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Assignment 4 Neutral and Monochromatic Color Schemes PDF

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Assignment 4: Neutral/Monochromatic Color Scheme

“I Can” Objectives 4 (100 pts.) 3 (90 pts.) 2 (75 pts.) 1 (50 pts.)
Distinguished Proficient Progressing Novice

Creating. Student demonstrates Student demonstrates Student demonstrates some Student demonstrates no or
Anchor standard 1: distinguished understanding proficient understanding and understanding and little understanding or
Generate and and implementation of implementation of neutral implementation of neutral implementation of neutral
conceptualize artistic ideas neutral and monochromatic and monochromatic color and monochromatic color and monochromatic color
and work. Anchor color schemes. The color schemes. The color scheme schemes. The color scheme schemes. There is little or
Standard 2: Organize and scheme is clear and easy to is mostly clear and easy to is somewhat clear but may no evidence the student
develop artistic ideas and understand. The artwork understand in most areas. All be difficult to understand in understands neutral or
work. demonstrates neutral, the colors are mostly some areas. Some of the monochromatic color
I can demonstrate monochromatic and tonal accurate (neutral, colors are accurate (neutral, schemes or how it is used
monochromatic values. All monochromatic and tonal monochromatic and tonal for artwork.
understanding of color the colors are accurate monochromatic). Some tints, monochromatic) but there
and color schemes by (neutral, monochromatic shades or tones are next to are incorrect areas. The
and tonal monochromatic). each other. The artwork is a design is rudimentary and
creating an unique No two of the same tints, good example of a neutral not well organized. There
neutral/ shades or tones are next to and monochromatic color are not at least 3 shapes
monochromatic each other. Student’s scheme. The composition is and 5 lines dividing the
composition is a unique organized and planned with composition into distinct
composition. design of a neutral/ 3 circles or other shapes, regions.
monochromatic color and 5 lines separating the
scheme composition. The shapes into distinct regions).
composition is well
organized and carefully
planned with more than 3
circles or other shapes, and
5 lines separating the
shapes into distinct regions).

Creating. Student applies mastery Student applies a good level Student can incorporate Student can not incorporate
Anchor standard 1: level of incorporation and of incorporation and and apply some varieties of and apply a variety of
Generate and application of a variety of application of a variety of materials (acrylic paints). materials (acrylic paints).
conceptualize artistic ideas materials (acrylic paints). materials (acrylic paints). The artwork demonstrates The artwork demonstrates
and work. Anchor The paint is applied in a The paint is applied in a some application of the little or no application of the
Standard 2: Organize and neat and considerate mostly neat and considerate materials but does not materials. The work and
develop artistic ideas and manner with no messy manner with few messy display a good degree of detail is a poor example of
work. areas. The degree of skill areas. The degree of work work, neatness or attention painting and paint
I can use paint in an and attention to detail is and attention to detail is to detail. The overall work is application.
distinguished. The painted good but not at a rudimentary and messy.
effective, careful and areas are neatly and clearly distinguished level. The
meaningful manner to separated in neutral, painted areas are mostly
monochromatic and tonal neat and clearly separated in
create artwork. monochromatic areas. The neutral, monochromatic and
paints are applied in an tonal monochromatic areas.
opaque manner with no Some of the paint is watery
watery areas. or not opaque.

Art-making Procedure: Students will create a unique neutral/monochromatic color scheme incorporating creativity,
imagination and expression. Neutral/monochromatic color scheme must represent neutral colors, monochromatic
values and monochromatic tonal values.
1. Students will be given 12 x 9 inch white paper.
2. Divide the white paper into 2 equal halves.
3. Use shape templates to draw at least 3 circles, or other shapes on the paper. The shapes can overlap if desired.
4. Draw at least 5 lines through the paper to divide the shapes into distinct regions.
5. After an uniquely creative, imaginative and expressive design is established, students will mix and paint their
neutral/monochromatic color scheme.
6. Students will use neutral tints and shades in one half of the composition, and monochromatic tints, shades and
tones on the other half. No two side by side painted areas should be the same tint, shade or tone.

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