others. They respond that regarding the pricing strategy of the
company never indulge in negative attract as far as the aim given “creating market opportunities to
producer “is concerned, uses as include all pricing element for its cost-build up, compare with the free
market and then analyze the competing environments, specially consider the factor include cost of the
product, customer demand .on the product, profit of the product, and distribution objective and
strategies are quality distributor, reduce costs, increase speed and cover more market. And they
believed that their customers understand their pricing strategy, it is a signal for competition to think
what is there behind when our company is out of the market for some reasonable time.
The informant responded as depending on the existing working environment the marketing
department, is expected to conduct market researches which will serves a backbone to the company,
but currently the department has been evaluated for not accomplishing the key task.
From the current undertaking of the marketing department, it is inferred that the department is highly
occupied with routine works. As per the interviewee replied, modern marketing is a complex practice
that involves the Production of quality and standard products, the establishment of various and
efficient distribution networks, popularizing the product with fair prices and delivering continuous
services after distribution. In this connection the capability of company to compete in the export
international market is becoming difficult due to the structure of the company it have high member of
the employee not enable the company to have cost advantage ,and complex marketing challenge and
limited access to market information.
Evaluation and review are vital components of performance improvement. It helps to understand how
we are performing where we are reaching our goals and inform our decision about what to do next.
According to the interviewees, the company has set 5 years marketing strategy starting. Internally
there is continuous evaluation and review on the strategic document. However answer that strategic
document was evaluated and reviewed at the end of the budget year. Additionally the company had
experienced in participation of external evaluator and reviewer it provide reliable and accountable
information to different stakeholders.
As per the interviewee replied, so far it‟s going well but our company is on the way to introduce
marketing challenges which enable it to absorb and make it cost effective. And also it need intensive
marketing research and market development to cop up with the existing challenge and reviewing the
structure of the company and salary scale to get more integrated staff. Finally the interviewee has
replied that the question of how evaluate the company current marketing strategy is that the company
plan to do a well-organized and competitive marketing strategies than now what we have practiced
.But overall the marketing strategy of the business unit is now satisfactory.
These chapters begin with summary of the finding for each questionnaire survey and depth interview
questions. Then conclusions were presented respectively.
5.1 Summary of Major Finding
The main objective of the study was to assess the marketing strategy practice of Grain &coffee
business unit under Ethiopian trading business corporation. The study was designed mainly to deal
with how marketing mixes, marketing segmentation and target marketing are used in order to
enhance, maintains and attract customers and to identify how these tools are assigned with marketing
strategy of the business unit.
The study uses descriptive research as and finding from the quantitative data collective from self
administered questionnaires. Finding from the qualitative data gather from depth interview question
.The sampling procedure is census sampling research method from 45 questioners 43 are usable
questionnaires were collected and interview question forwarded to 3 chief officers of the business
unit and used to analysis of the paper
 The customer primary reason of buying the business unit coffee are because of customer
preference based on quality of the coffee and also the price of the export coffee were
 Segmenting a market is essential in marketing strategy by dividing a board target market in to
homogenous groups, the study indicate that the existing market segmentation of the company
is geographical and behavioral
 The key factor considered in setting pricing strategy is product value and cost
 The business unit promotional strategy were emphasize through on both free sample ,Bazaar
& Exhibition ,they were best and effective promotional strategy practice for the company
 The business unit target markets for export coffee are all importer and agents who buy
Ethiopian coffee and the product availability and accessibility are good
 Regarding the competition, there are many coffee exporter in the industry .but the business
unit didn‟t have designed strategy to win the competitors just doing business in pervious
goodwill of the company.
 The quality of the export coffee of the business unit is satisfying its customers. The pricing
strategy of the business unit very complex because of the business nature but it‟s
understandable by the customer. The unit considered cost, perceived value and product value
as benchmark in setting price strategy. While strategic marketing document show that the
company didn‟t properly state what factor considered in setting pricing strategy.
 The capability of the company to compete in the export international market is becoming
difficult due to the structure of the company it have high member of the employee not enable
the company to have cost advantage ,and complex marketing challenge, limited access to
market information, communication problem and poor planning.
 The company has set 5 years marketing strategy starting. Internally there is continuous
evaluation and review on the strategic document. However that strategic document was
evaluated and reviewed at the end of the budget year. Additionally the company had
experienced in participation of external evaluator and reviewer it provide reliable and
accountable information to different stakeholders.
 The company export market strategy so far it‟s going well but our company is on the way to
