Citocinas Review
Citocinas Review
Citocinas Review
Interleukins, from 1 to 37, and interferon-g: Receptors, functions, and roles in diseases
Mubeccel Akdis, MD, PhD, Simone Burgler, PhD, Reto Crameri, PhD, Thomas Eiwegger, MD, Hiroyuki Fujita, MD, PhD, Enrique Gomez, PhD, Sven Klunker, PhD, Norbert Meyer, MD, Liam OMahony, PhD, Oscar Palomares, PhD, Claudio Rhyner, PhD, Nadia Quaked, PhD, Anna Schaffartzik, PhD, Willem Van De Veen, MSc, Sabine Zeller, PhD, Maya Zimmermann, PhD, and Cezmi A. Akdis, MD Davos, Switzerland Advancing our understanding of mechanisms of immune regulation in allergy, asthma, autoimmune diseases, tumor development, organ transplantation, and chronic infections could lead to effective and targeted therapies. Subsets of immune and inammatory cells interact via ILs and IFNs; reciprocal regulation and counter balance among TH and regulatory T cells, as well as subsets of B cells, offer opportunities for immune interventions. Here, we review current knowledge about ILs 1 to 37 and IFN-g. Our understanding of the effects of ILs has greatly increased since the discoveries of monocyte IL (called IL-1) and lymphocyte IL (called IL-2); more than 40 cytokines are now designated as ILs. Studies of transgenic or knockout mice with altered expression of these cytokines or their receptors and analyses of mutations and polymorphisms in human genes that encode these products have provided important information about IL and IFN functions. We discuss their signaling pathways, cellular sources, targets, roles in immune regulation and cellular networks, roles in allergy and asthma, and roles in defense against infections. (J Allergy Clin Immunol 2011;127:701-21.) Key words: Cytokines, interleukins, T cells, B cells, dendritic cells, adaptive immune response, humoral immune response, allergy and asthma
Abbreviations used APC: Antigen-presenting cell CSF: Colony-stimulating factor DC: Dendritic cell FoxP3: Forkhead box protein 3 gc: g-Chain G-CSF: Granulocyte colony stimulation factor IBD: Inammatory bowel disease IL-1F: IL-1 family IL-1RI: IL-1 type I receptor IL-1RII: IL-1 type II receptor IL-1Ra: IL-1 receptor antagonist IL-1RacP: IL-1 receptor accessory protein MS: Multiple sclerosis NK: Natural killer NKT: Natural killer T Poly I:C: Polyriboinosinic:polyribocytidylic acid R: Receptor RA: Rheumatoid arthritis Tbet: T-box expressed in T cells TLR: Toll-like receptor Tr1: Type 1 regulator T Treg: Regulatory T TSLP: Thymic stromal lymphopoietin
Since the discovery of IL-1 in 1977, approximately 200,000 published articles have referred to ILs. Secreted proteins that bind to their specic receptors and play a role in the communication among leukocytes are named ILs. The nomenclature is
From the Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research, University of Zurich. The authors laboratories are supported by Swiss National Foundation grants and the Christine Khne Center for Allergy Research and Education. u Disclosure of potential conict of interest: M. Akdis has received research support from the Swiss National Foundation and Imvision GmbH. L. OMahony has collaborated with Alimentary Health Ltd and has received research support from the Swiss National Science Foundation. C. A. Akdis has received research support from Novartis, Stallergenes, the Swiss National Science Foundation, the Global Allergy and Asthma European Network, and the Christine Khne Center for Allergy Research and has consulted u for Actellion, Aventis, and Allergopharma. The rest of the authors have declared that they have no conict of interest. Received for publication August 19, 2010; revised November 11, 2010; accepted for publication November 12, 2010. Reprint requests: Cezmi A. Akdis, MD, Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research, Obere Strasse 22, CH7270 Davos, Switzerland. E-mail: 0091-6749/$36.00 2011 American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology doi:10.1016/j.jaci.2010.11.050
continuously evolving, and there have been proposals for the assignment of new members to the IL-1 family.1 ILs are assigned to each family based on sequence homology and receptor chain similarities or functional properties (Fig 1). CD41 TH cells are divided into distinct subsets according to cytokine prole. The prole of cytokine expression depends on the adjuvanicity of the molecules presented with the antigen and the status of the T cells, along the types of antigen-presenting cells (APCs) and cytokines in the microenvironment. CD41 naive T cells can differentiate into TH1, TH2, TH9, TH17, TH22, and T-follicular effector cells. On the basis of their respective cytokine proles, responses to chemokines, and interactions with other cells, these T-cell subsets can promote different types of inammatory responses (Fig 2). During the development of allergic disease, effector TH2 cells produce IL-4, IL-5, IL-9, and IL-132,3; their production of IL-25, IL31, and IL-33 contributes to TH2 responses and inammation.4-7 These cytokines have roles in production of allergen-specic IgE, eosinophilia, and mucus. TH1 cells, however, produce the cytokine IFN-g, which protects against intracellular pathogens and plays a role in activation-induced death of skin keratinocytes, mucosal epithelial cells, and T cells.8,9
FIG 1. A, The receptors of the IL-2 family, which is composed of IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, IL-15, and IL-21. Receptors contain the common cytokine receptor g chain (CD132, gc). IL-13R shares IL-4Ra with IL-4, and TSLPR shares IL-7R with IL-7. B, The receptors for IL-3, IL-5, and GM-CSF (GMR) are heterodimers of a unique a-chain and the common b-chain (bc, CD131) subunit. C, The receptors for IL-4 and IL-13 consists of 2 receptor chains, the IL-4Ra (CD124) and the common gc. IL-4 and IL-13 bind to IL-4R, which consists of the IL-4Ra and the IL-13Ra1 chain. IL-13R consists of 2 subunits, IL-13Ra1 and IL-13Ra2, and signaling occurs via the IL-4R complex type II that consists of the IL-4Ra and IL-13Ra. D, On the basis of similarities in their intron-exon structure, conserved secondary protein structures, and similar types of receptors, the following cytokines have been classied as IL-10 family members: IL-10, IL-19, IL-20, IL-22, IL-24, IL-26, IL-28, and IL-29. They share common receptor subunits shown. E, IL-12R consist of 2 subunits, IL-12Rb1 and IL-12Rb2.A heterodimer of IL-12Rb1 and IL-23R bind IL-23. IL-12Rb2 shows homology to the gp130 subunit of IL-27R. EBI3, Epstein-Barr virus-induced.
FIG 2. Antigen presentation by DCs to naive T cells and other factors (innate immune response substances, vitamins, cytokines in the environment) induces the T cells to produce ILs and differentiate into TH1, TH2, TH9, TH17, TH22, or follicular TH (TFH) cells. These T-cell subsets can promote different types of inammatory responses on the basis of their respective cytokine proles, responses to chemokines, and interactions with other cells.
The discovery of the TH17 has improved our understanding of inammatory processes. TH17 cells are characterized by their expression of IL-17A, IL-17F, IL-6, IL-8, TNF-a, IL-22, and IL-26.10,11 The combination of TGF-b and IL-4 reprograms differentiation of TH2 cells so that they become TH9 cells, which produce IL-9 and IL-10.12 T-follicular helper cells provide helper functions to B cells; they represent one of the largest and most important subsets of effector T cells in lymphoid tissues.13 Subsets of regulatory T (Treg) cells regulate and counterbalance the immune response; they have distinct phenotypes and mechanisms of action and include CD41CD251Forkhead box protein 3 (FoxP3)1 Treg cells, which are selected in the thymus, and type 1 Treg (Tr1) cells, which are induced.14,15 Subsets of CD81 T cells, gd T cells, IL-10producing B cells, IL-10producing natural killer (NK) cells, dendritic cells (DCs), and macrophages might contribute to immune suppression or regulation.16 Investigations of the mechanisms of immune and inammatory cell functions have identied a growing list of ILs and interactions among different cell types that contribute to their effector and suppressive functions (Table I). Detailed information on all cytokines is provided in this articles Online Repository at www.
IL-1 FAMILY IL-1 and the IL-1 receptor antagonist IL-1 was rst described as a protein that induced fever and was called human leukocytic pyrogen, which is made up of 2 major proteins, IL-1a and IL-1b.17,18 There are now 11 members of the IL-1 family. Although IL-1a and IL-1b have minimal sequence homology, they have similar biological properties. However, there are fundamental differences in their localization, maturation, and secretion. IL-1a is translated into a biologically
active form, whereas IL-1b is translated as proIL-1b and has no biological activity until it is processed by caspase-1. IL-1a and IL-1b exert similar effects by binding to the IL-1 type I receptor (IL-1RI). They can also bind to the IL-1 type II receptor (IL1RII), which acts as a decoy receptor and is not involved in signal transduction. IL-1 is a potent proinammatory cytokine that acts as an endogenous pyrogen. It has diverse potentiating effects on cell proliferation, differentiation, and function of many innate and specic immunocompetent cells. IL-1 mediates many inammatory diseases by initiating and potentiating immune and inammatory responses. The IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) is synthesized and released in response to the same stimuli that lead to IL-1 production.19 The IL-1Ra lacks the IL-1 receptor accessory protein interacting domain, so that binding of the IL-1Ra to IL-1RI inhibits IL-1 signaling.18 There are at least 4 isoforms of the IL1Ra; 3 isoforms localize within the cell, and the fourth has a signal peptideit is generally secreted without a requirement for maturation. Therapies under development for some inammatory disorders involve neutralization of IL-1 activity by administration of IL-1Ra and antiIL-1 neutralizing mAbs.20 IL-1Radecient mice spontaneously develop chronic inammatory polyarthropathy. Balance among the expression levels of IL-1, IL-1Ra, IL-1RI, and IL-1RII is decisive in generation of proinammatory and/or homeostatic functions.21
IL-18 IL-18 is a member of the IL-1 family that is expressed by a range of cell types, including macrophages, Kupffer cells, keratinocytes, osteoblasts, astrocytes, and DCs.22 IL-18 shares structural features with IL-1 and it is synthesized as a 24-kd, biologically inactive precursor that requires cleavage by
IL-1Ra (antagonist)
16.1-20 kd
15.5 kd
15 kd
IL-3Ra 1 b c (CD131)
15 kd
15 kd
19-26 kd
T-cellmediated Proliferation of autoimmune and effector inammatory T and B cells, diseases, X-linked development of severe combined Treg cells, immunodeciency 1 differentiation and proliferation of NK cells and growth factor for B cells Erythroid T cells, Role in allergic Hematopoietic progenitors, macrophages, NK diseases, different growth factor, granulocytecells, mast types of cancers, activation macrophages cells, eosinophils, lymphocytic and of basophils and progenitors, CD341 eosinophils stromal cells acute myeloid leukemias progenitor cells, basophils, eosinophils TH2 cells, basophils, T and B cells Inammatory and Induction of TH2 autoimmune eosinophils, mast differentiation, IgE diseases (allergy/ cells, NKT cells, class switch, asthma and diabetes g/d T cells. upregulation of mellitus), chronic class II MHC lymphocytic expression on B leukemia diseases cells, upregulation of CD23 and IL-4R, survival factor for B and T cells, role in tissue adhesion and inammation TH2 cells, activated Eosinophils, Allergy/asthma, Differentiation and function of myeloid hypereosinophilic basophils, and eosinophils and syndrome cells, increment of mast cells mast cells, Tc2 chemotactic activity cells, g/d T cells, and adhesion NK and NKT cells, capacity CD4 ckit CD3e on eosinophils, IL2Ra (Peyer remodeling and patches) wound healing Autoimmune disease, Liver: synthesis of Hepatocytes, Endothelial cells, chronic acute phase leukocytes, broblasts, inammatory proteins; T cells, B cells, monocytes/ disease, B-cell leukocytes: hemopoietic cells macrophages malignancy, SLE, trafcking, Castleman disease, activation; T cell: plasmacytoma/ differentiation, activation, survival; multiple myeloma B cell: differentiation, production of IgG, IgM, IgA hematopoiesis (Continued)
T cells, broblasts, Macrophages, epithelial and monocytes, endothelial cells lymphocytes, keratinocytes, microglia, megakaryocytes, neutrophils, broblasts, synovial lining cells T cells, broblasts, Monocytes, epithelial and macrophages, endothelial cells broblasts, neutrophils, endothelial and epithelial cells, keratinocytes CD41 and CD81 CD41 and CD81 activated T cells, T cells, NK DCs, NK cells, and B cells NKT cells
Antagonism of IL-1
TABLE I. (Continued) Cytokine IL-7 Structure Monomer Size molecular weight 25 kd Receptors IL-7R and sIL-7R Cell sources Epithelial cells, keratinocytes, DCs, B cells, and monocytes/ macrophages Cell targets B, T, and NK cells Major functions Disease association Proliferation of pre-B and pro-B cells (mice), megakaryocytes maturation, VDJ recombinations, naive T-cell survival, synthesis induction of inammatory mediators in monocytes Chemoattractant for neutrophils, NK cells, T cells, basophils, eosinophils; mobilization of hematopoietic stem cells; angiogenesis Allergy/ autoimmunity and psoriasis
16 kd
14 kd
Monocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, lymphocytes, endothelial cells, epithelial cells, broblasts, keratinocytes, chondrocytes, synovial cells, hepatocytes TH2, TH9, mast cells, and eosinophils
Increased levels during inammatory diseases (RA, psoriasis, bacterial and viral infections)
20.5 kd, predicted size of precursor protein; 18.6 kd, predicted size mature protein, monomer 19 kd
IL-10R1/IL-10R2 complex
Helminth T and mast cells infections, Hodgkin growth factor, lymphoma, inhibition of TH1 asthma, food cytokines, allergy proliferation of CD81 T cells and mast cells, IgE production, chemokine and mucus production in bronchial epithelial cells Immune suppression Cancer, Macrophages, autoimmunity, monocytes, allergy T cells, B cells, NK cells, mast cells, DC and granulocytes B, T, and mast cells Increased during Growth factor for allergic asthma myeloid, erythroid, and megakaryocyte progenitors; bone remodeling; protects epithelial cells and connective tissue; induction of acute-phase protein; inhibition of macrophage activity; promotion of neuronal development Induce TH1-cell Impaired TH1 r differentiation and esponse with cytotoxicity higher susceptibility to intracellular pathogens, use as anticancer agent (Continued)
IL-11Ra 1 gp130
Myeloid, Stromal cells: erythroid, and broblasts, megakaryocyte epithelial cells, progenitors, endothelial osteoclasts, cells, vascular epithelial cells, smooth muscle cells, synoviocytes, hepatocytes, macrophages, osteoblasts neurons
IL-12 (p35/p40)
TABLE I. (Continued) Cytokine IL-13 Structure Monomer Size molecular weight 10 kd Receptors IL-13R1a1 and IL13R1a2 Cell sources T, NKT, and mast cells, basophils, eosinophils Cell targets Major functions Disease association
53 kd
14-15 kd
T cells, T-cell clones, B-lineage and T-lineage lymphoma cell lines Monocytes, activated CD41 T cells, keratinocytes, skeletal muscle cells
Asthma, allergic Switching to IgG4 B cells, mast rhinitis, brosis cells, epithelial and IgE, cells, eosinophils, upregulation of smooth muscle cells CD23, MHC-II on and macrophages B cells, induction of CD11b, CD11c, CD18, CD29; CD23, and MHC-II on monocytes, activation of eosinophils and mast cells, recruitment and survival of eosinophils, defense against parasite infections B cells, certain Proliferation of Autoimmunity, leukemia cells activated B cells lymphoma genesis T, NK, and NKT cells T-cell activation, Autoimmune and proliferation and inammatory activation of NK diseases cells, differentiation of g/d T cells, suppression of IL-2 induced AICD of T cells, homeostasis of CD81 memory, NK and NKT cells, enhancement of TH2 differentiation and suppression of allergic rhinitis Increased during Chemotaxis, various modulation of inammatory and T-cell response infectious diseases including atopic eczema, allergic asthma, Crohn disease, RA, hepatitis C infection, tuberculosis; inhibits HIV infection RA, MS, IBD, psoriasis, allergic asthma, atopic dermatitis, contact hypersensitivity
56 kd
T cells, eosinophils, mast cells, eosinophils, monocytes, DCs, broblasts, epithelial cells
35 kd
41 kd, 40 kd, 52 kd
44 kd
TH17 cells, CD81 Epithelial/endothelial Induction of proinammatory cells, broblasts, T cells, NK cells, cytokines, osteoblasts, NKT cells, gd T chemokines, and monocytes, cells, neutrophils metalloproteases; macrophages recruitment of neutrophils Induction of Monocytes, IL-17B: neuronal For IL-17 B, proinammatory cells, chondrocytes; endothelial cells, IL-17RB cytokines, myobroblasts IL-17C: immune (5IL-17H1, chemokines, and cells under certain IL25R); for metalloproteases; conditions; IL-17D: IL-17C and D, IL-17B: resting B and T not known chondrogenesis cells and osteogenesis IL-17RA (5IL-17R) TH17 cells, CD81 Epithelial/endothelial Induction of and IL-17RC proinammatory cells, broblasts, T cells, NK cells, (5IL-17RL) cytokines, osteoblasts, NKT cells, gd T chemokines, and monocytes, cells, neutrophils metalloproteases; macrophages recruitment of neutrophils IL-17RA (5IL-17R)
TABLE I. (Continued) Cytokine IL-18 Structure Heterodimer Size molecular weight 22.3 kd Receptors IL-18R Cell sources Wide range of cells, mainly macrophages, Kupffer cells, keratinocytes, osteoblasts, astrocytes, DCs Cell targets Major functions Disease association
IL20R1/ 20.5 kd, IL-20R2 predicted size of precursor; 17 kd, predicted size of mature protein; 35-40 kd, found in transfected cells, glycosylated 20 kd, predicted size IL-20R1/IL-20R2 and IL-22R1/ILof precursor; 17.5 kd, predicted size of 20R2 mature protein 15 kd IL-21R
Induction of IFN-g Autoimmune diseases Variety of cells, in presence of T cells, NK cells, or inammatory IL-12, enhances NK disorders, RA, macrophages, cell cytotoxicity, epithelial cells, psoriasis, MS, type I promoting TH1 chondrocytes diabetes or TH2cell responses depending cytokine milieu Keratinocytes Unknown Psoriasis
Monocytes, keratinocytes, epithelial and endothelial cells T cells (predominantly TH17), NKT cells
Keratinocytes, monocytes
CD41 T cells, CD81 T cells, B cells, DCs, macrophages, keratinocytes Tissue cells like keratinocytes, subepithelial myobroblasts T cells (TH17 cells) and macrophages
23 kd
IL-23 (p191p40)
IL-10R2 chain Activated T cells and IL-22R1 chain (predominantly TH17), NKT cells (NK-22) IL-12Rb1 Macrophages, and IL-23R activated DCs
IL-25 (IL-17E)
IL20R1/IL-20R2 23.8 kd, and IL-22R1/ predicted size of unprocessed IL-20R2 precursor; 18 kd, unglycosylated mature protein; 35 kd, observed size of secreted IL24, glycosylated 17 kd IL-17RA and IL-17RB
Cancer, SLE, RA Regulation of proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, antibody isotype balance, cytotoxic activity Psoriasis, IBD, Pathogen defense, cancer wound healing, tissue reorganization Stimulate production Susceptibility to of proinammatory extracellular pathogens, IL-17 and promote exacerbate memory organ-specic T-cell proliferation autoimmune inammation Tumor suppression Melanoma, psoriasis
38 kd
IL-27 (p281EBI3)
TH2 cells, mast and TH2 memory epithelial cells, cells eosinophils and basophils from atopic individuals Activated T cells Epithelial cells (predominantly TH17), NKT cells Activated DCs, T cells, NK cells macrophages, epithelial cells
IL-28R1/ IL-10R2
Monocyte-derived DCs
Gastrointestinal Induction of TH2 disorders, responses, IgE, IgG1, IL-4, IL-5, IL- asthma 13, and IL-9 production IBD Activation and regulation of epithelial cells Induction of Tbet Immune pathology promoting TH1-cell because of uncontrolled differentiation, inammatory inhibition of TH17response cell response via STAT1 Antiviral immunity Role in allergic and autoimmune diseases
TABLE I. (Continued) Cytokine IL-31 Structure 4-Helix bundle Size molecular weight 24 kd Receptors IL-31RA/OSMRb Cell sources Cell targets Major functions Disease association
Keratinocytes, Activated CD41 T epithelial cells, cells (mainly TH2) monocytes, and CD81 T cells eosinophils, basophils
14.9-26.6 kd
b-Trefoil fold
Monocytes, macrophages, NK cells, T cells, epithelial cells Necrotic cells and nuocytes
Atopic dermatitis, Induction of IL-6, allergic contact IL-8, CXCL1, dermatitis, prurigo CXCL8, CC chemokine ligand 2, nodularis, chronic and CC chemokine spontaneous ligand 8 production urticaria, nonatopic eczema, asthma, in eosinophils, other inammatory upregulates disorders chemokine mRNA expression in keratinocytes, expression of growth factors and chemokines in epithelial cells, inhibition of proliferation and apoptosis in epithelial cells Induction of TNF-a, RA, IBD, autoimmune Macrophages, diseases IL-8, and IL-6, DCs, T cells, PBMCs, monocytes apoptosis
Basophils, mast cells, Transcriptional Autoimmune and eosinophils, NK repressor activity, cardiovascular cells, NKT cells, induction of diseases, asthma, TH2 cells, DCs, TH2 inammation gastrointestinal tract and lung disorders nuocytes on mucosal tissues Proliferation
39 kd monomers
IL-35 (p351EBI3)
60 kd
Monocytes, Heart, brain, liver, macrophages kidney, spleen, thymus, testes, ovary, small intestine, prostate, colon, most abundant in spleen Treg cells Different T-cell subsets
17-24 kd
IL-18Ra ?
34 kd
Proliferation of Treg IBD, collagen-induced cells and inhibition arthritis of TH17-cell function, suppression of inammatory responses RA Suppression of Intracellular Monocytes, tonsil plasma cells, breast mechanism manner proinammatory cytokines and and DC carcinoma cells inhibition of DC activation NK and NKT cells, Epithelial cells, Antiviral properties, Susceptibility to macrophages, intracellular macrophages, DCs, promotes cytotoxic myelomonocytic pathogen infection activity, TH1 NK cells, T and B cells, Th1 cells, and tumor cells differentiation, development, type upregulation of CTL and B cells MHC class I and II, 1 diabetes, RA, experimental inhibition of cell autoimmune growth, proapoptotic effects encephalomyelitis and control of AICD, regulation of local leukocyteendothelial interaction, and enhancement of microbial killing ability
AICD, Activation-induced cell death; CTL, cytotoxic T lymphocyte; NK, natural killer; OSMRb, oncostatin-M receptor b; sIL-6R, soluble IL-6 receptor; STAT1, signal transducer and activator of transcription 1.
caspase-1 to become a biologically active molecule.23 The IL-18 receptor (R) complex consists of a heterodimer that contains 2 chains. Although it was originally discovered as an inducer of IFN-g production, IL-18 alone induces only small amounts of IFN-g, whereas its combination with IL-12 induces high levels of IFN-g production by T cells. The biological activity of IL-18 can be neutralized by the IL-18binding protein, which binds mature IL-18 with a high afnity. IL-18 expression correlates with activities of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and Crohn disease.23 IL18decient mice are more susceptible to bacterial infections than normal mice and have uncontrolled disease progression that is accompanied by reduced responses of TH1 cells (Table II).24
IL-33 As part of the IL-1 family, IL-33 is a potent inducer of TH2 responses via its receptor, ST2.25 Binding of IL-33 to ST2 causes its homodimerization and recruitment of the IL-1R accessory protein (IL-1RacP).26 In vitro, polarized TH2 cells produce increased amounts of TH2 cytokines in the presence of IL-33. The soluble form of ST2 is released by broblasts, macrophages, and monocytes in the presence of LPS, TNF-a, IL-1, or TH2 cell clones; soluble ST2 inhibits binding of IL-33 to its receptor and is a negative regulator of its activity.27 Levels of soluble ST2 are increased in individuals with inammatory conditions such as SLE, RA, idiopathic pulmonary brosis, asthma, progressive systemic sclerosis, Behcet disease, Wegener granulomatosis, severe trauma, and sep sis. ST2-decient mice have normal maturation of TH2 cells but altered antigen-specic TH2 type responses, increased rates of ventricular brosis, and cardiomyocyte hypertrophy in response to ventricular pressure overload.
IL-2 IL-2, discovered more than 30 years ago in supernatants of activated T cells, is mainly produced by CD41 and CD81 T cells, and to a lesser extent by activated DCs and NK and NK T (NKT) cells.34 The IL-2R consists of 3 subunits: the ligand-specic a chain IL-2Ra (CD25), the b-chain IL-2Rb (CD122, which is also part of the IL-15R complex), and the common gc (Fig 1). All 3 subunits are required for the assembly of the high-afnity IL-2R. On T-cell activation, IL-2Ra is rapidly induced and participates in formation of a high-afnity quaternary complex, which activates multiple signal transduction pathways.35 IL-2 is essential for the development of Treg cells. IL-2 also acts as a B-cell growth factor, stimulates antibody synthesis, and promotes proliferation and differentiation of NK cells to increase their cytolytic functions.36 Recombinant human IL-2 is used in immunotherapy for cancer and AIDS associated with HIV. AntiIL-2Ra inhibits the immune response in patients with autoimmune diseases and prevents rejection of transplanted organs.37 IL-4 IL-4 is a 15-kd monomer (129 amino acids) produced by TH2 cells, basophils, mast cells, and eosinophils. There are 2 types of IL-4Rs (Fig 1). Type I IL-4R binds only IL-4 and consists of 2 receptor chains: IL-4Ra (CD124) and the common gc (CD132). Type II IL-4R binds IL-4 and IL-13 and consists of the IL-4Ra and the IL-13Ra1 chains.35 A pleiotropic cytokine, IL-4 regulates allergic conditions and the protective immune response against helminths and other extracellular parasites.38 IL-4 is the major stimulus of TH2-cell development (Fig 2); it also suppresses TH1-cell development and induces IgE classswitching in B cells. IL-4 increases the expression of class II MHC molecules in B cells, upregulates B-cell receptors, increases expression of CD23, prolongs lifespans of T and B cells in culture, and mediates tissue adhesion and inammation. IL-4 and IL-4Ra knockout mice have defects in TH2-cell differentiation and reduced serum levels of IgG1 and IgE.39 IL-7 IL-7, also known as preB-cell growth factor or lymphopoietin-1, is a homeostatic cytokine.40 The IL-7R is present on most T cells, progenitors of B cells, and bone marrow macrophages; it consists of the IL-7Ra (CD127) chain and the common gc (CD132) (Fig 1).35 Because gc is ubiquitously expressed on lymphocytes, IL-7 responses are determined by the expression of IL-7Ra, which is shared with thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) receptor. IL-7 signaling contributes to survival and proliferation of thymocytes and development of naive and memory B and T cells, mature T cells, and NK cells. Studies of IL-7 and IL-7Ra knockout mice have shown that IL-7 is important for homeostatic T-cell and B-cell development.41 IL-7 or reagents that block IL-7 signaling might be used to treat patients with HIV-associated immunodeciency and immunodeciency secondary to chemotherapy, autoimmune diseases, and lymphoid malignancies. IL-9 IL-9 was rst discovered in mice, where it was found to be a potent, antigen-independent growth factor for T cells42 and mast cells.43 TH2 cells are the main source of IL-9 production; mast
IL-37 Some IL-1 family (IL-1F) members were given an IL-1F designation but might be designated as individual ILs because of different functions. IL-37 was originally dened as IL-1 family member 7 (IL-1F7).28 IL-37 transcripts are detected in lymph nodes, thymus, bone marrow, placenta, lung, testis, and uterus.28,29 The protein is found in monocytes, tonsil plasma cells, and breast carcinoma cells.30,31 IL-37 has 5 different splice variants (IL-1F7a-e).32 IL-37b (IL-1F7b) is the largest isoform and shares signicant sequence homology with IL-18; it binds to the IL-18 receptor a-chain (IL-18Ra) and does not appear to be an antagonist of IL-18.31 TGF-b and several Toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands induce production of high levels of IL-37 by PBMCs; proinammatory cytokines such as IL-18, IFN-g, IL-1b, and TNF moderately increase IL-37 levels.33 IL-37b transgenic mice are protected from LPS-induced shock via reductions in proinammatory cytokines and the inhibition of DC activation (Table II).33
COMMON g-CHAIN CYTOKINE FAMILY The common g-chain (gc) family consists of ILs 2, 4, 7, 9, 15, and 21 and was named for binding of these factors to the common gc receptor (CD132; Fig 1). They act mainly as growth and proliferation factors for progenitors and mature cells and also have roles in lineage-specic cell differentiation.
IL-1a, IL-1b
IL-1ra (antagonist)
High susceptibility to develop collagen-induced arthritis, autoimmunity, arteritis Reduction of polyclonal T-cell responses, changes of the isotype levels in serum immunoglobulins, absence of secondary antiviral T-cell responses, and reduced NK-cell activity Abnormal seminal vesicle development; hydrocephaly
Transgenic mice overexpressing IL-1a in basal keratinocyte show spontaneous inammatory skin lesions Protected from collageninduced arthritis
Enlargement of peripheral lymphoid organs associated with polyclonal T-cell and B-cell expansion, development of lymphoproliferative and autoimmune disorders Normal hematopoiesis, growth, development, and longevity; diminished immunity to parasites (reduced numbers of mast cells) Severe trouble on TH2 differentiation, decreases in IgE and IgG1 serum levels IL-5Ra-/-: low IgM and IgG3 serum concentrations
Treg-cell deciency
Polymorphism associated with ulcerative colitis, lupus erythematosus, osteoporosis, and viral infections Development of X-linked severe combined immunodeciency
Severe trouble on TH2 differentiation, decreases in IgE and IgG1 serum levels Resistant to induction of experimental asthma
Transgenic mouse expressing antisense IL-3 RNA: death after 3-6 mo of age because of preBcell lymphoproliferative syndrome or neurologic dysfunction Allergic airways inammation and remodeling Prolonged wound healing because of increased eosinophilic invasion into the wound areas IL-6 transgenics: increase of IgG1, monoclonal transplantable plasmacytoma
Normal (viable, fertile), impaired regulation of T-cell trafcking, abnormalities in acute-phase response
High lymphopenia, impaired transition to preB cells, reduction of B-cell numbers in thymus and spleen Impaired neutrophil inltration but normal function
IL-6R: decreased production of serum amyloid A, 1/3 fewer T cells gp130-/embryos: dead at 12.5 days post coitus, decreased number of pluripotential and hematopoietic progenitors in liver, decreased number of T cells in the thymus General reduction of thymic and peripheral lymphoid cellularity
T-cell and early B-cell expansion, lymphoproliferative skin disorders, chronic colitis Excessive accumulation of neutrophils, decreased L-selectin expression on circulating neutrophils
CXCR2-/-: increased susceptibility to various pathogens; impaired wound healing; impaired angiogenesis; neurologic defects; altered growth of induced and implanted tumors
IL-8: -251 (IL-8 promoter region): AA genotype increases the risk of atrophic gastritis and gastric cancer because of elevated IL-8 levels and neutrophils inltration; CXCR1: M300R and R142C: reduced efciency of HIV infection because of reduced CD4 expression (Continued)
Mucus overproduction, mast cell proliferation, complete inhibition of allergic airways inammation and remodeling Mice have growth retardation, anemia, and chronic enterocolitis; they demonstrate elevated TH1 responses leading to accelerated clearance of infections; elevated TH2 responses leading to exaggerated allergic response No obvious abnormalities
IL-10R2-/- mice grow normally and are fertile but develop chronic colitis and splenomegaly after 12 wk of age
Development of X-linked severe combined immunodeciency, Hodgkin disease, large cells anaplastic lymphomas Polymorphisms in the promoter region of the IL-10 gene leading to variations in IL-10 expression have been associated with several diseases including cancer, autoimmunity, and allergy
IL-12 (p35/p40)
p40 KO: immunocompromised, susceptible to infection with several intracellular pathogens p35KO: defect in TH1 cells response and are highly susceptible to EAE and CIA Decreased levels of IL-4, IL-5, and IL-10
IL-11Ra-/-: no overt hematologic abnormalities, but increased bone volume; females are infertile because of impaired placenta development No obvious developmental abnormalities, impaired IFN-g secretion, TH1 differentiation, and NK cytolytic activity, which results in higher susceptibility to intracellular pathogens Upregulation of IL-13Ra2 and IL-13, higher amount of CD41 TH2 cells, increased frequency of eosinophils in granuloma, decrease in severity of hepatic brosis, decrease in IgE serum levels Defects restricted to appendicular skeleton Reduced numbers of NK, NK T, and CD81 T cells, almost a total lack of memory CD81 T cells
Induce survivin and antiapoptotic proteins in endothelial cells and increased broblasts and remodeling in lung
Reduced numbers of NK, NK T, and CD81 T cells, almost a total lack of memory CD81 T cells
Hypergammaglobulinemia (IgG, IgA, and IgM autoantibodies) Increase of CD81 T cells and lymphomas, inhibition of IL-2 induced activationinduced cell death, inhibition of allergic inammation in asthma model, elimination of colon-carcinoma cells
CCR5-decient mice show reduced binding of IL-16 to the cell surface and diminished T-cell migration Profound defects in host protection, resistance to several inammatory diseases Profound defects in host protection, resistance to several inammatory diseases Inammation and destruction of the tissue, neutrophilia
-295 (IL-16 promoter region): TT genotype is associated with Crohn disease; CC genotype is associated with contact dermatitis
Profound defects in host protection, enhanced TH2 cytokine production and eosinophil function Increased susceptibility to Leishmania major infection accompanied by decreased TH1-cell response, more susceptibility to viral infections with impairment of NK-cell activity Mice exhibit epidermal hyperplasia in response to intradermal IL-23 treatment No KOs described
SNP (His161Arg) associated with protection against asthma and chronic fatigue syndrome
Polymorphisms in the IL-19 gene have been associated with psoriasis Polymorphisms in the IL-20 gene have been associated with psoriasis
IL-20R2-/- mice are unresponsive to skin alterations induced by intradermal IL-23 injection Reduced serum IgG1 levels, increased IgE levels, reduced numbers of TH17 cells, reduced EAE progression
Overexpression leads to skin abnormalities and death within a few days after birth CD81 memory T-cell accumulation, elevated serum IgM and IgG1
Defects in host protection, increased intestinal epithelial damage p40 KO: immunocompromised p19 KO: can still generate TH1 cells and IFN-g, defect in delayed type hypersensitivity response, resistant to developing EAE and CIA Epidermal hyperplasia induced by intradermal injection of IL-23, a major cytokine implicated in psoriasis, was shown to be mediated by both IL-19 and IL-24 Constant expression of TH2 cytokines and higher levels of IgE, increases in mast cells in parasitic infections
Viral clearance, antiviral defense Ulcerative colitis, psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis and myocardial infarction, psoriasis, arthritis
No obvious developmental abnormalities, impaired IFN-g secretion, TH1 differentiation, and NK cytolytic activity, which results in higher susceptibility to intracellular pathogens
p40: Develop inammatory skin lesions p19: Develop systemic inammatory diseases
Lack of production of IL-5 and IL-13 by splenocytes, lower number of eosinophils, neutrophils, lymphocytes
Share many of the phenotypic features with IL-20 and IL-22 transgenics including epidermal hyperplasia, neonatal lethality, and abnormal keratinocyte differentiation Splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, and increases in eosinophils and B cells in the periphery, growth retardation and pronounced inammations of organs, TH2-like reactions in the lung Associated with protection from MS and RA (Continued)
EBI3: early defect in TH1-cell response during L major infection, resistant to oxazoloneinduced colitis
gp130: Severe developmental defects WSX-1: increased TH1, TH2, or TH17 cell response in several models of infection and inammation
COPD, asthma
No knockouts described Signicant enhancement of TH2-type response and granuloma formation in models with Schistosoma mansoni
No phenotype of transgenics described Alopecia, chronic pruritus, skin lesions, conjunctivitis and swelling around eyes, inverse T-cell:B-cell ratio Overexpression of human IL-32, more TNF-a, IL-1, IL-6 in response to LPS, increased collageninduced arthritis
None described
Altered antigen-specic TH2 responses, lack of pulmonary granuloma formation in the lung, absence of endotoxin tolerance Protected from LPS-induced shock Defects in TH1 cytokineinduced functions, susceptibility to intracellular pathogens, tumor development, enhanced EAE Defect in resistance to bacterial and viral infections Susceptibility to pulmonary tuberculosis, MS, myasthenia gravis, and arthritis manifestations
IL-37 IFN-g
CIA, Collagen-induced arthritis; COPD, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; EAE, Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis; GI, gastrointestinal; KO, knockout; SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism.
cells (mainly within the airways of subjects with asthma) and eosinophils secrete IL-9 to a lesser extent. IL-9 inhibits cytokine production by TH1 cells, promotes IgE production by B cells, induces chemokine and mucus secretion by bronchial epithelial cells, and promotes proliferation of mast cells.43 The IL-9R consists of the ligand-specic a-chain (IL-9Ra) and the common gc (Fig 1). The IL-9Ra chain is sufcient to bind IL-9 with high afnity but does not mediate any signal by itself. IL-9 has important roles in pathogenesis of asthma and allergies and in ghting helminth infections. A new population of T cells, TH9 cells that produce IL-9 and IL-10, have been proposed to contribute to inammation (Fig 2).12
biological functions have been identied on the basis of differences observed between phenotypes of IL-2 and IL-15 knockout mice.45
IL-15 IL-15 is structurally homologous to IL-2 and was discovered for its ability to induce T-cell proliferation like IL-2.44 Many of the biological actions attributed to IL-2 can also be induced by IL-15. The IL-15R consists of the IL-15Ra chain, the IL-2Rb chain, and the common gc (Fig 1).35 IL-15 is produced by nonimmune cells (keratinocytes and skeletal muscle cells) and immune cells (monocytes and activated CD41 T cells) in response to signals that induce innate immunity. Although IL-15 shares some functions with IL-2, such as activation of T cells, stimulation of NK-cell proliferation, and cytolytic activity, differences in their
IL-21 IL-21 is produced by T cells, NKT cells,46 and the TH17 subset of CD41 T cells.47,48 The receptor for IL-21 is expressed on various cells, indicating a broad spectrum of action. IL-21 affects B-cell functions by regulating antibody isotype balance, proliferation, apoptosis, and differentiation into plasma cells. Cytotoxic activity and proliferation of CD81 T cells, NK cells, and NKT cells increase on stimulation with IL-21.49,50 IL-21 has been tested as an anticancer drug, and rst clinical trial results are promising by slowing down tumor progression in metastatic melanoma.51 In contrast with its anticancer effects, IL-21 also contributes to inammation in several disorders, as expected for a TH17-related cytokine. IL-10 FAMILY IL-10 IL-10 is an anti-inammatory factor that is an important regulator of several aspects of immune responses. The IL-10
gene maps to a cytokine cluster that includes the genes IL-19, IL20, IL-24, and IL-26 on chromosome 1q31-32.52 IL-10 is produced mainly by monocytes, T cells (mainly Tr1 cells), B cells, NK cells, macrophages, and DCs.53 Mast cells can also produce IL-10, which limits the rate of leukocyte inltration, inammation, and skin disorders such as contact dermatitis or after chronic ultraviolet B irradiation.54 IL-10 is secreted as a homodimer that consists of 2 subunits, each of 178 amino acids with a molecular weight of ;18 kd.55 The receptor complex for IL-10 is made up of 2 IL-10R1 and 2 IL-10R2 chains (Fig 1).56 IL-10 directly affects APC functions by downregulating the expression of MHC class II and costimulatory molecules on the surface of macrophages and monocytes.57 IL-10 inhibits the expression of many proinammatory cytokines, chemokines, and chemokine receptors58 and mediates allergen tolerance in allergen-specic immunotherapy and after exposure to high doses of allergen.14,59 In addition to these indirect effects, IL-10 directly affects T-cell activation by suppressing CD28, CD2, and signaling of the inducible T-cell costimulator via the tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1.60 In contrast with its inhibitory effects on T cells, IL-10 promotes survival, proliferation, and differentiation of human B cells and increases the production of IgG4.57 Several mouse models demonstrate the importance of IL-10 in regulation of the inammatory response. IL-10 knockout mice develop normal lymphocyte and antibody responses but have reduced growth, are anemic, and spontaneously develop chronic colitis.61
potential role in psoriasis, IL-20 has been associated with RA, atherosclerosis, and angiogenesis.68 It was shown to be an angiogenic factor in a rat model of ischemic disease and might be used to treat patients with ischemic disorders.69
IL-22 IL-22 was identied in mice as a gene that is induced by IL-9 in T cells.70 It binds to a complex of IL-22R1 and IL-10R2 (Fig 1).70,71 IL-22 is expressed by activated T cells and, at lower levels, by activated NK cells72; specically, it is produced by TH17 and TH22 cells73 and by NK-22 cells.74 The IL-10R2 chain, which is shared with other cytokine receptors, is ubiquitously expressed. The IL-22R1 chain, in contrast, is not detected on immune cells but in kidney, small intestine, liver, colon, lung, and particularly pancreas and skin.75 IL-22 induces genes that are involved in the antimicrobial defenses of keratinocytes.73 IL-22 is upregulated during bacterial infection,74 psoriasis, and atopic dermatitis.76,77 Although IL-22 has been associated with inammatory disorders, it might also have anti-inammatory effects.78-80 IL-24 IL-24 was rst described as melanoma differentiationassociated gene-7.81 Secreted human IL-24 undergoes extensive N-linked glycosylation and has an apparent molecular weight of ;35 kd.82 IL-24 binds to complexes made up of IL-22R1 and IL-10R2 or IL-20R1 and IL-20R2 (Fig 1).82 IL-24 is expressed by normal melanocytes, T cells, and monocytes.81,83 IL-24 specifically inhibits tumor growth.84 In a phase I clinical trial, intratumoral injections of a nonreplicating adenovirus vector that carried IL-24 were well tolerated and induced apoptosis in large volumes of tumor tissue.85 IL-26 IL-26 was discovered in a study of phenotypic changes in human T cells after transformation by Herpesvirus saimiri.86 Interestingly, mice and rats do not have the IL-26 gene, although zebrash, chickens, and frogs do; evolutionary conservation is limited.87 Expression of IL-26 seems to be restricted to memory T cells, NK cells, and TH17 cells.72,88 The receptor for IL-26 consists of the IL-10R2 chain, which is part of other receptors in this cytokine family, and the IL-20R1 chain (Fig 1).89 In contrast with IL-10R2, IL-20R1 has not been detected in immune cells, but IL20R1 is expressed on several types of epithelial cells and skin, testis, heart, placenta, salivary gland, and prostate cells.66,83 Partly because mice do not carry IL-26, there have been few studies of its physiological function or role in disease processes. However, because IL-26 is expressed by TH17 cells, it could have proinammatory effects in disorders such as Crohn disease.90 IL-28A, IL-28B, and IL-29 IL-28A, IL-28B, and IL-29 (alternatively termed IFN-l2, IFNl3, and IFN-l1, respectively) have homology with type I IFNs, although the intron-exon structure of their genes more closely resembles that of the IL-10 family.91,92 IL-28A, IL-28B, and IL29 all signal through the same receptor complex, which is composed of a single IL-28R1 chain and an IL-10R2 chain (Fig 1). Expression of IL-28 and IL-29 is induced by exposure of cells to polyriboinosinic:polyribocytidylic acid (poly I:C) or viral
IL-19 IL-19, rst isolated from an EBV-transformed, B-cell library is secreted as a 35 to 40kd glycosylated protein and functions as a monomer.62 IL-19 binds to a heterodimeric receptor made up of IL-20R1 and IL-20R2. This complex also binds IL-20 and IL24.56 IL-19 is expressed by LPS-stimulated monocytes, and low levels have been observed in B cells.62 Mouse IL-19 stimulates production of IL-6 and TNF-a and induces apoptosis and production of reactive oxygen species in monocytes, indicating a role in proinammatory responses.63 IL-19 might promote TH2-cell responses because it induces expression of IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, and IL-13 by activated T cells.64 Increased levels of IL-19 have been observed in patients with asthma, whereas lower circulating levels and increased epidermal expression of IL-19 were observed in patients with psoriasis.65 IL-20 The human IL-20 gene encodes a 176 amino acid protein that is secreted as a functional monomer.66 IL-20 can signal through a complex of IL-20R1 and IL-20R2 (also binds IL-19 and IL-24) or a complex of IL-22R1 and IL-20R2 (also binds IL-24; Fig 1).56 IL-20 is mainly produced by LPS-stimulated monocytes and DCs but is also produced by epithelial and endothelial cells as well as keratinocytes. IL-20 has important functions in skin. Transgenic overexpression in mice caused skin abnormalities that include hyperkeratosis, a thickened epidermis, and a compact stratum corneum; the mice are retarded in growth and die within the rst days after birth.66 Together with IL-19, IL-20 appears to have a role in the pathogenesis of psoriasistheir mRNA was detected in psoriatic lesions but not in uninvolved skin from the same subjects. Moreover, the expression of all receptor chains involved in IL-20 and IL-19 binding is upregulated in psoriatic skin.67 In addition to its
infection, indicating their antiviral activities.92 IL-28 and IL-29 inhibit replication of hepatitis B and C viruses, so they might be used to treat patients infected with these viruses.93 Interestingly, IL-28 and IL-29 might also promote the development of tolerogenic DCs.94
induces FoxP3 expression by Treg cells,106 and might contribute to immune privilege.107
IL-12 FAMILY IL-12, IL-23, IL-27, and IL-35 share receptor and ligand chains (Fig 1). However, their functions differ with their expression on different cell types and combinations of different receptor chains. IL-30 is the alternative designation for the p28 subunit of IL-27. IL-12 IL-12, rst described as NK stimulating factor, is a heterodimer that consists of a 35-kd light chain (p35) and a 40-kd heavy chain (p40).95 It is produced by activated monocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, microglia, and DCs. IL-12p70 consists of p35 and p40 subunits and binds to a heterodimeric receptor composed of IL-12Rb1 and IL-12Rb2.96 Each receptor subunit is expressed by activated T cells and NK cells, along with DCs and B-cell lines.97 IL-12 mediates development and maintenance of TH1 cells by inducing production of IFN-g by TH1 and NK cells. IL12 indirectly activates the antimicrobial, antiparasitic, and antitumor activity of macrophages and promotes cytolytic activity of NK cells and lymphokine-activated killer cells.98 Reduced production of IL-12 impairs TH1 responses and increases susceptibility to infection with intracellular pathogens. IL-23 IL-23 includes the IL-12p40 subunit and a distinct IL-23p19 subunit (Fig 1).99 IL-23 is mainly produced by phagocytic cells, macrophages, and activated DCs from peripheral tissues including the skin, intestinal mucosa, and lungs. Because they use the same p40 subunit, IL-23 and IL-12 have the IL-12Rb1 subunit in their receptor complexes. A second subunit (called IL-23R) is required for specic recognition of p19; this heterodimer forms the high-afnity IL-23R. Activated and memory T cells express high levels of the IL-23R, along with NK and NKT cells, eosinophils, monocytes, macrophages, DCs, and epithelial cells.99,100 A population of innate lymphoid cells responds to IL-23 and mediates intestinal immune pathology; these might be involved in pathogenesis of inammatory bowel disease (IBD).101 IL-27 IL-27 is a heterodimeric cytokine that consists of the p28 and EBI3 subunits. The p28 chain is related to IL-12p35, whereas the EBI3 is related to IL-12p40 and structurally resembles the soluble IL-6R (Fig 1).102 IL-27 is expressed predominantly by APCs (including DCs and macrophages) and endothelial cells. IL-27 mediates its effect through a heterodimeric receptor composed of IL-27Ra (WSX-1, T-cell cytokine receptor) and gp130a signal transducing chain that is shared by several cytokines.103 IL-27 is believed to have inammatory activity because it promotes early commitment of naive T cells to the TH1-cell lineage.104 Interestingly, it directly antagonizes the development of TH17-cell responses and limits induction of inammation by cells that produce IL-17 in the central nervous system.105 IL-27 also limits induction of uveitis and scleritis by cells that produce IL-17,
IL-35 IL-35 is a heterodimeric hematopoietin that consists of EBI3 and the p35 subunit of IL-12 (Fig 1).108 EBI3 is specically expressed in mouse FOXP31 Treg cells109; the EBI3/p35 heterodimer is constitutively secreted by these cells.109,110 Increased expression of EBI3 and IL-12a (p35) in mouse FOXP31 Treg cells, compared with effector T cells, and transcription analyses indicated that EBI3 expression is regulated by FOXP3.110 Covalent linkage between mouse or human forms of EBI3 and a p35 creates the heterodimeric IL-35 protein.111 IL-35 stimulation of mouse CD41CD251 Treg cells induced proliferation and IL-10 production but did not affect expression of FOXP3. On the contrary, stimulation of mouse CD41CD25 effector T cells with IL-35 and anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 antibodies induced proliferation of these cells, increased IFN-g production, and increased expression of T-box expressed in T cells (Tbet).111 CD41CD251 T cells expanded in the presence of IL-35 were able to suppress proliferation of CD41CD25 T cells. IL-35, but not EBI3 alone, inhibited differentiation of mouse CD41 T cells into TH17 cells that produce IL-17. Furthermore, in mice with collagen-induced arthritis, IL-35 reduced the incidence of arthritis, numbers of arthritic paws, and pathologic features of the disorder; IL-35 also increased serum levels of IL-10 and IFN-g and reduced induction of IL-17.111 TH2-LIKE CYTOKINES Cytokines produced during the induction and function of TH2 response include IL-4, IL-5, IL-9, IL-13, IL-25, IL-31, and IL33; these mediate immunity against helminth infections, IgE production, and eosinophilia (Fig 2). IL-5 IL-5 was initially described as an eosinophil and B-cell growth factor112; it is mainly produced by CD41 TH2 cells, activated eosinophils, mast cells, CD81Tc2 cells, gd T cells, NK cells, NKT cells, and CD4ckitCD3eIL-2Ra1 cells in Peyer patches. Its receptor shares the b-chain (CD131) with IL-3 and GM-CSF (Fig 1). IL-5 promotes proliferation, activation, differentiation, survival, and adhesion of eosinophils. TH2 cells that secrete IL-5 recruit eosinophils and contribute to the induction of airway hyperreactivity in patients with asthma.113 Levels of IL-5, TH2 cells, and eosinophils are increased in cases of bronchoalveolar lavage and correlate with asthma severity. IL5decient mice develop normally but are resistant to induction of experimental asthma, reduce expulsion of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis, and have fewer IgA1 cells in the lamina propria compared with control mice.114 Clinical trials targeting IL-5 have produced mixed results, but patients with refractory eosinophilic asthma were reported to have reduced numbers of exacerbations and eosinophils in sputum and blood and increased the quality of life.115 IL-13 IL-13 is a 4-helix bundle protein expressed by activated TH2 cells, mast cells, basophils, eosinophils, and NKT cells.116 Its
receptors are IL-13Ra1 and IL-13Ra2, and signaling occurs via the IL-4R complex type II, which consists of IL-4Ra and IL13Ra1 (Fig 1).117 IL-13Ra2 inhibits IL-13 and has been linked to brosis.118 IL-13 activates the same signal transduction pathways as IL-4 and induces IgE production. It also activates and recruits mast cells and eosinophils and promotes their survival. A combination of polymorphisms in factors in the IL-4 and IL-13 pathways increases risk of asthma by 16.8-fold; polymorphisms in only IL13 increase the incidence of asthma exacerbations in children and increase total IgE and eosinophils in blood samples.119,120 IL-13 knockout mice produce less IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, and IgE and fail to develop goblet cell hyperplasia (Table II).121 They are unable to expel N brasiliensis, indicating the role of IL-13 in parasite defense. IL-13Ra1 knockout mice lack features of asthma and airway remodeling.
