Novel Insights Into The Microbiology of Fermented Dairy Foods
Novel Insights Into The Microbiology of Fermented Dairy Foods
Novel Insights Into The Microbiology of Fermented Dairy Foods
Fermentation is a traditional approach to food preservation fresh substrate [2]. In the last century, and coinciding with
that, in addition to improving food safety, also confers the large scale, commercial production of fermented
enhanced organoleptic, nutritional, and health-promoting foods, came the use of starter and adjunct culture(s).
attributes upon those foods.Dairy products can be fermented More recently, the health benefits of many fermented
by a diverse microbiota. The accompanying microbes can be dairy products have been the subject of intense investi-
studied using a variety of different, including ‘omics’-based, gation. Some examples include specific studies demon-
approaches that can reveal their composition and strating the impact of kefir consumption on bone mineral
functionality. These methods have increasingly been recently density and bone metabolism [3], evidence of a reduced
applied to study fermented dairy foods from the perspective risk of type 2 diabetes associated with yogurt consump-
of genetic diversity, functionality and succession. The insights tion [4,5] and investigations revealing that a fermented
provided by these studies are summarised in this review. milk product containing a variety of microorganisms
affects the activity of brain regions that control emotion
Addresses and sensation [6]. These and other health-promoting
Teagasc Food Research Centre, Moorepark, Fermoy, Cork, Ireland features, combined with a view of fermented foods as
APC Microbiome Institute, Cork, Ireland ‘natural’ has further increased the popularity of fermen-
ted dairy foods [7] such as yogurts, fermented or cultured
Corresponding author: Cotter, Paul D (
milks, kefir, acidophilus milk, koumiss, curd, buttermilk
and cheeses. These are produced by the fermentation
Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2018, 49:172–178 of different types of milk by specific microorganisms
This review comes from a themed issue on Food biotechnology or complex microbial communities. This review will
describe recent developments relating to the best known
Edited by Maria Marco and Eddy Smid
dairy fermented foods and the microorganisms that con-
tribute to their fermentation.
fermented foods for target populations. The combined as alleviating lactose maldigestion, than on the basis of
probiotic properties of lactic acid and propionic acid flavour [23].
bacteria were employed by Plé and colleagues who devel-
oped a pressed cheese containing Propionibacterium freu- Specific milks (e.g. yak, cow and mares’ milk) are used for
denreichii and Lactobacillus delbrueckii strains previously the production of some fermented dairy drinks. This,
selected for their anti-inflammatory properties [12]. Stud- together with environmental factors, starter and adjunct
ies of the microbiology of cheese have been revolutio- cultures and fermentation parameters (duration, temper-
nised recently through in-depth functional genomic and ature and storage vessel) shape the microbial diversity of
metagenomic studies, which have demonstrated the naturally fermented milks [24]. In the case of koumiss,
microbial diversity of a vast variety of cheeses. These mare’s milk is fermented in containers made of animal
studies are of great value from an applied perspective and skin or wooden casks. Fermentation occurs naturally at
have further highlighted the fact that microbial commu- ambient temperature after the addition of filtered mare
nities are rich and diverse in cheeses and are critical to the milk into a container containing old koumiss, which
typical organoleptic characteristics of traditional products serves as the starter culture [25]. Shubat or Chal is a
[13,14]. Such analyses can also contribute to the selection traditional fermented camel’s milk that is generated
of new strains as starter cultures for the dairy industry through the action of Lb. helveticus and Str. thermophilus,
[15]. In addition, these investigations have also high- resulting in a beverage with hypotensive effects [26].
lighted that cheese can provide valuable model systems Camel’s milk is also used for the production of Gariss,
for microbial ecology studies [16,17], including the shaping a traditional Sudanese raw fermented dairy product [27].
of microbial communities through horizontal gene
transfer [18]. Buttermilk was originally produced as a by-product of
butter making and contains protein, phospholipids, fat,
Fermented milks lactose, and minerals. Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris
Fermented milk is produced through the coagulation of (Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris) or Lc. lactis subsp. lactis biovar.
milk, without the elimination of serum, by bacterial diacetylactis (Lc. lactis diacetylactis) (Table 1) are typically
cultures that generally remain present until consumption. responsible for this fermentation and the production
There are three categories of fermented milks: Thermo- process includes a heat treatment of the milk to 95 C
philic sour-milks (e.g. Matzoon), where the fermentation followed by a cooling phase to 20–25 C before the
is conducted at 42–45 C with lactic acid production; addition of the starter culture. Starter is added at 1–2%
Mesophilic sour-milks (e.g. Cultured buttermilk, Viili, and the fermentation is allowed to proceed for 16–20 h
Ymer, Skyr), where the fermentation is conducted at [6]. The milk fat globule membranes (MFGMs) found in
20–30 C with lactic acid production; and acid and alco- buttermilk is rich in unique bioactive proteins [28] and is
holic milks (i.e. Kefir, Gioddu), where the fermentation is the major protein-containing constituent of this fermen-
conducted at 15–25 C with the production of some ted product. Other buttermilk-based fermentations are
alcohol in addition to lactic acid and carbon dioxide combined with plants and fruits, as in the case of Oma-
(Table 1). shikwa, a Namibian artisanal product made from tree
roots (Boscia albitrunca) added to the fermented butter-
Many drinkable fermented milk products are produced milk. This product is dominated by Lb. fermentum and
by the addition of water to yoghurt or by the addition of Kluyveromyces marxianus [27].