introduce marketing challenges which enable it to absorb and make it cost effective but it
need intensive marketing research and market development.
5.2 Conclusion of the Study
Based on the finding of the study variety of outcomes were drawn considering the research question.
Marketing strategies are the means by which the marketing objective will be achieved. The
employees and higher officials in the marketing department are genuinely performing their duties to
achieve the company goals. But the communication problem between department and other
department is main hindrances in the implementation of the strategy
Market segmentation is process of dividing the total market for a particular product and service in to
relatively homogonous segments .it is also classify based on customer characteristics‟ such as
demographic , geographically ,psychological and behavioral segmentations .however the business
unit has segmented geographically and behavioral
The business unit use 4ps of marketing mix elements to achieve its target. These marketing mix
elements are product, price, promotion and distribution. This is vital to implement the marketing
strategy effectively inseparable because each miss affect the other. Therefore all mixes are essential
for the business unit to achieve its customer requirement based on these concepts the company offer
to the customers commercial coffee only but to be competent, the company also start to export
specialty coffee this is important in the use of effectively of 4p of marketing mix. And also the coffee
accessibility and availability are good it‟s have good warehouses and processing unit which have a
good potential to reach export coffee at available time.
In terms of pricing strategy the company set affordable price and easily understandable by its
customer the price of the coffee are setting depends on some factor such as perceived value of the
customer and cost and benchmarking of some exporter price. Hence it couldn‟t consider the
competitors analysis in order to set the pricing strategy.
Promotional tools are also essential to practicing marketing strategy of the company. The business
unit promotional tools are free sample and Bazaar & Exhibition.
Distributions strategies are concerned with the channel of the firm that employs to make its good and
service available concerned with the channel of a firm that employee to make its good service
available to customer. The distribution systems of the company are good and determine the product
marketing presence and the buyer‟s accessibility of the coffee. The selling process of the business
unit is by direct to importer and by agent. And its play vital role in maximizing the accessibility of the
company coffee
In the formulation of marketing strategy for export coffee of the business unit manager of marketing
department up to top management. But the final draft of the strategy is decided by top management.
In the implementation of the export coffee strategy, all employees of the business unit participating.
But mainly marketing department intimately performed the strategy.
Even though the export marketing strategy ties of the company somehow effective, there are some
problems that the business unit faced. These are ineffective communication lack of coordination,
structure problem n the marketing division is the major challenge in the implementation of the
marketing strategy.
Evaluations and review of the strategic marketing document of the business unit strategic document
was evaluated and reviewed at the end of the budget year. Additionally the company had experienced
in participation of external evaluator and reviewer it provide reliable and accountable information to
different stakeholders.
5.3 Recommendation
In order to alleviate the problems that were identified by the study, the following recommendation are
 A business to be successful, should not only good product with attractive price to generate
sale and profit but should also be able to effectively communicate the detail of the product to
the customer from the result the business unit promotional suffer from lack product diversity
like specialty coffee .therefore the business unit should create specialist coffee that ‟specialty
coffee‟ has become a generic label covering a range of different coffees, which either
command a premium price over other coffees or are perceived by consumers as being
different from the widely available mainstream brands of coffee..
 The company should focus to analyze further factor to be considered in formulating the
marketing strategy by doing a market research on situational analysis in order to retain
customer for a long period of time and also to attract new customer with new coffee variety.
 The studies indicate that there were some challenges in implementation of the strategy such as
ineffective communication, lack of integrations in the marketing division. Therefore the
business unit should revisit their current performance against the aforementioned problem by
evaluating on regular basis of their strategy so that improved quality of network, well
structure effective communication and integrations can provide the power needed to gain new
customer and increase profits.
 In the research study, the research has assessed the marketing strategy practiced of the
Ethiopian grain coffee trade business unit in company perspective only. Therefore, it‟s better
for any forthcoming researcher who wants to investigate similar issue by involving the
customer, competitor and other stakeholders. Additionally it‟s better if comparative study will
be conducted with other coffee exporters.
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St. Mary‟s University
Graduate school of Business and economics
Appendix A: Interview Questions with Marketing and planning department employee of the
grain/coffee business Unit
Dear Respondents
The purpose of this research is to assess the coffee export marketing strategy and practice in Ethiopia
Trading Business Corporation in partial fulfillment of master‟s degree in Business Administration
(MBA).Your accurate information is valuable to the success of this study, all information you present
will be kept confidential and will be used only for academic purpose. Your corporation and prompt
response will be highly appreciated.
Thank You in advance!