activation and recruitment of neutrophils to the site of infection or injury.130 In addition to neutrophils, IL-8 also attracts NK cells, T cells, basophils, and GM-CSFprimed or IL-3primed eosinophils.131 Increased concentrations of IL-8 were found in inammatory sites in patients with diseases such as psoriasis, RA, respiratory syncytial virus infection, or chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases.132,133
IL-25 Because of homology with IL-17 family members, IL-25 has also been named IL-17E. It is produced by TH2 polarized T cells,122 mast cells, eosinophils, and basophils from atopic individuals. IL-25 induces production of TH2-associated cytokines. IL-25 knockout mice fail to expel N brasiliensis efciently123 because of subtle changes induction of TH2 cytokine responses and are very susceptible to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. An IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13producing, nonT-cell, nonB-cell population that is ckitpos FceR1neg precedes the increase in TH2 CD41 cells and has been proposed to produce IL-25.123 Transgenic expression of IL-25 leads to blood eosinophilia and increased levels of IgE, IgG1, IL-13, and IL-5. IL-25 might be involved in pathogenesis of asthma because it is expressed at high levels in lungs of sensitized mice after allergen challenge. Transgenic mice that express IL-25 only in lungs have increased numbers of eosinophils and CD41 T cells on allergen-specic stimulation. IL-31 IL-31 is expressed by activated CD41 T cells (mostly by TH2 cells) and, at lower levels, by CD81 T cells.124 IL-31 signals through a heterodimeric receptor complex that consists of the IL-31RA and oncostatin-M receptor b; this receptor is expressed mainly by keratinocytes but also by epithelial cells, dorsal root ganglia, eosinophils, basophils, and monocytes. IL-31 expression is increased in individuals with atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis,125 and prurigo nodularis.126 Transgenic overexpression of IL-31 in mice results in a phenotype that resembles nonatopic dermatitis.5 IL-31 might also be involved in pathogenesis of IBD. In mouse models of airway inammation, IL31 mRNA is upregulated in lungs after antigen challenge.5 ILs WITH CHEMOKINE ACTIVITY IL-8 IL-8 was identied as a neutrophil-specic chemotactic factor and later classied as a member of the CXC chemokine family.127 IL-8 is produced by a variety of cells, such as monocytes and macrophages, neutrophils, lymphocytes, and endothelial and epithelial cells after stimulation with IL-1-a, IL-1-b, IL-17, TNF-a, or TLRs.128 The receptors for IL-8 are CXCR1 (IL-8RA) and CXCR2 (IL-8RB).129 The major effector functions of IL-8 are
IL-16 IL-16 was discovered as a T-cellspecic chemoattractant.134 ProIL-16, its 80-kd precursor protein, is cleaved by caspases3, resulting in a 60-kd N-terminal fragment and a 14-kd to 17kd C-terminal fragment.135 The N-terminal fragment regulates the cell cycle, whereas the C-terminal fragment forms homotetramers (56 kd) that mediate cytokine functions.136 IL-16 mRNA and proIL-16 are constitutively expressed in T cells, eosinophils, and monocytes, whereas nonimmune cells such as epithelial cells and broblasts must be activated to transcribe IL-16 mRNA. IL-16 mediates its biological activity via CD4.136 IL-16 inhibits T-cell proliferation,137 promotes TH1-mediated responses, and reduces TH2-mediated inammation by activating the release of TNF-a, IL-1-b, and IL-15 and concomitantly inhibiting the production of IL-4 and IL-5.138
IL-17 FAMILY IL-17A, initially called IL-17, is the founding member of a structurally distinct cytokine family. It binds as a homodimer or as a heterodimer with IL-17F to its receptor, IL-17RA.139 IL-17A is expressed by activated CD41 TH17 cells (Fig 2),11 but its expression has also been detected in CD81 T cells, gd T cells, NK cells, and neutrophils.139 During TH17 differentiation, human naive T cells must be exposed to IL-1b, IL-6, IL-23, and TGF-b before they express maximum levels of IL-17.10 IL-17RA is expressed by lung, spleen, kidney, and liver.140 IL-17A is expressed by broblasts, epithelial cells, vascular endothelial cells, B and T cells, myelomonocytic cells, and bone marrow stromal cells.141 Consistent with the broad expression pattern of its receptor, IL-17A acts on a variety of cells, which respond by upregulating expression of proinammatory cytokines, chemokines, and metalloproteases. By inducing cells to produce chemokines, IL-17A attracts neutrophils to mediate defenses against different pathogens. IL-17A and TH17 cells are involved in several inammatory disorders, including pathogenesis of RA142 and multiple sclerosis (MS).143 Similarly, IL-17A is upregulated in mouse models of collagen-induced arthritis144 and experimental autoimmune encephalitis.145 Increased levels of IL-17A have also been found in patients with psoriasis, IBD, and allergic diseases like allergic asthma and atopic dermatitis. In contrast with its homolog IL-17A, IL-17B and its receptor IL-17RB are not expressed in immune cells, but instead in spinal cord, testis, small intestine, pancreas, stomach, prostate, ovary, colon mucosa, and cartilage.146 No specic receptors for IL-17C or IL-17D have been identied.147 IL-17C induces production of proinammatory cytokines and metalloproteases by certain cells147 and has been associated with pathological conditions such as arthritic paws of mice with collagen-induced arthritis.148 IL-17D is highly expressed in skeletal muscle, brain, adipose tissue, heart, lung, and pancreas.149 Lower levels are also found in
bone marrow, fetal liver, kidney, lymph node, placenta, spleen, thymus, tonsils, resting CD41 T cells, and resting B cells. Among the IL-17 family members, IL-17A and IL-17F have the highest degree of homologythey are 50% identical at the protein level.150 IL-17F binds to the same receptor as IL-17A (IL17RA), although with lower afnity.151 IL-17A and IL-17F form heterodimers, as expected from their structural similarities. There are 2 isoforms of IL-17F; each is expressed by activated TH17 cells.11 Like IL-17A, IL-17F acts on many cell types and induces similar proinammatory cytokines and chemokines, as predicted on the basis of their structural homology and expression patterns.
IL-11 with high levels of specicity, whereas gp130 is shared by receptors for IL-11, IL-6, ciliary neurotrophic factor, leukemia inhibitory factor, oncostatin-M, and cardiotrophin-1. IL-11 stimulates hematopoiesis by supporting the proliferation of myeloid, erythroid, and megakaryocyte progenitor cells.161 Recombinant IL-11 has been approved for treatment of thrombocytopeniaa major, dose-limiting, hematologic complication of chemotherapy for cancer.162
OTHER ILs IL-3 The human IL-3 gene is on chromosome 5, close to IL-5 and GM-CSF, indicating a common ancestral relationship. It is expressed by T cells, macrophages, stromal cells, NK cells, mast cells, and eosinophils. Because IL-3, IL-5, and GM-CSF share a common receptor subunit b-chain (CD131), their functions partially overlap (Fig 1). On binding IL-3, the b-chain forms a heterodimer with the cytokine-specic a-chain.152 IL-3 is a multilineage hematopoietic growth factor during early stages of hematopoiesis, in synergy with other cytokines. In combination with erythropoietin or GM-CSF and granulocyte colony stimulation factor (G-CSF), IL-3 induces erythroid or granulocytemacrophage lineages, respectively. IL-3 and TNF-a promote proliferation of CD341 progenitor cells; IL-3 also increases the activation and release of mediators from eosinophils and basophils in response to IgE FceR cross-linking.153 Mice that do not produce b-chains lack IL-3, IL-5, or GM-CSF signaling; these hematopoietic cytokines mediate TH2-mediated allergic airway inammation by inducing eosinophil accumulation, airway hyperresponsiveness, mucus hypersecretion, and IgE production.154,155 IL-6 IL-6 is a member of the IL-6type family of cytokines, which includes leukemia inhibitor factor, ciliary neurotrophic factor, and oncostatin-M. Its receptor consists of an IL-6binding chain (IL-6Ra) and the signal-inducing component (gp130). IL-6R exists in membrane-bound and soluble forms.156 IL-6 is a multifunctional, pleiotropic cytokine involved in regulation of immune responses, acute-phase responses, hematopoiesis, and inammation. It is produced by endothelial cells, broblasts, monocytes, and macrophages in response to different stimuli (IL-1, IL-17, and TNF-a) during systemic inammation. In innate immunity, IL-6 directs leukocyte trafcking and activation and induces production of acute-phase proteins by hepatocytes.157 IL-6 promotes T-cell proliferation, B-cell differentiation and survival, and plasma-cell production of IgG, IgA, and IgM.158 IL-11 IL-11 is formed via cleavage of a 199amino acid precursor, which results in a mature, 19-kd protein with 4 a-helices that are similar those of the IL-6 family.159 IL-11 is expressed by stromal cells, including broblasts, epithelial cells, endothelial cells, osteoblasts, and several tumor cell lines. IL-11 binds a heterodimeric receptor, consisting of IL-11Ra and gp130.160 IL-11Ra binds
IL-14 IL-14 was rst described as a high-molecular-weight, B-cell growth factor.163 Two transcripts are produced from opposite strands of the IL-14 gene, termed IL-14a and IL-14b.164 IL-14 is produced by T cells and B-lineage and T-lineage lymphoma cell lines.163,165 IL-14 binds and signals through a 90-kd receptor expressed on activated B cells166 to promote B-cell proliferation. This receptor is expressed on especially germinal-center B cells and surface IgDlow human tonsil B cells, including B1 cells and activated B2 cells.163,167 Phenotypes of transgenic mice that overexpress IL-14a resemble features of SLE or Sjgren syndrome; o older transgenic mice develop B-cell malignancies (CD51 Bcell lymphoma) similar to these observed in patients with these disorders,164 and the mice have hypergammaglobulinemia with IgG, IgA, and IgM autoantibodies. IL-32 IL-32 was originally described as an mRNA that was called NK cell transcript 4, which encoded a protein with many characteristics of a cytokine.168 The main sources of IL-32 are activated T cells and NK cells; epithelial cells express IL-32 on stimulation with TNF-a, IFN-g, IL-1b, and IL-18.169 Proteinase 3 cleaves IL-32a, resulting in the formation of 2 peptides that upregulate production of proinammatory cytokines by mouse and human monocytes.169 IL-32 is highly expressed in synovial tissue samples from patients with RA, and expression levels are associated with disease severity.169 IL-32 also regulates keratinocyte apoptosis and contributes to eczema formation in atopic dermatitis.170 Although IL-32 is not expressed by rodents, transgenic overexpression of IL-32 by endothelial and hematopoetic cells in mice intensied vascular inammation and exacerbated sepsis.171 IL-34 IL-34 (also known as uncharacterized protein C16orf77) is secreted as a homodimer of 39-kd monomers. IL-34 is expressed in various tissues, including the heart, brain, liver, kidney, spleen, thymus, testes, ovary, small intestine, prostate, and colon, and is most abundant in the spleen.172 The receptor for IL-34 is colonystimulating factor (CSF)1R. IL-34 stimulates monocyte proliferation. In human monocytes, IL-34, like CSF-1 (the other ligand for CSF-1R), stimulated phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2. IL-34 also promoted development of colony-forming unit macrophage, a macrophage progenitor, in human bone marrow cultures. IFN-g Cells from the innate (eg, NK cells, NKT cells, macrophages, myelomonocytic cells) and adaptive immune systems (eg, TH1 cells, cytotoxic T lymphocytes, and B cells) produce IFN-g.
A single IFN-g molecule interacts with 2 ligand-binding IFNGR1 (or IFNGR a) chains and 2 signal-transducing IFNGR2 (or IFNGR b) chains. Each chain is a member of the class II cytokine receptor family.173,174 High levels of IFN-g are expressed by TH1 cells, activating macrophages to kill microbes, promoting cytotoxic activities of other cells, and inducing apoptosis of epithelial cells in the skin and mucosa (Fig 2).175,176 In addition to its role in the development of a TH1 response and the B-cell isotype switching to IgG2a, IFN-g regulates MHC class I and II protein expression and antigen presentation. IFN-g also inhibits cell growth and apoptosis yet controls the extension of the immune response by inducing activation-induced cell death of CD41 T cells.9
FUTURE DIRECTIONS Several hundred secreted proteins regulate communication among immune system cells and between the immune system and cells of other tissues. Many new cytokines are likely to be categorized as ILs because of recent discoveries. The growing list of ILs requires a better classication strategy and improved understanding of their functions. Categorization according to sequence homogeneity, structure, and common receptor chains is useful, but most ILs do not t into any particular structural category. It might be better to group them on the basis of functions of T-cell subsets that produce them. Bioinformatics data and information about their roles in the evolution of the immune system, as well as their nonimmune functions in mammals, should be taken into consideration before a secreted protein and transcellular communicator is designated as an IL. It is apparent that we are still in the initial stages of characterizing the functions of many novel ILs.
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FROM IL-1 TO IL-12 IL-1 Discovery and structure IL-1 was rst described as a protein inducing fever and was called human leukocytic pyrogen.E1 After cloning of IL-1b cDNA, it was demonstrated that recombinant IL-1b produced fever in human beings.E2 In the same year, 2 cDNAs for IL-1 were reported, and its cloning resulted in the expression of 2 related proteins, termed IL-1a and IL-1b.E3 Now, 25 years later, 11 members of the IL-1 family exist. In this review, we concentrate on IL1a and IL-1b and the IL-1Ra. Genes for IL-1a, IL-1b, and IL-1Ra are closely associated in the region of 2q12-q21 of human chromosome 2. Human IL-1a and b share low sequence homology and are synthesized as 31 kd, variably glycosylated pro-cytokines that share 25% amino acid identity across their entire precursor structure and 22% amino acid identity over their mature segments.E4 The mature forms of these 2 cytokines have a single b-trefoil domain that is shared with broblast growth factors.E5 Receptor and signaling IL-1R belongs to the TollIL-1receptor (TIR) superfamily, which is dened by an intracellular TIR domain that initiates the signaling cascade. TIR receptors can be divided into 2 subgroups regarding the extracellular domains. One group contains a leucine-rich repeat motif, and the other group is characterized by an immunoglobulin-like domain. TLRs belong to the group with the leucine-rich repeat motif, whereas the immunoglobulin domain subgroup includes the IL-1Rs. IL-1a and IL-1b exert their similar effects by binding to IL-1RI. They can also bind to IL-1RII, which is in contrast, acting as a decoy receptor and not involved in signal transduction.E6 Two distinct IL-1R binding proteins plus a nonbinding signaling accessory protein have been identied.E7,E8 Both IL-1Rs contain a ligand-binding domain, which is composed of 3 immunoglobulin-like domains. Moreover, each receptor has an N-terminal signal peptide and a single membrane-spanning region. The main difference between IL-1RI and IL-1RII is in the intracellular domain, which is extremely short (29 amino acids) compared with IL-1RI (213 amino acids). Thus, the IL-1RII is unable to complex with IL-1 accessory protein (IL-1R-AcP), which is necessary for signal transduction. The functional role of IL-1RII is to avoid the interaction between IL-1 and IL-1RI by binding IL-1. Therefore, IL-1RII is acting as a natural inhibitor of IL-1 activity, a function complementary to that of IL-1Ra, which is an endogenous inhibitor of IL-1a and b and binds competitively to the IL-1 receptor without activating it. The extracellular domain of IL-1RI consisting of 319 amino acids is responsible for ligand binding and interacts with similar afnity either with agonist proteins IL-1a and IL-1b or with the antagonist protein IL-1Ra. In addition, proIL-1a binds with high afnity to IL-1RI, but there is no binding of proIL-1b. After binding of ligands to the IL-1R1 membrane receptor, the approximation of IL-1R1 and IL1AcP is necessary for initiation of signaling, which involves recruitment of adaptor molecules such as MyD88 and activation of IL-1Rassociated kinases (IRAKs), leading to activation of NF-kB and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)regulated transcription factors such as c-jun n-terminal kinase (JNK) and p38.E9
Cellular sources and targets IL-1 is expressed by many cells including macrophages, monocytes, lymphocytes, keratinocytes, microglia, megakaryocytes, neutrophils, broblasts, and synovial lining cells. IL-1RI is expressed on all cells responding to IL-1a and b, predominantly on T cells, broblasts, epithelial cells, and endothelial cells, and is often coexpressed with IL-1RII receptor. The translation of the precursors proIL-1a and proIL-1b starts after cell activation for example, by stimulation of membrane-bound TLR by TLR agonists such as endotoxins or LPS. Although both proteins, IL1a and b, are synthesized as leaderless secretory 31-kd precursors, there are fundamental differences in relation to localization, maturation, and secretion. ProIL-1a is already fully biologically active, in contrast with proIL-1b, which has no biological activity until it is processed by caspase-1.E10 Calpain processes proIL-1a to mature IL-1a, which remains intracellular or is membrane-associated for the most part and is usually not secreted. Only a small part of proIL-1a is cleaved by calpain into the mature 17-kd IL-1a form and the 16-kd N-terminal cleavage product.E11 IL-1a is only rarely found in the extracellular biological liquids or in the circulation.E12 For the generation of the 17-kd mature form of IL-1b, a proteolytic step is necessary. For this intracellular processing step of IL-1b, the IL-1bconverting enzyme, also known as caspase-1, is needed. Although there are 11 caspases in human beings, the proIL-1b processing is mainly mediated by caspase-1, which is part of complex of intracellular proteins called inammasome.E13 In resting cells, procaspase1 is bound to an inhibitor molecule, which prevents its activation. During initiation of IL-1b synthesis, caspase-1 is activated, which leads to processing of IL-1b precursor into a mature form ready for secretion. Caspase-8 also induces the processing of mature IL-1b in response to TLR3 and TLR4 stimulation.E14 Mature IL-1b remains dispersed in the cytosol until a second stimulus drives processing and release of the active form. It was shown that agents that reduce intracellular levels of potassium like ATP induce IL-1b secretion. Secretory lysosomes start releasing the processed IL-1b on activation of the nucleotide P2X7 receptor, which is one of the ATP receptors and triggers the efux of potassium ions out of the cell.E15 Because of ion efuxes, the electrical potential of the membrane is transiently changed, which enables IL-1b secretion. Role in immune regulation and cellular targets IL-1 plays an important role of the innate immune system, which regulates functions of the adaptive immune system. IL-1a and b are both potent proinammatory proteins and have diverse potentiating effects on proliferation, differentiation, and function of various nonadaptive as well as specic immunocompetent cells.E16 Twenty years ago, it was reported that human IL-1 is one of the mediators responsible for the acute-phase protein response of the liver in inammation.E17 Intravenously administered recombinant IL-1 is acting as an endogenous pyrogen and induces a rise in body temperature in rabbits.E18 The balance between IL1 and IL-1Ra in local tissues inuences the possible development of inammatory diseases. In the presence of excess amounts of IL-1, inammatory and autoimmune diseases may develop in many organs such as joints, lungs, central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, or blood vessels. IL-1b promotes the differentiation of human naive CD4+ T cells into TH17 cells.E19 In this context, it is described that
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TH17-cell differentiation is regulated via differential expression of IL-1RI, which is controlled by IL-7 and IL-15.E20 The importance of IL-1b for the induction of IL-17 was also demonstrated on T cells, which produce IL-17 after stimulation with IL-1b in combination with IL-23.E21 IL-17 is shown to play a key role in many autoimmune disorders, such as RA, MS, SLE, and IBD, as well as in allergy and asthma.E22 IL-1 also acts as a major inammatory mediator. It has been implicated as a regulator of bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells and progenitor cells.E23 It was shown that IL-1RIdecient mouse embryos show an increased myeloid differentiation, suggesting that IL-1 is an important homeostatic regulator at the earliest time of hematopoietic stem cells.E24 IL-1b induces synthesis of chemokines, including IL-8, which is a potent neutrophil chemoattractant.E25 Neutrophils can enhance the inammation by inducing proinammatory cytokines and release of neutrophil granule enzymes, which are involved in tissue damage.E26
present in active colitis samples than in samples with inactive colitis and noninammatory controls.E33 The correlation between tissue levels of IL-1 with the degree of mucosal inammation suggests that IL-1 is one of the critical mediators of intestinal inammation in IBD. In experimental animal models, blocking IL-1 in immune complexinduced colitis in rabbits markedly reduced inammatory cell inltration and necrosis in the colon, whereas neutralization of IL-1Ra led to prolonged intestinal inammation and increased the mortality.E34 Inammation plays an important role in the development and progression of atherosclerosis where the chronic inammation mediated by IL-1 has a recognized role. It could be demonstrated that IL-1 knockout (KO) or IL-1Ra KO mice developed less atherosclerosis.E35 In human beings, an association between IL1Ra gene polymorphisms and the severity of coronary disease has also been identied.E36 IL-1 also has important functions in many other diseases including osteoarthritis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, MS, and Alzheimer disease.
Role in host defense or other immune-regulatory conditions IL-1a and b, produced by activated macrophages and monocytes, are one of the key players in the innate immune response. They play an important role in coordination of local and systemic inammation by causing inammation and inducing the expression of other proinammatory genes like COX type II, inducible nitric oxide synthase, and other cytokines or chemokines. Moreover, IL-1b activates local endothelium to induce vasodilation, which results in an increase of the permeability of blood vessels. Consequently, serum proteins and leukocytes can be recruited to the site of infection. In addition, IL-1b activates hepatocytes to produce acute-phase proteins, which are important to activate and opsonize pathogens for phagocytosis by macrophages and neutrophils. IL-1b is also a key inducer of antimicrobial proteins, for example b- defensin, which plays a role in mucosal defense in the lungs during rst pathogen contact.E27 IL-1b plays a major role in a wide range of autoimmune and inammatory diseases by initiating and potentiating inammatory responses. IL-1 is implicated in RA, which is a chronic inammatory disease characterized by inammation, progressive joint destruction, and systemic manifestations. In this context, IL-1 was rst described as a factor released from activated chondrocytes leading to proteoglycan degradation.E28 Later, IL-1 could be measured in the local inammatory environment and was correlated with RA disease activity.E29 In experimental animal models of arthritis, injection of neutralizing antibodies to IL-1 suppressed cartilage proteoglycan synthesis and reversed synovial inammation in mice, in contrast with injection of recombinant IL-1 into mouse knees, which stimulated proteoglycan synthesis and leukocyte inltration.E30,E31 However, IL-1a is also implicated in the pathogenesis of arthritis. IL-1a transgenic mice developed a severe polyarthritic phenotype characterized by accumulation of macrophages, hyperplasia of the synovial lining layer, and destruction of cartilage.E32 Because of the wide range of experimental data supporting the role of IL-1 in RA, clinical trials with agents blocking IL-1 have been carried out (see section IL-1Ra). IL-1 is also important in the pathogenesis of the IBD, which covers a group of disorders in which the intestines become inamed probably as a result of an autoimmune disorder. IBD is divided into 2 major disorders: ulcerative colitis and Crohn disease. In mucosal biopsies, higher IL-1 mRNA levels were
Role in allergic diseases Although IL-1 has major functions in a wide range of autoimmune diseases, it is also implicated in the inammatory process of allergic diseases. It is well known that patients with atopic dermatitis have defects in innate immune responses and therefore are predisposed for skin infections with Staphylococcus aureus resulting in disease aggravation. IL-1 pathways are implicated in the host response to S aureus. It has been shown that patients with atopic dermatitis have an increased ratio of IL-1R antagonist to IL-1a in the stratum corneum, which would have an inhibitory effect on IL-1mediated actions.E37 The importance of IL-1 for the S aureus defense is also demonstrated by a cutaneous infection model in IL-1Rdecient mice showing larger skin lesions, higher bacterial counts, and lower neutrophil numbers.E38 IL1b is required for the differentiations of TH17 cells,E39 which are increased in airways of patients with asthma.E40 In addition, IL-1b induces airway neutrophilia and increases airways responsiveness selectively to bradykinin in the rat.E41 IL-1 in mice and human mutations Mice decient in IL-1a or IL-1b or doubly decient in IL-1a and IL-1b show no different phenotype compared with the same strain of wild-type mice, indicating that IL-1 is not essential for normal embryonic development and postnatal growth. In contrast, when local or systemic inammation is induced, IL-1 deciency leads to reduced inammatory response and increased susceptibility to infections, whereas IL-1b plays a greater role in inammation than IL-1a. Fever development on injection with turpentine was suppressed in IL-1b as well as IL-1bdecient mice, but not in IL-1bdecient mice, indicating that IL-1b but not IL-1a is crucial in febrile responses.E42 IL-1Ra Discovery, structure, receptor, and signaling Another member of the IL-1 super family is the IL-1Ra, which was discovered in 1984. IL-1Ra is also synthesized and released in response to the same stimuli that drive IL-1 release. However, IL1Ra lacks the IL-1R-AcP interacting domain. Thus, its binding to IL-1RI results in inhibition of the IL-1 signaling cascade. Consequently, IL-1Ra acts as a physiological inhibitor of IL-1 by silencing IL-1dependent cell activation. IL-1Ra can also bind to IL-1RII,
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suggesting that the inhibitory activity of IL-1Ra depends on the balance between IL-1RI and IL-1RII.E43 There are at least 4 isoforms of IL-1Ra, of which 3 isoforms are intracellular located and 1 has a signal peptide and is generally secreted without requiring maturation in the endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi exocytic pathway. The intracellular isoforms could be detected in monocytes, broblasts, endothelial cells, keratinocytes, and other epithelial cells, whereas the originally described isoform of IL-1Ra is secreted from monocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, and other cells.E44
Role in immune regulation and cellular targets IL-1Ra neutralizes the effects of IL-1. Complete inhibition of IL-1 requires 10-fold to 100-fold molar excess of IL-1Ra over IL-1. As a drug for therapeutic applications, a nonglycosylated recombinant form of human IL-1Ra called anakinra is available that competitively inhibits IL-1 by binding to IL-1RI. Anakinra binds IL-1 receptors with an afnity nearly equal to that of IL-1 and operates in the same manner as the endogenous IL-1Ra.E45 In vitro, it has been demonstrated that anakinra antagonizes IL-1induced prostaglandin E2 secretion, production of metalloproteinases, and proteoglycan degradation.E46 In addition, IL-1induced stimulation of hyaluronic acid was inhibited by anakinra in a dosedependent manner in human synovial cells, and anakinra reversed the decrease in proteoglycan synthesis induced by IL-1.E47 Intravenous injection of IL-1Ra into rabbits given an intra-articular injection of recombinant IL-1b inhibits leukocyte inltration into the synovial lining and joint cavity and also blocks the ability of IL-1 to cause loss of proteoglycan from articular cartilage.E48 Role in host defense or other immune-regulatory conditions The fact that IL-1Ra gene deciency causes autoimmunity and joint-specic inammation suggests that the balance between IL-1 and IL-1Ra is important in maintaining the normal physiology of the joints and homeostasis of the immune system.E49 Polymorphisms of the IL-1Ra gene, which can lead to changes in the IL-1Ra and IL-1 balance, is associated with susceptibility and progress of a variety of diseases, such as ulcerative colitis, lupus erythematosus, osteoporosis, and viral infections.E50 Anakinra is administrated as a once-daily subcutaneous injection and is well tolerated by the patients. Studies demonstrate its efcacy as monotherapy for treatment of patients with RA.E51 Ten years ago, results of the rst clinical study in human beings evaluating the efcacy and safety of IL-1Ra antagonist in patients with RA showed a benecial effect on the rate of joint erosion after treatment with anakinra (150 mg/d).E51 In addition, anakinra treatment has been reported to be effective in some patients with systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis or adult-onset Still disease. Lequerre et alE52 showed that therapy with anakinra was effective in most patients with adult-onset Still disease, but less than 50% of patients with systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis achieved a marked improvement.E52 Because of the strong connection between IL-1 and cardiovascular diseases, the antiIL-1 therapy with anakinra was also applied to patients with cardiovascular disease. Recently, it was shown that IL-1 inhibition by administration of anakinra improves vascular and left ventricular function in patients with RA and is associated with reduction of nitro-oxidative stress and endothelin.E53 An animal study with mice demonstrated that administration of anakinra within 24 hours of acute myocardial infarction signicantly ameliorates the remodeling process by
inhibiting cardiomyocyte apoptosis.E54 These results may suggest that anakinra could be useful to prevent postischemic cardiac remodeling and heart failure. Depletion of granulocytes and monocytes by selective apheresis is one treatment opportunity of ulcerative colitis. The mechanism of clinical efcacy associated with this therapy could be explained by the release of IL-1Ra and the increase of IL-1Ra in the Adacolumn (Otsuka Pharmaceuticals, Middlesex, UK) outow during therapy.E55 Moreover, it is well accepted that patients with IBD have a decreased ratio of IL-1Ra/IL-1b in their colonic mucosal tissue.E56 In animal models, it has been suggested that exogenous administration of IL-1Ra has a therapeutic benet in experimental colitis. Regarding the benecial effects of anakinra in patients with RA, further investigations of this mode of therapy in IBD are warranted.
IL-1Ra in allergic diseases Although IL-1Ra has its main functions in autoinammatory diseases, there is some evidence that IL-1Ra could be involved in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis and asthma. As described, IL-1b is detected in the airways and contributes to the changes in the airways. Therefore, inhibition of IL-1b by IL-1Ra can reduce local inammation and airway hyperresponsiveness. In this context, it was demonstrated that variants in the IL-1Ra gene are associated with asthma and contribute to the pathology of asthma.E57 After treatment of antigen-sensitized guinea pigs with IL-1Ra, the bronchial hyperreactivity and the leukocyte inux into the BAL decreased.E58 IL-1Ra in mice models Mice decient in IL-1Ra have low litter numbers and exhibit growth retardation in adult life.E59 Moreover, IL-1Ra KO mice spontaneously developed inammation in constitutively stressed artery walls, suggesting that IL-1Ra is required to prevent the development of lethal arteritis.E60 Furthermore, another study shows that IL-1Ra KO mice spontaneously developed chronic inammatory polyarthropathy. The developed disease was similar to human RA, and in the joints, proinammatory cytokines such as IL-1b, IL-6, and TNF-a were overexpressed.E49 IL-2 Discovery and structure Morgan et alE61 and Gillis and SmithE62 demonstrated 30 years ago that cultured media of activated T cells contain mediators that induce the proliferation of antigen-activated T cells. In 1965, Kasakura and LowensteinE63 and Gordon and MacLeanE64 found a soluble mitogenic factor for lymphocytes in the culture media of mixed leukocytes. In the ensuing years, it had become clear that a single protein was responsible for this effect, and this T-cell growth factor has been called IL-2. IL-2 is a monomer of 15.5 kd and consists of 133 amino acids. It is a member of the 4 a-helix bundle cytokine family. These family members (IL-2, IFN, and IL-10 subfamilies) are characterized by antiparallel juxtaposed helices A, C, B, D, and 2 long end-to-end loops, loops AB and CD, which are connected by a short b-sheet packed against helices B and D.E65 Receptor and signaling The IL-2R consists of 3 subunits, the ligand-specic a-chain IL-2Ra (CD25, originally called Tac for T activation); the
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b-chain IL-2Rb (CD122), which is also part of the IL-15 receptor complex; and the common gc (CD132), which is shared by IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, IL-15, and IL-21. IL-2Ra consists of 2 sushi domains (see also IL-15Ra).E66 IL-2Ra and IL-2Rb are important for cytokine binding, whereas IL-2Rb and gc are involved in signal transduction. All 3 subunits are required for the formation of the high-afnity IL-2R (kd ; 10211 M/L). The IL-2Rb/gc complex is expressed at low levels on resting T cells (and on NK cells). Binding of IL-2 to this complex (kd ; 1029 M/L) induces cell growth. On T-cell activation, IL-2Ra is rapidly induced, thereby building the high-afnity quaternary complex, reducing the concentration of IL-2 needed for growth stimulation. IL-2Ra is found on subsets of developing pre-T and pre-B cells, but because these cells lack gc, they do not respond to IL-2. Also, the development of T and B cells in young IL-2Radecient mice is normal before their accompanying severe autoimmunity disrupts lymphocyte development. In addition, IL-2Ra is prominently found on natural CD4+FOXP3+ Treg cells, the commonly known CD4+CD25+ Treg cells.E67,E68 Binding to IL-2Ra alone with low afnity (kd ; 1028 M) does not lead to a detectable biologic response, but promotes association with IL-2Rb and g-chains. The quaternary complex (IL-2, IL-2Ra, IL-2Rb, gc) induces IL-2 signaling that results in the activation of multiple signal transduction pathways, including the Janus kinase (Jak)/signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT), Ras/MAPK, and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/ Akt signaling pathways. Chronic T-cell stimulation leads to a shedding of IL-2Ra, which is a marker for strong antigenic stimulation. Although individual IL-2R subunits are widely distributed on many different cell types, only 2 major cell subsets readily coexpress all 3 subunits, which are required for the high afnity IL-2R, namely CD4+FOXP3+ Treg cells and activated conventional CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Thus, Treg cells and antigen-activated T cells represent the main population of cells poised to respond to IL-2 in vivo.
response. IL-2 is also essential for the development of Treg cells, which provides another mechanism to abate the immune response.E69 IL-2 promotes also the proliferation and differentiation of NK cells and enhances their cytolytic functions. Because NK cells express only the IL-2Rb/gc complex (they do not express IL2Ra), high amounts of IL-2 are necessary for their stimulation. Furthermore, IL-2 acts on B cells as a growth factor and as a stimulus for antibody synthesis.
Cellular sources and targets IL-2 is mainly produced by CD4+ and CD8+ T cells after activation by antigens/T-cell receptor (TCR) and costimulation. IL-2 production is transient; a peak secretion occurs after 8 to 12 hours after stimulation. To a lesser extent, activated DCs and NK and NKT cells produce IL-2; however, the biological relevance of this is not known yet. Target cells of IL-2 include CD4+CD8+ T cells, NK cells, and B cells. Role in immune regulation and cellular networks IL- 2 is a central player for T-celldependent immune responses. Activation of T cells through TCR and costimulatory molecules such as CD28 induces production of IL-2 and expression of IL-2R. The binding of IL-2 to its receptor subsequently drives extensive clonal expansion and effector T-cell and B-cell development. Role in host defense or other immune-regulatory conditions IL-2 is an essential growth factor for T cells; however, repeated activation of CD4+ T cells with IL-2 makes these cells sensitive to Fas-induced apoptosis (activation-induced cell death [AICD]) and contributes thereby to the termination of a persistent immune
Functions as demonstrated in IL-2deleted mice, receptor-decient mice, human mutations, and clinical use IL-2decient mice are normal with regard to thymocyte and peripheral T-cell subset composition, but a dysregulation of the immune system is manifested by reduced polyclonal in vitro T-cell responses and by dramatic changes in the isotype levels of serum immunoglobulins.E70 Nevertheless, the IL-2 deciency model evaluating the costimulatory signals in T-cell induction showed that secondary antiviral T-cell responses were absent unless IL-2 was given in vivo. Primary and secondary cytotoxic T-cell responses against vaccinia and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus were within normal ranges, B-cell reactivity to vesicular stomatitis virus was not impaired, TH-cell responses were delayed, but biologically functional and NK-cell activity was markedly reduced.E71 IL-2Ra-chaindecient mice have demonstrated that this receptor chain is essential for the regulation of both the size and content of the peripheral lymphoid compartment. Young mice that lack IL-2Ra had phenotypically normal development of T and B cells, but adults developed massive enlargement of peripheral lymphoid organs associated with polyclonal T-cell and B-cell expansion.E72 Older IL-2Radecient mice also develop autoimmune disorders, including hemolytic anemia and IBD, which was shown in IL-2decient mice.E73,E74 It was quite surprising that the resulting phenotype of mice decient in IL-2 or in the a-chain or b-chain of its receptor was not immunodeciency, as predicted, but rather a very serious lymphoproliferative and autoimmune disorder.E70,E75,E76 The unexpected observation that deciency of IL-2 or of the achain or b-chain of IL-2R results not in immunodeciency but in autoimmune disease can be explained by failure of AICD in T cells and by a defect in CD4+CD25+ FOXP3+ Treg-cell production.E77 Even though IL-2 and IL-15 share 2 of 3 receptor units (IL-2Rb and gc), IL-15decient and IL-15Radecient mice have no autoimmune deciency and contain a normal number of FOXP3+ Treg cells, which indicates that IL-2 is the critical cytokine for Treg cells. Thymus-restricted transgenic expression of IL-2Rb can restore functional CD4+CD25+ Treg cells, suggesting that IL-2 signaling in the thymus is critical for the development of Treg cells.E78 In an IL-2Radecient patient, an immunodeciency has been described that was characterized by a decreased number of peripheral T cells, abnormal proliferation but normal B-cell development, and extensive lymphocytic inltration is accompanied by tissue atrophy and inammation. Although mature T cells were present, the absence of CD25 affected the differentiation of thymocytes.E79 Human beings with a mutation in the common gc (as mentioned, this includes defect signaling of IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, IL15, and IL-21) have X-linked severe combined immunodeciency
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(XSCID) 1, a disease characterized by the absence of T and NK cells and the presence of nonfunctional B cells. Because IL-2Ra is continuously expressed by malignant T cells of patients with leukemia, autoimmunity, and organ transplant rejections, but not expressed by any resting T and B cells except Treg cells, it is an interesting target for therapeutic interventions.E80 Antagonistic IL-2Ra mAbs (anti-Tac/daclizumab, basiliximab) are effective in preventing rejections of organ transplants. The administration of these antibodies blocks the interaction of IL-2 with IL-2R and leads to cytokine deprivation and death in IL2dependent cells. In addition, administration of daclizumab alone has been shown to be useful for the treatment of T-cell mediated autoimmune diseases associated with abnormalities of the IL-2/IL-2R system. In particular, daclizumab provided an effective therapy for patients with noninfectious uveitis.E81 IL-2 itself (proleukin) is therapeutically used as an immune adjuvant in certain types of lymphoproliferative diseases and cancers, but severe dose-limiting toxicity has limited its effectiveness in the clinic (activation of the IL-2Rb/gc complex on NK cells).
