Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority
Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority
Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority
Selection of Agency for carrying out Rejuvenation and Beautification of Mithi River in MMRDA portion in Bandra - Kurla Complex2 | Page
1. Introduction
The Mithi River originates from spillovers of Vihar and Powai Lake traverses
through Mumbai's suburban areas viz. Seepz, Marol, Andheri and then flows
below the runway of International Airport and then meanders through areas of
Bail Bazar, Kurla, Bandra - Kurla Complex and meets Arabian sea at Mahim
Bay after flowing below 15 bridges for a length of 17.84Km.
Mithi River with Catchment area of 7295 ha. has its origin at 24.6m above
mean sea level and has a total length of 17.84 Km. Out of this, 11.84 Km is
under jurisdiction of MCGM (Planning Authority as Local Authority) and
6 Km is under jurisdiction of MMRDA (Special Planning Authority for BKC) for
carrying out the Mithi River improvement works. The 6 Km in MMRDA portion
has Tidal Effect.
The Vakola Nalla which flows from the south of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj
International Airport and meets the Mithi River in Bandra-Kurla Complex
(BKC) is about 3.8 Km in length out of which 1.8 Km is in MMRDA portion and
balance 2 Km is in MCGM portion. The 1.8 Km in MMRDA portion has Tidal
Table 1: Administrative Limits of Mithi River and Vakola Nalla
Selection of Agency for carrying out Rejuvenation and Beautification of Mithi River in MMRDA portion in Bandra - Kurla Complex3 | Page
Figure 1: Mithi River in MMRDA Jurisdiction
4. Qualifying Criteria
i. The Applicant /all members in case of consortium shall be in this field for a
minimum of 3 years. Company registration certificate and proof of nature
of work to be provided as specified in Annexure-B1.
ii. In case of consortium, the Lead Applicant of the Consortium shall have
prior experience of working in at least 1 project with the Consortium
Member for implementation of Rejuvenation and Beautification works of
River. Supporting documents to be provided as per the format specified in
III. The Applicant shall have completed 5 projects in the field of Rejuvenation
and Beautification works of River. Supporting documents to be provided as
per the format specified in Annexure-B3.
IV. The Applicant / Lead Applicant shall have a minimum Annual Turnover
ofRs. 2.00 Crores and shall have a positive Net Worth as on date of
submission of bid for each of the last three audited financial years (FY 16-
17, FY 17-18, FY 18-19). Supporting documents to be provided as per the
format specified in Annexure- B5.
V. The Applicant/ Lead Applicant in case of Consortium shall have a
multidisciplinary team of at least 10 professionals (minimum)with minimum
3 years experience and expertise in the field of Survey Hydraulics, Flow
Measurement, Quantification and Characterization of Floating Materials,
Treatment Technology design for - Floating Materials, Debris, Silt Trap,
Waste Water etc. and other relevant professionals employed full time in
Pay Roll of Firm as on 28.02.2019. Supporting documents to be provided
as per the format specified in Annexure-B4.
VI. Last date of submission of EOI is 05.04.2019 upto 17.00 hrs.
Selection of Agency for carrying out Rejuvenation and Beautification of Mithi River in MMRDA portion in Bandra - Kurla Complex5 | Page
5. EOI Evaluation Methodology
4. Approach & Methodology (and its Presentation) as Overall sub sectional score - 40
per Annexure-B7 Marks
(min 30 marks)
4.a Proposed approach and methodology for the Overall sub sectional Score– 20
project – 20 Marks (min. 15 marks) Marks
4.b Proposed implementation plan of the proposed Overall sub sectional Score– 20
approach and methodology – 20 marks (min. 15 Marks
Overall Score 100 marks
(Overall cut-off – 60 Marks)
Note: The Applicant / Respondent needs to secure minimum sectional cut off for each individual
section as well as it needs to score a minimum overall score of 60 marks to qualify for the EOI stage
Selection of Agency for carrying out Rejuvenation and Beautification of Mithi River in MMRDA portion in Bandra - Kurla Complex6 | Page
6. EOI Selection Process
I. All the Applicants shall be assessed against the Qualifying criteria listed in
the EOI.
