Opal2000 PDF
Opal2000 PDF
Opal2000 PDF
Anti-Inflammatory Cytokines*
Steven M. Opal, MD; and Vera A. DePalo, MD
The anti-inflammatory cytokines are a series of immunoregulatory molecules that control the
proinflammatory cytokine response. Cytokines act in concert with specific cytokine inhibitors and
soluble cytokine receptors to regulate the human immune response. Their physiologic role in
inflammation and pathologic role in systemic inflammatory states are increasingly recognized.
Major anti-inflammatory cytokines include interleukin (IL)-1 receptor antagonist, IL-4, IL-6,
IL-10, IL-11, and IL-13. Specific cytokine receptors for IL-1, tumor necrosis factor-␣, and IL-18
also function as proinflammatory cytokine inhibitors. The nature of anti-inflammatory cytokines
and soluble cytokine receptors is the focus of this review. The current and future therapeutic uses
of these anti-inflammatory cytokines are also reviewed. (CHEST 2000; 117:1162–1172)
IL-1ra Monocyte/macrophage dendritic cells Specific inhibitor of IL-1␣- and IL-1-mediated cellular activation
at the IL-1 cellular receptor level
IL-4 T cells (Th2), mast cells, B cells, stromal cells Promotes Th2 lymphocyte development; inhibition of LPS-
induced proinflammatory cytokine synthesis
IL-6 T cells, B cells, monocytes, PMNs Inhibition of TNF and IL-1 production by macrophages
IL-10 Monocyte/macrophage, T cells (Th2), B cells Inhibition of monocyte/macrophage and neutrophil cytokine
production and inhibition of Th1-type lymphocyte responses
IL-11 Stromal cells, fibroblasts Inhibits proinflammatory cytokine response by
monocyte/macrophages and promotes Th2 lymphocyte response
IL-13 T cells (Th2) Shares homology with IL-4 and shares IL-4 receptor; attenuation
of monocyte/macrophage function
TGF- Constitutively expressed in many cell lines Inhibition of monocyte/macrophage MHC class II expression and
proinflammatory cytokine synthesis
*PMN ⫽ polymorphonuclear cell.
Soluble TNF receptor p55 Multiple cell lines Binds to TNF trimers in the circulation, preventing membrane-bound
(sTNFRI or sTNFRp55) TNF receptor–TNF ligand interactions
Soluble TNF receptor p75 Multiple cell lines Binds to TNF trimers in the circulation, preventing membrane-bound
(sTNFRII or sTNFRp75) TNF receptor–TNF ligand interactions
Soluble IL-1 receptor type 2 B cells, neutrophils, bone Binds to circulating IL-1 ligands in the plasma, preventing IL-1
(sIL-1RII) marrow precursors from binding to the IL-1 receptor type 1
Membrane-bound IL-1 B cells, neutrophils, bone Decoy receptor that lacks intracellular signaling function and
receptor type 2 (mIL-1RII) marrow precursors competes with type 1 IL-1R for IL-1 ligand binding at the cell
IL-18 binding protein Splenocytes, multiple Soluble extracellular domain of IL-18 receptor that functions as a
(IL-18BP) other cell lines decoy receptor and binds circulating IL-18
to its receptor, intracellular signaling occurs after a the host response to inflammatory stimuli. Excess
heterodimeric complex is formed between the type 1 IL-1ra synthesis in relationship to IL-1␣ or IL-1
receptor and an essential second protein known as synthesis has been shown to increase susceptibility to
IL-1 receptor-accessory protein.16 IL-1ra will bind diverse human pathogens such as Lyme arthritis,
with high affinity to the type 1 IL-1 receptor but fails tuberculosis, and a variety of other infectious diseas-
to engage the IL-1 receptor accessory protein. This es.19 –21 Conversely, inadequate local IL-1ra synthe-
occupies the membrane-bound IL-1 receptor bind- sis in the lung may predispose to severe acute lung
ing site and prevents cellular activation by IL-1␣ or injury and result in excess lethality in ARDS.6
IL-1 by steric inhibition.17 Because IL-1 is such a prominent proinflamma-
IL-1ra is produced by monocytes and macro- tory cytokine in a multitude of systemic inflamma-
phages and is released into the systemic circulation tory states, IL-1ra has been extensively studied in
in ⬎ 100-fold excess than either IL-1␣ or IL-1 after clinical trials as a specific IL-1 inhibitor. Despite
lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation in human vol- convincing evidence that IL-1 plays an important
unteers.3 The synthesis of IL-1ra and IL-1 are role in the pathogenesis of bacterial sepsis,22,23 the
differentially regulated at their own promoter sites. results of IL-1ra therapy in large phase III clinical
Although bacterial LPS stimulates the synthesis of trials for severe sepsis have been disappointing.24
both IL-1 and IL-1ra, other stimuli cause differen- Nonetheless, IL-1ra continues to be a promising new
tial release of IL-1ra and IL-1. The anti-inflamma- treatment for the management of patients with
tory cytokines IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, and IL-13 inhibit refractory forms of rheumatoid arthritis (Table 3).25
the synthesis of IL-1, yet they stimulate the syn-
thesis of IL-1ra.14
There is at least one important polymorphism in
the genetic regulation of IL-1ra synthesis in human IL-4 is a highly pleiotropic cytokine that is able to
populations.18 A regulatory region located in intron 2 influence Th cell differentiation. Early secretion of
of the IL-1ra gene varies depending on the number IL-4 leads to polarization of Th cell differentiation
of tandem duplications of an 86-base pair direct- toward Th2-like cells.9 Th2-type cells secrete their
repeat sequence. DNA polymorphisms at this site own IL-4, and subsequent autocrine production of
may determine the synthetic rate of IL-1ra and alter IL-4 supports cell proliferation. The Th2- cell secre-