IL-3 Discovery and structure Human IL-3 was rst identied by screening a human cDNA library using gibbon IL-3 cDNA as a hybridization probe.E82 The human IL-3 gene is encoded on the long arm of chromosome 5 in proximity to the IL-5 and GM-CSF gene, indicating a common ancestral relationship. IL-3 is a monomeric, N-glycosylated protein, consisting of 152 amino acids with a molecular weight of 15.1 kd. The crystal structure of IL-3 reveals 4 a-helices in an up-up-down-down antiparallel conformation with long overhand loops between each of the helices.E83 This 4 a-helical bundle motif is highly similar to the structure of GM-CSF and to the IL-5 homodimer. Receptor and signaling Beside the functional structure, IL-3, IL-5, and GM-CSF also share the common receptor subunit b-chain (CD131), resulting in partially overlapping functions of these hematopoietic cytokines. The b-chain forms a heterodimer together with the cytokinespecic Ra on cytokine binding.E84 IL-3Ra (CD123)E85 exists as a transmembrane molecule. It binds the antiparallel rst and third loop of IL-3 and initiates the signaling via its cytoplasmic domain. The b-chain interacts with a distinct domain of IL-3, which is centered around a conserved glutamate residue, and completes the signal transductions via its long cytoplasmic tail. Although the b-chain displays a potential N-glycosylation site at asparagine 328, recently N-glycans were shown not to be relevant for ligand binding and receptor activation.E86 On binding of IL-3 to its heterodimeric receptor, 3 principal signaling pathways are activated: the Jak/STAT pathway, the MAPK pathway, and the PI3K pathway. The rst event in the Jak/STAT pathway is the phosphorylation of the receptor-associated kinases Jak2 and Jak1. Activated Jak2 and Jak1 in turn phosphorylate the b-chain on 6 critical tyrosine residues that serve as binding sites for STAT1 and STAT5. The STAT family members bind to the receptor complex via their SH2 domains, become tyrosine-phosphorylated, and dimerize. STAT1 and STAT5 homodimers are able to translocate to the nucleus and bind to specic enhancer sequences in the promoter region of activated genes.
The MAPK pathway leads to the sequential activation of Ras, Raf-1, and MEK, resulting in ERK, JNK, and p38 signaling cascades. ERK eventually activates c-Fos and c-Jun, which form the heterodimeric transcription factor AP-1. Besides the induction of proliferation, the activation of the MAPK pathway inhibits apoptosis of target cells. The expression of antiapoptotic factors such as Pim1, cIAP2, Mcl-1, and Bcl-XL becomes upregulated in response to IL-3,E87 whereas the activity of the proapoptotic factor BAD is inhibited. The PI3K pathway is initiated by protein kinase A, which phosphorylates the b-chain, resulting in the recruitment and activation of PI3K. PI3K regulates multiple cellular processes such as proliferation, growth and cell size, rearrangement of the cytoskeleton, and apoptosis via the second messenger phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-triphosphate. Several negative feedback mechanisms have been described that downregulate the IL-3 signaling. Cytosolic tyrosine phosphatases such as SHP1 control the level of ligand-induced phosphorylated proteins. Members of the suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS) family are able to inactivate Jaks, block the binding of STATs to the IL-3R, or induce the ubiquitination and the subsequent proteosomal degradation of signaling molecules. Moreover, protein inhibitor of activated STAT 1 binds activated STAT1 and inhibits its binding to the DNA. Finally, endocytosis and degradation of the IL-3R terminates cytokine signaling. Degradation of the cytoplasmic domain of b-chain results in a truncated IL-3R complex that lacks all intracellular phosphorylation sites needed for signal transduction. Because IL-3, IL-5, and GM-CSF all signal via b-chain, this downregulation process prevents the cell from being further activated by other b-chain engaging cytokines.
Cellular sources and targets IL-3 is expressed by T cells, macrophages, stromal cells, NK cells, mast cells, and eosinophils, and its transcription is regulated by 2 nuclear factor of activated T cells-dependent enhancers that have distinct tissue-specic activity.E88 Whereas the rst enhancer, located 14 kb upstream of the IL-3 gene, functions only in a subset of T cells, the second element is induced in both T cells and mast cells. IL-3Ra is expressed on bone marrow stem cells, megakaryocytes, monocytes, and granulocytes. Although the IL-3Ra transcript expression is low in unstimulated blood eosinophils, its expression is signicantly increased after stimulation with IL-3, IL-5, or GM-CSF.E89 Role in immune regulation and cellular networks IL-3 is a multilineage hematopoietic growth factor, acting on early stages of hematopoiesis rather than on late differentiation and maturation processes. In synergy with other cytokines, IL-3 plays an important role in the differentiation and growth of various cell lineages. In combination with erythropoietin, IL-3 induces erythroid lineages, whereas it synergizes with GM-CSF or G-CSF to induce the granulocyte-macrophage lineage. This effect was recently shown to be inhibited by the presence of CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ Treg cells. IL-3 together with TNF-a leads to short-term proliferation of CD34+ progenitor cells and the differentiation of DCs and Langerhans cells. Moreover, it supports the effect of stem cell factor on the proliferation of mast cell precursors and enhances the
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IL-2induced proliferation and differentiation of B cells. Besides its function as a hematopoietic growth factor, IL-3 is responsible for the activation and the survival of different mature cell types, including basophils. The effects of IL-3 are not limited to hematopoietic cells, because IL-3 plays a potential role in the pathogenesis of inammatory diseases and neurodegeneration in the central nervous system. Microglial cells secrete and respond to IL-3. The expression of b-chain in the brain is restricted to microglial cells, suggesting that IL-3 acts in an autocrine manner. IL-3 stimulation of microglia in vitro leads to their proliferation and the generation of multinucleated giant cells. Moreover, IL-3 was detected in postmortem brains of patients with Alzheimer disease, indicating a clinical relevance of the effects observed in vitro.E90
Role in allergic disease and other pathologic conditions IL-3 plays a role in allergic diseases by preventing the apoptosis of basophils via PI3K in vitro but has little effect on basophil survival in vivo.E91 On stimulation with IL-3, basophils upregulate the activation markers CD69E92 and CD203cE93 and show enhanced mediator release in response to FceR cross-linking. Further IL-3 stimulation of basophils leads to the expression of retinaldehyde dehydrogenase-II, which generates retinoic acid. This vitamin A metabolite regulates diverse functions of immune and resident cells; among other functions, it skews the differentiation of naive T cells toward a TH2 or Treg phenotype. Notably, neither constitutive nor inducible retinaldehyde dehydrogenaseII expression has been detected in any other myeloid, lymphoid, or DC type.E94 In eosinophils, IL-3 induces the expression of HLA-DR and the costimulatory molecule B7.2 (CD86) on their surface. Therefore, IL-3treated eosinophils are able to present antigenic peptides and support antigen-specic T-cell proliferation in allergic and parasitic diseases.E95 Furthermore, the expression of the eosinophilic activation molecule CD48 is enhanced by IL-3 and allergen challenge. Cross-linking of CD48 on the surface of eosinophils triggers the release of granule proteins and thereby promotes the allergic inammation.E96 Stimulation of monocytes with IL-3 and GM-CSF leads to increased expression of HLADR, CD14, IL-1a, and integrin CD18, which mediate cell adhesion. Interestingly, DCs, which differentiate in the presence of IL-3 and IL-4, show decreased IL-12 production and preferentially induce TH2 responses.E97 Thus, IL-3 is a potential target in the development of strategies to modify the balance of different TH-cell subsets. Several malignant tumors are shown to secrete hematopoietic cytokines, and increased concentrations of IL-3 were described in sera of patients with cancer. The IL-3Ra has been detected on several cancer cell lines, and IL-3 stimulation induced the proliferation of hematopoietic and nonhematopoietic cancer cells derived from colorectal adenocarcinomas, bladder, and lung cancers. Although under healthy conditions, B cells do not express IL-3Ra, it is found on the surface of B cells in 40% of patients with B-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia or acute myeloid leukemia. In these patients, the increased expression of IL-3Ra is accompanied by enhanced blast proliferation, increased cellularity, and poor prognosis.E98 Because IL-3Ra is overexpressed on acute myeloid leukemia blasts compared with normal hematopoietic cells, it might serve as a target for therapy. Cytotoxic diphtheria toxinIL-3 fusion proteins were shown to kill specically acute myeloid leukemia cells in mice.E99
Functions as demonstrated in IL-3decient mice, receptor-decient mice, and transgenic models Mice decient in the IL-3 gene or the IL-3Ra do not show altered basal hematopoiesis, growth, development, or longevity.E100,E101 However, IL-3 KO mice have reduced numbers of mast cells and basophils and impaired immunity in response to parasites such as Strongyloides venezuelensis.E102 These ndings are supported by recent work showing that on infection of mice with the gastrointestinal parasite N brasiliensis, activated T cells secrete IL-3, which enhances basophil production.E91 Inhibition of IL-3, IL-5, and GM-CSF signaling in b-chain decient mice demonstrates an essential role for hematopoietic cytokines in the regulation of TH2 immunity and allergic airway inammation. In a mouse model of allergic airway inammation, b-chaindecient mice showed reduced expansion and accumulation of eosinophils in the lung, inhibition of airway hyperresponsiveness, mucus hypersecretion, and IgE production. TH2 cells in the lung of allergen-challenged animals had diminished ability to proliferate, secrete cytokines, and migrate.E103 A natural occurring mutation in the IL-3 gene (Ser27Pro) was shown to have protective effects on the development of asthma.E104 IL-4 Discovery and structure IL-4 was discovered in 1982 and originally designated B-cell growth factor I (BCGF-I) or B-cellstimulating factor (BSF) I.E105 It is a monomer of 15 kd and consists of 129 amino acids. It is a member of the 4 a-helix bundle cytokine family. These family members are characterized by antiparallel juxtaposed helices A, C, B, D, and 2 long end-to-end loops, loops AB and CD, which are connected by a short b-sheet packed against helices B and D.E65,E106 Receptor and signaling There are 2 types of IL-4 binding receptors: the type I IL-4R, which predominates in hematopoietic cells and which is responsible for IL-4 signaling in T cells, and the type II IL-4R, which is expressed on both hematopoietic and nonhematopoietic cells but not on T cells.E107 Both types have the IL-4Ra-chain in common. Type I IL-4R binds IL-4 exclusively and consists of IL-4Ra (CD124) and the common gc (CD132), which is also a receptor for IL-2, IL-7, IL-9, IL-15, and IL-21. Type II IL-4R binds IL-4 and also IL-13 and consists of the IL-4Ra chain and the IL13Ra1 chain. Binding to these receptor complexes promotes activation of Jaks that are constitutively associated with IL-4Ra (Jak1), the gc (Jak3), and the IL-13Ra1 chain (Tyk2 or Jak2).E106 Whereas the signals of the type II IL-4R are transduced by STAT3, the signals of the type I IL-4R are transduced by the transcription factor STAT6. Cellular sources and targets The main sources for IL-4 are TH2 cells. However, IL-4 is in addition produced by basophils, eosinophils, mast cells, and a specialized subset of T cells that express NK1.1 and appear to be specic for CD-1 (NK T cells). Also, g/d T cells produce IL-4, and mice lacking these cells fail to develop IL-4dependent airway hypersensitivity. The main target cells for IL-4 are T and B cells. Role in immune regulation and cellular networks IL-4 plays a central role in the differentiation of antigenstimulated naive T cells into TH2 cells.E108,E109 IL-4 has a variety
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of other effects in hematopoietic tissues. It increases the expression of class II MHC molecules in B cells, enhances expression of CD23, induces IgE class switch, upregulates the expression of the IL-4R, and, in association with LPS, allows B cells to express Thy 1. It also acts as a co-mitogen for B-cell growth. Although not a growth factor by itself for resting lymphocytes, it can substantially prolong the lives of T and B lymphocytes in culture. IL-4 has also an important role in tissue adhesion and inammation. It acts with TNF-a to induce expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) on vascular endothelial cells, and it downregulates the expression of E-selectin. IL-4 plays a role in in vitro differentiation of myeloid DCs in combination with GM-CSF.E105,E110-E114
contrast with IL-3 and GM-CSF, IL-5 consists of a pair of identical 4 a-helical bundles that share the fourth helix of 1 chain.E123
Role in host defense or other immune-regulatory conditions and allergy IL-4 has a central role in the regulation of allergic conditions. It is the major stimulus for TH2 development and suppresses TH1 development. Furthermore, IL-4 is important in the control of immunoglobulin class switching. It determines that human B cells switch to IgE and IgG4 and mouse B cells to IgE and IgG1. IL4 plays a major role in the development of protective immune responses to helminths and other extracellular parasites.E115 Functions as demonstrated in IL-4deleted mice, receptor-decient mice, human mutations, and clinical use IL-4 and IL-4Ra KO mice have severely compromised TH2 differentiation, and even though the T-cell and B-cell development is normal, the serum levels of IgG1 and IgE are strongly reduced.E116 The IgG1 dominance in a T-celldependent immune response was lost, and IgE was not detectable on nematode infection.E116,E117 In a quadruple IL-4/5/9/13 KO model, complete inhibition of allergic airway inammation and remodeling has been shown.E118 Human beings with a mutation in the common gc (as mentioned, this includes defect signaling of IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, IL-15, and IL-21) have XSCID1, a disease characterized by the absence of T and NK cells but the presence of nonfunctional B cells. Clinical use. IL-4 inhibits the production of inammatory cytokines (IL-1, IL-6, TNF-a) and is therefore interesting for the treatment of inammatory and autoimmune diseases such as allergy/asthma and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.E106,E119 There is also some evidence that IL-4 might be useful in the treatment of certain tumors. IL-4 can have negative or positive effects on the control of tumor growth, depending on the type of effector cell mediating the tumor clearance and the type of tumor cell model analyzed.E120 Furthermore, IL-4 may play an important role in the pathogenesis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia disease by preventing death and proliferation of the malignant B cells.E121 IL-5 Discovery and structure IL-5 was described for the rst time as an eosinophil and B-cell growth factor in 1987. It is a hematopoietic cytokine that is encoded on chromosome 5q23.3-q31.1. Like IL-3 and GM-CSF, it belongs to a group of short chain 4 a-helical bundle proteins that shares the b-receptor chain for signaling.E122 The structure is characterized by 4 helices with antiparallel conformation. In
Receptor and signaling IL-5 binds to a heterodimeric receptor that was dened by Tavernier et alE122 in 1991. It consists of the specic receptor a unit and the b-chain it shares with IL-3 and GM-CSF.E122 On binding to the a receptor unit, recruitment of the b-chain takes place. IL-5Ra is encoded on chromosome 3 and characterized by an extracellular domain with a proximal Trp-Jer-x-Trp-Ser motif (WSXWS motif) and a homology module containing 2 bronectin type III domains with paired cysteine residues the distal part of the membrane.E124 Both motifs are highly conserved. The b-chain R shows a similar structure but is generally larger with a longer extracellular and intracellular tails. The extracellular part of the bchain unit consists of 2 homology modules containing 2 bronectin type III domains with paired cysteine residues the distal part of the membrane. The membrane proximal cytoplasmatic proline rich sequence motif is vital, both for IL-5aR signal and c signal transduction, whereas the carboxyterminal region of the IL5Ra is involved in IL-5induced IgH class switch recombination.E125 IL-5 signaling takes place via the Jak/STAT,E126 MAPE126,E127 K, and PI3K pathways.E128 Jak/STAT phosphorylation of Jak1 and Jak2 after heterodimerization of the receptor results in STAT1 and STAT5 activation and is considered to play an important part in IL-5induced proliferation and differentiation. With regard to the MAPK pathway, actions are induced via ERK and TCF, ultimately increasing cytokine-induced proliferation and preventing apoptosis of eosinophils by upregulation of genes encoding for bcl-2 and bcl-x.E129,E130 In addition, the JNK pathway has been reported to be affected by IL-5. PI3K-mediated signaling via Akt/PKB has been linked to inhibition of apoptosis via IL-5. Recently, Oct-2 has been shown to facilitate differentiation of B cells to plasma cells by upregulation of the IL-5R.E131 Several negative regulators are considered to play an important role: SHP-1 downregulates bc activation, and cytokine inducible negatively inuences STAT5. In addition, SOCS1 is considered to be involved in negative feedback via a reduction of Jak1 activity.E131 Cellular sources and targets Major target cells of IL-5 are eosinophils (highest IL-5Ra density) and, to a lesser extent, basophils and mast cells. The cytokine is mainly produced by TH2 cells, activated eosinophils, and mast cells, but also by Tc2 cells, gd T cells, NK cells,E132 NKT cells,E133 and CD4-ckit-CD3e-IL-2Ra+ in Peyer patches.E134 In mice, IL-5Ra is constitutively expressed on B1 cells and upregulated on B2 cells on stimulation. IL-5 may increase the likelihood of B2 B cells to differentiate into antigen-producing plasma cells and synergizes with IL-4. Role in immune regulation and cellular networks IL-5 secretion is mainly controlled via the transcription factor GATA-3 that also acts as a transcription factor for IL-4 and IL-13. IL-3, GM-CSF and IL-5 synergize for differentiation and function of myeloid cells. In general, IL-5 leads to growth, activation, mobilization, differentiation, and survival of eosinophils.E129,E130,E135 Moreover, IL-5 displays eosinophil chemotactic activity, increases eosinophil adhesion to endothelial cells, and thereby enhances effector functions of eosinophils. However,
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the later effects are less pronounced. Eotoxin-2 seems to be crucial for IL-5induced IL-13 production and airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR).E136 Recently, interaction of eosinophils with broblasts has been described, leading to proliferation and matrix production of broblasts.E137 This suggests a role of IL-5 in remodeling and wound healing. Furthermore, there is some evidence that IL-5 links innate and adaptive immunity not only in terms of wound healing but also in terms of IgM-mediated suppression of atherosclerotic plaque formation.E138
Role in allergic disease IL-5 plays a central role in allergic asthma. TH2 cells, which secrete IL-5, recruit eosinophils and contribute to the induction of airway hyperreactivity. Recruitment of eosinophils in the lung is a key feature of asthma.E139 IL-5 levels, TH2 cells, and eosinophils are increased in BAL and in biopsies of patients with asthma. Moreover, IL-5 levels correlate with severity of the disease.E140 The IL-5Ra is already expressed in CD34+ cells. This particular subset increases on allergen challenge and ultimately increases the number of mature eosinophils in the periphery.E141 In experimental models, antiIL-5 treatment was suggested to be effective. The treatment of asthma with antiIL-5 antibodies (mepolizumab, reslizumab) reduced blood eosinophilia and sputum eosinophils, but little or no effect on asthma symptoms was observed in the initial clinical trials.E142-E144 However, recent studies reported signicant reductions in exacerbation rates in refractory eosinophilic asthmaE145 and steroid-dependent asthma with sputum eosinophilia.E146 AntiIL-5 treatment also showed some promising effects in a subgroup of patients with hypereosinophilic syndrome. Mainly patients with the lymphocytic variant are considered to prot from antiIL-5 therapy. In this subtype of hypereosinophilic syndrome, expansion of T-cell subsets with aberrant surface marker expression (CD3+CD4-CD8-, CD3-CD4+) secrete eosinophilopoietic cytokines, including IL-5. A corticosteroid-sparing effect was observed over a period of 36 weeks in patients receiving 750 mg mepolizumab every fourth week.E147 Functions as demonstrated in IL-5deleted mice, receptor-decient mice IL-5decient mice do not show abnormal development but are resistant to induction of experimental asthma and display difculties expelling N brasiliensis. These mice were almost devoid of eosinophils in the airways and had no blood eosinophilia. Furthermore, there was AHR or eosinophil invasion observed on allergen challenge.E148 The same effects were observed on treatment with aIL-5 antibodies.E149 In accordance with these ndings, topical overexpression of IL-5 resulted in AHR and increased eosinophil counts in the lung.E150 Leitch et alE151 recently reported that IL-5 overexpression leads to prolonged wound healing, most likely because of increased eosinophilic invasion into the wound areas. IL-5Ra-/- mice displayed reduced numbers of B1 cells and consequently low IgM and IgG3 serum concentrations. In addition, Angylostrongylus cantonesis survived longer in IL-5Ra-/- mice. As expected, there was no eosinophilia in response to IL-5. IL-6 Alternative names are IFN-b2 (IFNB2), B-cell differentiation factor, BSF2, hepatocyte stimulatory factor, and hybridoma growth factor.
Discovery and structure IL-6 was originally discovered as a B-cell differentiation factorE152 with IFNb2 activity. Further investigations revealed that IL-6 does not show any IFN activity, but this factor has been demonstrated to be a multifunctional pleiotropic cytokine that regulates immune response, acute-phase response, hematopoiesis, and inammation. The human gene of IL-6 maps to locus 7p2E153; the murine IL-6 is located on chromosome 5.E154 Human and murine IL-6 contains 5 exons and 4 introns. IL-6 is a member of the IL-6type cytokine family, including, among others, leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), ciliary neurotrophic factor, and oncostatin-M (OSM). IL-6 mRNA spanning a length of 1.3 kb is translated into a 212amino acid precursor protein. After removal of a 28amino acid signal peptide, IL-6 with 2 possible N-glycosylation sites (position 73 and 172) is secreted in different molecular masses of 19 to 26 kd.E155 As a member of the IL-6 cytokines, IL-6 has a helix bundle structure consisting of 4 long a-helices. Receptors and signaling IL-6 signals through a cell-surface signaling complex composed of IL-6, IL-6a-receptor, and the signal-inducing component gp130. IL-6R is a member of a cytokine receptor family characterized by 4 conserved cysteine residues in the N-termini and a tryptophan-serine-X-tryptophan-serine motif located above the transmembrane domain. In a rst step, IL-6 binds to its lowafnity a-receptor unit, an 80-kd glycoprotein. Two forms of the 80-kd receptor are known: the transmembrane form and a soluble form. When IL-6 binds to the transmembrane form containing a short intracytoplasmic region, the signaling receptor unit gp130 is recruited. IL-6R is also secreted as a soluble form (sIL-6R).E156 On binding to IL-6, sIL-6R associates with gp130 to trigger several cellular steps termed IL-6 trans-signaling. It has been shown that sIL-6R plays a key role in the regulation of IL-6 responses. Besides IL-6, other cytokines of the IL-6 family such as LIF and ciliary neurotrophic factor use signaling through gp130. This explains why these cytokines share many biological activities, although the factors themselves are not related to each other. gp130 is expressed ubiquitously in tissues,E157 whereas the expression of the IL-6a-receptor subunit is limited and predominantly conned to hepatocyte and leukocyte subpopulations. The interaction of IL-6 with its receptor leads to a complex consisting of 2 IL-6 molecules (homodimer), 2 IL-6R proteins, and 2 gp130 signaling units. On dimerization of gp130, intracytoplasmic Jak tyrosine kinases induce tyrosine phosphorylation and the recruitment of STAT3.E158 The following dimerization and translocation of STAT3 to the nucleus induces gene expression for example, for acute-phase protein synthesis in hepatocytes. The negative feedback mechanism of this signaling pathway is regulated by the SOCS proteins 1 and 3 and the protein inhibitors of activated STATs. Cellular sources and targets IL-6 is produced after stimulation by many different cells: T cells, B cells, granulocytes, smooth muscle cells, eosinophils, chondrocytes, osteoblasts, mast cells, glia cells, and keratinocytes. Endothelial cells, broblasts, and monocytes/macrophages triggered by various stimuli during systemic inammation are the main source of this cytokine. Monocytes/ macrophages are driven
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by bacterial LPS, IL-1a, TNF-a, IFN-g, and GM-CSF to produce IL-6, whose release is inhibited by glucocorticoids. Human broblasts secrete IL-6 on stimulation with IL-1a, bacteria/yeast, TNF-a, and IFN-a. The main cellular targets are hepatocytes, leukocytes, T cells, B cells, and hemopoietic cells.
on the heart. In neuronal cells, IL-6 induces the differentiation of pheochramocytoma 12 cells, supports the survival of cholinergic neurons, and leads to the induction of adrenocorticotropic hormone synthesis.
Role in immune regulation and cellular networks IL-6 is involved in a broad spectrum of biological activities, in humoral as well as in cellular defense, and acts on various target cells. IL-6 directs leukocyte trafcking and activation. Although it has been shown in studies with IL-6decient mice that neutrophil accumulation at sites of infection or inammation is inhibited by IL-6,E159 neutrophil clearance and the transition from neutrophil to mononuclear cell recruitment is driven by soluble IL-6R and the following IL-6 trans-signaling.E160 In vitro studies demonstrated that IL-6 trans-signaling suppresses the TNF-a or IL-1binduced control of CXCL1, CXCL8, and CXCL1 and increases chemokine secretion of CXCL5, CXCL6, CCL2, and CCL8.E160,E161 Besides the recruitment of neutrophils and mononuclear cells, it is evident that IL-6 regulates T-cell inltration by inuencing chemokine secretion (CXCL10, CCL4, CCL5, CCL11, and CCL17) and chemokine receptor (CCR3, CCR4, CCR5, and CXCR3) expression on CD3+ inltrate. In addition, CD62 ligand, adhesion, and the expression of intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) and VCAM-1 are regulated by IL-6. IL-6 activation of STAT3 promotes T-cell apoptosis.E162 Through the gp130 signaling of IL-6, human monocytes are driven to differentiate into a more macrophage phenotype, which is eventually attributed to induction of the macrophage colony stimulating factor receptor on monocytes.E163 The discovery of IL-6 stresses as IFN-b2 and BSF-2 stresses the function of IL-6 in the regulation of T-cell proliferation and differentiationE164 as well as in the induction of B cells to produce IgM, IgG, and IgA.E165-E167 Moreover, IL-6 plays an important role in the differentiation of stimulated B cells into plasma cells.E166 It has also been demonstrated that IL-6 induces cytotoxic T-cell differentiation by increasing the IL-2R expression and IL-2 production.E168,E169 IL-6 induces proliferation of thymocytes and is probably involved in the development of thymic T cells. TGF-b stimulates in the presence of IL-6 the differentiation of naive T lymphocytes into proinammatory TH17 cells, leading to autoimmunity and inammation.E170 Moreover, IL-6 can convert natural occurring Treg cells to TH17 cells.E171 Recently it has been shown that IL-6 promotes NK-cell expression of RORgt and IL-17 during toxoplasmosis.E172 IL-6 can synergize with IL-15 or IL-7 to stimulate TCR-independent proliferation and effector functions of CD8+ T lymphocytes.E173 As a costimulant together with IL-3, IL-6 initiates the proliferation of multipotential hemopoietic cells. It has been reported that IL-6 shortens the G0 period of hemopoietic stem cells. Macrophage differentiation and megakaryocyte maturation are driven by IL-6. The cytokine acts efciently on bone, where it affects mainly osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption. It is also involved in the recruitment of mesenchymal vascular cells, neoangionesis in vivo, synovial broblast proliferation, and cartilage degradation.E174 IL-6 is responsible for the initiation of the acute-phase response in human hepatocytes.E175 Studies with recombinant IL-6 show an increase in protein synthesis of b-brinogen, a-1-antichymotrypsin, ceruloplasmin, haptoglobin, a1-acid glycoprotein, a1-antitrypsin, C-reactive protein, and complement factor B. IL-6 also has a negative inotropic effect
Role in host defense and autoimmunity Because IL-6 has an important role in the regulation of the immune response, a deregulated production of IL-6 affects the pathogenesis of several autoimmune and inammatory diseases. The rst suggestion that IL-6 contributes to autoimmunity was observed in patients with cardiac myxoma. Cardiac myxoma cells produce IL-6, and the patients exhibit autoimmune symptoms.E176 Further studies indicate the involvement of IL-6 in autoimmune diseases, chronic inammatory proliferative disease, and B-cell malignancy, and SLE,E177 Castleman disease, and plasmacytoma/multiple myeloma.E178 IL-6 is required for experimentally induced autoimmune diseases such as type II collageninduced arthritisE179 and antigen-induced arthritis,E180 myelin oligodendrocyte protein-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis,E181 and pristine-induced autoantibody production in mouse models.E182 There is some evidence that IL-6 could play a role in diabetes derived from an animal model for insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. In psoriasis, it has been demonstrated that IL-17F is able to induce IL-6 production in human epidermal keratinocytes and in mouse skin, and thus the IL-17F/IL-6 axis may enhance inammation of lesional skin in psoriasis.E183 Role in allergic disease IL-6 plays a role in the development of allergic diseases by increasing the number of the effector cells via the sIL-6R on the one hand and by suppressing Treg cells and the initial stages of TH2-cell development via gp130 signals mediated by the membrane-bound IL-6R on the other hand. It was demonstrated that patients with allergy have increased levels of sIL-6R in airways compared with control subjects.E184 Functions in IL-6deleted mice and receptordecient mice In general, IL-6-/- decient mice of both sexes are viable and fertile and do not present any evident phenotype abnormality. In more detail, IL-6-/-decient mice remain resistant to the induction of a number of experimental autoimmune conditions. They are not able to regulate T-cell trafcking, which results in an impaired local chemokine secretion and reduced chemokine receptor expression. Mice homozygous for a targeted disruption of IL-6 show a normal development, whereas the number of thymocytes and peripheral T cells is reduced compared with the wild-type. In IL-6decient mice, abnormalities in acute-phase reaction during tissue damage and infection are observed. gp130decient mice embryos die between 12.5 days postcoitum and term. Hypoplastic ventricular myocardium is observed 16.5 days postcoitum and later. The mutant embryos show a decreased number of pluripotential and committed hematopoietic progenitors in the liver and differentiated lineages such as T cells in the thymus.E185 IL-6Rdecient mice are viable and fertile and have one third fewer T cells than wild-type mice, and the production of serum amyloid A is signicantly decreased. IL-6overexpressing transgenic BALB/c mice develop a massive increase of IgG1and monoclonal transplantable plasmacytoma.E175
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IL-7 Discovery and structure IL-7, also known as preB-cell growth factor and lymphopoietin-1, was originally derived from bone marrow stromal cells and described as a mediator that alone could support the growth of Bcell progenitors.E186 It is a monomer of 25 kd and consists of 152 amino acids. It is a member of the 4 a-helix bundle cytokine family. These family members are characterized by antiparallel juxtaposed helices A, C, B, D, and 2 long end-to-end loops, loops AB and CD, which are connected by a short b-sheet packed against helices B and D.E65 Receptor and signaling The IL-7R is present on most T cells, progenitors of B cells, and bone marrow macrophages. It is downregulated by its own ligand. Also, soluble IL-7 receptor has been described.E187-E191 IL-7R consists of 2 receptor chains, the IL-7Ra (CD127) and the common gc (CD132). Neither of these subunits/signaling elements is unique to IL-7. Whereas gc is also a receptor for IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, IL-15, and IL-21, IL-7Ra is shared with TSLP. Because gc is ubiquitously expressed on lymphocytes, IL-7 responsiveness is mainly controlled by IL-7Ra expression regulation. Binding of IL-7 to IL-7Ra leads to dimerization of IL-7Ra and gc. Jak3 associated with the gc phosphorylates IL-7Ra after dimerization.E192 The phosphorylated IL-7Ra serves as the site for recruiting other signaling molecules to the complex to be phosphorylated and activated, including STAT5, src kinases, PI3K, proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 (Pyk2), and Bcl2 proteins. Some targets of IL-7 signaling contribute to cellular survival, including Bcl2 and Pyk2.E193 Other targets contribute to cellular proliferation, including PI3K, src family kinases (lck and fyn), and STAT5.E194 The transcription factor STAT5 contributes to activation of multiple different downstream genes in B and T cells and may contribute to VDJ recombination through alteration of chromatin structure. Cellular sources and targets IL-7 is a tissue-derived cytokine. It is produced by multiple stromal tissues, including epithelial cells in thymus and bone marrow. Additional sites of IL-7 production include intestinal epithelium, keratinocytes, fetal liver, adult liver, DCs, follicular DCs, B cells, and monocytes/macrophages.E195 However, it has to be mentioned that the primary sources of IL-7 are nonmarrow-derived stromal and epithelial cells. Target cells of IL-7 are developing B and T lymphocytes, mature T cells, and NK cells. Role in immune regulation and cellular networks IL-7 stimulates the proliferation of pre-B and pro-B cells in mice (inhibited by TGF-b) without affecting their differentiation and with no effect on mature B cells. It promotes VDJ recombinations and selectively supports the maturation of megakaryocytes. Furthermore, IL-7 is required for the survival of naive T-cell populations and contributes to homeostatic cycling of naive and memory cells. It stimulates the proliferation of thymocytes and is therefore an important differentiation factor for functionally different subpopulations of T cells. In addition, IL-7 induces the synthesis of inammatory mediators in monocytes.E195 Role in host defense or other immune-regulatory conditions IL-7 and its receptor are linked to the development of MS and other autoimmune diseases,E196,E197 and its expression is
increased in the skin of psoriatic plaques and after Schistosoma mansoni infection.E198 IL-7 is capable in vivo of causing CD4+ T-celldependent destruction of tumor cells and shows a potential contribution to allergen-induced eosinophilic airway inammation in asthma.E199
Functions as demonstrated in IL-7deleted mice, receptor-decient mice, human mutations, and clinical use Knockout/transgenic mice. There are several IL-7 and IL7Ra KO models.E200-E204 Phenotypic differences between these models may be attributed to TSLP because this cytokine also binds to IL-7Ra. However, both IL-7 and IL-7Ra KO mice showed that IL-7 is important for proper T-cell and B-cell development.E201,E203 IL-7decient mice were the rst example of single cytokine decient mice that exhibited severe lymphoid abnormalities. IL-7decient mice were highly lymphopenic in the peripheral blood and lymphoid organs. Bone marrow B lymphopoiesis was blocked at the transition from pro-B to pre-B cells. Splenic B cells were also reduced in number like thymic and splenic T cellularity and showed an abnormal population of immature B cells in adult animals. The remaining splenic populations of lymphocytes showed normal responsiveness to mitogenic stimuli.E201 IL-7Ra KO mice displayed a profound reduction in thymic and peripheral lymphoid cellularity, and analyses of lymphoid progenitors revealed a critical role of IL-7R during early lymphoid development. This study indicated that the phase of thymocyte expansion occurring before the onset of TCR gene rearrangement is critically dependent on and mediated by the high-afnity receptor for IL-7.E202,E203 Transgenic overexpression of IL-7 results in T-cell expansion,E205 which is not based only on increased survival, because transgenic expression of Bcl-2 (which is induced by IL-7) does not compensate for IL-7.E206 It also must be mentioned here that transgenic expression or injection of IL-7 augments the expansion of early B cells in vivo,E207-E210 and phenotypes from transgenic mice expressing IL-7 under different promoters show a range from a benign increase in T and B cells to lymphoproliferative disorders, particularly in the skin.E211-E213 In another transgenic mice model, chronic colitis developed.E214 Human mutations. Humans with a mutation in the common gc (as mentioned, this includes defect signaling of IL-2, IL-4, IL7, IL-9, IL-15, and IL-21) have XSCID1, a disease characterized by the absence of T and NK cells but the presence of nonfunctional B cells. Also, patients with severe combined immunodeciency (SCID) and defective IL-7Ra expression have been identied. They showed a T(-)B(+)NK(-) form of SCID, which underlines the nonredundant role of human IL-7Ra for T-cell but not B-cell development.E215 Clinical use. IL-7 has a potential for adoptive immunotherapy (a form of immunotherapy used in the treatment of cancer in which an individuals own white blood cells are coupled with a naturally produced growth factor to enhance their cancer-ghting capacity) because IL-7 is capable in vivo of causing CD4+ T-cell dependent destruction of tumor cells. Furthermore, similar to IL-2, it has the potential to induce cytotoxic T cells in lung metastases of murine sarcomas. In addition, it has been shown to induce
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lymphokine-activated killer cell activity obtained from patients early after bone marrow transplantation.E216
IL-8 Discovery and structure In 1987, a neutrophil-specic chemotactic factor was puried from the medium of LPS-stimulated monocytesE217 and was later identied as a member of the CXC chemokine family and termed CXCL8 or IL-8. The gene encoding IL-8 consists of 4 exons and 3 introns and is located together with 10 other members of the CXC chemokine family in a gene cluster on the long arm of chromosome 4.E218 The IL-8 promoter contains binding sites for the transcription factors NF-kB (-80 to-71) and AP-1 (-123 to -12). IL-8 is generated as a nonglycosylated precursor protein of 99 amino acids and secreted after cleavage of a 22amino acid leader sequence. Enzymatic processing at the N-terminus results in multiple isoforms: monocytes mainly produce a 72amino acid isoform with a molecular weight of 8.3 kd and only small amounts of the 77amino acid, 70amino acid, and 69amino acid isoforms. In contrast, the 77amino acid isoform is the major product of endothelial cells. IL-8 forms a homodimer in solution, and the crystal structure reveals 2 antiparallel helices situated on top of a 6-stranded antiparallel b-sheet formed by both monomer units.E219,E220 Two disulde bridges between cysteines 7 and 34 and between cysteines 9 and 50 are essential for the biological activity of IL-8. The conserved cysteines 7 and 9 dene the family of CXC chemokines. The NH2 terminus of IL-8 and of the majority of the other CXC chemokines contains the 3 amino acid residues Glu-Leu-Arg (ELR-motif), which are indispensable for receptor binding. IL-8 is a basic protein with an isoelectric point of 8.3. It was found to be resistant to plasma peptidases, heat, extreme pH, and other denaturing conditions, but is rapidly inactivated on reduction of the disulde bonds. IL-8 does not show any homology with other ILs; however, it shares considerable similarity with other CXC chemokines such as platelet basic protein (CXCL7), IFN-ginducible protein-10 (CXCL10), or platelet factor 4 (CXCL4).E221 Receptor and signaling IL-8 acts via 2 related receptors, IL-8RA (CXCR1, CDw128a) and IL-8RB (CXCR2, CDw128b), which are both expressed on neutrophils, monocytes, lymphocytes, NK cells, and mast cells.E222,E223 Both receptors belong to the same superfamily of CXC chemokine receptors, characterized by 7 transmembrane domains and signal transduction through G-proteinactivated pathways. CXCR1 and CXCR2 are able to form homodimers and heterodimers during protein synthesis and maturation in the endoplasmic reticulum before cell surface delivery. The presence of IL-8 does not inuence receptor dimerization, and the afnities of CXCR1 and CXCR2 dimers for IL-8 are similar to those of the corresponding homomeric interactions.E224 On contact of neutrophils with bacterial LPS, S aureus, or Helicobacter pylori, CXCR1 and CXCR2 are rapidly downregulated by receptor internalization and degradation, indicating a mechanism of invading pathogens to modulate the hosts immune response.E225-E227 Receptor-binding of IL-8 leads to activation of the coupled Gprotein by replacing bound GDP by GTP. Subsequently, the trimeric G-protein dissociates into a and b-g subunits, both of which activate signal transduction pathways. First, activated PI3K generates phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5) triphosphate, which leads to the activation of phospholipase D.
Hydrolysis of phosphatidyl choline by phospholipase D results in the accumulation of phosphatidic acid, actin reorganization, and nally cell movement. Second, binding of IL-8 to CXCR1 or CXCR2 activates phospholipase C,E228 which cleaves phosphatidylinositol (4,5) bisphosphate to inositol (1,4,5) trisphosphate and diacylglycerol. Inositol (1,4,5) trisphosphate increases cytosolic Ca2+, while diacylglycerol together with Ca2+ leads to the activation of protein kinase C and the transcription factor NF-kB. Third, CXCR1 and CXCR2 ligands were found to activate p38 MAPK.E229 Subsequently, p38 was able to translocate into the nucleus and to induce the transcription factor AP-1.
