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Question Paper Inst TOC

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Maximum Marks: 50 Time Allowed: 1Hour

Note: There are 50 Questions. Each question has ONE correct answer. One mark for
Each question. Please ( X ) mark in the answer sheet for marking the
correct answer

1 PT-100 RTD means temperature bulb having

a. 0 ohms at 0 DEC.C b. 100 ohms at 100 DEC.C

c. 100 ohms at 0 DEC.C d. 0 ohms at 100 DEC.C

2 PT – 100 RTD at 100 deg C will show Resistance value ( approx )

a. 100 ohms b. 140 ohms

c. 180 ohms d. 200 ohms

3 In our plant we have used RTD in which mode

a. 2-wire system b. 3-wire system

c. 4-wire system d. None

4 Inductive pick up will actuate with

a. Magnet b. Iron
c. Any metal d. None of all

5 Photocell type switch will actuate with

a. Any obstacle b. Iron

c. Metal d. None of all

6 K type thermocouple is made from

a. Cromel --Alumel b. Iron -- constantan

c. Copper -Constantan d. None of all

7 In temperature measurement with thermocouple, output is

a. Linear with temperature b. Non linear with temperature

c. Square of temperature d. Square root of temperature

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8 Rotameter is working on principle of

a. Variable head b. variable area

c. fixed head & fixed area d. None of the above

9. For level measurement in pressurized vessel with bubbler type differential pressure

a. Purging gas pressure must be higher than vessel

b. Purging gas pressure must be equal to vessel pressure
c. Purging gas pressure less than vessel pressure
d. None of above

10 Derivative action is used in flow control applications

a. True b. False
11 In cascade control

a. Master controller output becomes set point of slave

b. Slave controller output becomes set point of master controller
c. Master controller input becomes set point of slave controller
d. None of above

12 In PID setting of controller Reset time is related to

a. Proportional action b. Integral action

c. Derivative action d. None

13 Temperature transmitter range is from 100 DEG.C to 400 DEG.C & current range
is from 4 to 20 mADC. What will be the temperature at 12 mADC ?

a. 200 DEC.C b. 250 DEC.C

c. 300 DEC.C d. None

14 If a control valve is air to close and bench set is 0.2 to 1.0 Kg/cm2.
When input is 0.8 Kg/cm2 , the
Control valve is

a. 25 % open b. 50 % open
c. 75 % open d. None of all

15 Differential pressure transmitter range is 5440 mmwc. For calibration using mercury
manometer, what will be the equivalent range?

a. 300 mmHg b. 200 mmHg

c. 400 mmHg d. none of all
16. Recommended dew point of instrument air is
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a. -40 Deg.C b. -20 Deg. C
c. +10 Deg C d. 0 Deg. C

17. If Orifice assembly and flow control valve are on the same line then,

a. Orifice should be upstream of control valve

b. Orifice should be downstream of control valve
c. Orifice should be in bypass of control valve
d. Not specific

18. Recommended tapping orientation for flow orifice in Gas service is

a. 45 degree top from horizontal plane

b. 45 degree bottom from horizontal plane
c. Horizontal
d. Any of the above

19. What will be reading of Displacer type LT if displacer is detached

a. 0% b. 100%
c. 50% d. No change

20. How much is 1 Atomosphere pressure at sea level in Kg/cm2

a. 1.033 b. 0.980665
c. 1.05 d. 1.000

21. Bypass flow is provided in sample conditioning system of any analyzer to

a. Improve the integrity of sample

b. Reduced the gas velocity in the analyzer to protect the sensor
c. Increase the speed of response by drawing more gas from the process line
d. Get a representative sample of the actual gas by maintaining a large flow

22. 1 ppm is equal to

a. 0.0001% b. 0.001%
c. 0.00001% d. 0.01%

23. What is the purpose of explosion proof enclosure ?

a. To protect instrument from any spark in field

b Any Spark inside will not come out from enclosure
c. To protect voltage level in the instrument
d None of all

24. What is TCI referred to in ISO documentation?

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a. Temperature control instrument
b. Testing & calibration instrument
c. Test & control instrument
d. None

25. In an Equal percentage control valve for equal increments of plug travel

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a. Equal increments of flow change
b. Uniform percentage of flow change
c. Linear flow change with the % of travel.
d. None of the above.