cultures of Str. thermophilus and Lb. bulgaricus to standard-
ized milk for fermentation at room temperature. How- Starter cultures, adjuncts and complex
ever, efforts continue to commercialise other such fer- fermenting communities
mented milks. Indeed the traditional Turkish fermented- In addition to producing acid for preservation purposes,
milk drink, Ayran, and a spontaneously fermented starter cultures, which include a variety of bacteria, yeasts
yoghurt-like product made in Ghana and other parts of and moulds, allow for a more controlled and predictable
West Africa, Nunu, have recently been studied in order to fermentation in terms of sensory-related features, appear-
improve quality and shelf-life stability to, ultimately, ance and other physical and chemical characteristics.
facilitate commercialisation [19,20]. In the case of Ayran, Starter cultures consist of one or more (referred to as a
in addition to Str. thermophilus and Lb. bulgaricus, this co-culture or mixed culture) fermenting species [29].
fermented milk contains Lb. helveticus, Lb. fermentum and Undefined starter cultures also continue to be relevant
Lb. paracasei. These additional cultures allow fast acidifi- in traditional dairy foods fermentation and consist of
cation and extensive proteolysis [21]. Acidophilus milk is complex uncharacterized microbial community, which
a traditional milk fermented with Lb. acidophilus in pas- can be revealed with high-throughput DNA sequencing
teurised-standardized milk [22]. The milk is inoculated technologies and predictive metabolic modelling [30].
and incubated at 37 C for 18–20 h and, because of its During the growth of dairy starter bacteria, which are
strong acid taste, its consumption is more typically asso- typically Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB), in milk, the initial
ciated with a desire to address health-related issues, such metabolism of lactose results in the formation of glucose
Table 1
Traditional fermented dairy products along with the particular associated microorganisms
Product Name Origin of milk (principal kind Type of starter Some associated
or mostly utilized) microorganisms involved in
Cheese Any variety of Any kind of milk (buffalo, Traditional and commercial Various including Lactococcus
cheeses camel, cow, goats, mare, lactis (Lc. lactis), Lactococcus
sheep) spp., Lactobacillus spp.,
Streptococcus spp.
Fermented milk Ayran Cow Traditional and commercial Lactobacillus delbrueckii
Thermophilic sour-milks subsp. bulgaricus (Lb.
bulgaricus) and Streptococcus
salivarius subsp. thermophiles
(Str. thermophilus)
Matzoon Cow Back-slopping (culture from Lb. bulgaricus and
previous productions) Str. thermophilus
Fermented milk Cultured buttermilk Boiled cows or goats milk Traditional and commercial Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris
Mesophilic sour-milks Lc. lactis subsp. lactis biovar.
diacetylactis (Lc. diacetylactis)
Nunu Traditional and commercial Lb. fermentum, Lb. plantarum,
Lb. helveticus, Leuconostoc
mesenteroides (Leuc.
Skyr Skimmed sheep and cow Traditional Str. thermophilus and Lb.
milk bulgaricus
Viili Cow Back-slopping (culture from Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris,
previous productions) Lc. diacetylactis, Leuc.
mesenteroides subsp.
cremoris Geotrichum
candidum Kluveromyces
marxianus, Pichia fermentans
Ymer Skimmed cow milk Traditional Lc. lactis
Gioddu Cow, goat, sheep and mixed Back-slopping (culture from Str. thermophilus, Lb.
milks previous productions, called bulgaricus
‘madrighe’) Lc. casei subsp. casei,
Leuc. mesenteroides subsp.
Fermented milk Kefir Any kind of milk (buffalo, Back-slopping (‘grains’) Lb. acidophilus,
Acid and alcoholic milks camel, cow, goats, sheep) Bifidobacterium bifidum Str.
and mixed milks thermophilus, Lb. bulgaricus
Lb. helveticus, Lb.
kefiranofaciens, Lc. lactis,
Leuconostoc spp
K. marxianus, Micrococci,
K. lactis Saccharomyces kefir,
S. cerevisiae, Torula kefir
Yogurt Traditional yogurt Cow Traditional and commercial Str. thermophilus and Lb.