Cellular sources and targets A wide variety of different cells such as monocytes and macrophages, neutrophils, lymphocytes, endothelial and epithelial cells, broblasts, keratinocytes, synovial cells, chondrocytes, hepatocytes, and smooth muscle and skeletal muscle cells as well as several tumor cell types produce IL-8.E230-E234 IL-8 synthesis is usually induced on stimulation with IL-1a, IL-1b, TNF-a, or bacterial LPS, but also retinoic acid, zinc, nitric oxide, or irradiation. Viral, gram-negative, or positive bacterial infections were also found to activate the expression. Compared with other cytokines, IL-8 transcription is a rapid process; IL-8 mRNA can be detected by Northern blot within 1 hour after stimulation of the cells, and maximum expression is reached after 6 hours and persists for 6 hours. Role in immune regulation and cellular networks The regulation of IL-8 transcription seems to depend on the stimulus, its receptor, and the cell type. In a human monocytes and bronchial epithelial cells, TNF-a and LPS activate the MAP kinases JNK, ERK, and p38. JNK in turn activates the transcription factor NF-kB, which induces IL-8 promoter activity. ERK was found to enhance IL-8 transcription via the transcription factor AP-1, whereas p38 regulates the IL-8 synthesis on a posttranscriptional level by stabilizing the IL-8 transcript.E235,E236 In addition, stimulation of bronchial and colonic epithelial cells with lysophosphatidic acid activated protein kinase C and protein kinase d2, leading to the induction of NFkB and IL-8 transcription.E237,E238 The major effector function of IL-8 is the recruitment of neutrophils to the site of infection or injury.E221 The neutrophil accumulation is rapid and reaches a maximum after 30 minutes, continues up to 6 hours, and remains detectable up to at least 8 hours.E239 Moreover, IL-8 activates neutrophils to generate respiratory burst responses by the formation of toxic oxygen-derived production, to degranulate and release lysosomal enzymes and antimicrobial peptides, and to express adhesion molecules such as leukocyte functioning antigen-1 and CD11b. Besides neutrophils, IL-8 attracts NK cells, T cells, basophils, and GM-CSF or IL-3primed eosinophils.E240 In the presence of IL-3, IL-8 activates basophils to release leukotrienes and histamine. Thus, IL-8 plays an important role in the innate immunity, providing a rst line of defense against invading pathogens. In addition to its chemokine function, IL-8 stimulates the release of hematopoietic progenitor cells from the bone marrow into the peripheral blood.E241 Activated neutrophils rapidly secrete prestored metalloproteinases from granules, leading to the cleavage of extracellular matrix molecules to which hematopoietic stem cells are attached.E242
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CXC chemokines containing the ELR-motif, like IL-8, are potent promoters of angiogenesis under physiologic and pathophysiologic conditions. In contrast, members of the CXC chemokine family that lack the ELR-motif and that are inducible by IFN-g, like platelet factor 4, inhibit angiogenesis and bind to CXCR3 on the epithelium.E243 IL-8 was found to be highly expressed by endothelial cells on stimulation with vascular endothelial cell growth factor (VEGF), and by cancer cells and inltrating macrophages. It is supposed to mediate its angiogenic activity in an autocrine and paracrine manner via binding and activating CXCR2 on endothelial cells.E244 Enhanced survival and proliferation of endothelial cells lead to growth of new blood vessels. In cancer cells, IL-8 induces the production of metalloproteinases, serine and cysteine proteinases, which degrade the extracellular matrix and basement membrane, leading to reduced cellular adherence, migration of tumor cells, and entry into the circulation. The levels of IL-8 mRNA were found to correlate directly with intratumor microvessel counts, with the metastatic potential, and inversely with patient survival.E245,E246
various cell types such as mast cells, B cells, eosinophils, neutrophils, and airway epithelial cells have been demonstrated.E251 IL9 is a monomer of 14 kd and consists of 125 amino acids. It is a member of the 4 a-helix bundle cytokine family. These family members are characterized by antiparallel juxtaposed helices A, C, B, D, and 2 long end-to-end loops, loops AB and CD, which are connected by a short b-sheet packed against helices B and D.E65 Whereas the murine IL-9 is active on human cells, the human IL-9 has not been shown to be active on mouse cells.E252
Role in allergic diseases and other pathologic conditions There is no direct importance of IL-8 described in TH2-mediated allergic diseases. However, repeated injections of IL-8 lead to neutrophil accumulation in the lung and joints, resulting in pulmonary inammation and cartilage damage. In line with these studies in rabbits, elevated IL-8 concentrations were detected in various inammatory sites in human diseases, such as psoriatic lesions, synovial uids of patients with RA, or BAL of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome, respiratory syncytial virus infection, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or cystic brosis.E247 In contrast with other chemoattractants, like C5a or leukotriene B4, which act transiently and are rapidly inactivated by oxidation or hydrolysis, IL-8 shows resistance to inactivation and slow clearance, leading to excessive accumulation of immune cells and negative effects on the outcome of the disease. For instance, in patients with RA, IL-8 is released by synovial cells and chondrocytes in elevated concentrations compared with healthy controls. Accumulated neutrophils are considered to be the major source of cartilage-degrading enzymes in this disease. During H pylori infection, the expression of IL-8 is enhanced in the gastric mucosa and correlates with bacteria load, chronic inammation, and disease activity.E248 The IL-8 promoter polymorphism -251A/A is associated with a higher expression of IL-8, severe neutrophil inltrations, and an increased risk of atrophic gastritis and gastric cancer.E249 Thus, antiIL-8 mAbs are suggested as a therapeutic intervention for distinct inammatory diseases. Functions as demonstrated in IL-8Rdecient mice IL-8R KO mice show a dysfunctional neutrophil response. Although neutrophils from IL-8Rdecient mice demonstrate normal rolling and arrest, their migration across the epithelial barrier is reduced, leading to neutrophil accumulation in the tissue and impaired bacterial clearance. IL-9 Discovery and structure IL-9 was rst described in mice as a potent, antigen-independent T-cell growth factor.E250 Subsequently, more activities on
Receptor and signaling The IL-9R consists of 2 receptor chains, the ligand-specic achain IL-9Ra and the common gc (CD132), which is also present in the receptor complexes for IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-15, and IL-21. The IL-9specic a-chain is sufcient to bind IL-9 with high afnity, but it is not able to mediate any signal alone; gc is necessary for signal transduction. IL-9R activation results in phosphorylation of Jak1 and Jak3, which subsequently leads to the activation of STAT1, STAT3, STAT5, insulin receptor substrate-PI3K, and MAPK pathways. IL-9 also seems to regulate NF-kB activity through B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia/ lymphoma 3 gene induction, which encodes a protein with close homology to inhibitor of kB proteins.E253-E256 Cellular sources and targets The main sources of IL-9 are TH2 cells and the recently discovered TH9 cells.E257,E258 To a lesser extent, mast cells (mainly within the airways of patients with asthma) and eosinophils have been shown to secrete IL-9. Target cells for IL-9 include B, T, and mast cells.E259 For the induction of IL-9, a cascade of cytokines is involved. IL-2 is required for IL-4 production, IL-2 and IL-4 are required for IL-10 production, and IL-4 and IL-10 are required for IL-9 induction. It was shown that TGF-b can govern effector T-cell differentiation along a new pathway.E257,E258 TGF-b in the presence of IL-4 reprograms TH2-cell differentiation and leads to the development of a new population of TH9 cells that produce IL-9 and IL-10.E258 In other words, IL-4 blocks the generation of TGF-binduced FOXP3+ Treg cells and instead induces TH9 cells.E257,E260 Role in immune regulation and cellular networks IL-9 is a multifunctional cytokine. It is a potent growth factor for T cells and mast cells, promotes proliferation of CD8+ T cells, and inhibits cytokine production of TH1 cells.E251,E261 IL-9 is involved in TH2 inammatory reactions, promotes the production of IL-4induced IgE, induces chemokine and mucus secretion by bronchial epithelial cells, and leads to mast cell proliferation.E262,E263 Role in host defense or other immune-regulatory conditions IL-9 is important in the protection against helminth infections. Furthermore, in Hodgkin lymphoma tumors, IL-9 is believed to stimulate and activate the inltrating TH2 cells, and it has been identied as an autocrine growth factor for Hodgkin and ReedSternberg cells.E264,E265 Role in allergic disease IL-9 is important for the inammatory responses in asthma and allergy. It plays a key role in the development of the asthmatic
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phenotype, including eosinophilic inammation, bronchial hyperresponsiveness, elevated IgE levels, and increased mucus secretion.E266,E267 IL-9 has been shown to act on many cell types involved in asthma, including T cells, B cells, mast cells, eosinophils, neutrophils, and epithelial cells, and thus might be important in the pathophysiology of allergic asthma.E268-E270 Furthermore, IL-9 has been suggested to play a role in food allergy.E271
Functions as demonstrated in IL-9deleted mice, receptor-decient mice, human mutations, and clinical use Knockout/transgenic mice. In IL-9 KO mice, the lymphoid compartment develops normally, but these mice exhibit excessive mucus production and mast cell proliferation.E272 In a quadruple IL-4/5/9/13 KO model, complete inhibition of allergic airway inammation and remodeling has been shown.E118 Seven percent of transgenic mice overexpressing IL-9 developed thymic lymphomas in a model published by Renauld et alE273 in 1994. In another transgenic model, where IL-9 was selectively overexpressed in the lung, it could been shown that IL-9 is an important cytokine in asthma because these mice developed many features that resembled human asthma, including eosinophilic and lymphocytic inltration of the lung, mucus hypersecretion, subepithelial brosis, mast cell hyperplasia, and bronchial hyperresponsiveness.E266,E267 Human mutations. Human beings with a mutation in the common gc (as mentioned, this includes defect signaling of IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, IL-15, and IL-21) have XSCID1, a disease characterized by the absence of T and NK cells but the presence of nonfunctional B cells. Clinical use. IL-9 is expressed on Reed-Sternberg cells and Hodgkin lymphoma cells and some large aplastic lymphoma cells, whereas non-Hodgkin lymphomas and peripheral T-cell lymphomas do not express IL-9. It has also been shown to be an autocrine growth modulator for Hodgkin cell lines. Therefore, the use of antiIL-9 may play a role in the future in the treatment of Hodgkin disease and large-cell anaplastic lymphomas. IL-10 Discovery and structure IL-10 was rst described in 1989 as cytokine synthesis inhibitory factor, a TH2-derived factor inhibiting the production of IFN-g and other cytokines in murine TH1 cells.E274 However, in the human system, IL-10 production is not a typical feature of TH2 cells, because both TH1 and TH2 cells are capable of producing IL-10, whereas the main source of T-cellderived IL-10 is Treg cells. The IL-10 gene maps to chromosome 1 both in the human (1q31-32) and murine genomes.E275 Its structure is highly conserved and consists of 5 exons and 4 introns, a trait that is shared by most IL-10 homologs. Human IL-10 has an MW of 18 kd and is secreted as a homodimer consisting of 2 subunits of 178 amino acids long.E276,E277 The IL-10 protein contains 4 conserved cysteine residues in its mature protein sequence and forms 6 a-helices (A-F) in its tertiary structure.E277 The rst exon encodes the signal sequence and the A helix, the second exon encodes the AB loop and B helix, the third exon encodes the C and D helices, the fourth exon encodes the DE loop and E helix, and the fth exon 5 encodes the F helix, the COOH tail, and an untranslated sequence that plays a role in mRNA stability.E278
Receptor and signaling IL-10 binds to a tetrameric receptor complex belonging to the IFN receptor family and is composed of 2 IL-10R1 chains and 2 IL-10R2 chains.E279 The IL-10R1 chain is expressed on T cells, B cells, NK cells, monocytes, mast cells, and DCs, whereas the IL10R2 chain is ubiquitously expressed.E280 IL-10 can bind to the IL-10R1 chain with high afnity (Kd 50-200 pM/L), whereas it does not directly interact with the IL-10R2 chain.E281 Murine IL-10 binds both human and murine IL-10R1, whereas human IL-10 binds only to the human IL-10R1. Despite the fact that the IL-10R2 chain does not directly bind IL-10 and does not provide STAT3 docking sites, it is essential for IL-10mediated signal transduction, as was demonstrated using an il-10r2-/- mouse model. These animals developed a phenotype similar to IL-10-/mice and stat3-/- mice, which is mainly characterized by the development of chronic colitis.E282 The IL-10R1 chain is associated with Jak1, whereas the IL10R2 chain is associated with Tyk2. The IL-10R complex signals via activation of Jak1 and Tyk2 followed by phosphorylation of STAT1, STAT3, and STAT5.E283,E284 Binding of IL-10 to the extracellular domain of IL-10R1 initiates the activation of Jak1 and Tyk2, which in turn phosphorylate the tyrosine residues Y427 and Y477 or Y446 and Y496 in the murine and human IL-10R1 intracellular domains, respectively.E285 These phosphorylated tyrosine residues and their anking peptide sequences provide docking sites for STAT3 but not STAT1 and STAT5 (these STATs may be activated by IL-10 binding in a different manner). STAT3 docks to the IL-10R1 chain through its SH2 domain and is subsequently phosphorylated and released, after which STAT3 either homodimerizes or forms heterodimers with STAT1 or STAT5.E285 These STAT dimers translocate to the nucleus, where they bind to STAT-binding elements in the promoter regions of IL-10responsive genes and initiate gene transcription. STAT3 was shown to be essential for all known aspects of the anti-inammatory effects of IL-10, as was demonstrated by a mouse model with a targeted deletion of stat3 in neutrophils and macrophages. In these animals, the suppressive effects of IL-10 on the production of inammatory cytokines were completely abolished. They were highly susceptible to endotoxic shock and developed chronic enterocolitis.E286 The IL-10Rassociated tyrosine kinase Tyk-2 acts as a constitutive reservoir for SHP-1 in resting T cells, and then tyrosine phosphorylates SHP-1 on IL-10 binding.E287 SHP-1 rapidly binds to CD28 and inducible T-cell costimulator (ICOS) costimulatory receptors and dephosphorylates them within minutes. In consequence, the binding of PI3K to either costimulatory receptor no longer occurs, and downstream signaling is inhibited. Accordingly, spleen cells from SHP-1decient mice showed increased proliferation with CD28 and ICOS stimulation in comparison with wild-type mice, which was not suppressed by IL-10. Generation of dominant-negative SHP-1overexpressing T cells or silencing of the SHP-1 gene by small inhibitory RNA both altered SHP-1 functions and abolished the T-cellsuppressive effect of IL-10. The rapid inhibition of the CD28 or ICOS costimulatory pathways by SHP-1 represents a novel mechanism for direct T-cell suppression by IL-10.E287 Cellular sources and targets In human beings, IL-10 is mainly produced by monocytes, T cells (mainly Treg cells), B cells, macrophages, and DCs.E280
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Recently it was described that mast cells also produce IL-10 and thereby limit the rate of leukocyte inltration, inammation, and skin pathology in the context of contact dermatitis or chronic UVB irradiation.E288 IL-10 gene expression is controlled by the ubiquitously expressed transcription factors Sp1 and Sp3.E289,E290 However, another level of regulation of IL-10 expression results from the presence of multiple copies of mRNA destabilizing motifs present in the 3 untranslated region of the IL-10 mRNA.E290 These ndings suggest that in many cells the IL-10 gene are ubiquitously transcribed, whereas the actual production and secretion of the IL-10 protein also depends on posttranscriptional signals. IL-27 was recently described as a potent inducer of IL-10 expression in T cells, a process that was dependent on STAT1 and STAT3. This was demonstrated in IL-27r1-/- mice, which were unable to generate TH1 cells producing both IFN-g and IL-10.E291 Another regulator of IL-10 expression in APCs was recently identied. The histone deacetylase 11 protein was shown to bind to the distal IL-10 promoter region, thereby inhibiting gene transcription. The mechanism for the inhibition of IL-10 expression was explained by the formation of more compact chromatin as a result of histone deacetylase 11mediated deacetylation leading to impaired accessibility of this region for IL-10inducing transcription factors such as STAT3 and Sp1.E292 Besides the cellular IL-10, several viral IL-10 (vIL-10) homologs have been found in the genomes of herpesviruses, poxviruses, and cytomegaloviruses, most of which show a high degree of amino acid sequence conservation compared with human IL10. These vIL-10 homologs bind the same receptor complex (often with much lower afnity)E293 as human IL-10 and induce similar responses. Therefore, viruses expressing homologs of human IL-10 are likely more successful in immune evasion through suppression of the host antiviral response. However, there is no detailed knowledge on the exact role of vIL-10 in these processes.
It has been suggested that IL-10 exerts its immune suppressive effects through interference with the NF-kB activation pathway through inhibition of IkB activation as well as inhibition of NFkB DNA binding activity.E298 However, this direct inhibitory effect of IL-10 on NF-kB activation was later shown to be negligible.E299 On the other hand, an indirect inhibitory effect of IL-10 signaling on the NF-kB pathway was recently demonstrated. The transcriptional repressor ETV3 and the corepressor strawberry notch homolog 2 were found to be specically upregulated in mouse and human macrophages by IL-10 but not IL-6 signaling. These factors repressed NF-kBactivated transcriptional reporters, suggesting that they contribute to the downstream antiinammatory effects of IL-10.E300 It appears that the primary mechanism of IL-10induced antiinammatory effects is mediated by the activation of STAT3, which acts indirectly by selectively inhibiting the transcription of specic LPS-induced genes in a manner that requires the synthesis of new proteins. This was demonstrated by using a mouse model in which the Tnf-a 3 UTR was replaced by the more stable Gapdh 3 UTR. Using this system, it was shown that IL-10induced reduction of Tnf-a (one of the genes that is selectively inhibited by IL-10) expression was the result of transcription inhibition rather than mRNA degradation or other posttranscriptional modications.E299 Why IL-10 induces such a broad range of anti-inammatory effects in a STAT3-dependent manner whereas other cytokines such as IL-6 that also signal through STAT3 do not remains largely unknown. However, a clue is provided by the fact that IL10 induces the expression of SOCS1 and SOCS3 in monocytes.E301 SOCS3 inhibits IL-6R signaling both in vitro and in vivo by binding to the gp130 subunit of this receptor, whereas is does not inhibit IL-10induced signaling.E302,E303 When the SOCS binding site on the IL-6 receptor is mutated, IL-6R signaling can induce an anti-inammatory response similar to IL-10.
Role in immune regulation and cellular networks IL-10 is a key regulator of the inammatory response. Its immunosuppressive effects protect the host from exaggerated inammatory responses to microbial infections as well as autoimmune diseases. Its primary function is to limit the production of TLR agonist (mainly LPS)induced cytokines and chemokines in macrophages and DCs. IL-10 directly affects macrophage/monocyte functions by downregulating surface expression of class II MHC molecules and costimulatory molecules CD80/CD86 on these cells.E294 Furthermore, IL-10 inhibits the expression of many cytokines including IL-1a, IL-1b, Il-6, IL-10, IL-12, IL-18, GM-CSF, G-CSF, and TNF-a; chemokines including monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)1, MCP5, macrophage inammatory protein (MIP)1a, MIP1b, RANTES, IL-8, and IFN-ginducible protein 10 (IP-10); and chemokine receptors.E294,E295 IL-10 inhibits cytokine production and proliferation of CD4+ T cells mainly indirectly through its effects on APCs.E294,E295 However, IL-10 was also shown to directly affect T-cell cytokine production through suppression of CD28 and ICOS.E287 Contrary to its inhibitory effects on many cell types, IL-10 enhances the expression of MHC class II molecules and stimulates the differentiation of murine B cells into antibodysecreting cells. Despite this, immunoglobulin levels are normal in il-10-/- mice.E296 IL-10 enhances the survival of human B cells as well as their proliferation, differentiation, and isotype switching.E297
Role in autoimmunity IL-10 appears to have a protective role in several autoimmune diseases such as SLE, RA, and diabetes mellitus. A correlation between IL-10 serum levels and the severity of SLE as well as autoantibody levels has been observed, and treatment of patients with SLE with monoclonal antiIL-10 antibodies showed an improvement of the disease outcome.E304 Moreover, elevated expression of IL-10 has been associated with several cancers including melanomas and lymphomas. Role in allergic disease IL-10 has a protective role in allergic disease. It is constitutively expressed by APCs in the respiratory tract of healthy individuals, but its expression is reduced in patients with asthma and allergic rhinitis. Furthermore, T-cell tolerance induced during specic immunotherapy is the result of increased IL-10 production.E305 Especially IL-10producing Tr1 cells play key role in allergen tolerance and can be induced by allergen-SIT in human beings.E305-E308 Tr1 cells are the dominant type of T-cell subset in healthy individuals. Studies clearly show that allergen-specic Tr1 cells are predominant in healthy individuals to prevent unwanted immune responses to nonpathogenic environmental antigens such as house dust mite, birch pollen, bee venom, and food antigens (hazelnut, pear), which lead to allergy.E309,E310 Healthy
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individuals and those with allergy display 3 different allergenspecic T-cell subtypesTH1, TH2, and Tr1in different ratios.E310 The imbalance between TH2 and Tr1 cells and depending the dominant subset may induce allergy development or recovery. Tolerance to venom allergen is an appropriate model for high dose tolerance to allergens in human beings. During beekeeping season, repeated exposure of healthy beekeepers without allergy to bee venom antigens is an estimable model to apprehend mechanisms of immune tolerance to bee venom allergens.E311 During the exposure to venom allergen, venom-specic IL-10secreting Tr1 cells are clonally differentiated from allergen-specic TH1 and TH2 cells. This leads to suppression of the allergen-specic unwilling immune response by TH1 and TH2 cells. This immunomodulator response persists as long as venom exposure and returns to previous levels within 2 to 3 months after the end of beekeeping season. Interestingly, histamine receptor 2 also upregulated on specic TH2 cells suppresses allergen-stimulated T cells and enhances IL-10 production related to tolerance mechanism. Beekeepers without allergy have an approximately 1000 times higher allergen-specic IgG4 versus allergen-specic IgE ratio compared with individuals with bee venom allergy.E312 Another tolerance model with cat allergen also showed elevated levels of allergen-specic IgG4 levels after exposure to highdose cat allergen.E313 This also represents a tolerance to the TH2 immune response to specic allergens. Together these outcomes may mean that animals in the house induce tolerance and can decrease the risk of asthma. IL-10secreting Tr1 cells not only suppress TH2 immune response. Peripheral tolerance is achieved with multiple mechanism to overcome and suppress allergic inammation. The other roles of Treg cells are suppression DCs, thereby enhancing the generation of effector or induction of DCs that support the generation of Treg cellsE314-E316; suppression of TH1 and TH2 cellsE317; suppression of allergen-specic IgE and induction of IgG4 and/or IgAE318; suppression of mast cells, basophils, and eosinophilsE319; and interaction with resident cells and remodeling.E320,E321
T-cellspecic IL-10decient mice develop a phenotype that largely resembles that of the complete IL-10decient model with the difference that T-cellspecic IL-10 KOs are less sensitive to endotoxic shock and irritant responses of the skin. This suggests that, in these situations, IL-10 derived from sources other than T cells is more important.E325 Many polymorphisms, including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and microsatellites, have been identied in the promoter region of the human IL-10 gene that are associated with altered expression levels of IL-10.E326,E327 Altered IL-10 expression levels as a result of such genetic variations have been linked with several diseases including cancer, tuberculosis, allergies, and a number of autoimmune disorders.
Functions as demonstrated in IL-10decient mice, receptor-decient mice, and human mutations Several animal models have provided insight into the mechanisms of action of IL-10. Mice overexpressing IL-10 under the control of an MHC class II promoter show a defect in abT-cell maturation characterized by a rapid thymic aplasia starting directly after birth, demonstrating that IL-10 regulates T-cell maturation.E322 Transgenic overexpression of IL-10 under control of a macrophage-specic promoter results in suppression of systemic cytokine responses in response to LPS challenge as well as impaired clearance of Mycobacterium bovis infection compared with normal animals, whereas no differences in Tcell and B-cell responses were observed.E323 This suggests that macrophage-derived IL-10 mainly acts in an autocrine or paracrine manner. IL-10 KO mice show normal lymphocyte development and antibody responses while they grow slower, are anemic, and develop chronic colitis.E296 This demonstrates that IL-10 is essential for the control of normal intestinal immune responses against enteric antigens. Interestingly, a frameshift insertion at nucleotide 3020 (3020insC) in the gene encoding Nod2 is strongly associated with Crohn disease and impaired IL-10 production. Recently it was shown that this mutant Nod2 protein actively inhibited IL-10 transcription by blocking phosphorylation of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 via p38.E324
The IL-10 cytokine family The family of IL-10related cytokines consists of IL-10, IL-19, IL-20, IL-22, IL-24, IL-26, IL-28, and IL-29. The genes encoding IL-22 and IL-26 map to chromosome 12q15 together with IFN-g. Because they have been frequently classied as part of the typical TH17 cytokine prole, these 2 cytokines are discussed in the context of TH17-related cytokines. The genes encoding IL-10, IL-19, IL-20, and IL-24 co-localize on chromosome 1q31-32, whereas the genes encoding IL-28A, IL-28B, and IL-29 map to chromosome 19q13. The members of the IL-10 cytokine family are mainly linked through their similar intron-exon structure. At the amino acid level, these proteins are not very similar. However, their secondary structure is highly conserved and contains 6 to 7 a-helices that form either monomeric or dimeric proteins. All IL-10 family members exert their effects through binding to a transmembrane receptor complex composed of R1 and R2 chains belonging to the class II cytokine receptors, and their main signal transduction pathway acts through Jak/STAT phosphorylation. IL-19, IL-20, and IL-24 can bind more than 1 receptor complex, and some of the heterodimeric receptor complexes can be activated by different members of the IL-10 family of cytokines. Despite their many similarities, the members of this cytokine family play roles in different physiological processes including immune suppression (IL-10), skin biology (IL-19 and IL-20), tumor suppression (IL-24), and antiviral responses (IL-28 and IL-29). IL-11 Discovery and structure Human IL-11 is a pleiotropic and redundant cytokine that interacts with a variety of hemopoietic and nonhemopoietic cell types. It was rst isolated from bone marrowderived stromal cells in 1990.E328 The human IL-11 gene is located on the long arm of chromosome 19 (19q13.3-13.4) and consists of 5 exons and 4 introns. It encodes a precursor protein consisting of 199 amino acids. After cleavage of a 21amino acid hydrophobic signal sequence, the mature protein has a molecular weight of 19 kd and lacks any cysteines or N-glycosylation sites. It is proline-rich and has a high basic charge (pI511.3). Although it shows little sequence homology with other cytokines, its 3-dimensional structure is supposed to be similar to that of members of the IL-6 family. The high helicity of IL-11 together with computer predictions of secondary structure indicate that the molecule has a 4 a-helical bundle structure.
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Receptor and signaling IL-11 binds to a heterodimeric receptor, consisting of the specic IL-11Ra and the signal-transducing subunit gp130.E329 IL-11Ra is a 150-kd protein consisting of an extracellular region, a transmembrane, and a cytoplasmic domain. The extracellular part of the protein contains 3 domains similar to those of the IL-6 receptor: an N-terminal immunoglobulin-like domain and 2 bronectin type IIIlike domains that contain the cytokine receptor-homology region dened by 4 conserved cysteine residues and a characteristic WSXWS sequence motif. Mutational analysis of the IL-11Ra demonstrated that the third extracellular domain is responsible for ligand binding; the afnity of this domain for IL-11 was found to be as high as that for the whole receptor.E330 Experiments using a soluble form of IL-11Ra that lacks the cytoplasmic domain showed that this domain is not required for the biological effects of IL-11, but the gp130 subunit mediates the signaling.E331 gp130 belongs to the family of class I cytokine receptors and is the common signal-transducing subunit shared by IL-11, IL-6, ciliary neurotrophic factor, LIF, OSM, and cardiotrophin-1. On binding of IL-11 to its receptor, a hexameric complex is formed consisting of 2 molecules each of IL-11, IL-11Ra, and gp130.E332 The dimerization of gp130 initiates several signal transduction pathways in parallel: the Jak/STAT pathway gets triggered, and MAPKs, ribosomal S6 protein kinases, and Srcfamily kinases such as p60 src and p62 yes are activated.E333 Cellular sources and targets IL-11 is produced by a variety of stromal cells including broblast, epithelial cells, endothelial cells, vascular smooth muscle cells, synoviocytes, osteoblasts, and several tumor cell lines.E334-E337 Its expression is induced after stimulation with the cytokines IL-1a, TGF-b, or TNF-aE335,E338 as well as IL-13 during TH2-dominated inammatory disorders.E339 Although each cytokine is sufcient to stimulate IL-11 expression, IL-1a and TGF-b synergistically augment the production of IL-11. Moreover, several tissue-specic stimuli of IL-11 synthesis have been described. For instance, parathyroid hormone,E340 hepatocyte growth factor,E341 or viral infections E342,E343 are shown to induce the production of IL-11 in osteoblasts and airway smooth muscle cells, respectively. Histamine and eosinophil major basic protein further enhance IL-11 expression, whereas IL-6, IL-4, heparin, and steroids inhibit IL-11 synthesis.E340,E344 IL-11 acts widely in hematopoietic and nonhematopoietic cell types, including hematopoietic progenitor cells, platelets, T cells, B cells, monocytes, and hepatocytes. Role in immune regulation and cellular networks In synergy with IL-3, it shortens the G0 period of early hematopoietic progenitor cells and thereby stimulates hematopoiesis by supporting the growth of myeloid, erythroid, and megakaryocyte progenitor cells as well as plasmacytoma cells.E345 IL-11 increases peripheral platelet counts and was shown to enhance T-celldependent secretion of immunoglobulins by B cells. Recent work demonstrates the expression of IL-11Ra and gp130 on CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes, indicating a direct effect of IL-11 on T cells. In vitro IL-11 modulates the cytokine production from activated murine CD4+ T cells in such a way that IL-4 and IL-10 secretion is enhanced, but the production of IFN-g and
of the T-cell growth factor IL-2 is inhibited. However, no effect of IL-11 on T-cell proliferation was observed.E346 Moreover, IL-11 regulates monocyte and macrophage proliferation as well as activity by inhibiting the synthesis of inammatory cytokines such as TNF-a, IL-1, IL-12, IFN-g, and nitric oxide after LPS stimulation. The decreased cytokine production is associated with inhibited nuclear translocation of NF-kB and enhanced production of NF-kB inhibitors IkB and IkB-b. During the acute-phase response, IL-11 stimulates the production of acute-phase proteins such as ferritin, haptoglobin, Creactive protein, and brinogen in hepatocytes.E345 IL-11 promotes neuronal development and plays a role in adipogenesis by potently inhibiting the lipoprotein lipase activity and the differentiation of adipocytes.E347 In addition, IL-11 is involved in bone remodeling because it stimulates osteoclast development, inhibits their apoptosis, and suppresses the activity of osteoblasts, which leads to decreased bone formation.E337 IL-11 was shown to have intriguing protective effects on epithelial cells and connective tissue after cell damage induced by irradiation or chemicals.E348 It downregulates proinammatory mediators, inhibits epithelial cell proliferation and apoptosis, and induces the secretion of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 1 from chondrocytes, synoviocytes, and hepatocytes. Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 1 is a potent inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases, a group of peptidases involved in the degradation of the extracellular matrix that promote cell proliferation while inhibiting apoptosis in a wide range of cell types. Most prominent are the protective effects of IL-11 in the gastrointestinal tract, where IL-11 protects small-intestinal cells after combined radiation and chemotherapy and ameliorates tissue injury in animal models of IBD. Additional protective effects of IL-11 were observed in different models of inammatory skin disease, RA, and infection-endotoxemia syndromes or patients with Crohn disease, MS, and psoriasis.E349-E351
Role in allergic diseases IL-11 is supposed to be a regulator of inammation and tissue remodeling in the asthmatic airway. During asthmatic inammation, IL-13 together with respiratory viruses induces the expression of IL-11 in eosinophils and in a variety of structural cells in the lung. Overexpression of IL-11 in transgenic mice showed that IL-11 causes airway hyperresponsiveness and airway remodeling, which is characterized by subepithelial brosis and airway obstruction, whereas asthmalike inammations are inhibited.E352 IL-11 can be found in nasal secretions of children with upper respiratory tract infections, and patients with moderate or severe asthma show increased IL-11-expression in eosinophils and lung epithelial cells compared with healthy controls. In individuals with asthma, the levels of IL-11 even correlate directly with disease severity and inversely with FEV1.E352 These natural protective effects of IL-11 are exploited by using recombinant IL-11 for the treatment of different diseases. Recombinantly expressed IL-11 has been approved for the treatment of thrombocytopenia induced by chemotherapy. Thrombocytopenia is frequently the major dose-limiting hematologic toxicity during chemotherapeutic treatment of cancers and can be signicantly reduced by the ability of IL-11 to accelerate platelet recovery and stimulate peripheral platelet counts in vivo.E353
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The anti-inammatory and mucosal protective effects of IL-11 are of use to accelerate healing and improve TH1-mediated inammatory diseases. In a phase I clinical trial, treatment of patients with psoriasis resulted in amelioration of the disease, as shown by reduced keratinocyte proliferation and cutaneous inammation. Levels of proinammatory cytokines such as IFN-g, IL-8, IL-12, TNF-a, and IL-1 decreased, whereas the expression of endogenous IL-11 increased.E349 Moreover, recombinant IL-11 was found to protect from acute gastrointestinal mucosal damage and to induce remission in patients with mild to moderate Crohn disease.E350,E351 Animal models of RA as well as a phase I clinical study in patients with RA indicate a positive effect of IL-11 treatment on the outcome of the disease by inhibiting macrophage activity and modulating T-cell responses.E354
IL-12p40 can be produced as a free monomer or homodimer (p402) in large excess over the IL-12p70 heterodimer in vitro and in vivo. The p40 homodimers have been suggested to antagonize IL-12p70 signaling in mice but not in human beings. That IL-12p40 acts as a macrophage chemoattractant has also been proposed. Unlike p40, p35 is not secreted in monomeric form.
Functions as demonstrated in IL-11decient mice and receptor-decient mice Although IL-11 effectively acts as a multilineage growth factor in the hematopoietic compartment, IL-11Radecient mice show no obvious hematologic abnormalities.E355 The numbers of different hematopoietic cells in the bone marrow, spleen, or peripheral blood did not differ between wild-type and KO animals, indicating that IL-11 is dispensable for hematopoiesis because of growth factor redundancy in the hematopoietic compartment. In addition, the activities of IL-11 are similar to those of IL-6 with regard to the promotion of antibody secretion by B cells, the downregulatory effects on monocytes and macrophages, and the induction of acute-phase proteins. Thus, the effects of IL-11 can at least in part be accomplished by other cytokines, mainly those that signal via the common receptor subunit gp130. However, in contrast with normal hematopoiesis, IL-11Ra-/- mice have increased trabecular bone volume, associated with low bone resorption and formation, and decreased osteoclast numbers. Female IL-11Ra-/- mice are infertile because of abnormal development of the placenta. During normal pregnancy, IL-11 is expressed by endometrial stromal cells and activates the expression of a2-macroglobulin via the transcription factor STAT3. a2-Macroglobulin is a protease inhibitor essential for the development of the placenta; downregulation of a2-macroglobulin results in degeneration of the decidua and uncontrolled trophoblast invasion.E356 This nding points out a critical action for IL-11 in nonhematopoietic organs. IL-12 Discovery and structure IL-12 was rst described as natural killer stimulating factor in 1989. The heterodimeric cytokine consists of a 35-kd light chain (p35 or IL-12a) and 40-kd heavy chain (p40 or IL-12b).E357 The gene encoding p35 is located on chromosome 3 in human beings and on chromosome 6 in mice. The p35 protein contains 197 amino acids and has homology to other single-chain cytokines (eg, IL-6 and G-CSF). The IL-12 p40 gene is on the human chromosome 5 in the same area as IL-3, IL-5, and GM-CSF, and the mice gene is on chromosome 11. p40 has homology to the extracellular domain of members of hematopoietic cytokine-receptor family (eg, IL-6Ra).E358 Because of their localization on different chromosomes, protein expression of the 2 subunits is independently regulated, and when they are coexpressed in the same cell, they form the biologically active IL-12 p70 heterodimer.E359 Both subunits are covalently linked by a disulde bond between Cys74 of p35 and Cys177 of p40 to form the active IL-12 p70.
Receptor and signaling The heterodimeric IL-12R is composed of IL-12Rb1, which is structurally related to the type I cytokine receptor superfamily, and of IL-12Rb2, which is homologous to the gp130 subunit. The genes for the b1 and b2 chains reside on chromosomes 19p13.1 and 1p31.2, respectively. The afnity of IL-12 for either b1 or b2 alone is low, and coexpression of both b1 and b2 subunits is required for the generation of human high-afnity IL-12 binding sites.E360 The receptorlike subunit, IL-12p40, interacts with the b1 subunit, and IL-12p35 interacts with the b2 subunit. The b2 subunit is the signal transducing chain of the receptor. In contrast, IL-12Rb1 has no intracellular tyrosine residues and presumably cannot signal. IL-12Rb1 is more important for ligand binding.E361 IL-12R is expressed on T cells, NK cells, and DCs. However, naive CD4+ T cells express low levels of IL-12Rb2 at the resting state and require TCR, CD28, IL-27, or IFN-g stimulation to increase their IL-12 responsiveness.E362 The specic TH1-cell transcription factor Tbet, induced by IL-27, upregulates IL12Rb2, whereas IFN regulation factor (IRF)1, induced by IFN-g, directly regulates IL-12Rb1.E363 This enables the formation of the IL-12R complex. Like many cytokine receptors, IL12R lacks intrinsic enzymatic activity and instead transduces signals through the action of the Jaks. Tyk2 and Jak2 are involved in IL-12 signaling; Tyk2 associates with the b1 subunit, and Jak2 associates with IL-12Rb2.E364,E365 On ligand binding, receptor-associated Jaks are activated by transphosphorylation and later STAT4 activation. The phosphorylated STATs then homodimerize or heterodimerize, translocate into the nucleus, bind specic DNA sequences, and modulate gene expression.E366 Cellular sources and targets Produced by activated inammatory cells (eg, monocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, microglia, and DCs), and to a lesser extent B cells. Whereas p35 is expressed ubiquitously and constitutively at low levels, p40 expression is limited to phagocytic cells that produce IL-12p70.E367-E369 A variety of different pathogenic organisms induce high levels of IL-12p40 and IL-12p70 production, including gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, parasites, viruses, and fungi. Microbial products such as LPS, lipoteichoic acid, peptidoglycan, and bacterial (CpG) DNA induce T-cellindependent production of IL-12 by cells of the innate immune system via TLR signaling.E370-E372 Intact gram-positive bacteria preferentially stimulate IL-12.E373 The p40 gene is regulated at the level of transcription and is highly inducible by microbial products. Numerous transcription factors, including NF-kB family members (p50, p65, and c-Rel), IRF-1, IFN consensus binding protein, and Ets-family members, can bind and regulate the p40 promoter.E374-E378 IL-12 is also produced in a T-celldependent manner through the engagement of CD40 on APCs with its receptor CD40 ligand on T cells.E379 IL-12 production is positively regulated by IFN-g, which is induced by IL-12 itself. IL-12 participates in a positive feedback loop by promoting IFN-g secretion that, in
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turn, potently primes monocytes and PMNs for further IL-12 production.E376,E380 Conversely, IL-12 production is inhibited by IL-10, IL-11, IL-13, and type I IFNs. G-protein coupled receptors including the receptors for MCP1, prostaglandin E2, histamine, and FcR cross-linking also inhibit IL-12 production, although some G-protein coupled receptors like CCR5 positively regulate production. Cholera toxin and measles virus also downregulate IL-12 production.E381-E385
Role in immune regulation and cellular networks IL-12activated cells expressed increased levels of transcripts for many genes involved in host defense, including IFN-g, granzyme, TRAIL, FasL, and CCL5. Thus, the IL-12/IFN-g pathway predominantly induces cytotoxic factors important for the direct killing of microbes or infected cells. By inducing IFN-g production from NK cells and T cells, IL-12 indirectly activates the antimicrobial, antiparasitic, and antitumor activity of phagocytotic cells and promotes cytolytic activity of NK cells and lymphokine-activated killer cells.E386-E391 IL-12 also acts on DCs to induce IL-12 production further, and by increasing the expression of CD2, CD11a, CD45, CD56, CD69, CD71, and HLA-DR, IL-12 supports the maturation of DCs and is of great importance for the differentiation and proliferation of T cells.E360,E392 IL-12 is a major player in the development and maintenance of TH1 cells. Activation of the IL-12R complex further stimulates IFNg production and induces expression of IL-18Ra, thereby conferring IL-18s responsiveness to mature TH1 cells. IL-18 serves as a cofactor for IL-12induced TH1 development and enhances IFN-g production from effector TH1 cells. In contrast, IL-4 inhibits IL12Rb2 expression.E362,E393 Therefore, the opposing effects of IFN-g and IL-4 on IL-12R expression may contribute to TH1/ TH2 differentiation. Conversely, IL-12 and IFN-g antagonize TH2 differentiation and the production of IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13. Functions as demonstrated in IL-12deleted mice and receptor-decient mice Mice decient in IL-12p35, IL-12p40, or IL-12Rb1 display similar phenotypes and show no obvious developmental abnormalities.E394-E397 Their IFN-g secretion, TH1 differentiation, and NK cytolytic activity are greatly impaired, and decrease of IL-12 production results in higher susceptibility to intracellular pathogens. Mice lacking the IL-12p40 subunit are more immunocompromised than p35-/- mice in terms of their ability to generate allospecic CD8+ T cells.E398 However, the generation of TH1 lymphocytes in p35-null mice is totally abrogated, and these mice and are highly susceptible to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), whereas p40-decient mice are resistant. Patients with IL-12p40 deciency show increased susceptibility to poorly pathogenic mycobacterial and salmonella infection. This condition seems to be more severe than IL-12Rb1 deciency, with a mortality of 38%.E399,E400 A number of mutations in IL-12RB1 have been identied and result in the complete absence of responsiveness to IL-12 and IL-23. Antigenic stimulation (eg, BCG or M avium) of patient peripheral blood lymphocytes resulted in markedly reduced IFN-g production. Activated T-cell lines derived from these patients did not respond to IL-12 by the nuclear translocation of phosphorylated STAT4 protein as detectable by electrophoretic mobility shift.E401 Atopic patients with heterozygous IL-12Rb2 chain mutations show decreased STAT4 phosphorylation and IFN-g production in response to IL-12 stimulation.E402,E403
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FROM IL-13 TO IL-24 IL-13 Discovery and structure IL-13 was rst described in 1989 as P600, a protein expressed by activated mouse TH2 cells,E1 and was cloned in 1993.E2-E4 It has a molecular weight of 10 kd and is encoded in a cytokine gene cluster on chromosome 5 (5q31) that includes genes encoding for IL-3, IL-4, IL-5, IL-9, and GM-CSF. The structure of IL-13 consists of a 4-helix bundle with a characteristic up-up-down-down topology that includes a b-sheet formed between residues in the AB-loop and CD-loop.E5,E6 It shows considerable similarity to IL-4 and is highly conserved with little species-specicity.E3 Receptor and signaling IL-13 has 2 known receptors: IL-13R1a1 and IL-13R1a2.E7 It signals, together with IL-4, through the IL-4R complex type II that consists of the IL-4Ra and IL-13Ra1. IL-13 binds with its helical faces to the elbow-shaped cytokine-binding homology region. Recently, LaPorte et alE8 dened the structural basis of type I and type II ternary signaling complexes and the subtle differences that results from IL-4 and IL-13 receptor interactions leading to type II complex formation. IL-13Ra1 bears an evolutionary relationship to gc, but it contains an extra N-terminal immunoglobulin-like domain (D1) not found in other receptors of the gc subfamily that is required for IL-13 but not for IL-4 signaling. For its binding specicity, the IL-13R1D1 domain has been dened as the crucial part type II complex formation that results in IL-13 signaling. IL-4mediated signaling via this complex is not affected by mutations of this domain. IL-4 binds to IL-4Ra with high afnity, whereas the recruitment of either gc or IL-13Ra1 contributes little afnity. On the contrary, binding of IL-13 by IL-13Ra1 occurs with moderate afnity, but its afnity is signicantly enhanced by the presence of its ligand, IL-4Ra. Consequently, the expression patterns of the receptors are decisive to dene the signaling efciency of IL-4 and IL-13. In general, IL-4Ra is limited, however, for example, in cells in which IL-13Ra1 is limiting the higher afnity for its trigger the receptor may lead to a more potent IL-13 signaling.E8 Another important factor is the presence of the gc that allows IL-4 to signal via the type I complex. Mainly macrophages and hematopoetic cells express both the gc and IL-13R1a. Consequently, gc expression results in a 10-fold to 100-fold higher sensitivity of bone marrowderived macrophages and monocytes to IL-4 than to IL-13.E9 After binding of IL-13 to IL13Ra1, the IL-13 type II receptor complex is formed and leads to Jak-mediated phosphorylation of STAT6.E10 This is considered to be the major mode of action. However, recently IL-13 was demonstrated to act via the MAPK pathway. The activation of ERK 1/2 in mouse model with transgenic IL-13 expression in the lung was demonstrated.E11 Inhibition of the ERK 1/2 MAPK pathway decreased the expression of several chemokinesMIP-1a/CCL-3, MIP-1b/ CCL-4, RANTES/CCL-5, matrix metalloproteases (MMP)2, MMP-9, MMP-12, and MMP-14, and cathepsin Band led to the upregulation of a1-antrypsin. MIP-2/CXCL-1 expression was exclusively ERK 1/2dependent. Moreover, remodeling and recruitment of eosinophils were also affected by IL-13dependent activation of ERK 1/2. IL-13induced eotaxin/CCL-11, MIP-1/CCL-2 and C10/CCL-6 mRNA production, IL-13R
regulation,15-lipoxygenase regulation (in vitro experiments), and mucus cell metaplasia (in vivo) in an ERK 1/2independent manner.E11 In addition to ERK1/2, JNK-dependent effects have been suggested to have an effect on AHR by affecting Ca++ inux in airway smooth muscle cells.E12 The second receptor, IL-13Ra2, is assumed to act as a decoy receptor. It binds IL-13 with a higher afnity than IL-13Ra1 and is considered to serve as potent inhibitor of IL-13induced actions.E13 In a double-KO asthma model (IL10-/-IL13Ra2 -/-), an additive inhibitory effect of IL-13Ra2 on IL-13induced airway hyperreactivity, mucus production, inammation, and brosis with IL-10 was observed.E14 Furthermore, a role of IL-13Ra2 in IL-13induced brosis by TGF-1 in the presence of TNF-a has been demonstrated in mouse models for oxazolone-induced or trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid-induced colitis and bleomycininduced lung brosis. After an initial step of upregulation of IL-13Ra2 by IL-13 (via the IL-13Ra1), TNF-a mediates brosis, which is induced via IL-13Ra2 in an STAT6independent fashion via AP-1.E15,E16 There is some evidence that the N-linked glycosylation of IL-13Ra2E17 plays a decisive role for IL-13Ra2 mediated inhibition.
