The document discusses key quality management terms like quality control, quality assurance, quality improvement, effectiveness, process, product, organization, customer, supplier, traceability, non-conformity, corrective action, preventive action, verification, and validation. It also outlines the importance and benefits of quality management systems for organizations.
The document discusses key quality management terms like quality control, quality assurance, quality improvement, effectiveness, process, product, organization, customer, supplier, traceability, non-conformity, corrective action, preventive action, verification, and validation. It also outlines the importance and benefits of quality management systems for organizations.
The document discusses key quality management terms like quality control, quality assurance, quality improvement, effectiveness, process, product, organization, customer, supplier, traceability, non-conformity, corrective action, preventive action, verification, and validation. It also outlines the importance and benefits of quality management systems for organizations.
The document discusses key quality management terms like quality control, quality assurance, quality improvement, effectiveness, process, product, organization, customer, supplier, traceability, non-conformity, corrective action, preventive action, verification, and validation. It also outlines the importance and benefits of quality management systems for organizations.
Quality Control: Part of quality management focused on
fulfilling quality requirements.
Q U Activities that are carried to ensure Quality requirements A Quality Assurance: Part of quality management focused L on providing confidence that quality requirements will be I fulfilled. T Y Pre plan activities to assure and provide adequate confidence to the customer T Quality Improvement: Part of quality management O focused on increasing the ability to fulfill quality O requirements L The activities to enhance the quality in the process and S Product. Continual Improvement: Recurring activity to increase • It Empower Employees, "To establish responsibilities the ability to fulfill requirement and Decision Making authorities" Effectiveness: Extent to which planned activities are • It improves "Communication and Co-operation" within realized and planned results achieved. the organization Efforts and performance realized to meet the planned • It emphasizes on "Continual Improvement in all key results. process". Process: Set of interrelated or interacting activities which • This enables the organizations to retain current transforms inputs into outputs. customers attract new customers, increase market share and enhance revenue growth. Product: Result of a process • It provides Customers a high degree of Assurance Organization: Group of people with required resources regarding the organization's Quality Management work as a team to achieve quality policy and its related System. objectives. • It increases Consistency in Project Execution due to Customer: One who receives the product. (Clients / the use of the same processes across multiple Purchaser / End User) projects. Supplier: One who provides the product. (Vendor and • It reduces the organization's reliance on "Heros" to Sub-contractor) make projects a success because all employees are Traceability: Ability to trace the history, application, aware of the required quality practices. location, of that which is under consideration. • It reduces (or eliminates) the organization's Non Conformity: Non-fulfillment of the requirement. dependence on a few individuals for information regarding critical process because such process are Corrective action: Action to eliminate the cause of a formally documented. detected non-conformity. • It reduces wastage of resources in rejection and rework Preventive action: Action to eliminate the cause of of inferior quality products due to continuous potential non-conformity. improvement of the process. Verification: Confirmation through the provision of • This enables the organization to shift from a reactive objective evidence, that the specified requirements have mode of operation (performing corrective action) to a been fulfilled. proactive mode (performing preventive action). Validation: Confirmation through the provision of objective • It drives the organization towards "zero defect to achieve evidence, that the requirements for specific intended use business excellence" or application have been fulfilled. Important Terms used in ISO Procedure: It defines the detail of the process Quality Policy: Every organization should have a Quality Design and development: Design and development is policy through which Overall intentions and direction of an a process (or a set of processes). organization with respect to Quality shall be expressed Inspection: Its activity to check measure and evaluate by the Top Management conformity Quality Objective: Overall Quality goals set by the Vision: A long range of wish to view how organization organization would be!
140 Employability Skills - (NSQF) Quality Tools : Theory 2.5.64