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Operator Manual

Refrigerated Dryer

No.: 9_5778 20 USE


96410 Coburg • PO Box 2143 • GERMANY • Tel. +49-(0)9561-6400 • Fax +49-(0)9561-640130
Original instructions

20190507 115552

1 Regarding this Document

1.1 Using this document ......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Further documents ........................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Copyright .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.4 Symbols and labels .......................................................................................................... 1
1.4.1 Warnings ............................................................................................................. 1
1.4.2 Potential damage warnings ................................................................................ 2
1.4.3 Other alert notes and their symbols .................................................................... 2
2 Technical Data
2.1 Nameplate ....................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Options ............................................................................................................................. 5
2.3 Weight .............................................................................................................................. 5
2.4 Ambient conditions ........................................................................................................... 5
2.5 Compressed air system ................................................................................................... 5
2.6 Refrigerant system ........................................................................................................... 6
2.7 Sound pressure level ....................................................................................................... 7
2.8 Power Supply ................................................................................................................... 7
2.9 Power supply specifications ............................................................................................. 8
3 Safety and Responsibility
3.1 Basic instructions ............................................................................................................. 10
3.2 Specified use .................................................................................................................... 10
3.3 Improper use .................................................................................................................... 10
3.4 User's responsibilities ....................................................................................................... 10
3.4.1 Observe statutory and universally accepted regulations .................................... 10
3.4.2 Qualified personnel ............................................................................................. 11
3.5 Dangers ............................................................................................................................ 11
3.5.1 Safely dealing with sources of danger ................................................................ 11
3.5.2 Safe machine operation ...................................................................................... 13
3.5.3 Organizational Measures .................................................................................... 14
3.5.4 Danger Areas ...................................................................................................... 15
3.6 Safety devices .................................................................................................................. 15
3.7 Safety signs ...................................................................................................................... 15
3.8 Emergencies .................................................................................................................... 16
3.8.1 Fire fighting ......................................................................................................... 16
3.8.2 Injury from Handling Refrigerant ......................................................................... 17
3.9 Warranty ........................................................................................................................... 17
3.10 Environment protection .................................................................................................... 18
4 Design and Function
4.1 Enclosure ......................................................................................................................... 19
4.2 Machine function .............................................................................................................. 19
4.3 SECOTEC CONTROL ..................................................................................................... 20
4.4 SECOTEC CONTROL switches and indicators ............................................................... 21
4.4.1 Pressure dew point indicator .............................................................................. 21
4.5 Electronic condensate drain ............................................................................................. 22
4.6 Safety devices .................................................................................................................. 22
4.7 Options ............................................................................................................................. 23
4.7.1 Machine Mountings ............................................................................................. 23
4.7.2 Electronic condensate drain with floating relay contact ...................................... 23
4.7.3 Pressure dew point warning ............................................................................... 23
4.7.4 Floating relay contacts ........................................................................................ 23
4.8 Accessories ...................................................................................................................... 24
4.8.1 Bypass line ......................................................................................................... 24
4.8.2 Transformer ........................................................................................................ 24

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5 Installation and Operating Conditions

5.1 Ensuring safety ................................................................................................................ 25
5.2 Installation conditions ....................................................................................................... 25
5.2.1 Determining location and clearances .................................................................. 25
5.2.2 Ensuring adequate ventilation ............................................................................ 26
5.2.3 Exhaust duct design ........................................................................................... 27
5.3 Operating the machine in a compressed air network ....................................................... 27
6 Installation
6.1 Ensuring safety ................................................................................................................ 28
6.2 Reporting Transport Damage ........................................................................................... 29
6.3 Making the compressed air connection ............................................................................ 29
6.4 Connecting the condensate drain .................................................................................... 30
6.5 Connecting the machine with the power supply ............................................................... 31
6.6 Options ............................................................................................................................. 32
6.6.1 Anchoring the machine ....................................................................................... 32
6.7 Connecting relay contacts to the condensate drain ......................................................... 32
6.8 Installing a bypass line (accessory) ................................................................................. 33
7 Initial Start-up
7.1 Ensuring safety ................................................................................................................ 34
7.2 Instructions to be observed before commissioning or re-commissioning ......................... 34
7.3 Checking installation and operating conditions ................................................................ 35
7.4 Starting the machine for the first time .............................................................................. 35
8 Operation
8.1 Switching on and off ......................................................................................................... 37
8.1.1 Switching on ....................................................................................................... 37
8.1.2 Switching off ....................................................................................................... 37
8.2 RESETTING the Machine ................................................................................................ 38
9 Fault Recognition and Rectification
9.1 Basic instructions ............................................................................................................. 39
9.2 Faults ............................................................................................................................... 39
10 Maintenance
10.1 Ensuring safety ................................................................................................................ 40
10.2 Regular maintenance tasks .............................................................................................. 41
10.3 Regular service tasks ....................................................................................................... 41
10.4 Cleaning the refrigerant condenser .................................................................................. 41
10.5 Electronic condensate drain ............................................................................................. 42
10.5.1 Check condensate drain ..................................................................................... 42
10.5.2 Replace the service unit ..................................................................................... 43
11 Spares, Operating Materials, Service
11.1 Note the nameplate .......................................................................................................... 46
11.2 Consumable parts and operating materials ..................................................................... 46
11.3 KAESER AIR SERVICE ................................................................................................... 46
12 Decommissioning, Storage and Transport
12.1 Decommissioning ............................................................................................................. 47
12.2 Storage ............................................................................................................................. 47
12.3 Transport .......................................................................................................................... 47
12.3.1 Safety .................................................................................................................. 47
12.3.2 Transport with a forklift truck ............................................................................... 48
12.3.3 Transport with a crane ........................................................................................ 48
12.4 Disposal ........................................................................................................................... 49

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ii TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE

13 Annex
13.1 Dimensional drawing ........................................................................................................ 51
13.2 Pipeline and instrument flow diagram (P+I diagram) ....................................................... 54
13.3 Electrical Diagram ............................................................................................................ 57

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iv TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
List of Illustrations