Cellular sources and targets IL-13 is produced by T cells, mast cells, basophils, eosinophils, and NKT cells. Major target cells are B cells, mast cells, epithelial cells, eosinophils, smooth muscle cells, and macrophages.E18 Role in immune regulation and cellular networks IL-13 is antagonized via the TH1-type cytokines IFN-g, IL-12, IL-18, and TNF-a and the regulatory cytokine IL-10. IL-13 can induce class-switching to IgG4 and IgE in combination with CD40 stimulation.E19 The expression of CD23 and MHC II are upregulated on B cells in the presence of IL-13. In addition, the induction of the adhesion molecules CD11b, CD11c, CD18, CD29, CD23, and MHC II on monocytes takes place. Moreover, IL-13 activates eosinophils and mast cells, recruits eosinophils, and prolongs their survival.E20 Role in allergic disease Ovalbumin-transgenic TH2-type cells from IL-13decient mice fail to induce AHR in B-cell and T-celldecient mice in the presence of airway eosinophilic inltrates, IL-4, and IL-5.E21 Thus, IL-13 itself is sufcient to induce AHR. IL-13dependent AHR and mucus secretion was induced independently of IL-5 or eosinophilic cationic protein. However, the presence of IL-5 and ECP seems to be crucial for maintenance of IL-13 production of TH2 cells. Chiba et alE22 reported an IL13induced upregulation of a monomeric GTP-binding protein called RhoA, which is supposed to be involved in increasing the sensitivity of myolaments to Ca++. Interestingly, both an IL4Ra and a Stat6-independent pathway through which IL-13 induces AHR and mucus secretion have been suggested.E23,E24 The role of IL-13 on asthma is supported by epidemiologic data demonstrating that a combination of polymorphisms of the IL-4/ IL-13 pathway increased the risk of developing asthma 16.8fold.E25 Polymorphisms restricted to IL-13 itself lead to a higher frequency of asthma exacerbations in childhood and elevated total IgE and blood eosinophilia.E26 IL-13 also contributes to allergic rhinitis late-phase responses, whereas its impact on the acute response appears to be limited in vivo.E27
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In addition, IL-13 plays an important role in tissue remodeling and brosis.E28,E29 In an S mansoni infection model, IL-4R-/- and Stat6-/- mice had a signicantly reduced granuloma size and reduced brosis, whereas ablation of IL-4 had no effect, thus suggesting a key role of IL-13 in this process. Moreover, IL-13 is a potent inducer of collagen production in broblasts. Furthermore, it is able to induce arginase 1 in macrophages that are termed alternatively activated. This arginase uses L-arginine as a substrate to make L-ornithine and is converted to proline and polyamines. Proline is known to be necessary for the development of brosis. Increased polyamine production in the presence of IL-13 leads to rat aortic smooth muscle cell proliferation that can be inhibited via dexamethasone treatment.E30
Role in host defense or other immune-regulatory conditions IL-13 plays a unique role in parasite defense. IL-13decient mice are unable to expel N brasiliensis. Importantly, this defect is more pronounced in IL-13-/- mice than in IL-4decient mice, with IL-5 levels comparable to those of wild-type mice.E31,E32 Antiproliferative effects (human breast cancer cells, renal cell carcinoma, B-All) as well as promotion of proliferation by inhibition of TH1-type tumor rejection via the STAT6 pathway were reported for IL-13. Thus, blocking or antagonizing IL-13 or targeting of IL-13Ra1expressing cells may serve as a promising anticancer immunotherapy.E33,E34 However, a detailed understanding of IL-13 in case of malignancies is needed. Functions as demonstrated in IL-13decient mice, receptor-decient mice, and transgenic models IL-13decient mice produce reduced levels of IL-4, IL-5, IL10, and IgE. They are unable to expel N brasiliensis. Moreover, IL-13-/- mice fail to mount a profound goblet cell hyperplasia, although IL-4producing and IL-5producing cells are present. Mast cell cytokine production is unaffected in KO mice on stimulation with PMA and ionomycin.E31,E32 Interestingly, IgE levels do not change in IL-13decient mice. Recently, IL-13Ra1decient mice were generated.E35,E36 Mice were healthy and showed no fundamental changes in the lymphocyte compartment. IL-13Ra1-/- mice do not develop airway hyperreactivity and mucus hypersecretion, whereas soluble IL-13Ra2 and IL-13 were upregulated.E35 Surprisingly, the percentage of CD4+ TH2 cells was reported to be signicantly higher on S mansoni infection in IL-13Ra1-/- mice.E36 In addition, signicantly less hepatic brosis and a modestly increased frequency of eosinophils in granuloma related to a higher IL-5 production were reported. TGF-b has been linked to IL-13related brosis. TGF-1 and MMP-9 were increased in IL-13Ra1-/- mice when challenged with Schistosoma antigen.E36 Thus, IL-4R complex II seems to be involved in the activation of broblasts and epithelial cells. Moreover, IL-13Ra1 KO mice had lowerE36 or nondetectableE35 serum IgE levels without any changes of other immunoglobulin titers. Specic overexpression of IL-13 in the lung leads to typical features of asthma including pulmonary eosinophilia, airway epithelial hyperplasia, mucous cell metaplasia, subepithelial brosis, Charcot-Leydenlike crystals, airway obstruction, and nonspecic airway hyperresponsiveness to cholinergic stimulation.E37 IL-14 The alternative name is high-molecular-weight BCGF.
Discovery and structure Several years ago, IL-14 was originally discovered as a highmolecular-weight BCGF with a molecular size of 60 kd,E38 which differs from the human low-molecular-weight BCGF. Human IL14 is a member of BCGF family including IL-2, IL-4, IFN-a, IFN-b, IFN-g, TNF-a, and low-molecular-weight BCGF. There is evidence that IL-14 is eventually a precursor for the low-molecular-weight BCGF, which has a molecular weight of 12 to 14 kd.E39 The human IL-14 gene maps on chromosome 1p34-6; the murine IL-14 gene is located on chromosome 4. Two transcripts are produced from opposite strands of the IL-14 gene, termed IL-14a and IL-14b.E40 Cloning of IL-14 cDNA revealed a 53-kd protein composed of 498 amino acids including a signal peptide of 15 amino acids and 3 potential N-linked glycosylation sites. The sequence is rich in cysteines.E41 Concerning the sequence, no homology to other ILs and cytokines has been observed, and its 3-dimensional structure has not been solved. Receptor and signaling IL-14 binds to a 90-kd receptor, identied by using a mAb (BA5). This mAb recognizes a binding site for IL-14 on solubilized membranes of activated B cells. A high correlation between the expression of the receptor and capacity of the cells to react on stimulation was seen. The expression of IL-14R is very low on resting normal tonsillary or peripheral blood B lymphocytes (50350 IL-14R/cell), hence these cells do not respond efciently to IL-14, whereas activated normal tonsillary or peripheral blood B lymphocytes express much more IL-14R (1-5 3 104 IL-14R/cell) and proliferate in the presence of IL-14.E42 However, it is still unknown in which stage of human B-cell ontogeny the B-cell lineage cells express the receptor and are able to respond to IL-14 stimuli. Cellular sources and targets IL-14 has been identied in normal T cells, T-cell clones, and B-lineage and T-lineage lymphoma cell lines.E39,E43-E45 Role in immune regulation and cellular network It was found that IL-14 inhibits the immunoglobulin secretion of activated B cells, but the mechanism is still poorly understood.E46 Furthermore, IL-14 stimulates B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells, hairy cell leukemia cells, prolymphocytic leukemia cells, and chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells.E38,E43,E47 The complement component, factor B, related antigenically to IL-14, is also a mitogenic factor for B lymphocytes and competes with IL-14 for binding to the B-cell membrane.E48 A recent study showed production of IL-14 by aggressive intermediate lymphomas of B-celltype non-Hodgkin lymphoma in human beings. These cells express IL-14mRNA, secrete IL-14, and proliferate in response to IL-14. Because exogenous IL-14 causes proliferation of B-celltype non-Hodgkin lymphoma cells in vitro as well, it is suggested that IL-14 acts in an autocrine and a paracrine manner.E47 Functions as demonstrated in IL-14 transgenic mice Data from a recent study with IL-14a transgenic mice stress a role for IL-14a in the development of autoimmunity and lymphoma genesis. Two distinct transcripts are produced from opposite strands of the IL-14 gene, designated IL-14a and IL-14b.
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Increased expression of IL-14a in transgenic mice results in a phenotype that is very similar to this from SLE and Sjgren o syndrome. The changes in the transgenic mice include hypergammaglobulinemia where IgG, IgA, and IgM autoantibodies are detectable. Immunoglobulins were also found in the kidney, and an increased number of lymphocytes was observed in the salivary glands of these mice. The peritoneal cavities of the transgenic mice are more inltrated with B1 cells. Mice vaccinated with Tdependent and T-independent antigens show a stronger immune response than wild-type mice. B-cell malignancies (CD5+ B-cell lymphoma) similar to those observed in patients with SLE and Sjgren syndrome appear in aged IL-14a transgenic mice.E40,E49 o Further, in peripheral blood of patients with primary and secondary Sjgren syndrome, high levels of IL-14a are expressed.E49 o
after infection. IL-15 is believed to be equivalent of IL-2 in the early innate immune response. Increased levels of IL-15 have been reported in various autoimmune diseases, such as RA, IBDs, inammatory synovitis, psoriasis, diabetes mellitus, asthma bronchiale, IBD, autoimmune vasculitis, and SLE.E58
Role in allergic disease IL-15 enhances the differentiation into TH2 cells. Furthermore, it has been shown recently that endogenous IL-15 plays an important role in the suppression of allergic rhinitis at the effector phase.E59 Functions as demonstrated in IL-15deleted mice, receptor-decient mice, human mutations, and clinical use KO/transgenic mice. IL-15 and IL-15Ra KO mice show a reduced number of NK cells, NKT cells, and CD8+ T cells and almost a total lack of memory phenotype CD8+ T cells, showing that IL-15 is important in the development and homeostasis for NK cells and naive and memory CD8+ T cells.E55,E56 In vesicular stomatitis virus and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infection models, IL-15 has been shown to be critical in the generation and expansion of virus-specic effector CD8+ T-cell clones.E60,E61 Transgenic expression of IL-15 increased CD8+ T-cell numbers, IL-2induced AICD was inhibited,E57 and overexpression of a modied stable form of IL-15 mRNA caused CD8+ T-cell lymphomas.E62 The overexpression of IL-15 in a mouse model of asthma inhibited allergic inammation. It also increased antigen-driven memory CD8+ T cells after microbe exposure.E63,E64 Furthermore, using IL-15 transgenic mice showed the importance of IL-15 in the elimination of colon carcinoma cells. Whereas wild-type mice were found to die with pulmonary metastases by 40 days after intravenous infusion of the carcinoma cells, IL-15 transgenic mice with large quantities of IL-15 did not develop such metastases and survived.E65 Human mutations. Human beings with a mutation in the common gc (as mentioned, this includes defect signaling of IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, IL-15, IL-21) have XSCID1, a disease characterized by the absence of T and NK cells but the presence of nonfunctional B cells. Clinical use. In several studies, it has been shown that aberrant expression of IL-15 is associated with the pathogenesis of various autoimmune diseases; therefore, the use of IL-15 antibody may play a role in the future in the treatment of these diseases.E66,E67 IL-16 Discovery and structure IL-16 was discovered in 1982 as a T-cellspecic chemoattractant secreted from PBMCs and was therefore named lymphocyte chemoattractant factor.E68 The gene for IL-16 is localized on chromosome 15q26.1-3, and Northern blot analysis identied 2 transcripts of IL-16 mRNA which are deriving from alternative splicing. The IL-16 promoter is TATA-less but contains 2 CAAT boxlike motifs and 3 GA protein transcription factor binding sites. After translation, the 80-kd precursor protein proIL-16 is cleaved by caspase 3 at Ser511,E69 resulting in an N-terminal and a C-terminal domain.E70 The 60-kd N-terminal domain is made up of 2 PDZ domains that mediate protein-protein
IL-15 Discovery and structure IL-15 was discovered by its ability to mimic IL-2mediated Tcell proliferation.E50,E51 Many of the biological actions attributed to IL-2 can also be induced by IL-15. However, there are important in vivo differences in the actions of these 2 cytokines. IL-15 is a monomer of 14 to 15 kd and consists of 114 amino acids. It is a member of the 4 a-helix bundle cytokine family. These family members are characterized by antiparallel juxtaposed helices A, C, B, D, and 2 long end-to-end loops, loops AB and CD, which are connected by a short b-sheet packed against helices B and D.E52 Receptor and signaling The IL-15R consists of 3 subunits, IL-15Ra chain, IL-2Rb chain (CD122), and the common gc (CD132).E51,E53 Only the IL-15Ra subunit is unique to IL-15. IL-2Rb is also a receptor for IL-2, and the common gc is shared by IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, and IL-21. The IL-2Ra consists of 2 sushi domains, whereas the IL-15Ra contains only 1. These domains are structurally different from other cytokine receptors. Both IL-2Ra and IL-15Ra use their sushi domains for ligand binding. The biological activities of IL-15 are mediated through Jak-STAT signal transduction pathways and are remarkably similar to those of IL-2. Cellular sources and targets IL-15 is produced by nonimmune cells (keratinocytes, skeletal muscle cells) and immune cells (monocytes and activated CD4+ T cells) in response to viral infections, LPS, and other signals that trigger innate immunity. Target cells include T, NK, and NKT cells. Role in immune regulation and cellular networks Although IL-15 shares some functions with IL-2, such as T-cell activation, stimulation of NK cell proliferation, and induction of NK cytolytic activity, differences in their biological function have been clearly identied. IL-15 is important for CD8+ memory cell, NK-cell, and NKT-cell homeostasis and is necessary for the development/differentiation of g/d T cells.E54-E56 Furthermore, IL-15 suppresses IL-2induced AICD of T cells.E57 Role in host defense or other immune-regulatory conditions (autoimmunity) IL-15 plays a role in the defense against microorganisms and tumors. Because IL-15 is produced in response to viral infection, its stimulation of NK proliferation occurs in the rst few days
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interactions by binding to other PDZ domains or to the C-terminus of a certain target protein in a sequence-specic fashion. A dual phosphorylation-regulated nuclear translocation sequence drives the protein to the nucleus, where it is able to regulate the cell cycle. The shorter C-terminal fragment has a molecular weight of 14 to 17 kd. It consists of 6 b-sheets and a PDZ domain for the formation of homotetramers (56 kd), thought to form biologically active IL-16 molecules that mediate cytokine function.E71 IL-16 is an atypical IL because it lacks the classic structural motifs present in either ILs or chemokines.
Cellular sources and targets IL-16 is mainly produced by lymphatic tissues including T cells, eosinophils, mast cells, monocytes, and DCs, but also by broblasts, epithelial cells, or synoviocytes under pathological conditions. IL-16 mRNA and proIL-16 are constitutively expressed in immune cells, whereas nonimmune cells such as epithelial cells have to be induced to transcribe IL-16 mRNA. The generation of mature IL-16 is regulated by the activity of caspase 3. Only CD8+ T cells constitutively express active caspase 3, and cleaved IL-16 homotetramers are stored in cytoplasmic lipid bodies. On stimulation of the CD8+ T cells with antigen, histamine, serotonin, or GM-CSF, a preformed protein is rapidly released within 1 to 4 hours. In contrast, CD4+ T cells, eosinophils, mast cells, and DCs depend on stimulation with antigen, IL-4, GMCSF, IL-1b, or TGF-b to activate caspase 3 and generate bioactive IL-16, taking up to 24 hours until IL-16 is released.E72,E73 Like IL-1, IL-16 does not display a signal peptide mediating secretion, and ongoing work is investigating the secretory pathway. The targets of IL-16 include all CD4-expressing cell types. Receptor and signaling IL-16 was shown to mediate its biological activity via CD4.E71 First, recombinant IL-16 binds to recombinant soluble CD4 in solution and can be puried by afnity chromatography using immobilized CD4. Second, monomeric Fab of anti-CD4 antibody (anti-OKT4 mAb) specically inhibits IL-16induced functions. The binding site for IL-16 was found to be distant from the MHC class II and HIV-1 gp120 binding regions. Third, the chemoattractant activity of IL-16 for CD4+ monocytes directly correlates with the amount of cell surfaceexpressed CD4. Moreover, transfection of human CD4 into IL-16nonresponsive mouse T-cell hybridoma cells leads to the activation of signaling cascades and migration on IL-16 stimulation. CD4 is constitutively expressed on CD4+ T cells, on CD8+ T cells after anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 stimulation, and on monocytes, macrophages, DCs, eosinophils, and mast cells. Binding of tetrameric IL-16 leads to cross-linking of CD4 and the activation of src-related kinase p56lck, which is associated with the intracellular domain of CD4.E74 However, the kinase activity of p65lck is not required for CD4-mediated motile response, but p65lck is supposed to recruit further signaling molecules via its SH2 and SH3 domains. The activation of protein kinase CE75 and its translocation from the cytosol to the cell membrane, together with the activation of PI3K, increased intracellular Ca2+, and inositol(1,4,5)-triphosphate and provide the link to the cytoskeleton for the motile response. KO experiments indicate that another molecule may substitute for CD4 in transmitting IL-16induced signaling. The chemokine receptor CCR5 is constitutively linked with CD4 in plasma cell
membranes, and soluble CCR and CD4 associate in vitro.E76 Studies using T cells from CCR5-decient mice demonstrate that the presence of CCR5 signicantly increases binding of IL16 to the cell surface and migration of T cells.E77 Signaling of IL-16 via CD4 leads to reciprocal desensitization of CCR5 and loss of MIP-1b/CCR5induced chemotaxis,E78 suggesting that the functions of the chemokine receptor CCR5 and CD4 are intimately connected. However, the precise physiological role of CCR5 in IL-16induced signaling remains unknown. In mast cells lacking CD4, the IL-16mediated effects were shown to depend on the tetraspannin CD9 because CD9-specic antisense oligonucleotides or anti-CD9 mAbs block the binding of IL-16 to the cell, Ca2+ mobilization, and their chemotactic response.E79
Role in immune regulation and cellular networks IL-16 serves as a chemoattractant for CD4+ T cells mainly, but also for CD8+ T cells, monocytes, mast cells, and eosinophils.E68 Among the CD4+ T cells, IL-16 preferentially induces migration of TH1 cellsE77 and FOXP3+ Treg cells.E80 Moreover, it facilitates de novo production of FOXP3+ Treg cells in vitro. IL-16induced chemotaxis is accompanied by the expression of HLA-DR on monocytes, by increased adhesion of eosinophils to the extracellular matrix, and by the expression of the IL-2Ra subunit (CD25), leading to proliferation in the presence of IL-2. Although IL-16 does not induce the synthesis of IL-2, the proinammatory cytokines TNF-a, IL-1b, and IL-15 are released from T cells on IL-16 stimulation. At the same time, the synthesis of the TH2-specic cytokines IL-4 and IL-5 is inhibited without affecting the release of IFN-g or IL-10.E81 Thus, IL-16 contributes to TH1-mediated responses and dampens TH2-mediated inammation. In addition, it was shown that binding of IL-16 to CD4 inhibits T-cell proliferation induced by antigen, anti-CD3 antibodies, or mixed lymphocyte reactions.E82 This means that IL-16 renders T cells refractory to antigen-specic activation, but favors the recruitment of nonclonotypic T cells and antigen-independent inammation. It remains to be elucidated whether this transient inhibition of responsiveness via the CD3/TCR complex is a result of a negative signal delivered by CD4 or whether IL-16 binding sterically inhibits the association of CD4 and the CD3/TCR complex. ProIL-16, the precursor of secreted IL-16, was found to have a nuclear function independent of its role as a cytokine precursor. In resting T cells, proIL-16 translocates into the nucleus and recruits histone deacetylase 3 to block gene transcription, resulting in G0/G1 cell cycle arrest. On activation of the cells, the levels of proIL-16 decline and the transcription repressor complex dissociates, leading to cell cycle progression and proliferation.E83,E84 Role in allergic disease and other pathologic conditions IL-16 is associated with exacerbations of various immunemediated, autoimmune, and infectious inammatory disorders. For instance, patients with allergic asthma show increased secretion of IL-16 from mast cells, epithelial cells, or T cells on antigen challenge.E85 Although the levels of IL-16 in the airways were found to correlate with the inltration of CD4+ T cells, several studies indicate that IL-16 does not play a negative role in
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asthma but rather downregulates the allergic response by altering the ratio of TH1/TH2 cells. In a murine model of allergic asthma, the administration of exogenous IL-16 during allergen challenge decreases histologic and physiological markers of allergic airway inammation. Airway hyperreactivity was inhibited, accompanied by reduced numbers of eosinophils in BAL. Lymph node cells from IL-16treated mice produced near baseline levels of IL-4 and IL-5 on ex vivo antigen stimulation.E81 In human beings with asthma, IL-16 is secreted by airway epithelial cells and subepithelial T cells and can be detected in the BAL after allergen or histamine bronchoprovocation. In line with the murine model of allergic asthma, PBMCs from individuals with ragweed allergy released less IL-5 in the presence of IL-16, whereas the level of IFN-g increased after antigen stimulation.E86,E87 Moreover, IL16 reduces the expression of the Ce transcript and the secretion of IgE in stimulated PBMCs from atopic individuals.E88 Thus IL-16 is supposed to be a natural modulator of allergic inammation in the lung, providing opportunities for further investigations and for the potential use of IL-16 or IL-16derived compounds in the treatment of allergic asthma. Patients with atopic dermatitis, Crohn disease, SLE, or RA have elevated levels of IL-16 in skin, colonic biopsies, sera, or synovial uids, leading to inux of immune cells into the skin, the colonic mucosa, or the synovial membranes and articular structures of multiple joints.E89-E92 The observed levels of IL-16 were found to correlate directly with the numbers of inltrating CD4+ cells. Moreover, the TT genotype of a described SNP in the IL-16 promoter region (-295 T-to-C) is frequently observed in patients with Crohn disease and is supposed to be responsible for increased IL-16 levels in these patients relative to healthy controls.E93 Because IL-16 is supposed to exacerbate the mucosal inammation in Crohn disease by promoting the inltration of CD4+ T cells, treatment of mice with antiIL-16 mAb substantially attenuates colonic injury and inammation induced in a mouse model of colitis.E90 Interestingly, IL-16 is also detectable in the central nervous system and markedly increased in MS lesions compared with the healthy tissue.E94 During experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in mice, which resembles the immunopathology of MS, the levels of IL-16 in the central nervous system correlate with the extent of CD4+ T-cell inltrations and disease severity.E95 Treatment of paralyzed mice with neutralizing antiIL-16 mAb ameliorated the relapsing disease, diminished the CD4+ Tcell inltrations, and reduced axon demyelination. During HIV infections, IL-16 was shown to suppress viral replication.E96 Although HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120 and IL-16 share the CD4 receptor, no steric inhibition of viral binding was observed. In contrast, binding of CD4 by IL-16 induces a repressor of HIV promoter activity, resulting in inhibition of Tat and PMA-induced HIV transcription.
decient mice show reduced binding of IL-16 to the cell surface and diminished T-cell migration.
IL-17A Discovery and structure The cDNA encoding IL-17A, initially named cytotoxic T-lymphocyteassociated 8, was rst identied by screening a cDNA library from murine cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) hybridomas.E98 It exhibited 57% identity to a predicted open-reading frame, herpes simplex virus13, in the T-lymphotropic herpesvirus Herpesvirus samiri.E99 The gene was cloned and used to search for a receptor binding to cytotoxic T-lymphocyteassociated 8. Thereafter, viral and mammalian homologs were renamed IL17, and the receptor was termed IL-17R. Subsequently, 5 homologous cytokines have been identied, and IL-17, as the founding member of this new cytokine family, has been designated IL-17A. Structurally, the IL-17 family represents a distinct cytokine family with no sequence similarity to any other known cytokines or proteins. The C-termini of all IL-17 family members are conserved and contain 4 cysteines that account for a characteristic structure, called the cysteine knot.E100 IL-17A is a glycoprotein consisting of 155 amino acids and acts as a disulde-linked homodimer with a molecular weight of 35 kd.E99 Heterodimers of IL17A and IL-17F also exist.E101 Human IL-17A shares signicant structural homology as well as glycosylation sites with both mouse and rat IL-17A.E102 Receptor and signaling Similar to the cytokines, the IL-17 receptors form a unique family,E99 suggesting that IL-17 cytokines and receptors represent a distinct signaling system. In addition to the initially identied IL-17R, also named IL-17AR, 4 members have been found on the basis of their sequence homology and have been termed IL-17RB, IL-17RC, IL-17RD, and IL-17RE. Although they share only limited sequence similarity, they are all predicted to be type I transmembrane proteins with long intracellular tails. Interestingly, alternative splicing of the receptors IL-17RB and IL-17RC introduces stop codons leading to secreted soluble proteins.E103,E104 IL-17RA consists of a 293amino acid long extracellular domain, a 21amino acid long transmembrane domain, and a 525amino acid long cytoplasmic tail.E99 It binds to IL-17A and to IL-17F, although with a 10-fold lower afnity to the latter.E100 As described for all other known cytokine receptors, IL-17RA is apparently expressed as a preformed multimeric complex before ligand binding.E105 Binding of IL-17A or IL-17F to this complex leads to a conformational change followed by the dissociation of the intracellular domains. It has also been suggested that another member of the receptor family, IL-17RC, contributes to effective binding of IL-17A.E106 The signaling cascade downstream from the receptors involves MAPKsE107 as well as NF-kB and PI3K-Akt pathways.E108 NF-kB activator 1 binds to the cytoplasmic tail of IL-17RA and thereby acts as a critical adaptor for IL-17RA signaling.E109,E110 Cellular sources and targets IL-17 cytokine family members appear to come from very distinct cellular sources. IL-17A was originally found to be expressed by activated memory CD4+ T cells.E99 Analysis of various T-cell clones revealed that IL-17producing T cells cannot be classied into TH1 or TH2 subsets but rather represent a distinct
Functions as demonstrated in IL-16deleted mice, receptor-decient mice Cells from CD4-decient mice are as responsive to IL-16 as cells from wild-type animals, indicating that CD4 is not necessarily required for IL-16 function, and another molecule may substitute for CD4 in transmitting IL-16induced signalingE97: CCR5 is supposed to substitute for CD4 in transmitting IL-16 induced signaling because studies using T cells from CCR5-
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cell population.E111 Some years later, further evidence for a distinct IL-17 secreting effector cell lineage has been provided, and this new subset has been named TH17.E112,E113 However, expression of IL-17A has also been detected in CD8+ T cells, gd T cells, NK cells, and neutrophils.E114-E116 mRNA encoding the IL-17RA can be found in various tissues like lungs, spleen, kidney, and liver.E99 On a cellular level, it is detected in broblasts, epithelial cells, vascular endothelial cells, B and T lymphocytes, myelomonocytic cells, and marrow stromal cells.E102,E117 Expression of the IL-17RC, which is apparently also involved in IL-17A binding, is found in human prostate, cartilage, kidney, liver, heart, and muscle.E104
Role in immune regulation and cellular networks Given the broad expression pattern of its receptor, it is not surprising that IL-17A acts on a large variety of cells. IL-17A was initially found to induce IL-6 and IL-8 (CXCL8) potently in broblasts.E99,E118 Subsequently, the induction of further CXCchemokines like CXCL1 (Gro-a), CXCL6, CXCL10, and CINC by IL-17A in different cells has been reported.E119-E122 Tissue broblasts and bronchial epithelial cells release IL-6 and IL-11 on stimulation by IL-17A,E123 whereas certain monocytes respond by secreting TNF-a and IL-1b.E124 Furthermore, IL-17A has been shown to induce colony-stimulating factors like GM-CSF and G-CSF, the MCP1, and metalloproteases.E122,E125-E127 In accordance with induction of these factors, IL-17A has a high potential in the recruitment and activation of neutrophils.E128 Role in host defense or other immune-regulatory conditions IL-17As role in neutrophil recruitment is crucial for host protection against various extracellular pathogens, as shown in several in vivo infection studies. IL-17A signaling plays an important role in the defense of certain bacteria like Klebsiella pneumoniae,E129 Toxoplasma gondii,E130 and Porphyromonas gingivalis,E131 but also in infections by Candida albicans.E132 Furthermore, it plays an important role in neutrophil attraction and abscess formation on Bacteroides fragilis infection.E133 Besides these important roles in host defense, IL-17A is involved in several inammatory disorders. Psoriasis, a chronic inammatory disease of the skin, was initially suggested to be a TH1-dominated disease because of the high expression of IFN-g, IL-2, IL-18, and the p40 subunit of IL-12. However, levels of IL-17A and other TH17 cytokines are also increased in serum and skin of patients with psoriasis.E134 Consistently, IL-23, which induces IL-17A and shares the p40 subunit with IL-12, seems to play a role in the pathogenesis of psoriasis,E135 suggesting a contribution of TH17 cells to the disease. However, although it is known that IL-17A induces antimicrobial peptides and matrix metalloproteases that are commonly found in psoriatic skin,E136,E137 the exact role of IL-17A in psoriasis awaits further elucidation. Clearer is the situation in RA, an autoimmune disease characterized by chronic inammation of synovial tissue in several joints, accompanied by destruction of bone and cartilage. Similar to psoriasis, RA and collagen-induced arthritis (CIA), a mouse model for RA, were thought to be TH1-dominated, because mice decient in the IL-12 subunit p40 were resistant to CIA. It then became clear that IL-23, which also consists of the p40 subunit, is responsible for the disease, rather than IL-12. Increased levels
of IL-17A have been found in sera, synovial uid, and in the Tcellrich area of the synovium in patients with RA,E138,E139 and these levels are predictive of a more severe joint damage progression.E140 Furthermore, IL-17RA is required for full progression of destructive synovitis.E141 Therefore, besides the enhancement of inammation commonly observed in arthritis, IL-17A also mediates bone and cartilage destruction. Although elevated levels of IL-17A mRNA have been found in blood and cerebrospinal uid of patients with MS,E142 very few studies have investigated the role of IL-17A in this disease. Evidence for a function of IL-17A in MS comes from studies using the mouse model EAE. Although previously it was considered to be a TH1 disease, it became apparent that IL-17Aproducing cells are sufcient to induce EAE on adoptive transfer into susceptible mice.E143 In the human disease MS, recent data suggest that IL-17A disrupt the blood-brain barrier, thereby promoting inammation of the central nervous system.E144 Apparently, more work is needed to characterize all effects of IL-17A in this disease. An involvement of IL-17A becomes apparent in IBD, specifically in Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis, because biopsies from inamed colonic tissue of patients with IBD showed increased levels of IL-17A.E145 Because IL-17A stimulates production of MMPs and the release of proinammatory cytokines in colonic subepithelial myobroblasts,E146 it strongly contributes to the chronic inammation characteristic for this disease. In addition, IL-17A inhibits the proliferation of intestinal epithelial cells (IECs),E147 suggesting that it might interfere with the repair mechanism important for the maintenance of the tissue integrity.
Role in allergic disease Increased levels of IL-17A have also been found in patients with asthma.E123,E148 This increase may explain the high numbers of neutrophilic granulocytes in allergic airways.E120,E149 IL-17A has also been described to induce expression of 2 mucin genes, MUC5AC and MUC5B, contributing to mucus hypersecretion.E150 IL-17A might have a role in airway remodeling, a feature commonly observed in severe asthma, because it was shown to induce the probrotic cytokines IL-6 and IL-11.E151 Therefore, evidence suggests an involvement of IL-17A in chronic inammation and irreversible changes in asthmatic airways, although further investigations are needed in this area. In addition, IL-17A production is commonly observed in skin inammation. Nickel-specic IL-17Asecreting T cells have been described in human keratinocytes,E152 and neutralization of IL-17A ameliorated contact hypersensitivity in a mouse model.E153 Furthermore, emerging evidence suggest that IL-17A is involved in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis, where IL-17A is expressed preferentially in acute lesions.E154 Functions as demonstrated in IL-17Adeleted mice and receptor-decient mice Initial studies investigating IL-17A KO mice suggest an important role for IL-17A in allergen-specic T-cellmediated immune responses, because airway hypersensitivity responses as well as T-celldependent antibody production were signicantly reduced in these mice.E155 More recent studies showed that, in line with IL-17As role in host defense, IL-17RAdecient mice have a markedly reduced survival after pulmonary K pneumoniae infection, accompanied by a reduced number of neutrophils in the lung.E129 These mice were also more susceptible to T gondii,E130 C albicans,E132 and P gingivalisE131 infections.
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IL-17A KO mice develop signicantly less arthritis,E156 and IL-17RA is required for full progression of destructive synovitis,E141 indicating a function of IL-17A in RA. Similarly, IL-17A plays a role in EAE, because adoptive transfer of TH1 lines into IL-17Adecient mice lead to reduced EAE clinical outcomes.E157 Another study suggests a role for IL-17A signaling in hematopoiesis after radiation, because hemopoietic toxicity is significantly more pronounced in IL-17RA KO mice when challenged with g-irradiation.E158 However, it should be kept in mind that IL-17RA also binds to IL-17F. Effects observed in IL-17RA decient mice can therefore be a result of defective signaling of IL-17A or IL-17F or even both.
ovary, and colon mucosal lining.E159,E160 Another study conrmed the high expression in spinal cord.E162 In an analysis of human spinal cord, dorsal root ganglia, cerebral cortex, cerebellum, and hippocampus, IL-17B protein was shown to be primarily localized to the neuronal cell bodies and axons. Other reports describe the expression of IL-17B in chondrocytes and mouse limb buds, suggesting a role for IL-17B in chondrogenesis and osteogenesis.E102,E163 Similarly, the receptor IL-17RB is expressed in kidney, liver, pancreas, testis, colon, and small intestines, but not in lymphocytes.E159,E161 The expression pattern of IL-17B and its receptor together with the fact that IL17B stimulates the release of TNF-a and IL-1b from a cell lineE160 suggest IL-17B to be involved in inammatory responses like its family member IL-17A.
IL-17B Discovery and structure IL-17B has been identied on the basis of its sequence homology to IL-17A.E159,E160 With 29% homology, it is less related to IL-17A than IL-17F, but more than the other family members. Human IL-17B shares 88% homology with mouse IL-17B, and it is localized to the human chromosome 5q32-34. IL-17B is a glycoprotein of 180 amino acids in length, giving rise to a molecular weight of 41 kd. Like the other IL-17 family members, it bears 4 cysteines in its C-terminus that account for a characteristic structure called the cysteine knot.E100 This cysteine knot is a common structural motif found in many growth factors such as bone morphogenetic proteins, TGF-b, or nerve growth factor. However, the knot in these proteins is formed by 6 cysteines compared with 4 cysteines found in IL-17 family members. Interestingly, whereas the subunits of IL-17A, IL-17C, IL-17D, IL-17E, and IL-17F are covalently linked by a disulde bond in the dimeric structure, IL-17B dimers are noncovalently linked. Receptor and signaling The receptor for IL-17B, IL-17RB (also named IL-17RH1, evi27, or IL-25R), has been identied by sequence homology to the IL-17RA.E159 IL-17RB is 426 amino acids in length and, surprisingly, lacks the long cytoplasmic tail observed in its homolog IL-17RA. Receptor binding revealed that IL-17B binds with relatively high afnity to IL-17RB, whereas no binding to IL-17RA was observed.E159,E160 Interestingly, alternative splicing of IL-17RB introduces stop codons, leading to the production of secreted soluble proteins that might act as decoy receptors.E103,E104 It has not been demonstrated yet whether this happens in vivo. Later, IL-17RB was found to bind IL-17E (also termed IL-25), another IL-17 family member.E161 The afnity of IL-17RB for this cytokine was even higher than that observed for IL-17B. Although the intracellular parts of IL-17RA and IL-17RB differ dramatically in size, they share some elements, suggesting that these receptors engage similar signaling pathways. This is supported by the nding that signaling by IL-17E through IL-17RB induces activation of NF-kB, a transcription factor also involved in IL-17RA signaling. Further studies need to be done to elucidate the exact mechanism of the signaling downstream IL-17RB. Cellular sources and targets In contrast with its homolog IL-17A, IL-17B does not seem to be expressed in immune cells. Instead, IL-17B was detected in spinal cord, testis, small intestines, pancreas, stomach, prostate,
Role in immune regulation and cellular networks Compared with IL-17A and IL-17F, relatively little is known about the physiological function of IL-17B. One study describes IL-17B to be expressed in calf articular cartilage but not in adult cow cartilage, suggesting a role in cartilage development.E163 Consistently, IL-17B mRNA was maximally expressed in the limb buds of 14.5 days postcoitus mouse embryos and declined to a low level at 19.5 days postcoitus. IL-17B expression was high in cells of the bone collar in the primary ossication center, whereas chondrocytes in the resting and proliferative zones expressed moderate levels of IL-17B. In accordance with these ndings, another report identies IL-17B expression during fracture healing, where IL-17B was localized in prehypertrophic chondrocytes of both the growth plate and the fracture callus.E164 Therefore, IL-17B appears to be involved in embryonic chondrogenesis as well as tissue regeneration. Role in host defense or other immune-regulatory conditions One study addressing the mechanism of BCG treatment found that, among many other cytokines, IL-17B was induced on intravesical BCG application.E165 Although acute BCG instillation upregulated IL-17A, IL-17B, and IL-17RA, chronic BCG also induced IL-17RB. In another report, intraperitoneal injection of IL-17B into normal mice was found to cause marked neutrophil migration in a dose-dependent manner.E159 These ndings suggest a role for IL-17B in host defense, especially in tissues in which IL-17A and IL-17F are not expressed. The role of IL-17B in disease is not well studied yet. Given the clear involvement of IL-17A in RA together with the nding that IL-17B and IL-17RB are expressed in cartilage, it can be suspected that IL-17B is implicated in RA as well. A few studies addressed the expression of IL-17B and its receptor in patients with RA. One of them found that synovial uid mononuclear cells (SFMCs) expressed IL-17RB.E138 However, the expression has not been compared with levels in SFMCs from healthy individuals. Another study detects IL-17B expression in 17 of 19 nodules of patients with RA, whereas IL-17A gene expression was present in only 1 of 19 nodules.E166 Stronger evidence for a role of IL-17B in RA comes from a report using CIA, a mouse model of RA.E167 In this study, elevated levels of IL-17B could be observed in the arthritic paws of CIA mice. In vitro, IL-17B induced TNF-a production in mouse peritoneal exudate cells, whereas adoptive transfer of IL-17B transduced CD4+ T cells evidently exacerbated arthritis. Furthermore, IL-17B bone marrow chimeric mice exhibited elevated serum TNF-a concentration and a high arthritis
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score on CIA induction, whereas neutralization of IL-17B significantly suppressed the progression of arthritis and bone destruction in CIA mice. Because IL-17B is expressed in prostate and ovary, its role in cancer affecting these tissues has been studied. In one study, an association between the expression ratio of homeobox 13 to IL-17RB and increased relapse and death was found in patients with tamoxifen-treated breast cancer.E168 Taken together, although evidence strongly suggests a role of IL-17B in RA, its involvement in cancer and other diseases is less clear. Further studies need to be done to elucidate the functions of IL-17B and to analyze which of these functions overlap with IL-17A and which of them are distinct.
Role in allergic disease So far, no role for IL-17B in asthma or allergy has been described. One study found an association of IL-17RB gene polymorphism with asthma.E169 However, given IL-17Bs expression pattern, it is more likely that these effects are a result of signaling by IL-17E, a TH2 cytokine also using IL-17RB as a receptor. IL-17C Discovery and structure IL-17C has been identied on the basis of a sequence similarity search of an expressed sequence tag (EST) database, and a fulllength cDNA was isolated from a human fetal kidney library.E160 IL-17C shares 23% homology with the founding family member IL-17A and 83% homology with its murine homolog. Consisting of 197 amino acids, it is the second longest family member and has a molecular weight of 40 kd. Like the other IL-17 family members, its structure is characterized by 4 cysteines in the C-terminus that account for the so-called cysteine knot.E100 This cysteine knot is a common structural motif found in many growth factors such as bone morphogenetic proteins, TGF-b, or nerve growth factor. However, the knot in these proteins is formed by 6 cysteines compared with 4 cysteines found in IL-17 family members. IL-17C is likely to act as a homodimer with the 2 monomers covalently linked by a disulde bond. It has been mapped to chromosome 16q24 in human and 8E1 in mice.E160 Receptor and signaling IL-17C, like IL-17B, does not bind to the IL-17RA, as shown in an immunoprecipitation experiment,E160 and so far, no receptor for IL-17C has been identied. Cellular sources and targets In contrast with IL-17B, which is expressed in many tissues like spinal cord, testis, small intestines, pancreas, stomach, prostate, ovary, and colon mucosal lining, IL-17C has not been detected in these tissues.E160 Furthermore, under these conditions, IL-17C is not detected in CD4+ T cells, which are a major source of IL-17A and IL-17F. However, it has been found as a rare EST in an adult prostate and fetal kidney libraries. Later reports describe expression of IL-17C under certain pathological conditions. For example, one study nds IL-17C to be expressed in arthritic paws of CIA mice.E167 More specically, IL-17C was expressed in CD4+ T cells, CD11b+ MHC class II+ macrophages, and CD11c+ MHC class II+ DCs. Consistently, expression of IL17C has been found in SFMCs of patients with RA, but also in
PBMCs.E138 Furthermore, IL-17C expression was found in lung tissue of mice infected with Mycoplasma pneumoniae.E170 Given these discrepancies, further investigations need to be done to clarify by which cells and especially under which conditions IL-17D is expressed. Because no receptor has been identied for IL-17C so far, the target cells on which it might act are not well known. However, IL-17C was found to bind to the surface of the monocytic cell line THP-1 and to induce IL-1b and TNF-a production in these cells, suggesting that it acts on cells of this cell line.E160 Interestingly, although IL-17A is known to induce IL-6 production in broblasts, no inuence of IL-17C has been observed on these cells. In a second study, IL-17C was shown to induce IL-6, IL-8, LIF, and MMP-3 secretion in human subepithelial myobroblasts, although the effects of IL-17A and IL-17F were more pronounced.E146 Taken together, few reports investigate cellular sources and targets, and further studies are required to elucidate this area.
Role in immune regulation and cellular networks To date, relatively little is known about the function of IL-17C. Because IL-17C was shown to act on cells in a way similar to its better known family members, namely to induce proinammatory cytokines like IL-1b, TNF-a, and IL-6, it can be supposed that IL-17C has functions similar to IL-17A. In particular, IL-17C might take over functions of IL-17A in tissues in which IL-17A is not expressed, or it might act on cells that do not express IL-17RA. Interestingly, IL-17C seems not to depend on IL-23 for its induction but instead induces IL-23.E167,E170 Therefore, one could imagine a mechanism in which IL-17C upregulates IL-17A through the induction of IL-23, thereby representing a potent inducer of a proinammatory cascade. Further investigations are needed to elucidate these complex but interesting and important events. Role in host defense or other immune-regulatory conditions A report showing an upregulation of IL-17C in mice infected with M pneumoniae suggests a role for IL-17C in host defense.E170 IL-17C was increased not only in BAL uid but also in lung tissue of infected mice compared with the control. Interestingly, IL-23, a strong regulator of IL-17A and IL-17F, did not have any inuence on IL-17C expression, suggesting a distinct upstream regulatory pathway. It remains to be determined whether IL-17C can substitute for other family members in host defensefor example, by attracting granulocytesand whether it has distinct functions. Although only a few studies addressed the role of IL-17C in disease, there is some evidence for involvement of this cytokine in RA. Given IL-17Cs potential to induce proinammatory cytokines and metalloproteases, this is not surprising. One study nds expression of IL-17C in SFMCs of patients with RA, but also in PBMCs.E138 Interestingly, although IL-15 decreased the levels of IL-17C in normal PBMCs, IL-17C was clearly upregulated by IL15 in SFMCs and PBMCs of patients with RA. Similarly, a study investigating nodules of patients with RA found IL-17C expression in 18 of 19 nodules, whereas IL-17A was present in only 1 nodule.E166 Because tissue destruction in the nodules was also observed in the absence of IL-17A, and because IL-17C is known to induce MMP-3 secretion in certain cells, it might be that IL17C accounts for the destruction of the nodule tissue. However,
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further experiments need to be performed to conrm this hypothesis. The role of IL-17C has also been addressed by using CIA, a mouse model of RA. IL-17C expression was found to be elevated in the arthritic paws of CIA mice, specically in CD4+ T cells, CD11b+ MHC class II+ macrophages, and CD11c+ MHC class II+ DCs.E167 In this study, IL-17C induced IL-1b in the broblast cell line 3T3 and IL-1b and IL-23 expression in peritoneal exudate cells. Although these results are a hint for an involvement of IL-17C in RA, stronger evidence comes from an experiment in which IL-17Ctransduced CD4+ T cells were adoptively transferred before the onset of arthritis. In the recipients, an exacerbation of arthritis was observed, strongly suggesting a role for IL-17C in the disease. Moreover, bone marrow chimeric mice of IL-17C exhibited elevated serum TNF-a concentration and a high arthritis score on CIA induction. In addition, higher levels of IL-23 and IL-6 could be found in the spleen of these mice. In summary, these reports suggest a role of IL-17C in RA, as is observed for the better known family member IL-17A.
IL-17D member of other species.E174 IL-17D genes have been identied also in rainbow trout, sea urchin, zebrash, and puffersh as well as in chicken and opossum.E175,E176 Because IL-17 family members can be regulated by TGF-b and IL-1b, which are components of the innate immune system, the IL-17 family might have evolved to bridge innate and adaptive immunity.
