Vrealize Configuration Manager 582 Software Content Repository Tool 61 Guide
Vrealize Configuration Manager 582 Software Content Repository Tool 61 Guide
Vrealize Configuration Manager 582 Software Content Repository Tool 61 Guide
1 Guide
Software Content Repository Tool 6.1
vRealize Configuration Manager 5.8.2
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Software Content Repository Tool 6.1 Guide
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2 VMware, Inc.
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Software Content Repository Tool 6.1 Guide
Index 49
4 VMware, Inc.
About This Book
The VMware vRealize Configuration Manager Software Content Repository Tool Guide provides information
about the following topics.
n Preparing the host machine for components and tools.
n Installing and configure components and tools.
n Using the tool to download patch content.
n Troubleshooting errors that might occur.
Intended Audience
This document contains information intended for system administrators who must patch machines in their
To use this information effectively, you must have a basic understanding of how to configure network
resources. You also must fully understand your network’s topology and resource naming conventions.
Document Feedback
VMware welcomes your suggestions for improving our documentation. If you have comments, send
your feedback to docfeedback@vmware.com.
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Software Content Repository Tool 6.1 Guide
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6 VMware, Inc.
Introduction to the Software Content
Repository Tool 1
The Software Content Repository (SCR) Tool is a standalone Java client software application that builds a
repository of Linux and UNIX patches and downloads operating system (OS) vendor patch content to the
The SCR Tool downloads patch content from vendor Web sites, which you use to patch Linux and UNIX
machines. These files include patch signature files (.pls), and OS vendor patch content files (.rpm, .gz,
.tar, .zip) used in the patching background processes. Deployment package files (.plp) are included
and used for patch deployment on Mac OS X. The .plp files contain the vendor patch, which is extracted
based on the properties file settings.
You run the SCR Tool on a Red Hat machine and use the VCM Patching functionality in VMware vRealize
Configuration Manager (VCM) to deploy patches to the VCM managed machines.
To ensure that all patch dependencies are met when VCM deploys the patches, the SCR Tool downloads
all of the necessary patches, except for patches that have been superseded. VCM Patching handles all the
dependencies when the patches are deployed. If the patch was available when the SCR Tool was installed
and configured, the patch downloads. If the patch was not available when the SCR Tool was last run, the
patch will not be available. If the patch is still available from the OS vendor, it will be available for
download using the SCR Tool patch replication process.
The SCR Tool is not used to run patch assessments or deployments. The SCR Tool also does not assess the
machine configuration or the downloaded patch content that is used for patch deployment.
The SCR Tool downloads the patch signature files and OS-vendor patch content from the Content
Download Network (CDN), and downloads subscription-only content from the OS Vendor Content Web
sites. The patches must be accessible to the VCM managed machines through an NFS mount to the
repository on the machine that hosts the SCR Tool. For a diagram of the components and workflow, see
"How to Download Patches with the SCR Tool" on page 8.
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Software Content Repository Tool 6.1 Guide
After you download patches from the vendor Web site, you must use VCM to assess your Linux and
UNIX machines and deploy the patches using the machine group mapping in VCM Patching. For
information about assessments, see the VCM Administration Guide and the VCM online Help.
8 VMware, Inc.
Preparing for SCR Tool Installation 2
Before you install the SCR Tool, you must complete several prerequisite tasks.
This chapter includes the following topics:
Installing the VCM Agent on the Linux and UNIX Machines to be
Managed 9
Selecting and Preparing the Host Machine 9
Establish User Credentials 11
Place Trusted Certificates in the Key Store 11
Verifying Access to External Sites 11
n Mac OS X
n Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL)
n Red Hat
n Solaris
Verify that the Linux and UNIX machines to be managed by VCM meet the system requirements. See the
VCM Installation Guide. Then review the VCM Agent installation procedures and install the VCM Agent on
the platform as described in the VCM Administration Guide
VMware, Inc. 9
Software Content Repository Tool 6.1 Guide
You can install the SCR Tool on a 64-bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server machine running version 6.0.
You can also install the SCR Tool on a 64-bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server machine running version 7.0.
IMPORTANT Use the host machine exclusively to run the SCR Tool and serve as the patch repository.
To download content for each supported platform for patch deployment, the minimum recommended
storage is 950 GB.
Table 2–1. Estimated Host Support for Patch Storage on Platforms
Supported Platform Minimum Storage Required
for Patch Content Files and Payload
AIX 130 GB
CentOS 80 GB
Red Hat 80 GB
Solaris 325 GB
n If you install the SCR Tool on a 64-bit Red Hat machine, verify that 64-bit Java is installed. If it is not
installed, you must install it.
1. Select a 64-bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server machine to use as the host machine for the SCR Tool.
2. Remove any non-Oracle Java versions.
3. Verify that the host machine has Internet access.
4. Verify that the host machine has adequate storage to download the patch content for each platform to
support patch deployment to all of the machines.
