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impact of basic research on tomorrow’s

Anti-Inflammatory Cytokines*
Steven M. Opal, MD; and Vera A. DePalo, MD

The anti-inflammatory cytokines are a series of immunoregulatory molecules that control the
proinflammatory cytokine response. Cytokines act in concert with specific cytokine inhibitors and
soluble cytokine receptors to regulate the human immune response. Their physiologic role in
inflammation and pathologic role in systemic inflammatory states are increasingly recognized.
Major anti-inflammatory cytokines include interleukin (IL)-1 receptor antagonist, IL-4, IL-6,
IL-10, IL-11, and IL-13. Specific cytokine receptors for IL-1, tumor necrosis factor-␣, and IL-18
also function as proinflammatory cytokine inhibitors. The nature of anti-inflammatory cytokines
and soluble cytokine receptors is the focus of this review. The current and future therapeutic uses
of these anti-inflammatory cytokines are also reviewed. (CHEST 2000; 117:1162–1172)

Key words: anti-inflammatory cytokines; cytokines; inflammation; sepsis; septic shock

Abbreviations: GM-CSF ⫽ granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor; IFN-␥ ⫽ interferon-␥; IL ⫽ interleukin;

IL-1ra ⫽ IL-1 receptor antagonist; LPS ⫽ lipopolysaccharide; MHC ⫽ major histocompatibility complex;
MIP ⫽ macrophage inflammatory protein; NF-␬B ⫽ nuclear factor ␬B; TGF-␤ ⫽ transforming growth factor-␤; Th ⫽ T
helper cells; TNF ⫽ tumor necrosis factor

T hehighlyhuman immune response is regulated by a

complex and intricate network of control
with multiple elements having similar physiologic
effects. Furthermore, with the potential exception of
elements. Prominent among these regulatory com- interleukin (IL)-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra), all
ponents are the anti-inflammatory cytokines and the anti-inflammatory cytokines have at least some
specific cytokine inhibitors. Under physiologic con- proinflammatory properties as well. The net effect of
ditions, these cytokine inhibitors serve as immuno- any cytokine is dependent on the timing of cytokine
modulatory elements that limit the potentially inju- release, the local milieu in which it acts, the presence
rious effects of sustained or excess inflammatory of competing or synergistic elements, cytokine re-
reactions. Under pathologic conditions, these anti- ceptor density, and tissue responsiveness to each
inflammatory mediators may either (1) provide in- cytokine.3 This is what makes the study of cytokine
sufficient control over proinflammatory activities in biology so fascinating (and so frustrating as well!).
immune-mediated diseases or (2) overcompensate Perturbations of this regulatory network of cyto-
and inhibit the immune response, rendering the host kines by genetic, environmental, or microbial ele-
at risk from systemic infection.1,2 ments may have highly deleterious consequences.4 – 8
A dynamic and ever-shifting balance exists be- The major anti-inflammatory cytokines and their
tween proinflammatory cytokines and anti-inflam- specific roles in human disease will be the focus of
matory components of the human immune system. this brief review. These inhibitory cytokines have
already proven to be efficacious in a variety of
The regulation of inflammation by these cytokines
clinical conditions marked by excess inflammation.
and cytokine inhibitors is complicated by the fact
Their potential therapeutic use in numerous other
that the immune system has redundant pathways
inflammatory states will also be described.
The principal anti-inflammatory cytokines and cy-
*From the Infectious Disease Division and Critical Care Divi-
sion, Brown University School of Medicine, Providence, RI. tokine inhibitors are listed in Tables 1, 2. The
Manuscript received September 30, 1999; revision accepted functional definition of an anti-inflammatory cyto-
October 1, 1999. kine in this review is the ability of the cytokine to
Correspondence to: Steven M. Opal, MD, Infectious Disease
Division, Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island, 111 Brewster St, inhibit the synthesis of IL-1, tumor necrosis factor
Pawtucket, RI 02860; e-mail: Steven_Opal@brown.edu (TNF), and other major proinflammatory cytokines.

