2018 Melincovici Vegf
2018 Melincovici Vegf
2018 Melincovici Vegf
REVIEW Romanian Journal of
Morphology & Embryology
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) represents a growth factor with important pro-angiogenic activity, having a mitogenic and an
anti-apoptotic effect on endothelial cells, increasing the vascular permeability, promoting cell migration, etc. Due to these effects, it actively
contributes in regulating the normal and pathological angiogenic processes. In humans, the VEGF family is composed of several members:
VEGF-A (which has different isoforms), VEGF-B, VEGF-C, VEGF-D, VEGF–E (viral VEGF), VEGF-F (snake venom VEGF), placenta growth
factor (PlGF), and, recently, to this family has been added endocrine gland-derived vascular endothelial growth factor (EG-VEGF). VEGF
binds to tyrosine kinase cell receptors (VEGFRs): VEGFR-1 [Fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 (Flt-1)], VEGFR-2 [kinase insert domain receptor
(KDR) in human; fetal liver kinase 1 (Flk-1) in mouse] and VEGFR-3 [Fms-like tyrosine kinase 4 (Flt-4)]. While VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2 are
expressed predominantly on vascular endothelial cells, VEGFR-3 is expressed especially on lymphatic endothelial cells. VEGFR-2 has the
strongest pro-angiogenic activity and a higher tyrosine kinase activity than VEGFR-1. Endothelial cells also express co-receptors, such as
neuropilin-1 (NP-1) and neuropilin-2 (NP-2), which modulate tyrosine kinase receptor activity. Both VEGF and VEGFRs are expressed not
only on endothelial cells, but also on non-endothelial cells. This article aims to highlight the most recent data referring to the VEGF family and
its receptors, as well as its implications in the angiogenesis process. At present, blocking angiogenesis in cancer or in other pathological
processes, using anti-VEGF and anti-VEGFRs therapies, is considered to be extremely important.
Keywords: VEGF receptors, VEGF, isoforms, angiogenesis, anti-angiogenic therapy.
Figure 1 – VEGF-A/VEGFR-2 signaling pathways. Targets of anti-angiogenic agents. VEGF binding on VEGFR-2 lead
to downstream signaling of the PLCγ/PKC, PI3K and MAPK signaling. VEGF(R): Vascular endothelial growth factor
(receptor); PLCγ: Phospholipase-Cγ; PKC: Protein kinase C; MEK: Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase; ERK:
Extracellular signal-regulated kinase; DNA: Deoxyribonucleic acid; PI3K: Phosphoinositide-3-kinase; AKT/PKB:
Protein kinase B; eNOs: Endothelial nitric oxide synthase; MAPK: Mitogen-activated protein kinase.
During tumor neoangiogenesis, there are numerous It is considered that VEGFR-2 has the strongest pro-
paracrine interactions between endothelial cells and tumor angiogenic activity, thus blocking VEGFR-2 may have
cells [33, 52]. Binding VEGF to VEGFR-2 stimulates the useful clinical implications. VEGFR-2 has a stronger
secretion of von Willebrand factor (vWF) by endothelial tyrosine kinase activity than VEGFR-1, but a weaker
cells [33, 52]; the activation of endothelial cells is an affinity for VEGF (VEGF-A) [4, 20, 26].
essential event for tumor progression [52]. Through the alternative splicing of VEGFR-2 gene,
To conclude, VEGFR-2 is involved in vasculogenesis, a soluble form of VEGFR-2 was obtained (sVEGFR-2),
normal and pathological angiogenesis, acting through which has an affinity for VEGF-C, preventing its binding
different mechanisms, such as: migration of the heman- to VEGFR-3, thus impeding the proliferation of lymphatic
gioblasts towards the Yolk sac [25] and differentiation endothelial cells and blocking lymphangiogenesis [33, 55].
into endothelial cells [4, 12, 25], formation of vascular
tubes (tubulogenesis) [29], proliferation of endothelial cells
(mitogen effect) [4, 12], increase of vascular permeability VEGFR-3 [Fms-like tyrosine kinase 4 (Flt-4)] [2] also
[4, 12], migration of endothelial cells [4, 12], transmission belongs to the tyrosine kinase receptor family, having a
of signals which promote the endothelial cells survival, molecular weight of 195 kDa [12]. It plays an important
preventing their apoptosis [3, 8, 12, 53] and formation of role in the morphogenesis of the lymphatic vessel network
endothelial fenestrae [1, 12, 54]. In pathological processes, during embryonic development, also being involved in
VEGFR-2 is often involved in tumoral angiogenesis [33]. formation of new lymphatic vessels in the adult life [12].
