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Theology: The Bible-The Authoritative Source of Our

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L esson 4 *April 18–24

(page 30 of Standard Edition)

The Bible–the Authoritative

Source of Our Theology

Sabbath Afternoon
Read for This Week’s Study: Mark 7:1–13; Rom. 2:4; 1 John
2:15–17; 2 Cor. 10:5, 6; John 5:46, 47; John 7:38.

Memory Text: “To the law and to the testimony! If they do not
speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them”
(Isaiah 8:20, NKJV).

here is no Christian church that does not use Scripture to support
its beliefs. Yet, the role and authority of Scripture in theology is
not the same in all churches. In fact, the role of Scripture can
vary greatly from church to church. This is an important but complex
subject that we will explore by studying five different influential
sources that impact our interpretation of Scripture: tradition, experi-
ence, culture, reason, and the Bible itself.
These sources play a significant role in every theology and in every
church. We all are part of various traditions and cultures that impact
us. We all have experiences that shape our thinking and influence our
understanding. We all have a mind to think and to evaluate things. We
all read the Bible and use it for our understanding of God and His will.
Which of these sources, or combinations of them, has the final
authority in how we interpret the Bible, and how are they used in rela-
tion to each other? The priority given to any source or sources leads to
very different emphases and results and will ultimately determine the
direction of our entire theology.

* Study this week’s lesson to prepare for Sabbath, April 25.

S unday April 19
(page 31 of Standard Edition)

Tradition itself is not bad. It gives recurring acts in our daily life a
certain routine and structure. It can help us to stay connected with our
roots. Hence, it is no surprise that tradition also plays an important part
in religion. But there are some dangers connected with tradition.

What does Mark 7:1–13 teach us about how Jesus reacted to some
human traditions in His day?

The tradition Jesus confronted was carefully handed down in the
Jewish community from teacher to pupil. In Jesus’ day, it had assumed
a place alongside Scripture. Tradition, however, has a tendency to grow
over long periods of time, thus accumulating more and more details
and aspects that were not originally part of God’s Word and plan.
These human traditions—even though they are promoted by respected
“elders” (see Mark 7:3, 5), for example by the religious leaders of the
Jewish community—are not equal to God’s commandments (see Mark
7:8, 9). They were human traditions, and ultimately they led to a point
where they made “the word of God of no effect” (Mark 7:13, NKJV).

Read 1 Corinthians 11:2 and 2 Thessalonians 3:6. How do we distin-

guish between the Word of God and human tradition? Why is it so
important that we make this distinction?

The living Word of God initiates in us a reverent and faithful attitude
toward it. This faithfulness generates a certain tradition. Our faithful-
ness, however, always needs to be loyal to the living God, who has
revealed His will in the Written Word of God. Thus, the Bible holds
a unique role that supersedes all human traditions. The Bible stands
higher and above all traditions, even good ones. Traditions that grow
out of our experience with God and His Word constantly need to be
tested against the measuring rod of Holy Scripture.

What are the things we do as a church that could be put under

the label “tradition”? Why is it always important to distinguish
them from a biblical teaching? Bring your answer to class on

M onday April 20
(page 32 of Standard Edition)

Read Romans 2:4 and Titus 3:4, 5. How do we experience the good-
ness, forbearance, forgiveness, kindness, and love of God? Why
is it important that our faith be not just an abstract, intellectual
knowledge, but something we actually experience? At the same
time, in what ways can our experiences conflict with the Bible and
even mislead us in our faith?

Experience is part of our human existence. It impacts our feelings
and thoughts in a powerful way. God has designed us in such a way that
our relationship to His creation, and even to God Himself, is signifi-
cantly connected to and shaped by our experience.
It is God’s desire that we experience the beauty of relationships, of
art and music, and of the wonders of creation, as well as the joy of
His salvation and the power of the promises of His Word. Our religion
and faith are more than just doctrine and rational decisions. What we
experience significantly shapes our view of God and even our under-
standing of His Word. But we also need to see clearly the limitations
and insufficiencies of our experiences when it comes to knowing God’s

What warning is found in 2 Corinthians 11:1–3? What should this tell

us about the limits of trusting our experiences?