1162 Impact of Basic Research on Tomorrow’s Medicine

Table 1—Cytokines With Anti-inflammatory Activities*

Cytokines Cellular Sources Major Activities

IL-1ra Monocyte/macrophage dendritic cells Specific inhibitor of IL-1␣- and IL-1␤-mediated cellular activation
at the IL-1 cellular receptor level
IL-4 T cells (Th2), mast cells, B cells, stromal cells Promotes Th2 lymphocyte development; inhibition of LPS-
induced proinflammatory cytokine synthesis
IL-6 T cells, B cells, monocytes, PMNs Inhibition of TNF and IL-1 production by macrophages
IL-10 Monocyte/macrophage, T cells (Th2), B cells Inhibition of monocyte/macrophage and neutrophil cytokine
production and inhibition of Th1-type lymphocyte responses
IL-11 Stromal cells, fibroblasts Inhibits proinflammatory cytokine response by
monocyte/macrophages and promotes Th2 lymphocyte response
IL-13 T cells (Th2) Shares homology with IL-4 and shares IL-4 receptor; attenuation
of monocyte/macrophage function
TGF-␤ Constitutively expressed in many cell lines Inhibition of monocyte/macrophage MHC class II expression and
proinflammatory cytokine synthesis
*PMN ⫽ polymorphonuclear cell.

Table 2—Soluble Cytokine Receptors With Anti-inflammatory Activities

Soluble Receptor Cellular Sources Major Activities

Soluble TNF receptor p55 Multiple cell lines Binds to TNF trimers in the circulation, preventing membrane-bound
(sTNFRI or sTNFRp55) TNF receptor–TNF ligand interactions
Soluble TNF receptor p75 Multiple cell lines Binds to TNF trimers in the circulation, preventing membrane-bound
(sTNFRII or sTNFRp75) TNF receptor–TNF ligand interactions
Soluble IL-1 receptor type 2 B cells, neutrophils, bone Binds to circulating IL-1 ligands in the plasma, preventing IL-1␤
(sIL-1RII) marrow precursors from binding to the IL-1 receptor type 1
Membrane-bound IL-1 B cells, neutrophils, bone Decoy receptor that lacks intracellular signaling function and
receptor type 2 (mIL-1RII) marrow precursors competes with type 1 IL-1R for IL-1 ligand binding at the cell
IL-18 binding protein Splenocytes, multiple Soluble extracellular domain of IL-18 receptor that functions as a
(IL-18BP) other cell lines decoy receptor and binds circulating IL-18

CD4⫹ T helper (Th) lymphocytes can differentiate Major Anti-inflammatory Cytokines

into functionally dichotomous subsets of Th cells IL-1ra
depending on the microenvironment of the cell. The
cytokine-producing CD4⫹ helper cells are classified IL-1ra is a 152-amino-acid protein that functions
into Th1- and Th2-type cells on the basis of the as a specific inhibitor of the two other functional
cytokines produced.9,10 A similar functional system members of the IL-1 family, IL-1␣ and IL-1␤.3,12
has been recently described with CD8⫹ cytotoxic T The human gene for IL-1ra is on the long arm of
cells (CD8⫹ T1 and CD8⫹ T2 cells).11 chromosome 2 in close proximity to the genes for
Th1-type cells secrete high levels of IL-2, TNF-␣, IL-1␣ and IL-1␤. Genetic evidence indicates that
and interferon-␥ (IFN-␥). This activates macro- IL-1ra diverged from an ancestral IL-1 gene as a
phages and promotes cell-mediated immune re- partial duplication event early in vertebrate evolu-
sponses against invasive intracellular pathogens. tion.12,13 IL-1ra shares approximately 26% amino
Th2-type cells produce a variety of anti-inflamma- acid sequence homology with IL-1␤ and 19% homol-
tory cytokines, including IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-10, and ogy with IL-1␣. A three-dimensional structure of
IL-13. Both Th1 and Th2 cells produce lesser IL-1ra is similar to IL-1␣ and IL-1␤ and exists as a
amounts of TNF-␣, granulocyte-macrophage colony- series of anti-parallel ␤ chains held in a tight ␤ barrel
stimulating factor (GM-CSF), and IL-3. Th2-type configuration.13
cytokines promote humoral immune responses IL-1ra blocks the action of IL-1␣ and IL-1␤
against extracellular pathogens. Mutual cross inhibi- functional ligands by competitive inhibition at the
tion between Th1- and Th2-type cytokines polarize IL-1 receptor level. IL-1ra binds with equal or
functional Th cell responses into cell-mediated or greater affinity than does IL-1␣ and IL-1␤ to the
humoral immune responses. Regulation of T-cell type 1 (80 kd) membrane-bound IL-1 receptor.
activation by the anti-inflammatory cytokines is a IL-1ra does not bind with high affinity to the type II
crucial early control element in this process (Fig 1). (68 kd) IL-1 receptor.14,15 After attachment of IL-1