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) – key factor in normal and pathological angiogenesis 5
In this situation, lymphangiogenesis, or de novo formation and VEGFR-2 leads to the intensifying of platelet-activating
of lymph vessels from the pre-existing postcapillary factor (PAF) secretion by endothelial cells, promoting
venules (high endothelial venules), could occur in certain inflammation, increasing vascular permeability and migra-
pathological conditions, most frequently in inflammation tion of endothelial cells [33]. NP-1 can be also present in
or tumors [3, 33, 56]. VEGFR-3 has an affinity for VEGF-C other cells, such as neurons [3], smooth muscle cells [33]
and VEGF-D [3, 13, 33]. or tumor cells [3, 25, 65], being detected on the surface of
VEGFR-3 is expressed in the lymphatic endothelium tumor cells in breast cancer [3, 25], prostate, lung, pancreas
or in high endothelial venules [30], influencing the differ- or colon cancers [65], as well as in astrocytomas, glio-
entiation of lymphatic endothelial cells, tubulogenesis, blastomas, melanomas [65].
proliferation (mitogen effect), migration and survival NP-2 is expressed especially on endothelial cells in
of lymphatic endothelial cells [3, 33]. Expression of lymphatic vessels and veins [3, 64], enhancing the effects
VEGFR-3 has been observed in other cells, such as of VEGFR-3 [3], because of binding VEGF-C [2].
osteoblasts [57], macrophages [58], neural progenitors Neuropilins role in vasculogenesis has been experi-
[59], while its presence in tumor cells remains contro- mentally demonstrated on NP-1 null mice (Neuropilin-1–/–),
versial [60]. which led to death of mouse embryos through anomalies
Signaling pathways which activate lymphogenesis, of the vascular system [3].
especially during the embryonic development, are the
following: activation of MAPK extracellular signal- Types of VEGF
regulated kinases (ERK1/2) through the PKC and Ras
pathways [24] (important pathways in cell proliferation), VEGF-A
as well as the PI3K–Akt/PKB pathway (involved especially VEGF-A, also called VEGF, is the most important
in survival of lymphatic endothelial cells) [3, 61]. and potent stimulator of angiogenesis, described for the
Expression of VEGFR-3 murine gene begins on day first time by Senger et al. as the VPF [19, 33].
8.5 of early intrauterine development, determining the VEGF-A plays an important role in vasculogenesis
differentiation of lymphatic endothelial cells and formation and neoangiogenesis, causing cell proliferation, apoptosis
of structures similar to lymph sacs, which will later undergo inhibition, increased vascular permeability, vasodilatation,
remodeling and extension, reorganizing themselves into recruitment of inflammatory cells to the injury site, etc.
a functional network of lymphatic vessels [3, 61]. The [4, 12, 16, 25, 29].
inactivation of this gene leads to mouse embryo death due VEGF is secreted not only by endothelial cells [1, 2,
to the absence of lymphatic vessels development and 12, 16], but also by other cells, in response to oxygen
massive edema [3, 62]. It is considered that, in adults, deprivation: tumor cells [1, 16], macrophages [1, 12, 16],
the onset of human hereditary primary lymphedema is platelets [16], keratinocytes [1, 16], kidney mesangial
linked to VEGFR-3 activity [62]. cells [1, 16], activated T-cells [1, 12, 16], leukocytes [2],
Binding of VEGF-C to VEGFR-3 is responsible for dendritic cells [66], retinal pigmentary epithelial cells [67],
most of the biological effects of VEGFR-3 [3]. The Müller cells in the retina [68], astrocytes [1], osteoblasts
discovery of a soluble form of VEGFR-3 (sVEGFR-3) [1], bronchial and alveolar epithelial cells [69], pericytes
and experiments on transgenic mice expressing this [70], VSMCs [71]. More recently, it has been found that
gene led to the conclusion that sVEGFR-3 inhibits the VEGF is expressed in the myofibroblasts located in the
development of lymphatic vessels and induces edema, myocardium, suggesting its implication in post-infarction
inhibiting the signals mediated by VEGF-C and VEGF-D tissue repair and remodeling [16].