5. Verify that the host machine has Oracle Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.6 or later, 64-bit
only, installed.
6. Ensure that your JAVA_HOME and PATH environments are set to the correct Java instance.
For example:
export PATH=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_24/jre
7. Verify that the SCR Tool host machine has Oracle Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited
Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files corresponding to the JRE version installed.
The JCE is required for the encryption of credentials to the OS vendor sites.
10 VMware, Inc.
Preparing for SCR Tool Installation
8. If you download Red Hat content, verify that the Red Hat Network (RHN) Management and Update
entitlements are available and associated with the credentials so that SCR can download the RHN
9. Verify that the SCR Tool host machine has sufficient memory for the replicated files.
Linux files require up to 2 GB of memory. All other machines require 1 GB by default.
10. Allow additional memory for the overhead of host OS operations, which vary depending on your
What to do next
n As your patch content increases because of downloads and storing patch content files and payload, you
must monitor the available disk space on the SCR Tool host machine to avoid disk space problems. The
patch content grows over time as vendors release new patches and content.
n Verify that the Linux and UNIX machines to be managed by VCM meet the system requirements. See
the VCM Installation Guide.
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Software Content Repository Tool 6.1 Guide
AIX http://www7b.software.ibm.com/
CentOS http://vault.centos.org
You can also use the mirrors returned from the Web service at:
HP-UX https://hpsc-pro-hpp.austin.hp.com/service/
Mac OS X http://vmware.cdn.lumension.com/
Solaris https://getupdates.oracle.com/
SUSE https://you.novell.com/update/
12 VMware, Inc.
Installing the Prerequisite Software for
the SCR Tool 3
The SCR Tool uses several types of software. You must install and test the required software on a
supported host machine, then you install the Software Content Repository Tool on the host machine.
This chapter includes the following topics:
Install the SCR Tool Software 13
Download the Java Runtime Environment 14
Test the Java Runtime Environment Installation 14
Download the Java Cryptography Extension 14
To support the downloads and storing the patch files and payload, and patch deployment, you must install
and test the following software.
n SCR Tool software
n Java Runtime Environment
n (Optional) Java Cryptography Extension
n Complete the preparatory tasks. See "Preparing for SCR Tool Installation" on page 9.
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Software Content Repository Tool 6.1 Guide
After you extract the SCR Tool files, a root directory contains the subdirectories and files for the supported
Linux and UNIX platforms. This information refers to the root directory as scr_root.
2. Click Downloads.
3. Locate and install Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.6 or later.
4. Use the platform-specific link to display detailed installation instructions for your platform.
n Locate the article titled, "How do I test whether Java is working on my computer?" at
IMPORTANT If multiple Java SE (Standard Edition) Development Kit (JDK) or JRE installations exist on the
same machine, make sure that you update the correct JDK or JRE instance.
14 VMware, Inc.
Installing the Prerequisite Software for the SCR Tool
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Software Content Repository Tool 6.1 Guide
16 VMware, Inc.
Configure the SCR Tool 4
VCM 5.8.2 patching for Linux and UNIX requires the Software Content Repository (SCR) Tool. To support
the use of the SCR Tool, VCM uses the properties files for the Linux and UNIX platforms.
The properties files include the environment settings that the SCR Tool uses to download the patch
content for each supported Linux and UNIX platform.
To integrate the SCR Tool with VCM, you must place a special bundle of properties files for the platforms
in a specific directory on the patching repository machine. The properties file names use the format
When you submit a patch download job in VCM during patch deployment, VCM reads a special bundled
runtime file and uses the content in it to create additional required files. When you edit the special bundled
runtime properties files, you must ensure the following restrictions.
n The runtime properties files must not contain relative paths.
n The runtime properties files must have credentials and proxy information as defined in this guide.
n Download the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to support the SCR Tool on the patching repository
n Download and install the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) on the patching repository Red Hat Linux
machine where the SCR Tool is installed.
1. On the patching repository machine, download the runtime properties files tarball from the same Web
site where you downloaded the SCR Tool tarball or zip file.
2. Extract the contents of the runtime properties tarball into the appropriate /conf directory that you
established when you installed the SCR Tool.
The properties files must be named as follows:
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Software Content Repository Tool 6.1 Guide
n AIX-rt.properties
n CENTOS-rt.properties
n HPUX-rt.properties
n MAC-rt.properties
n ORACLELINUX-rt.properties
n REDHAT-rt.properties
n SOLARIS-rt.properties
n SUSE-rt.properties
3. To modify the runtime properties files, use the Software Content Repository Tool Guide.
IMPORTANT Do not change the file names of the extracted runtime properties files.
18 VMware, Inc.
Configuring the Red Hat Host Machine 5
Configuring the Red Hat machine to host the SCR Tool includes reviewing the directory structure,
granting permission to the patch repository, updating the properties file, connecting the VCM managed
machines to the SCR Tool, and setting the logging levels and output file names.