Lb. helveticus, Lb. fermentum
and Lb. paracasei
Acidophilus milk Acidophilus milk Cow Traditional Lb. acidophilus
Koumiss Mare Back-slopping (container of Enterococcus faecalis,
previous productions) E.faecium
Shubat or Chal Camel Traditional Lb. paracasei, Lb. helveticus
and Str. thermophilus
Gariss Camel Back-slopping (container of K. marxianus,
previous productions) Candida kefyr
Pichia kudriavzevii
Str. infantarius subsp.
infantarius, Lb. fermentum
Lc., Lactococcus; Str., Streptococcus; Lb., Lactobacillus; Leuc., Leuconostoc; K., Kluveromyces; E., Enterococcus.
Figure 1
(a) (b)
Homofermentative LAB Fermented milks
Lb. acidophilus, Acid and Mesophilic Thermophilic
Lb. delbrueckii, Lb. helveticus, Lb. salivarius, Homolactic alcoholic milks sour-milks sour-milks
Lb. gasseri fermentation Lactic acid
Other: O HO OH
Lc. lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis HO O
Lactose OH
Cultured buttermilk,
Facultatively heterofermentative LAB kefir, Gioddu
Viili, Ymer, Skyr
Lb. casei, Lb. curvatus,
Lb. plantarum, Lb. sakei Acidophilus milk Cultured
and yogurt buttermilk
Other: Lactosse -> Glucose + Galactose
Pediococcus pentosaceus, P. acidilactici,
P. claussenii
Overview of types of fermented dairy products and biochemical fermentation involved. (a) Among the genera involved in dairy fermentations,
Lactobacillus are most heterogeneous in terms of the type of fermentation that are carried out. These and other microbes, including a variety of
LAB, determine the flavours, textures and other features of fermented foods. Homolactic fermentations result in the production of lactic acid as
the primary by-product from glucose fermentation. Heterolactic fermentations result in the production of carbon dioxide and other by-products. (b)
In the right side of the figure are reported examples of fermented dairy products.
and galactose. The next step of the metabolic process continue to be investigated in ever greater depth, includ-
varies according to the species present and results in ing through molecular analysis of indigenous fungal iso-
different final products depending on whether a homo- lates from cheeses that could be harnessed to improve
lactic or heterolactic fermentation occurs (Figure 1). sensory qualities of such cheeses in a controlled way [35].
Adjunct cultures are used to provide or enhance the As for bacteria, individual fungal strains have been the
characteristic flavours and textures of dairy fermented focus of increasingly in-depth investigations. Indeed, the
products. These may be homofermentative, and include diversity of isolates of Penicillum roqueforti strains, impor-
other Streptococcus spp., Enterococcus, Pediococcus and Aero- tant due to their production of a wide range of flavour
coccus genera. Alternatively, they may be heterofermen- compounds to influence the flavour profiles of blue-
tative that is ferment glucose with lactic acid, ethanol/ cheese varieties has recently been highlighted [36].
acetic acid and carbon dioxide as end products. Repre-
sentative heterofermenters include Leuconostoc spp., Fermented dairy products can be produced by the action
Lb. brevis, Lb. fermentum, and Lb. reuteri. Other Lactobacil- of complex fermenting microbial communities. These
lus species are considered ‘facultatively’ heterofermenta- cultures can come from the reuse of a fraction of the
tive, meaning they will produce carbon dioxide and other previous production, can be liquid or solid (grains) and are
by-products only under certain conditions or from specific often comprised of a specific and complex mixture of
substrates [31,32]. Genomics has continued to provide bacteria and yeasts that live in a symbiotic association
insights into these and other species involved in fermen- [37]. An example of the latter is kefir, a beverage with
tation. One recent genomics-based investigation has reported health benefits containing, in some instances,
revealed considerable variability among the genomes over 50 species of lactic acid bacteria and yeast. Studies
of Leuconostoc cultures commonly used by the dairy indus- with animal models have suggested that the consumption
try [33]. of kefir can modulate the gut microbiota, with associated
beneficial health impacts including anti-allergenic and
Many fermented dairy foods are produced by the com- anti-carcinogenic effects and the prevention of patholo-
bined actions of LAB and fungi. Saccharomyces, Kluyver- gies like obesity [38,39,40]. In contrast to the solid kefir
omyces, Zygosaccharomyces, Aspergillus, Geotrichum, Penicil- ‘grains’, koumiss is, as noted above, a mare’s milk fer-
lium and Rhizopus genera are the fungi used most often in mented drink. It is produced from a liquid starter culture
dairy fermentations and contribute to the texture and that contains an uncharacterized microbial community
appearance of products [34]. These contributions and, due to the high sugar content of the raw mare’s milk,
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