Receptor and signaling So far, no receptor binding to IL-17D has been identied. Cellular sources and targets IL-17D is highly expressed in skeletal muscle, brain, adipose tissue, heart, lung, and pancreas.E172 Lower levels of expression were found in bone marrow, fetal liver, kidney, lymph node, placenta, spleen, thymus, tonsil, resting CD4+ T cells, and resting CD19+ B cells. Interestingly, while IL-17A and IL-17F are expressed in T cells on activation, IL-17D in contrast is poorly expressed in activated CD4+ T cells and activated CD19+ B cells. Both resting and activated CD8+ T cells as well as resting and activated CD14+ monocytes show low levels of IL-17D. The expression of IL-17D has also been analyzed in zebrash (Danio rerio) and was observed in intestines and gills in both normal and LPSstimulated tissues.E175 Expression in noninduced conditions has not been observed for other members of the IL-17 family, indicating that IL-17D may have a unique role under normal conditions. In chicken, however, IL-17D expression was increased after Eimeria maxima infection in CD4+, CD8+, and TCR1+ intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes, whereas decreased expression was seen in TCR2+ cells,E176 suggesting some differences between species. Similar to IL-17C, no receptor for IL-17D has been identied so far, although some cellular targets have been identied. Among them are myeloid progenitor cells like granulocyte/macrophage, erythroid, and granulocyte/erythroid/monocyte/megakaryocyte progenitors.E172 Like other family members, IL-17D acts on epithelial cells and chicken broblasts.E172,E176 Furthermore, IL17D was shown to modulate human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) and subepithelial myobroblasts.E146,E172 Taken together, although differences between species may exist, IL-17D seems to be expressed mainly by immune cells and to act on many different tissue cells, similar to IL-17A and IL-17F. The conditions under which IL-17D is expressed, however, appear to be different. Role in immune regulation and cellular networks Interestingly, IL-17D has been shown to suppress myeloid progenitor cell proliferation.E172 At a dose of 200 ng/mL, IL-17D inhibited granulocyte/macrophage, erythroid, and granulocyte/ erythroid/monocyte/ megakaryocyte progenitor colony formation by an average of 39%, 32%, and 38%, respectively. However, IL17D did not inuence the proliferation of resting normal PBMCs or CD5+ T cells. Like other family members, IL-17D acts on epithelial cells and stimulates them to produce IL-6 and IL-8. The same effect was also observed in chicken broblasts.E176 Furthermore, in HUVECs, which normally do not produce GM-CSF, signicant secretion of GM-CSF was observed on stimulation with IL-17D. IL-17D was also shown to induce IL-6, IL-8, LIF, and MMP-3 secretion in subepithelial myobroblasts, although the effects were modest compared with IL-17A and IL-17F.E146 Taken together, IL-17D seems to act on tissue cells in ways
Role in allergic disease IL-17A and IL-17F seem to contribute to allergic disease by attracting neutrophils to the inamed airways. One study addressed the question of whether a similar role could be attributed to IL-17C. Indeed, adenoviral administration of IL-17C induced neutrophilia in the BAL of treated mice.E171 Because IL-17C expression was found in lung tissue of mice infected with M pneumoniae,E170 it might contribute to the attraction of neutrophils in asthma as well. It remains to be elucidated whether IL-17C is also found in human lungs and, if so, under which conditions. Taken together, although relatively few reports investigated the role of IL-17C in disease, there is a strong potential for this cytokine in several disorders. IL-17D Discovery and structure IL-17D was identied and cloned on the basis of its homology to the other IL-17 family members.E172 With a length of 202 amino acids and a molecular weight of 52 kd, it is the largest IL-17 family member. IL-17D shares 25% homology with the founding family member IL-17A, and with 27% identity, it is most homologous to IL-17B. Seventy-eight percent homology is found between human and mouse IL-17D. As is commonly observed for IL-17 family members, IL-17D has 4 cysteine residues that may participate in interchain disulde linkages. It probably exists as a homodimer with the 2 monomers covalently linked by a disulde bridge. Unlike other members of the IL-17 family, IL-17D shows an extended C-terminal domain, which may mediate a unique receptor interaction. IL-17D was mapped to chromosome 13p11, a region that has been linked to translocations found in Hodgkin lymphoma. IL-17D is the most evolutionary conserved member because 4 divergent sh species share signicant sequence identity and synteny with mouse and human IL-17D genes. In lamprey (Lethenteron japonicum), for example, a single IL-17 gene (LampIL-17) has been found.E173 This gene was most homologous to IL-17D of other species. Similarly, the IL-17 protein from pacic oyster, Crassostrea gigas (CgIL-17), was compared with other sequences, and it was found to be most similar to the
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similar to IL-17A and IL-17F, although under different conditions, suggesting nonoverlapping roles for these cytokines.
Role in host defense or other immune-regulatory conditions The fact that IL-17D is evolutionary highly conserved strongly suggests an important role for this cytokine in the defense of pathogens. Indeed, the bacterial component LPS upregulates the lamprey homolog of IL-17D (LampIL-17) in the skin, mainly in basal layer epithelial cells.E173 Similar observations have been made in Pacic oyster, C gigas.E174 Hemocytes from oysters injected with bacteria showed a very large and rapid increase in the IL-17D homolog CgIL-17. The rapid induction on encountering pathogens suggests it to be a very early response gene that may be responsible for the stimulation of other immune genes in oyster. In chicken, levels of the IL-17D transcript were signicantly increased in jejunum, bursa, lung, and spleen after infection with E maxima, the parasite causing avian coccidiosis.E176 The greatest increase was noted in CD4+ intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes. These reports support an important role for IL-17D in the defense of bacteria and parasites. It remains to be determined whether IL-17D plays a similar important role in host defense in human beings, or whether its function can be covered by other IL-17 family members that do not exist in lower species. Because IL-17D has been shown to induce proinammatory and granulocyte-attracting factors, it can be supposed to play a role similar to the one observed for its family members. However, only few reports addressed the function of IL-17D in disease. One of them identied IL-17D in 16 of 19 nodules of patients with RA.E166 Interestingly, IL-17A, which has an important role in RA, was present in only 1 nodule of 19, suggesting that IL-17D might take over its job in tissues where IL-17A is not expressed. In contrast, IL-17D was not detected in synovial uid or in PBMCs of patients with RA.E138 Another study nds IL-17D to be increased in inammatory cardiomyopathy, a cardiac phenotype characterized by dilation and dysfunction of the ventricles.E177 Because IL17D stimulates production of IL-6, IL-8, and GM-CSF in human endothelial cells, its upregulation may enhance the activation of the endothelium and contribute to the inammation. This hypothesis, however, awaits conrmation. In a third study, IL-17D has been detected in nasal granulomas of patients with Wegener granulomatosis, a disease characterized by an inammation of blood vessels that leads to damage in important organs of the body.E178 The role of IL-17D in this disease is still unknown, although a contribution to the observed inammation can be hypothesized from the functions observed in other studies. Therefore, the proinammatory nature together with the broad expression pattern make lL-17D likely to be involved in many inammatory disorders, acting in organs where IL-17A is not expressed. However, much work is needed to investigate this interesting and relevant issue. Role in allergic disease No role for IL-17D in asthma or allergy has been described. IL-17F Discovery and structure IL-17F has been identied, on the basis of its sequence homology to IL-17A, as the last member of the IL-17 cytokine family so far.E179,E180 IL-17A and IL-17F show the highest degree
of homology, 50% identical on the protein level. Although the other family members are located to different chromosomes, IL-17A and IL-17F are syntenic on mouse chromosome 6, suggesting a common regulatory mechanism. Two isoforms of IL-17F have been identied, a longer and a shorter form (ML-1).E179,E180 The crystal structure of IL-17F has been solved.E100 It reveals that IL-17 family members adopt a monomer fold typical of cysteine knot growth factors such as TGF-b, nerve growth factor, or bone morphogenetic proteins. In contrast with these factors, in which the cysteine knot is formed by 6 cysteines, the knot in IL-17 family members consists of 4 cysteines. The structural features of IL-17F suggest that it forms homodimers, with each monomer forming a at interface that is covalently linked by a disulde bridge.E100 Given the high sequence homology, it is not surprising that heterodimers consisting of an IL-17A monomer and an IL-17F monomer exist.E101,E181,E182
Receptor and signaling Like IL-17A, IL-17F binds to the receptor IL-17RA, although with more than 10-fold lower afnity.E100 IL-17RA consists of a 293amino acid long extracellular domain, a 21amino acid transmembrane domain, and a 525amino acid long cytoplasmic tail.E99 As described for all other known cytokine receptors, IL17RA is apparently expressed as a preformed, multimeric complex before ligand binding.E105 Binding of IL-17A or IL-17F to this complex leads to a conformational change followed by the dissociation of the intracellular domains. Both IL-17A and IL-17F have been shown to bind with high afnity to IL-17RC, another family member of the IL-17 receptors.E183 Apparently, both IL-17RA and IL-17RC are required for efcient IL-17F signaling, at least under certain conditions.E184 The signaling cascade downstream involves MAPKsE107 as well as NF-kB and PI3K-Akt pathways.E108 NF-kB activator 1 binds to the cytoplasmic tail of IL-17RA and thereby acts as a critical adaptor for IL-17RA signaling.E109,E110 Furthermore, TNF receptor-associated factor 6-mediated ubiquitination of the receptor is critical for IL-17F signaling.E185 Cellular sources and targets In accordance with the close localization of IL-17A and IL-17F on chromosome 6, there are no reports showing a discordant expression to date. Like IL-17A, both isoforms of IL-17F have been found in activated memory T cells, later dened as TH17 cells.E112 The shorter isoform has also been detected in blood basophils and mast cells, whereas the longer isoform was expressed by monocytes.E179,E180 The receptor for IL-17F, IL-17RA can be found in various tissues like lungs, spleen, kidney, and liver.E99 On the cellular level, it is detected in broblasts, epithelial cells, vascular endothelial cells, B and T lymphocytes, myelomonocytic cells, and marrow stromal cells.E102,E117 Expression of the IL-17RC, also important for IL-17F signaling, is found in human prostate, cartilage, kidney, liver, heart, and muscle.E104 Role in immune regulation and cellular networks Like IL-17A, IL-17F acts on a large variety of cells and induces a similar panel of proinammatory cytokines. IL-17F was shown to induce IL-6 and IL-8 in epithelial and endothelial cells and broblasts,E100 but also CXC-chemokines like CXCL1 (Gro-a) and epithelial cell-derived neutrophil-activating protein 78.E186
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Endothelial cells stimulated with IL-17F respond with increased expression of IL-2, TGF-b, and monocyte chemoattractant protein 1.E179 Other studies report induction of MIP-1b/CCL4, IL-1b, G-CSF, GM-CSF, and IP-10.E187-E190 The potency of IL-17A/IL-17F heterodimers in the induction of IL-6 and CXCL1 in one study demonstrating an intermediate activity for the heteromer compared with the homodimers.E181 Therefore, similar to IL-17A, IL-17F has a highly proinammatory and chemoattractant potential.
Role in host defense or other immune-regulatory conditions The protective role of IL-17F against infection has not been as extensively studied as for IL-17A. However, given the high potential in the recruitment and activation of neutrophils, it can be assumed that IL-17F contributes to host defense in a similar way. This idea is supported by the observation that IL-17A and IL-17F are both induced on infection by gram-negative bacteria like K pneumoniae.E191 Given the fact that IL-17F induces a similar panel of genes, signals via the same receptor, and is induced under similar conditions as IL-17A, it can be assumed to be involved in psoriasis and RA as well. Although the role of IL-17F in disease is not extensively studied, a recent report investigated the potency of IL-17F in the induction of the neutrophil attractant chemokine IL-8 and found that IL-17F was a stronger inducer of IL-8 than IL-17A.E192 IL-17F induced IL-8 in both human epidermal keratinocytes (HEKs) and mouse skin, where neutrophilia was also observed. Furthermore, the study identied elevated levels of IL-17F in lesional skin of patients with psoriasis, supporting a role of IL-17F in this disease. IL-17Fs potency to attract neutrophils has also been shown by another report. By using an adenoviral gene transfer method, IL-17F was introduced to the mouse airways, resulting in BAL neutrophilia and inammatory gene expression in the lung.E171 Elevated levels of IL-17F mRNA have been detected in inamed colonic lesions of patients with Crohn disease.E193 Although the exact role of IL-17F in the disease is still unknown, it can be assumed to be similar to that of IL-17A, namely to contribute to the characteristic chronic inammation and to interfere with tissue integrity. Surprisingly, a recent study shows that IL-17A, but not IL-17F, was required for the initiation of EAE, providing evidence that IL-17A and IL-17F might act differently in some situations.E194 Although these studies suggest an involvement for IL-17F in inammation in diseases like psoriasis and Crohn disease, the role of IL-17F in other inammatory disorders like RA and MS awaits further elucidation. Role in allergic disease Several reports support a role for IL-17F in allergic asthma. The shorter isoform of IL-17F (ML-1) was observed in allergenspecic T cells, mast cells, and basophils, and it was increased after allergen challenge in subjects with asthma, suggesting a function in allergic inammatory responses.E180 Further evidence comes from studies using mouse models. IL-17F was induced in bronchial epithelial cells and inltrating inammatory cells on challenge with ovalbumin.E195 Pulmonary gene transfer of an IL-17F expression construct induced pulmonary neutrophilia and amplied antigen-induced allergic response.E196 Interestingly, another study found that mice decient in IL-17F, but not
IL-17A, had defective airway neutrophilia in response to allergen challenge.E194 In contrast with IL-17Adecient mice, IL-17F decient mice displayed enhanced TH2 cytokine production and eosinophil function, suggesting a diverse effect of IL-17A and IL-17F. Therefore, IL-17F seems to contribute to allergic disease by attracting neutrophils, a phenomenon also observed for IL-17A as well as IL-17A/IL-17F heterodimers.E101 IL-17F has an inuence on goblet cell hyperplasia and pulmonary mucus hypersecretion because it enhances mucin gene expression. The observation that TGF-b is induced by IL-17F in human endothelial cells might be a hint of an involvement in airway remodeling, commonly observed in severe asthma.
Functions as demonstrated in IL-17Fdeleted mice, receptor-decient mice, and human mutations and polymorphisms A recent study analyzed mice decient in IL-17F and revealed several differences between IL-17A and IL-17F.E194 In contrast with IL-17A, IL-17F was not required for the initiation of EAE. In addition, IL-17F deciency resulted in reduced colitis, whereas IL-17A KO mice developed more severe disease. Mice decient in IL-17F, however, had defective airway neutrophilia in response to allergen challenge but displayed enhanced type 2 cytokine production and eosinophil function. It therefore seems that IL-17F functions differently from IL-17A, at least in certain conditions. It should be kept in mind that IL-17F signals via IL-17RA and that effects observed in IL-17RAdecient mice could be ascribed to functions of IL-17A, IL-17F, or both. Therefore, the increased susceptibility of IL-17RA KO mice to K pneumoniae, T gondii, C albicans, and P gingivalis infection might be, at least partially, an effect of impaired IL-17F signaling.E129-E132 Because IL-17F is located to a genomic region linked to asthma and asthma-related phenotypes, it has been tested for associations between SNPs and asthma.E197 A total of 50 SNPs and 2 insertions/deletions were detected in IL-17F. Interestingly, an IL-17F sequence variant in which 1 histidine is substituted with arginine (His161Arg) is associated with protection against asthma.E198 This variant of IL-17F lacks the ability to activate the signaling pathway and thereby antagonizes wild-type IL-17F activity. Consistent observations have been made in a study investigating the His161Arg variant in chronic fatigue syndrome, in which a lower frequency of this protective IL-17F variant was detected in patients.E199 Association of this variant with IBD is controversially discussed. One study describes His161Arg variant as a risk factor for ulcerative colitis,E200 whereas another report found no association of the polymorphism with this disease.E193 Although most reports concentrated on the His161Arg SNP, analysis of the variants Ala126Gly, Gly155Ala, and Ala161Gly revealed that certain combinations of these SNPs might inuence the susceptibility of Behcet disease.E201 IL-18 Discovery and structure IL-18, a member of IL-1 superfamily, was rst described 1989 as an IFN-ginducing factor, and later the gene was cloned and termed IL-18.E202 IL-18 shares structural features with IL-1. IL-18 also lacks a signal peptide, and it is synthesized as a 24-kd biologically inactive precursor, named proIL-18, that requires IL-1b for caspase-1 cleavage to become a biologically
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active molecule. On activation of caspase-1 by TLR triggering, proIL-18 is processed to an active mature form, which can be released from the cell.E203
Receptor and signaling The IL-18 receptor complex (IL-18R) consists of a heterodimer containing 2 chains, which are members of the IL-1R family. Both are required for initiation of signal transduction.E204 The a-chain of IL-18R is required for ligand binding, whereas the b-chain is required for signaling. The ligand binding IL-18achain is abundantly expressed on the surface of T cells, NK cells, macrophages, epithelial cells, chondrocytes, and a variety of other cells. On binding of IL-18 to IL-18Ra, IL-18Rb is recruited into a signaling complex and induces signaling pathways shared with other IL-1 receptor family members. After approximation of cytoplasmatic TIR domains, the adaptor molecule Myd88 is recruited, which leads to activation of the kinase IRAKs followed by interaction with TRAF6, which activate IKK. This results in activation of IkB and consecutively of NF-kB.E205,E206 There is a second signaling pathway known that involves activation of MAPK p38 and PI3K in neutrophils.E207 Cell sources and targets A wide range of cells, including macrophages, Kupffer cells, keratinocytes, osteoblasts, astrocytes, and DCs, expresses IL18.E208 IL-18 alone induces only small amounts of IFN-g in naive T cells, whereas the combination with IL-12 induces high amounts of IFN-g.E209 In addition, IL-18 can promote either TH1-cell or TH2-cell responses in early stages of differentiation, depending on the ambient cytokine milieu.E210,E211 Moreover, IL-18 induces IL-13 production in T cells and NK cells together with IL-2.E212 IL-18 can also promote the expression of Fas ligand in NK cells and consequently enhance NK cell cytotoxity.E213 The biological activity of IL-18 can be neutralized by IL-18 binding protein (IL-18BP), which binds to mature IL-18 with a high afnity. It does not bind proIL-18 and other members of the IL-1 family.E214 Role in immune regulation and cellular targets In contrast with all other members of the IL-1 family, the extracellular domain of IL-18BP is made up of only 1 immunoglobulin-like domain, and its amino acid sequence is only distantly related to the ligand-binding chain IL-18Ra.E215 IFNg induces the gene expression of IL-18BP in several IEC lines and human keratinocyte cell lines. The gene induction of IL18BP by IFN-g was also observed in cultures of colonic biopsy specimens.E216 These ndings are consistent with the previous work of Fantuzzi et alE217 showing reduced expression of IL18BP in IFN regulatory-1decient mice. In summary, by inducing IL-18 BP, IFN-g appears to trigger a negative feedback loop that limits IFN-gdependent and IFN-gindependent actions of IL-18. Role in host defense and autoimmune diseases IL-18 plays an important role in host defense. It enhances both innate and acquired immunity. As described, IL-18 can enhance the function of NK cells and development of TH1 cells. Both cell types are important for the protection and defense against microbes. Moreover, IL-18 enhances the production and secretion of IFN-g, which plays a key role in the bacterial defense. The
critical function of IL-18 in host immunity to intracellular microbial infections was demonstrated in IL-18decient mice infected with Leishmania major. These mice showed a reduced resistance to L major infection, whereas the administration of IL-18 and IL12 inhibited the expansion of L major.E218 In this context, it was shown that IL-18 is contributes to the NK-cell response in visceral leishmaniasis.E219 In addition, IL-18 is important for viral clearance because of its potent activation of CD8-positive T cells.E220 IL-18 also seems to be important for the protective immunity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis because IL-18 lack in mice contributes to high susceptibility to M tuberculosis.E221 IL-18 plays also important roles in several autoimmune disorders, in which IL-18 expression is often increased and correlates with disease severity in human beings as well as in experimental mice models. For example, in IL-18decient mice, collageninduced arthritis was less severe compared with wild-type mice.E222 Blocking of IL-18 by administration of recombinant IL-18BP in mice with collagen-induced arthritis resulted in a clear reduction of the disease severity compared with placebo-treated mice.E223 Furthermore, in vitro IL-18 neutralizing inhibited TNF-a, IL-6, and IFN-g secretion by macrophages. In human beings, the importance of IL-18 in RA was also proven by several studies. In 1999, it was rst shown by Gracie et alE224 that in the joints of patients with RA, signicantly higher amounts of IL-18 mRNA and protein were found than in those of patients with osteoarthritis. These results were later conrmed by other groups, and interestingly, elevated levels of IL-18 in the serum of patients with RA are also present. Serum and synovial uid IL-18 levels as well as synovial tissue IL-18 expression were correlated with disease activity in patients with RA and juvenile idiopathic arthritis.E225 Moreover, polymorphisms in the promoter region of the IL-18 gene have been found and were associated with RA.E226 In addition, it was shown that the mechanism of the impaired NK-cell function in systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis involves a defect in IL-18Rb phosphorylation.E227 IL-18 could be an interesting target in the treatment of RA and one opportunity for antibody-based biological therapies in RA. In addition to RA, IL-18 is important in Crohn disease. In experimental mouse models of colitis, the inammatory pathology correlates with increased levels of tissue and serum levels of IL-18, whereas antiIL-18 treatment resulted in a dose-dependent reduction of the severity of colitis.E228 In addition, it was not possible to induce signicant colitis in the IL-18decient mice, whereas in IL-18 transgenic mice, IL-18 overproduction exacerbates the development of colitis.E229 Mice decient in caspase1, which cleaves IL-1b and IL-18, showed a near complete resistant to induction of experimental colitis, reected by signicantly reduced clinical scores and almost absent histologic signs of colitis. In parallel, a reduced spontaneous release of the proinammatory cytokines IL-18, IL-1b, and IFN-g from total colon cultures of those mice was observed.E231 Similar inhibition of colitis by reduction of IL-18 expression was shown by treatment with inhibitors of caspase-1.E232 In chronic Crohn disease lesions, a local increase of IL-18 expression has been demonstrated compared with uninvolved areas or normal controls.E233 In addition, chronic lesions displayed intense transcription of IL-18induced cytokines, IFN-g, IL-1b, TNF-a, and IL-8, and a marked increase in IL-18Rpositive immune cells was observed.E234 IL-18 also plays important roles in many other diseases like diabetes and psoriasis. In a murine model of insulin-dependent
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diabetes, IL-18 is upregulated and can promote diabetes development in mice.E235 In human beings also, a pathogenic role for IL-18 in development is described, and recently, an association between serum levels of IL-18 and glycemic control was demonstrated.E236 High levels of IL-18 have also been detected in keratinocytes of patients with psoriasis and in the serum. The expression of IL-18 correlated with disease severity.E237,E238 Although keratinocytes under nonpathologic conditions produce proIL-18, they are not able to convert it to mature IL-18 because of the lack of caspase-1.E239 However, in keratinocytes, caspase-1 can be induced by immunologic and inammatory stimuli that result in secreting of biologically active IL-18.E240
Cellular sources and targets IL-19 mRNA is expressed in monocytes within 4 hours after stimulation with LPS and GM-CSF. Prepriming of monocytes with IL-4 and IL-13 enhances LPS-induced IL-19 expression, whereas prepriming of monocytes with IFN-g inhibits LPSinduced IL-19 expression.E248 Low levels of IL-19 mRNA expression were also observed in B cells.E251 Recently the expression of IL-19 was found to be induced in airway epithelial cells in response to IL-17A, IL-4, and IL-13 treatment, and elevated IL-19 levels were observed in airway epithelia from patients with asthma.E252,E253 Immunohistochemical staining of a tissue microarray revealed that IL-19 is expressed in a large number of tissues, whereas macrophages, epithelial cells, and endothelial cells were the major cell types positive for IL-19.E254 Receptor and signaling IL-19 binds to and signals through a heterodimeric receptor complex formed by IL-20R1 and IL-20R2.E255 These receptor chains were not detected on blood-derived immune cells, but several tissues including skin were positively stained for IL-20R1 and IL-20R2.E256 IL-19 forms a stable complex with both receptor chains.E255 IL-19 binding to its receptor leads to the activation of STAT1 and STAT3.E257 From its crystal structure, it became apparent that the residues that interact with the receptor are on helix B, loop BC, helix C, helix G, and the C-terminal b-strand.E250 Role in immune regulation and cellular networks Murine IL-19 induces the production of IL-6 and TNF-a in monocytes and induced apoptosis and reactive oxygen species production in these cells, providing evidence for a role in inammatory responses.E249 Furthermore, IL-19 was shown to induce the expression of IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, and IL-13 by activated T cells, indicating a role for IL-19 in the induction of TH2 responses.E258 IL-19 has been primarily associated with psoriasis and allergic disorders. Role in psoriasis TNF-a and IL-6 are the major effector cytokines in the pathogenesis of psoriasis, and their expression in monocytes is induced by IL-19. A study aimed at elucidating the role of IL-19 in psoriasis revealed that serum levels in patients with psoriasis were decreased whereas epidermal expression of IL-19 was increased compared with healthy individuals.E259 Several studies have demonstrated an association between SNPs in the IL-19 and IL-20 genes and increased risk of developing psoriasis, as discussed in the section covering IL-20. Role in allergic disease Elevated serum levels of IL-19 have been reported in patients with asthma as well as in a mouse model for asthma. Furthermore, IL-19 was shown to induce the expression of TH2 cytokines from activated T cells.E258 Later it was found that IL-19 expression is higher in airway epithelia from patients with asthma than epithelia from patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or cystic brosis as well as healthy individuals.E253 It was further shown that IL-19 expression can be enhanced by IL-4, IL-13, and IL-17A in normal human bronchial epithelial cell lines in a STAT6-dependent way.E253 Long-term exposure of naive T cells to IL-19, IL-20, and IL-22 downregulates IFN-g expression but upregulates IL-4 and IL-13 expression. This indicates that these cytokines may function to polarize naive T cells to TH2 cells.E260
Role in allergic diseases IL-18 induces the production of IFN-g in TH1 cells, B cells, and NK cells, thereby stimulating TH1-mediated immune responses and inhibiting IgE synthesis.E241 Therefore, it is reasonable to assume an important role for IL-18 in response to allergens. IL-18 polymorphisms have been implicated in allergic rhinitisE242 and in atopic eczema.E243 Recently, it was demonstrated that a functional polymorphism of IL-18 is associated with the severity of bronchial asthma.E244 In addition, IL-18 serum levels correlated inversely with peak expiratory ow, suggesting that IL-18 might reect the disease activity in asthma exacerbations.E245 In addition, airway hyperresponsiveness and airway remodeling were inhibited in IL-18decient mice in comparison with wild-type mice.E246 IL-18 in mice and IL-18 mutations IL-18decient mice were more susceptible to L major infection and showed uncontrolled disease progression, which was accompanied by a depressed TH1-cell response.E218 In this context, it was shown that IL-18decient mice are also more susceptible to viral infections with a profound impairment in the ability of NK cells to mediate cytotoxic activity.E247 IL-19 Discovery and structure IL-19 was rst isolated from an EBV-transformed B-cell library in 2000 and was described as a novel IL-10 homolog consisting of 177 amino acid residues showing 21% identity with IL-10, and the IL-19 gene has a similar intron-exon structure.E248 Human IL-19 is located on chromosome 1q31-32 and contains 6 introns and 7 exons, whereas only 5 of these exons (exons 3-7) encode for the IL-19 protein.E249 Two different mRNA species have been identied with different 5-sequences. The shorter form of the IL-19 mRNA encodes a protein with a classic signal peptide targeted for secretion, whereas in the longer form, a 38 amino acid sequence is added to the N-terminus of the protein, which may affect its secretion.E248 Its predicted molecular weight is ;21 kd, but because of Nlinked glycosylation, secreted IL-19 has an apparent molecular weight of ;35 to 40 kd. Despite the relative low amino acid similarity between IL-19 and IL-10, their 3-dimensional structure is highly similar. Unlike IL-10, IL-19 contains 6 conserved cysteine residues and is therefore secreted as a functional monomer (as is described for IL-20). Crystallographic studies demonstrated that the IL-19 protein contains 7 amphipathic helices that form a unique helical bundle.E250
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Functions as demonstrated in IL-19decient or transgenic mice So far, transgenic overexpression of IL-19 has not been reported. However, unpublished observations mentioned in a study describing the receptor complexes for IL-19, IL-20, and IL24 indicated no overt skin phenotype in transgenic mice overexpressing IL-19.E257 IL-19-/- mice have a normal phenotype and show no developmental abnormalities. However, they are more susceptible to experimental acute colitis induced by dextrone sulfate sodium. This correlates with increased macrophage inltration of the colonic mucosa, whereas B-cell recruitment was impaired. Furthermore, higher levels of proinammatory cytokines were expressed by IL-19-/- micederived macrophages on LPS stimulation. These data indicate a protective role for IL-19 in this particular model.E261 IL-20 Discovery and structure IL-20 was discovered in 2001 through EST database screening for sequences encoding amphipathic helices together with a signal sequence.E262 The human IL-20 gene maps to chromosome 1q32 (together with IL-10, IL-19, and IL-24), and the encoded protein shows 28% amino acid sequence identity to IL-10 but shows the highest homology (40%) with IL-19. Both mouse and human IL-20 consist of 176 amino acids.E262 Mature IL-20 contains 6 conserved cysteine residues that prevent the formation of an intercalating dimer such as formed by IL-10. As a result, this protein exists as a functional monomer.E262 Cellular sources and targets Like IL-19, IL-20 is expressed mainly by LPS-stimulated monocytes as well as epithelial and endothelial cells.E256,E263 Furthermore, IL-20 (together with IL-28 and IL-29) is highly expressed by DCs in response to LPS stimulation.E264 IL-20 expression at the mRNA level was observed in keratinocytes in psoriatic lesions as well as in NHEK and human keratinocyte line T cells.E262,E265 IL-20 plays a role in epidermal function, as was clearly demonstrated by the abnormal skin phenotype of IL-20 transgenic mice (described in more detail below).E262 Furthermore, IL-20 specically enhances colony formation by CD34+ multipotential progenitors, suggesting a role for this cytokine in hematopoiesis.E266 IL-20 might contribute to the activation or formation of lymphatic vessels as well through activation of lymphatic endothelial cells.E267 Receptor and signaling Two receptor complexes for IL-20 have been identied: IL20R1/IL-20R2 (shared with IL-19 and IL-24) and IL-22R1/IL20R2 (shared with IL-24).E255,E257,E262 The receptor complex most commonly activated by IL-20 appears to be IL-20R1/IL20R2. However, IL-22R1 expression is found in some tissues where IL-20R2 is absent, suggesting a predominant role for IL22R1/IL-20R2 there.E257 Interestingly, a complete IL-20 receptor complex has not been found in blood-derived immune cells. Furthermore, high levels of IL-20R1, IL-20R2, and IL-22R1 were found on epithelial cells and stromal cells in skin, lung, pancreas, and breast tissues, suggesting that their ligands act mainly on tissue resident cells.E256 Binding of IL-20 to its receptor complexes leads to activation of STAT1 at supraphysiological concentrations (EC50 800 PM/L)
and STAT3 at much lower concentrations (EC50 1-5 PM/L), suggesting that STAT3 activation is the most relevant signal transducer.E257 IL-20 induces the proliferation of endothelial cells (HUVECs and human mammary epithelial cells), an effect that was abolished when IL-10 was simultaneously applied. Furthermore, IL-20 treatment of HUVECs induced the phosphorylation of ERK1/2, p38 kinase, and JNK, suggesting a potential role for these molecules in IL-20mediated signal transduction.E268
Role in host defense and angiogenesis-dependent disorders IL-20 was shown to induce the expression of psoriasin and b-defensin2 in keratinocytes, indicating a function in clearance of bacterial infection.E264 Moreover, several observations have suggested that IL-20 plays a role in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. Important information was obtained from the transgenic overexpression of IL-20 in mice, which leads to skin abnormalities including hyperkeratosis, thickened epidermis, and a compact stratum corneum, as well as growth retardation and death within the rst days after birth.E262 These skin abnormalities as well as the direct activation of STAT3 by IL-20 observed in a keratinocyte cell line provided the rst indications that this cytokine is involved in epidermal function and possibly psoriasis.E262 Furthermore, all receptor chains involved in IL-20 binding are expressed in human skin, and their expression is increased in psoriatic skin.E257,E265 Another nding supporting a role for IL-20 (and IL-19) in the pathogenesis of psoriasis is that their mRNA is expressed in psoriatic lesions, whereas no expression was detected in uninvolved psoriatic skin.E265 In a human skin xenograft transplantation model in which human psoriatic plaques or nonlesional skin biopsies were transplanted onto immunodecient mice, blocking of IL-20 signaling led to psoriasis resolution. On the other hand, mice engrafted with nonactivated PBMCs that received continuous IL-20 infusion developed psoriasis in nonlesional skin xenografts.E269 In addition to its putative role in psoriasis, IL-20 appears to play a role in other angiogenesis-dependent disorders such as atherosclerosis and RA, because it was shown that IL-20 promotes angiogenesis.E268 Furthermore, IL-20 strongly induced endothelial cell vessel tube formation and is benecial for the re-establishment of vessel networks in an ischemic hind-limb rat model.E270 Therefore, IL-20 can be considered a promising candidate for therapeutic treatment of ischemic disorders. Functions as demonstrated in IL-20decient or transgenic mice and human mutations As mentioned, transgenic mice overexpressing IL-20 have shown that IL-20 plays an important role in skin biology and may be involved in the pathogenesis of psoriasis.E262 Several SNPs in the IL-19 and IL-20 genes have been linked with increased risk of developing psoriasis. The IL-19 and IL-20 haplotype CACCGGAA was shown to be a signicant susceptibility factor for psoriasis, whereas a protective effect has been described for the IL-20 and IL-24 haplotypes CAAAC, TGGGT, and CGAGT.E271,E272 IL-21 Discovery and structure IL-21 was identied and cloned in a screen searching for a ligand to the already identied IL-21 receptor.E273 IL-21 consists of 131 amino acids forming a 4-helix bundle cytokine domain. It
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shares signicant homology to IL-2, IL-4, and IL-15 and belongs to the same cytokine family, namely the family gc cytokines. IL-21 has been mapped to chromosome 4q26-q27, adjacent to IL-2. Because the IL-15 gene lies in the same cluster, these 3 highly related genes may have arisen by gene duplication. Human IL-21 has a predicted molecular weight of 15 kd and shows 57% identity to murine IL-21. The 3-dimensional structure of IL-21 has been solved by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.E274 As predicted, the structure is dominated by a central 4-helical bundle, arranged in an up-up-down-down topology, as observed for other cytokines. Interestingly, 1 segment of the IL-21 molecule apparently exists in 2 distinct and interchangeable states.E274
Receptor and signaling The IL-21R was discovered as an orphan receptor and was rst named novel IL receptor.E273,E275 On the basis of its sequence homology to the IL-2 receptor b-chain, it was related to the gc cytokine family. Cytokines of this family bind to a complex formed by a common gc and an individual receptor component. Therefore, the functional receptor of IL-21 consists of gc and the IL-21R.E276,E277 IL-21 signals via the Jak-STAT pathway and involves Jak1 and Jak3.E276,E277 It can activate Stat1 and Stat3, and to a lesser extent Stat5a and Stat5b.E278,E279 Experiments using Stat3 KO mice suggest Stat3 to be the most important STAT protein in IL-21 signaling.E279 The cytoplasmic domain of IL-21R contains 6 tyrosine residues. One of them, Tyr510, can be phosphorylated and serves as a docking site for both Stat1 and Stat3. Besides the Jak/STAT pathway, PI3K and MAPK pathways seem to be involved. Cellular sources and targets IL-21 is produced by T cells and NK T cells.E273,E280 More recently, IL-21 was attributed to the TH17 subset of CD4+ T cells.E281,E282 Similarly, its receptor IL-21R was detected on CD4+ T cells and NKT cells, but also on CD8+ T cells, B cells, DCs, macrophages, and keratinocytes.E273,E275,E283-E286 High expression of the IL-21R was observed on B cells, even in the resting state.E283 It is expressed at low levels at the preB-cell state of development and through the rst transitional stage, increasing at the second transitional stage.E287 Mature follicular B cells express high basal levels of IL-21R, which can be further increased by signals through the B-cell receptor or through CD40.E288 In contrast with follicular B cells, marginal zone B cells have low levels of IL-21R, whereas this receptor is absent on plasma cells.E283 Within the T-cell lineage, IL-21R is induced during transition from double-negative to double-positive lymphocytes. Although both mature CD4+ and CD8+ T cells express low levels of IL-21R, the expression is increased on TCR stimulation or IL-21 signals.E276,E283 Given the broad range of IL-21R expression, IL-21 signaling seems to play an important role in the communication of many immune cells. Role in immune regulation and cellular networks IL-21 has been shown to reduce IgE class-switching in vitro.E289 However, regulation of IgE by IL-21 seems to be context-dependent, because IL-21 was shown to decrease IgE when combined with phytohemagglutinin and IL-4, but in contrast induced IgE in combination with anti-CD40 and IL-4.E290 The exact mechanism of this regulation remains to be determined.
Another nding in which IL-21 leads to a context-dependent outcome is apoptosis. IL-21 was found to enhance proliferation of human B cells stimulated via CD40, but to inhibit it on anti-IgM or IL-4 stimulation.E273 Whether IL-21 induces proliferation or apoptosis therefore depends on the method of B-cell activation. Proliferation dominates in B cells that are activated via B-cell receptor stimulation together with costimulatory signals, whereas apoptosis is observed in B cells on TLR activation, for example stimulation with LPS or CpG.E283,E291,E292 Therefore, IL-21 plays an important role in the regulation of B-cell expansion: it prevents expansion of B cells receiving nonspecic TLR signals but promotes proliferation of specically activated B cells, thereby supporting the important versus deleterious antibody response. In addition, IL-21 is implicated in plasma cell differentiation through induction of B-lymphocyteinduced maturation protein 1, a master transcription factor for terminal differentiation to plasma cells. Taken together, IL-21 is important for B-cell function, affecting antibody isotype balance, proliferation, and apoptosis as well as differentiation to plasma cells. IL-21 was also found in CD4+ cells. Although all effector THcell subsets, TH1, TH2, and TH17 cells, can express IL-21, TH17 cells produce by far the highest levels.E281,E282 Induction of IL21 by IL-6 in TH17 cells leads to a further autocrine upregulation of IL-21.E293 IL-21 plays a crucial role in the development of TH17 cells because it induces the IL-23R, which is not expressed in naive T cells.E282,E293 IL-23 signaling is important for the expansion and stabilization of TH17 cells and for their effector function.E294 Interestingly, IL-21 has little or no effect on proliferation of naive or memory CD8+ cells but strongly synergizes with IL-7 or IL-15 in the expansion of these cells.E295 Synergy of IL-21 and IL-15 was also observed for the induction of granzyme B, an enzyme mediating cytolytic function of CD8+ cells. Furthermore, IL-21 seems to be important in maintaining costimulatory functions of the surface proteins CD28 and CD62LE296 and to enhance production of perforin.E297 An inuence of IL-21 was observed on NK cells.E298 The actions of IL-21, however, are dependent on the maturation stage. IL-21 enhanced in vitro generation of NK cells from bone marrow precursors and proliferation of committed immature NK cells in response to suboptimal IL-2 or IL-15 doses.E299 Similar to its effect on NK cells, IL-21 can increase the proliferation of NKT cells when combined with either IL-2 or IL-15.E280 Furthermore, IL-21 upregulates production of IL-4, IL-13, and granzyme B by NKT cells, thereby enhancing their effector function. In contrast with the stimulatory effect of IL-21 on most of the immune cells, DCs are rather inhibited by IL-21. For example, when bone marrow precursor cells are cultured in the presence of GM-CSF and IL-15, they develop into mature DCs. In the presence of IL-21, however, the DCs maintain an immature phenotype, characterized by low MHC II expression.E284 Moreover, IL-21primed DCs have an inhibitory effect on the T-cell response, even when the priming is only for 2 hours.
Role in host defense or other immune-regulatory conditions The fact that IL-21 increases effector functions of both CD8+ T cells and NK cells suggests that it might have a positive effect on tumor regression. Several studies addressed this question in animal models. IL-21 was found to inhibit growth of melanomas,
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brosarcomas,E300 and pancreatic carcinomas.E301 In both studies, the effect was predominantly mediated by NK cells rather than by CD8+ cells, whereas a third study showed a fully CD8+ T-celldependent prevention of tumor initiation in mammary carcinoma.E302 NK-cellmediated tumor killing on IL-21 treatment, however, seems to depend on the expression of NKG2D ligands on the surface of the target cells,E303 limiting a future IL-21 anticancer therapy to certain types of tumors. In the case of CD8+ Tcellmediated tumor killing, it has been shown by several studies that IL-21 is more potent than IL-2 or IL-15, but synergized efciently with these cytokines in tumor regression.E295,E304 These reports suggest that IL-21mediated activation of NK cells and cytotoxic T cells can be exploited in combination with other chemotherapies. IL-21 has now entered clinical trials, and phase I results are promising.E305 At the end of the study, 1 patient reached complete remission, whereas 9 of 29 patients achieved stable disease. Furthermore, in contrast with IL-2 and IFN-a therapies, low toxicity is observed for IL-21, making it to a valuable tool in cancer therapies. Several reports addressed the involvement of IL-21 in autoimmune disease, but the exact role is still not fully clear in most of the diseases, and investigations are challenge by IL-21s pleiotropic function. High levels of serum IL-21 were detected in patients with SLE, and these levels correlated with disease severity,E306 consistent with observations reported by a study using mouse models of SLE.E292 Although neutralization of IL-21 could delay the progression of the disease, it should be kept in mind that IL-21 might also have a benecial effect in this disease by inhibiting activation of self-reactive B cells. In EAE, IL-21 seems to contribute to the inammation, because mice that received IL-21 before induction of EAE had more severe disease accompanied by higher numbers of inammatory T cells in the central nervous system.E307 This effect is probably a result of the induction of TH17 cells, a population that plays a major role in EAE. Consistently, IL-21 or IL-21R KO mice have a 10-fold reduced number of IL-17producing cells and markedly reduced EAE progression.E281,E282 A similar role of IL-21 might be found in RA, a disease likewise dominated by TH17 cells. Higher levels of IL-21R are found in patients with RA, suggesting a role for IL-21 in the disease.E308,E309 However, as in SLE, the mechanisms by which IL-21 contributes to the disease are not fully clear, and IL-21 might have both adverse as well as benecial effects.
IgG1 levels, whereas IgE is increased, an unexpected result because IgG1 and IgE are usually coordinately regulated. Similar to the Bcell development, IL-21 signaling is not required for CD4+ T-cell and NK-cell development, because IL-21R KO mice exhibit normal CD4+ T cells and NK cells.E298 Likewise, development of CD8+ cells is not affected in IL-21R KO mice. However, expansion and cytotoxicity of CD8+ T cells are impaired in these animals,E295,E310 consistent with IL-21s antitumor activity. Both IL-21 and IL-21R KO mice have a 10-fold reduced number of IL-17producing cells and, as a consequence, a markedly reduced EAE progression,E281,E282 underlining the importance of IL-21 and IL-17A in inammatory conditions. Taken together, IL-21 seems not to be crucial for the development of immune cells but to play a role at later stages and under certain immune-regulatory conditions.