This chapter includes the following topics:
Review the Directory Structure 19
Grant Permission to the Repository 20
Update the Properties Files 20
Connect the VCM Managed Machines to the SCR Tool 28
Set Logging Levels and Output File Names 28
IMPORTANT Do not delete the patch signature (.pls) files, because they confirm whether the patches are
available. Patch signature files are stored in the platform subdirectories defined by the property parameter
n After the SCR Tool downloads the content from the Content Download Network (CDN), verify that
the individual payload directories contain the patch content.
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Software Content Repository Tool 6.1 Guide
Patches Location
OracleLINUX Oracle/rpm
4. In the payload directory, verify that the Mac OS X payload folders contain only .plp files, which
embed the vendor patches.
If extractOSX=true is defined in the properties file for Mac OS X, the physical vendor patch appears.
20 VMware, Inc.
Configuring the Red Hat Host Machine
For Red Hat: If files differ between a Red Hat client and a Red Hat server, such as x86 versus x64, you
must generate a separate scr_root/conf/.properties file for each.
n Review the properties file parameters in preparation to update the properties files. See "Properties File
Parameters" on page 22.
n For Red Hat: When files differ between a Red Hat client, a Red Hat server, and architectures, such as
x86 and x64 versions, you must generate individual properties files for the client, server, and each
architecture in the SCR root directory. For example: scr_root/conf/RedHat_version_or_
1. Access the directory named scr_root/conf and locate the Linux and UNIX properties files.
AIX scr_root/conf/aix-rt.properties
CentOS scr_root/conf/centos-rt.properties
HP-UX scr_root/conf/hp-rt.properties
Mac OS X scr_root/conf/osx-rt.properties
Solaris scr_root/conf/solaris-rt.properties
SUSE scr_root/conf/suse-rt.properties
What to do next
n Update the properties file parameters for the platforms to patch. See "Properties File Parameters" on
page 22.
n To automate a process to run the scripts using OS schedulers, such as cron or at, see "Managing Patch
Content with the SCR Tool" on page 31.
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Software Content Repository Tool 6.1 Guide
The platform parameter specifies the type of patch content to download.
The arch parameter must include one or more valid architecture strings for the specified platform.
Multiple values must be comma separated without spaces.
For Red Hat and SUSE platforms, the dist parameter is required. Multiple values must be comma
separated without spaces.
Table 5–1. Property Parameters for Platforms, Distributions, and Architecture
platform dist arch
Defines the root folder where the SCR Tool output is stored. By default, this folder is
The SCR Tool creates the subdirectory tree under the root output folder.
n The platform architecture directory SCR_output_folder/platform/architecture contains the
.pls files.
n The payload platform architecture directory SCR_output_
folder/payload/platform/architecture contains the patch content files, such as .plp, .zip,
.rpm, .htm, and .jar files.
22 VMware, Inc.
Configuring the Red Hat Host Machine
Do not modify.
Do not modify.
Do not modify.
Do not modify.
For the Mac OS X platform only. If the value is true, PLP files for the Mac OS X content are extracted.
When run, this parameter specifies to extract the embedded .dmg vendor patch files from the
corresponding .plp files. When used with any other platform, this parameter has no effect.
extractOSX=true or false
Set the value to true to support third party downloads for CentOS, Oracle Linux, Red Hat, Solaris, and
thirdparty=true or false
The SCR Tool first attempts to download payload from Lumension's CDN. If the patch is not found in the
CDN, the SCR Tool downloads it from the vendor Web site, such as Red Hat, SUSE, or Solaris, using the
credentials provided in user and pwd.
User ID for third party vendor downloads, such as Solaris or HP UX.
Encrypted password for the third party vendor downloads. This password is generated using the
lumension_encryptor_tool.sh script.
This parameter specifies an output file, which contains a list of parameters and values. These values reflect
the parameter configuration used during the last or current execution of the SCR Tool, and can be used to
troubleshoot problems.
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Software Content Repository Tool 6.1 Guide
checkPayload=true or false
Enables the SCR Tool to audit and verify payload content for .pls files. If the .pls files do not match the
.pls or .plp files, this option causes the SCR Tool to download or replace the payload files.
This parameter defaults to false if not included in the properties file or not explicitly set to true. The value is
set to true by default in each properties file.
n If the value is true, the SCR Tool validates every payload file for every .pls file, whether it is new,
modified, or unchanged.
n If the value is false, or not provided, the SCR Tool downloads and loops through each new or modified
.pls file. The process downloads any payload data, which includes .plp files and vendor patch files
that correspond to each downloaded .pls file.
Turns off dependent RPM download for Linux platforms.
dependencyCheck=true or false
When the value is true, the SCR Tool downloads all of the dependent RPMs recursively. During the initial
replication, which is performance intensive, this process downloads each package and dependencies.
When the value is false, the SCR Tool downloads only the RPMs declared in the OS vendor errata. This
process might cause the SCR Tool to miss some dependent packages during the replication from the OS
vendor. This option is the default value.
