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Sds TRC & Rgicd College of Nursing, Bangalore-29

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Submitted to:

Mrs. Ruth Prathima W

Lecturer,Submitted by:

Medical-surgical nursing,Miss. Revathi H K

2nd year M.Sc (N)



According to WHO- Hospital is an integral part of a social and medical

organization, the function of which is to provide for the population complete
health care, both curative and preventive, and whose out-patient services reach
out to the family and its home environment, the hospital is also a center for the
training of health worker and for biosocial research. According to Steadman’s
Medical Dictionary - Hospital is an institution for the care, cure and treatment
of the sick and wounded, for the study of diseases and for the training of doctors
and nurses.

Team approach Contents of service Coordination Continuity of care
Integration Evaluation and research.

Patient care Diagnosis and treatment of disease Out-patient services
Medical education and training Medical and nursing research Prevention of
disease and promotion of health.


Health care considerations Ownership Physical considerations consumer
considerations Cost considerations.

General standards Main corridor 8ft in width & ceiling ht. of a minimum
of 8ft Bed or stretcher should be in width to 5ft (1.524 mts ) Minimum width of
doors to patient rooms should be 1.12-1.16mts. Out patient department standard
space requirement is 0.74-0.92ft . Emergency department/casualty Trauma area
should be there. Examining and treatment rooms should be there for medical
emergencies. Splint and casting area for orthopaedic cases There are
Observation beds for patient in the emergency department .

INTENSIVE CARE UNIT ICU are designed equipped and staffed with
specially trained and skilled personnel for treating critical patients or those
requiring specialized care and equipments. The current trend is to designate
10% of the total beds of the hospital for ICU. The Location is important the unit
should be convenient for access from emergency, respiratory therapy, radiology,
surgery and other essential services. SURGICAL FACILITIES/OT Operation
room should have a minimum clear area of 33.44sq. mts exclusive of fixed
cabinets and built in shelves. Attention should be given to the planning of three
basic zones-1.outer zones 2.the intermediate zone and 3.the inner zone .

PATIENT ROOM The minimum size of one bed-room should be 11.61

sq. mts In multiple bedrooms, there should be a minimum of 1.21mts(4ft) of
space between beds and a clearance of 1.12 mts at the foot end of each bed to
permit the presage of equipment under beds. Each room should have a window
for ventilation and light as well as for psychological wellbeing. There should be
adequate toilet facilities for patients in the multi bedrooms and the general
wards. Each patient should have a separate looker and wardrobe for storing
personal belongings in multi bed rooms. Privacy should be provided for each
patient e.g. screens or curtains. Patient beds should be placed parallel to the
exterior wall in order that patients can have not only visual conduct with the

outside world. The two bed rooms may be designed with booth the beds
paralleling next to the wall to make semi private room as nearly as possible like

SERVICE AREA: The ideal place for the nurse’s stations in the centre of
the unit with a good view of patients rooms, work area, the entrance to the unit
in two more direction. Patients need to feel secure and reassured particularly in
the night duty. The maximum distance between nurses station and any patient
room should be 120 ft.

NEW BORN NURSERY It should be located in a place that is

convenient to post partum nursing unit and labour delivery. Glazed observation
windows that will permit viewing of infants by visitors from the public areas.
Minimum floor area should be 2.78sq mts (30sq) for each infant. Minimum of
0.91 meter between bassinets on all sides.One nursery for 8 full term infants.

PREMATURE NURSERY- Minimum of 12.19sq mts (40sq ft)


ISOLATION NURSERY- Minimum of 4.64-5.57sq mts (50-60sq ft)


PEADIATRIC UNIT OPD should provide without any delay any

condition. Recreational facilities should be provided Facility should be provided
for mothers e.g . Waiting room, feeding room All equipment should be
available in the ward e.g . Oxygen supply, suction machine etc.

LABOUR AND DELIVERY suite Preparation room Labour room

Recovery room Support service area.

POST PARTUM SUITS(LRDP) Labour , delivery , recovery and post
partum care in one place is a perfect family setting. Each LRDP suits is
cheerfully decorated with comfortable furniture , bed, drapes and spread and as
cradle, telephone , music and TV to provide warmth and convenience at home.