Fig. 1 Three-phase star (wye system); 4 wire; center point solidly grounded ...................................... 7
Fig. 2 Three-phase star (wye system); 3 wire; grounded center point solidly grounded ...................... 7
Fig. 3 Location of safety signs .............................................................................................................. 16
Fig. 4 Enclosure overview .................................................................................................................... 19
Fig. 5 Machine overview ....................................................................................................................... 20
Fig. 6 SECOTEC CONTROL switches and indicators ......................................................................... 21
Fig. 7 Pressure dew point indicator ...................................................................................................... 22
Fig. 8 Machine Mountings .................................................................................................................... 23
Fig. 9 Recommended machine placement and dimensions [in.] .......................................................... 26
Fig. 10 Compressed air connection ........................................................................................................ 29
Fig. 11 Connecting the condensate drain ............................................................................................... 31
Fig. 12 Option K6: Connecting relay contacts to the condensate drain ................................................. 33
Fig. 13 Bypass line ................................................................................................................................. 33
Fig. 14 Switching on and off ................................................................................................................... 37
Fig. 15 Safety pressure switch ............................................................................................................... 38
Fig. 16 Cleaning the refrigerant condenser ............................................................................................ 42
Fig. 17 Check condensate drain ............................................................................................................. 43
Fig. 18 Option K5/K6: Removing the service unit ................................................................................... 44
Fig. 19 Transporting with a forklift truck ................................................................................................. 48
Fig. 20 Transport with a crane ................................................................................................................ 49

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List of Illustrations

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vi TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
List of Tables

Tab. 1 Danger levels and their definition (personal injury) .................................................................... 1

Tab. 2 Danger levels and their definition (damage to property) ............................................................ 2
Tab. 3 Machine nameplate .................................................................................................................... 4
Tab. 4 Options ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Tab. 5 Weight ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Tab. 6 Ambient conditions ..................................................................................................................... 5
Tab. 7 Compressed air system .............................................................................................................. 5
Tab. 8 Refrigerant system ..................................................................................................................... 6
Tab. 9 Sound pressure level .................................................................................................................. 7
Tab. 10 Performance data ....................................................................................................................... 8
Tab. 11 Connection details 230V/3/60Hz ................................................................................................ 8
Tab. 12 Connection details 380V/3/60Hz ................................................................................................ 8
Tab. 13 Connection details 460V/3/60Hz ................................................................................................ 8
Tab. 14 Connection details 575V/3/60Hz ................................................................................................ 9
Tab. 15 Danger Areas ............................................................................................................................. 15
Tab. 16 Safety signs ................................................................................................................................ 16
Tab. 17 Switches and indicators .............................................................................................................. 21
Tab. 18 Pressure dew point indicator ...................................................................................................... 22
Tab. 19 Pressure dew point and consequences ..................................................................................... 22
Tab. 20 Condensate line ......................................................................................................................... 30
Tab. 21 Condensate collecting line ......................................................................................................... 30
Tab. 22 Condensate collecting line: Line cross-section .......................................................................... 30
Tab. 23 Re-commissioning after storage ................................................................................................. 35
Tab. 24 Installation conditions checklist .................................................................................................. 35
Tab. 25 Faults and remedies ................................................................................................................... 39
Tab. 26 Regular maintenance tasks ........................................................................................................ 41
Tab. 27 Regular service tasks ................................................................................................................. 41
Tab. 28 Consumable parts ...................................................................................................................... 46

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List of Tables

Operator Manual Refrigerated Dryer

viii TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
1 Regarding this Document
1.1 Using this document

1 Regarding this Document

1.1 Using this document
The operating manual is a component of the product. It describes the machine as it was at the time
of first delivery after manufacture.
➤ Keep the operating manual in a safe place throughout the life of the machine.
➤ Supply any successive owner or user with this operating manual.
➤ Please insert any amendment or revision of the operating manual sent to you.
➤ Enter details from the machine nameplate and individual items of equipment in the table in
chapter 2.

1.2 Further documents

Further documents included with this operating manual are:
■ Declaration of Conformity in accordance with applicable directives.

Missing documents can be requested from KAESER.

➤ Make sure all documents are complete and observe the instructions contained in them.
➤ Make sure you provide the data from the nameplate when ordering documents.

1.3 Copyright
This operator manual is copyright protected. Queries regarding use or duplication of the documen‐
tation should be referred to KAESER. Correct use of information will be fully supported.

1.4 Symbols and labels

➤ Please note the symbols and labels used in this document.

1.4.1 Warnings
Warning notices indicate danger potentially resulting in personal injury, if the measures specified
are not taken.

Warning notices indicate three levels of danger identified by the corresponding signal term:
Signal term Meaning Consequences of non-compliance
DANGER Warns of imminent danger Will very likely result in death or severe injury
WARNING Warns of potentially imminent danger May result in death or severe injury
CAUTION Warns of a potentially dangerous situa‐ May result in moderate physical injury

Tab. 1 Danger levels and their definition (personal injury)

Warning notices preceding a chapter apply to the entire chapter including all sub-sections.

Operator Manual Refrigerated Dryer

No.: 9_5778 20 USE TD 1
1 Regarding this Document
1.4 Symbols and labels

The type and source of the imminent danger is shown here!

The possible consequences of ignoring a warning are shown here.
The word "DANGER" indicates that death or severe injury can very likely result from ignoring
the warning.
➤ The measures required to protect yourself from danger are shown here.

Warning notes referring to a sub-section or the subsequent action are integrated into the procedure
and numbered as a step.
1. The type and source of the imminent danger is shown here!
The possible consequences of ignoring a warning are shown here.
The word "WARNING" indicates that death or severe injury may result from ignoring the warn‐
➤ The measures required to protect yourself from danger are shown here.
2. Always read and comply with warning instructions.

1.4.2 Potential damage warnings

Contrary to the warnings shown above, damage warnings do not indicate potential personal injury.

Damage warnings have only one danger level, identified by this signal term:
Signal term Meaning Consequences of non-compliance
NOTE Warns of a potentially dangerous situation Damage to property is possible

Tab. 2 Danger levels and their definition (damage to property)


The type and source of the imminent danger is shown here!

Potential effects when ignoring the warning are indicated here.
➤ The protective measures against the damages are shown here.

➤ Carefully read and fully comply with warnings against damages.