IL-22 Discovery and structure IL-22 was originally identied in mice as a gene induced by IL9 in T cells, and it was termed IL-10related T-cellderived inducible factor.E311 The human gene encoding IL-22 is located on 12q15, close to IL-26 and IFN-g.E312 The secreted IL-22 is 146 amino acids in length, is approximately 70 kd in weight, and shares 80.8% identity with mouse IL-22.E313 As a member of the IL-10 family, it has 22.8% identity with IL-10 and shares the antiparallel a-helical structure with its family members.E314 Four cysteine residues, 3 of which are conserved between IL-10 and IL-22, form intramolecular disulde bridges. IL-22 is heavily glycosylated, which does not seem to be important for its tertiary structure, but does seem to be important for receptor binding.E314,E315 Receptor and signaling The IL-22R complex is built of IL-22R1 and IL-10R2, the second chain of the IL-10 receptor.E311,E313,E316 IL-22R1 has a long intracellular tail containing 4 putative STAT recruiting sites.E316 Evidence suggests that IL-22 undergoes conformational change during the interaction with its receptor chains.E315,E317 Recently, the crystal structure of the IL-22/IL-22R1 complex has been solved, and residues important for binding have been identied.E318,E319 IL-22 signaling occurs mainly via the Jak/STAT pathway. Which of the Stat and Jak molecules are involved and whether MAPKs are activated seems to depend on the cell type analyzed, although Stat3 appears to be generally involved. Interestingly, a soluble form of IL-22R also exists, the IL-22 binding protein (IL-22BP).E320-E322 Although soluble receptors are generated most often by proteolytic cleavage or alternative splicing, IL-22BP is encoded by an independent gene. IL-22BP is mainly expressed by resting DCs and to a lesser extent by activated DCs, resting and activated T and B cells, and activated mast cells.E256 It binds to IL-22, but not to other members of this cytokine family. In vitro, IL-22BP can inhibit the function of IL22 and is therefore frequently used in in vitro experiments as a naturally occurring antagonist. However, the situation in vivo might be different, and it remains to be elucidated whether IL-22BP also inhibits IL-22 signaling under physiological conditions or whether it instead positively regulates its function by prolonging its half-life. Cellular sources and targets IL-22 has been found in activated T cells and, at lower levels, in activated NK cells.E251 Among T cells, IL-22 is mainly expressed
Role in allergic disease IL-21s role in allergy and asthma has not been extensively studied. However, in vivo injection of IL-21 has been shown to prevent antigen-specic IgE but not IgG2a production.E289 IL-21 did not affect TH2-cell differentiation or IL-4 production from CD4+ T cells but inhibited IL-4induced germline Ce transcription in B cells. Although further investigations need to be done, these results suggest a benecial effect of IL-21 in allergic diseases. Functions as demonstrated in IL-21deleted mice and receptor-decient mice Although IL-21R is induced during B-cell development, it is apparently not essential for B-cell development, as suggested by experiments using IL-21R KO mice. No defects in B-cell numbers have been observed in these mice, either in bone marrow or in the periphery.E298 However, IL-21R KO mice have reduced serum
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by memory CD4+ cells. More recently, IL-22 has been shown to be specically produced by TH17 cells.E135,E136,E323 Similarly, a very recent report identies a distinct subset of IL-22producing NK cells located in mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues of mice and human beings, referred to as NK-22 cells.E324 In contrast, no expression of IL-22 has been found in monocytes and B cells. The IL-10R2 chain is ubiquitously expressed, as expected from its role as common part of several cytokine receptors. Thus, the IL-22R1 is likely to determine which cells are targets for IL-22. Interestingly, IL-22R1 could not be detected on primary immune cells like monocytes, skin-derived mast cells, macrophages, DCs, T cells, B cells, and NK cells.E325 In contrast, some organs like kidney, small intestine, liver, colon, and lung, and particularly pancreas and skin, showed expression of IL-22R1. Consistently, IL-22R1 has been found in several epithelial cell lines corresponding to these tissues, as well as in primary keratinocytes. Interestingly, both components of the receptor, IL-10R2 and IL-22R1, are upregulated by IFN-g.
Role in immune regulation and cellular networks Investigations addressing the functions of IL-22 rapidly revealed that, despite the structural relation, IL-22 is not functionally related to IL-10. Initial studies observed an upregulated production of acute-phase reactants and IL-10 in several cells lines,E326 suggesting a functional role for IL-22 in inammation. In vitro treatment with recombinant IL-22 or overexpression of IL-22 promoted cell growth and survival in a hepatocellular cell line.E327 These reports analyzing immortalized cell lines give hints for a role of IL-22 in the acute phase of infections as well as in proliferation of certain cells. Further investigations using primary cells are required in this area. Role in host defense or other immune-regulatory conditions Consistent with the high expression of the IL-22 receptor on keratinocytes, IL-22 increases the antimicrobial defense of these cells by enhancing the expression of b-defensin 2 and b-defensin 3, psoriasin, calgranulin A, and calgranulin B.E137,E325 IL-22 also contributes to skin immunity by synergizing with IL-17A and IL17F in the induction of antimicrobial peptides in keratinocytes.E136 A role of IL-22 in the defense of several bacteria has been found. IL-22 is important for the defense of Citrobacter rodentium,E328 a bacterium that induces the appearance of NK-22 cells in the lamina propria.E324 Furthermore, IL-22 is increased on infection with M tuberculosis and K pneumoniae, suggesting a role for IL-22 in the defense of these bacteria.E329,E330 IL-22 may also play a role in defense against viruses, although there are some inconsistencies. For example, IL-22 overproduction has been found in individuals with resistance to HIV-1.E331 In viral hepatitis, hepatocytes upregulate IL-22.E332 Although no effect on virus replication has been observed in this disease, IL-22 might prevent and repair liver injury.E327 Finally, because chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis was found to be associated with signicantly lower IL-22 levels, the inability to clear C albicans might be a result of a defect in IL-22 production.E333 Taken together, these studies support an important role for IL-22 in the defense of different pathogens. Because keratinocytes are a major target for IL-22, its role in keratinocyte-associated diseases has been studied. Indeed, one study found an important role for IL-22 in psoriasis by mediating
dermal inammation and acanthosis.E135 Consistently, in a mouse model of psoriasis, neutralization of IL-22 prevented development of the disease, reducing acanthosis (thickening of the skin), inammatory inltrates, and expression of TH17 cytokines.E334 In human being, T cells isolated from psoriatic skin produced higher levels of IL-22, and supernatants of lesional psoriatic skin-inltrating T cells induced an inammatory response by normal human epidermal keratinocytes, resembling that observed in psoriatic lesions.E335 Another study investigates the inuence of 2 different drugs on IL-22 and nds that etanercept but not acitretin is able to reduce IL-22 levels, accompanied by a lower psoriasis area and severity index.E336 TH17 cells are a major effector population in IBD. Because IL22 is produced by this helper cell subset, its expression has been analyzed in IBD. Indeed, increased levels of IL-22 have been found in patients with IBD, and IECs express functional receptors for IL-22.E337-E339 Although further investigations are needed to clarify fully the role of IL-22 in this disease, it seems to have adverse effects by contributing to inammation, but also benecial roles by promoting wound healing. Such a repair effect of IL-22 is also observed in hepatitis. Injection of recombinant IL-22 attenuated liver injury,E327 whereas hepatocytes from mice decient in IL-22 were highly sensitive to the detrimental immune response associated with hepatitis,E340 suggesting that IL-22 serves as a protective molecule counteracting the destructive effects of the immune response and limiting tissue damage. The results of studies addressing the role of IL-22 in cancer differ. One study observes prolonged survival of the hosts on IL-22, although neither metastasis nor tumor growth was affected.E341 In another study, IL-22 treatment of mice with breast cancer led to decreased tumor size and reduced tumor cell proliferation,E342 whereas more recent studies suggest an adverse effect of IL-22 in cancer. Overexpression of IL-22 protected lung cancer cell lines from starvation-induced and chemotherapeutic druginduced apoptosis, whereas administration of IL-22 RNA interference plasmids signicantly inhibited tumor cell growth.E343 Expression of IL-22 and IL-22R has been found on anaplastic large cell lymphoma, and it was associated with proliferation of these cells.E344 Besides the antiapoptotic and proliferative effects, IL-22 has been shown to induce inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in colon carcinoma cells, a gene involved in inammation and carcinogenesis.E345 The differences in the results are most likely a result of the different type of tumors analyzed. Further investigations are required to draw conclusions about which types of cancer IL-22 might target as a drug.
Role in allergic disease To date, few reports have investigated the role of IL-22 in allergic diseases. Inamed skin of nickel-challenged individuals with allergy was observed to contain inltrating cells expressing IL-22 and IL-22R.E346 Another study reports that TH17 cells induce airway hyperresponsiveness in steroid-resistant asthma. It remains to be determined whether this effect is a result of IL-22 or other TH17 cytokines.E347 Functions as demonstrated in IL-22deleted mice, receptor-decient mice, and human mutations The role of IL-22 in host defense is underlined by studies investigating IL-22decient and IL-22Rdecient mice. IL-22 KO mice have an increased intestinal epithelial damage, systemic
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bacterial burden, and mortality on infection with C rodentium because of a defective induction of antimicrobial proteins belonging to the regenerating gene family.E328 In contrast, the other IL-10 family members, IL-19, IL-20, and IL-24, were all dispensable for host defense against this bacterium, suggesting a unique role for IL-22. Six SNPs have been found in the gene encoding IL-22.E348 Two of these seem to correlate with treatment response and viral clearance, respectively, consistent with the reports suggesting a role for IL-22 in the defense of viruses. It remains to be elucidated whether these or other SNPs have an inuence on the defense of other pathogens and whether they correlate with certain disease frequencies.
the pertussis toxin that blocks Gai-linked G-proteincoupled receptors and leads to an increase of cyclic adenosine monophosphate, enhances IL-23. In addition, IL-23 production can be enhanced via CD40-CD40 ligand interaction, resulting in increased production of IL-23, and creating a potent positive feedback for augmenting IL-23 production by APC. However, such stimulation is dose-dependent and time-dependent.E352
IL-23 Discovery and structure IL-23 is a type I heterodimeric cytokine that consists of a 19-kd 4-fold helical core a-subunit (IL-23p19) that is disulde-linked to an additional 40-kd distinct b-subunit (IL-12p40).E349 The IL23p19 subunit has been mapped to the long arm of human chromosome 12 and the mice chromosome 10. The protein shows 70% homology between mice and human beings and has an overall sequence identity of approximately 40% to the p35 subunit of IL-12.E349 Receptor and signaling Because of a common p40 subunit, IL-23 and IL-12 also share the IL-12Rb1 subunit in their receptor complex. A second subunit (called IL-23R) is required for specic recognition of p19, and the heterodimer forms the high-afnity IL-23 receptors. The IL-23R gene has been localized on the human chromosome 1 and on the mice chromosome 6. Because it is a member of the IL-6/IL-12 receptor family, the IL-23R consists of an extracellular Nterminal immunoglobulin-like domain and 2 cytokine receptor domains that bind to the IL-23p19.E350 The IL-12b1 subunit contains 3 membrane-proximal bronectin type III and 2 cytokine receptor domains that interact with IL-12/23p40.E351 Stimulation of the receptor complex activates Jak2 and Tyk2, resulting in phosphorylation of the receptor complex and formation of docking sites for STATs (1, 3, 4, and 5). The STATs are subsequently dimerized, phosphorylated, and translocated into the nucleus, activating target genes. Cellular sources and targets The secretion of p19 depends on its ability to partner with IL-12p40 via a disulde bond, and therefore, coexpression of both subunits in 1 cell is required to generate the formation of the biologically active IL-23. IL-23 is mainly produced by phagocytic cells, macrophages, and activated DCs from peripheral tissues including the skin, intestinal mucosa, and lungs. Production of both subunits of IL-23 is stimulated through activation of TLRs by their ligands (including LPS, peptidoglycan, CpG DNA, and poly I:C). Such interactions result in increased expression of p40 and p19, consequently enhancing the release of IL-23. Some evidence suggests that activation of DCs through TLR2 preferentially induces IL-23 synthesis and an agonist of C-type lectin dectin-1, b-glucan curdlan, does so without inducing IL-12p70.E352 Other factors such as prostaglandin E2, extracellular nucleotides, and GM-CSF can modulate IL-23 production by antigen presenting cells both in mice and human beings.E353 B pertussis, producing
Role in immune regulation and cellular networks In contrast with IL-12, which stimulates both naive and activated T cells, IL-23 acts only on memory and effector T cells. In addition to high levels of the IL-23 receptor complex expression on activated and memory T cells, the receptor is expressed on various cell populations, including NK and NKT cells, eosinophils, monocytes, macrophages, DCs, and epithelial cells such as keratinocytes.E349,E350 Because TCR stimulation is not sufcient to induce IL-23R expression, additional stimulations are required to promote IL-23 responsiveness. After IL-23 stimulation, several inammatory molecules are produced, including IL-17A, IL-17F, IL-6, IL-22, TNF, CXCL1, and a3 integrin. Thus, IL-23 has initially been identied as a TH17-cellpromoting factor.E143,E354 Recent reports claried this role of IL-23. It was shown that TGF-b and IL-6 are required for the differentiation of naive T cells into IL-23Rpositive IL-17producing T cells.E355-E357 IL-6 induces the production of IL-21, which signals in an autocrine fashion to upregulate its own expression and to induce the expression of IL-23R in a STAT3 and retinoic acid-related orphan receptor gtdependent manner.E293 IL-23, in synergy with TGF-b, further amplies RORgt expression and production of IL-17. Despite this initial assumption, IL-23 is dispensable for the in vitro polarization of naive T cells into TH17 effectors. However, after IL-6/TGF-b mediated commitment of TH17 cells, subsequent exposure to IL-23 is necessary for full differentiation and effector function of TH17 cells. In addition to its role in TH17-cell development, IL-23 activates NK cells, enhances T-cell proliferation, and regulates antibody production.E358 The IL-23/IL-17 pathway is associated with local tissue inammation that produces swelling, heat, and pain and sets up an environment with heightened immune responses. Therefore, it was proposed that IL-23 might play a critical role in driving an early inammatory immune response to pathogens or injury by directly inducing IL-17 production and early neutrophil recruitment. Dysregulation of the IL-23/IL-17 immune axis has been linked to immunopathology and autoimmune inammation, and the generation of IL-23p19 KO mice indicated that IL-23, but not IL-12, plays a crucial role in the development of several autoimmune models.E359 Under physiological conditions, IL-23 is constitutively expressed in ileal mucosa, and IL-17producing cells are highly enriched in intestinal tissues.E360 It is therefore not surprising that numerous studies have conrmed a role for IL-23 in contributing to the development of several intestinal diseases. Signicant upregulation of local and systemic IL-23 production was observed in H pyloriinduced gastric ulcers and gastric cancer in human and in mouse models. A 20-fold increase of TH17 cells and IL-17expressing macrophages was observed in lesions of patients with Crohn disease compared with controls, which may be a result of the increased expression of IL-23.E361 Furthermore, the development of spontaneous IBD in IL-10decient mice was completely prevented by crossing these mice with
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IL-23p19decient mice.E362 This demonstrates that IL-23 is required for the induction of colitis.
Functions as demonstrated in IL-23deleted mice and receptor-decient mice The IL-23/IL-17 immune axis has also been implicated in the pathogenesis of experimental encephalitis and collagen-induced arthritis in mice. IL-23driven IL-17producing cells are highly potent at inducing central nervous system immune pathology.E143 The IL-23p19 KOs can still generate TH1 lymphocytes and IFN-g but are resistant to EAE, a model for human MS. Similarly, CIA studies revealed that the IL-23decient mice are resistant to the development of bone and joint pathology during exacerbated arthritis because of the absence of CD4+ T cells that make IL17.E363 High levels of IL-17 also correlated with the severity of disease in patients with MS and RA.E361 Multiple SNPs are located in the IL-23R generation and show distinct correlation patterns to diseases. Polymorphisms in the IL23R represent one of the strongest associations in Crohn disease, and they have also been linked to the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis, psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis, and myocardial infarction.E364-E366 The arginine residue at position 381 is the fth amino acid internal to the transmembrane domain in the cytoplasmic tail of the IL-23R and is highly conserved between species. The glutamine allele of Arg381Gln is much less common than the arginine allele, and it confers approximately 3-fold protection against the development of Crohn disease. In addition to Arg381Gln, several other markers in IL-23R and in the intronic region between IL-23R and the adjacent IL-12RB2 demonstrated independent evidence for association with the disease.E366 This suggests the presence of at least 2 independent risk alleles in the region. Similar protective effects for Arg381Gln in IL23R have been reported in psoriasis cohorts, and a strong association with psoriasis was observed for SNPs within the p40 gene region.E365,E367 Recently, clinical trials using monoclonal anti IL-23 therapy have shown promising results in the treatment of Crohn disease.E368 IL-24 Discovery and structure IL-24 was identied in 1995 through subtractive hybridization studies by using cDNA libraries from human melanoma cells. IL-24 was expressed in healthy melanocytes, whereas its expression was abolished in melanoma cells.E369 As a result, IL-24 was initially named melanoma differentiation-associated gene 7. The gene encoding IL-24 localizes (together with the genes encoding IL-10, IL-19, and IL-20) to chromosome 1q32 and is composed of 7 exons and 6 introns. IL-24 shares 19% amino acid identity with IL-10, and like the other members of the IL-10 family, IL-24 has a predicted 3-dimensional structure containing 6 a-helices. IL-24 consists of 206 amino acids, and its predicted molecular weight is 23.8 kd.E370 IL-24 possesses 3 consensus Nlinked glycosylation sites, and as a result of extensive N-linked glycosylation, the apparent molecular weight of secreted human IL-24 is ;35 kd.E371 Unlike most of the other IL-10 family members, human IL-24 must be glycosylated to maintain biological activity and solubility. Furthermore, a single unique disulde bond is required for secretion and activity.E372 So far, it is not clear whether IL-24 exists as a functional monomer, a homodimer, or both.
Receptor and signaling IL-24 is the ligand for 2 heterodimeric receptor complexes: IL22R1/IL-20R2 or IL20R1/IL-20R2. These receptor complexes were identied through a screening experiment in which combinations of putative R1 and R2 types of the IL-10 family (IL10R2, IL-20R1, IL-22R1, and IL-20R2) were expressed in transfected COS cells. IL-24 bound to cells that were transfected with the IL20R2, and this binding was strongly enhanced when IL-20R2 was cotransfected with IL-20R1 and IL-22R1.E371 The binding of IL24 to either receptor complex results in the activation of STAT1 and STAT3. Like IL-19mediated and IL-20mediated STAT3 activation, IL-24mediated STAT3 activation occurs at physiological concentrations, whereas STAT1 activation occurs at much higher concentrations.E257 An indication for alternative signaling pathways for IL-19, IL-20, and IL-24 came from growth inhibition experiments with the carcinoma cell line ovarian carcinoma-3, which expresses all 3 receptor complexes involved in binding of these ligands. IL-19 and IL-24 induced growth inhibition in this cell line in a STAT-independent manner, suggesting that other signaling pathways must be activated.E257 Cellular sources and targets IL-24 is expressed in normal melanocytes but is strongly downregulated in metastatic melanomas.E369 Furthermore, IL-24 was found to be expressed by T cells, monocytes, and NHEK cells as well as B cells.E256,E373,E374 A recent report showed that anisomycin-induced and IL-1binduced IL-24 expression in normal human keratinocytes is regulated by p38 MAPK through mRNA-stabilizing mechanisms.E375In line with the initial concept of IL-24 as a tumor suppressor molecule, its expression in most human tumors is very low. Role in immune regulation and cellular networks PBMCs stimulated with IL-24 produced high levels of IL-6, TNF-a, and IFN-g and low levels of IL-1b, IL-12, and GM-CSF within 48 hours. This proinammatory response can be inhibited by addition of IL-10.E376 Therefore, IL-24 appears to play a role in an immunoregulatory loop. When added to B-cell cultures, IL24 strongly inhibits plasma cell differentiation and promotes CD40-induced proliferation, indicating that it may play a role in the regulating the balance between plasma and memory B-cell differentiation.E374 Role of IL-24 as tumor suppressor The rst demonstration that IL-24 is a potent and specic inhibitor of cancer cell proliferation came from the same group that identied the IL-24 gene. They showed that transfection of a number of different cancer cell lines containing both normal and mutated p53 and retinoblastoma genes with an adenoviral vector containing the IL-24 gene induced potent suppression of proliferation of all cancer cell lines tested.E377 Increased levels of iNOS expression have been associated with melanoma progression. Treatment of malignant melanoma cells with recombinant IL-24 or transfection with an adenoviral vector encoding the IL-24 gene resulted in a marked reduction of iNOS, demonstrating a suppressive effect of IL-24 on iNOS expression, which supports its role as a tumor suppressor.E378 More insight into the molecular mechanism by which IL-24 exerts cancer-specic apoptosis induction was recently gained. It was demonstrated that IL-24mediated induction of cancer cell apoptosis depends
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on receptor binding but is independent of STAT3 activation. Furthermore, the treatment of tumor cells with recombinant IL-24 leads to increased expression of endogenous IL-24 through stabilization of IL-24 mRNA. Finally, recombinant IL-24 treatment was shown to induce endoplasmic reticulum stress and reactive oxygen species production.E379 The authors concluded that the IL-24induced endoplasmic reticulum stress and reactive oxygen species may specically induce apoptosis in cancer cells. These cells are likely more susceptible to such signals than normal cells, because their endoplasmic reticulum stress and reactive oxygen species levels are already elevated, and therefore a slight increase in their production may tilt the balance toward apoptosis induction. The rst in vivo evidence of the potential therapeutic effects of IL-24 in the treatment of cancer was provided in 2002. In this study, an IL-24encoding adenovirus was injected in subcutaneous lung tumor xenografts in nude mice. This treatment signicantly inhibited tumor growth and induced extensive apoptosis of tumor cells. Furthermore, the expression of CD31 (an angiogenesis marker) was downregulated whereas TRAIL expression was increased in treated tumors.E380 From these results, it was concluded that treatment with an IL-24encoding adenovirus may be a powerful therapeutic agent for the treatment of cancer. A phase 1 clinical trial in which an IL-24encoding adenovirus was injected intratumorally in patients with advanced cancer demonstrated that this treatment is well tolerated and induces transient increases in IL-6, IL-10, and TNF-a as well as an increase in CD8+ T cells and induction of apoptosis in a large volume of the tumor.E381
Role in psoriasis An IL-20R2dependent mechanism for IL-23induced skin inammation and epidermal hyperplasia has been described. Intradermal treatment of mice with IL-23 induced epidermal thickening and mRNA expression of IL-19 and IL-20, whereas the expression of the subunits of their receptor complexes (IL-20R1, Il-20R2, or IL-22R1) was not affected. Intradermal injection of IL-23 into il-20r2-/- mice signicantly inhibited epidermal thickening compared with wild-type mice, whereas the skin phenotype of treated il-19-/- and il-20-/- mice did not differ from wild-type animals. This suggests a role for IL-20Rmediated signaling in the IL-23mediated initiation of psoriasis in which IL-19 and IL-20 appear to be functionally redundant.E382 Functions as demonstrated in IL-24 transgenic mice IL-24 transgenic mice share many of the phenotypic features with IL-20 and IL-22 transgenics, including epidermal hyperplasia, neonatal lethality, and abnormal keratinocyte differentiation.E383 This again indicates that there may be a certain degree of redundancy in the epidermal functions of these 3 related cytokines.
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FROM IL-25 TO IL-37 AND IFN-g IL-25 Discovery and structure IL-25 was rst described in 2001 by Hurst et al.E1 The protein consists of 177 amino acids and has a molecular mass of 17.6 kd in mice and 16.7kd in human beings. Because of its homology to IL17A, IL-17B, and IL-17C (16% to 18% homology), it has also been named IL-17E.E1,E2 The strongest identity exists at the C-terminal part (20% to 30%). Little is known so far about the structure of IL-25. It is encoded on chromosome 14q11.1. Receptor and signaling IL-25 binds to the IL-17RB and IL-17RA to form a heteromeric receptor complex.E3 IL17RB-/- mice develop phenotypically normally. In contrast with wild-type splenocytes, splenocytes from IL17RB-/- mice did not produce IL-5 or IL-13 in response to IL-25 stimulation.E3 IL17RA-/- mice presented almost the same pattern as was seen in IL17RB-/-. Intranasal challenge with IL25 resulted in high numbers of eosinophils, neutrophils, lymphocytes, CCL2, CCL11, IL-5, IL-13, IL-9, and IL-10 mRNA. This was not observed in IL-17RA-/- and IL17RB-/- mice. Moreover, the receptor KO mice did not display features of IL-25induced inammation in the lung. In conclusion, both receptors are assumed to be involved in IL-25 signaling. Cellular sources and targets IL-25 is produced by TH2-polarized T cellsE4 and in in vitro cultured mast cellsE5 and epithelial cells.E6,E7 Recently, eosinophils and basophils from atopic individuals have also been described as sources of IL-25. Basophils may maintain reactivity of TH2 central memory cells that express the IL-25R on stimulation by the innate immune system.E8 IL-25 is found at very low levels in various tissues (brain, kidney, lung, prostate, testis, spinal cord, adrenal gland, trachea at an mRNA level). Highest expression levels were detected in the gastrointestinal tract and uterus. Role in immune regulation and cellular networks Intraperitoneal injection of IL-25 leads to eosinophilia, splenomegaly, and an increase of splenic plasma cell numbers. Moreover, IgE and IgG1 increases.E4 IL-25 induces TH2-associated cytokines (IL-13 in all tissues; IL-4 and IL-5 in spleen). Nevertheless, it is important to mention that IL-25 leads to pathological changes solely in mucosal tissues, despite gene expression in various other tissues. IL-25 administration induced epithelial hyperplasia in the esophagus and the nonglandular part of the stomach. Epithelial cells contained eosinophilic cytoplasmatic inclusions in gastric glands and pyloric epithelial cells. Furthermore, inammatory inltrates of eosinophils, neutrophils, and mononuclear cells in the epithelium and lamina propria of esophagus and stomach and sometimes in the serosa and submucosa are described. Within the small and large intestine, goblet cell hypertrophy and hyperplasia occur, and epithelia of the large biliary tract in the liver and the large pancreatic ducts were often vacuolated and contained eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusions.E4 Administration of IL-25 does not result in an increased IL-6 expression in the spleen, stomach, or small intestine. No changes of IL-1a, TNF-a, IL-10, or IFN-g are described. In addition, IL-25 mRNA expression is not upregulated on IL-25 treatment.
IL-25 had no impact on IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13 production of naive T cells or B cells in the presence of LPS or CD40 ligand. IL-25dependent actions are attributed to an IL-4, IL-5, IL-13 producing nonT-cell/nonB-cell population (NTNB) that is ckitpos FceR1neg. The NTNB ckitpos FceR1neg cells were described as small agranular cells with limited cytoplasm and no marker expression of mature NK cells, mast cells, basophils, or eosinophils. Recently, 3 publications added signicant information regarding these effector cell populations by demonstrating a key role of IL-25 in the initiation of TH2-type responses.E9 Saenz et alE10 reported a lineage-negative multipotent progenitor cell population they called MPPtype2. This subset is Linnegc-KitintSca-1pos, expands on IL-25 administration in the gastric lymphatic tissue and can give rise to cells of the monocyte/ macrophage and granulocyte lineage. MPPtype2 cells lead to TH2-type responses and favor helminth expulsion.E10 A similar fraction that also responds to IL-25 has been described in the fat-associated lymphoid cluster.E11 Neill et alE12 dened a LinnegICOSposST2posIL-17RBposIL7RaposMHC IIpos IL-13producing leukocyte subset that expanded on IL-25 and/or IL-33 administration. They were named nuocytes according to their cytokine predominance. Nuocytes represent the predominant IL-13producing subset 5 days after N brasiliensis infection and are crucial for worm expulsion. Transfer of nuocytes into IL-17RA-/- established features of IL25evoked TH2-type responses and established an IL-25 response in the recipient mice. A crucial role of IL-25 on TH9 cells has been suggested. IL-17RB is upregulated on TH9 cells, and IL-25 is capable of IL-9 induction in differentiated TH9 cells but not naive cells.E13 In addition, IL-25 may interact with the IL-17A pathway. IL-25-/- mice not only displayed problems in reducing Trichuris muris burden but also increased their IL-17A and IFN-g levels.E14 Moreover, IL25-/- mice are highly susceptible to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, most likely via an upregulation of IL-23.E15 Treatment with IL-25 resulted in increased IL-13 secretion that opposed IL-17Ainduced EAE.
Role in allergic disease Recent data suggest a crucial role for IL-25 in asthma. IL-25 is expressed in the lungs of sensitized mice on antigen inhalation. In contrast, administration of an soluble IL-25R inhibited antigeninduced eosinophil recruitment, CD4+ T-cell recruitment, IL-5 and IL-13 production, and goblet cell hyperplasia.E16 Administration of antiIL-25 mAbs reduced IL-5 and IL-13 production, eosinophilic inltration, goblet hyperplasia, and AHR. Interestingly, this antibody successfully in the prevented AHR during allergen challenge.E9 Blocking of IL-25 before sensitization led to an abrogation of AHR after methacholine challenge.E17 A transgenic model with exclusive expression of IL-25 in the lung induced the recruitment of eosinophils and CD4+ T cells on allergen-specic stimulation compared with allergen-challenged wild-type mice with comparable numbers of neutrophils and macrophages. IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13 were increased in the BAL uid, whereas IFN-g was undetectable. Mucus secretion, thymus and activation-regulated chemokine, and eotaxin levels were also enhanced. However, IL-25 expression itself did not induce airway inammation. Recently, IL-17RBexpressing CD4+ NKT cells were described to be responsible for airway hyperreactivity in an asthma model in mice.E18,E19
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Functions as demonstrated in IL-25deleted mice and receptor-decient mice IL-25decient mice display a rather normal phenotype. TH2 effector functions are normal with the exception of eosinophils. However, IL-25-/- mice fail to expel N brasiliensis efciently because of subtle changes in the onset of TH2 cytokine responses.E9 In wild-type animals, the increase of NTNB that is ckitposFceR1neg precedes the increase in TH2 CD4 cells. Because of the prolonged presence of high TH2 cytokine levels, IgE is nally higher, and the number of mast cells in mice with parasitic infestation is higher in IL-25-/-decient mice. IL-25 deciency does not lead to a delay in goblet cell hyperplasia and has no effect on basophil counts. However, there is a decit in circulating eosinophils (nonB nonT, CCR3+, side scatter high). The delayed onset of TH2 response to worms can be restored on addition of IL-25. However, IL-25 itself is not sufcient to expel the worms by its presence in IL-4-/-, IL-5-/-, IL-9-/-, IL-13-/- mice. Response to the parasite is characterized by a delayed onset and permanently high levels of these TH2 cytokines because of persistent parasitic burden in IL-25decient mice.E9 IL-25overexpressing mice displayed splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, and a strong increase of eosinophils and B cells in peripheral blood.E20 Because B cells decrease in parallel in the bone marrow, it could be assumed that IL-25 contributes to the release of premature B cells into the periphery. These B cells did not proliferate on IL-25 exposure, but they upregulated their IL-17E receptor expression. In accordance with the increased B-cell frequencies in the periphery, IgM, IgG, and IgE were elevated. In addition, cytokine levels of various cytokines were substantially increased (IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-g, G-CSF, GMCSF, and eotaxin).E20 Pan et alE21 reported similar results. However, their transgenic mice showed marked growth retardation and a more pronounced inammation of organs. Experiments with adenovirus expressing IL-25 or IL-25 alone resulted in TH2-like reactions with elevation of mRNA of IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13 and production of the chemokines CXCL5, thymus and activationregulated chemokine, and eotaxin. In addition, vascular changes (rather distal) in the lung with moderate media hypertrophy, presence of eosinophils in the lumen, and inltrates with eosinophils and monocytes beneath the endothelium within the vessel wall and adjacent to the vessels were described. In bronchi and larger bronchioles, epithelium is thickened and contains large amounts of mucus. Epithelial cells sometimes contained eosinophilic inclusions in the cytoplasma.E1 In conclusion, IL-25 seems to be a potent inducer of TH2 immunity in the lung and in the intestine. It directly affects responder cell populations that give rise to monocyte/macrophage and granulocyte lineage, ultimately contributing to TH2 responses and increased TH2 responses in T cells. IL-26 Discovery and structure IL-26 was discovered in a study investigating the phenotypic changes of T cells after transformation by H saimiri. With the technique of subtractive hybridization for cloning cDNA transcripts that are specically present in transformed human T cells and not in untransformed cells, IL-26 was identied and initially termed AK155.E22 IL-26 shows 24.7% identity to IL-10 and is suggested to have a closely related structure consisting of 6 a-helices. The observed molecular weight of monomeric IL-26 is 19 kd. Gel electrophoresis under native conditions revealed that IL-26 spontaneously forms dimers.
The gene encoding IL-26 is located on chromosome 12q15, in proximity to the genes for IFN-g and IL-22. Therefore, common regulatory mechanisms can be expected. Interestingly, several groups failed to identify a murine homolog of IL-26, and apparently this gene is missing in mice and rat. Only for exon 5, a section sharing weak homology with human IL-26 could be detected. This sequence is disrupted by several stop codons. Unexpectedly, IL-26 has been found in zebra sh, chicken, and frog, suggesting an evolutionary conservation despite the lack of IL-26 in rodents.E23,E24
Receptor and signaling The receptor for IL-26 consists of 2 chains.E25,E26 One chain is the IL-10R2, which also belongs to other receptor complexes of this cytokine family, namely the receptors for IL-10, IL-22, IL28, and IL-29. The second chain is the IL-20R1, which is also required for binding the cytokines IL-19, IL-20, and IL-24. Because IL-26 is suggested to form dimers, it is likely to bind to 2 IL-10R2 and 2 IL-20R1 chains, although this has not been proven yet. IL26 seems to bind rst to IL-20R1, thereby inducing dimerization of the receptor chains. This dimerization activates the Jak/STAT signaling pathway, resulting in rapid phosphorylation of STAT1 and STAT3. Cellular sources and targets IL-26 expression has been found to be restricted to memory T cells after TCR stimulation, and to NK cells.E27 Among the T cells, CD4+ cells produced higher levels of IL-26 than CD8+ cells. Recently, IL-26 has been found to be specically expressed by the TH17 subset of T cells,E28,E29 a subset involved in many inammatory and autoimmune disorders. The nding that IL-26 is expressed by these cells expands the research of TH17-dominated diseases and underlines a difference between human and mouse TH17 cells, because IL-26 is not present in mice. Similar things have been observed in NK cells. A recent study identied a distinct subset of human NK cells that specifically express IL-22 and that have therefore been termed NK-22 by the authors.E30 This subset, located in mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues, such as tonsils and Peyer patches, also produces IL-26, but in contrast with TH17 cells, no IL-17A and IL-17F. The coexpression of IL-22 and IL-26 is therefore commonly observed and not surprising, considering the close chromosomal location of these genes. Because the IL-10R2 chain is ubiquitously expressed, tting to its role as common part of several cytokine receptors, it is likely that the IL-20R1 chains account for the cell specicity of IL-26 signaling.E27 In contrast with IL-10R2, IL-20R1 is not detected in immune cells, but on several epithelial cell lines and many tissues like skin, testis, heart, placenta, salivary gland, and prostate.E31,E32 Activation of STAT1 or STAT3 on IL-26 stimulation has been observed, for example, in the colorectal adenocarcinoma cell line HT-29 or the epithelial keratinocyte line HaCaT.E25,E26 It therefore seems that although immune cells are major producers of IL-26, its targets are nonimmune cells like epithelial cells from various tissues. Role in immune regulation and cellular networks To date, few studies addressed the role of IL-26 in immune regulation. One report describes IL-26 to enhance secretion of IL8 and IL-10 as well as surface expression of CD54 by epithelial
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cells.E25 Another study investigated the inuence of on B cells and found an inhibition of IgG and IgA production.E33 More recently, IL-26 has been shown to induce proinammatory cytokines like TNF-a, IL-6, and IL-8 in IEC lines and to inhibit proliferation of these cells.E34 Further analyses are required to get a clear picture of IL-26s role in immune regulation and cellular networks.
Interestingly, the original reason why a correlation with inammatory disorders has been analyzed was the presence of the IFN-g gene in this chromosomal region. Only later, it became apparent that TH17 cells, as a main player in inammatory diseases, express IL-26, which is also located to this region.
Role in host defense or other immune-regulatory conditions Few reports investigating the role of IL-26 in human diseases have been published so far. The lack of IL-26 in mice makes functional investigations more difcult, because the role of IL-26 cannot be studied in KO mice. The nding that IL-26 is expressed by TH17 cells lead to the hypothesis that IL-26 might be involved in inammatory diseases, because TH17 cells play a key role in many of these disorders. One study analyzed the inltration of various inamed tissues by TH17 cells by isolating CD4+ T cells from lesions of patients with various chronic inammatory diseases.E35 The tissues analyzed include samples from patients with psoriasis vulgaris, RA, or Crohn disease, as well as bronchial biopsies taken from patients with severe asthma. T cells from all of these tissues were characterized by the expression of TH17-specic genes, among them IL-26. Supernatants of the cells induced expression of genes associated with inammation in primary keratinocytes. Whether IL-26 contributed to this effect remains to be determined. Another study investigates the function of IL-26 in Crohn disease and reports expression of both IL-26 receptor subunits IL-20R1 and IL-10R2 by several IEC lines.E34 IL-26 decreases proliferation of these cells and increases expression of proinammatory cytokines. Furthermore, IL-26 serum protein expression was higher in patients with Crohn disease compared with controls, suggesting a role of IL-26 in this disease, although IL-26 expression might also just indicate a high number of TH17 cells without having a direct effect. In Crohn disease as well as in other inammatory disorders like psoriasis, RA, or MS, it remains to be determined whether the role of IL-26 is distinct from the functions of the other TH17 cytokines IL-17A, IL-17F, and IL22, and whether it synergizes with these cytokines in maintaining inammation. Role in allergic disease So far, no role for IL-26 in asthma or allergy has been described. Functions as demonstrated in IL-26deleted mice, receptor-decient mice, and human mutations Because of the lack of IL-26 in mice, no studies investigating IL-26decient mice have been performed. In human beings, the genomic region where the genes for IL26, IL-22, and IFN-g are located is polymorphic. Two microsatellite polymorphisms have been found at the IL-26 locus.E36 The rst is located in the third intron and the second in the 3 region of the gene. Therefore, these polymorphisms do not affect the amino acid sequence of the protein, but they can be used as genetic markers. Further studies revealed an association between the polymorphisms in this region and the protection of some male individuals from MS.E37,E38 One marker located 3 kb 3 from the IL-26 gene was signicantly associated with RA in women. Therefore, polymorphisms in the 12q13-15 region may contribute to sex-based differential susceptibility to this disease.
IL-27 Discovery and structure IL-27 is a member of the IL-12related cytokine family. This heterodimeric cytokine consists of the p28 protein and EBI3 subunits. The IL-27 p28 chain (also named IL-27A or IL-30), as a member of the long-chain 4-helix bundle cytokines, is homologous to the helical p35 subunit of IL-12. The EBI3 subunit (IL27B) is related to IL12p40 and structurally resembles the soluble IL-6R.E39 The IL-27 p28 gene is located on chromosome 16 in human beings and on chromosome 7 in mice and contains 202 residues. The EBI3 gene is on human chromosome 19 and mice chromosome 17 and contains 229 amino acids. IL-27 differs from other cytokines in that its subunits are not linked by a disulde bond, which theoretically allows the production of the 2 subunits by distinct cells, followed by extracellular association. Receptor and signaling IL-27 mediates its effect through an heterodimeric receptor composed of a WSX-1 subunit (also termed IL-27Ra or T-cell cytokine receptor), which is an orphan class 1 cytokine receptor that is homologous to the 2 chain of the IL-12R, and gp130, which is shared by several cytokines (eg, IL-6, IL-11, ciliary neurotrophic factor, LIF, cardiotropin-like cytokine, OSM, and cardiotropin-1). WSX-1 confers ligand specicity and the gp130 signaling subunit that activates the Jak-STAT signal transduction pathway.E40 Consistent with the actions of IL-27 on T cells, WSX-1 is highly expressed on T cells. However, WSX-1 and gp130 are coexpressed on a variety of cells and tissues. The pattern of STAT activation by IL-27 depends on the cell type and the activation state. In resting lymphocytes, IL-27 activates STAT1, STAT3, STAT5, and low amounts of STAT4.E41,E42 Decreased activation of STAT1 was observed in fully activated relative to resting CD4+ T cells.E43 In myeloid cells, IL-27induced phosphorylation of STAT1 and STAT3 has been observed.E40,E44 The function of IL-27 also depends on the STAT activation. STAT1 plays a key role in early regulation of TH1-cell differentiationE45 and is also necessary for mediating the suppressive effects of IL-27 on TH17E46-E48 and TH2 differentiation.E42 Both STAT1 and STAT3 are required for IL-27induced IL-10 production in T cells, but their activation has not been linked to IL-27 function in the myeloid lineage.E49,E50 Cellular sources and targets IL-27 is expressed predominantly by APCs, including DCs and macrophages, and by endothelial cells. The production of both subunits can be induced by TLR ligands such as LPS, poly I:C, and intact Escherichia coli.E39 In addition, signaling via CD40L and IL-1b can upregulate the EBI3 subunit, whereas p28 has been shown to be upregulated by IFN-g.E51 Role in immune regulation and cellular networks IL-27 was rst described as a TH1polarizing cytokine because of its action, alone or in synergy with IL-12, to promote IFN-g production in a STAT1-Tbetdependent manner. Mice genetically
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decient in WSX-1 were shown to be impaired in IFN-g production and TH1 differentiation, with higher susceptibility to infection with intracellular pathogens such as L major or T muris.E52,E53 This leads to the conclusion that IL-27 was essential for the development of TH1 immunity. However, other reports indicated that IL-27 could also act as an inhibitor of the TH2 immunity. A strong and accelerated TH2 response was developed in WSX-12/2 mice challenged with T muris.E54 In asthma and glomerulonephritis models, the absence of IL-27 signaling led to an exacerbated TH2 response.E55,E56 The inhibitory role of IL-27 on the TH2 response may in part be a result of its capacity to inhibit expression of the TH2 lineage-specic transcription factor GATA3.E42 Studies to determine the natural antagonists of TH17-cell activity led to the discovery that IL-27 can directly antagonize the development of TH17-cell responses and limit IL-17celldriven inammation in the central nervous system.E47,E48 The lack of IL-27 signaling resulted in an increase in the number of IL-17 producing CD4+ T cells in the CNS and was associated with exacerbated clinical disease. IL-27 also limits TH17-cellmediated uveitis and scleritis and was suggested to contribute to immune privilege.E46 IL-27 inhibition of the development of TH17 cells was also shown in vitro.E43,E57
IL-12 family, IL-27 was also thought to have a role in IBD. In fact, overproduction of IL-27 was observed in patients with Crohn disease or ulcerative colitis, and IL-27R was required for the induction of experimental DSS-induced colitis.E64-E66 However, another study showed that EBI3 was dispensable for TNBS-induced colitis.E67 Recently, it was shown that in contrast with the IL-10-/- mice that are highly susceptible, the double IL-10/ IL-27-/- mice were resistant to spontaneous and helminth-induced colitis.E68 A IL-27promoting effect on the onset of IBD was a result of its function on both TH1 and TH2 responses. Both IL-27-/- (EBI3-/-) and IL-27R-/- mice have been generated to investigate the function of IL-27 in vivo. However, the phenotypes of both mice lines are not exactly similar. The discovery of the new IL-35, which shares the EBI3 subunit with IL-27, may explain this discrepancy.E69 Recently, 4 SNPs were identied in the IL-27p28 sequence: -964A/G, 2905T/G, 4603G/A, and 4730T/C.E70,E71 The polymorphism at position -964A/G is most likely to be associated with asthma.E70 Both -964A/G and 2905T/G gene polymorphisms may have a protective action against chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.E71 The AG genotype of -964A/G had a 2.2-fold decrease risk and the TG genotype of the IL-27p28 2905T/G had a2.85-fold decrease risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. However, further studies are needed to characterize the molecular mechanism involved in susceptibility to these diseases.