Experiences can be very deceiving. Biblically speaking, experience
needs to have its proper sphere. It needs to be informed and shaped by
Scripture and interpreted by Scripture. Sometimes we want to experi-
ence something that is out of harmony with God’s Word and will. Here
we need to learn to trust the Word of God even over our experience and
desires. We should be on guard to make sure that even our experience
is always in harmony with the Word of God and does not contradict the
clear teaching of the Bible.

A faith in which love for God and love for others (see Mark 12:28–
31) are the chief commandments is, obviously, a faith in which
experience is important. At the same time, why is it crucial that
we always test our experience through the Word of God?

T uesday April 21
(page 33 of Standard Edition)

We all belong to and are part of a particular culture or cultures. We
are all influenced and shaped by culture, too. None of us escapes it.
Indeed, think about how much of the Old Testament is the story of
ancient Israel’s being corrupted by the cultures around it. What makes
us think that we today are any different, or better?
The Word of God also is given in a specific culture, even though
it is not limited to this one culture. While cultural factors unavoid-
ably influence our understanding of the Bible, we should not lose
sight of the fact that the Bible also transcends established cultural
categories of ethnicity, empire, and social status. This is one rea-
son why the Bible surpasses any human culture and is even capable
of transforming and correcting the sinful elements that we find in
every culture.

Read 1 John 2:15–17. What does John mean when he states that we
should not love the things of the world? How can we live in the
world and yet not have a worldly mind-set?

Culture, like any other facet of God’s creation, is affected by sin.
Consequently, it also stands under the judgment of God. Yes, some
aspects of our culture might align very nicely with our faith, but we
must always be careful to distinguish between the two. Ideally, bibli-
cal faith should challenge, if need be, the existing culture and create
a counterculture that is faithful to God’s Word. Unless we have some-
thing anchored in us that comes from above us, we will soon give in to
that which is around us.
Ellen G. White provides the following insight:
“The followers of Christ are to be separate from the world in princi-
ples and interests, but they are not to isolate themselves from the world.
The Saviour mingled constantly with men, not to encourage them in
anything that was not in accordance with God’s will, but to uplift and
ennoble them.”—Ellen G. White, Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and
Students, p. 323.

What aspects of your culture are in complete opposition to bibli-

cal faith? More important, how do we stand firm against those
aspects attempting to corrupt our faith?


W ednesday April 22
(page 34 of Standard Edition)

Read 2 Corinthians 10:5, 6; Proverbs 1:7; and Proverbs 9:10. Why is
obedience to Christ in our thoughts so important? Why is the fear
of the Lord the beginning of wisdom?

God has given us the ability to think and to reason. Every human
activity and every theological argument assumes our ability to think and
to draw conclusions. We do not endorse an unreasonable faith. In the wake
of the eighteenth-century Age of Enlightenment, however, human reason
assumed a new and dominant role, especially in Western society, that goes
far beyond our ability to think and to arrive at correct conclusions.
In contrast to the idea that all our knowledge is based on sensory experi-
ence, another view regards human reason as the chief source of knowledge.
This view, called rationalism, is the idea that truth is not sensory but intel-
lectual and is derived from reason. In other words, certain truths exist, and
our reason alone can directly grasp them. This makes human reason the
test and norm for truth. Reason became the new authority before which
everything else had to bow, including the authority of the church and, more
dramatically, even the authority of the Bible as God’s Word. Everything
that was not self-evident to human reason was discarded and its legitimacy
questioned. This attitude affected large parts of Scripture. All miracles and
supernatural acts of God, such as the bodily resurrection of Jesus, the virgin
birth, or the six-day Creation, to name but a few, were no longer considered
true and trustworthy.
The truth is, we should remember the fact that even our reasoning power
is affected by sin and needs to be brought under the reign of Christ. Human
beings are darkened in their understanding and alienated from God (Eph.
4:18). We need to be enlightened by God’s Word. Furthermore, the fact that
God is our Creator indicates that, biblically speaking, our human reason is
not created as something that functions independently or autonomously
of God. Rather, “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Prov.
9:10; compare with Prov. 1:7). It is only when we accept God’s revelation,
embodied in the Written Word of God, as supreme in our lives, and are
willing to follow what is written in the Bible, that we can reason correctly.

