Art Appreciation
Art Appreciation
Art Appreciation
I Study Art?
Making Art
Group Presentors:
Learn how art communicates color, symbolic quality of shape, line
movement, quality of texture, the drama of lightning and many others
In the same way, we can all learn to appreciate art by taking time to
carefully look at the “Ingredients” that make up the different art forms.
This lesson will cover Three Topics: Elements and Principles, Design
Psychology and Materials techniques. These are meant to help you gain
first hand experience on the creative process and what goes on inside an
artistic pursuit.
• Long held Composition techniques which have been proven and used
by both fine and graphic artist to communicate ideas and concepts
1. Contrast – design principle which uses the element of value to create
depth and dimension. Light also plays an important role in creating good
2. Harmony – Elements are related to each other in terms of form, color
and theme etc.
3. Balance (Symmetrical and Asymmetrical) – Aesthetic quality of a work
marked by a sensible balance between two areas: right and left: top and
4. Rhythm and Movement – Creating a sense of direction through
repetition of elements. Movement direct the viewer’s eye toward
5.Unity and Variety – Elements should be seen as a whole in unity:
Variety still gives a sense of wholeness but the elements differ in some
aspects and provide more interest to the work.
6. Emphasis and Subordination – An area or a specific subject is
given focus: hence other parts of the picture are subordinated.
7. Scale and Proportion – This can be either an appropriate use of scale
and proportion or it can also be an effective way of changing the scale to
achieve a certain visual goal. It also shows relationship between the
object and the space.
8. Depth and Perspective – Shows three-dimentionality of a space through
the use of perspective lines and vanishing points.
Psychology in Art
• Relating art to how the brain receives and interprets symbols and
images can benefit one’s decision in effective composition and visual
Half Circle – often used in domes for some classical paintings and even
modern architecture, symbolizes feminity because of its womb- like shape.
Since it has no corners, It also resonates eternity.