CHEST / 117 / 4 / APRIL, 2000 1163

Figure 1. The polarization of Th1 and Th2 responses by CD4⫹ Th cells and the role of the
anti-inflammatory cytokines in T-cell differentiation. Solid lines indicate stimulatory pathways, and
dotted lines indicate inhibitory pathways. APC ⫽ antigen-presenting cell; Th0 ⫽ uncommitted CD4⫹
Th cell precursor. (See Mosmann et al9 for review.)

to its receptor, intracellular signaling occurs after a the host response to inflammatory stimuli. Excess
heterodimeric complex is formed between the type 1 IL-1ra synthesis in relationship to IL-1␣ or IL-1␤
receptor and an essential second protein known as synthesis has been shown to increase susceptibility to
IL-1 receptor-accessory protein.16 IL-1ra will bind diverse human pathogens such as Lyme arthritis,
with high affinity to the type 1 IL-1 receptor but fails tuberculosis, and a variety of other infectious diseas-
to engage the IL-1 receptor accessory protein. This es.19 –21 Conversely, inadequate local IL-1ra synthe-
occupies the membrane-bound IL-1 receptor bind- sis in the lung may predispose to severe acute lung
ing site and prevents cellular activation by IL-1␣ or injury and result in excess lethality in ARDS.6
IL-1␤ by steric inhibition.17 Because IL-1 is such a prominent proinflamma-
IL-1ra is produced by monocytes and macro- tory cytokine in a multitude of systemic inflamma-
phages and is released into the systemic circulation tory states, IL-1ra has been extensively studied in
in ⬎ 100-fold excess than either IL-1␣ or IL-1␤ after clinical trials as a specific IL-1 inhibitor. Despite
lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation in human vol- convincing evidence that IL-1 plays an important
unteers.3 The synthesis of IL-1ra and IL-1␤ are role in the pathogenesis of bacterial sepsis,22,23 the
differentially regulated at their own promoter sites. results of IL-1ra therapy in large phase III clinical
Although bacterial LPS stimulates the synthesis of trials for severe sepsis have been disappointing.24
both IL-1␤ and IL-1ra, other stimuli cause differen- Nonetheless, IL-1ra continues to be a promising new
tial release of IL-1ra and IL-1␤. The anti-inflamma- treatment for the management of patients with
tory cytokines IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, and IL-13 inhibit refractory forms of rheumatoid arthritis (Table 3).25
the synthesis of IL-1␤, yet they stimulate the syn-
thesis of IL-1ra.14
There is at least one important polymorphism in
the genetic regulation of IL-1ra synthesis in human IL-4 is a highly pleiotropic cytokine that is able to
populations.18 A regulatory region located in intron 2 influence Th cell differentiation. Early secretion of
of the IL-1ra gene varies depending on the number IL-4 leads to polarization of Th cell differentiation
of tandem duplications of an 86-base pair direct- toward Th2-like cells.9 Th2-type cells secrete their
repeat sequence. DNA polymorphisms at this site own IL-4, and subsequent autocrine production of
may determine the synthetic rate of IL-1ra and alter IL-4 supports cell proliferation. The Th2- cell secre-