Specifies the channels of content to download so that you can manage content according to environment
needs. Multiple values must be comma separated without spaces.
AIX 6_1
HP-UX 11_11
24 VMware, Inc.
Configuring the Red Hat Host Machine
Platform Channel
OSX 10_6
Solaris sol10
SUSE SLES10-Updates
If the value is true, all patches are downloaded. If the value is false, only the patches with UIDs that are
included in the cache request folder are downloaded. If the value is false and there is no cache request
XML, the content is processed but no patches are downloaded.
downloadPayload=true or false
The cache request XML file is used to limit the downloaded patches to only those for which you obtain
UIDs from the ecm_sysdat_patch_pls table in the VCM database.
Extract the .pls UIDs from the database and create an XML file similar to the one below, then update the
cacheRequestFolder path to the file location.
To obtain the UID of a patch, run the following command where the name is required to find the patch for
the architecture and version, and the identifier is the name of the bulletin to download the patch using the
UID. In this example, the identifier value is RHBA-2007:0622-02.
select name, [uid]
VMware, Inc. 25
Software Content Repository Tool 6.1 Guide
from ecm_sysdat_patch_pls
where identifier = 'RHBA-2007:0622-02'
To include the prerequisites for the patch, use the following queries.
select name, [uid],prerequisite_uids
from ecm_sysdat_patch_pls
where identifier = 'RHBA-2007:0622-02'
To include the prerequisites for the prerequisite patches, use the following query where {13A7294C-
2D7C-4CA2-AD7D-10592D79C9B9} is a prerequisite for RHBA-2007:0622-02.
select name, prerequisite_uids
from ecm_sysdat_patch_pls
where [uid] = '{13A7294C-2D7C-4CA2-AD7D-10592D79C9B9}'
Proxy server IP address.
Proxy server port.
26 VMware, Inc.
Configuring the Red Hat Host Machine
User ID for proxy server authentication.
Encrypted password for the proxy server. This password is generated using the lumension_encryptor_
tool.sh script.
Temporary working directory that the AIX patch replication script uses to download and create .tar.gz
files. Although the AIX patches are comprised of files, the SCR Tool and VCM depend on the .tar.gz
files for patch deployment. The patch replication process downloads individual files into /tmpDir, which
are compressed into a .tar.gz file that VCM uses for bulletin information in the deployment script. The
user who runs the SCR Tool must have read and write permissions to this directory.
The file containing your RedHat entitlement certificate. This file is created in /etc/pki/entitlement by
subscription-manager when you attach a subscription to your registered RedHat system. The filename of
the certificate varies but is always in the form XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.pem where X is a decimal digit. If
there are multiple certificates in this location, you can view their contents with OpenSSL by running
openssl x509 -in cert-file.pem -noout-text, substituting the actual filename of your certificate.
If you attempt to download RedHat 7 RPMs without setting a certificate, the following error message
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: certificate cannot be null or not a file
For example
The following command is used to register RHEL7 with Red Hat Subscription Management:
subscription-manager register --username <User_Name> --password <Pass_Word> -
SuSE12 specification
sles12User and sles12 Pwd parameters are required for SLES12 platform.
VMware, Inc. 27
Software Content Repository Tool 6.1 Guide
1. New credentials are now needed to access SUSE12 content and is through subscription management at
https://scc.suse.com, the SUSE Customer Center (SCC).
a. Create an account if you do not have one created.
b. Purchase the appropriate subscription (SUSE Enterprise Desktop or Server) from
Note: SCC processes new subscription purchases usually within a few days.
c. Register any one SUSE12 host(s) from the host or VM through SUSE Customer Center
Configuration application under YaST Administration Settings. The SCR repository host
registration is not mandatory for SCR executions.
2. Enter subscription credentials in the SCR repository machine at ../conf/suse-rt.properties for
sles12User or sles12Pwd properties.
For example, new Suse-rt.properties:
#SUSE12 Customer Center (SCC) Credentials
Once you register the SLES12 Hosts to SCC , SCCcredentails file is created under
/etc/zypp/credentials.d/SCCcredentials. Enter appropriate values for sles12User and
sles12Pwd available at /etc/zypp/credentials.d/SCCcredentials.
Connect the managed machines to the SCR Tool. You must take this action for each platform type.
n Create a mount point to the respective platform directory on the SCR Tool machine that contains the
patch payload for the platform.
n Use a remote command to mount the VCM managed machine at the time of patch deployment.
n Use a remote command to FTP the files to the managed machine when the patches are deployed.
AIX scr_root/conf/aix-rt.properties
CentOS scr_root/conf/centos-rt.properties
28 VMware, Inc.
Configuring the Red Hat Host Machine
HP-UX scr_root/conf/hp-rt.properties
Mac OS X scr_root/conf/osx-rt.properties
Solaris scr_root/conf/solaris-rt.properties
SUSE scr_root/conf/suse-rt.properties
You can set the custom logging levels and output file names in these properties files for each run of the
SCR Tool. You can use specific logging parameters for each specific patch distribution.
