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Starsign Crypto Usb Token: High Security - Seamless Integration

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StarSign® Crypto USB Token

High security – seamless integration

Whenever you are looking The StarSign® Crypto USB cation, password manage- class (HID). The host driver
for a highly secure and Token contains G&D’s Java ment, and secure PKI for all Microsoft Windows
cost-effective token Card based operating system implementation for your platforms is distributed via
solution, you need the Sm@rtCafé® Expert 6.0, which organization. The design of the Windows update service.
StarSign® Crypto USB is FIPS 140-2 level 3 certified. the StarSign® Crypto USB Support for Mac OS X and
Token. Due to its rich variety of Token allows individual Linux distributions is available.
crypto features, the token is customer branding with logo The communication interface
Whether you are looking for applicable across all market and/or company name on between the host PC and the
strong user authentication, segments and can be used the token cap. token is USB 2.0 full speed.
password management, for a wide variety of security
secure digital signatures, or applications, e.g. secure login, FIPS 140-2 level 3 certification Optional middleware available
data security solutions for single sign on, digital signa- is granted by NIST (National for Windows XP, Vista,
your organization, you need a ture, disk & file encryption, (US) Institute for Standards Windows 7, Mac OS X
smart card based USB token. secure banking, boot protec- and Technology) for the and Linux can handle the
The token provides easy inte- tion, PKI, e-mail protection, crypto module and the entire communication between
gration into Public Key Infra- VPN remote access, web & token. token and host application.
structure (PKI) architectures, web-based remote access, The token offers users and
enabling secure portable stor- and many more. The StarSign® Crypto USB issuers maximum security
age of keys and guaranteed Token implements and utilizes and cost efficiency.
non-repudiation for sensitive With its compact and light- the standard USB device class
applications such as online weight design, the StarSign® CCID (USB smart card reader
banking, stock trading, and Crypto USB Token is your key functionality) and – optionally
e-commerce. to strong two-factor authenti- – the human interface device
StarSign® Crypto USB • Innovative design • User interface
Token benefits at a glance Boasting a new design, A LED indicates the
yet fully integrated into token’s power status.
• Easy, efficient & flexible the family design concept,
The StarSign® Crypto USB its small size guarantees • Top-level security
Token offers a plug & play that additional USB devices The token’s smart card
solution that uses a CCID can be used in adjacent operating system, with
interface. Optionally, the USB ports. its wide range of crypto
token can be operated in features such as RSA and
HID mode. • Customizable housing elliptic curves as well as the
No additional drivers need The modern design leaves SHA 512, secures almost all
to be installed to run the maximum space for indi- applications conceivable for
token on Windows XP, vidual issuer branding on the new USB token.
Vista, and Windows 7, the housing cap.
32 and 64 bit, which means • FIPS certification
flexibility for users at its • Applicable across all The token (security module
best. On request the token market segments with JavaCard based
will be supported by Linux Since the token is based on Sm@rtCafé® Expert 6.0
and MAC OS. the new Java Card operat- operating system as well
An individual token serial ing system Sm@rtCafé® as the entire token) is FIPS
number located at the rear Expert 6.0, it is possible to 140-2 level 3 certified.
may help to increase (user) integrate further applica-
help desk efficiency. tions at any time.

Technical data of StarSign® Crypto USB Token

Smart Card Operating System Standards Approx. dimensions
SmartCafé® Expert 6.0 - Java Card™ 3.0.1 Classic 56 x 16 x 9.5 mm
- GlobalPlatform 2.1.1
Hardware + Amendment D (SCP03) Weight
Security controller – NXP P5CC081 - ISO® 7816 5g
EEPROM – 80 KB - USB 2.0 full speed
Interface – Contact-based T=1 - CCID Device Class Storage conditions
Specification (2005) -40°C to 70°C
Cryptography - HID device class specification
Giesecke & Devrient GmbH - RSA 2048 bit, AES 256 bit (optional)
Supported host operating systems
- DSA up to 1024 bit - Windows XP
Prinzregentenstrasse 159 - Triple-key triple-DES - Vista
Available applets / applications
P.O. Box 80 07 29 - ECDSA up to 256 bit, - StarSign® - Windows 7 – 32 and 64 bit
ECDH up to 256 bit - PKCS#11 - Linux and MAC OS 10.5 on request
81677 Munich - SHA-224, SHA-256, - Further applets on request
System interface
- PKCS#11
- RNG: according to NIST SP 800-90 Additional features
PDF 10/12 E Art-Nr: 288 6224 ZDC
Phone: +49 (0) 89 41 19-23 84 - Multiple security domains - Microsoft CSP
Certifications - Multiple DAP (DES and RSA) - USB 2.0
Fax: +49 (0) 89 41 19-90 93 - PC/SC (CCID)
- Chip: Common Criteria EAL 5+ - Delegated management
www.gi-de.com - Operating system: FIPS 140-2 level 3 - RMI
- Token: FIPS 140-2 level 3 Maximum power consumption
starsign@gi-de.com CE, FCC, WEEE, RoHS Operating conditions < 80 mW
0°C to 40°C at 90% RH
© Giesecke & Devrient GmbH, 2012
StarSign® and SmartCafé® Expert are registered
trademarks of Giesecke & Devrient.
Other company product and service
names may be trademarks of these or other
companies. All technical data subject to change
without notice. G&D patents.

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