Centuries ago, American President Thomas Jefferson made his

own version of the New Testament by cutting out anything that, in
his view, went against reason. Gone were almost all of the miracles
of Jesus, including His resurrection. What should this alone teach
us about the limits of human reason for understanding truth?

T hursday April 23
(page 35 of Standard Edition)

The Bible
The Holy Spirit, who has revealed and inspired the content of the
Bible to human beings, will never lead us contrary to God’s Word or
astray from the Word of God. For Seventh-day Adventists, the Bible
has a higher authority than human tradition, experience, reason, or
culture. The Bible alone is the norm by which everything else needs
to be tested.

Read John 5:46, 47 and John 7:38. For Jesus Christ, the Bible is the
ultimate source for understanding spiritual matters. How does the
Bible confirm that Jesus is the true Messiah?

Some people claim to have received special “revelations” and
instructions from the Holy Spirit, but these go against the clear mes-
sage of the Bible. For them the Holy Spirit has attained a higher authority
than God’s Word. Whoever nullifies the written and inspired Word of
God and evades its clear message, is walking on dangerous ground
and is not following the leading of God’s Spirit. The Bible is our only
spiritual safeguard. It alone is a reliable norm for all matters of faith
and practice.
“Through the Scriptures the Holy Spirit speaks to the mind, and
impresses truth upon the heart. Thus He exposes error, and expels it
from the soul. It is by the Spirit of truth, working through the word of
God, that Christ subdues His chosen people to Himself.”—Ellen G.
White, The Desire of Ages, p. 671.
The Holy Spirit should never be understood to replace the Word of
God. Rather, He works in harmony with and through the Bible to draw
us to Christ, thus making the Bible the only norm for authentic biblical
spirituality. The Bible provides sound doctrine (see 1 Tim. 4:6), and as
God’s Word is trustworthy and deserves full acceptance. It is not our
task to sit in judgment over Scripture. The Word of God, rather, has the
right and the authority to judge us and our thinking. After all, it is the
Written Word of God Himself.

Why is the Bible a safer guide in spiritual questions than are sub-
jective impressions? What are the consequences when we do not
accept the Bible as the standard by which we test all teachings
and even our spiritual experience? If private revelation were the
final word in spiritual questions, why would this lead to nothing
but chaos and error?

F riday April 24
(page 36 of Standard Edition)

Further Thought: Read Ellen G. White, “The Scriptures a Safeguard,”

pp. 593–602, in The Great Controversy.

Tradition, experience, culture, reason, and the Bible are all present in
our reflection on the Word of God. But we need to ask a decisive ques-
tion: Which of these sources has the final say and the ultimate authority
in our theology? It is one thing to affirm the Bible, but it is something
else altogether to allow the Bible, through the ministry of the Holy
Spirit, to impact and change the life.
In one sense, culture, experience, reason and even tradition, in and
of themselves, might not of necessity be bad. They become problems
when they contradict what Scripture teaches. But that is, often, to be
expected. What’s worse, however, is when these things take precedence
over the Word of God. So much of the history of apostasy in both Old
Testament and New Testament times is when outside influences took
precedence over divine revlation.

Discussion Questions:
 Why is it easier to uphold details of some human traditions
than to live the spirit of God’s law: to love the Lord our God with
all our heart and soul and mind and our neighbor as ourself (see
Matt. 22:37–40)?

