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EIT Brochure 2019 PDF

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ars to the Who can apply?

ure of engineer- The award is available to engineering interns
EIT program. who are registered in good standing with PEO’s
ing students Engineering Internship Training (EIT) Program. The
to participate selection of the award recipient will be based on
develop their the applicant’s leadership potential as a member of

Value of a professional engineer licence

ked towards the engineering profession, and the suitability of the
etween PEO proposed professional development opportunity to
n registrants. the applicant’s needs and aspirations. The award is
ip succession for G. Gordon M. Sterling Engineering Intern Award intended to develop leadership skills as opposed to
y of Professional technical or business management skills. Applicants
Professional Engineers Ontario is pleased to introduce the G. Gordon M. Sterling
ineering organi-
d. Gordon always
Engineering Intern Award to fund leadership development for engineering interns. are expected to already have demonstrated a
commitment to their chosen profession, an interest The P.Eng. licence positions you to gain more responsibility, respect

volunteer for The award is named after G. Gordon M. Sterling, P.Eng., who had a passion for encouraging engineering in assuming leadership responsibilities within it, a
n PEO chapters, readiness to benefit from a leadership development

and, ultimately, position of authority in the workplace. Read what

graduates to take their places in society by seeking licensure as professional engineers. He believed
other outreach experience, and a willingness to share their knowledge

in leadership development among professional engineers as a means of enhancing their careers, and
their contributions to society and the governance of the engineering profession. G. Gordon M. Sterling with the profession.
sional Engineers was President of Professional Engineers Ontario in 2001-2002, and President of the Canadian Council
How to apply?
others say about the value of being licensed:
d I look forward of Professional Engineers (now Engineers Canada) in 2003-2004. He was inducted into PEO’s Order of

ward sharing Honour as a Member in 1983, as an Officer in 1994, and as a Companion in 2004. To apply for the award, complete an application,
velopment suc- obtain references from at least two professional
to help improve
-being of other
Value of the award engineers in good standing, and submit a description
(e.g. course outline) of the proposed leadership
The award will provide funding of up to $3,500 to help defray the out-of-pocket costs associated
Intern (EIT)
“…My professional engineering designation has been a major asset to
with the award recipient pursuing leadership development activities. The award will be conferred development opportunity. Application forms are
ure that we annually and one or more recipients may be chosen each year. available on the PEO website.
he G. Gordon
g Intern Award. Key dates Program
me throughout my career. It was absolutely invaluable when I owned
Application forms submitted by the second Friday in
For further details, please contact the PEO Awards Committee at: October each year will be considered for the award
416.224.1100 or 1.800.339.3716, sterlingaward@peo.on.ca, www.peo.on.ca in the following year.

and operated a consulting business.” Pamela Russell, P.Eng.

G. Gordon M. Sterling “The reality is that I wouldn’t be able to do the work that I love to do
Engineering Intern Award if I didn’t have a licence.” Jeff Mark, P.Eng.
Engineering interns are eligible to apply for the G. Gordon M.
Sterling Engineering Intern Award. The award was introduced in 5/7/09 2:32:16 PM

“A professional engineer is expected to abide by the Code of Ethics

2010 to promote, encourage and celebrate professional leadership and work with a degree of professionalism. We are expected to be
achievements of engineering graduates registered in PEO’s
competent in our area of engineering and have a high degree of
Engineering Intern (EIT) Program. It is presented annually at a
personal honour and professional integrity. As in any field, the services
special ceremony during PEO’s annual general meeting weekend
rendered by a licensed professional come with a premium and certain
to an EIT who demonstrates leadership potential within the
engineering profession. The award provides funding of up to expectations.” Suja John, P.Eng.

