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Asparagus: Cultivars

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Cultivars lb/ac). To allow for selection of strong plants, plan

Contact Manitoba Agriculture and Food’s Vegeta- to grow more plants than is needed.
ble Specialist for variety recommendation.
Row spacing: 18 – 24 inch (45 – 60 cm )
In-Row spacing: 3 – 4 inches (8 – 10 cm)
Field Selection and Preparation
Asparagus is a long-term vegetable crop that Depth: 1 – 1.5 inch (2.5 – 4 cm )
should produce viable yields for 15 or more years.
Therefore, thorough planning is essential for suc- Rate: Approx. 10 lb of seed/ac
Field selection and preparation are important for Transplanting and Spacing
long-term production. Plant only into well-drained In the early spring following seeding, dig the year-
sandy or sandy loam soil free of perennial weeds old plants and select those which have at least 10
and grasses. Soil testing is highly recommended to roots, or greater than 0.70 ounce in weight.
determine fertility levels and pH before transplant- Choose fertile land that is well drained. For trans-
ing. Ideal soil pH should range between 6.0 and planting, open a furrow 6 to 8 inch (15 to 20 cm)
6.8. If possible, seed a green-manure crop the year deep. Space plants 12 to 18 inch (30 to 45 cm)
before transplanting to increase soil organic matter. apart in row 4 to 5 ft (120 to 150 cm) apart.
Livestock manure can also be used. Spread the roots and cover with soil, level with the
surrounding soil surface and firm with packing
Avoid planting asparagus into fields that have pre- wheels.
viously grown asparagus. Asparagus yields de-
cline over time due to two important Fusarium dis-
eases that are commonly found in asparagus soils. Fertilizer
Refer to Tables 1 through 9 for this crop. For gen-
Fusarium oxysporum is found in all soils, all the eral recommendations in the absence of a soil test,
time, so its presence cannot be avoided. However, refer to Table 10 in the fertility section.
the concentration or level of this disease will in-
crease in soils where asparagus plants become in-
fected. Once an asparagus field has been taken out Irrigation
of production, it usually takes about five years for In new plantings and when required in well estab-
the disease level to decrease to its “normal” or base lished plantings, apply 1 inch (2.5 cm) water every
concentration. 10 days during harvest if an equal amount of rain is
not received. To develop healthy, vigorous roots
Fusarium moniliforme is a soil-borne fungus that for the following year's crop, apply 2 inches (5 cm)
can infect both asparagus and corn. Avoid planting water after harvest and 1 inch (2.5 cm) water to-
asparagus in fields where corn has been grown in ward the end of the growing season.
the previous three years.

Disposal of Fern
Growing Seedlings (Nursery Stock) Clip asparagus fern in the fall, leaving 6-7.8 inches
Soak seeding seed in approximately 32°C water for (15 – 20 cm) of stubble to catch drifting snow for
3-4 days. Dry and sow immediately in fertile, better crown protection. The stubble can be cut up
well-prepared soil. Date of seeding is about mid-
with a rotary or flail-type mower in early spring.
May or once the ground is prepared and warm
enough for seedlings. One kilogram of good seed
The fern contributes organic matter to the soil and
should provide enough crowns to plant 1 ha (0.89
helps to prevent early-season wind erosion. Avoid
unnecessary tillage and use zero tillage practices

