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Warning: This material is protected by Copyright Laws. Unauthorized use shall be prosecuted in the full extent of the Philippine Laws. For exclusive use of CBRC
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1. Because of PROFANITY the program was suspended from television.” The capitalized word means?
A. Obscenity
B. Decency
C. History
D. Falsehood

2. “The figures must be TRANSMUTED in order to understand the grade.” The capitalized word means:
A. Estimated
B. Surpassed
C. Changed
D. Summed

3. “She is vision of feminine PULCHRITUDE”. The capitalized word means__________

A. Homeliness
B. Loveliness
C. Plain
D. Ugliness

4. Clara would ready any book or magazine she could lay her hands on and read from cover to cover in one sitting. She is such a
_________ reader.
A. Tedious
B. Leisurely
C. Serious
D. Voracious

5. The _____________ lesson of the story is that honesty is the best policy.
A. Morality
B. Moralism
C. Morale
D. Moral

6. Several factors must be assessed to arrive at a sound ___________________.

A. Query
B. Change
C. Decision
D. Problem

7. I thought the task was heavy for Samantha and _____.

A. Me
B. Her
C. Myself
D. Us

8. The proposed project _______ within the budget of the company.

A. Are appearing
B. Is appearing
C. Is
D. Are

9. Many a child ___ experiencing hunger and poverty.

A. Is
B. Are
C. Has
D. Will

10. I thought the task was heavy for Janus and _________.
A. Us
B. Me
C. Her
D. Myself

11. The Philippine population ________ increased tremendously in the last decade.
A. Will be
B. Has
C. Have
D. Had been

12. The carpenter finally found the time to rest after _________ the whole day.
A. Have worked
B. Will work
C. Working
D. Had work

13. Let us campaign for the total ban ___________ of harmful pesticides.
A. On the use
B. With using
C. On using
D. With the use

14. The sudden arrival of our “balikbayan” relatives surprised ________ because we were expecting them to arrive next month.
A. Them
B. Us
C. Him
D. Me

15. Dancing _____ to be the most interesting co-curricular activity of the school-year .
A. Appear
B. Are appearing
C. Appears
D. Appearing

16. “Red letter day” is _____

A. Idiom
B. Hyperbole
C. Simile
D. Metaphor

17. “If you want the moon I will get it for you” is an example of:
A. Hyperbole
B. Irony
C. Synecdoche
D. Personification

18. “Sturdy and strong, the Filipinos are like the molave” is:
A. Simile
B. Metaphor
C. Irony
D. Hyperbole

19. What figure of speech is: “O wild west wind!”

A. Irony
B. Apostrophe
C. Metaphor
D. Hyperbole

20. For the synecdoche figurative expression “My mother has a green thumb. I can’t wait to show you her garden.” What is the
equivalent meaning?
A. She grows a vegetable garden
B. She cultivates a garden
C. She takes care of flowering plants
D. She is good at gardening

21. “How much money did you bring for shopping?” Which of the following answers this question?
A. I have some change in my purse
B. None, but I have a credit card
C. I have P500.00 inside the envelope in my desk
D. All the cash I have was spent at the grocery store yesterday

22. According to current linguistic theories, which of the following is the best definition of the meaning of a word?
A. Its general, dictionary definition
B. Its object to which it refers
C. Its corresponding idea in the mind
D. Its use in a particular situation

23. In the speech process, which is concerned with amplifying and enriching the voice, using human amplifiers such as the nose,
windpipe and chest?
A. Resonation
B. Infection
C. Phonation
D. Articulation

24. Of the following remarks from workers, which deserve a higher wage owing to effective speech that increases work efficiency?
A. I have strong hands, willingness and honesty in work.
B. I have strong hands and I am a willing worker.
C. I like people and listen to respond to their opinions and needs.
D. I have work well and plan my work to accomplish more.

25. Nelson Mandela sacrificed so much in his life-family, friends and a big chunk of his life for thing he believed in democratic south
Africa, with equal rights and beacon of hope for the rest of the world. Nelson Mandela’s dream for South Africa, which was
realized was______________.
A. Cooperation
B. Democracy
C. Unity
D. Supremacy

26. Imprisoned for 27 years, Nelson Mandela realized his dream of a free and non-racial South Africa by forgiving his oppressors and
negotiating in good faith for the peaceful transition to democracy. Nelson Mandela demonstrated his trait of
A. Friendliness
B. Determination
C. Forgiving
D. Loyalty