[62]. Human VEGF-A contains eight exons separated by
It has been observed that tumors with lymph nodes seven introns [4] and, by alternative VEGF messenger
metastasis expressed high levels of VEGF-C or VEGF-D, ribonucleic acid (mRNA) splicing, creates different lengths
possibly by involvement of VEGFR-3 in migration of isoforms: VEGF121, VEGF145, VEGF148, VEGF162, VEGF165,
tumor cells through lymphatic vessels [24]. VEGF165b, VEGF183, VEGF189 and VEGF206 [2, 10, 12,
17, 25, 72]. These isoforms have different biological
properties [17], depending on the structure and number
Neuropilins, NP-1 and NP-2, are transmembrane of amino acids contained, but also depending on their
receptors located on endothelial cells, which function as affinity for heparin and heparan-sulfate proteoglycans
co-receptors, modulating the activity of RTKs. Neuropilins (HSPGs) of the ECM [12, 32, 25]. Each isoform has a
selectively link to certain subtypes or isoforms of VEGF specific role in the differentiation and development of the
[2, 3, 63]. They have a low molecular weight of 120– vascular system [12].
135 kDa [33], and were initially identified as receptors All the isoforms have a common area, encoded by
for different types of semaphorins (class 3 semaphorins) exons 1–5 [2]. It is supposed that exons 6 and 7 (which
[3, 25, 63]. may be absent in some isoforms) are responsible for
NP-1 is expressed on endothelial cells in arteries [3, heparin affinity, while exon 8 (present in all isoforms)
25, 64] and has affinity especially for VEGF-A165 [3, ensures endothelial cells proliferation [72].
25, 33], but not for VEGF-A121 [3, 4, 25]. Some authors The most expressed VEGF-A proteins are the isoforms:
also describe affinity for PlGF-2 [25] or VEGF-B167 [33]. VEGF121, VEGF165 and VEGF189 [12, 32, 72]. Of these,
NP-1 enhances the activity of VEGFR-2 up to six times VEGF165 is the predominant isoform [12] and the most
[3, 33], influencing angiogenesis and the migration of active in vasculogenesis [10]. It does not contain amino
endothelial cells [25, 33]. The convergent effect of NP-1 acids encoded by exon 6, therefore having moderate
6 Carmen Stanca Melincovici et al.
affinity for heparin and HSPGs [10, 12, 13, 25, 32]. For the median cerebral artery in mice, followed by VEGF-B
this reason, most of VEGF165 remains bound to the cell administration, inhibited cortical neurons apoptosis and
surface [12, 13, 17, 25]. minimized the area of cerebral infarction [73].
VEGF121, without amino acids encoded by exons 6
Placenta growth factor
and 7, has no affinity for heparin or HSPGs, existing in
a free form [4, 10, 17, 25]. Placenta growth factor (PlGF) is also a growth factor
VEGF189 and VEGF206 are the longest isoforms, with of the VEGF family and was firstly identified in human
a strong affinity for heparin, being totally bound to ECM placental tissues [2, 17, 74–77]; it is implicated in the
structures and less on cell surface [12, 24, 25, 32]. It is trophoblast growth and differentiation, trophoblast invasion
considered that, for this reason, VEGF189 and VEGF206 and blastocyst implantation [2, 75–78]. Subsequently, PlGF
are less active than VEGF121 and VEGF165 [25]. was found in the uterine mucosa: in maternal stromal
Proteolytic enzymes (e.g., plasmin, urokinase) can decidual cells [74], uterine glandular and luminal epithelium
cleave the bond between VEGF and ECM elements, [75], glandular secretions, predecidual stromal cells in
consequently VEGF being released in a free, soluble form, the secretory phase of the uterine cycle [75], as well as
very active in the ECM [4, 12, 17, 25]. in the heart [2, 76], lungs [2, 76], skin (keratinocytes,
VEGF145, VEGF183, VEGF162 and VEGF165b isoforms dermal vessels endothelium) [76, 79].