26. For larger pipe size > 10 “ the conventional & in expansive flow
measurement type used is

a. Pitot Tube b. Orifice

c. Annubar d. Oval Gear

27. The minimum conductivity required for a liquid to measure flow

using Magnetic flow meter is

a. 1 mho b. 5 micro mhos

c. 10 micro mhos d. 10 ohms

28. The Radioactive element Source used in the Nucleonic Level

measurement system is

a. CS137 b. CS237
c. COBALT160 d. COBALT130

29. In hydrocarbon analyser the calibration Gas used for Zero

correction is

a. Pure N2 b. Pure O2
c. Mixture of H2 & N2 d. Pure H2

30. Ex- d means

a. Non – sparking enclosure
b. Flame proof enclosure
c. Increased safety enclosure
d. Intrinsically safe enclosure

31. A shaft with 10 nos. of gear teeth is rotating at 6000 rpm. The
magnetic pick up output frequency will be

a 1500Hz
b 1000Hz
c 600Hz
d 60,000Hz

32. In which gate if both inputs are high, the output is low

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b OR

33. A Differential Pressure Transmitter is calibrated for a range of 0 to

400 mm Water column to measure flow of 0 to10 tonnes per hour
across orifice. What shall be the new Calibration range of the
Differential Pressure transmitter if the flow range is changed to 0 to
5 tones per hour.

a 200 mm of water column

b 285 mm of water column
c 175mm of water column
d 100 mm of water column

34. Only Solenoid operated valve can be used as final control element
when control strategy is

a On/Off Control b P I control

c Ratio Control d PID control

35. Adding Integral control to a Proportional control results in

a) Minimize the offset
b) Increases transient time response
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

36. EEPROM means

a) Electrically Engineered Professional Read Only Memory
b) Electrically Engineered Programmable Read Only Memory
c) Extended Electronic Programmable Read Only Memory
d) Electrically erasable programmable read only memory

37. Thermocouple is working on following effects.

a) Joule Thomson Effect
b) Thermo-syphoning
c) Seebeck and Peltier effect
d) Faraday's Right Hand rule

38. Volatile memory is ..

a) RAM b) ROM c) Floppy d) Hard discs

39. In 230 V AC power supply, 230 refers to:

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a) Peak value b) RMS value c) average value
d) None

40. Relationship between PSI and Kg/cm2 is

a) 1 Kg/cm2 = 14.2 psi
b) 1 Kg/cm2 = 14.7 psi
c) 1Kg/cm2 = 15 psi
d) None of the above

41. IA series DCS uses which FBM for communicating with

transmitters in FOX-COM mode
a) FBM 44
b) FBM 43
c) FBM 7
d) FBM 41

42. FBM 41 is used for connecting

a) 16 Digital inputs
b) 8 digital inputs & 8 digital outputs
c) 4 analogue inputs & 4 analogue outputs
d) 8 Foxcom inputs

43. DGC calibration / sensitivity is checked with gas cans having

a) 20% LEL mixture

b) 40% LEL mixture
c) 50% LEL mixture
d) 100% LEL mixture

44. Foxboro make transmitters installed in our plants can give

a) only analogue 4 – 20 MA output

b) only FOXCOM output
c) both foxcom & analogue 4 – 20 MA outputs

45. Which gas is used in FM 200 system installed in PIBs for fire

a) Ethylene Propyle
b) Hefta Fluro Methane
c) Hefta FLuro Propane
d) CO2

46. PLCs are used in our plants for

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a) controlling sequence of operations
b) analyzer safe guarding system
c) Interlocking
d) All the above

47. In MCMS what is the meaning of 5 meter / 9 meter system

a) Length of probes
b) Length of extension cable
c) Combined length of probe & extension cable
d) Trade names of BNC

48. Automatic Tank Guaging system is used for measuring

a) liquid level in tanks

b) temperature of liquid in tanks
c) water level in the bottom of tanks
d) all the above

49. If Toxic gas leak is there in plant, what colour lamp of beacons
will be flashing
a) Red
b) Amber
c) Blue
d) Green

50. 40 degree Celsius temperature is equal to

a) 72 degrees forenhite
b) 96 degrees forenhite
c) 104 degrees forenhite
d) 108 degrees forenhite


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