1164 Impact of Basic Research on Tomorrow’s Medicine

Table 3—Current and Future Therapeutic Uses for infections is not adequately defined and will neces-
Anti-inflammatory Cytokines and Soluble Cytokine sitate additional clinical investigation.
IL-4 is able to affect a variety of structural cells. It
Cytokine/Soluble can potentiate proliferation of vascular endothelium
Cytokine Receptor Clinical Indications and skin fibroblasts yet decrease proliferation of
IL-1ra Rheumatoid arthritis (phase II/III adult human astrocytes and vascular smooth muscle
clinical trials) cells.26,34 In addition, IL-4 induces a potent cytotoxic
IL-10 Prevention of acute lung injury (phase response against tumors.35,36 In a study of 63 patients
I clinical trials); gut ischemia- with stage IV non-small cell lung cancer, data on
reperfusion injury (phase I clinical
trials); inflammatory bowel disease
treatment with recombinant human IL-4 seemed to
(phase II clinical trials); rheumatoid suggest a possible dose-related response.37 IL-4 may
arthritis (phase II clinical trials); act by stabilizing disease and modifying tumor
psoriasis, multiple sclerosis (early growth rates in addition to inducing tumor shrinkage
phase II clinical trials) and cell death without causing severe side effects,
IL-11 Chemotherapy-induced
thrombocytopenia (approved
suggesting a possible adjuvant role for IL-4 in the
indication); inflammatory bowel treatment of malignant diseases.
disease (phase II clinical trials);
chemotherapy-induced mucositis IL-6
(phase II clinical trials); psoriasis
(phase I clinical trials) IL-6 has long been regarded as a proinflammatory
TNFR (p75):Fc Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis cytokine induced by LPS along with TNF-␣ and
fusion protein (approved indication) IL-1. IL-6 is often used as a marker for systemic
*TNFR ⫽ TNF receptor. activation of proinflammatory cytokines.38 Like many
other cytokines, IL-6 has both proinflammatory and
anti-inflammatory properties. Although IL-6 is a
potent inducer of the acute-phase protein response,
tion of IL-4 and IL-10 leads to the suppression of
it has anti-inflammatory properties as well.39 Recent
Th1 responses by down-regulating the production of
evidence generated from IL-6 knockout mice has
macrophage-derived IL-1226 and inhibiting the dif-
demonstrated that IL-6, like other members of the
ferentiation of Th1-type cells.9,10
gp130 receptor ligand family, acts predominantly as
IL-4 is a 20-kd glycoprotein produced by mature
an anti-inflammatory cytokine. After binding to its
Th2 cells and cells from the mast cell or basophil
specific ␣ receptor, IL-6 complexes with the ubiqui-
lineage. IL-4 drives Th2 responses, mediates the
tous gp130 signal transducing unit. IL-6 belongs to a
recruitment and activation of mast cells, and stimu-
family of gp130 receptor ligands that includes IL-11,
lates the production of IgE antibodies via the differ-
leukemia inhibitory factor, ciliary neurotrophic fac-
entiation of B cells into IgE-secreting cells.26,27
tor, oncostatin M, and cardiotrophin-1. Inasmuch as
IL-4 has marked inhibitory effects on the expres-
these peptide molecules use a common cellular
sion and release of the proinflammatory cytokines. It
receptor, they share many of the physiologic features
is able to block or suppress the monocyte-derived
attributable to IL-6. IL-6 down-regulates the synthe-
cytokines, including IL-1, TNF-␣, IL-6, IL-8, and
sis of IL-1 and TNF.40,41 IL-6 attenuates the synthe-
macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1␣.26 –29 It
sis of the proinflammatory cytokines while having
has also been shown to suppress macrophage cyto-
little effect on the synthesis of anti-inflammatory
toxic activity, parasite killing, and macrophage-de-
cytokines such as IL-10 and transforming growth
rived nitric oxide production.30 In contrast to its
factor-␤ (TGF-␤). IL-6 induces the synthesis of
inhibitory effects on the production of proinflamma-
glucocorticoids42 and promotes the synthesis of IL-
tory cytokines, it stimulates the synthesis of the
1ra and soluble TNF receptor release in human
cytokine inhibitor IL-1ra.31
volunteers.43 At the same time, IL-6 inhibits the
The immunologic effects of IL-4 in the presence
production of proinflammatory cytokines such as
of bacterial infection are complex and incompletely
GM-CSF, IFN-␥, and MIP-2.38 The net result of
understood. IL-4 has been shown to enhance clear-
these immunologic effects place IL-6 among the
ance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from lung tissue in
anti-inflammatory cytokine group.
experimental models of Gram-negative bacterial
pneumonia.32 In Gram-positive bacterial infection
models, IL-4 has been found to act as a growth factor
for Staphylococcus aureus, resulting in systemic in- IL-10 is the most important anti-inflammatory
fection and increased lethality from bacterial sep- cytokine found within the human immune response.
sis.33 The role of IL-4 in the presence of systemic It is a potent inhibitor of Th1 cytokines, including