By default, all scripts log data to the same file name pattern at the INFO logging level. The logging
values include several levels.
n WARNING (valid, but not used)
n INFO (recommended for production)
n CONFIG (valid, but not used)
n FINE (debug)
n FINER (debug)
n FINEST (debug)
3. To customize log file names, change the output java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern=path
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Software Content Repository Tool 6.1 Guide
Variable Description
4. To select where the log stream is written, change the handlers=handler_name property.
Valid values are written to the file handler log file or the console handler stderr output.
Option Description
java.util.logging.FileHandler If you use this handler, the SCR Tool generates logs
in the file specified in the <platform>-
rt.properties file.
java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler If you use this handler, the SCR Tool generates logs
in the console.
5. To increase or decrease the number of bytes written to the log files before a new log is started, update
the java.util.logging.FileHandler.limit=bytes value.
6. To set the maximum number of log files to retain before overwriting the oldest, update the
java.util.logging.FileHandler.count=log_file_count value.
7. To append logging entries to the last used log file, configure
If the value is false, the SCR Tool writes to a new log file.
30 VMware, Inc.
Managing Patch Content with the SCR
Tool 6
The SCR Tool downloads patch content files from the Content Download Network (CDN), which is
managed by Akamai, the hosted content service provider. The SCR Tool obtains any additional patches
from the AIX (IBM), CentOS, HP-UX, Mac OS X, Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL), Red Hat, SUSE, and Solaris
vendor Web sites, and saves those patches in your defined directories.
The SCR Tool performs delta downloads. After the first download, successive downloads retrieve only the
differences in patch content that occurred since the last download. When the files download, the patch
source, CDN, vendor, and other information is written to the log files.
IMPORTANT Do not delete the patch signature (.pls) files, because they confirm whether the patches are
available. Patch signature files are stored in the platform subdirectories defined by the property parameter
n If you run multiple replication processes simultaneously on a single SCR Tool host machine, verify that
the host machine has sufficient memory to support each process. Insufficient memory might cause
1. To specify a schedule to run the shell commands, use a crontab command to run the updated
properties files.
2. From the directory defined as SCR_output_folder, open a terminal session.
3. Run the following commands to interactively track the progress of the download.
date; df -k ; du -k | grep -i Vendor_Name
When the patch download process is finished, use VCM to patch the Linux and UNIX managed machines.
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Software Content Repository Tool 6.1 Guide
Schedule Downloads
You can use OS schedulers, such as cron or at, to automate the process to replicate the patches.
Automating the patch replication process is preferable, because the download process might require you
to run the startup file more than once to retrieve all of the content for a particular vendor.
The SCR Tool does not provide embedded scheduling. If you connect multiple platforms to the same
repository, you must schedule the startup script to run separately for each platform.
n Complete at least one replication for each operating system before you add the startup script to a
scheduling service. The initial replication might take longer than one day for each operating system.
5. To replicate all platforms, add the following content to the file, omit entries for unused platforms, and
save the file.
32 VMware, Inc.
Managing Patch Content with the SCR Tool
9. Add the following content to the file to begin the patch replication process, and save the file.
cd scr_root/bin
echo "### Get all new unix content"
n Before you run or schedule patch content downloads, verify that the SCR Tool host machine has
adequate disk space available. See "Selecting and Preparing the Host Machine" on page 9.
VCM supports HTTP, HTTPs, File, NFS, and FTP protocol for patch staging. You must configure the SCR
RHEL box with necessary protocol as per your requirement.
Certificate Settings
Add the RHEL machine that has SCR Tool to the VCM licensed UNIX machines, install agent and perform
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Software Content Repository Tool 6.1 Guide
1. Navigate to Administration > Certificates in VCM after successful collection on the SCR machine.
2. Select the SCR machine and click Change Trust Status. Select Check to trust or untrust the selected
machines. Click Next and then click Finish.
Now the SCR machine is trusted to download the patches.
3. Make this SCR RHEL machine as a patching repository machine. Select the SCR machine and click
Patching Repository. Select the Enable option. Click Next and then click Finish.
Now the SCR machine is marked as the Patching Repository for the VCM Server.
Additional Settings
The following settings have to be modified depending upon the protocol you have configured on the SCR
Make appropriate changes to the Settings by clicking Edit Setting under Administration > Settings >
General Settings > Patching > Unix > Additional Settings.
1. Default UNIX/Linux Patching repository Path (Point No.11). Path where the SCR will download the
required packages. This is same as the path exposed to the protocol configured on the SCR box.
2. Default UNIX/Linux Patching repository SCR base Path (Point No.12). Base path where SCR is installed
on SCR box.
These settings are required for VCM to know the Protocol and Repository details that are configured on
the SCR machine.
Make appropriate changes to the Settings as per the protocol used to configure the SCR tool under
Administration > Settings > General Settings > Patching > Unix > Patch Staging.