1.4.3 Other alert notes and their symbols

This symbol indicates particular important information.

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2 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
1 Regarding this Document
1.4 Symbols and labels

Material Here you will find details on special tools, operating materials or spare parts.

Precondition Here you will find conditional requirements necessary to carry out the task.
The conditional requirements relevant to safety shown here will help you to avoid dangerous situa‐

Option H1 ➤ This symbol is placed by lists of actions comprising one stage of a task.
Operating instructions with several steps are numbered in the sequence of the operating steps.
Information relating to one option only are marked with an option code (e.g., H1 indicates that
this section applies only to machines with bolt-down machine feet). Option codes used in this
operating manual are explained in chapter 2.2.
Information referring to potential problems is identified by a question mark.
The cause is specified in the help text ...
➤ ... as is a solution.
This symbol identifies important information or measures regarding the protection of the envi‐

Further information Further subjects are introduced here.

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No.: 9_5778 20 USE TD 3
2 Technical Data
2.1 Nameplate

2 Technical Data
2.1 Nameplate
Machine nameplate

The model designation and important technical information are given on the machine's nameplate.
The nameplate is located on the outside of the machine.
Nameplates in various languages are provided with the machine.
➤ If required, attach a nameplate in the applicable language.

➤ Enter the data from the nameplate here for reference.

Feature Value
Material no.
Serial No.
Year of manufacture
Max. gauge working pressure
Compressed air inlet temperature
Ambient temperature
Rated current
Largest motor FLA
Short circuit current
Supply fuse (field provided)
Rate power supply
Wiring diagram
Refrigerant system
(Contains fluoridated global warming gas)
Refrigerant charge
Global warming potential (GWP)
CO2 equivalent
Max. working pressure, HP*
Max. working pressure, LP**
Tightness checked
* High pressure
** Low pressure

Tab. 3 Machine nameplate

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4 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
2 Technical Data
2.2 Options

2.2 Options
The table contains a list of possible options.
➤ Enter options here as a reference:

Option Option code Provided?

Floating contact: "Pressure dew point warning" C36
Floating contact: "Refrigerant compressor runs" C37
Electronic condensate drain K5
Electronic condensate drain, floating contact K6
Bolt-down machine mounts H1
Provided: ✓
Not available: —

Tab. 4 Options

2.3 Weight
The weight given is the maximum. Actual weights of individual machines are dependent on equip‐
ment fitted.

TD 51 TD 61 TD 76
Weight [lb.] 553 553 633

Tab. 5 Weight

2.4 Ambient conditions

TD 51 TD 61 TD 76
Maximum elevation 3000 3000 3000
AMSL 1) [ft]
Permissible ambient tem‐ 37 – 110 37 – 110 37 – 110
perature [°F]
Higher altitudes are permissible only after consultation with the manufacturer.

Tab. 6 Ambient conditions

2.5 Compressed air system

TD 51 TD 61 TD 76
Pressure drop 1) [psi] 1.45 1.45 1.45
According to ISO 7183 Option A2:
■ Reference point: 14.5 psia, 68 °F, 0 % relative humidity:
■ Operating state: Gauge working pressure 100 psig, compressed air inlet temperature 100 °F,
100 % relative humidity, cooling air inlet temperature 100 °F

Operator Manual Refrigerated Dryer

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2 Technical Data
2.6 Refrigerant system

TD 51 TD 61 TD 76
Flow rate 1)
[cfm] 200 240 285
Cooling air flow rate [cfm] 1950 1950 1880
Pressure dew point1) [°F] 38 38 38
Max. working pres‐ 232 232 232
sure [psig]
Min. compressed air inlet 37 37 37
temperature [°F]
Max. compressed air inlet 130 130 130
temperature [°F]
According to ISO 7183 Option A2:
■ Reference point: 14.5 psia, 68 °F, 0 % relative humidity:
■ Operating state: Gauge working pressure 100 psig, compressed air inlet temperature 100 °F,
100 % relative humidity, cooling air inlet temperature 100 °F

Tab. 7 Compressed air system

2.6 Refrigerant system

The refrigerated dryer contains a refrigerant that is classified as a fluorinated greenhouse gas. This
refrigerant is required for the function.

TD 51 TD 61 TD 76
Refrigerant R 134a R 134a R 134a
Global warming potential 1430 1430 1430
Charge quantity1) [lb] 3.2 3.6 3.3
Charge quantity as CO2 2.1 2.3 2.1
equivalent [t]
Maximum working pres‐ 261 261 261
sure [psig] (high pressure
Maximum working pres‐ 232 232 232
sure [psig] (low pressure
Pressure control: 261 261 261
Cut-out pressure [psig]
Volume of fluorinated greenhouse gases for which the refrigerant system was designed

Tab. 8 Refrigerant system

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6 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
2 Technical Data
2.7 Sound pressure level

2.7 Sound pressure level

TD 51 TD 61 TD 76
Sound pressure lev‐ <70 <70 <70
el [dB(A)]
Sound pressure level as per EN ISO 11203 and the basic standard ISO 9614-2:
■ Measurement distance: d = 1 m
■ Logarithmic surface ratio: Q2 = 15.4 dB(A)
■ Uncertainty: ±3 dB(A)

Tab. 9 Sound pressure level

2.8 Power Supply

Basic requirements

The machine is designed for an electrical supply according to National Electric Code (NEC), edi‐
tion 2017, particularly article 670 and NFPA 79, edition 2015, particularly section 4.3. In the ab‐
sence of any user-specified alternatives, the limits given in these standards must be adhered to.
Consult manufacturer for any other specific power supply.
The incoming line within the control panel should be as short as possible.
If external sensors or communication lines are to be connected to the machine, use shielded ca‐
bles and insert the same through EMC fittings into the control panel.


Do NOT operate package on any unsymmetrical power supply. Also do NOT operate package on
power supplies such as a three-phase WYE system with the center point not solidly grounded or
three-phase (open) delta.
The machine requires a symmetrical three-phase power supply transformer with a WYE configura‐
tion output as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. In a symmetrical three phase supply the phase an‐
gles and voltages are all the same.
Other power supplies are not suitable.