CHEST / 117 / 4 / APRIL, 2000 1165

both IL-2 and IFN-␥. This activity accounts for its cates that endogenous concentrations of IL-10 are
initial designation as cytokine synthesis inhibition important in limiting the inflammatory response to
factor.44 – 46 In addition to its activity as a Th2 gut-associated bacteria. For this reason, IL-10 is in
lymphocyte cytokine, IL-10 is also a potent deacti- clinical trials as an anti-inflammatory therapy for
vator of monocyte/macrophage proinflammatory cy- inflammatory bowel disease among other potential
tokine synthesis.47,48 IL-10 is primarily synthesized indications (Table 3).
by CD4⫹ Th2 cells, monocytes, and B cells and
circulates as a homodimer consisting of two tightly IL-11
packed 160-amino-acid proteins.45,46 After engaging
IL-11 is a 178-amino-acid nonglycosylated peptide
its high-affinity 110-kd cellular receptor, IL-10 in-
cytokine that was initially isolated from the hemato-
hibits monocyte/macrophage-derived TNF-␣, IL-1,
poietic microenvironment.63 IL-11 shares many
IL-6, IL-8, IL-12, granulocyte colony-stimulating
properties of IL-6, including the common use of the
factor, MIP-1␣, and MIP-2␣.48 –50 IL-10 inhibits cell
gp130 receptor ligand complex as a signal transduc-
surface expression of major histocompatibility com-
tion pathway. IL-11 binds to its own unique IL-11 ␣
plex class II molecules, B7 accessory molecules, and
receptor and then complexes with gp130 cell mem-
the LPS recognition and signaling molecule CD14.46
branes of target cells.64 IL-11 was initially described
It also inhibits cytokine production by neutrophils
as a hematopoietic growth factor with particular
and natural killer cells. IL-10 inhibits nuclear factor
activity in the stimulation of thrombopoiesis. IL-11
␬B (NF-␬B) nuclear translocation after LPS stimu-
has recently been approved for clinical use as a
lation48 and promotes degradation of messenger
platelet restorative agent after chemotherapy-in-
RNA for the proinflammatory cytokines.46 In addi-
duced bone marrow suppression.65
tion to these activities, IL-10 attenuates surface
It has become clear that IL-11 has important
expression of TNF receptors and promotes the
immunoregulatory activities separate from its hema-
shedding of TNF receptors into the systemic circu-
topoietic growth factor potential. IL-11 has been
shown to attenuate IL-1 and TNF synthesis from
IL-10 is readily measurable in the circulation in
macrophages by up-regulating inhibitory NF-␬B (in-
patients with systemic illnesses and a variety of
hibitory NF-␬B) synthesis in monocyte/macrophage
inflammatory states.53,54 IL-10 is present in sufficient
