Reinforcement of Timber Beams: Steffen Franke
Reinforcement of Timber Beams: Steffen Franke
Reinforcement of Timber Beams: Steffen Franke
Steffen Franke
Professor for Timber Structures
Bern University of Applied Sciences
Biel/Bienne, Switzerland
Bettina Franke
Research Associate
Bern University of Applied Sciences
Biel/Bienne, Switzerland
Annette Harte
Senior Lecturer
College of Engineering and Informatics
National University of Ireland, Galway
High performing, such as highly loaded, and large span timber beams are often used for sports
and industry halls, public buildings or bridges, and provide an aesthetically pleasing and
environmentally friendly structural solution. Reinforcement of beams may be required to extend
the life of the structure due to deterioration or damage to the material or due to a change of use.
The main aim of this chapter is to summarise the current and emerging methods that are
available to repair or enhance the structural performance of timber beams. An overview of the
main materials, cross sections and geometries used for timber beam structures is presented.
Furthermore, their general failure modes are described and typical reinforcement methods and
corresponding retrofitting techniques are given. For each of the failure modes, the methods and
their advantages are summarized. The reinforcement methods include wood to wood
replacements, use of mechanical fasteners such as screws and rods, and methods which add
additional strengthening materials.
Straight depth h 10 m ≤ l ≤ 40 m
beams span l h ≈ l / 17
Tapered depth h 12 m ≤ l ≤ 25 m
beams span l
h ≈ l / 15
Curved depth h
15 m ≤ l ≤ 35 m
beams span l h ≈ l / 17
depth h 20 m ≤ l ≤ 85 m
h ≈ l / 10
span l
2 Failure modes
2.1 General
Structures have to adopt, and transfer external loads to the ground and also deal with internal
loads. This leads to stresses and deformations in the structure which must not exceed design
strength and deformation limits. In designing new structures, a full cross section with minor
damage and correct material grades are assumed. However, in existing timber structures the
cross section and/or the properties of the material of the members can be reduced due to
mechanical and biological damage. Both types of damage influence the load carrying capacity
and serviceability of single members or the complete construction. Within the assessment of
timber structures, damage or failure has to be detected and assessed for the resistance and
serviceability of the timber structure. The net cross sections observed must be compared to the
designed cross sections.
The failure analysis on timber structures in Germany carried out by Blass & Frese [1, 2] gives a
good overview of the distribution of main types of failure classified according to the
construction, use and region. Most assessment reports state that the timber structures have been
built using glulam beams of quality GL28h (see Table 3). Their shape, however, is more varied
with the most common being, by order: straight (154/426), tapered straight (124/426), pitched
cambered (90/426) and curved (47/426). 80 % of the failure cases could be detected in bending
members, followed by 8 % in compression members. Furthermore in 75 % of the failure cases
cracks could be detected. Typical reasons and types of failure are summarized in Fig. 1 and Fig.
Table 3: Most frequent characteristics of the timber structures assessed, from [1] and [2]
Characteristic Main result Corresponding no. of assessments
Material Glulam 594 80%
Quality (or equivalent) GL28h 68 72%
Load type Bending 470 80%
Biological reasons
36% Crack in the
grain direction
Structural- 75%
Physical reasons
Chemical Other
reasons failure
5% 11%
Mechanical Shear failure
Other reasons reasons failure 6%
12% 9% 8%
Fig. 1: Reasons for damages, [1], [2] Fig. 2: Types of failure, [1], [2]
For high performing and long span timber members the typical failure modes are described in
detail in the following sections.
2.2 Cracks
The most common type of failure, Fig. 2, was observed as the appearance of cracks in grain
direction. The variation of the surrounding climate at a timber beam changes the moisture
content and lead to shrinkage or swelling of the cross section. Non uniform distributions of the
moisture content over the cross section and/or restraint deformations lead to internal stresses and,
if the material strength is exceeded, to cracks in the cross section which can significantly reduce
the capacity, Fig. 3. For the determination of the influence of cracks in timber beams on the load
carrying capacity or stiffness no comprehensive methods are known. Methods and guidelines for
this evaluation are currently under development at the Bern University of Applied Sciences.
The amount and distribution of cracks depends on several factors, such as timber and glue
quality, defects, loading situation or beam shape. Regarding the distribution of cracks in the
timber beams, a summary of their characteristics can be found in Table 4.
