Art Oneassignments
Art Oneassignments
Art Oneassignments
Unit 1 Studies
Students will assemble 4 sheets 12x18 newsprint into a book that they will label and create their studies on. Each study will have
assessment questions that students must answer about the technique they learned. Drawing studies booklet will be turned in for a
( 12 points/classwork/ time 5 days)
gesture drawing of tools
continuous line of fabric & folds
blind contour of vase with flowers
negative space drawing of chair
blocking out & sighting with a pencil from the large still life
contour line drawings of hand
Unit 2 Studies
Students will assemble 4 sheets 12x18 newsprint into a book that they will label and create their studies on. Each study will have
assessment questions that students must answer about the technique they learned.
Worksheet to identification of orthogonals, and vanishing points.
Worksheet One Point of a room
Drawing Using Initials made 3D using one point
Two Point study on newsprint of boxes at above and below eye level
(20 points/classwork / time 4 days)
Unit 3 Studies
Students will assemble 4 sheets 12x18 of white drawing paper into a book that they will label and create their studies on. Each study
will have assessment questions that students must answer about the technique they learned.
Worksheet of shaded value scale & color value scale
Shaded study of a sphere labeled
Worksheet with shading techniques tonal, hatching, cross hatching, stipple, scumble & smudge
Shaded fruit or vegetable in grey values using charcoal pencil and then in color values using chalk pastel
(20 points/classwork / time 5 days)
Unit 3 Project
Students will use the medium of graphite pencil to create a realistic rendering of a still life that has accurate proportion, value and
detail. Students will study how to change a composition, looking for areas of interest, selecting a dominant form to focus on that will
create a dynamic composition. They will create 2 blocked in drafts that pose two different compositions of the same still life
subjects. After a critique of the two drafts, students will select the most dynamic composition to enlarge the view on 12x18 paper. As
they draw, they need to be sure to keep accurate proportions, details, highlights, shadows, reflections and textures. Most of the drawing
needs to be done sitting in front of the still life. However, may use a camera/cell phone device to photograph their composition. The
photo can be sure to help them shade the values. When shading work from light to dark, keep the paper good quality, smudges and
eraser marks hurt the overall grade. Details should shaded last. Final drawings should be finished by cutting a mat.
(30 points/projects/ time 10 days)
Unit 5 Study
Worksheet students will learn how to create consistent dots and shade a 3d sphere using stipping method.
(10 points/classwork / time 1 day)