 In class, discuss your answer to Sunday’s final question. What

role should tradition play in our church? Where do you see bless-
ings and challenges in religious traditions?

 How can we make sure that tradition, no matter how good it

may be, does not supersede the Written Word of God as our final
norm and authority?

 Suppose someone claims to have had a dream in which the

Lord spoke to him or her, telling him or her that Sunday is the
true day of rest and worship for New Testament times. How would
you respond to that person, and what does a story like this teach
us about how experience must always be tested by the Word of

 In class, talk about the culture in which your church finds

itself immersed. How does that culture impact your faith? What
examples can we find from history in which culture greatly
impacted the actions of church members in a way that, looking
back now, we see as negative? What lessons can we take from this
for ourselves today so that we don’t make similar mistakes?

i n s i d e
Surprise Package in Finland
By Andrew McChesney, Adventist Mission
Six-year-old Timo Flink looked with awe at a picture of Jesus’ second com-
ing in Arthur Maxwell’s The Bible Story. Unable to read, he stared at Jesus
sitting on a cloud of angels. I want to be up with the angels, Flink thought.
As a young adult, he wanted to serve God but became distracted with
computers. As he studied to become a software engineer, he joined a group
of young adults who discussed the Bible every Friday evening with a pastor.
Soon the group became embroiled in a debate about infant baptism. Flink’s
church practiced infant baptism, but several young people in the group belonged
to another Sunday church that baptized by immersion. Flink was surprised that
his pastor defended infant baptism but couldn’t support the practice biblically.
At that time, Flink joined a Revelation study group. He sensed that the
book was important, but he couldn’t understand it. He prayed for under-
standing. At the height of his confusion, he visited his parents during
spring break. Sitting down to eat, he was surprised to see a book. His
father didn’t read much, and he wondered why he had the book. “What’s
this?” he asked.
“The postman delivered it yesterday,” his father said. “It’s from a distant
Flink took a closer look at the book. Its title was The Great Controversy,
and in smaller text he read the words “Ancient prophecies are coming
true.” At that moment, he remembered the picture of Jesus’ second coming
from his childhood. Three days later, he had finished the book. It answered
all his questions about Revelation and infant baptism. This is what I have
been looking for, he thought.
Flink read the book again that summer and a third time in the fall. Then
he saw a newspaper advertisement for a Daniel seminar at the Adventist
church. He had read about Adventists in The Great Controversy, and he
went. He was baptized. An article about his baptism subsequently appeared in
a church magazine, which publishes announcements about all baptisms. Across
Finland, the distant relative who had mailed the book rejoiced at the news.
Flink, pictured, gave up computers to become a pastor and now is 45 and communication
director for the Adventist Church in Finland. He doesn’t know how
The Bible Story ended up in his grandmother’s house. She found the
Finnish-language edition, and he looked at it when he visited her.
The Great Controversy also holds a special place in his heart. Every
Friday evening, he reads from the book for family worship. “My wife
thought we needed to teach our children the more serious side of
what we are facing now,” he said. “So we decided to do The Great
Controversy.” Finland is part of the Trans-European Division, which
will receive the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering this quarter.

Provided by the General Conference Office of Adventist Mission, which uses Sabbath School
mission offerings to spread the gospel worldwide. Read new stories daily at AdventistMission.org. 51
teachers comments

Key Texts: Isa. 8:20; Mark 7:1–13; 1 Cor. 11:2; 2 Thess. 3:6; Rom.
2:4; Titus 3:4, 5; 1  John 2:15–17; 2  Cor. 10:5, 6; Prov. 1:7; Prov. 9:10;
John 5:46–48; John 7:38.