1. Click Add. Enter the desired name for the setting. Click Next.
2. Select the option Obtain patches from the Patching Repository: (The SCR Machine is displayed
here, which we had marked as Repository machine in Certificates Settings). Click Next.
3. Enter the Repository Path that you have configured to use for your protocol. Repository path is the
path where the user has exposed the default directory for their respective protocol on the SCR
4. Select the protocol configured on the SCR machine and provide appropriate user credential details
whenever necessary.
Machine Group Settings
Machine Group settings are required to map the machine groups with the protocol information added in
Patch Staging Settings.
1. Create a machine group and add all the target machines that are to be patched under this machine
2. Navigate to Administration > Settings > General Settings > Patching > Machine Group Mapping,
select the machine group that you would want to patch, and click Edit.
3. Select your protocol (that you added in Patch Staging Settings) in the drop down at Source for
Staged Patches. The URL appears with the specific protocol and the repository path. Make sure this
URL is accessible from the target machines that you intend to path.
4. Click Next and then click Finish.
34 VMware, Inc.
Managing Patch Content with the SCR Tool
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36 VMware, Inc.
Troubleshooting the SCR Tool 7
The SCR Tool troubleshooting information provides procedures to diagnose and fix problems that you
might encounter when you use the SCR Tool or download patch content.
This chapter includes the following topics:
Out of Memory Error 37
Content Download Network Connection Error 38
Cannot Connect to Red Hat Account 38
Session Login to Red Hat Fails 39
Download from Red Hat Fails 39
HP-UX Service Authentication Fails 41
Download from HP Fails 41
Proxy Server Configuration Fails 41
Mismatch in Number of Patches 43
OS Vendor Does Not Accept Credentials 43
OS Vendor Errors 43
Patch Download Errors 44
Obsolete Patches Cause the Download to Fail 45
HTTP Errors Are Not Marked as SEVERE 45
Connection Refused Errors 46
Null Pointer Exception Errors 46
SCR 6.1.21 fails to download patches 47
If you run multiple batch files simultaneously on a single SCR Tool host machine, the machine might not
have sufficient RAM to support each process.
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Software Content Repository Tool 6.1 Guide
Verify that the SCR Tool host machine has enough memory to run the patch replications, or run fewer
concurrent replications. Each patch replication is configured to require between 512 MB of RAM minimum
and 2 GB maximum.
1. Verify that the SCR Tool host machine can connect to the Internet.
2. Ping the address of the CDN server, which is contained in the logs.
3. If the ping to the server is not successful, determine whether a host resolution problem exists, or
determine if blocks exist in your firewall, then take the appropriate action to resolve the problem.
The path to the unix folder is located in the properties file, and is defined using the folder=value
parameter. For example: folder=/PatchRepo/Repos.
2. Log in to your Red Hat network content download site.
3. Locate any systems that were created by the SCR Tool whose names begin with redhat-nca*, and
38 VMware, Inc.
Troubleshooting the SCR Tool
delete them.
4. On the SCR Tool host machine, from the scr_root/conf directory, open the properties file and
verify that it is updated with the new username and encrypted password.
5. Run the replication process again.
When you attempt a patch download from the Red Hat vendor site, the following error occurs.
SEVERE: Failed to establish login session with RHN
The unix directory is defined in the folder property file parameter in your RedHat-rt.properties
If all entitlements are exhausted, the SCR Tool reports similar errors and additional log messages.
The property file parameter of folder defines the root folder to store the SCR Tool output.
1. Open the RedHat-rt.properties file and remove the unix directory from the defined folder
property, and save the file.
The entry in the properties file resembles: folder=SCR_output_folder
2. Verify that the user defined in the RedHat-rt.properties file is not a shared user account that is
used on multiple managed machines or by many individuals.
The entry in the properties file resembles: user=string
3. Verify that the SCR Tool host machine is not using native OS tools to update the operating system.
The log in to Red Hat succeeds, but the patch download fails with an error. For example:
FINE: Login Response XML is Server ID = Auth User ID = Auth Server Time =
Auth Expire = Auth = Channel = []
Aug 17, 2011 3:45:19 PM com.lumension.scr.pojo.SCPackage download
FINE: Downloading filegetPackage/mailman-
Aug 17, 2011 3:45:19 PM com.lumension.scr.rhn.RHNRPMFile download
FINE: Downloading RPM file /patchRepo/repos2/RedHat/getPackage/mailman-
Aug 17, 2011 3:45:19 PM com.lumension.scr.client.StandaloneSCRepositoryClient
SEVERE: Package Download Exception
com.lumension.scr.exception.SCRException: Primary patch file failed download:
VMware, Inc. 39
Software Content Repository Tool 6.1 Guide
RHSA-2007:0779-04 getPackage/mailman-
at com.lumension.scr.pojo.SCPackage.download(SCPackage.java:472)
at com.lumension.scr.client.StandaloneSCRepositoryClient .download
at com.lumension.scr.client.StandaloneSCRepositoryClient .process
at com.lumension.scr.client.StandaloneSCRepositoryClient .main
Source machine information was changed or deleted on the Red Hat Network (RHN).