Fig. 1 Three-phase star (wye system); 4 wire; center point solidly grounded

Fig. 2 Three-phase star (wye system); 3 wire; grounded center point solidly grounded

Further information Please contact an authorized KAESER service representative for options.
The electrical diagram 13.3 contains further specifications for electrical connection.

Operator Manual Refrigerated Dryer

No.: 9_5778 20 USE TD 7
2 Technical Data
2.9 Power supply specifications

2.9 Power supply specifications

The following multi-strand copper core wires are given according to 2017 NEC 310.15 and ta‐
ble 310.15(B)(16) adjusted for 40 °C ambient temperature.
If other local conditions prevail, like for example high temperature, the cross section should be
checked and adjusted according to 2017 NEC 110.14(C), 220.3, 310.15, table 310.15(B)(2)(a), ta‐
ble 310.15(B)(3)(a), 430.6, 430.22, 430.24, 670.4(A) and other local codes.
Dual element time delay fuses are selected according to 2017 NEC 240.6, 430.52 and ta‐
bles 430.52, 430.248 and 430.250.
It is recommended to use a ground conductor the same size as the current carrying conductors, if
local codes allow. Neither the minimum ground wire size as pointed out in 2017 NEC table 250.122
nor using conduit as the sole ground connection is recommended.

Further information The electrical diagram in chapter 13.3 contains further specifications for electrical connection.

Performance Data

TD 51 TD 61 TD 76
Power consumption [hp]* 1.2 1.5 1.9
Maximum power con‐ 1.7 2.0 2.5
sumption [hp]
* Performance data for reference conditions; option A: ambient temperature 100° F, compressed
air inlet temperature 100° F, working pressure 100 psig.

Tab. 10 Performance data

Rated power supply: 230V±10%/3/60Hz

TD 51 TD 61 TD 76
Mains fusing [A] 10 10 10
Supply cable 4xAWG14 4xAWG14 4xAWG14
Current drawn [A] 6.0 6.7 8.0

Tab. 11 Connection details 230V/3/60Hz

Rated power supply: 380V±10%/3/60Hz

TD 51 TD 61 TD 76
Mains fusing [A] 10 10 10
Supply cable 4xAWG14 4xAWG14 4xAWG14
Current drawn [A] 3.3 4.2 5.2

Tab. 12 Connection details 380V/3/60Hz

Rated power supply: 460V±10%/3/60Hz

TD 51 TD 61 TD 76
Mains fusing [A] 10 10 10
Supply cable 4xAWG14 4xAWG14 4xAWG14

Operator Manual Refrigerated Dryer

8 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
2 Technical Data
2.9 Power supply specifications

TD 51 TD 61 TD 76
Current drawn [A] 2.6 3.3 4.1

Tab. 13 Connection details 460V/3/60Hz

Rated power supply: 575V±10%/3/60Hz

TD 51 TD 61 TD 76
Mains fusing [A] 6 10 10
Supply cable 4xAWG14 4xAWG14 4xAWG14
Current drawn [A] 2.2 2.8 3.5

Tab. 14 Connection details 575V/3/60Hz

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3 Safety and Responsibility
3.1 Basic instructions

3 Safety and Responsibility

3.1 Basic instructions
The machine is manufactured to the latest engineering standards and acknowledged safety regula‐
tions. Nevertheless, dangers can arise through its operation:
■ danger to life and limb of the operator or third parties,
■ impairments to the machine and other material assets.

Disregard of warning or safety instructions can cause serious injuries!

➤ Use this machine only if it is in a technically perfect condition and only for the purpose for
which it is intended; observe all safety measures and the instructions in the service manual.
➤ Immediately rectify (have rectified) any faults that could be detrimental to safety!

3.2 Specified use

The machine is intended solely to dry compressed air for industrial use. Any other use is consid‐
ered incorrect. The manufacturer is not liable for any damages that may result from incorrect use.
The user alone is liable for any risks incurred.
➤ Comply with the specifications shown in this service manual.
➤ Operate the machine only within its performance limits and under the permitted ambient condi‐
➤ Do not use compressed air for breathing purposes unless it is specifically treated.
➤ Do not use compressed air for any application that will bring it into direct contact with food
products unless it is specifically treated.

3.3 Improper use

Improper usage can cause damage to property and/or (severe) injuries.
➤ Only use the machine as intended.
➤ Never direct compressed air at persons or animals.
➤ Do not use untreated compressed air for breathing purposes.
➤ Do not allow the machine to take in toxic, acidic, flammable or explosive gases or vapors.
➤ Do not operate the machine in areas in which specific requirements with regard to explosion
protection are in force.

3.4 User's responsibilities

3.4.1 Observe statutory and universally accepted regulations
This includes, for example, nationally implemented European directives and/or applicable national
legislation, safety and accident prevention regulations.
➤ Observe relevant statutory and accepted regulations during installation, operation, and mainte‐
nance of the machine.

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10 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
3 Safety and Responsibility
3.5 Dangers

3.4.2 Qualified personnel

These are people who, by virtue of their training, knowledge and experience as well as their knowl‐
edge of relevant regulations can assess the work to be done and recognize the possible dangers

Authorized operators possess the following qualifications:

■ are of legal age,
■ are familiar with and adhere to the safety instructions and sections of the service manual rele‐
vant to operation,
■ have received adequate training and authorization to operate electrical and compressed air de‐
■ Additional qualifications for compressors with refrigerated dryers:
─ Adequate training and authorization on refrigeration devices.

Authorized installation and maintenance personnel have the following qualifications:

■ are of legal age,
■ must have read, are familiar with, and adhere to the safety instructions and sections of the
service manual applicable to installation and maintenance,
■ are completely familiar with the safety concepts and regulations of electrical, refrigeration, and
compressed air engineering,
■ are able to recognize the possible dangers of electrical, refrigeration, and compressed air devi‐
ces and take appropriate measures to safeguard persons and property,
■ have received adequate training in and authorization for the safe installation and maintenance
of this machine.
■ Additional qualifications for compressors with refrigerated dryers:
─ completely familiar with the safety concepts and regulations concerning refrigeration devi‐
─ must be able to recognize the possible dangers of refrigeration devices and take appropri‐
ate measures to safeguard persons and property.

