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Abstract—The control of a grid-connected voltage source in- no clear consensus regarding the role and significance of digital
verter with an inductive–capacitive–inductive (LCL) filter is a sampling and transport delay [8], [9]. For example, [1] presents
very challenging task, since the LCL network causes a resonance a stable LCL filter system without active or passive damping,
phenomenon near to the control stability boundary. While many
active damping methods have been proposed to overcome this but then proposes that passive damping is required when addi-
issue, the role that pulse width modulation transport delay plays in tional delay is taken into account. Reference [2] shows that an
the effectiveness of these strategies is still not fully resolved. This LCL filter with a high-frequency resonance can be stabilized
paper presents a theoretical discrete time-analysis framework that with grid current feedback alone, whereas [6] presents substan-
identifies three distinct regions of LCL filter resonance, namely, tially differing results when exploring the control of LCL filter
a high resonant frequency region where active damping is not
required, a critical resonant frequency where a controller cannot systems with high and low resonant frequencies. Reference [3]
stabilize the system, and a low resonant frequency region where comes to the conclusion that only grid current feedback is re-
active damping is essential. Suitable controllers are then proposed quired for stable control at high resonant frequencies, whereas,
for the two stable regions, with gain calculations that allow for the in contrast, only converter-side current feedback is required at
greatest system bandwidth and damping. Simulation and experi- low filter resonant frequencies. Reference [3] also suggests that
mental results verify the presented analysis.
active damping using positive feedback of the capacitor current
Index Terms—Active damping, current control, discrete time, is a beneficial approach for converter-side current feedback at a
grid-connected, LCL filter, resonance damping. high filter resonant frequency. Reference [5] demonstrates how
converter-side current is the superposition of the grid-side and
I. I NTRODUCTION capacitor filter currents (the latter is commonly used for active
damping), which explains how feedback of the converter-side
ters are increasingly being used in grid-connected converter
applications, since they can provide significantly improved
current provides an implicit damping effect. However, none of
the literature to date precisely identifies how and when active
damping is required in an LCL filter as the resonant frequency
attenuation of the pulse width modulation (PWM) switching
varies, particularly when digital sampling and transport delay
harmonics with a reduced overall size and weight when com-
caused by the closed-loop controller and modulation process
pared with a more conventional inductive (L) filter [1], [2].
are taken into account.
However, LCL filters introduce substantial complexity from
This paper addresses this issue by theoretically identifying
a control perspective because of the resonance between the
two distinct regions of significance for the LCL filter resonant
filter elements, which creates a pair of system poles located
frequency when the grid current is the target feedback variable.
on the closed-loop stability boundary [2], [3]. To avoid passive
In the low resonant frequency region, active damping is iden-
(resistive) damping solutions, with their attendant increased
tified in this paper as essential for control loop stability. In the
losses, active damping strategies are often proposed [2]–[5].
high resonant frequency region, active damping is identified as
These strategies use a multiloop controller architecture that
not being required, and grid current feedback alone is found to
moves the resonant poles away from the stability boundary to
be sufficient to design a stable system. At the critical resonance
maximize the loop gain and damp the system [2], [3], [5].
frequency where these regions cross over, it is essentially not
Despite the extensive literature that has been published on the
possible to design a current regulator with effective damping.
subject [1]–[7], the design of an active damping strategy for an
With these regions identified, design processes are then pre-
LCL filter remains a challenging task, particularly since there is
sented that determine the maximum possible gains for each
type of feedback controller to achieve the desired performance
characteristics. The theoretical conclusions presented in this
Manuscript received August 3, 2012; revised December 5, 2012; accepted
March 16, 2013. Date of publication June 7, 2013; date of current version
paper are supported and validated by matching simulation and
January 16, 2014. Paper 2012-IPCC-463.R1, presented at the 2012 experimental results.
IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Raleigh, NC, USA,
September 15–20, and approved for publication in the IEEE T RANSACTIONS
ON I NDUSTRY A PPLICATIONS by the Industrial Power Converter Committee
of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. II. D ISCRETE T IME DYNAMIC M ODEL OF THE ACTIVE
The authors are with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, DAMPING C URRENT R EGULATOR
RMIT University, Melbourne, Vic. 3001, Australia (e-mail: stewart.parker@
student.rmit.edu.au; brendan_mcgrath@ieee.org; grahame.holmes@rmit. Fig. 1 shows the general structure of a voltage source inverter
edu.au). (VSI) feeding into a grid through an LCL network. The primary
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. control objective for this system is to regulate the grid current
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2013.2266892 i2 to control the injected power into the grid. Typically, it is
0093-9994 © 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
where ωres = (L1 + L2 )/(L1 L2 Cf ) and γLC =
1/(L2 Cf ).
Note that winding resistance and core loss of the inductors
have been neglected in (1) and (2) to represent a worst case
undamped scenario [10].