Writing your name is not necessary
Put “√ ” for your choice in the box provide
Part one: Demographic Characteristics
1. Gender
1. Male 2. Female
2. Age(in years)
1. Under 20 2.21-35 3.36-50 4.51-65
5. Over 65
3. Educational level
1.1-12Complete 2.Certificate Diplomas 3.BA/BSC

4. Position
1. Senior Manager 2. Managers 3.Staff
5. How long have you been employee in the company?
1. Less than one year 2.Two to five years
3. Five to ten years 4.Ten to fifteen years
5. More than fifteen years
Part Two: Marketing Mix
6. What marketing mix strategies does the company use?
1. Product 4. Distribution
2. Price 5.All the above mixes
3. Promotion
7. What are the customer primary reasons for buying the company product?
1 Quality of product 4. Effective promotion
2. Proximity of supply 5. Customers‟ preferences
3. Lower price than other 6. The customer has no option
8. What is your opinion about the current coffee quality
1. Very good 4. Poor
2. Good 5. Very Poor
9. What is your opinion concerning the price of the export coffee
1. Very cheap 2. Cheap 3. Affordable
4. Expensive 5. Very expensive
10. What are the key factors considering in setting pricing strategy?
1 .product Value
2. Cost
3. Perceived Value
4. Economic Condition
5. Marketing Objectives
6. Competitor cost, price, offer
If other please specify-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11. The Company export coffee availability and accessibility?
1. Very good 2. Good 3. Fair 4.poor
12. What would you suggests as the best strategy of advertising the company’s product
1. Free sampling 2. Internet
3. Billboard 4.Bazaar & exhibition
13. on the rate of 1 to 3, where1 represent ‘least effective’ and 3 represent ‘most effective’ how
do would rate the appropriateness of the following mix to the company
Please put a tick mark for each provide box)
Promotional tool 1 2 3
Free sampling
Bazaar & Exhibition

14. How do you rate the communication effectiveness between corporate sales and 0marketing
department and other department?
1. Strongly agree 4.Poor
2.Good 5. Very Poor
3. Somewhat good
15. In which of the following area do you receive direction about export coffee requirement
from the companies
1. Sale target 3. Customer satisfaction area to be covered
2. Customer service 4.Adiviertisment Planning
5. Discount /schemes
6. Any other please specify –-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16. Who are the Major implementers of the coffee export marketing Strategy?
1 .Marketing department
2. Product and service department
3.Customer service department
4. planning department
5. Top Management
6. All employees
7. any other please Specify-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17. What are the major challenges in the implementing of export coffee marketing strategy of
the company?
1. Communication problem 2.ineffective promotion
3. Poor planning 4.Lack of integrity
5. Lack of commitment 6. All of the Above
7. any other please Specify -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
18. Who are the major formulators of the export coffee marketing strategies?
19. How do you comment export coffee market in respect to other export commodity of the
20. If you have further comment about export coffee please indicate on space provided below
St. Mary‟s University

Graduate school of Business and economics

Appendix B: Questions the management Team of the grain/coffee business Unit

Dear Respondents
The purpose of this research is to assess the coffee export marketing strategy and practice in Ethiopia
Trading Business Corporation in partial fulfillment of Master‟s Degree in Business Administration
(MBA).Your accurate information is valuable to the success of this study. All information you
present will be kept confidential and will be used only for academic purpose. Your corporation and
prompt response will be highly appreciated.
Thank You in advance!
Tizita Endeshaw
Writing your name is not necessary
Part: Interview Question

1. In what business are your current workings and what do you offer to your client?
2. How does your export coffee marketing strategy impact your company overall business?
3. Who are your target customers of export coffee and which organizations are your main direct
4. What are the bases of segmentation the market?
5. What is your future plan to expand your product or to increase your market share? And what
improvement can you make to you make to you offering to better to meet customer needs?
6. What factor do you consider in setting pricing strategy? What distribution objective and strategies
are the company perused?
7. What are the roles of marketing department? Do you think that the marketing tasks of the company
have performed well?

8 . What are the problems encountered in implementing the export coffee marketing strategies?
9. How evaluate and review the strategic marketing document?
10. Over all how do you evaluate the company‟s current export coffee marketing strategies?

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