Part I: Overview
Often we are not aware of the influence of other sources on our think-
ing and on our theology. Even if we want to live by Scripture alone, our
understanding of Scripture is significantly shaped and influenced by a
number of factors: the traditions we are used to and grew up with, the
way we are trained to think and how we use our reason in explaining
things, our experience with certain people and ideas, and the formative
culture around us. The priority given to any source or combination of
sources has a significant influence on our theology; ultimately, it will
determine the direction of the entire theological enterprise. In Catholic
and Orthodox churches, tradition often plays an important and decisive
role. In charismatic and Pentecostal churches, experience often is cred-
ited as final authority. In liberal theology, human reason often assumes
the last word that decides what is acceptable or not. Furthermore, every
church is impacted to some degree by the local culture. And no church
exists without the Bible. We don’t want a faith that is devoid of any
experience, and in which we don’t think—a faith that is unreasonable
and not blessed by positive traditions. It is important to be aware of
all those influences and to understand the positive contribution that
each source has on our faith. But it is vitally important to see clearly
the limitations of each source, too. Here is the decisive question: To
which source do we grant the ultimate and highest authority in matters
of faith and practice?

Part II: Commentary


Tradition often has a bad reputation. It is associated with a certain narrow-

mindedness that slavishly sticks to the rigid repetition and performance of
certain rituals and practices. But tradition is not all bad.
Think of some positive aspects that any tradition might have. It gives
reoccurring acts of structure and stability. It connects us with our pasts
and perhaps even our origins. It transmits values and things that are
important to us. It helps to keep alive the memory of significant events
and things. All these things are good.

teachers comments

The problem arises when those traditions gain a life of their own
and ultimately become more significant than the original things they
try to preserve. Traditions also tend to grow over time and are prone
to add aspects that go way beyond the initial thing that triggered the
In Galatians 1:9, Paul admonishes the believers not to preach another
gospel than the one that they had received. Thus, there is a tradition that
God has initiated, but there also are human traditions that are not origi-
nally part of God’s plan or God’s Word.


Human beings are created with the ability to experience love. We are able
to experience beauty, harmony, music, and art and can relate to things and
other relationships in far more than just a rational manner. Experience is
part of our lives and forms a significant part of our spiritual lives with
Think of aspects of your faith where the experience of joy, forgive-
ness, a clear conscience, and acts of kindness and love have positively
impacted your relationship with God and with other believers.
Where has the experience of rejection, prejudice, hate, suspicion,
doubt, envy, and jealousy negatively impacted your relationship with
and understanding of God? What does that teach us about our responsi-
bility to be living letters of Christ (2 Cor. 3:2, 3) that other people might
read when they want to learn something about God?


Our human experience is not only powerful but also can be deceptive
and misleading. How would you react if a charismatic Christian tells
you that in her experience God has told her to worship God on Sunday,
whereas the Bible clearly states that the seventh-day Sabbath is the
sacred day of rest for God? What should we do if the experience of
one particular spiritual gift is made the norm for what it means to live
a Spirit-filled life?


The English word culture stems from the Latin word cultura, stemming,
in turn, from colere, meaning to cultivate. Culture encompasses, among
other things, the set of customs, values, social behavior, and norms
found in human societies. God has given us the ability to shape culture,
yet at the same time all of us are influenced by the respective culture(s)
we live in.

teachers comments

The Bible came into being in a specific culture. It helps to be famil-

iar with the culture of Scripture in order to understand better some
of its statements. The culture of Scripture does not make Scripture
relative to culture. After all, Scripture is the revealed Word of God. As
such, the Bible can have a positive impact on human culture and uplift
any society.
List examples where biblical thought has changed society and your
culture for the better or where it could have a positive impact on our
society and culture. Think with your Sabbath School members about
strategies for introducing the Bible and biblical ideas in ways that
will be well received, creating a positive biblical counterculture in our
No culture is perfect, and every culture is affected by sin. Hence,
not everything in culture is positive. Some cultural things might have a
negative impact on our faith or might even be demonic in origin. How
can we distinguish between positive and negative aspects of our culture?
How can we avoid simply copying our culture in our worship? Why do
we have to be culturally relevant in order to reach other people? How can
the Bible be the final norm in this pursuit?