➤ Ensure that operating, installation, and maintenance personnel are qualified and authorized to
carry out their tasks.

3.5 Dangers
Basic information

Information concerning the various forms of danger that can arise during machine operation are
found here.
Basic safety instructions are found in this service manual at the beginning of each chapter in the
section entitled 'Safety'.
Warning instructions are found before a potentially dangerous task.

3.5.1 Safely dealing with sources of danger

The following describes the various forms of danger that can occur during machine operation.

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3 Safety and Responsibility
3.5 Dangers


Touching voltage-carrying components can result in electric shocks, burns, or death.

➤ Allow only qualified and authorized electricians or trained personnel under the supervision of a
qualified and authorized electrician to carry out work on electrical equipment according to elec‐
trical engineering regulations.
➤ Before commissioning or re-commissioning the machine, the user must make sure there is ad‐
equate protection against electric shock from direct or indirect contact.
➤ Before starting any work on electrical equipment:
Switch off and lock out the power supply disconnecting device and verify the absence of volt‐
➤ Switch off any external power sources.
These may include devices connected to the floating relay contacts.
➤ Use fuses corresponding to machine power.
➤ Check regularly that all electrical connections are tight and in proper condition.

Forces of compression

Compressed air is contained energy. Uncontrolled release of this energy can cause serious injury
or death. The following information concerns work on components that could be under pressure.
➤ Close shut-off valves or otherwise isolate the machine from the distribution network to ensure
that no compressed air can flow back into the machine.
➤ Depressurize all pressurized components and enclosures.
➤ Do not carry out welding, heat treatment or mechanical modifications to pressurized compo‐
nents (e.g. pipes and vessels) as this influences the component's resistance to pressure.
The safety of the machine is then no longer ensured.

Rotating components

Touching the fan while the machine is switched on can result in serious injury.
➤ Do not open the enclosure while the machine is switched on.
➤ Switch off and lock out the power supply disconnecting device and verify the absence of volt‐
➤ Wear close-fitting clothes and a hair net if necessary.
➤ Ensure that all covers and safety guards are in place and secured before restarting.


High temperatures are generated during compression. Touching hot components may cause inju‐
➤ Avoid contact with hot components.
These include, for example, the refrigerant condenser.
➤ Wear protective clothing.
➤ If welding is carried out on or near the machine take adequate measures to ensure that no
parts of the machine can ignite because of sparks or heat.

Operating fluids/materials

The used operating fluids and materials can cause adverse health effects. Suitable safety meas‐
ures must be taken in order to prevent injuries.

Operator Manual Refrigerated Dryer

12 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
3 Safety and Responsibility
3.5 Dangers

➤ Strictly forbid fire, open flame and smoking.

➤ Follow safety regulations when dealing with refrigerant and chemical substances.
➤ Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
➤ Do not inhale refrigerant mist and vapours.
➤ Do not eat or drink while handling refrigerant.
➤ Keep suitable fire extinguishing agents ready for use.
➤ Allow only qualified specialists to work on refrigerant circuits.
➤ Use only KAESER approved operating materials.


The enclosure absorbs the machine noise to a tolerable level. This function will be effective only if
the enclosure is closed.
➤ Operate the machine only with intact sound insulation.
➤ Wear hearing protection if necessary.

Unsuitable spare parts

Unsuitable spare parts compromise the safety of the machine.

➤ Use only spare parts approved by the manufacturer for use in this machine.
➤ Use only genuine KAESER replacement parts on pressure bearing parts.

Conversion or modification of the machine

Modifications, additions to and conversions of the machine can result in unpredictable hazards.
➤ Do not convert or modify the machine!
➤ Obtain written approval by the manufacturer prior to any technical modification or expansion of
the machine, the controller, or the control programs.

3.5.2 Safe machine operation

Information on safe conduct when handling the machine is found here.


The weight and size of the machine require safety measures during its transport to prevent acci‐
➤ Use suitable lifting gear that conforms to local safety regulations.
➤ Allow transportation only by personnel trained in the safe movement of loads.
➤ Attach lifting gear only to suitable lifting points.
➤ Be aware of the center of gravity to avoid tipping.
➤ Make sure the danger zone is clear of personnel.
➤ Do not step onto machine components to climb up the machine.


A suitable installation location for the machine prevents accidents, faults, and damage.
➤ Install the machine in a suitable compressor room.

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No.: 9_5778 20 USE TD 13
3 Safety and Responsibility
3.5 Dangers

➤ Ensure sufficient and suitable lighting such that the display can be read and work carried out
comfortably and safely.
➤ Ensure accessibility so that all work on the machine can be carried out without danger or hin‐
➤ If installed outdoors, the machine must be protected from frost, direct sunlight, dust, rain, and
splashing water.
➤ Do not operate in areas in which specific requirements with regard to explosion protection are
in force.
➤ Ensure adequate ventilation.
➤ Place the machine in such a manner that the working conditions in its environment are not im‐
➤ Comply with limit values for ambient temperature and humidity.
➤ Ensure clean compressed air without damaging components.
Damaging contaminants are for instance: explosive or chemically instable gases and vapors,
acid or base forming substances such as ammonia, chlorine, or hydrogen sulfide.
➤ Do not position the machine in the warm exhaust air flow from other machines.
➤ Keep suitable fire extinguishing agents ready for use.

Commissioning, operation, and maintenance

During commissioning, operation, and maintenance you may be exposed to dangers resulting
from, e.g., electricity, pressure, and temperature. Careless actions can cause accidents with se‐
vere adverse effects for your health.
➤ Allow maintenance work to be carried out only by authorized personnel.
➤ Switch off and lock out the power supply disconnecting (isolating) device and check that no
voltage is present.
➤ Check that the floating relay contacts are voltage-free.
➤ Close shut-off valves or otherwise isolate the machine from the compressed air network to en‐
sure that no compressed air can flow back into the machine.
➤ Depressurize all pressurized components and enclosures.
➤ Allow the machine to cool down.
➤ Do not open the cabinet while the machine is switched on.
➤ Do not open or dismantle any valves.
➤ Use only spare parts approved by KAESER for use in this machine.