27. What became prophetically true in France when Edwin Markham saw the French peasant as “The man with the Hoe,” a
plundered slave under the rule of kings and princess?
A. French revolution
B. Advent of mechanized agriculture
C. Cult of Reason in France
D. Napoleon’s Imperial rule
28. Select the most appropriate heading for the paragraph: Before he has any actual knowledge of war, Stephen Crane wrote the
American Classic ‘The Red Badge of Courage,’ which made him an overnight success. He wrote ‘The Open Boat’ as a result of a
shipwreck he experienced on his way to Cuba to report a war in progress there”?
A. A shipwreck
B. The Open Boat
C. Stephen’s educational experience
D. Stephen’s Writings

29. “My concept of inner peace came from my mother’s daily activities which I now recall with fondness and awe. She was full-time
housewife, wholly dependent on my father’s monthly salary. How she made both ends meet, guided us in our studies and did
small acts of charity on the side was beyond me.”
The mother’s financial resources are____________.
A. More than enough
B. Miserable
C. Abundant
D. Limited

30. Read the paragraph and answer the item that follows.
“As far back as I can remember, our family had always been an extended one. Our grandmother was the mainstay in the family
the silent strength behind our mother who is her daughter.” The informal guide and honorary household chief in the extended
family is the________
A. Grandmother
B. Mother
C. Father
D. Aunt

31. Which of the following is an artistic tradition that seeks to revive past glory in various forms?
A. Antique
B. Modern
C. Contemporary
D. Classical

32. In William Shakespeare’s “Merchant of Venice,” Portia, the judge said: “The quality of mercy is not strained; it droppeth as the
gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath... It is twice blest; it blesseth him that gives and him that takes. ‘Tis mightier
than the mightiest... and one is likened to God when mercy seasons justice.”
The main thought of the excerpt it that:
A. Mercy is only for deserving
B. Mercy is limited in extent
C. Mercy is spontaneous and freely given.
D. Mercy comes from the rain.

33. He wrote Annabel Lee.

A. Edgar Allan Poe
B. Geoffrey Chaucer
C. Harriet Beecher Stowe
D. Samuel Clemens

34. He is known as the father of English literature.

A. William Shakespeare
B. Geoffrey Chaucer
C. Homer
D. Dante

35. He is considered as the greatest English writer. He is also knows as the “bard of Avon.”
A. Geoffrey Chaucer
B. Sir William Scott
C. William Shakespeare
D. Francis Bacon
36. “To be or not to be” is the beginning of the soliloquy of:
A. Richard III
B. Julius Ceasar
C. Macbeth
D. Hamlet

37. Who is the first mythical geographer who was recognized due to his vivid descriptions of lands and people encountered by his
hero Ulysses?
A. Virgil
B. Homer
C. Plato
D. Cicero

38. The pen name of Samuel Clemens is ________.

A. Mark Twain
B. George Eliot
C. Robert Browning
D. Edgar Allan Poe

39. Poem which is usually composed of fourteen lines which follow specific patterns of rhyme is called
A. Haiku
B. Sonnet
C. Elegy
D. Free verse

40. Haiku is a Japanese poem that consists of:

A. 17 lines
B. 17 syllables
C. 3 syllables
D. 3 paragraphs

41. Which of the following is considered as the longest epic of India?

A. Mahabharata
B. Upanishad
C. Rig Veda
D. Ramayana

42. “Once I passed through the populous city imprinting my brain for future use with its shows, architecture, customs, traditions.
Yet now, of all the cities I remember only a woman I casually met who detained me for love of me.” This passage is an example
A. Blank verse
B. Prose
C. Metered poetry
D. Free verse

43. This literally means seeking entrance, the Tagalog version of the Mexican Las Posadas.
A. The Panunuluyan
B. Cenaculo
C. Salubong
D. Moriones

44. Who was the first Filipino National Artist for Literature awarded in 1973?
A. Nick Joaquin
B. N.V.M. Gonzales
C. Bienvenido Santos
D. Jose Garcia Villa

45. A Filipino migrant writer whose fiction stories reflect the Filipino’s concepts of American culture.
A. Bienvenido Santos
B. Ricky Lee
C. Alejandro Roces
D. Ambeth Ocampo

46. Where did the folk song “Atin Cu Pung Singsing” originated?
A. Ilocanos
B. Pampangos
C. Bicolanos
D. Ilongos

47. What is a collection of Indian sacred hymns?

A. Rig Veda
B. Upanishad
C. Mahabharata
D. Ramayana

48. What emotion or feeling is expressed in the following line?

To be or not to be, that is the question
Whether this nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous Fortune, or to take arms against a Sea of
Troubles, and by opposing end them?