Functions as demonstrated in IL-27deleted mice and receptor-decient mice IL-27 is a pleiotropic cytokine with a wide range of activity on the T-cell responses that are not limited to a precise TH-cell subset. It is known that IL-27 has the capacity to regulate T-cell proliferation, and this might explain why IL-27 can act on diverse subsets of T cells. CD4+ T cells from IL-27R-/- mice show enhanced proliferation after activation in vitro.E52,E58,E59 This inhibition of Tcell proliferation might be a result of inhibition of IL-2 production because increased expansion of CD4+ T cells has been observed during acute infection with T gondii and was associated with high production of IL-2.E59,E60 IL-27 has been shown to regulate directly the production of IL-2 by CD4+ T in vitro.E59,E61 In addition to controlling the production of the cytokine IL-2, recent studies underlined a role of IL-27 in promoting IL-10 synthesis.E49,E50 In vitro, supernatant of IL-27activated CD4+ T cells contained higher levels of IL-10 than the unstimulated cells, and in vivo, T gondiiinfected IL-27R-/- mice displayed a reduced capacity to produce IL-10. Furthermore, it seems that IL-27mediated inhibition of EAE depends on IL-10 production. In line with the regulatory function of IL-27, the IL-27R is highly expressed on regulatory T cells, which are known to play a prominent role in limiting inammation.E62 However, the role of IL-27 is not clearly dened and seems to be species-specic. IL27R-/- mice display normal number of regulatory T cells, and the expression of the specic transcription factor for Treg cells, FOXP3, is inhibited by IL-27 in in vitrostimulated mice CD4+ T cells.E57,E62 In contrast, TGF-binduced FOXP3 expression is enhanced by IL-27 in in vitrodifferentiated human Treg cells. Further studies are needed to clarify the signicance of IL-27 in Treg-cell development. Another key regulatory function of IL-27 might be to regulate early inammatory events during acute infections, because IL-27 neutralization protects mice against lethal septic peritonitis by enhancing the inux and oxidative-burst capacity of neutrophils.E63 Because of its similarity to other members of the IL-6/
IL-28 AND IL-29 Discovery and structure The most recently discovered members of the IL-10 family are IL-28A, IL-28B, and IL-29 (alternatively termed IFN-l2, IFNl3, and IFN-l1, respectively). Like IL-20, IL-28A, IL-28B, and IL-29 were discovered through database mining. At the amino acid level, these novel cytokines are closely related to type I IFNs, whereas their genetic intron-exon structure is similar to that of IL10 family cytokines.E72,E73 Human IL-28A, IL-28-B, and IL-29 map to the chromosomal location 19q13.13.E73 IL-28A and B are almost identical (96% amino acid identity), and both contain 6 exons, whereas IL-29 contains 5 exons.E73 These gene structures are common for IL-10 family cytokines, and this distinguishes IL-28 and IL-29 from genes encoding type I IFNs, which consist of only 1 exon. Receptor and signaling IL-28A, IL-28B and IL-29 all signal through the same receptor complex, which is composed of a single IL-28R1 (alternatively named IFN-lR1, cytokine receptor family 2-12, or Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research) chain and an IL-10R2 chain.E72E74 The IL-28R1 chain is made up of a 200amino acid extracellular domain, a transmembrane domain, and a 223amino acid intracellular domain. Two alternatively spliced forms of IL-28R1 have been identied, which yield either a putative secreted form of the extracellular domain or a form that is incapable of signaling.E73 The IL-10R2 chain is ubiquitously expressed, whereas the expression of IL-28R1 is subject to a certain degree of regulation, because it was not detected in broblasts and endothelial cells.E73 Signaling through IL-28R1 requires the recruitment of Jak1 and induces the phosphorylation of STAT1, STAT2, STAT3, STAT4, and STAT5.E72,E74,E75 The IL-28R1 and IL10R2 are expressed on a wide range of melanoma cell lines as well as primary melanoma tumors. Incubation of melanoma cell
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lines with IL-29 leads to phosphorylation of STAT1 and STAT2 and subsequent induction of IFN-regulated transcripts. Furthermore, IL-29 was shown to enhance bortezomib-induced and temozolomide-induced apoptosis synergistically.E76
FOXP3 on CD25-CD4+ T cells producing IL-28. IL-28 could have a protective role in EAE and may therefore be a candidate for an alternative therapy for autoimmunity.E86
Role in immune regulation and cellular networks From their similarity to IFNs, it was expected that IL-28 and IL-29 would play a role in the defense against viral infection. Accordingly, IL-28 and IL-29 gene expression was very low in untreated PBMCs, whereas a marked increase in their expression could be induced by poly I:C as well as viral infection, which suggests a role in antiviral immunity for these cytokines.E72 IL28mediated and IL-29mediated antiviral activity has been observed against a broad range of viral infections in vitro and in vivo.E72,E73,E77,E78 Furthermore, both cytokines could inhibit hepatitis B and C viral replication, suggesting that they may be therapeutically useful in the treatment of these viral infections.E79 Activated monocytes express IL-29, and during their maturation to DCs in response to bacterial stimuli, IL-20 and IL-28A are produced as well. The coexpression of IL-20, IL-28, and IL-29 in maturing DCs supports are role for these cells in the amplication of the innate immune response of tissue resident cells like keratinocytes, which show a strongly enhanced response to TLR2 and TLR3 stimulation after treatment with IL-20 and IL-29.E80 Potential role in allergic and autoimmune diseases In response to IL-28 and IL-29 stimulation, monocyte-derived DCs upregulate the expression of their IL-28R1 chain, rendering them responsive to IL-28 and IL-29 stimulation. When treated with IL-28 and IL-29 during their development, monocyte-derived DCs display a tolerogenic phenotype with expression of high levels of class I and II MHC molecules but low levels of costimulatory molecules and promote Treg-cell expansion. IL-28 and IL-29 can thus promote the development of tolerogenic DCs.E81 In addition, IL-29 appears to play a role in the regulation of the TH1/TH2 response. When naive T cells were cocultured with allogenic myeloid DCs (mDCs) that were matured in the presence of IL-29, a strong decrease in the amount of secreted IL-13 was observed, whereas the secretion of IFN-g was not affected. This observation indicates that IL-29 modulates mDCs in a way that leads to a preferential decrease in the production of the TH2 cytokine IL-13.E82 IL-29 can also act directly on naive and memory CD4+ cells by inhibiting GATA3 expression, thereby inhibiting IL-4induced TH2 polarization.E83 An indirect feedback loop between TH2 cells and plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs) may exist, because it was shown that IL-4 induces IL-1Ra secretion from monocytes. This monocyte-derived IL-1Ra in turn acts on pDCs and induces the expression of IL-29, which leads to suppression of TH2 responses.E84 Up to 60% of human tonsil, colon, and lung mast cells express IL-29. Stimulation with LPS and poly I:C as well as allergens can induce the release of IL-29, whereas extrinsic IL-29 induces mast cells to release IL-4 and IL-13 but not histamine. These ndings indicate a potential role for IL-29 in the pathogenesis of allergic inammation.E85 IL-28 may play a protective role in autoimmune disease as well. Administration of a vaccine containing a portion of the encephalitogenic proteolipid protein (PLP139-151) coupled to ovalbumin-peptide and reovirus ps1 conferred protection against PLP139-151induced EAE via induction of IL-10producing FoxP3+ Treg cells and IL-4secreting FOXP3+ TH2 cells. However, after depletion of Treg cells, the ps1-based protection against EAE was associated with an increased expression of
IL-30 Alternative designation for the p28 subunit of IL-27 (see the section on IL-27). IL-31 Discovery and structure IL-31 is a 4-helix bundle cytokine that is closely related to the IL-6type cytokines OSM, LIF, and cardiotrophin-1. It was rst cloned in 2004E87 and is encoded on chromosome 12q24.31 in human beings. The mature protein has a molecular mass of 24 kd.E88 Receptor and signaling A detailed analysis of the IL-31 interaction with its receptor complex has been published recently.E89 IL-31 signals through a heterodimeric receptor complex that consists of IL-31RA and OSMRb. Four splice variants of IL-31RA have been described so far (v1-4) in human beings.E87 The short isoform (v2) displays strong inhibitory functions. IL-31RA belongs to the gp130 family, is expressed on CD14+ cells, and is upregulated on stimulation with IFN-g and LPS. Importantly, IL-31RA is constitutively expressed in keratinocytes and epithelial cells, but expression is consistently lower than those of OSMRb in keratinocytes and epithelial cells from other sources. Recently, loss of IL-31RA on keratinocyte differentiation has been described.E90 Moreover, mRNA of IL-31 RAwas detected in skin-inltrating macrophages (CD68+), IECs, and a subset of small neurons. Some IL-31RA expression has been described on CD4 T cells. However, these cells lack the expression of OSMRb.E87 On stimulation with IL-31, primary cells natively expressing IL-31RA mainly signal via the STAT3 pathway, whereas diverse human epithelial cell lines displayed activation of various signaling pathways including STAT1, STAT3, STAT5, and PI3K with a preferential engagement of STAT3, ERK, JNK, and Akt pathways. In general, the mode of activation resembles those of the IL-6Rspecic signal transduction. A negative feedback loop via SOCS3 is suggested. Cellular sources and targets Messenger RNA and protein expression of IL-31 has been detected in human beings in activated CD4+ T cells, which are in most cases of the TH2 type and at lower levels in CD8+ T cells. The main target cells of IL-31 are keratinocytes, epithelial cells, dorsal root ganglia, eosinophils, basophils, and monocytes. Role in immune regulation and cellular networks IL-31 induces the release of IL-6, IL-8, CXCL1, CXCL8, CCL2, and CCL8 by eosinophilsE91; upregulates chemokine mRNA expression (CCL1, CCL4, CCL17, CCL19, CCL22, CCL23, CCL25, CXCL1) in keratinocytes; and leads to the expression of growth factors like VEGF and chemokines in epithelial cells.E87 In epithelial cells, changes in cell morphology, inhibition of proliferation, and inhibition of apoptosis take place. Thus, IL-31 may play a part in attenuation of proliferation and the induction of regeneration if inammation occurs. The impact of IL-31 on dorsal root ganglia remains to be investigated in detail. The fact that IL-31RA has also been detected in afferent bers in
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the spinal cord and the dermis of the skin may suggest nociceptive functions.E92
involved in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis. However, the role of IL-31 in other diseases, its exact mechanisms, and its physiological role remains to be evaluated in detail.
Role in allergic disease IL-31 expression is increased in skin biopsies of patients with atopic dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis,E93 and prurigo nodularis.E94 Serum IL-31 levels are higher in chronic spontaneous urticariaE95 and patients with AD and correlate with Scoring Atopic Dermatitis scores.E96 In addition, IL-31 is signicantly higher expressed in anti-CD3 or Staphylococal enterotoxin A-stimulated T cells from donors with allergy and healthy donors and is mainly restricted to CD45RO cutaneous lymphocyte antigen+ cells.E97 Recently a common IL-31 haplotype was reported that is associated with a higher risk of developing nonatopic eczema.E98 In vivo mouse data applying a monoclonal antiIL-31 antibody in NC/Nga mice suggest a moderate impact on initial scratching behavior that vanished on chronication. The intervention had no impact on severity of dermatitis, weight gain, or histologic ndings.E99 The impact of IL-31 on asthma has not been reported in detail so far. There is evidence pointing toward an upregulation of IL-31 mRNA in PBMCs and IL-31 in the sera of patients with asthma.E100 In addition, IL-31 induced protein expression of EGF, VEGF, and MCP1/CCL2 in a bronchial epithelial cell line.E101 In 2 mouse models (BALB/c, C57BL/6) of airway hyperresponsiveness, IL-31mRNA was upregulated in the lung on antigen challenge.E87 Moreover, IL-31 has also been suggested to play a role in IBD. In a colon cancer cell line, IL-31 and IL-31RA expression was upregulated on LPS and TNF-a, IL-1b, and IFN-g exposure. Furthermore, IL-31 upregulated IL-8 production in this cell line. Interestingly, mRNA of IL-31 was higher in patients with Morbus Crohn and ulcerative colitis, and a correlation between the degree of IL-8 expression and IL-31 was observed in the respective lesions.E102 However, a recent study could not detect a correlation between IL-31 and colitis ulcerosa.E103 Functions as demonstrated in IL-31deleted mice and receptor-decient mice IL-31RAdecient mice developed normally with no apparent pathologies. Importantly, they lack the dermatitis-like phenotype described. In mouse models with S mansoni egg- and trichuris induced inammation, IL-31RA-/- mice displayed signicantly enhanced TH2-type responses and granuloma formation and accelerated worm expulsion. Consequently, TH2 counterregulatory properties are suggested.E104, E105 Transgenic overexpression of IL-31 leads to alopecia, chronic pruritus that induces skin lesions, conjunctivitis, and swelling around the eye because of excessive scratching.E87 In addition, an inverse T/B-cell ratio with a relative increase of activated memory T cells with relatively unchanged IgE and IgG concentrations has been described. This pathology closely resembles the situation of patients with nonatopic dermatitis. Skin histology shows similar patterns (hyperkeratosis, acanthosis, inammatory cell inltration, an increase in mast cells) as seen in nonatopic dermatitis. Intradermal injection of IL-31 via osmotic pumps causes inammatory inltrates lled with eosinophils, neutrophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes and enlarged lymph nodes within days. This nonatopic dermatitislike phenotype could also be achieved in RAG1-/- and mast celldecient mice. In conclusion, IL-31 is a relatively new cytokine that is considered to be associated with a TH2 response and is most likely
IL-32 Discovery and structure IL-32 was originally described as a transcript termed NK cell transcript 4 (NK4) found in activated NK cells and T cells.E106 On expression of the recombinant form of the NK4 transcript, it became clear that NK4 encoded for a protein with many characteristics of a cytokine. Therefore, the name was changed to IL-32, although IL-32 lacks sequenced homology to currently known cytokine families. The gene encoding IL-32 is located on human chromosome 16p13.3 and is organized into 8 exons. Six isoforms of IL-32 exist because of mRNA alternative splicing. The isoforms a, b, g, and d are expressed in several tissues and cell types, whereas the 2 isoforms e and z were abundantly expressed only in activated T cells.E107 IL-32 splice variants do not possess a typical hydrophobic signal peptide at the N-terminus, suggesting that IL32 is not secreted. Receptor and signaling Although a receptor for IL-32 is not known so far, recombinant IL-32 induces various proinammatory cytokines such as human TNF-a, IL-8, and MIP-2 in many cells, especially in monocytes, macrophages, and PBMCs, by activating the signal pathway of NF-kB and p38 MAPK.E108 In this context, it has been recently demonstrated that silencing endogenous IL-32 by short hairpin RNA impairs the induction of the proinammatory cytokines TNF-a and IL-1b in monocytes, suggesting that IL-32 is an intracellular cytokine.E11 Cellular sources and targets IL-32 is found in several tissues and cell types. Moderate-state levels of mRNA are present in the thymus, small intestine, and colon, and high steady-state levels of mRNA could be detected in the spleen and peripheral blood leucocytes.E108 Activated T lymphocytes and NK cells mainly produce IL-32, whereas primary human B cells stimulated with IgM or anti-CD40 do not express signicant IL-32.E107 Moreover, epithelial cells are a dominant and widespread source of IL-32. IL-32 was expressed in human lung epithelial cell lines and IEC lines on stimulation with TNF-a, IFN-g, IL-1b, and IL-18.E108,E109 Recently, IL-32 was detected in endothelial cells stimulated with IL-1b and keratinocytes stimulated with TNF-a and IFN-g.E110,E111 Moreover, a subset of immature monocyte-derived DCs constitutively expressing IL-32 was identied, suggesting a role of IL-32 in the immune response mediated by DCs.E112 Primary human T cells stimulated with anti-CD3 synthesize IL-32 with a molecular weight of 25 kd, which on Western blot is found in lysates but not in supernatants. Similar ndings were reported for 293T cells transfected with either IL-32g or IL-32b.E107 In contrast, it was reported that overexpression of IL-32a or IL-32b in COS cells resulted in secreted IL-32.E108 It remains unclear which of the IL-32 isoforms are secreted from a particular cell type and, moreover, the type of stimuli that induce the secretion. Role in immune regulation and cellular networks It was shown by overexpression of IL-32b in HeLa cells that high levels of intracellular IL-32b induce apoptosis.
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Cotransfection of the same HeLa cells with short-hairpin RNA coding for IL-32 resulted in a 50% decrease in the expression of the IL-32 protein in parallel with decreased cell death. Furthermore, the expression of IL-32 is upregulated in activated T cells, suggesting that IL-32 is specic for T cells undergoing apoptosis and could be involved in activation-induced cell death in T cells, probably via its intracellular actions.E107 Moreover, high levels of IL-32 were observed in stromal cells from patients with myelodysplastic syndrome and low levels in patients with myeloproliferative disorder. Cotransfection of stromal cells with IL-32 small interfering RNA, which resulted in a decrease in the expression of the IL-32 protein, signicantly reduced apoptosis in leukemia cells, suggesting that IL-32 in stromal cells appears to deliver proapoptotic signals to leukemia cells.E113 Recently, the role of IL-32 in keratinocyte apoptosis in the context of atopic dermatitis was demonstrated.E111 Downregulation of IL-32 by IL-32 small interfering RNA in human primary keratinocytes and articial skin equivalents could decrease apoptosis markedly. Moreover, IL-32 was detected in chronic atopic dermatitis skin lesions, which are characterized by inltrations of activated T cells inducing keratinocyte apoptosis. In THP-1 cells infected with M tuberculosis, IL-32 can inuence the production of proinammatory cytokines as well as apoptosis via its intracellular actions, suggesting that this cytokine has a dual function: induction of proinammatory cytokines and induction of apoptosis.E114 In an attempt to isolate a putative IL-32 receptor, proteinase 3 (PR3) has been identied as a specic IL-32a binding protein. The binding of IL-32a to PR3 is independent of its enzymatic activity. PR3 cleaves IL-32a, resulting in the formation of 2 peptides of 16 kd and 13 kd. These two cleavage products of IL-32a showed enhanced biological activity in the induction of MIP2 and IL-8 from mouse and human monocytes.E115 Recently the biological activity between the 4 isoforms a, b, g, and d was compared. The g isoform of IL-32 showed the highest activity in inducing TNF-a, MIP2, and IL-6, although all isoforms were biologically active.E116 Moreover, IL-32 is synergizing with nuclear oligomerization domains (NODs) for the release of IL-1b and IL-6 in PBMCs.E117 Although a mouse homolog of IL-32 has not so far been reported, IL-32 induces TNF-a and MIP2 in a mouse macrophage cell line.
Role in allergic disease IL-32 is present in many inammatory diseases, and it is assumed that IL-32 also has important functions during allergic inammation. The role of IL-32 in atopic dermatitis has been described. IL-32 contributes to the pathophysiology of atopic dermatitis. Its expression in keratinocytes and serum levels correlated with disease severity of atopic dermatitis independent of atopy status.E111 Role in host defense or other immune-regulatory conditions Proinammatory cytokines can be induced by bacterial products via pattern recognition receptors. Two important families of microbial receptors are the cell-surface TLR and the intracellular NOD receptor family. IL-32 has the property to amplify the release of IL-1b and IL-6 induced by the intracellular pattern recognition receptor NOD2. In contrast, IL-32 does not inuence the cytokine production induced via cell-surface TLRs.E117 IL-32 was specically induced by mycobacteria through a caspase-1
and IL-18dependent production of IFN-gE118 and enhances the clearing of THP-1 cells infected with mycobacteria.E114 Furthermore, the expression of IL-32 is increased in response to HIV infection. IL-32 plays an important role in suppressing HIV because a signicant increase in HIV replication was observed by knockdown of IL-32 in HEK 293T cells.E119 IL-32 not only contributes to host responses through the induction of proinammatory cytokines but also directly affects specic immunity by differentiating monocytes into macrophagelike cells mediated through a caspase-3dependent mechanism. In addition, IL-32 reversed GMCSF/IL-4induced DC differentiation to macrophagelike cells.E120 IL-32 plays an important role in autoimmune disease. It is highly expressed in RA synovial tissue biopsies and is associated with disease severity.E121 Synovial staining of IL-32 also correlated with indices of synovial inammation as well as the synovial presence of TNF-a, IL-1b, and IL-18. Moreover, in synovial biopsies from patients with RA, the level of IL-32 staining correlated with systemic inammation. Injection of recombinant human IL-32 into the knee joints of naive mice resulted in joint swelling, inltration, and cartilage damage. However, in TNF-adecient mice, IL-32driven joint swelling was absent and cell inux was markedly reduced, suggesting that IL-32 activity is TNF-adependent. Transgenic mice overexpressing human IL-32 demonstrated that splenocytes from such mice produced more TNF-a, IL-1b, and IL-6 in response to LPS stimulation and contained more TNF-a in serum. In such mice, exacerbation of collagen-induced arthritis was observed that could be negated by TNF-aa blockade. This nding further supports the proposed TNF-a dependence of IL-32 activity.E122 IL-32 plays also important roles in Crohn disease and IBD, which are chronic intestinal disorders of unknown etiology. Both are characterized by disruption of the epithelial barrier and the formation of epithelial ulceration. One reason for the epithelial damage is insufcient bacterial killing, on the basis of genetics factors such as mutation in the NOD2 gene. IL-32 acts in a synergistic manner with NOD2-specic muropeptides for the release of proinammatory cytokines. This effect was absent in colon cells of patients with Crohn disease with a NOD2 gene mutation, suggesting a pivotal role of IL-32 in the pathogenesis of Crohn disease.E117 In addition, it was demonstrated that IL-32a expression was enhanced in colon cells on stimulation with IFN-g, TNF-a, and IL-1b. There was a markedly enhanced expression of IL-32a in colon epithelial cells of patients with IBD compared with healthy controls or samples of ischemic colitis.E109
IL-32 models in mice Although IL-32 is only present in tissues from human beings and absent in rodents, there a IL-32overexpressing mouse model available. In transgenic mice overexpressing human IL-32, splenocytes produced more TNF-a, IL-1b, and IL-6 in response to LPS stimulation and contained more TNF-a in serum. In these mice, an exacerbation of collagen-induced arthritis was observed that could be negated by TNF-a blockade.E122 Recently it was demonstrated in the context of vascular inammation that overexpression of IL-32 in mice leads to increased inammatory cell inltration, vascular leakiness, and tissue damage in lungs, which results in a signicant acceleration of animal death compared with wild-type controls.E123
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IL-33 Discovery and structure IL-33 was rst mentioned in 2003 by Baekkevold et alE124 as nuclear factor from high endothelial venules. It belongs to the IL-1 cytokine family and has been demonstrated to be a potent inducer of TH2-type responses via its receptor, the IL-1Rrelated protein ST2.E125 IL-33 is a b-trefoil fold protein with a molecular weight of 30 kd. The protein contains a highly conserved N-terminal homeodomain-like helix-turn-helix DNA-binding domain.E124 It localizes to the nucleus, associates with heterochromatin and mitotic chromosomes, and exhibits potent transcriptional repressor activities. Thus, the cytokine is mainly localized within the nucleus.E126,E127 This N-terminal domain shows homology to the transcription factors engrailed and pou. IL-33 is encoded at chromosome 9p24.1 (human) or 19qC1 (mouse).E125 Human and mouse IL-33 share 48% homology. Initially, cleavage by caspases-1 into an active 18-kd cytokine was considered to take place.E126,E128 Recently it became evident that full-length IL-33 is active via its IL-1like domain at the carboxyterminus, and inactivation takes place mainly via cleavage by the caspases 3 and 7.E129-E131 Receptor and signaling IL-33 binds to its receptor ST2, which was initially described as an orphan receptor, has been linked to TH2-type inammatory processes, and is expressed on TH cells with TH2-type polarization, DCs, and mast cells.E132-E136 ST2 belongs to the IL-1R family and is encoded on chromosome 2q12 and is highly conserved across species. The glycosylated form has a molecular weight of 60 to 70 kd that corresponds to the secreted form. Four isoforms have been described so far: the soluble form of ST2 (sST2), ST2L, ST2V, and STLV.E137-E139 The trans-membrane form ST2L displays a similar structure to the IL-1RI, which consists of 3 extracellular immunoglobulin domains and an intracellular TIR domain. ST2-dependent signals induced via IL-33 result in signaling through the NF-kB or MAPKs.E125,E140,E141 Signaling occurs via recruitment of a coreceptor, IL-1RacP, or via T1ST2 homodimerization.E142,E143 IL-1RacP KO mice do not respond to externally administered IL-33.E142 In vitro, IL-33/ST2 signaling has been demonstrated in a ST2-transfected 293 cell line, which resulted in phosphorylation of IkBa and activation of Erk1/2, p38, and JNK and on mouse mast cells that naturally express ST2. The signaling patterns were similar to IL-1 stimulation through IL-1R. The soluble form of ST2 has been reported to be released by cardiac myocytes, lung alveolar epithelial cells, broblasts, macrophages, and monocytes in the presence of LPS, TNF-a, IL-1, or TH2 clones. It is actively involved in negative regulation of IL-33induced actions via inhibition of binding of IL-33.E144-E146 Consequently, administration of sST2 fusion protein attenuates inammation in an asthma model in mice.E133 In addition, sST2 levels are elevated in various diseases (SLE, RA, idiopathic pulmonary brosis, asthma).E145,E147-E152 Role in immune regulation and cellular networks IL-33 is assumed to act as an alarmin that is considered to be upregulated in response to inammation, released by necrotic cells, and inactivated during apoptosis.E129-E131 However, the mechanisms of release need further investigation.
In concert with TSLP and IL-25, IL-33 is considered to be the most potent inducer of TH2-type inammation on mucosal tissues.E153 Target cell populations are classically considered to be basophils, mast cells, eosinophils, NK, NKT cells, and TH2 lymphocytes and, on the basis of recent literature, DCs and nuocytes.E12,E125,E154 Nuocytes are IL-13producing lineage markersneg ICOSpos ST2pos IL17RBpos and IL17Rapos cells that are amplied via IL-33 and IL-25 and enhance TH2-type T-cell responses. In addition to IL-13, nuocytes also produce considerable amounts of IL5, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, and GM-CSF and are able to induce worm expulsion in IL-13-/-IL-4-/- mice.E12 In vitropolarized TH2 cells produce enhanced amounts of the TH2-type cytokines IL-5 and IL-13 in the presence of IL-33.E125 Naive T cells do not express the receptor ST2 per se. Evidence suggests that a STAT5 inducer may be required for ST2 upregulation.E155 In mast cells, numerous proinammatory cytokines like IL-1b, IL-6, IL-13, and TNF-a are induced by IL-33. Basophils and eosinophils respond to IL-33 via activation enhanced integrin expression.E156-E159 In addition, bone marrowderived mouse DCs express low levels of ST2 on their surfaces. IL-33 upregulates MHC II and CD86 and induces IL-6 in the absence of IL-12. These IL-33treated DCs are able to elicit a robust TH2 phenotype in naive T cells with high IL-13 and IL-5 production.E154
Role in autoimmunity and other diseases Several mouse model systems like autoantibody-induced arthritis,E160,E161 IL-13dependent cutaneous brosis,E162 and ulcerative colitisE163 link IL-33 and autoimmune diseases. Moreover IL-33 is abundantly expressed in synovial uid of patients with RA.E126 Administration of a sST2-Fc fusion protein reduced the severity of collagen-induced arthritis and resulted in lower serum IFN-g and TNF-a levels without an upregulation of TH2-type cytokines.E164 Soluble ST2 levels are also elevated in case of severe trauma or sepsis.E146 External application of sST2 induced a downregulation of proinammatory cytokines and increased survival in mice.E165 This is in line with the observation that ST2-decient mice fail to develop endotoxin tolerance.E166 IL-33 and in particular its ligand ST2 have been linked to cardiovascular disease.E167 Cardiac broblasts and cardiomyocytes express IL-33 and sST2 when exposed to biomechanical strain or angiotensin II. Mice that undergo myocardial infarction display elevated sST2 in the serum and ST2 mRNA in cardiomyocytes. Levels decrease within the following days. Soluble ST2 represents an independent risk factor for 30-day mortality after myocardial infarction in human beings. Thus, it may act as a biomarker for myocardial infarction. Interestingly, sST2 levels are also signicantly higher in patients with chronic heart failure and seem to be an independent marker for dyspnea related to acute congestive heart failure. IL-33 may serve as a rescue factor because cardiac hypertrophy was reduced and survival prolonged in mice after aortic constriction.E167 In addition, IL-33 administration led to reduced aortic atherosclerotic plaque formation in mice with a germline deletion of apolipoprotein A. The opposite effect was observed with sST2 application.E168 Role in allergic disease The impact of the IL-33/ST2 system has been linked to asthma development in mice. Although contradictory data are
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available,E169 several studies have shown the blocking of TH2type inammation in asthma in mice by either transfer of sST2 or administration of neutralizing antibodies.E124,E126 IL-33 may also be involved in mast cell activation in allergic asthma. Administration of exogenous IL-33 leads to lymphocyte-independent airway hyperreactivity and goblet cell hyperplasia in mice.E125 Repeated treatment with IL-33 (daily intraperitoneal application for 7 days) resulted in mRNA upregulation of IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13 (strongest upregulation) in the thymus, the spleen, the liver, and the lung in vivo. This treatment also induced eosinophilia, increased numbers of mononuclear and plasma cells, and induced splenomegaly with elevated serum levels of IgA, IL-5, and IL-13, whereas IL-1a, IL-2, IL-10, IL-12, IFN-g, and TNF-a were not altered. Epithelial hyperplasia (esophagus, small intestine) has been described in the gastrointestinal tract. Eosinophilic and monocytic inltration together with hypertrophy and enhanced mucus secretion in bronchi and larger bronchioles occurs. In addition, media hypertrophy of small and medium arteries of the lung has been reported.E125 IL-33 amplies alternative macrophage activation in the lungs of mice in an IL-13 and IL-4Radependent manner and thereby increases airway inammation.E170 The number of IL-33positive epithelial cells was signicantly higher in lung epithelial cells of individuals with asthmaE170 and in skin biopsies of patients with atopic dermatitis.E141 In a mouse model, IL-33 induced acute anaphylactic shock.E141 Pre-exposure with sST2 in mice reduced allergen-specic proliferation of T cells.E144 Interestingly, sST2 levels in serum of patients with acute eosinophilic pneumonia or acute exacerbations of asthma are elevated compared with healthy controls.E151,E152 A recent report suggested potent sST2 production by lung alveolar epithelial cells and lung bronchus epithelial cells in response to IL-1a, IL-1b, and TNF-a in a human endotoxin model.E146
that of IL-18. However, the binding of IL-37 to IL-18R a-chain does not function as a receptor antagonist of IL-18.E175 IL-37b also binds to IL-18BP, which is the natural antagonist of IL-18, and enhances the IL-18neutralizing capacity of the IL-18BP.E176 Mature IL-37b translocates into the nucleus by caspase-1 and forms a functional complex with Smad3, which affects gene transcription.E177 The phosphorylation of STATs 1 to 4, which are involved in signal transduction for proinammatory cytokines, are suppressed by IL-37b. IL-37b also suppresses both c-Jun, which is a part of the IL-1inducible proinammatory transcription factor AP-1, and phosphorylation of p38 MAPK, which contributes to several proinammatory signaling cascades. Moreover, IL-37b increases phosphorylation of GSK-3a/b, which renders this kinase inactive.E178-E182
Cell sources and targets The IL-37 transcripts are detected in human tissues such as lymph node, thymus, bone marrow, placenta, lung, testis, uterus, and colon tumor, and in human cell lines such as THP-1, U937, A431, IMTLH, KG-1, HL60, HPBMC, HPT-4, and NHDC.E183 The protein is found in monocytes, tonsil plasma cells, and breast carcinoma cells.E175,E176 IL-37 acts by an intracellular mechanism in translocating to the nucleus by forming a functional complex with Smad3.E177,E180 It suppresses TLR-induced proinammatory cytokines and DC activation. Role in immune regulation and cellular networks TGF-b and several TLR ligands such as LPS and Pam3CSK4 highly induce IL-37 in PBMCs. Proinammatory cytokines IL18, IFN-g, IL-1b, and TNF moderately increase it, whereas it is inhibited by IL-4 plus GM-CSF.E180 The siRNA knockdown of LPS-induced IL-37 shows the increases of proinammatory cytokines in human PBMCs. Meanwhile, the TLR-induced proinammatory cytokines are reduced both in a mouse macrophage RAW cell line stably expressing the human IL-37b (RAW-IL-37) and in human monocyte cell line THP-1 and epithelial cell line A549 overexpressed by IL-37b.E180 IL-37boverexpressing THP-1 cells show not only the suppression of cellular adhesion and migration regulators such as focal adhesion kinase, Pyk2, and paxillin but also the reduction of kinases, which affect cellular proliferation and differentiation, including the MAPK p38a and multiple STAT transcription factors. In addition, IL-37boverexpressing RAWIL-37 cells show striking morphologic differences such as loss of pseudopodia and vacuolization. Thus, IL-37b also regulates postreceptor signal transduction in a specic fashion.E180 Role in host defense and autoimmune diseases IL-37 is not constitutively expressed in tissues from healthy subjects. However, it is highly expressed in synovial tissue from individuals with active RA, suggesting that IL-37 mediates a negative feedback mechanism to suppress excessive inammation.E180 Functions as demonstrated in IL-37 transgenic mice and Smad3 knockdown in vivo IL-37b transgenic mice are protected from LPS-induced shock. They show the lower proinammatory cytokines and the less LPS-induced DC activation. The siRNA knockdown of Smad3
Functions as demonstrated in IL-33deleted mice and receptor-decient mice ST2 KO mice show a normal TH2-cell maturation but an altered antigen-specic TH2-type response. In case of N brasiliensis infestation, IL-4 and IgE responses are mounted compared with the wild-type control. However, there is a lack of pulmonary granuloma formation in the lung in case of intravenous S mansoni application without apparent clinical deterioration. In a model of ventricular pressure overload, ST2 deciency led to increased rates of ventricular brosis and cardiomyocyte hypertrophy that resulted in enhanced chamber hypertrophy and reduced ejection fraction.E167 In addition, ST2-decient mice cannot develop endotoxin tolerance.E166 IL-37 Discovery and structure IL-37 was rst described in 2000 by Kumar et alE171 as IL-1 family member 7 (IL-1F7). It maps to the IL-1 family cluster of genes on chromosome 2.E172 IL-37 has 5 different splice variants (IL1F7a-e) with a molecular weight of 17 to 24 kd.E173,E174 IL-37b (IL-1F7b), which is the largest and includes 5 of the 6 exons, shares signicant sequence homology with IL-18. Only IL-37b and IL-37c containing exons 1 and 2 express an N-terminal prodomain, which includes a potential caspase-1 cleavage site.E175 Receptor and signaling IL-37b precursor is cleaved by caspase-1 into mature IL-37b. Both of them bind to the IL-18R a-chain with lower afnity than
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shows the reduction of the anti-inammatory function, especially in IL-37 transgenic mice, indicating the functional link between IL-37 and Smad3.E180
IFN-g Discovery and structure The unique member of the type II IFN family, IFN-g, was rst identied in the 1960s for its distinctive antiviral activity against the Sindbis virus in phytohemagglutinin-stimulated human leukocyte cultures.E184 Both human and mouse genes are encoded by a single-copy gene. The human IFN-g gene is located on chromosome 12 and the mouse gene on chromosome 10.E185-E187 Despite the fact that the genomic structure is highly conserved among all species and consists of 4 exons and 3 introns, the interaction of IFN-g and its receptor is species-specic and is restricted to the receptor extracellular domains. The human protein contains 166 residues that include a cleaved hydrophobic signal sequence of 23 amino acids. A 34-kd homodimer, noncovalently linked by 2 glycosylation sites, represents the active form of the protein.E188,E189 Receptor and signaling The crystal structure of IFN-g has been resolved, and it was predicted that a single IFN-g molecule interacts with 2 IFN-g receptor molecules.E190 The functional IFN-g receptor consists of 2 ligand-binding IFNGR1 (or IFNGRa) chains located on human chromosome 6 and on mouse chromosome 10, and 2 signal-transducing IFNGR2 (or IFNGRb) chains located on human chromosome 21 and on mouse chromosome 16.E191,E192 Both chains belong to the class II cytokine receptor family, and IFNGR2 is usually the limiting factor in IFN-g responsiveness, because the IFNGR1 chain appears to be constitutively expressed. Because of the lack of intrinsic kinase or phosphatase activity, the IFNGR1 chain is constitutively associated to Jak1 and the IFNGR2 chain to Jak2 to assure the signal transduction. IFN-g signaling leads to the activation of STAT1 molecules, their translocation into the nucleus, and their binding to a dened g-activated site to initiate the transcription. IRF family members, including IRF-1, IRF-2, and IRF-9, are also involved in IFN-g signaling.E193-E195 Cellular sources and targets A number of cell populations from both the innate (eg, NK cells, NKT cells, macrophages, myelomonocytic cells) and adaptive immune systems (eg, TH1 cells, CTL and B cells) can secrete IFN-g. Its production is controlled by APC-secreted cytokines, mainly IL-12 and IL-18. IL-12 promotes the secretion of IFN-g in NK cells, and the combination of IL-12 and IL-18 further increases IFN-g production in macrophages, NK cells, and T cells. The TH2-inducing cytokine IL-4, as well as IL-10, TGF-b, and glucocorticoids, negatively regulate the production of IFN-g.E196 Role in immune regulation and cellular networks As a member of the IFN family, IFN-g has the ability to interfere with viral infection. In contrast with the type I IFN response that is triggered directly by viral infection, IFN-g can also act as a secondary mediator. The immunomodulatory activities of IFN-g are important later in the response for the establishment of an antiviral state. IFN-g exerts its antiviral effects mainly via the induction of key antiviral enzymes
including the double-stranded RNA activated protein kinase, 2-5 oligoadenylate synthetase (2-5 synthetase), and the double stranded RNA-specic adenosine deaminase.E197-E199 In addition to its antiviral activity, IFN-g coordinates a broad range of biological functions. As the major product of fully differentiated TH1 cells, IFN-g promotes cytotoxic activity by both direct and indirect mechanisms. Directly, together with IL12 and IL-27, IFN-g participates in the events taking place during the commitment of naive CD4+ T cells toward a TH1 phenotype.E200 Indirectly, IFN-g can regulate antigen processing, and via its ability to inhibit cell growth, IFN-g can reduce the TH2cell population and thus contribute to TH1-cell differentiation. The ability to regulate MHC class I and II protein expression is a major physiological role of IFN-g. Within the class I antigenpresentation pathway, IFN-g induces expression of new proteasome subunits, LMP2, MECL-1, and LMP7, to form an inducible proteasome. This is a mechanism by which IFN-g can increase the quantity, the quality, and the repertoire of peptides for class I MHC loading.E200 IFN-g also induces the proteasome regulator PA28, which associates with the proteasome, alters proteolytic cleavage preference, and allows more efcient generation of TAP-compatible and MHC-compatible peptides to increase the overall efciency of class I MHC peptide delivery.E201 In addition to inducing TAP transporter, which is vital for the transport of the peptide from the cytosol to the ER lumen, IFN-g upregulated the class I MHC complex.E202 Upregulation of cell-surface class I MHC antigen presentation by IFN-g is important for host response to intracellular pathogens. IFN-g can also promote peptide-specic activation of CD4+ T cells in professional and nonprofessional APCs via the upregulation of the class II antigen-presenting pathway. By inducing the expression of several key molecules, IFN-g upregulates the quantity of peptide:MHC class II complexes on the surface of the cell. Among these crucial molecules, there is the invariant chain; the constituents of the MHC complex itself; cathepsins B, H, and L, which are lysosomal proteases implicated in peptide production for loading; DMA and DMB, which function to remove CLIP from the peptide binding cleft to render it available to peptide loading; and class II transactivator, a key transcription factor for the regulation of expression of genes involved in the MHC II complex.E203-E205 Inhibition of cell growth is another important feature of IFN-g. IFNs inhibit proliferation primarily by increasing protein levels of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors of the Cip/Kip family. IFN-g induces the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors p21 and p27 that inhibit the activity of CDK2 and CDK4, respectively, causing the cell cycle to arrest at the G1/S checkpoint.E206-E209 IFN-g also shows proapoptotic affects. Rapid STAT1 activation after IFN-g treatment of cells bearing high levels of IFNGR can induce apoptosis in an IRF-1dependent manner.E210 Many of the proapoptotic effects of IRF-1 are mediated by the IRF-1induced caspase-1 (IL-1bconverting enzyme). IFN-g also induces a number of other proapoptotic molecules including the antiviral enzyme protein kinase R, the death-associated proteins, and cathepsin D. IFN-g may enhance cell sensitivity to apoptosis by increasing the surface expression of Fas/Fas ligand and of the TNF-a receptor.E211-E213 IFN-g can also modulate the immune response by controlling AICD of CD4+ T cells through modulation of signaling by the death receptor Fas.E214 CD4+ T cells that lack IFN-g or STAT1 are resistant to AICD, and IFN-g was proposed to increase
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CD4+ T-cell apoptosis through a mitochondrial pathway,E215 which requires the production of caspases. Retrovirus-mediated expression of caspase-8 could restore the sensitivity of Stat1-decient T cells to AICD.E214 However, a recent study challenged this mechanism of action of IFN-g by showing a function for IFN-g in controlling CD4+ T-cell death in ways that do not seem to involve Fas or its ligand or to require the production of caspases.E216 This study provides evidence suggesting that mycobacterial infectioninduced CD4+ T-cell death is a result of autophagy and that Irgm1, also called LRG47, is an IFN-inducible GTPase that seems to suppress IFN-ginduced autophagy in CD4+ T cells. The expression of several members of the family of the antiapoptosis protein Bcl-2 was not affected by either IFN-g or the absence of Irgm1, which suggests a lack of involvement of the mitochondrial cell death pathway. IFN-g is a key cytokine in bridging the innate and the adaptive arms of the immune system. In addition to its role in the development of a TH1-type response, IFN-g plays a role in the regulation of local leukocyte-endothelial interactions. IFN-g regulates this process by upregulating expression of numerous chemoattractant (eg, IP-10, MCP-1, MIG, MIP-1a/b, and RANTES) and adhesion molecules (eg, ICAM-1 and VCAM-1).E217-E221 IFN-g was originally called macrophage activated factor, and enhanced microbial killing ability is observed in IFN-gtreated macrophages. It is via induction of the NADPH-dependent phagocyte oxidase (NADPH oxidase) system (called respiratory burst), production of nitric oxide intermediates, tryptophan depletion, and upregulation of lysosomal enzymes that IFN-g mediates this antimicrobicidal function, which also occurs in neutrophils.E222,E223 IFN-g can effectively prime macrophages to respond to LPS and other TLR agonists. TLR4 transcription and subsequent surface expression are increased by IFN-g, thus enhancing LPS-binding ability in macrophages. LPS-dependent signaling is enhanced by IFN-g via the induction of MD-2 accessory molecule, MyD88 adaptor, and IRAK expression.E224,E225 IFN-g was recently identied as a modulator of the cooperation between TLR and Notch pathways. By inhibiting Notch2 signaling and downstream transcription, IFN-g abrogates Notch-dependent TLR-inducible genes, which represents another way IFN-g can modulate effector functions in macrophages.E226
Functions as demonstrated in IFN-gdeleted mice and receptor-decient mice Because IFN-g is a multipotent cytokine that plays an important role in both the innate and the adaptive immune response, it is not surprising that its deciency is associated with the pathogenesis of several diseases. Low levels or IFN-g correlate with an increased susceptibility to intracellular pathogen infection with subsequent tissue destruction, as well as tumor development. Patients with acquired IFN-g deciency, caused by serum autoantibodies that specically neutralized the biological activity of IFN-g, show defects in the TH1-cytokine pathway together with disseminated tuberculosis and nontuberculous mycobacterial infections.E227-E230 On the other hand, early IFN-g production in response to live parasite stimulation correlates with a protective immunity to symptomatic malaria in Papua New Guinean children.E231 IFN-g may also play an important role in the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes, as suggested by the decreased levels of IFN-g
observed in newly diagnosed patients with diabetes.E232 The cellular arm of the immune system is implicated in the pathogenesis of the disease, and diabetes can be induced by the transfer of TH1 CD4+ T cells expressing cytokine in a nonobese mouse model of autoimmune diabetes. Decreased apoptosis of activated T cells in nonobese diabetes mice is a feature or the outcome of the loss of IFN-gmediated immune suppression.E233 IFN-g also has a role in the pathogenesis of RA. Arthritis onset and severity are reduced under conditions in which IFN-g is neutralized or in mice decient in IFN-g, suggesting a role of IFN-g in the initiation of the disease.E234 Similarly, in another model of autoimmune disease, EAE, the disease is enhanced in IFN-gdecient mice.E235,E236 However, IFN-g can also inhibit the inammatory process at a later stage of the disease, and it was proposed that this was a result of the ability of IFN-g to suppress IL-17 secretion. However, it seems that IL-17 production is dispensable for the exacerbation of the disease and that IFN-g mediates this inhibition via its antiproliferative and proapoptotic effects on activated T cells.E235,E237 Despite the important functions of IFN-g in the immune system, both IFN-g-/- and IFNGR -/- mice showed no obvious developmental defects, and their immune systems appeared to develop normally.E238 However, these mice show deciencies in natural resistance to several bacterial, parasitic, and viral infections. IFN-g-/- mice have suppressed splenic NK-cell activity, uncontrolled splenocyte proliferation, reduced MHC II expression and antimicrobial products by macrophages. IFNGR-/- mice show a deciency in IgG2a production; increased susceptibility to vaccinia virus, Listeria monocytogenes, pseudorabies virus, and M bovis; and increased resistance to endotoxic shock. Localized site inammation, increased CTL activity, lymphocyte inltration and severe tissue destruction has been observed in transgenic mice.E239-E243 The biological effects of IFN-g are widespread, and polymorphism in the IFN-g or IFNGR genes has been associated with susceptibility to several diseases including pulmonary tuberculosis, MS, myasthenia gravis, and arthritis manifestation. For example, mutation in the IFN-g gene has been shown to lower the bodys ability to resist mycobacterial infection.E244 Complete IFNGR1 deciency is a result of homozygous recessive mutations or heterozygous mutations affecting the extracellular domain of the IFNGR1 gene and preventing the expression of the receptor at the cell surface.E245 In the patients with mutations in IFNGR2, the cell surface expression of IFNGR1 is normal, but functional response to IFN-g is lacking.E246,E247 Inactivating mutations of the human IFNGR1 or IFNGR2 chains, resulting in defective expression or function of the IFN-g receptor, show severe susceptibility to poorly virulent mycobacteria, often a BCG infection.E248
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