are much less common; in particular, VEGF165b was found By alternative splicing of PlGF gene, four isoforms
to have an anti-angiogenic effect, inhibiting VEGF-A165 result: PlGF-1 (PlGF131), PlGF-2 (PlGF152), PlGF-3
[2, 4, 10, 12]. Other isoforms of the type VEGF-AXXXb (PlGF203) and PlGF-4 (PlGF224) [2, 76], which differ in
have been later described, e.g., VEGF-A121b [60], VEGF- molecular structure and biological properties. All isoforms
A183b [60], VEGF-A145b [60] and VEGF-A189b [66]; in vivo have affinity for VEGFR-1 [2, 17, 24], but PlGF-2 also
and in vitro studies have evidenced their anti-angiogenic binds to NP-1, NP-2 and heparin in the ECM [2, 12, 17,
role, especially for VEGF-A165b and VEGF-A121b [10]. 24, 76]. It has no direct mitogenic effect and does not
The strong pro-angiogenic effect of VEGF-A on increase vascular permeability [2], but, in pathological
embryonic vasculogenesis has been revealed by experi- conditions, it binds to VEGFR-1, displaces VEGF-A from
ments with heterozygotic VEGF-A gene knockout mice VEGFR-1 and allows the binding of VEGF-A to VEGFR-2,
(VEGF-A+/– mice) who died on days 10 or 11 of gestation, indirectly enhancing the effects of VEGF-A (increased
vascular permeability, cell migration and proliferation,
due to insufficient development of the vascular system
etc.) [2, 4, 17, 78, 80].
[1, 24].
To conclude, VEGFR-1 activation by binding PlGF
VEGF-A binds to VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2 [1, 2, 24],
induces the indirect activation of VEGFR-2 [38, 78].
having a 10 times higher affinity for VEGFR-1 [12].
PlGF does not play an essential role in embryonic
VEGF165 binds to NP-1, NP-2 [2, 12, 24], as well as HSPGs
vasculogenesis, intervening rather in pathological angio-
of ECM [2, 24], while VEGF145 binds to NP-2 [12]. genesis (ischemia, inflammation, cancer), by a synergism
VEGF-B with VEGF-A [2, 12, 24, 78].
VEGF-B, discovered in 1995, is expressed in early VEGF-C
embryonic life; in adults, it is found in various tissues, VEGF-C is abundantly expressed in the embryonic
mainly in the myocardium, skeletal muscle and pancreas tissues, where the development of lymphatic vessels is
[12, 26, 33]. initiated (the jugular, perimetanephric, axillary areas)
Alternative gene splicing gives rise to two isoforms: [33], while in adults it is expressed in the heart, ovary,
▪ VEGF-B167, the predominant isoform, has a molecular placenta, intestine, thyroid, etc. [33].
weight of 21 kDa and binds to the cell surface or ECM It has a high affinity for VEGFR-3, which is expressed
elements. VEGF-B167 has affinity for VEGFR-1 [24, 26, on endothelial lymphatic cells, promoting lymphangio-
33] and interacts easily with NP-1 [26, 33]. genesis [24]. Certain authors also described a weak affinity
▪ VEGF-B186, with a molecular weight of 32 kDa, is for VEGFR-2, which explains its poor implication in
found in a free form, having affinity for VEGFR-1 [24, angiogenesis [2, 24]. Experimentally, in homozygotic
26, 33], and only if it undergoes proteolytic cleavage, it VEGF-C–/– mice, the development of lymphatic vessels
could interact with NP-1 [26, 33]. is altered since initial phases, the consequence being the
VEGF-B contributes to the development of the cardio- accumulation of interstitial fluid in the tissues, which
vascular system and the formation of the myocardium in may be sometimes lethal [24].
embryonic stages [12]. The role of VEGF-B in vasculo- Overexpression of VEGF-C correlates with a well-
genesis is not essential, VEGF-B–/– homozygotic mice developed network of lymphatic vessels, and the genic
being viable at birth, with only moderate defects of the transfer of human VEGF-C (phVEGF-C) could represent
cardiovascular system [24]. a new therapeutic strategy for the patients with lymph-
Current information on the role of VEGF-B as angio- edema [81].
genic factors in adult diseases is extremely controversial. Recent data suggests that VEGF-C also binds to NP-2,
At present, it is considered that, in adults, VEGF-B is more which acts as co-receptor for VEGFR-3, enhancing its
implicated in the survival of certain cell types, such as: activity [2, 82].