cell lines. Inhibitory NF-␬B prevents NF-␬B from
concentrations to have a physiologic impact on host
translocating to the nucleus where NF-␬B functions
responses to systemic inflammation. It has been
as a transcriptional activator for the proinflammatory
determined that patients who preferentially express
high levels of IL-10 and reduced levels of TNF-␣ are
IL-11 has also been shown to inhibit the synthesis
more likely to die from meningococcemia55,56 and a
of IFN-␥ and IL-2 by CD4⫹ T cells. IL-11 functions
variety of other community-acquired infections.57
as a Th2-type cytokine, with induction of IL-4 and
Physiologically inadequate IL-10 responses after
inhibition of Th1-type cytokines.67 IL-11 does not
systemic injury may have detrimental consequences
induce the synthesis of IL-10 or TGF-␤. This indi-
as well. Low lung concentrations of IL-10 in patients
cates that IL-11 is a direct inhibitor of Th1 lympho-
with acute lung injury indicate that ARDS is more
cytes and does not act indirectly through induction of
likely to develop.6 The administration of IL-10 in
IL-10. IL-11 is rarely measurable in the systemic
experimental animal models of endotoxemia im-
circulation but has been detected and is physiologi-
proves survival.50 Human volunteers given IL-10
cally active in localized areas of inflammation, such
after endotoxin challenge suffer fewer systemic
as inflammatory arthritis or inflammatory bowel dis-
symptoms, neutrophil responses, and cytokine pro-
ease.68 IL-11 is currently in clinical trials as an
duction than placebo-treated control subjects.58
immunomodulator for a number of potential clinical
Moreover, mice who have genetic deletions of the
indications (Table 3).
IL-10 gene are more susceptible to endotoxin-in-
duced shock than normal mice.59 IL-10 generally
protects the host from systemic inflammation after
toxin-induced injury, but renders the host suscepti- IL-13, a potent in vitro modulator of human
ble to lethality from overwhelming infection in a monocytes and B-cell function, is secreted by acti-
variety of experimental studies.60,61 This observation vated T lymphocytes.69,70 It is a 132-amino-acid
should be kept in mind when administering anti- nonglycosylated protein with a molecular weight of
inflammatory cytokines in clinical medicine. about 10 kd. The human IL-13 gene has been
The IL-10 knockout mouse spontaneously devel- mapped in close proximity to the IL-4 gene along a
ops a chronic inflammatory enteritis that mimics 4.5-kilobase sequence of DNA on chromosome
inflammatory bowel disease in humans.62 This indi- 5q31, suggesting a common ancestral origin.71 IL-13

