FFA Crop Guide Asparagus PDF
FFA Crop Guide Asparagus PDF
FFA Crop Guide Asparagus PDF
Asparagus is a perennial vegetable crop adapted to also be free of stone and gravel, as these can injure
temperate climates such as Newfoundland and Labrador. growing stems making them unmarketable. Asparagus
The plant requires a rest period, satisfied in Canada will develop a large, proficient root system that can
by winter dormancy, and is dioecious, meaning that it reach 1.5 metres deep at maturity. New plantings
produces male or female sexual parts within their flowers. should not be placed in fields that have been previously
In this way plants can be described as male or female. used for asparagus cultivation - two soil born Fusarium
diseases can cause serious production problems and as
Growth Requirements a perennial crop there is no opportunity for crop rotation
in an established asparagus stand.
Asparagus responds well to a deep, well-draining soil
with a light texture profile (sandy loam). Ideally, the soil
should contain at least three per cent organic matter and
have a pH between 6.0-6.8. Asparagus will not tolerate There are no cultivar recommendations for asparagus
standing water at the root system so soil needs to drain in Newfoundland and Labrador. The University of
properly and be free of hard-pans. The soil should Guelph cultivar “Millennium” and U.S. developed
Crop Production Guide: Asparagus
“Jersey Giant” are the most widely grown cultivars by soaking seedlings in water at 32˚C for three to four
in Ontario and have given superior yields to other days prior to sowing. Soil should be at least 15˚C when
cultivars when tested in other parts of Canada. Both sowing asparagus seed.
cultivars are male-hybrid. Both “Millennium” and
“Jersey Giant” are male-hybrid genotypes, in most Due to Newfoundland and Labrador’s short growing
commercial settings all-male hybrid seed is preferred, season it may be advantageous to plant greenhouse
to mixed seed as male plants are known produce 20- grown seedlings or nursery grown asparagus crowns
25 per cent greater yields than females as opposed to direct seeding of asparagus. Asparagus
transplants can be started in a greenhouse in middle to
Nutritional Value late February and transplanted into the field after eight
to 12 weeks or when soil has reached an adequate
Asparagus stems are a good source of vitamins A and C,
temperature (15˚C). Asparagus crowns are started
and potassium. Asparagus is also low in calories with 90g
in nursery beds and left in the ground for one year;
of spear providing 18 kcals.
plants are dug up in the spring and then replanted
Crop Establishment as soon as possible. Selection of the best crowns is
essential. Damaged, diseased or under sized (less than
Seed Germination: 25g) crowns should be discarded. Selection of the best
Asparagus seed requires a minimum of 10˚C to asparagus crowns is essential, all damaged, diseased or
germinate, however germination success and seedling under sized (less than 25g) crowns should be discarded,
development are enhanced at temperatures between this may be up to 40 per cent of the crowns in the
15-30˚C. The optimum temperature for asparagus seed nursery beds. Crowns should be planted at a depth of
germination is 24˚C. Germination may also be enhanced 15-20 cm.
Crop Production Guide: Asparagus
Crop Production Guide: Asparagus
Wind damage can cause a hooking of the stem, counter Control: Botrytis is a common invader of wounded or
intuitively, into the wind. This is caused by reduced weakened plant tissues and is also prevalent in storage.
growth of the wind exposed tissues. Hooking of the Reducing injuries to plants will reduce infection point.
stem does not change the flavor quality of asparagus Remove and destroy infected tissues to reduce further
and hooked stems can still be sold, although sometimes spread. Trifloxystrobin registered for asparagus rust
as a lower grade. control will provide some control of Botrytis.
Crop Production Guide: Asparagus
Control: The beetles can be trapped by allowing a row During the first harvest year (year three) stems should
or small group of asparagus to produce leaves early in only be harvested for one to two weeks. During year
the spring which will attract the mobile adult beetles. four stems should only be harvested at three to four
When a significant population has infested these plants weeks. At year five and on through maturity of the
they can be sprayed. There are currently seven different asparagus stand stems can be harvested for up to seven
products registered to control beetles in asparagus weeks. Harvest should stop when size/diameter of the
production in Canada. stem starts to diminish, as this is a sign that the plant is
being over harvested and could have an adverse effect
Harvest and Handling: on the following year’s crop. As a rule of thumb harvest
should stop when ¾ of the stems have diameters smaller
Asparagus should not be harvested for the first two
than one cm.
years. This gives the plant an establishment period to
develop an adequate root system and enough storage
reserves to tolerate being harvested in the subsequent
years. Stems of asparagus can be harvested from plants Asparagus stems should be moved to cold storage as
after two to three years of establishment, depending on soon as possible after the harvest because the quality
the planting material. No data is available on asparagus of the stems will decline rapidly. Store the stems at 2˚C
yields in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. In and with 95 per cent relative humidity. Asparagus can be
Ontario, yield from three-year-old plants can reach held in storage for between two to four weeks; however
1000kg/ha; four-year-old plants can yield 2000kg/ quality can decline rapidly if temperature increase or
ha; yields as high as 3000kg/ha can be produced from humidity decreases.
mature plants in years five to 15.