DENTAL DEPARTMENT/ UNIT The dental departments in a general

hospital should be largely a referral centre for cases of diagnosis of operative
difficulty send to the hospital by dental surgeons either in private practice or
working in clinics.


number of diagnostic procedure performed in the X-ray Dept. Such as barium
meal, intravenous pylography etc.

LAUNDARY DEPT. All hospital are concern with the dangers of cross
infection and the need for usin only sanitary germ free linen. So there is a need
of an efficient mechanical laundary to ensure the availability of germ free
washed linen. Laundary is closely associated with nursing service.

DIETARY DEPT. The purpose of the dietary services department in

every hospital is the preparation of nutritionally adequate, attractive meals. The
goal of dietary service on hospital will include : Optimum nutrition of the
patient The maintenance of moral The dietic education of parents The
achievement of these goals with maximum effectiveness and resulting
economy .


Department Medical record Department Material management Department
Admission and Discharge Department Personnel Management Department
Transport Department Biomedical Department Electrical Department
Maintenance Department

Flower Shop Stationary Shop.
ACCOMODATION FACILITIES Doctors Quarters Nurses Quarters
Staff Quarters Hostel Guest Rooms.



Physical Facilities in the College of Nursing as provided by INC Physical

facilities such as classroom, laboratories, library and offices are a fundamental
requirements of any educational institution and without them it is difficult to
carry out a programme on a sound educational basis. The amount of
accommodation necessary depends on the number of staff and students, but the
minimum desirable for a college of nursing with 50 students or less is listed
Teaching Block :

Teaching Block The college should be housed preferably in a unitary

building and it should be located near the teaching hospitals. The college
ground should have room for future expansion. There should be four lecture
theatres in the college. One auditorium with seating capacity of 500 and an
assembly or examination hall having capacity of 400 seats. There should be a
Council/Seminar room and a student’s common room. Academic number of
store rooms and toilets should be provided. Each college should have a

community oriented centre in a rural setting with residential accommodation for
50 students.
Laboratories: :
Laboratories: - Nursing Laboratories for Nursing - Fundamentals 1 -
M.C.H. 1 - Nutrition 1 - Community Health Nursing 1 - Microbiology 1 -
Physiology and Bio-chemistry - Anatomy Lab-/Museum, At-least 1
S.No Teaching block Area( figures in square feet)
1. Lecture hall 4×1080 = 4320 2.
i ) Nursing foundation lab
ii) CHN
iii) Nutrition
iv) OBG & Paediatric lab 1500 Sqr . Ft
900 Sqr . Ft
3. Pre- clinical science lab 900 Sqr . Ft
4.Computer lab 1500 Sqr . Ft
5.Multipurpose hall 3000
6. Common room(male & female) 2000 Sqr . Ft
7. Staff room 1000 Sqr . Ft
8.Principal room 300 Sqr . Ft
9.Vice principal room 200 Sqr . Ft
10.Library 2400 Sqr . Ft
11. A.V. Aids room 600 Sqr . Ft
12. One room for each Head of departments 800 Sqr . Ft
13.Faculty room 2400 Sqr . Ft
14.Provision for toilets.1000 Sqr . Ft
15. Total 23720 Sqr . Ft

Library :

Library It should be easily accessible to staff and students. A reading

room with sufficient space and seating arrangement for 100 students with good
lighting and ventilation should be available. Upto -date reference books, text
books, journals and daily newspapers should be available and should also have
at least a thousand professional books printed within the last five years.
There should be provision for:- Reference room Room for librarian and
other staff Room for attendants and book binders. Microfilm reading room.
Journal room.Audio-visual room. Besides these, there should be issue counter
and catalogue space.

Offices :

Offices Administrative:
1. Principal/Dean’s Office
2. Room for P.A., Cash Counter, Accountant’s room.
3. Visitors/waiting room.
4. Rooms for administrative Officer, Office Superintendent and
ministerial staff
5. Record rooms for students files and office records.
6. Stores
7. Room for maintenance staff
8.Duplicating/ Gestetner room.
Teaching: Every teaching faculty from the rank of Lecturer and above
should have a separate office Common office department for Demonstrators/
Instructors. Staff common room and a studentsCounselling room. Facilities for
drinking water, proper storage and sanitation.