smooth muscle cells, endothelial cells, pericytes, neurons
(motor neurons in the spinal cord, cortex or retina),
cardiomyocytes, rather than in angiogenesis [24, 73]. VEGF-D presents similar properties to VEGF-C [33],
Several experiments have revealed that the obstruction of also having a central role in lymphangiogenesis, but not
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) – key factor in normal and pathological angiogenesis 7
an essential role in angiogenesis [2, 24, 33]. In the umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs)], as well as in
embryo, it has high levels in the lung, where it is involved syncytiotrophoblasts, regulating trophoblast invasion and
in the development of lymphatic vessels [33]; in adults, formation of the maternal lacunae, during the placental
it is found in the heart, lungs, skeletal muscles, small growth [88, 91].
intestine [33]. It has affinity for VEGFR-3 and also for Very high serum levels of EG-VEGF were reported
NP-2 [82]. Experimentally, the VEGF-D gene inactivation in preeclampsia, being associated with early pregnancy
produces only a moderate atrophy of the lymphatic circu- loss [88, 90, 92].
lation, without other significant changes [2]. EG-VEGF binds to two receptor types, called pro-
kineticin receptor 1 (PROKR1) and 2 (PROKR2), which
VEGF-E (viral VEGF)
are intensely expressed in the first trimester of pregnancy
Orf virus is a parapoxvirus causing infections in goats [88, 91]. Several studies demonstrated that EG-VEGF,
and sheep, which may be transmitted to humans, producing when binding to PROKR1 mediated the proangiogenic
skin lesions of pustulous dermatitis type [24, 83], charac- effects, while PROKR2 mediates the increase in vascular
terized by local edema, vasodilatation, keratinocytes permeability [88].
and endothelial cells proliferation, as well as abundant
inflammatory infiltrate [33]. Stages of angiogenesis
VEGF-E contains viral proteins from different strains
of the Orf virus: VEGF-ENZ-2 (viral strain NZ-2) [12, 84], Angiogenesis, either in its early stages (vasculogenesis),
or when it starts from pre-existing vessels (neoangio-
VEGF-ENZ-7 (viral strain NZ-7) [12, 85], VEGF-ENZ-10
genesis), takes place under the synergistic activity of
(viral strain NZ-10) [12, 86], VEGF-ED1701 (viral strain
growth factors, VEGF playing a very important role [5].
D1701) [12, 87] and also VEGF-EVR 634 (viral strain VR
During development, VEGF induces the migration of
634 of pseudocowpox virus) [12, 86].
hemangioblasts into the blood islands and their differ-
The gene encoding VEGF-E protein (from viral strains
entiation into endothelial cells [4, 12, 25, 53]. After birth,
D1701, NZ-2 and NZ-7) is not found in the human genome
it ensures the proliferation and migration of endothelial
[83], but after viral infection, it could be incorporated in
cells [12, 25], induces tubulogenesis, increases vascular
the genome of the affected individuals, acting like a pro-
permeability [4, 12] and promotes endothelial cells survival
angiogenic factor [24].
(inhibiting apoptosis), etc. [5, 12, 16, 25, 53]. VEGF
VEGF-E significantly increases vascular permeability, also induces the appearance of fenestrations between the
similar to VEGF-A165, and also has mitogenic effect on endothelial cells of capillaries and venules [1, 12, 90], by
endothelial cells [85]. It has specific affinity for VEGFR-2, altering proteins in the intercellular junctions (occludin,
not for VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-3 [2, 12, 33, 83]. VE-cadherin/β-catenin), therefore increasing vascular
EG-VEGF permeability and facilitating endothelial cells migration,
vascular extravasation and metastasis [12, 25]. This
EG-VEGF, also called prokineticin 1 (PK1) [88], was process is also enabled by the secretion of matrix metallo-
described and characterized by LeCouter et al. [89]. It is proteinases (MMP-9, MMP-3, MMP-2), which decompose
located in the steroid hormone-producing endocrine glands the ECM and enhance cell migration [16, 33].
and placental tissues, where it is involved in physiological In pathological angiogenesis, VEGF promotes the
and pathological angiogenesis [18]. mobilization of inflammatory cells (macrophages, granulo-
EG-VEGF, expressed in the testis, adrenal gland, ovary, cytes, etc.) to the injury site, maintaining the local
placental tissues [18, 88–91], induces proliferation, growth, inflammatory process and inducing the synthesis of pro-
migration and survival of endothelial cells, tubulogenesis, angiogenic factors by endothelial cells [5, 93], platelets
increased vascular permeability and enables paracellular [93, 94, 95], smooth muscle cells [71, 93, 96, 97], inflam-
transport [18, 88–91]. matory cells [39–43, 98], fibroblasts [5, 93, 99] and tumor
Interestingly, the angiogenic effect of EG-VEGF is cells [95, 100].