The path to the unix folder is located in the properties file, and is defined using the folder=value
parameter. For example, folder=/PatchRepo/Repos.
2. Run the replication process manually or allow it to run on schedule.
40 VMware, Inc.
Troubleshooting the SCR Tool
The HP-UX Software Assistant performs checks for published security issues, installed patches that have
warnings, and missing patches that have critical fixes. The HP-UX Software Assistant checks certificates to
ensure a secure connection. When you use the SCR Tool to download recommended patches, if a trusted
certificate does not exist when the HP-UX Software Assistant validates the connection, the following error
Failed to authenticate with HpUx Service
If you encounter this error with the HP-UX Software Assistant, install a trusted certificate in the key store
based on HP's recommendation. See the online HP information about installing intermediate certificates
for Software Assistant.
To install intermediate certificates for Software Assistant, see http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2051577.
You cannot access or download patch content from the HP Web site using the SCR Tool.
An internal VMware Knowledge Base article exists. Contact VMware Technical Support to open a service
request, and refer to KB article 2008242.
When you use the SCR Tool to download patch content for a specific Linux or UNIX platform, the proxy
server configuration fails. The scr_root/logs/scr-messages-0.log file displays a No Proxy
connection error, and the SCR Tool cannot process the request for the platform.
For example:
Mar 12, 2013 6:19:48 AM com.lumension.scr.log.CommonsLogging info
VMware, Inc. 41
Software Content Repository Tool 6.1 Guide
The proxy server parameters in the platform-specific properties file are not correct.
42 VMware, Inc.
Troubleshooting the SCR Tool
Review and correct the proxy server parameters in the properties file used to download patch content for
the Linux or UNIX platform, including the IP address, port, user ID for authentication, and encrypted
A mismatch appears to exist in the number of patches available to the SCR Tool versus the number of
patches listed by the vendor.
The SCR Tool host machine verifies the security patches recommended by the vendor. Because not all of
the patches on the vendor download site are for security, the patches available to the SCR Tool are a
subset of the total number of patches available.
If a patch signature list (.pls) file was downloaded, but the startup script stopped running before the
payload finished downloading, a true mismatch can occur.
1. Contact the vendor and verify that your credentials to the vendor's site are valid.
2. Review the content of the /conf/distribution-rt.properties file, and verify that the correct
user is defined.
3. If the password has changed, update the password in the /conf/distribution-rt.properties
OS Vendor Errors
When you attempt to connect to the Content Download Network, the OS vendor download Web site
reports an error.
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Software Content Repository Tool 6.1 Guide
When you attempt to download patch content, an error occurs on the OS vendor download Web site. For
Mar 24, 2011 3:33:19 PM sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection
FINE: HYPERLINK "mailto:sun.net.www.MessageHeader@1a4e8a118"
sun.net.www.MessageHeader@1a4e8a118 pairs: {null: HTTP/1.1 401 Authorization
Required}{Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 21:35:03 GMT}{Server: Apache}{X-RHN-Fault-Code:
n If multiple users in your environment are manually connected to the download Web sites, wait until
they are finished before you connect again.
n Limit user connections to the OS vendor download Web site during patch replication, and restart the
patch replication process.
A failure in the patch download process might occur because of various problems, but the source of the
problem is not obvious. When the patch content downloads, a severe error recorded in the logs might not
indicate an actual error. For example, if the CDN does not have the requested package, the non-entitled
content might display a SEVERE error.
The patch download process failed, and no message appeared to indicate the cause of the problem.
44 VMware, Inc.
Troubleshooting the SCR Tool
4. Use the message results in the log file to resolve the error, then attempt to download the patch content
from the entitled OS vendor site again.
Solaris patch downloads fail on patches with names that begin with SUN. These errors resemble the
following entries.
n SEVERE: Failed to download payload file
n SEVERE: Payload download
/tmp/SCR/download/payload/solaris/x86/SUN10RPC20110304.zip failed
Solaris patches with names that begin with SUN are obsolete. This content is no longer provided by the
HTTP 404/503 errors might be logged as FINE, and do not contain the phrase SEVERE in the message,
which can cause problems when using the SEVERE message to troubleshoot the problem. These error
types resemble the following messages:
Apr 8, 2011 2:20:52 PM com.lumension.scr.rhn.RHNRegister postXMLRPCRequest
FINE: RHN HTTP Response 404
Apr 8, 2011 2:20:52 PM com.lumension.scr.rhn.RHNRegister postXMLRPCRequest
FINE: RHN HTTP Response 404
Apr 11, 2011 2:28:29 PM com.lumension.scr.rhn.RHNManager getSession
FINE: Getting RHN session
Apr 11, 2011 2:28:29 PM com.lumension.scr.rhn.RHNRegister postXMLRPCRequest
FINE: RHN HTTP Response 503
These types of errors typically indicate that a problem exists with the connection to the external Red Hat
download site.