Decommissioning, storage, and disposal

Improper handling of used or old operating fluids and components represent a danger for the envi‐
➤ Drain all fluids from the machine, e.g. refrigerant,
and dispose of in accordance with local environmental regulations.
➤ Do not damage the refrigerant circuit.
➤ Give refrigerant only to authorized bodies for disposal.
➤ Dispose of the machine in accordance with local environmental regulations.

3.5.3 Organizational Measures

➤ Designate personnel and their responsibilities.

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14 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
3 Safety and Responsibility
3.6 Safety devices

➤ Give clear instructions on reporting faults and damage to the machine.

➤ Give instructions on fire reporting and fire-fighting measures.

3.5.4 Danger Areas

The table gives information on the areas dangerous to personnel.
Only authorized personnel may enter these areas.

Activity Danger area Authorised personnel

Transport Within a 10 ft. radius of the machine. Installation personnel for transport
No personnel during transport.
Beneath the lifted machine. No personnel!
Installation Within the machine. Installation personnel
Within 3 ft. radius of the machine and its
supply cables.
Operation Within a 3 ft. radius of the machine. Operating personnel
Maintenance Within the machine. Maintenance personnel
Within a 3 ft. radius of the machine.

Tab. 15 Danger Areas

3.6 Safety devices

Various safety devices ensure safe working with the machine.
➤ Do not change, bypass or disable safety devices.
➤ Check safety devices for correct function regularly.
➤ Do not remove or obliterate labels and notices.
➤ Ensure that labels and notices are clearly legible.

Further information More information on safety devices is contained in chapter 4, section 4.6.

3.7 Safety signs

The illustration shows the position of the safety signs on the machine. The table lists the various
safety signs used and their meanings.

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No.: 9_5778 20 USE TD 15
3 Safety and Responsibility
3.8 Emergencies

Fig. 3 Location of safety signs

Location Sign Meaning

1 Danger of fatal injury from electric shock!
➤ Before starting any work on electrical equipment:
Switch off and lock out the power supply disconnecting device and verify
the absence of any voltage.
3 Personal injury or damage to the machine due to incorrect operation!
➤ Prior to working on the compressed air system:
read and understand the operating instructions and all safety signs.
4 Risk of electric shock!
If the interrupter has tripped current-carrying components of the controller
should be examined and replaced if damaged to reduce the risk of fire or elec‐
tric shock.
5 Risk of electric shock!
To maintain overcurrent short-circuit, and ground-fault protection, the manufac‐
turer's instructions for setting the interrupter must be followed to reduce the risk
of fire or electric shock.
6 Hot surface can cause serious burns!
➤ Let the machine cool down.
➤ Work carefully.
➤ Wear protective clothing and gloves.

Tab. 16 Safety signs

3.8 Emergencies
3.8.1 Fire fighting
Suitable measures

Calm and prudent action can save lives in the event of a fire.
➤ Keep calm.
➤ Give the alarm.

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16 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
3 Safety and Responsibility
3.9 Warranty

➤ Shut off supply disconnecting device, if possible.

Power supply (all poles)
Cooling water (if available)
➤ Warn persons in danger.
➤ Help incapacitated persons.
➤ Close the doors.
➤ Try to extinguish the fire if you have the skill to do so.

Suitable extinguishing agents

➤ Suitable extinguishing agents:

Carbon dioxide
Sand or soil
➤ Unsuitable extinguishing agents:
Strong jet of water

3.8.2 Injury from Handling Refrigerant

Eye contact:

Severe eye irritation, watering, reddening and swelling of the eyelids.

Risk of caustic burns and frostbite.
➤ Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water and seek medical assistance.

Skin contact:

Initially a sensation of chill, skin may redden subsequently.

Risk of frostbite.
➤ Wash off immediately.
➤ Treat burns and frostbite appropriately.


At high concentrations, risk of cardiac irregularity (arrhythmia).

At very high concentration, risk of asphyxia caused by oxygen deficiency.
➤ Remove the affected person to fresh air and make him or her rest.
➤ If breathing stops, apply artificial respiration and call for medical assistance.

3.9 Warranty
This operator manual contains no independent warranty commitment. Our general terms and con‐
ditions of business apply with regard to warranty.
A condition of our warranty is that the machine is used for the purpose for which it is intended un‐
der the conditions specified.
Due to the multitude applications for which the machine is suitable the obligation lies with the user
to determine its suitability for his specific application.

In addition, we accept no warranty obligation for:

■ the use of unsuitable parts or operating materials,

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No.: 9_5778 20 USE TD 17
3 Safety and Responsibility
3.10 Environment protection

■ unauthorized modifications,
■ incorrect maintenance,
■ incorrect repair.

Correct maintenance and repair includes the use of original spare parts and operating materials.
➤ Obtain confirmation from KAESER that your specific operating conditions are suitable.

3.10 Environment protection

The operation of this machine may cause dangers for the environment.
➤ Do not allow refrigerants to escape into the environment or the sewage system.
➤ Store and dispose of operating materials and replaced parts in accordance with local environ‐
mental protection regulations.
➤ Observe national regulations.
This applies in particular to parts contaminated with refrigerant.

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18 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
4 Design and Function
4.1 Enclosure

4 Design and Function

4.1 Enclosure

Fig. 4 Enclosure overview

1 Access panel
2 Window
3 Screw

When closed, the enclosure serves various functions:

■ Sound insulation
■ Protection against contact with components
■ Cooling air flow

The enclosure is not suitable for the following uses:

■ Walking, standing, or sitting on the machine.
■ As resting place or storage of any kind of load.

Safe and reliable operation is only assured with the enclosure closed.
To open, undo the securing screws and take off panels.

4.2 Machine function

The description uses an air-cooled machine as an example.
The refrigerated dryer cools the compressed air. As the compressed air cools, its capacity to retain
moisture reduces and the surplus is precipitated out as condensate. This condensate is separated
and drained off.

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4 Design and Function

Fig. 5 Machine overview

1 Compressed air inlet 6 Condensate separator
2 Control cabinet 7 Temperature regulator
3 Refrigerant condenser 8 Compressed air outlet
4 Heat exchanger 9 Pressure monitor
5 Condensate drain 10 Refrigerant compressor

Stage 1:

Warm compressed air entering the first section of the heat exchanger gives up some of its heat to
the chilled and dried compressed air leaving the dryer.