exerted only on the endothelial cells located in the The major trigger inducing angiogenesis is hypoxia,
mentioned glands [89], with no effect on the endothelial but other factors may also be responsible: hypoglycemia,
cells with other locations, for example in cerebral vessels, hypertension, low pH, mechanical stress, chronic inflam-
aorta and cornea [90, 91]. mation, etc. [1, 8]. Hypoxic tissues release the hypoxia-
In the placenta, it is present in the fetal capillaries inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) [4, 99, 101, 102], which activates
inside the chorionic villi [human placental microvascular the transcription of pro-angiogenic factors, such as: VEGF
endothelial cells (HPECs)], and is intensely expressed [8, 99, 101, 103], basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF,
in the first trimester of pregnancy (weeks 8–10) [91], FGF-2) [5, 95, 99, 103], PDGF-β [5, 93, 95], angio-
indicating its role in placental vessels development, but poietin-1 (Ang-1), angiopoietin-2 (Ang-2) [1, 8], TGF-β
also in materno–fetal exchanges, by increasing vascular [5], TNF-α, etc. [5, 95].
permeability and promoting paracellular transport [88, 91]. bFGF or FGF-2 was the first pro-angiogenic factor
The increased vascular permeability is because EG- described, with an important role in pathological angio-
VEGF induces the formation of fenestrae between fetal genesis, having a mitogenic effect on endothelial cells,
endothelial cells (HPECs); endothelial cells being normally increasing vascular permeability, being involved in
joined by occlusive junctions or adherens junctions [88, tubulogenesis, proteolytic decomposition of ECM [5,
91]. 104], etc. It also plays a role in fibroblast proliferation,
EG-VEGF was also found in endothelial cells that thus favoring granulation tissue formation and wound
line the umbilical blood vessels [macrovascular human healing [5, 104]. VEGF expression on endothelial cells
8 Carmen Stanca Melincovici et al.
could be stimulated by bFGF, both growth factors having vessels [8, 70, 101]. Initially, the newly formed vascular
a synergistic pro-angiogenic effect [5, 103, 104]. tubes do not have a lumen [8, 70].
Angiopoietins (Ang-1 and Ang-2) are pro-angiogenic The process is facilitated by the decomposition of
and vascular remodeling growth factors [5], both binding ECM, due to secretion and activation of matrix metallo-
to the same receptor, the Tie-2 receptor [5]. In normal adult proteinases (MMP-2, MMP-3, MMP-9) [16, 33] and
tissues, Ang-1 maintains the vessels integrity, increasing inhibition of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-2
endothelial cells survival (antiapoptotic effect) and also (TIMP-2), induced by Ang-1 [8].
inhibits Ang-2 expression [5, 100]. Ang-2 may have a An important role in angiogenesis is played by
pro-angiogenic or anti-angiogenic effect, depending on membrane type-1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP),
the presence of VEGF [5, 100, 103]. In the absence of a more recently described membrane protein group of
VEGF, Ang-2 promotes endothelial cells apoptosis, vessel metalloproteinases category, anchored on the cells surface,
regression and inhibits angiogenesis [100]. On the other with a lytic effect on the ECM molecules; it regulates
hand, in the presence of VEGF and HIF-1, Ang-2 acts as the expression of pro-angiogenic factors (e.g., VEGF) and
antagonist of Ang-1, destabilizes the interaction between controls cell migration [70, 106]. MT1-MMP may be
endothelial cells and the supporting cells, promoting expressed on endothelial cells or mural cells (pericytes,
vessel instability and formation of disorganized and VSMCs) [70, 107, 108], being involved in cell migration,
immature new blood vessels [5, 100]; it also induces tubulogenesis and cellular invasion [108]. At a more
the proliferation and migration of endothelial cells, thus advanced stage of neoangiogenesis, MT1-MMP may
favoring tissue neovascularization and pathological angio- activate the PDGF-β/PDGFR-β pathway, controlling the
genesis [5, 100, 103]. migration of pericytes and VSMCs and stabilization of
the newly formed vessels [106].