Residential Accommodation for Students :
Residential Accommodation for Students There should be single room
and double rooms accommodation. However the number of double room
accommodation should not exceed 20% of the total accommodation. The space
should be 100sq. feet for single room and 150 sq. feet for double room. The
furniture provided should include separate sleeping, seating and storage
arrangements for each student. It is preferable to have built in wardrobe and
dressing table to economize space. Sanitary and bathing facilities with a
minimum of 1 latrine, 1 bathroom for 4 students. There should be sufficient
hand washing basins at strategic places.

Other facilities should include: :

Other facilities should include: -Visitors room, common room, dinning
hall attached with kitchen store and other facilities. - Recreation room to
accommodate 50% of the total number of students with facilities for indoor
games. - Reading room to accommodate ¼ of the students be provided
adequately. - Washing, drying and ironing facilities should be provided
adequately. - Kitchenette and pantry should be provided in each floor. -
Provision for outdoor games should be available. - There should be at least 4
guest rooms. - Warden’s office should have provision for reception and enquiry.
- Cafetaria , enquiry and infirmary with 4 bed unit are desirable.

Staff Residential accommodation for teaching and ancillary staff should
be adequately located, preferably in the campus. Either the Principal or Vice-
Principal should live in the campus.

Teaching Staff: Independent family accommodation should be available for all
teaching staff according to rules. - Family accommodation for all wardens
should be provided in the residential quarters. - There should provision for
family quarters for essential ancilliary staff. Transport: There should be
facilities for transport for staff and students to clinical areas including
community field. At least a 25 seater mini bus should be available. Parking
places and Garages should be provided in the campus. There should be two field
cars/ jeep/ station wagon for rural field work.


CLINICAL FACILITIES Hospital The quality and variety of clinical

material in the hospital/ field should be that approved for a Medical College. It
is essential that the treatment of the patients be of high scientific quality based
on careful clinical and laboratory findings, hospital records and charts including
doctor’s and nurses, findings progress notes diagnosis and plants for treatment
must be at all times upto -date and available for study by the student nurse. It is
possible to learn good nursing only in the field where good nursing is practiced.

Staff for the Hospital: :

Staff for the Hospital: The Nursing Superintendent. Joint/Deputy Nursing

Superintendent. Assistant Nursing Superintendent/ Departmental Supervisor
Assistant Nursing Superintendent/ Departmental Sister Head Nurse/Ward Sister
Staff Nurses

Community :

Community The activities of urban and rural health centres selected for
Community Nursing experience should be consistent with the learning
experience desired for the students. These centres should be well-established
with legal responsibilities for service independent of resources form the
teaching institutions. It is desirable that the College adopts a sub-centre.
Community health material such as guide- lines, manuals and worksheets
should be made available at the selected centres. Transport facilities should be
available for both students and the staff. Equipment and supplies for Quality
Nursing Care It is essential that the necessary facilities for practice quality
nursing are supplied.

Organization and Administration of the College: The organization should
be such as to give freedom in carrying out the educational programme and
facilitate the achievement of the purposes and aims of the college. The college
of nursing should receive the same status and privileges of the University as are
accorded to other constituted. There should be a Governing Body and other
college committees as required by the University for other constituent or
affiliated colleges within its jurisdiction. There should be college representation
on the various hospital committees including selection committee of nursing


Hospital is an integral part of a social and medical organization, the

function of which is to provide for the population complete health care, both
curative and preventive, and whose out-patient services reach out to the family
and its home environment, the hospital is also a center for the training of health
worker and for biosocial research. According to Steadman’s Medical Dictionary
- Hospital is an institution for the care, cure and treatment of the sick and
wounded, for the study of diseases and for the training of doctors and nurses.
Patient care Diagnosis and treatment of disease Out-patient services Medical
education and training Medical and nursing research Prevention of disease and
promotion of health.


 Deepak .


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