Note: Failure under tension stress perpendicular to the grain in glulam members has to be
distinguished from delamination failure within the glue lines as shown in Fig. 5. Special
techniques can be used for the classification of delaminations as shown in [3].
a) b) c)
Fig. 3: Glulam cross sections; a) sketch of undamaged cross section with 100% capacity, b)
sketch of cross section with some possible damage and unknown capacity, c) real example of
cross section with internal cracks
Fig. 4: Cracks in grain direction at a glulam Fig. 5: Delamination at a glulam member
Table 4: Characteristics of cracks and their distributions, from [1] and [2]
Location; Length;
Crack cause Quantity Depth ratio* Cases
Stress concentration At the
1-10 m;
(Restrained shrinkage, notches, singularity; 35%
mostly 1.0
transverse forces ...) Single
Randomly; 0.1-1 m;
Normal climate changes 33%
Numerous 0.1 to 0.4
Element quality At the defect;
(Glue line or finger joints) Depending on its extent
Overloading 1 m;
Single to 15%
(Shear or bending stresses) mostly 1.0
* Ratio of depth of crack to width of beam
Fig. 6: Principal sketch for bending failure Fig. 7: Tension failure under bending
Due to natural defects, such as knots, the tension strength can be reduced compared to
compression strength. Therefore, bending failure is mainly described by brittle failure of timber
beams within the tension zone, as shown in Fig. 7. Bending failure is classified as critical and
can lead to a single failure of the structural element or the complete construction.
Fig. 8: Principal sketch for compression Fig. 9: Compression failure at loading point
failure at support
Fig. 10: Principal sketch for tension failure Fig. 11: Tension failure perpendicular to the
perpendicular to the grain at a notch grain at a notch
Fig. 12: Tension failure parallel to the grain of experimental tension tests: a) short-fibred, b)
long-fibred, [4]
and glulam members, which is almost zero due to natural defects, failure under tension stress
perpendicular to the grain occurs more often. Therefore, wood products are mostly optimized to
increase the tension strength perpendicular to the grain, but it still has carefully to be considered
in the design process. Tension stress perpendicular to the grain occurs in curved, tapered and
end-notched glulam members as well as in members with holes, additional connected structural
elements or equipment, and at connections loaded perpendicular to the grain.
2.6 Shear failure
In most cases, bending stress and deflection limits govern the design of the members. But for
short beams the shear stress can be more important. In general for beams, the shear stress reaches
the maximum value close to the supports (Fig. 13). Additionally, end-notched beams and beams
with holes can lead to shear stress concentrations. Failure due to shear stress is characterised by a
sliding of the fibres and thus cracking parallel to the grain and is considered as a brittle failure.
The cracks are mainly closed and therefore hard to detect if they are not at the end of the beam,
as shown in Fig. 14.
Fig. 13: Principal sketch for shear failure Fig. 14: Shear failure at holes
2.7 Insects and fungi
Decay due to fungi is possible for timber beams with a moisture content close to/or over the fibre
saturation point, see Fig. 12. The fibre saturation point varies from wood to wood species and
shows a range from 26 M% - 32 M% (in mass percentage). The different fungi and their typical
appearance and hazard are summarized in [5].
Generally, decay due to insects can occur within a range of wood moisture content above 6 M%
(3), but can be neglected in construction of service class 1 or 2, where technical dried wood
members like solid wood, glulam or wood products are used, [6]. The classification and
identification of insects is described in detail in [5].
Fig. 15: Risk of insect and fungal decay in relation of the moisture content
3 Retrofitting techniques
3.1 General
The following sections illustrate possible retrofitting techniques for timber beams. Detailed
descriptions of the different techniques and their design can be found in other chapters of this
report. In the case of damage or decay, the timber beam or parts of the beams have to be replaced
as described in Section 3.3. Retrofit measures to improve the performance of timber beams in
bending, shear, and in tension and compression perpendicular to the grain are described.
Fig. 16: Three different two-component adhesives and various adhesive injection methods, GSA
Resin n’H Lungern (left), Purbond RE 3040, RE 3064 (middle), Jowat 692.30 (right), [7]
Fig. 24: Load-deflection response of unreinforced (A) and reinforced (D1, D2, D3) beams, [14]
Steel and other metals have been used for reinforcing timber for many years. Mark [16] bonded
aluminium sheets to the top and bottom faces of timber beams and reported an increase in the
flexural strength and stiffness. Dziuba [17] tested timber beams reinforced with steel rods on the
tension face and noted that compressive yielding occurred prior to failure in tension. DeLuca and
Murano [18] reinforced spruce beams with 0.82% steel bars and recorded mean increases of 48%
in peak load, and 26% in stiffness. Nielsen and Ellegaard [19] investigated the use of punched
metal plate connectors as flexural reinforcement for timber but with limited success.