Under hypoxic conditions, the injured tissues and
Subsequently, during physiological angiogenesis, in
endothelial cells will release NO, which promotes vaso-
order to ensure stability of the new vessels, supporting
dilatation [70].
cells are recruited (pericytes in small vessels, VSMCs in
Increased VEGF secretion is also induced by other
large vessels) and cell fusion occurs. In a final stage, a
growth factors through paracrine mechanism [33, 104].
new basal membrane will be formed around the new
The integrity of blood vessels depends on the inter- vessels [8].
action between endothelial cells and other cells in the In pathological angiogenesis, the cells involved (ECs,
vascular wall, called supporting or mural cells (e.g., macrophages, T-lymphocytes, platelets, VSMCs, etc.)
pericytes, VSMCs) [11, 99, 105]. increase the release of proinflammatory cytokines [93, 105].
Pericytes (adventitial or perivascular cells) are The new vascular networks are anarchic, with tortuous,
associated with endothelial cells in small blood vessels dilated, abnormally structured vessels, with aberrant ECs
[70], both cell types being included in the same basal and weakly attached or even absent pericytes [8].
membrane [101]. Normally, pericytes ensure the support
for the endothelial cells, stabilize small vessels structure Anti-VEGF therapies – therapeutic
and monitor endothelial cells survival [70, 99, 101, 105].
Pericytes communicate with endothelial cells through gap
junctions [105], their activation promoting the proliferation Nowadays, a large number of studies aim to elucidate
of endothelial cells. Activated pericytes exhibit a great the role of anti-VEGF therapies in various diseases,
plasticity; they can differentiate into smooth muscle cells, especially cancer, ischemia, inflammation (e.g., rheumatoid
fibroblasts and adipocytes [70]. arthritis) or degenerative diseases.
The blood vessels formation includes several stages. The purpose of anti-VEGF medications is to inhibit
The initial stage starts with vasodilatation and alte- angiogenesis, either by blocking VEGF itself or its receptors
ration of the vascular structure, as a result of the pro- (VEGFRs).
angiogenic factors secreted by injured tissues (e.g., NO, A series of anti-VEGF agents have been approved by
VEGF, bFGF or FGF-2, PDGF-β, Ang-2, etc.), which United States Food and Drug Administration (US FDA)
act by both paracrine and autocrine mechanisms on the and are currently used in the treatment of certain tumor
endothelial and vascular mural cells [70, 103]. types or eye diseases.
The PDGF-β/PDGFR-β signaling pathway is very Since 2004, Bevacizumab/Avastin has been approved
important in pericyte recruitment and new blood vessel by the FDA and used as anti-VEGF therapy in renal [24],
formation and stabilization. PDGF-β is secreted by lung [109, 110, 111], colon [109, 112, 113], esophago-
endothelial cells and PDGFR-β is expressed on vascular gastric [114, 115], breast [3, 24, 116], cervical [117],
mural cells and endothelial cells. and ovarian cancer [118, 119], usually associated with
Under the action of these pro-angiogenic factors, chemotherapy. Other therapeutic strategies attempt to
endothelial cells (ECs) and mural cells are activated [70, block VEGFRs using drugs such as: Sorafenib or Sunitinib,
99], the effect being the proliferation of endothelial cells tested in phase III clinical trials as monotherapies or in
and their migration towards the ECM [70], where tubulo- association with chemotherapy for renal cancer [3, 24,
genesis will be initiated [8, 70]. VEGF released from the 109], gastrointestinal stromal tumors [3, 109], lung tumors
injured cells (pericytes, endothelial cells) will increase (non-small cell type) [109], breast tumors [109], colon
vascular permeability and allow extravasation of plasma [109], esophago-gastric adenocarcinoma [120] or hepato-
proteins into the ECM; where these proteins will serve as cellular carcinoma [24, 109].