God created us with the ability to think. Much of the Bible calls us to
reflect upon what is written in Scripture and stimulates our thoughts
and thinking. The repeated question “What do you think?” (Matt.
17:25, Matt. 18:12, Matt. 21:28, Matt. 22:17, Matt. 22:42, Matt.
26:66, etc.) or the related question “Have you not read?” (Matt. 12:3,
5; Matt. 19:4; Matt. 21:16; Matt. 21:42; Matt. 22:31; etc.) implies
that God wants us to use our minds in understanding Him and His
Word. While we can understand God correctly and truthfully, we have
to acknowledge that we will never fully comprehend everything about
God. After all, we are created beings. We are not God! Furthermore,
our thinking is darkened and affected by sin. Therefore, we need to
bring even our thinking “into captivity to the obedience of Christ”
(2 Cor. 10:5, NKJV). If we are not willing to submit our thinking to the
higher authority of Scripture, we will quickly start judging more and
more parts of Scripture according to what we think is reasonable and
true, thus making our reason the norm for what we can accept or not.
This mind-set will eliminate the miracles in the Bible and will affect
biblical truths such as the doctrine of God and His triune nature or the
divinity of Christ or the personality of the Holy Spirit or the bodily
resurrection or the relationship between human free will and God’s

teachers comments

sovereignty, to name but a few teachings. In the end, “a critical method

must fail, because it presents an inner impossibility. For the correlative or
counterpoint to revelation is not critique but obedience; it is not correc-
tion . . . but it is a let-me-be-corrected.”—Gerhard Maier, The End of the
Historical-Critical Method (St. Louis: Concordia, 1977), p. 23.

The Bible

The Bible is our highest and most definitive authority in all matters of faith
and practice, because we believe that the Holy Spirit has inspired the writers
of the Bible to write down in a trustworthy and reliable manner what God
wants to communicate through them. Jesus and the apostles treated Scripture
with this understanding. For Jesus, the Word of God is truth (John 17:17). As
far as Jesus is concerned, if we don’t believe Moses, we will not believe His
words (John 5:46, 47). For Jesus, the Scriptures are the norm for our faith:
“ ‘He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow
rivers of living water’ ” (John 7:38, NKJV). In a similar manner, the apostles
repeatedly referred back to Scripture as the norm of their teaching (Acts
17:11, Rom. 10:11, etc.) and believed Scripture, “for whatever things were
written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and
comfort of the Scriptures might have hope” (Rom. 15:4, NKJV). We can’t
be more apostolic in our treatment of Scripture than the apostles themselves
were, and we can’t be more Christian than Christ Himself was. He is our
example. We do well to follow His footsteps in the way He used and con-
stantly referred to Scripture as the decisive norm for His faith.

Part III: Life Application

When we love another person, several of the factors we have discussed
this week come into play. In love, we experience some strong feelings.
Yet, love is more than just a feeling. When we love another person, we
normally have some good reasons as to why our love for this person is
real and why the other person loves us. Yet, it is not wise to ground our
love on reason alone. When we start a loving relationship, we tend to
develop some common practices or traditions that remind us of meaning-
ful moments together. But when those traditions become more important
than the relationship itself, they have gone astray, and we have lost some-
thing essential. When we show our love for another person, we normally
do it in ways that resemble and reflect the common customs and norms of
our culture. But when we permit only culture to define how love should

teachers comments

be practiced, we can quickly be led to do things that are explicitly

forbidden in Scripture. For this reason, we need a source that guides
and informs our love and our lives that is not just of human origin. We
need a reliable source that goes deeper than what we feel, is higher
than what we think, and is more meaningful than any human tradition
or culture. Thank God for His enduring and trustworthy Word that we
find in the Bible.



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