II. MMRDA through this EOI process intends to consider those potential
Applicants that have the requisite capability and competency, in terms of
technical strengths, experience of carrying out similar projects and
financial stability to address the requirements of MMRDA
III. Based on the responses submitted, all the Applicants shall be required to
make presentation of their EOI response to confirm their understanding of
MMRDA requirement.
IV. MMRDA’s decision on evaluation shall be final and binding on all the
V. Applicants who have submitted EOI Response and who fulfill the
qualification criteria shall be preferred for participation in future Tender
Process for Selection of Agency for carrying out Rejuvenation and
Beautification of Mithi River in MMRDA portion in Bandra-Kurla
Complex. However, MMRDA reserves the right to float open RFP if
deemed fit without providing any reason thereof and by not considering the
responses to this EOI. All respondents can participate in the RFP and
evaluation of Bidder will be governed by the conditions of RFP.
Selection of Agency for carrying out Rejuvenation and Beautification of Mithi River in MMRDA portion in Bandra - Kurla Complex7 | Page
complete proposal well advance in time so as to avoid issues like slow
speed, choking of website due to heavy load or any other unforeseen
V. Respondents are also advised to refer ―Bidders Manual Kit‖ available at for further details about the e-tendering
8. Queries on EOI
Respondents shall send in their queries on the EOI if any, to the contact
address and e-mail ids as mentioned under Section: ―Key Events and Dates‖
of this EOI document. The response to the queries if any shall be published
on MMRDAe-Tendering portal and
MMRDA website Telephonic queries will not be
entertained. MMRDA shall hold a Pre-Bid meeting as per the dates
mentioned under Section 1 of the EOI Document. The response of MMRDA
shall become integral part of the EOI document. MMRDA reserves the right to
respond to any queries.
I. Applicant shall study all instructions, forms, terms, requirements and other
information in the EOIdocuments carefully. Submission of the bid shall be
deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of the
EOIdocument with full understanding of its implications.
II. Language of Proposals - The proposals, all correspondence and
document enclosed as part of the proposals shall be in English language
III. Proposals received after the due date and the specified time for any
reason whatsoever, shall not be entertained and will be rejected without
IV. MMRDA shall, at its discretion, extend the deadline for submission of
proposals by publishing the details on the website where the EOI
document was made available.
V. All costs incurred by the applicant in the preparation and presentation of
the proposal shall be absorbed entirely by the respondent. All supporting
document submitted by the applicant in response to this EOI shall become
the property of MMRDA.
Selection of Agency for carrying out Rejuvenation and Beautification of Mithi River in MMRDA portion in Bandra - Kurla Complex8 | Page
VI. This EOI does not constitute an offer by MMRDA. No commercial quotes
shall be submitted along with the EOI. If found any, the proposal
shall be rejected.
VII. All proposals and accompanying documentation submitted against this
EOI, once opened will become the property of MMRDA and will not be
S. No Information Details
Selection of Agency for carrying out Rejuvenation and Beautification of Mithi River in MMRDA portion in Bandra - Kurla Complex9 | Page
{Note: Please note: The EOI shall be submitted in the following format.}
Having examined the EOI document, we, the undersigned, herewith submit our
proposal in response to your EOI Notification number………… for ―Rejuvenation
and Beautification of Mithi River in MMRDA portion in Bandra-Kurla Complex.We
have read the provisions of the EOI document and confirm that we accept these. We
further declare that additional conditions, variations, deviations, if any, found in our
proposal shall not be given effect to.
1. We agree to abide by this proposal, consisting of this letter, the detailed response
to the EOI and all attachments.
2. We declare that we are not involved in any litigation that may have an impact of
affecting or compromising the delivery of services as required under this
assignment, and we are not under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt or
fraudulent practices.
3. We declare that there is no conflict of interest in the services that we will be
providing under the terms and conditions of this EOI.