1166 Impact of Basic Research on Tomorrow’s Medicine

and IL-4 share a common cellular receptor (IL-4 anti-inflammatory effects. It functions as a biological
type 1 receptor), and this accounts for many of the switch, antagonizing or modifying the action of other
similarities between these two anti-inflammatory cy- cytokines or growth factors. The presence of other
tokines.72 IL-4 and IL-13 share only 20% to 25% cytokines may modulate the cellular response to
primary amino acid homology, but the major ␣-he- TGF-␤, and the effect may differ depending on the
lical regions that are essential for their activity are activation state of the cell.80 TGF-␤ is capable of
highly homologous.69 The principal functional differ- converting an active site of inflammation into one
ence between IL-4 and IL-13 lies in their effects on dominated by resolution and repair.81 TGF-␤ often
T cells. IL-4 is a dominant mediator of Th2 cell exhibits disparate effects with immune-enhancing
differentiation, proliferation, and activity, whereas activity in local tissues and immune-suppressive ac-
IL-13 has minimal effects on T-cell function.70 tivity in the systemic circulation.
IL-13 can down-regulate the production of TNF, TGF-␤1 suppresses the proliferation and differen-
IL-1, IL-8, and MIP-1␣ by monocytes69,70 and has tiation of T cells and B cells and limits IL-2, IFN-␥,
profound effects on expression of surface molecules and TNF production. TGF-␤1 acts as a monocyte/
on both monocytes and macrophages.69 IL-13 up- macrophage deactivator in a manner similar to IL-
regulates cell surface expression of ␤2 integrins and 10. However, TGF-␤ is less potent an inhibitor than
major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II IL-10 and has little or no effect on IL-1 produc-
antigens and down-regulates CD14 and Fc␥ recep- tion.81 The severe and uncontrolled inflammatory
tor expression. IL-13 inhibits NF-␬B activation in reactions observed in the TGF-␤1 knockout mouse
macrophages and protects against LPS-induced le- attests to the physiologic role of TGF-␤ as an
thality in animal models.73–75 endogenous anti-inflammatory cytokine.87
IL-13 suppresses lung inflammatory injury after
the deposition of IgG immune complexes.76 –78 Ex-
ogenous administration of anti-inflammatory cyto- Soluble Cytokine Receptors as
kines into the lungs of rats after IgG immune Anti-inflammatory Molecules
complex deposition reveals that the greatest inhibi-
tory activity is observed by IL-13 and IL-10, followed Both type 1 (p55) and type 2 (p75) receptors for
by IL-4 and IL-6. The potential role of IL-13 in human TNF-␣ may exist on the cell membrane as a
clinical medicine remains to be defined. signal-transducing unit or in a soluble form in the
extracellular fluid. The extracellular domain of both
TNF receptors may be solubilized into the systemic
circulation, and they retain the capacity to bind
TGF-␤ is synthesized as an inactive precursor and TNF-␣ ligands at affinity levels that are comparable
requires activation before exerting its effect.79 The to those of membrane-bound TNF receptors.88 Sol-
active molecule is a 25-kd homodimer of two 12.5-kd uble receptors compete with membrane-bound re-
disulfide-linked monomers. It belongs to a super- ceptors for TNF binding. High amounts of soluble
family of ⬎ 20 distinct dimeric proteins that share a TNF receptors function as specific inhibitors of TNF
similar structure.80 There are three isoforms of activity on target tissues. Shedding of membrane-
TGF-␤ (designated TGF-␤1–3) expressed in mam- bound TNF receptors by susceptible target tissues
malian species. also tends to desensitize these tissues to TNF activ-
TGF-␤ is an important regulator of cell prolifera- ity.88 –90
tion, differentiation, and formulation of the extracel- It should be noted that TNF receptors may, under
lular matrix.81 In vitro, it inhibits growth of ectoder- certain circumstances, function as TNF agonists
mally derived cells.82 TGF-␤ induces squamous cell rather than TNF antagonists.91 This is known to
differentiation of human bronchial epithelial cells.83 occur specifically with soluble type 2 (p75) TNF
TGF-␤ has been shown to inhibit alveolar type II cell receptors. The soluble p75 TNF receptor may bind
proliferation and to decrease the expression of sur- to TNF-␣ in the circulation and prolong its circulat-
factant protein A in human lung explant cultures and ing half-life. Because TNF-␣ may readily dissociate
in a human lung adenocarcinoma cell line.84 TGF-␤ from the type 2 receptor, the end result may be
appears to contribute to the fibroproliferative phase prolongation of TNF activity in the systemic circu-
of acute lung injury from a variety of injurious lation with potentially detrimental effects.92 Both
agents.85 It plays a role in regulating the extracellular type 1 and type 2 receptors are readily measurable in
matrix by decreasing degradation of matrix proteins the circulation in humans under a variety of systemic
through a reduction in protease synthesis and an inflammatory and other pathologic states. The solu-
increase in the synthesis of protease inhibitors.86 ble receptor concentrations are sufficient to attenu-
Like many cytokines, TGF-␤ has both pro- and ate systemic TNF activity.93

