Jean's Journals Being W Nisargadatta...
Jean's Journals Being W Nisargadatta...
Jean's Journals Being W Nisargadatta...
1977 - 1981
Jean Dunn
These Journals are the notes she made during the five years
while she was with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.
Jean's Journals
Monday A.M.
Thursday, Early
Thursday A.M.
Thursday P.M.
This love for Maharaj has just kept growing - along with
it came the terrible feeling of disloyalty to Bhagavan
Ramana Maharshi, who has been my Guru for the last three
years and whom I loved, I thought, more than anything in
the world: this, despite knowing with the mind that all
gurus are one, and all that - still, I was suffering. I went to
Ramana's Samadhi and did pradakshina around and around
the Samadhi, until this body was completely exhausted!
Then I laid my head on the grillwork and - everything
disappeared and there was just ME, Pure Consciousness,
and I saw all of these forms (Ramana and Maharaj) were
coming out of me. Now, everything remains peaceful, calm,
Friday, October 21
Monday, November 14
November 29
"The vital air - prana - uniting with the mind is the 'I
AM' consciousness. After realizing the 'I AM' will go and
there is nothing but the Self or Reality."
"Keep on with sadhana as I am now."
"The mind must be purified through japa and
"Ignore the bodily sensations or pay no attention to them.
It will be all right."
"The vital air - prana - moves up through the different
centers, reaches the sahasrara and that is samadhi."
"What is the use of getting a lot of money or knowledge
or power when after the vital air leaves the body nothing
remains of any of this and the vital air merges into 'That'."
"Must discriminate between the Real and the Unreal."
"Be detached. Let whatever happens happen, but do not
associate yourself with it."
"The mind can be purified by remembering all that I hear
from Maharaj."
"Let ideas come and go as they will but always
remember: I have nothing to do with all this, I am Pure
"Gradually, by disassociating one's self from all that the
mind has accepted as real, the Pure 'I AM' consciousness
will shine forth. The Reality is even beyond this. It is Pure
Awareness. Perfection. Happiness. Bliss."
Was given prasad from His hands. He poured half of His
coffee in His cup and half in His saucer and gave me the
cup to drink from. Blessed am I! He placed His hand on my
head and then gave me my mantra. I am His.
When He was questioning me I asked if I should be with
my Mother. He asked if there wasn't someone else, brothers
or sisters, who could be with her. I said no. He said for me
to continue as I am. When I am established in the "I AM"
consciousness, then it doesn't matter, I can live anywhere.
The library work is OK, He said.
"Hold on to the 'I AM' awareness and remember my
instructions. Do not worry about anything else."
"Do not bother about anything. I am always with you."
What He said to others in my hearing: "You are trying to
find answers to the illusions in the illusion and it cannot be
"Brahman never became this Maya. Maya is completely
illusory." Used the illustration of waving a burning stick in
a circle or figure 8. They are completely illusory, so it is
with this world and all in it. It comes from the mind
outward bent. It is a dream.
"To start with, turn the mind inward, repeat japa inwardly
until the idea 'I AM THAT' or 'I AM' or 'I AM BRAHMAN'
or 'PURE SPIRIT' is as natural as the idea you now have
that you are so and so, a woman or a body, are to you now."
"We are not any of these things we have believed ourself
to be. We are not really event the Witness or 'I AM'
consciousness, but must go through these to reach the
"The mind is like a chemical process (a recording device
like a camera)."
"Everything is OK."
"If your mind undergoes any moments of worry go ahead
with your japa with persistence."
"With the knowledge that 'I AM', embrace and be One
with the knowledge 'I AM'."
"Do not get worried or entertain the mind with any
worries . Automatically and spontaneously all your worries
will be dissolved."
Sent his blessings.
Jean's Journals
March 5, 1978
April 12
Friday, May 26
Sunday, May 28
Tuesday, May 30
Wednesday, May 31
Busses? Taxis???
He's really teaching me! This morning, no bus for me.
Someone told me they were on strike and everyone grabbed
taxis. No taxi for me. I wandered around for 30 minutes or
longer before finding a cab. Then I saw busses running all
over the place!
At meditation, he didn't look at me or smile. I really
At a 10.30 meeting, there was a discussion of a divorced
couple's problem. M. told them that they came to him as a
couple and he was their guru if they followed his
instructions; if they didn't, they could "vacate the place".
They were not to let any third party come between them.
They agreed and he insisted they shake hands. They
embraced and shook hands. Bob remarked that we should
celebrate the re-marriage. Maharaj said, "Good. You can
buy the sweets!" Bob gave him 20 R and he gave it back so
Bob gave him 100 R and he sent Bob and an Indian out to
buy sweets. Was a happy morning.
Thursday, June 1
June 1, P.M.