4. We hereby declare that all the information and statements made in this proposal
are true and accept that any misrepresentation contained in it may lead to our
Selection of Agency for carrying out Rejuvenation and Beautification of Mithi River in MMRDA portion in Bandra - Kurla Complex10 | Page
5. We understand you are not bound to shortlist/accept any or all the proposals you
6. We hereby declare that we qualify and fulfil all the eligibility criteria mentioned in
the EOI.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
Business Address:
Selection of Agency for carrying out Rejuvenation and Beautification of Mithi River in MMRDA portion in Bandra - Kurla Complex11 | Page
Annexure-B1: Company Profile of Applicant /Lead Applicant in case of
S No Information Details
1 Name of responding lead Applicant :
Selection of Agency for carrying out Rejuvenation and Beautification of Mithi River in MMRDA portion in Bandra - Kurla Complex12 | Page
Annexure-B2: Company Profile of Consortium Partner if any
We hereby declare that our proposal submitted in response to this EOI is made in
good faith, and the information contained is true and correct to the best of our
knowledge and belief.
[Authorized Signature]
Business Address:
Selection of Agency for carrying out Rejuvenation and Beautification of Mithi River in MMRDA portion in Bandra - Kurla Complex13 | Page
Annexure-B3: Project Citation Format
{Note: Highlight all relevant project experiences ofsimilar nature carried out for Government
or Private Organization – specify projects as per Qualifying Criteria in the Table Format
Description of Project:
Selection of Agency for carrying out Rejuvenation and Beautification of Mithi River in MMRDA portion in Bandra - Kurla Complex14 | Page
Annexure-B4: Multidisciplinary Team
Certificate from the HR/ Authorized Signatory on the Company letter head confirming
the staff with their experience in years and expertise in the field of Survey
Hydraulics, Flow Measurement, Quantification and Characterization of Floating
Materials, Treatment Technology design for - Floating Materials, Debris, Silt Trap,
Waste Water etc. for overall rejuvenation and beautification work of river / water
bodies and other relevant professionals employed full time in Pay Roll of Firm as on
Selection of Agency for carrying out Rejuvenation and Beautification of Mithi River in MMRDA portion in Bandra - Kurla Complex15 | Page
Annexure-B5: Financial Details of the Applicant /Lead Applicant in case of
{Note: To be submitted duly singed by Statutory Auditor of the Applicant / Respondent on its
letter head}
Selection of Agency for carrying out Rejuvenation and Beautification of Mithi River in MMRDA portion in Bandra - Kurla Complex16 | Page
Annexure-B6: Financial Details of the Consortium Partner if any
{Note: To be submitted duly singed by Statutory Auditor of the Consortium member on its
letter head}
S.No Years Turnover Details in Net worth Details in
A 2016 – 17
B 2017 – 18
C 2018 – 19
Average Annual Turnover
*Audited Balance sheet and Profit & Loss account statement of the other Member in
case of Consortium for each of the last 3 audited financial years FY 16-17, FY 17-18
and FY 18-19 shall submitted as supporting evidence.
Selection of Agency for carrying out Rejuvenation and Beautification of Mithi River in MMRDA portion in Bandra - Kurla Complex17 | Page
Annexure-B7: Scope & Technical Approach
The Applicant shall submit the EOI with the following data:
I. Implementation Plan
II. Approach and Methodology
III. New Technologies to be adopted
IV. Best practices and relevant supporting case studies.
V. Success Stories and Client Testimonials.
VI. Any other suggestions.
VII. Key professional staff / organisation chart.
Please note that the Case studies/success stories must have all relevant
technical details of the Project,Outcomes achieved, to assess the technology
acceptance and adoption in MMRDA’s Mithi River eco-system.
Actual project images, video, technical brochures and other supporting
testimonials must be submitted as per EOI.
The Applicant has to make a presentation as per the timelines decided by
MMRDA covering all the points mentioned above.
Selection of Agency for carrying out Rejuvenation and Beautification of Mithi River in MMRDA portion in Bandra - Kurla Complex18 | Page
Annexure- C: Checklist for Applicant
14) EOI Downloading as per the Schedule updated by MMRDA from time to
time on E-Tender Portal
15) EOI Submission as per 05.04.2019
deadline in EOI upto 17.00
16) EOI Control Transfer as per 07.04.2019
deadline in EOI upto 18.00
Selection of Agency for carrying out Rejuvenation and Beautification of Mithi River in MMRDA portion in Bandra - Kurla Complex19 | Page