The third transfer function relating i2 to ic can be developed
by taking the ratio of (1) and (2), i.e.,
i2 (s) Gi (s) γ2
= 2 = LC . (3)
ic (s) Gic (s) s2
Applying a zero-order-hold (ZOH) transform [11] to (1) and
(2) with a sampling period of T = 1/(fsamp ) gives z-domain
LCL filter transfer functions for i2 and ic of
Fig. 1. Grid-connected VSI with an LCL filter and active damping current i2 (z) T
Gi2 (z) = =
regulator. Vo (z) (L1 + L2 )(z − 1)
sin(ωres T ) z−1
− × (4)
ωres (L1 + L2 ) z 2 − 2z cos(ωres T ) + 1
i (z) sin(ωres T ) z−1
Gic (z) = c = × 2 .
Vo (z) ωres L1 z − 2z cos(ωres T ) + 1
where ie2 (z) = i∗2 (z) − i2 (z) is the regulated current error. For
the active damping regulator [see Fig. 2(b)], the analysis pro-
ceeds by first closing the inner capacitor current feedback active
damping loop, i.e.,
Fig. 3. Bode plot of the forward-path transfer function for the single- and
ic (z) VDC Gic (z) dual-loop current regulators: Cf = 15 μF.
= . (10)
mo (z) z + KVDC Gic (z)
This result can now be combined with transfer functions (6) and
(8) to obtain the forward-path transfer function of the overall
system shown in Fig. 2(b) as
i2 (z) ic (z) i2 (z)
= Gc (z) × ×
ie2 (z) mo (z) ic (z)
VDC Gic (z) [i2 (z)/ic (z)]
= Gc (z) × . (11)
z + KVDC Gic (z)
Fig. 5. Root loci of grid current i2 feedback only. (a) High resonant frequency (Cf = 1.5 μF). (b) Critical resonant frequency (Cf = 6 μF). (c) Low resonant
frequency (Cf = 15 μF).
of Kp . Note from these plots how the poles always originate The Kp calculation then progresses by specifying a desired
outside the unit circle because of the outer loop gain, and hence, phase margin φm and calculating the crossover frequency ωc ,
the system will be initially unstable without active damping. which achieves this margin, i.e.,
When the LCL resonance is below ωcrit [see Fig. 7(b)], increas-
i2 VDC Kp T 1
ing the damping gain K forces the poles to track back inside the ∠ z = ejωc T = ∠
ie2 (L1 + L2 ) ejωc T (ejωc T − 1)
unit circle, and the overall system becomes stable. However,
too much damping gain will make the poles track back outside π ωc T
=− − − ωc T
the unit circle, and stability will be lost. In addition, when the 2 2
LCL resonant frequency is equal to ωcrit , active damping can π 3
only make the resonant poles touch the unit circle (but never = − − ωc T. (18)
2 2
enter), and hence, the system will always be unstable for this
LCL resonant frequency irrespective of the damping gain. Hence,
Reference [2] has identified very similar root loci behavior i2 π 3
in the high and low resonant frequency regions. However, this φm = π + ∠ e z = ejωc T = − ωc T (19)
i2 2 2
paper considered an LCL filter with internal series resistance
(i.e., a partially damped system as opposed to the worst case
− φm
⇒ ωc = 2
. (20)
scenario that has been treated in this paper) and explored a 2
synchronous frame controller architecture with active damping
implemented using an inline notch filter. Despite these differ- The proportional gain is then set to achieve unity gain at the
ences, the authors come to very similar conclusions regarding desired crossover frequency using
the regions where active damping provides a useful benefit and (L + L ) ejωc T − 1
1 2
identify that controller resonance (or integral action in the DQ Kp = . (21)
frame) is not significant in terms of the stability analysis.
It is also useful to note that all the root loci plots track through
the unit circle at the same point √ as they go unstable, which With the approximation of |ejωc T − 1| ≈ ωc T , this gives
can be identified as z = 0.5 ± j 3/2 or at a frequency of ωc (L1 + L2 )
ω = π/(3T ) (the critical resonant frequency). This recognition Kp ≈ . (22)
can be confirmed using simple geometry and can then be used
to develop fundamental gain limitations for controller design. Finally, the resonant time constant Tr can be calculated by
ensuring that its phase contribution is small at the crossover
frequency [9], i.e.,
Tr = . (23)
A. LCL Resonance Above Critical Resonant Frequency ωc
When the LCL resonant frequency is above the critical fre- For the high resonant frequency system (fres = 3.355 kHz)
quency ωcrit , active damping using capacitor current feedback detailed in Table I, with a desired phase margin of φm = 45o ,
is not required since single-loop control provides good resonant these gain calculations give resultant values of Kp = 0.129 A−1
pole damping. Thus, the well known PR controller as defined and Tr = 0.0019 s. Fig. 4 shows the Bode plot frequency
by (7) can be used to control the grid current without additional response for this system, from which the 45o phase margin can
damping. This control structure is shown in Fig. 2(a). be readily identified.