If these HTTP 404/503 response codes occur from the Red Hat download site, attempt to replicate the
patch content later.
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Software Content Repository Tool 6.1 Guide
When you interactively run a replication process, or in the cron logs when you use cron, a Connection
refused error can occur. This type of error resembles the following message.
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.doConnect(PlainSocketImpl.java:351)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(PlainSocketImpl.java:213)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:200)
at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(SocksSocketImpl.java:366)
at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:529)
at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:478)
at sun.net.NetworkClient.doConnect(NetworkClient.java:163)
at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(HttpClient.java:394)
at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(HttpClient.java:529)
at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.<init>(HttpClient.java:233)
at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.New(HttpClient.java:306)
at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.New(HttpClient.java:323)
at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getNewHttpClient
at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect
at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.connect
at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getOutputStream
at com.lumension.scr.rhn.RHNRegister.postXMLRPCRequest(RHNRegister.java:435)
at com.lumension.scr.rhn.RHNRegister.loginToRHN(RHNRegister.java:526)
at com.lumension.scr.rhn.RHNManager.getSession(RHNManager.java:82)
at com.lumension.scr.pojo.SCPackage.download(SCPackage.java:439)
at com.lumension.scr.client.StandaloneSCRepositoryClient.download
at com.lumension.scr.client.StandaloneSCRepositoryClient.process
at com.lumension.scr.client.StandaloneSCRepositoryClient.main
You can typically ignore these errors. The script continues to run and replicate patch data. To verify that
the script continues to run, open the individual <platform>-rt.properties file and view the content
for logged error information.
46 VMware, Inc.
Troubleshooting the SCR Tool
When you run a replication process interactively, or in the cron logs when you use cron, a null pointer
error can occur. This type of error resembles the following message.
Apr 8, 2011 8:51:13 PM com.lumension.scr.client.StandaloneSCRepositoryClient
SEVERE: Error Processing Content Download Request.
at com.lumension.scr.pojo.SCPackage.download(SCPackage.java:416)
at com.lumension.scr.client.StandaloneSCRepositoryClient.download
at com.lumension.scr.client.StandaloneSCRepositoryClient.process
at com.lumension.scr.client.StandaloneSCRepositoryClient.main
Restart the replication process to continue downloading the patch content, and use cron to start the script
again the following day and resume replication. If persistent failures continue, log a ticket with VMware
Technical Support.
You cannot download patches using SCR 6.1.21 if #channels= is provided in properties file.
Specify all the values for the channel parameters in the respective platforms.
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Software Content Repository Tool 6.1 Guide
48 VMware, Inc.
accessing external sites 11 I
agent machines 9 installing 13
C SCR Tool 13
certificates for HP-UX 11, 41 VCM agent 9
checkPayload option 24 J
configure Java
SCR Tool 17 client software application 7
configuring host machine 19 Cryptography Extension 14
connecting to machines 28 Runtime Environment 14
Content Download Network 31 JCE on patching repository 17
custom logging 28 JRE on patching repository 17
directory structure 19 Linux and UNIX replication scripts 21
downloads logging levels 28
delta 31 login session failure to Red Hat 39
HP-UX error 41 M
Java Cryptography Extension 14 Mac OS X payload folders 20
Java Runtime Environment 14 machine connection 28
patch content 31 maintaining the repository 33
patch errors 44 managed machines 9
Red Hat patch error 39 O
schedule 32 OS vendor
SCR patch errors 47 file types 7
E patch content 7
errors output file names 28
CDN 38 P
connection refused 46 parameters for replication scripts 22
HP-UX download 41 password encryptor tool 21
HP service authentication 41
content downloads 31
HTTP connection 45
content growth 11
insufficient memory 37
signature files 19, 31
null pointer 47
UNIX/Linux machines 7
obsolete patches 45
OS vendor 43
JCE on patching repository 17
patch download 44
JRE on patching repository 17
patch mismatch 43
runtime properties files 17
proxy connection 41
payload 19
Red Hat account 38 permissions 20
Red Hat download 39 platforms supported 10
Red Hat login session 39 prerequisites 9
SCR patch download 47 properties files 17
user credentials 43 R
external site access 11 replication scripts 20
H repository 7
host machine maintenance 33
configuration 19 permissions 20
prerequisites 10 root directory 19
supported 10 running as guest 9
runtime properties files for patching 17
HP service authentication 11, 41
schedule for downloads 32
VMware, Inc. 49
Software Content Repository Tool 6.1 Guide
SCR Tool
configuration 17
for replication 20
parameters for replication 22
Software Content Repository (SCR) Tool 17
storage prerequisites 10
substitution variables 30
supported host machine 10
supported platforms 10
troubleshooting the SCR Tool 37
trusted certificate for HP-UX 41
user credentials 11
VCM Patching 7
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