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 251  Linear  and  Nonlinear  

Chapter  6:  Convex    op/miza/on  problems  
and  duality  

6.1  Convex  op/miza/on  problem:  defini/on  

Defini/on:    convex  set  

A set Ω is called a convex set if, for every x, y ∈Ω, we

have tx + (1− t)y ∈Ω for all t ∈[0,1].

Defini/on:    convex  op/miza/on  problem  

A problem of minimizing a convex function within a

convex set is called convex optimization problem

6.2  Convexity  of  func/ons  on  convex  sets  
Theorem  6.2A  (compare  with  Th.  4.2A)  

A funtion f (x) is convex in convex set Ω if and only if for

every pair of vectors x and y in Ω, we have
f (y) ≥ f (x) + (y − x)T ∇f (x)
Theorem  6.2B  (compare  with  Th.  4.2B)  

A function f (x) is convex in convex set Ω if and only

if its Hessian F(x) is positive semi-definite for all x ∈Ω.

6.3  Minimiza/on  of  convex  func/ons  with  convex  constraints  

6.3.1 Three types of constraints that lead to convex feasible set:

1) h(x) = 0, where h is an affine function

2) h(x) ≤ 0, where h is a convex function

3) h(x) ≥ 0, where h is a concave function

6.3.2  Local  minimum  is  global  minimum  

Theorem 6.3A (compare with Th. 4.1A)

For a convex function f (x), if x* is a local minimum
in convex set Ω, it is also a global minimum in Ω.
1) if x* is not a global minimum, then there exists a y, such that
f (y) < f (x* ).
2) For any point in the line {α y + (1 − α )x*; 0 < α < 1}, which
is included in Ω because of its convexity, we have
by convexity of f (x) that
f (α y + (1 − α )x* ) ≤ α f (y) + (1− α ) f (x* )
!## #"### $ !###"###$
T1 T2 5  
3) Since f (y) < f (x* ) by assumption, T2 < f (x* ). This implies
T1 = f (α y + (1 − α )x* ) < f (x* ).

4) For α aribitrarily small, this contradicts the the fact that

x* is a local minimum.

5) Hence, for a convex function f (x) having a local minimum

at x* , there is no such y satisfying f (y) < f (x* ).
Hence, a local minimum is also a global minimum.

Corollaries  (6.3B  and  6.3C)  

For a convex optimization problem, if more than one point,

satisfy FONC-Min, their values of the objective function
should be equal.

For a convex optimization problem, any local maximum

should be a non-interior point.

Theorem  6.3D  
For a convex oprtimization problem, If a point x* satify
FONC (KKT) for minimum, it will also satisfy SONC.

The augmented Hessian
m m
L(x, λ , µ ) = F(x) + ∑ λi H(x) + ∑ µi G(x),
i=1 i=1

is positive semi-definite due to the following:

(i) F(x) is positive semi-definite
(ii) Hi s are zero matrices (affine functions)
(iii) Gi s are positive semi-definite
(iv) µi s are non-negative.
Hence because of Th. 5.3E, SONC (Th. 5.3C)
is satisfied. 8  
6.4  The  dual  problem  of  a  convex  op/miza/on  problem  
6.4.1 Definition of dual function

The  primal  op/miza/on  problem  

Minimize f (x)
Subject to h(x) = 0 (! n → ! m affine function)
and g(x) ≤ 0 (! n → ! m convex function)

The  Lagrangian  func/on  

⎡ u ∈" m ⎤
L(x, y) ! f (x) + u h(x) + v g(x) where y = ⎢
⎥ ∈" m+ p

⎢⎣ v ∈" p
The  dual  func/on  defini/on  
q(y) ! infx ( L(x, y)) where y ∈" m+ p

The  dual  op/miza/on  problem  

Maximize q(y) subject to v ≥ 0 (y = [u v]T )

The  domain  of  the  dual  func/on  

D ! { y q(y) > −∞}

Properties of q and D

q is concave and D is convex.

6.5  The  duality  rela/ons  

6.5.1 The weak duality relation

q(y) ≤ f (x) for any arbitrary x and y.

6.5.2 The strong duality relation

If (x* , y* ) satisfy KKT conditions, x* and y* solve the primal and

dual problems respectively, the values of the objective function at
the solution points are equal.

6.5.3 The converse of strong duality for restricted
The restricted primal problem : Minimize the strictly convex
function f (x) subject to g(x) ≤ 0 (! n → ! m strictly convex)

The Lagrangian : L(x, y) ! f (x) + yT g(x), q(y) ! infx ( L(x, y))

The dual problem : Maximize q(y) subject to y ≥ 0

Converse of strong duality :

Suppose y maximizes q(y) with corresponding x such that
q(y) = L(x, y), x solves the primal problem.

Note: The converse of strong duality is also applicable
to the following more general problem:
Minimize f (x)
Subject to h(x) = 0 (! n → ! m affine function)
and g(x) ≤ 0 (! n → ! m convex function),
where at least one of the functions in {f (x) g(x)}
is strictly convex.

This is possible because the proof depends only

on the strict convexity of L(x, y).


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