provisional matrix for the migration of ECs and pericytes, Anti-angiogenic therapy has become very important
initiation of tubulogenesis and formation of new blood in eye diseases, drugs such as Ranibizumab, Pegaptanib/
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) – key factor in normal and pathological angiogenesis 9
Macugen or Aflibercept being approved by the FDA and vement in overall survival (OS) and progression-free
successfully used for age-related macular degeneration survival (PFS), but these results were not always
[3], diabetic retinopathy (DR) and diabetic macular edema statistically significant (Table 1). This is probably because
(DME) [121, 122]. ECs have different locations and respond differently to
In ischemic processes, studies in large clinical trials these therapies, depending on the local microenvironment
attempt to stimulate angiogenesis by gene transfer of [11]. Additionally, long-term administration of anti-VEGF
pro-angiogenic molecules [3, 123]. therapy induced a decrease in efficacy and led to onset of
Even so, the use of anti-VEGF or anti-VEGFRs therapy therapy resistance [24]. Moreover, various negative side
in clinical trials did not always yield the expected results. effects have been described, including: hypertension,
Patients treated with anti-VEGF or anti-VEGFRs agents, proteinuria, renal dysfunctions, hemorrhage, thrombosis,
alone or associated with chemotherapy showed an impro- arrhythmia, etc. [24, 108–120, 124].
Table 1 – Clinical trials on anti-VEGF agents in cancer therapy
No. of
Cancer Median PFS Median OS
Reference patients Intervention P-value P-value
type [months] [months]
Stage IV
Zhao et al. Irinotecan (FOLFIRI) + Bevacizumab + Not Not
colorectal 122 PFS: 7.1 OS: 13.5
[112] Erlotinib reported reported
Yamasaki Carboplatin + Paclitaxel + Not Not
non-small cell 33 PFS: 8.4 OS: 22.2
et al. [110] Bevacizumab reported reported
lung cancer
Arm A (n=103) Arm A Arm A
Tiseo et al. Cisplatin + Etoposide PFS: 5.7 OS: 8.9
small-cell 204 0.03 0.011
[111] Arm B (n=101) Arm B Arm B
lung cancer
Cisplatin + Etoposide + Bevacizumab PFS: 6.7 OS: 9.8
Group I
Group I
Advanced Cisplatin + Paclitaxel or
Tewari et al. Not Not OS: 13.3
cervical 452 Topotecan + Paclitaxel 0.004
[117] reported reported
cancer Group II Group II
The same therapy + Bevacizumab OS: 17
FOLFIRI (Irinotecan + 5-Fluorouracil + FOLFIRI FOLFIRI
Cao et al. Leucovorin) PFS: 5.1 Not OS: 11.3 Not
colorectal 142
[113] FOLFIRI B reported FOLFIRI B reported
cancer FOLFIRI B (FOLFIRI + Bevacizumab)
PFS: 8.5 OS: 15.2
Group 1
Group 1 Group 1
Bevacizumab + Fluoropyrimidine–
Advanced PFS: 6.7 OS: 12.1
Ohtsu et al. Cisplatin
gastric 774 0.037 0.1
[114] Group 2
cancer Group 2 Group 2
Placebo + Fluoropyrimidine–
PFS: 5.3 OS: 10.1
Group 1
Group 1 (n=764) OS: 44.6
Carboplatin + Paclitaxel Group 2
Newly OS: 45.5
Oza et al. diagnosed Not Not High-risk
[118] ovarian reported reported subgroup
cancer Group 2 (n=764) Group 1
Chemotherapy + Bevacizumab OS: 34.5
Group 2
OS: 39.3
Ovarian Group 1 Group 1 Group 1
Perren et al. cancer Carboplatin + Paclitaxel PFS: 22.4 OS: 28.8 Not
1528 0.04
[119] (70% stage Group 2 Group 2 Group 2 reported
IIIC or IV) Chemotherapy + Bevacizumab PFS: 24.1 OS: 36.6
Group 1 (n=247) Group 1
Metastatic Single-agent chemotherapy PFS: 4.2
von Minckwitz Not Not
breast 494 Group 2 (n=247) 0.0068
et al. [116] Group 2 reported reported
cancer Single-agent chemotherapy +
PFS: 6.3
Advanced Group 1 Group 1
OS: 8.9
Moehler et al. esophago- FOLFIRI + Placebo PFS: 3.3
91 0.66 0.21
[120] gastric Group 2 Group 2
OS: 10.4
cancer FOLFIRI + Sunitinib PFS: 3.5
PFS: Progression-free survival; OS: Overall survival; FOLFIRI: Chemotherapy regimen – Folinic acid (Leucovorin) + 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) +
Irinotecan (Camptosar).
Corresponding author
Carina Mihu, Medical Student, Faculty of Medicine, “Iuliu Haţieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 4–6
Louis Pasteur Street, 400349 Cluj-Napoca, Romania; Phone +40750–774 404, e-mail: carina.mihu@umfcluj.ro