Production – 33
where possible. Excessive and deep tillage can in- Insects
jure crowns, which can increase Fusarium infec-
tion and reduce yields. Asparagus Beetle
Asparagus beetles cause most damage in Manitoba
Fall-seeded cover crops help maintain soil organic
in early spring to developing spears. Larvae feed
matter, while preventing both water and wind ero-
inside berries and can affect seed production.
sion. Broadcast 1.5 bu/ac of rye in late August to
Later season populations less damaging. Popula-
mid-September. Apply a burn-down herbicide in
tions fluctuate from year to year. Since there are
the spring.
several generations of these beetles, they are a con-
stant threat throughout the season. If monitoring
Pest Management indicates a need, spray with one of the registered
Both climbing cutworms and common cutworms
All commercial cultivars are susceptible to rust.
(eg. Redback) can affect asparagus. In Manitoba,
However, some varieties do have moderate levels
common cutworms tend to be a problem in the
of rust resistance. Disease control is achieved only
spring, climbing cutworms later in the season.
with thorough spray coverage on a regular preven-
Control measures are best applied in the evening to
tative schedule. This spray must protect new foli-
be most effective.
age as it grows, before rust spores can land on the
foliage and germinate. Most cutworms hide in the soil during the day and
emerge to feed at night. Chemical controls are
Start spraying new, non-harvested plantings as
most effective if applied to moist soil in the early
soon as growth is about 12 inches high (30 cm).
evening. Apply one of the registered pesticides at
For harvested plantings, begin spraying as soon as
the first sign of cutworm feeding.
fern growth commences after harvest is complete.
7 to 10 day schedule is essential until at least late Physiological Disorders
August to protect the fern growth. A high-boy
sprayer with drop arms and three nozzles/row is Hollow Stem
needed for full spray coverage. Spray with one of This problem tends to be more prevalent in young
the recommended fungicides. Rotate between spears during periods of warm, wet weather result-
chemical groups to prevent the development of ing in very rapid spear growth. Seasons with mod-
resistance. erate temperatures and even growth will result in a
low incidence of hollow stems. Although this
problem does not affect the eating quality of the
Crown Rots
spear, some may find its appearance objectionable.
Avoid replanting on land that previously grew
asparagus. Otherwise, fumigate the soil before
planting. Consult the manufacturer’s directions. Weeds
Follow all safety precautions. Competition from weeds can reduce yield and also
Use only healthy, vigorous one-year-old crowns for make harvesting more difficult. For recommended
transplanting. Vigorously growing asparagus herbicides refer to the Guide to Vegetable Crop
plants are less susceptible to crown rots. Care Protection 2003.
should be taken to avoid stressful growing condi-
tions caused by overpicking, pest pressure, weed
Harvest and Storage
competition, soil compaction and low fertility.
Healthy asparagus plantings can be harvested for
about 10 - 14 days at the beginning of the third sea-
son after field setting. For example, if the field is
Production – 34
set in the spring of 2002, the first limited harvest An average harvest should be in the range of about
would be in the spring of 2004. The harvest sea- 89 lb/ac per picking. With an average of 30 har-
son is increased by one to two weeks per year. vest days/season (for fully mature plantings), eco-
nomic yields should be about 2,670 lb/ac.
The length of the harvest season is determined by
plant vigour and spear size. Stop harvesting when Freshly harvested asparagus are very perishable
75% of the spears are smaller than 3/8 inch (1 cm) and lose quality rapidly. Collect harvested spears
in diameter. As a general rule, do not extend the as soon as possible, protect them from the sun, and
harvest period beyond six weeks. If weeds, in- move them to cold storage or market as quickly as
sects, disease or adverse weather conditions re- possible. If short term storage is necessary, store
duced plant vigour in the previous season, reduce under high humidity (95 - 100%) at 0° to 2°C.
the harvest duration.
In Manitoba, a well tended asparagus bed can re-
The spears should be cut 1/2 inch (12 mm) below main productive in excess of 20 years.
the soil with a sharp knife when they are 5 to 8
inches (12 to 20 cm) long.

Beans (Snap)
Cultivars applied to previous crops such as cole crops,
Contact Manitoba Agriculture and Food’s Vegeta- celery or rutabaga.
ble Specialist for variety recommendations.
Manganese deficiency may be a problem on beans,
especially on soils with pH values above 6.5.
Seed Treatment Correct the deficiency as soon as detected with a
Seed treatment is recommended for seed decay foliar manganese spray. Soil application is not
and seedling blight damping off. See fungicide recommended for manganese because of the large
section in the Guide to Vegetable Crop Protection amounts required.
2003 for control recommendations.
Seeding and Spacing Moisture requirements are most critical from the
Place seeds about 1 1/2 to 2 inch (3.8 to 5 cm) bud stage to harvest. The crop requires 1 to 1-1/2
deep. Space rows 24 to 38 inches (60 to 96 cm) inch (2.5 to 3.8 cm) moisture/week during this pe-
apart, according to equipment available. A popu- riod for maximum yields.
lation of six to eight plants/ft (20 to 26 plants/m)
in the row is desirable. Use 60 to 80 lb/acre seed.
Beans germinate best between 15° to 29°C. Pest Management
Temperatures below 15°C may produce seed de-
cay which can reduce stand. Diseases
Note: Dark coloured seeds have better cold soil
Pythium Damping-Off and Phytophthora Root
Use fungicide-treated seed to minimize damping
Fertilizer off. Rotate beans with non-leguminous crops and
Refer to Tables 1 through 9 for this crop. For gen- ensure good drainage in the field. Root rots are
eral recommendations in the absence of a soil test, most likely to occur during periods of warm, wet
refer to Table 10 in the fertility section. weather.
Anthracnose and Bacterial Blight
Beans are very sensitive to boron toxicity and
Western U.S. is the best source of anthracnose
should not be grown the year after boron has been

Production – 35

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