$3,500 to help with the out-of-pocket costs associated with the

recipient pursuing leadership development activities. “Seeing a ‘P.Eng.’ after a practitioner’s name provides assurance that
The selection of the award recipient is based on the applicant’s this individual has been scrutinized by his or her peers in terms of
leadership potential as a member of the engineering profession, experience, education and ethical conduct.” Annette Bergeron, P.Eng.
and the suitability of the proposed professional development
opportunity to the applicant’s needs and aspirations. The award For more information on PEO or the Engineering Intern (EIT) Program,
is intended to develop leadership skills as opposed to technical or visit www.peo.on.ca or email eit@peo.on.ca
business management skills. Applicants are expected to already
have demonstrated a commitment to their chosen profession, an
Professional Engineers
interest in assuming leadership responsibilities within it, a readiness Ontario
to benefit from a leadership development experience, and a
willingness to share their knowledge with the profession.
Professional Engineers Ontario The EIT Program
PEO is the regulatory body that licenses The EIT Program provides guidance and assistance to engineering
professional engineers in Ontario. PEO sets standards graduates as they acquire the 48 months of acceptable engineering
for and regulates the practice of professional work experience, including annual reviews of experience to ensure
engineering in the province. that an applicant is on the right track for licensing. EIT Program benefits
Under the Professional Engineers Act, PEO has the PEO’s EIT Program is designed to guide engineering graduates
through the process of acquiring the required 48 months of accept-
mandate to govern its licence and certificate holders How do you register in the EIT Program?
and regulate professional engineering practice to serve able experience for licensing. Enrolment is voluntary; however, the
To enrol in the EIT Program, you must fill out the Application for
and protect the public interest. PEO does this through program offers many benefits:
Licensure. You can indicate in section 1 of the form that you wish to join
licensing practitioners and authorizing companies to the EIT Program or enrol after you have applied to PEO. Graduates of • Guidance on how to prepare and submit your engineering work
offer engineering services, disciplining licence and Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB)-accredited engineer- experience record for review;
certificate holders that fail to maintain the profession’s ing programs and international engineering graduates (IEGs) with a • Increased understanding of the experience requirements for
standards, and enforcing compliance with the licensing bachelor of engineering or applied science degree may also be able to qualification for your P.Eng. licence. EITs are entitled to receive
and title provisions of the Act so that only those who participate in PEO’s Financial Credit Program (FCP). Under the program, detailed confidential annual reviews of their work experience;
are qualified may practise engineering or lead others as of May 1, 2019, eligible participants can have the cost of their • Eligibility to participate in PEO’s Licensure Assistance Program,
to believe they are qualified to practise. application fee and first year of enrolment in the EIT Program (should in which you are matched with a professional engineer to receive
they choose to enrol) credited towards payment of their registration additional guidance on PEO’s licensure process;
Why become licensed? and initial P.Eng. licence fees once they have been approved for a licence. • Demonstration to employers and supervisors of your commitment
• May be required by law CEAB graduates who apply within six months of their graduation and to becoming a licensed professional engineer;
• Gives you the right to use “P.Eng.” after your name IEGs who apply within six months of their landing date in Canada are • Involvement in the profession. EITs may receive the privileges of
and “engineer” in your job title eligible for the program. chapter membership and participate in events. Participation at
• Recognized by employers and clients the chapter level of PEO connects you with licensed professional
• Demonstrates a commitment to the profession Are you a non-CEAB graduate? engineers;
• Allows you to participate in professional self-regulation Academic credentials of applicants without a bachelor’s degree from • Invitations to EIT seminars to receive timely information that will
• Gives you a global advantage an accredited engineering program in Canada will be reviewed by PEO’s help you understand more about the licensing process;
• Provides greater opportunities for advancement Academic Requirements Committee. An applicant’s credentials are • Email notices of events and items of interest pertaining to your
development as a licensed engineer; and
either accepted or the applicant may be assigned a program of exams.
A professional engineer (P.Eng.) licence is required • Access to Engineering Dimensions, the association’s official journal.
if you are going to be responsible for work defined
as professional engineering under the Professional
Engineers Act.

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