Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering: Sciencedirect
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering: Sciencedirect
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering: Sciencedirect
Keywords: Although the porosity is a crucial parameter for understanding the soil behavior under static and dynamic
Brutsaert model loading, estimating the porosity of unsaturated soil is difficult owing to the various input parameters required.
Compressional wave velocity The objective of this study is to suggest a technical method to obtain the level of porosity based on the elastic
Dynamic cone penetration test wave velocity in unsaturated soil. The Brutsaert model, which utilizes the theory of wave propagation, is applied
Energy dissipation
to modify the proposed method in terms of the porosity of unsaturated soil. The soil compressional wave velocity
is gathered through a seismic refraction survey, and the porosity distribution at different depths is estimated. A
dynamic cone penetration test is applied to verify the converted porosity based on the compressional wave. The
two porosities estimated through the wave propagation and penetration show similar trends. Furthermore, a
special validation is performed to determine whether the energy dissipation can be ignored in the compressional
wave propagations under this experiment condition. The results of this study indicate that the suggested tech-
nique is useful for obtaining the porosity in unsaturated soil.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (H. Choo), (H. Jun), (H.-K. Yoon).
Received 5 July 2017; Received in revised form 12 September 2017; Accepted 29 September 2017
0267-7261/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Choo et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 104 (2018) 33–39
An unsaturated medium consists of one soil particle and two im- 1 2
⎡ 0.306P 3 ⎤
miscible fluids, including water and air, and thus the medium is a effeective
VP = Φ ⎢ ⎥
complicated multiphase system with three distinct phases [14,2,29]. ⎢ ρmass n ⎥
Brutsaert [13] first suggested a comprehensive model of wave propa- ⎣ ⎦ (3)
gation in unsaturated soil, which can be applied under partial water
where the amplification factor (Φ) consists of empirical constants a and
saturation [23]. This model was extended by several different re-
b (Φ = a1/2/b1/3), and Z is assumed to be 1. Eq. (3) shows that the
searchers [18,32]. The reason many researchers have selected the
porosity of unsaturated soil can be obtained using the compressional
Brutsaert model is its treatment of wave propagation in unsaturated
wave velocity, as shown in Eq. (4).
soil. The model has been applied to establish the relationship between
the elastic wave velocity and water contents of soil [15,31,7]. However, 0.306Φ 2Peffeective
the Brutsaert model has a porosity parameter and can be used to esti- VP2 ρmass (4)
mate the porosity using the elastic wave velocity for unsaturated con-
ditions. Thus, the Brutsaert model was also selected for the present
study. 2.1. Sensitivity of each parameter in the Brutsaert model
This study suggests a method for evaluating the porosity based on
the Brutsaert model. First, the Brutsaert model is introduced, discussed The sensitivity of the Brutsaert model to changes in each parameter
and then rearranged in terms of the porosity. The sensitivity of every is estimated using the error norm technique, which has been widely
parameter is determined to enhance the measurement reliability. applied to verify the model [19,20,37]. The sensitivity can be estimated
Profiles of compressional waves at several depths are determined and using the ratios of the calculated porosity based on the true values to
the porosity distribution is plotted. The porosity estimated from the the predicted porosity based on various ranges of input values. The true
elastic wave velocity is compared to the porosity deduced using a the values of the compressional wave velocity, mass density of the material,
dynamic cone penetration test, and the reliability of this estimate is effective pressure and amplification factor are 137 m/s, 1530 kg/m3,
described. Finally, the low frequency range under the experiment 28,000 Pa, and 614, respectively, according to results from Adamo et al.
conditions is verified to satisfactorily fulfill of the assumptions of the [1]. The minimum and maximum values of each parameter are de-
Brutsaert model. termined by decreasing and increasing the true value of 100%, re-
spectively. Finally, the sensitivity is calculated using Eq. (5).