Stage 2:

Further air cooling takes place in the second part of the heat exchanger through which refrigerant
flows. The refrigerant gives up its heat to the surroundings in the condenser.

Stage 3:

A multi-stage, maintenance-free separation system removes the condensate precipitated out of the
compressed air as it is chilled. One or more automatic condensate drains, depending on dryer
model, eject the condensate from the separator.

Stage 4:

The dry, chilled air takes in some heat from the inflowing warm compressed air in the first part of
the heat exchanger through which it passes on the way out of the dryer. The relative humidity of
the compressed air has been reduced to about 21%.


SECOTEC CONTROL with cycling control switches the dryer on only when it is needed.

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20 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
4 Design and Function
4.4 SECOTEC CONTROL switches and indicators

At the heart of the machine is a thermal mass with high specific heat capacity. It is cooled down to
cut-out temperature by the refrigerant circuit and extracts the heat from the compressed air flowing
through the dryer. When heat extraction raises its temperature to the cut-in point, the refrigerant
compressors starts and reduces its temperature once more. The specific heat capacity of the ther‐
mal mass ensures that the pressure dew point remains stable long after the refrigerant compressor
has stopped on reaching the cut-out temperature.
Lower power consumption.

4.4 SECOTEC CONTROL switches and indicators

Fig. 6 SECOTEC CONTROL switches and indicators

Item Name Function

1 Dew point Indicates the dryer’s operational state.
2 Control voltage ON Illuminates green with the dryer is provided with power and switch‐
ed on.
3 Refrigeration Illuminates green as soon as the refrigerant compressor starts.
compressor ON
4 «Main switch» The machine is switched on and off with the «Main»

Tab. 17 Switches and indicators

4.4.1 Pressure dew point indicator

The pressure dew point indicator provides information on the operating state of the dryer.

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4 Design and Function
4.5 Electronic condensate drain

Fig. 7 Pressure dew point indicator

Zone Color Meaning

A Blue Pressure dew point too low
B Green Optimal operating conditions
C Green/red Pressure dew point rising
D Red Pressure dew point too high (alarm)

Tab. 18 Pressure dew point indicator

Pressure dew point Consequence

Too low Condensate can freeze in the heat exchanger.
Normal Optimum operating conditions reached.
Rising Optimum air drying no longer achieved.
Too high Air no longer or insufficiently dried. Downstream pipelines and consumers no
longer protected from condensate occurring.

Tab. 19 Pressure dew point and consequences

4.5 Electronic condensate drain

Condensate flows into the collecting tank.
A sensor registers the level and signals this to the electronic control.
When the collecting tank is full, a valve opens automatically and drains the condensate.
The valve immediately closes when the condensate drain is empty. No compressed air is lost un‐

4.6 Safety devices

The following safety devices are provided and may not be modified in any way:
■ Main switch:
The main switch also functions as a main disconnect device. In the "0" position, the machine
stops immediately.
■ Safety pressure limiter:
The safety pressure limiter shuts down the machine if the pressure of the refrigerant exceeds
the permitted maximum. The switch is factory set.

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22 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
4 Design and Function
4.7 Options

■ Temperature regulator:
The temperature regulator is fitted with a sensor. The red LED on the regulator flashes if a
short or broken circuit is detected.
The LED illuminates continuously if the dew point rises too high.
■ Enclosures and covers over moving parts and electrical connections:
These protect against accidental contact.

4.7 Options
The options available for your machine are described below.

4.7.1 Option H1
Machine Mountings
These mountings allow the machine to be anchored firmly to the floor.
Details of the fixing holes are contained in the dimensional drawing in chapter 13.1.

Fig. 8 Machine Mountings

1 Machine mounting
2 Holes for anchor bolts to fix the mounting to the floor.

4.7.2 Option K6
Electronic condensate drain with floating relay contact
A sensor captures the filling level in the condensate drain. Condensate will be drained when the
condensate drain is filled. When the condensate drain is empty, the outlet line is closed in a timely
manner, to prevent unnecessary pressure drops.
In the event of a fault, the system may forward a message. The floating relay contact switches as
soon as the Fault/Alarm LED displays a fault.

4.7.3 Option C36

Pressure dew point warning
This floating relay contact switches as soon as the pressure dew point exceeds the permissible
range. It is automatically reset when the pressure dew point drops back to an acceptable range.

4.7.4 Option C37

Floating relay contacts
The “Refrigerated compressor runs” floating relay contact indicates that the refrigerated compres‐
sor is in operation.

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4 Design and Function
4.8 Accessories

4.8 Accessories
4.8.1 Bypass line
The refrigerated dryer can be isolated from the air main with the bypass line.
The compressed air supply is maintained, however, no drying takes place.

Further information Further information on installation of a bypass line can be found in chapter 6.8.

4.8.2 Transformer
The transformer enables the connection of the machine to different power supply voltages.

Further information The wiring diagram shipped with the transformer contains further details of the power supply con‐

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24 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
5 Installation and Operating Conditions
5.1 Ensuring safety

5 Installation and Operating Conditions

5.1 Ensuring safety
The conditions in which the machine is installed and operated have a decisive effect on safety.
Warning instructions are located before a potentially dangerous task.

Disregard of warning instructions can cause serious injuries!

Complying with safety warnings

Disregard of safety warnings can cause unforeseeable dangers!

➤ Strictly forbid fire, open flame, and smoking.
➤ If welding is carried out on or near the machine take adequate measures to ensure that no
parts of the machine can ignite because of sparks or heat.
➤ Do not store inflammable material in the vicinity of the machine.
➤ The machine is not explosion-proof!
Do not operate in areas in which specific requirements with regard to explosion protection are
in force.
➤ Ensure sufficient and suitable lighting such that the display can be read and work carried out
comfortably and safely.
➤ Keep suitable fire extinguishing agents ready for use.
➤ Ensure that required ambient conditions are maintained.