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Soluble IL-1 receptors are also measurable under Several bacterial pathogens have the capacity to
some pathologic states.13,14 The soluble receptor alter host cell cytokine synthesis, degrade proinflam-
found is primarily the type 2 receptor (p68) for IL-1. matory cytokines, or use cytokine receptors as portals
Soluble IL-1 receptors will bind to IL-1␣ and IL-1␤ of entry for cellular invasion.102 Pathogenic microor-
although they do not bind with high affinity to IL-1 ganisms have evolved a variety of ingenious mecha-
receptor antagonist.14 nisms to disrupt host defense mechanisms. Manipu-
The IL-1 type 2 receptor appears to function lation of the cytokine networks to the advantage of
primarily as a decoy receptor both in its soluble and the invading pathogen offers a further example of the
membrane-bound forms.15 The type 2 receptor has a importance of proinflammatory cytokines in the pro-
short transmembrane domain and intracellular do- tection against microbial invasion.
main and does not have the capacity to activate the Administration of inhibitors of proinflammatory
signal-transduction pathways. It appears to function cytokines (antibodies, soluble receptors, and anti-
as a molecular decoy that prevents interaction of inflammatory cytokines) in experimental models
IL-1␣ and IL-1␤ with the functional type 1 IL-1 generally provides an advantage in systemic toxicity
receptor.14 models such as endotoxin challenge studies.22,23
The recently described proinflammatory cytokine However, in localized infection models, inhibitors of
known as IL-18 also has a soluble receptor that the proinflammatory cytokine system may be detri-
functions to attenuate IL-18 activity.94 IL-18 is a mental to the host and precipitate overwhelming
macrophage product, which is initially synthesized as infection with excess mortality.7 This is particularly
pro-IL-18. The pro-peptide is cleaved into active true in the absence of appropriate antimicrobial
IL-18 through caspase-1. This is the same enzyme therapy against the invading microbial pathogen.7,46
that activates pro-IL-1␤ (IL-1␤ converting enzyme). The dichotomous nature of anti-inflammatory cyto-
Activated IL-18 stimulates the synthesis of IFN-␥ by kine responses in experimental systems is commonly
CD4⫹ T lymphocytes and has similar activities as observed in cytokine biology. Inadequate concentra-
the proinflammatory cytokine IL-12.95,96 tions of anti-inflammatory cytokines result in excess
A soluble receptor for IL-18 known as IL-18 inflammation, yet excess anti-inflammatory cytokine
binding protein has been measured in the serum and concentrations disrupt clearance mechanisms of mi-
urine of humans. The IL-18 binding protein lacks a crobial pathogens in the host.
transmembrane domain or intracellular domain and IL-10, soluble TNF receptors, and IL-1ra may be
circulates as the extracellular domain of IL-18 recep- found in high concentrations in the plasma of pa-
tor. It will bind to IL-18 in the systemic circulation tients with sepsis.2,54 Nonetheless, these anti-inflam-
and prevent IL-18 from binding to its membrane- matory agents must be present in far greater con-
bound receptor. The IL-18 receptor appears to be centrations than those of proinflammatory cytokines
closely related to the IL-1 receptor. The protein to inhibit their actions. Systemic concentrations of
formerly known as IL-1 receptor-related protein soluble cytokine inhibitors IL-1ra and IL-10 indicate
now appears to be the principal cell membrane that they are of sufficient magnitude to at least
receptor for IL-18 and is now referred to as IL-18 partially inhibit proinflammatory cytokine ac-
receptor.96 –98 tion.54,88,89,103 These results suggest that there may
well be a physiologic role for anti-inflammatory
Physiologic Role of Anti-inflammatory cytokines and soluble cytokine receptors in the face
Cytokines and Cytokine Inhibitors of systemic inflammation.
Recent evidence indicates that individuals differ in
A complex network of cytokines is generated in their susceptibility to systemic infection and inflam-
response to a systemic immune challenge. It is the matory states on the basis of their cytokine profiles
net effect of interactions between these proinflam- and genetic background. Patients and first-degree
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