Porositytrue value − Porosityvarious ranges input values
2. Background theory Sensitivity =
Porositytrue value (5)
The theory of wave propagation in an unsaturated medium was first
where porositytrue value and porosityvarious ranges input values denote the
proposed by Brutsaert [13] for a three-phase porous medium including
porosity based on the true value and various ranges of input values,
solid, liquid, and gas. A random aggregation of spherical soil grains is
assumed to idealize the contact force between particles. The liquid
The results are shown in Fig. 1, where the x-axis represents the ratio
phase is assumed to form a liquid-gas interface with the atmosphere and
of the true value to the changed values. As a result, a value of 1 means
the Kirchhoff-Helmholtz theory is applied to define the dissipation
that the true value is the same as the changed value, and values of zero
coefficients during the wave propagation.
and 2 indicate that the changed values are decreased and increased
1 100% compared to the true value, respectively. The compressional
1 2
⎡ 0.306aP 3 ⎤ wave velocity and mass density were shown to be more sensitive to the
effeective Z
VP = ⎢ 2
⎥ decreased input values and less sensitive to the increased input values.
⎢ ρmass nb 3 ⎥
⎣ ⎦ (1)
3 3
⎧ 30.75[(1 − S ) Bgas + SBliquid] 2 b ⎫
1+ 1
⎨ 2
Z= ⎩ ⎭
⎧ 46.12[(1 − S ) Bgas + SBliquid] 2 b ⎫
1+ 1
⎨ 2
⎩ ⎭ (2)
where Bgas and Bliquid are the bulk moduli of the gas and liquid, re-
spectively and parameter S indicates the saturation of the medium. The
remaining parameters are the same as those used in Eq. (1). According
to a study by Shin et al. [31], the value of Z is almost unity under
unsaturated conditions, and Z is known to have less of an effect in Eq.
(1) at a shallow depth [11,15]. Furthermore, Adamo et al. [1] also
suggested that Z is equal to 1 because this value is insensitive to Fig. 1. Sensitivity of the Brutsaert model. The ratio of input values is the ratio between
changes in saturation, porosity, and depth of wave propagation for a the true value and changed values, which were decreased and increased in comparison to
range of values. Thus, Eq. (1) can be rearranged into Eq. (3) with an the true value. The order of the relative effects of the parameters in the Brutsaert model:
compressional wave velocity ≈ mass density > effective stress ≈ amplification factor.
added amplification factor (Φ).
H. Choo et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 104 (2018) 33–39
On the other hand, the sensitivities of the amplification factor and ef- Table 1
fective stress were relatively low irrespective of the true value. Eq. (4) Properties of extracted materials.
has the greatest effect on the compressional wave velocity and mass
D10(mm) D30(mm) D60(mm) Cc Cu USCS emax emin Gs
density, and thus more accurate input values are needed to obtain the
porosity under unsaturated conditions using a high-resolution elastic S1 0.08 0.5 1.2 2.6 15 SW 1.07 0.60 2.62
wave. S2 0.08 0.3 1.1 1.0 13 SW 1.00 0.68 2.64
S3 0.08 0.3 1.0 1.1 12 SW 1.05 0.54 2.63
Average 0.08 0.36 1.1 1.5 13 – 1.04 0.62 2.63
3. Field test
*D10, D30, and D60 denote the diameters at passing percentages of 10%, 30%, and 60%,
3.1. Site description respectively. Cc and Cu are coefficients of curvature and uniformity. e and Gs are the void
ratio and specific gravity.
H. Choo et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 104 (2018) 33–39
dynamic cone penetration index (DPI), and the values obtained at ten
sites are plotted in Fig. 5. The average initial DPI is approximately
227 mm/blow, and positions D1, D7 and D9 are where the initial DPI is
below the average value, indicating that the surface may have loosened.
A high stiffness of the surface soil may be predicted at positions D4 and
D10 owing to the high initial DPI (approximately greater than 300 mm/
blow). The final penetrated depths of the DCP at positions D1, D2, D3, Fig. 6. Distribution of measured elastic wave velocity for different depths.
D4, and D10 are almost 1 m, whereas positions D5, D6, D7, and D8
demonstrate relatively small penetrated depths (approximately less between particles. The velocity finally converges to 4 km/s, indicating
than 1 m) owing to deposits of stiff soil. However, position D10 shows a bedrock. The measured compressional wave velocity is converted into
high penetration depth (approximately 2 m) where loose soil was de- the porosity for these depths using Eq. (4). The compressional wave