It is clear from Fig. 5(a) that the gain limitation for this region
of operation is the position within the unit circle of the low-
frequency poles (series inductance and delay), not the resonant B. LCL Resonance Below Critical Resonant Frequency
effects of the LCL filter. This can be immediately recognized It is clear from the root locus in Fig. 5(c) that, when the
as the same mechanism that limits the performance of simple L LCL resonance frequency is below the critical frequency ωres <
filter systems [8], [9]. Hence, when the LCL resonant frequency π/(3T ), active damping is mandatory to achieve a stable sys-
is above the critical frequency, i.e., ωres > ωcrit , the maximum tem with minimal oscillation. Capacitor current feedback is a
gains can be calculated using the same method as for standard commonly used form of such active damping. One variation,
L filters, where L = L1 + L2 . involving feedback of capacitor current through a damping gain
Recognizing that the magnitude and phase contribution of the of magnitude K, is shown in Fig. 2(b), and several methods for
LCL resonance is going to be small at the crossover frequency, determining this gain have been proposed in recent literature
the plant response will always be dominated by the series [4], [5], [12]. This paper now proposes an improved gain
inductance [5]. Hence, only the low-frequency component of determination procedure, which ensures stability and the most
the plant model (4) is required, and the single control loop damped possible response, particularly taking system delay into
forward-path transfer function reduces to account.
Irrespective of the damping effect, the low-frequency con-
i2 (z) T troller characteristics will still be dominated by the series
= z −1 VDC Kp . (17)
ie2 (z) (z − 1)(L1 + L2 ) filter inductance [5]. Hence, the proportional gain Kp and
Fig. 10. Simulation results for each test case. (a) Low resonant frequency system: with active damping. (b) High resonant frequency: no active damping.
Fig. 11. Experimental results for each test case. (a) Low resonant frequency system: with active damping. (b) High resonant frequency: no active damping.
despite the lack of any form of active damping feedback. Both compared with an L filter if its resonant frequency is above the
the simulation and experimental results very closely match, critical value.
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Brendan P. McGrath (M’99) received the B.E. Donald Grahame Holmes (M’88–SM’03–F’13) re-
degree in electrical and computer systems engineer- ceived the B.S. and the M.S. degrees in power sys-
ing, the B.Sc. degree in applied mathematics and tems engineering from the University of Melbourne,
physics, and the Ph.D. degree from Monash Uni- Melbourne, Australia, in 1974 and 1979, re-
versity, Melbourne, Australia, in 1997 and 2003, spectively, and the Ph.D. degree in pulse width
respetively. modulation (PWM) theory for power electronic con-
He is with the School of Electrical and Com- verters from Monash University, Clayton, Australia,
puter Engineering, RMIT University, Melbourne, in 1998.
Australia. From 2007 to 2010, he was with Monash In 1984, he joined Monash University, where
University. From 2005 to 2006, he was with the Uni- he established and directed the Power Electronics
versity of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia. Prior to Group for over 25 years. In 2010, he moved to RMIT
this, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher with the Laboratoire d’Electrotechnique University, Melbourne, Australia, to take up a Professorial Chair in Smart
et d’Electronique Industrielle (LEEI), Toulouse, France. His research interests Energy. He has a strong commitment and interest in the control and operation of
include the modulation and control of power electronic converters, with a electrical power converters. His research interests include fundamental modu-
particular emphasis on multilevel conversion systems. He has authored over lation theory and its application to the operation of energy conversion systems,
60 journal and conference articles. current regulators for drive systems and PWM rectifiers, active filter systems
Dr. McGrath is a member of the IEEE Power Electronics, IEEE Industry for the quality of supply improvement, resonant converters, current-source
Applications, and IEEE Industrial Electronics Societies. He has served as an inverters for drive systems, and multilevel converters. He has made a significant
Associate Editor of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON I NDUSTRY A PPLICATIONS contribution to the understanding of PWM theory through his publications
and the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON I NDUSTRIAL I NFORMATICS. In 2004, he and has developed close ties with the international research community in the
was awarded the Douglas Lampard Research Medal from Monash University area. He has published over 200 papers at international conference proceedings
for his Ph.D. thesis. and in professional journals and regularly reviews papers for all major IEEE
T RANSACTIONS in his area. He has also coauthored a major reference textbook
on PWM theory with Prof. Thomas Lipo of the University of Wisconsin,
Madison, WI, USA.
Prof. Holmes is an active member of the Industrial Power Converter and
Industrial Drives Committees of the IEEE Industry Applications Society and
the IEEE Power Electronics Society AdCom.