A. Sadness
B. Joy
C. Anger
D. Indecision

49. The “Rubaiyat” a loosely joined series of 280 stanzas, has this general theme. Which one?
A. Always look forward to a new day.
B. Grasp pleasure while you can.
C. Never give in to death easily.
D. Create your own world and beautify it.

50. A generalized image of an object is __________

A. Concept
B. Definition
C. Impression
D. Mental picture

51. The information highway is called ___________.

B. Interchange
C. Internet
D. Information technology

52. Which symbol is used to open the font command?

A. Ctrl + V
B. Ctrl + D
C. Ctrl + S
D. Ctrl + O

53. Which of the following is not an input device?

A. Keyboard
B. Scanner
C. Mouse
D. Gaming Application

54. A secret word that must be entered into the computer before a person is allowed to get or change information is called
A. Program
B. Statement
C. Password
D. Input

55. It is the process of storing, recovering and disseminating recorded data through the computer
A. Information technology
B. Information utilization
C. Information retrieval
D. Information science

56. The molecules that contain an organism’s genetic make-up is called

A. Genetic membrane
B. Nucleic acid
C. Nucleolus
D. Cytosol

57. What are the small hair-like structures that serve a sensory function in eukaryotic cells?
A. Cilia
B. Actin filaments
C. Centromere
D. Plasma membrane

58. What are the thin structure essential for cytokinesis, amoeboid movement and changes in cell shape?
A. Myosin filaments
B. Monofilaments
C. Pseudo filaments
D. Microfilaments

59. A human arm, a bat’s wing and a seal’s flipper are examples of
A. Analogous organisms
B. Homologous organisms
C. Embryonic organs
D. Vestigial organs

60. Which is an example of a non-pathogenic microorganism?

A. Plasmodium falciparum
B. Probiotics such as Bifidobacterium
C. Influenza sp.
D. Yersinia pestis

61. Which organism is an example of a fungus?

A. Algae
B. Yeast
C. Euglenoids
D. Entamoeba

62. Which organism is classified under Kingdom Fungi?

A. Red algae
B. Microsporidia
C. Diatoms
D. Streptococcus

63. What is the unique feature of fungi?

A. They contain mitochondria
B. They contain genetic material
C. Some are capable of bioluminescence
D. They combined chitins and glucans in their cell wall
64. Which of the following is an example of a useful function for bacteria?
A. Can clean up an oil spill by digesting hydrocarbons
B. May be used as vectors to introduce proteins
C. Can synthesize new forms of heavy metals
D. May be pathogenic and cause human disease

65. Which protest can cause dysentery?

A. Gorilla beringei
B. Plamodium vivax
C. Streptococcus
D. Entamoeba histolytica

66. Dengue is an infectious disease transmitted by an organism classified under which phylum?
A. Chordate
B. Arthropoda
C. Hemichordala
D. Echinodermata

67. What diagnostic test allows microorganism to multiply in a medium under controlled laboratory condition in order to determine
the cause of an infectious disease?
A. Microbial culture
B. Chest x-ray
C. Urinalysis
D. Complete blood count

68. Predation is a relationship exemplified by ________________.

A. An orchid attached to the trunk of a Narra tree.
B. A hunter shooting a duck in the forest and having it for dinner.
C. A tapeworm living in the gastrointestinal tract of a toddler.
D. A clownfish living within a sea anemone.

69. Ecosystem is the relationship between the physical and biological environments in a certain plain. Among desert ecosystems,
the world’s largest ecosystem is ______.
A. Sahara
B. Tianshan
C. Sonoran
D. Antarctica

70. Which of the following process involves chloroplast?

A. Conversion of light energy to chemical energy
B. Formulation of reproductive cells
C. Cell division
D. Protein synthesis

71. What is the MOST likely reason for a desert plant to have a few or no leaves?
A. To increase photosynthesis
B. To decrease photosynthesis
C. To increase transpiration
D. To decrease transpiration

72. Bats are able to navigate in the dark without bumping into anything because they:
A. Are able to fluoresce in the dark
B. Have supersonic eyesight
C. Emit sound waves whose returning vibrations can detect the presence of objects
D. Can disappear in the dark

73. During periods of increased global temperatures, which of the following is most likely to occur?
A. A decrease in earthquake
B. An increase in earthquakes
C. A decrease in atmospheric CO2
D. An increase in atmospheric CO2

74. The source of water pollution is when water from a river is mixed with the contents of a septic tank, this is called:
A. Water condensation
B. Hydraulic theory
C. Water manipulation
D. Hypertrophication