posited. velocity is shown in Fig. 6 (measured values). The values of the mass
density, effective pressure, and amplification factor in Eq. (4) are
4.3. Porosity 1530 kg/m3 (measured value), 28,000 Pa [1] and 614 [1], respectively.
Fig. 7 shows the porosity distribution, based on the compressional wave
The elastic wave velocity was chosen at positions E1, E5, E10, E15, velocity, has a significant range of 0.85 to 0.004. Fig. 7 shows almost
E20, E25, E30, E35, E40, and E45, which are the same positions used the opposite trend as in Fig. 6 because the compressional wave velocity
for the DCP tests. The velocity as a function of depth is plotted in Fig. 6, is highly affected by Eq. (4), as shown in Fig. 1. Note that Fig. 7 shows
which shows that the elastic wave velocity increases as the depth in- that it is possible to obtain the porosity in unsaturated soil using the
creases owing to the growth of the effective stress and the contact force compressional wave velocity.
Fig. 5. Measured DPI by a dynamic cone penetrometer at positions of: (a) D1; (b) D2; (c) D3; (d) D4; (e) D5; (f) D6; (g) D7; (h) D8; (i) D9; (j) D10. The locations are shown in Fig. 2.
H. Choo et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 104 (2018) 33–39
elastic wave velocity, respectively. Fig. 8 shows that there are two
different dispersed relationships which ranges A and B based on a
porosity of under and over 0.6, respectively. The coefficients of de-
termination are 0.7 and 0.2 for ranges A and B, respectively, and thus,
the relationship of range A is higher than that of range B. The results
shows that Eq. (4) is appropriate for medium to dense soil under a
porosity of approximately less than 0.6.
5. Discussion
The results indicate that the Brutsaert model is suitable for esti-
mating the porosity in unsaturated soil, and thus, a detailed verification
of the measured compressional wave velocity is performed: First, the
reliability of the measured compressional wave velocity is reviewed
through a comparison between the elastic moduli estimated using the
compressional wave velocity and the DPI. Second, the validation of
Brutsaert model is examined under these experiment conditions with
consideration of the energy dissipation.
The relationship between the seismic wave velocity and the DPI was
Fig. 7. Converted porosity profiles for different depths. estimated to verify the measured values using the exponential function
between the Young's modulus (E) and DPI, as suggested by Mohammadi
Lee et al. [21] suggested an equation to obtain the porosity using the et al. [26].
DPI, and thus the deduced porosity based on velocity is compared with
E = 55.033 ⋅ DPI−0.5459 (7)
the porosity estimated through the DPI for verification. In the case of
the porosity determined from Eq. (4), the mass density is a secondary A seismic wave propagates in an elastic medium without causing
factor affecting the porosity. However, the mass density at the soil any disturbances or altering the on-going processes [28]; thus, the
surface is used to determine the porosity because the extraction of seismic wave velocity is related to the elastic modulus including the
deeper samples is limited. Thus, 20 porosities determined from the Young's modulus (E), constraint modulus (M), shear modulus (G) and
surface soil were selected for comparison with the DPI. The results are bulk modulus (B) [33]. The compressional wave velocity (VP), which is
compared in Fig. 8, which shows that the two different porosities have a obtained through a seismic survey, can be converted into a constraint
linear relationship with a coefficient of determination of 0.4, as in- modulus (M) with the mass density (ρ) because particle motion is
dicated in Eq. (6) below. parallel to the direction of the wave propagation.
where nDPI and nvelocity denote the porosities based on the DPI and The constraint modulus consists of shear and bulk moduli as
H. Choo et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 104 (2018) 33–39
Wave propagation leads to relative motion between phases, and • Detailed porosity profiles as a function of depth were determined,
and porosities based on the compressional wave velocity and the
thus the Brutsaert [13] model is recommended at sufficiently low fre-
DPI were compared. Two different ranges of the dispersed re-
quency ranges when neglecting the dissipation of energy. The inertia-
lationship were shown.
viscosity factor (β) is used to estimate whether dissipation has occurred
[1]. If β is less than 1, the condition of low frequency is satisfied. • To verify the measured compressional wave velocity, a relationship
between the compressional wave velocity and the Young's modulus
5.13fs ki was proposed. The energy dissipation was also identified to confirm
β= <1 the low frequency range of the measured seismic wave.
nS (14)
where fs, ki, n and S are the frequency of the output signal, the hy-
draulic conductivity under unsaturated conditions, the porosity, and
the saturation, respectively. The value of ki can be obtained using the
H. Choo et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 104 (2018) 33–39