In Q&A, Sapre got carried away with his own talk and
was talking about the different countries, particularly
America. I reacted. On the bus coming home, I watched the
mind and its reactions - so - I am not an American, nor any
nationality, nor a body, mind, emotion, senses - none of
these. I am pure consciousness.
June 5, A.M.
Took my picture with me so as to have it framed. M.
asked why I brought it and I told him. Then I showed it to
Annie and others there.
We were told that there is no path and no goal. We are
already That. He spoke of the "Iswara consciousness" as
being superimposed on the Self. He said when established
in the blissful state of impersonal "I AM" or Iswara, then
we would automatically realize that this also is a
superimposition on our real Self, and the Reality would be
there of itself. There was a man there who was arguing with
Sapre about his translation and then argued with Maharaj!
Then delivered a lecture to us on everything M. has been
saying, ending up with "You have to die (the sense of being
a separate being) to realize the Self. Maharaj let him talk
and seemed to get very "het up" at him, still he let him talk.
Today he seems to be functioning on the Iswara level and
yet is established as the Reality beyond everything
Monday, P.M.
June 6, P.M.
Wednesday, June 7
June 21
By dissociating yourself from all that the mind has
accepted as real, gradually the pure "I AM" consciousness
will shine forth.
From "I AM THAT": Keep the "I AM" in the focus of
awareness, remember that you are. Watch yourself
ceaselessly and the unconscious will flow into the
conscious without any special effort on your part. Wrong
desires and fears, false ideas, social inhibitions are blocking
and preventing the free interplay of the unconscious with
the conscious. Once free to mingle, the two become one
and the one becomes the all. The person merges in the
witness, the witness in awareness, awareness in pure being;
yet identity is not lost, only its limitations are lost. It is
transfigured and becomes the real Self, the Satguru, the
eternal friend and guide. No external activity can reach the
inner self: worship and prayers remain on the surface only;
to go deeper meditation is essential, the striving to go
beyond the states of sleep-dream and waking. In the
beginning the attempts are irregular, then they recur more
often, become regular, then continuous and intense, until all
obstacles are conquered.
To go beyond the mind, you must be silent and quiet.
Peace and silence, silence and peace. This is the way
beyond. Stop asking questions.
Know the world as your own creation and be free.
The memory of the past unfulfilled desires traps energy
which manifests itself as a person. When its charge gets
exhausted, the person dies. Unfulfilled desires are carried
over into the next birth. Self-identification with the body
creates ever fresh desires and there is no end to them unless
this mechanism of bondage is clearly seen. It is clarity that
is liberating, for you cannot abandon desire unless its
causes, and effects are clearly seen. I do not say that the
same person is reborn. It dies and dies for good. But its
memories remain and their desires and fears. They supply
the energy for a new person. The Real takes no part in it but
makes it possible by giving it the light.
True Awareness is a state of pure witnessing, without the
least attempt to do anything about the event witnessed. You
watch all, unconcerned, in the full light of clarity. It may
seem to be an attitude of cold aloofness, but it is not really
Consciousness is power. Be aware of what needs to be
done and it will be done. Only keep alert, and quiet. Once
you reach your destination and know your real nature, your
existence becomes a blessing to all. You may not know now
will the world know, yet the help radiates.
November 1
Jean's Journals
The seed is planted. In full trust and love for Guru (Self)
it will grow and bear fruit. Quieten the mind through
meditation or mantra japa. It will happen of itself.
Wednesday, P.M.
Thursday, P.M.
June 17
June 18
July 1
Tuesday, July 3
Wednesday, July 4
Wednesday, P.M.
Met Dal and David on the bus. They came back to the Y
with me at night and waited for their train.
Talked to a new man (Peter) mostly on concepts. What
you think of appears - futility of penance, austerities, etc.
"Once these things were necessary, but not now. Now it is
yours - free - no effort."
What is time? It is the span of I AMness being born and
disappearing. See thoughts as the flow of a river.
Reminded me that I was given an assignment. Then said
that once he had picked out about 5 people to carry on his
teachings but no one had "come forward" Now he says
some of us foreigners there will carry on for him.
Thursday, July 5
Friday, July 6
Many people came for Guru's Samadhi at 11.00 until
12.30. At 5.00, M. talked about our being afraid of dying.
(My thoughts today: I don't see any difference in these
people who go through rituals and the people in the ashram
who do the same.)
Saturday, July 7
Wednesday, July 11
Thursday, July 12
Saturday, July 14
M: Ask me a question.
Q: What do you mean by stabilizing in the Self?
M: How does a man get to be a man? He just is. You see
that you are not the body, that you are not the mind. You
have nothing to do with any of it. You stay in the Witness
only. This also means that you don't have likes and dislikes,
not want things to happen or not happen in a certain way. A
practical wise man should have nothing to do with spiritual
Mullarpattan told me what he meant was that a practical
man who was wise (by this he meant wise in society's ways
and who did good works) should have nothing to do with
this teaching because he would be destroyed.