75. A hypothetical ecosystem contains lettuce (the producer), a caterpillar (the primary consumer), a small passerine bird (the
secondary consumer) and a lion (the tertiary consumer). A gardener arrives and sprays pesticide, killing all the caterpillars. What
can happen to the ecosystem?
A. The passerine birds will thrive
B. The lions will eventually die
C. The passerine birds will convert to herbivores
D. The lettuce will wilt and die

76. What is the term for slowing-down response by the frog’s circulatory system during the cold season?
A. Cold-blood reaction
B. Temperature response
C. Hibernation
D. Estivation

77. Of the following which is an example of physiological adaptation that allows survival among plants or animals?
A. Frog’s powerful hind legs to jump away from predators
B. Bright colors of insect-pollinated flowers
C. Chameleon’s ability to change color with its environment
D. Walking stick’s unique shape and color

78. This demonstrates the feeding connections between all life forms.
A. Nutritional cycles
B. Biochemical pathways
C. Fossil cycle
D. Food web

79. Air like food and water is an essential element in human existence. Carried by the wind, polluted air called ______ falls to earth
poisoning fish and destroying vegetation.
A. El Niño
B. La Niña
C. Greenhouse rain
D. Acid rain

80. The Kyoto protocol, which requires countries to reduce greenhouse emission, is a practice that advocates _________.
A. Environmental protection
B. Ecological destruction
C. Sustainable potential
D. Forest demolition

81. What is the most significant cost of dwindling biodiversity?

A. Large plant consumption
B. Destruction of habitat
C. Global warming
D. Depletion of ozone layer

82. Which of the following process best explains the evolution of life forms or gradual transformation of species?
A. New combination of genes
B. Natural selection
C. Isolation
D. Genetic drift
83. Which technology can lead to the formation of a new genetic trait?
A. Tissue culture
B. Embryo transplant
C. Exposure to radiation
D. Asexual reproduction

84. What is the main organ for respiration?

A. Esophagus
B. Lungs
C. Nose
D. Heart

85. Which of the following is a vitamin?

A. Niacin
B. Mucin
C. Pepsin
D. Trypsin

86. Besides solids, liquids, and gas, what is the fourth form of matter?
A. Gel
B. Colloid
C. Plasma
D. Foam

87. Which of these characterizes organic compounds?

A. They are compounds of any element
B. They cannot be broken down to simpler substances
C. They always require electrical means of separate
D. They are compounds containing hydrocarbon

88. Which type of reaction does the general equation (AB + energy A + B) show?
A. Endothermic synthesis
B. Exothermic synthesis
C. Exothermic decomposition
D. Endothermic decomposition

89. Which element has Te as its symbol?

A. Terbium
B. Tellurium
C. Titanium
D. Technetium

90. What is the maximum number of electrons that can occupy a p orbital?
A. 6
B. 18
C. 10
D. 14

91. A toothpick can sit on the surface of water due to _________________.

A. Surface tension
B. Atmospheric pressure
C. Buoyancy
D. Viscosity

92. Which of the following statements is true of nuclear fission?

A. The energy process is identical to that which occurs in the sun
B. Energy is obtained by getting nucleus of the atoms to break up or split
C. Matter from the lighter atoms is changed into energy
D. Scientists can combine lighter atoms to form heavier atoms

93. Which of the following statements is true about textbook laid on the table?
A. No force is acting on it
B. The textbook undergoes acceleration
C. The sum of the forces acting upon it is zero
D. The textbook undergoes deceleration

94. Which of the following should be avoided in conserving energy while simplifying work?
A. Use a circular arm motion
B. Work with jerk action
C. Work slowly but surely
D. Work with natural rhythmic movements

95. Which of the following causes the seasons?

A. The rotation of the Earth about the Sun
B. The rotation of the Sun about the Earth
C. The distance of the Earth from the Sun
D. The tilting of the Earth on its axis

96. Which is true of metalloids?

A. Conduct heat and electricity less effectively than non-metal.
B. Conduct heat and electricity better than metals.
C. Conduct heat better than metals.
D. Have properties of both metals and non-metals.

97. A soda acid type fire extinguisher is recommended for putting out fires which involves burning:
A. Painted woodwork
B. Dry chemicals
C. Fats or vegetable oil
D. Insulation on wires

98. In a flame test, the presence of boron in a solution is evident by what color of flame?
A. Bright green
B. Brick red
C. Gold
D. Lilac

99. A metric carat is a unit of mass for measuring gemstones. It is equivalent to ________.
A. 1,000 mg
B. 2 kg
C. 200 mg
D. 100 mg

100.When the North Pole is tilted towards the sun, it is summer and when the sun shines all the time both day and night, what is this
A. Twilight Sun
B. Summer Light
C. Northern Light
D. Midnight Sun

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