Fibre reinforced polymer in the form of pultruded rods or plates have been the subject of a
considerable amount of research for the reinforcement of timber and have been used in practise
to reinforce solid timber and glulam structures. Several fibre types are available including carbon
(CFRP), aramid (AFRP), glass (GFRP), basalt (BFRP) and steel (SFRP). CFRP [14], [15], [20]-
[22] and GFRP [23]-[26] have been widely used as externally bonded plates or internally as near
surface mounted reinforcement bonded into grooves cut into the beams. CFRP materials have
high strength and stiffness properties and, depending on the properties of the unreinforced beam
and the percentage of reinforcement used, strength and stiffness increases of over 100% can be
achieved. For lower grade timber, less expensive GFRP materials are generally sufficient to
provide the required strengthening but the stiffness increase can be limited. Steel fibre reinforced
polymer bars have been found to provide a significant increase in capacity and ductility but
insignificant improvement in stiffness [27]. The use of FRP materials has a number of
advantages over steel due to their light weight, their corrosion resistance, and their ease of
handling on site. It should be noted that the routing of grooves to house reinforcement may cause
a weakening of the beam as a discontinuity is introduced in the wood fibres in the vicinity of the
Prestressed steel or FRP plates bonded on the tension face with epoxy resin [28]-[32] can
provide further increases in strength. A pre-camber is introduced in the beam due to the eccentric
prestress, which can be offset against the deflection to the external loads. However, this
technique is currently not used in practise due to the difficulty in installation and insufficient
knowledge of the long-term performance of the prestressed members.
As the flexural capacity of the beam is enhanced, the shear capacity may be exceeded. In these
cases, a combination of both flexural and shear strengthening may be required.
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Fig. 25: Typical reinforcement arrangements for notches. (a) & (b) self-tapping screws, (c) &
(d) glued-in rods, (e) & (f) EWP or FRP side plates
where Map,d is the design moment at the apex, hap is the depth of the beam at the apex and kp is a
function of the taper angle, the radius and the depth at the apex [42]. The load to be carried by
discrete connectors, such as screws or glued in rods, is the total of all tensile stresses on an area
equal to the connector spacing by the beam width. The capacity of the connectors is determined
by the withdrawal capacity and the tensile strength.
The reduced section of the beam due to drilling of holes for the radial reinforcement must be
considered in the design. As the portion of the holes below the neutral axis cannot be considered
effective in tension, the section modulus in bending is reduced [41].
Fig. 29: Hip rafter repair [13] Fig. 30: Span beam repair [13]
5 Conclusion
Due to the impact of different aspects like moisture changes, fungi and insect attacks, timber
elements can be damaged and result in lower capacity and larger deformations. Furthermore,
high stresses exceeding the strength limits can also lead to different failure cases, like bending,
compression, tension or shear failure, where cracks mostly appear. An analyses of several
assessment reports showed, most damaged structural timber elements show cracks in the grain
In the case of damage or decay, the timber beam or parts of the beams have to be replaced or
reinforced in bending, shear, and in tension or compression perpendicular to the grain to recover
the performance. The choice of reinforcement method for existing timber beam structures will be
based not only on the ability of the reinforcement to provide adequate strengthening of the
structure but will be constrained by other factors such as aesthetics, need for reversibility, access
for repair, and available expertise.
As the reinforcing elements generally have different stiffness, thermal expansion and moisture
absorption properties than the timber element, factors such as constrained shrinkage and swelling
due to thermal or moisture changes must be considered and if necessary additional thermal or
moisture induced stresses should be accounted for in design. Where the reinforcement results in
a significant change in beam stiffness, it is important to consider the consequences for the overall
behaviour and load distribution of the entire structure.
Many factors have to be considered selecting the best method and sometimes lack of knowledge
exists. Ongoing research needs to be done to further improve the retrofitting and replacing
methods for reliable and efficient repair.
6 Acknowledgement
Parts of the report and research work are within the COST Action FP 1101 – Assessment,
Monitoring and Reinforcement of timber structures. The Swiss State Secretariat for Education,
Research and Innovation (SERI) proudly supports the research work.
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