English girl: What does he mean then by "Love the Self,
adore the Self"?
M: At first it has to be done this way and then you see
that you are the Self"!
Q: In this dream world why does one thing some things
are better than others and have dislikes for some things?
Such as coming here, this is better.
M: What is this judging of what is good or bad?
Q: What do you do about the mind's liking some things
and disliking others? Should one try to crush the bad
thoughts or monitor them?
M: (long pause) it is all right for a novice to do this. It's
a beginning for discrimination.
Chinese girl: Do you need a body-mind to see this world?
M: What are you doing here?
Monday, July 16
Tuesday, July 17
Thursday, July 19
Friday, July 20
Sunday, July 22
Tuesday, July 24
November 10
November 17
November 18
April 1
December 2, A.M.
December 2, P.M.
M: to Me: Whatever you are doing, it is very good.
(About the book.) Very appropriate. You are one up above
Frydman. You could talk at a higher level, spontaneously.
Not you are doing.
After reading the book, some people will say, "Was there
really a person like this who could discuss like this?" Then
we must produce the film... you can then say, "If you don't
believe it, here is the person."
Mohan: So Maharaj tells you to be that which remains
forever - in some form or the other - permanently available.
That film also should be available in future.
M: Has it gone for printing... the book?
Me: Yes.
Joseph: About the film...
M: OK. If it is done privately, it will be your affair. If you
consult somebody (Kendra) there will be abuse - so many
December 5, P.M.
December 6, A.M.
December 7, A.M.
December 8. A.M.
December 9, A.M.
February 6, 1981
Maharaj has sat on nothing else but the chair ever since I
bought it. What a lucky buy! He is getting very thin and
weak in body and even during bhajans he sits in his
chair now. But his talks are more potent and forceful than
ever, but fewer words, and his voice is getting much lower
due to the cancer.
Was with Maharaj every day (except when ill) from early
morning arathi to last bhajans of the day. Went for tea and
meals, but rest of day was with M.
He was sending so many people away and telling us if
we had faith in his words we could go. I did not want to
leave him, but had total faith in his words. I know that we
are One, but he said one day that everyone could go, but for
me to stay. No one was allowed to stay for long, as he was
in very, very weak condition.
February 19
Maharaj said that around 3.00 P.M. today, there was like
a collapse of his physical being and something he would
not like to have happen to others. (What he said was too
difficult to translate, plus the fact that his voice is so low
and he mumbles, Balsekar said.)
Evidently his physical condition is so bad that someone
must be with him all the time (either his son or Anna.)
He has been saying that the suffering is very much and
that we who are with him are very lucky to even have a
glimpse of him and that ever the place (the room where he
is) is charged with this special power which comes from his
That is why Sri Ramanasram is so holy. Because of the
suffering of Ramana Maharshi there. Balsekar told me this.
I don't know if Maharaj said it about Ramana Maharshi.
I stayed for bhajans tonight and was going to leave after
the first bhajan, but Maharaj told me to stay, so I did.
February 25
Elsa and I went at 6.30 this morning for arathi and were
met at the door by Maya who said that Maharaj was all
right! He was still lying on the bed and after doing pranams
we went upstairs for arathi. At 6.40 Maharaj (with help)
came up the stairs and sat in his chair through arathi! Then
Elsa and I went for coffee and I came back at 7.30 to fix the
flowers, etc. This morning Maya did what Maharaj usually
does, putting kum-kum on the photos, etc, and I hung the
garlands on the pictures. Then we went downstairs and the
doctor came. Maharaj was sitting up and laughing. The
doctor said he was fine. All O.K. He gave him a vitamin
shot and instructions about eating. Vanaja and I took the
prescription he gave to the chemist's and had it filled. Then
we went upstairs for bhajans. After it had started Maharaj
again was helped upstairs, and we were able to garland
him. After bhajans, I started to put socks on his feet. He hit
me on the head and said no, he had to go to the bathroom
first. So, I went for tea and at 10.00 came back and helped
him up the stairs and put socks on his feet. He gave the
most wonderful talk for 30 minutes. This is the most
astounding, incredible thing I ever saw!
I stayed after 11.00 and helped set up his bed upstairs and
made it up. Maya asked me to come at 4.30 instead of 5.00,
so I did. Sapre came with another letter about something to
give Maharaj for his health. (The cabinets are full of
medicines different people have brought or sent.)
Maharaj said that we should not try to keep him here. He
does not want to stay. We should not worry about his body,
the suffering. It is not him. Then he talked and walked
around the room just as usual. The power is so tremendous,
it is difficult not to fall into a kind of samadhi all the time.
Even the translators do so.
Bhajans were early, 6.00 P.M., and at 6.30 when I went
downstairs he said I could go home.
Feb, 28
To round off, could you say what are the benefits gained
from coming into contact with your guru.
I've gotten rid of the idea there's somebody going to
benefit from something... (much laughter).