Required ambient conditions may be:

■ Maintain ambient temperature and humidity
■ Ensure the appropriate composition of the air within the machine room:
─ clean with no damaging contaminants (e.g., dust, fibers, fine sand)
─ free of explosive or chemically unstable gases or vapors
─ free of acid/alkaline forming substances, particularly ammonia, chlorine or hydrogen sulfide.

5.2 Installation conditions

5.2.1 Determining location and clearances
The machine is intended for installation in an appropriate machine room. Information on distances
from walls and ventilation is given below.
The distances quoted are recommended distances and ensure unhindered access to all ma‐
chine parts.
➤ Please consult an authorized KAESER service representative if you cannot comply with
these recommendations.

Precondition The floor must be level, firm and capable of bearing the weight of the machine.

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No.: 9_5778 20 USE TD 25
5 Installation and Operating Conditions
5.2 Installation conditions

Fig. 9 Recommended machine placement and dimensions [in.]

A Cooling air inlet
B Cooling air outlet

1. Ambient temperature too low!

Frozen condensate can damage the machine.
➤ Switch the machine on only when the switch-on temperature is reached.
2. Consult KAESER for measures where there is danger of frost.
3. Ensure that all intake and exhaust apertures of the enclosure remain opened.
4. Ensure adequate lighting so that all work on the machine can be carried out without danger or
5. Ensure that the indicators can be read without glare and that the controller display cannot be
damaged by direct sunlight (UV radiation).
6. If installed outdoors, protect the machine against frost, direct sunlight, dust and rain.

5.2.2 Ensuring adequate ventilation

Adequate ventilation of the machine room has several tasks:
■ It prevents subatmospheric pressure in the machine room.
■ It evacuates the exhaust heat of the machine and thus ensures the required operating condi‐

➤ Consult with KAESER if you cannot ensure the conditions for an adequate ventilation of
the machine room.

1. Ensure that the volume of air flowing into the machine room is at least equivalent to that being
removed from it by the machine and exhaust fan.
2. Keep the inlet and exhaust apertures free of obstructions so that the cooling air can flow freely
through the room.
3. Do not install the machine in the exhaust air flow from other machines.
4. Ensure clean air in order to support the proper functioning of the machine.

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26 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
5 Installation and Operating Conditions
5.3 Operating the machine in a compressed air network

5.2.3 Exhaust duct design

The machine can only overcome the air resistance at the cooling air inlet and exhaust determined
by the duct design. Any additional air resistance will reduce airflow and deteriorate machine cool‐
➤ Consult an authorized KAESER service representative before deciding on:
■ Design of the exhaust air ducting
■ Transition between the machine and the exhaust air duct
■ Length of the ducting
■ Number of duct bends
■ Design of flaps or shutters

5.3 Operating the machine in a compressed air network

If the machine is supplying an air network, the system operating pressure may not exceed
232 psig.
Initial charging of a fully vented air system creates a very high rate of airflow through the air treat‐
ment devices. These conditions are detrimental to correct air treatment. Air quality suffers.
To ensure the desired air quality when charging a vented air network, we recommend the installa‐
tion of an air main charging system.
➤ Consult KAESER for advice on this subject.

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No.: 9_5778 20 USE TD 27
6 Installation
6.1 Ensuring safety

6 Installation
6.1 Ensuring safety
Follow the instructions below for safe installation.
Warning instructions are displayed prior to a potentially dangerous task.

Disregarding warning instructions can cause serious injuries!

Basic safety instructions

Ignoring safety instructions can cause unforeseeable dangers!

➤ Follow the instructions in chapter 3 'Safety and Responsibility'.
➤ Have the installation carried out only by personnel trained in refrigeration engineering.
➤ Make sure that no personnel is working on the machine.
➤ All access doors and panels are closed and secure.

Working on live components

Touching voltage carrying components can result in electric shocks, burns or death.
➤ Work on electrical equipment may only be carried out by authorized electricians.
➤ Switch off and lock out the power supply disconnecting device and verify the absence of volt‐
➤ Check that there is no voltage on floating relay contacts.

Working on pressure systems

Compressed air is contained energy. Uncontrolled release of this energy can cause serious injury
or death. The following safety instructions relate to any work on components that could be under
➤ Close shut-off valves or otherwise isolate the machine from the compressed air system to en‐
sure that no compressed air can flow back into the machine.
➤ Vent all pressurized components and chambers immediately.
➤ Do not open or dismantle any valves.

Working on the drive system

Touching voltage carrying components can result in electric shocks, burns or death.
Touching the fan while the machine is switched on can result in serious injury.
➤ Switch off and lock out the power supply disconnecting device and verify the absence of volt‐
➤ Do not open the cabinet while the machine is switched on.

Further information Details of authorized personnel are found in chapter 3.4.2.

Details of dangers and their avoidance are found in chapter 3.5.

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28 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
6 Installation
6.2 Reporting Transport Damage

6.2 Reporting Transport Damage

1. Check the machine for visible and hidden transport damage.
2. Inform the carrier and the manufacturer in writing of any damage without delay.

6.3 Making the compressed air connection

Condensate in the compressed air network can damage the pipework:
➤ Install only corrosion-resistant pipes.
➤ Use fluoroelastomers as sealing material for seals.
➤ Note the electro-chemical voltage sequence.
➤ Consult with KAESER for suitable materials for the compressed air network.

Precondition The compressed air system is vented completely to atmospheric pressure.

Fig. 10 Compressed air connection

1 Compressed air line
2 Shut-off valve
3 Safety relief valve (user)

1. Serious injury or death can result from loosening or opening components under
➤ Vent all pressurized components and enclosures.
2. The machine is not protected against air pressure exceeding 232 psi!
➤ The user must install a safety relief valve.
3. An excessive tightening torque may cause the tearing of the connections.
➤ Use a torque wrench to connect the machine to the compressed air network. Do not ex‐
ceed a tightening torque of 65 Nm.
4. Fit shut-off valves in the compressed air inlet and outlet lines.

Further information The dimensional drawing in chapter 13.1 gives the size and location of the connection ports.

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No.: 9_5778 20 USE TD 29
6 Installation
6.4 Connecting the condensate drain

6.4 Connecting the condensate drain

A threaded hose connection is provided to attach a condensate drain hose.
The condensate must be able to drain freely.
➤ Only machines with 232 psig maximum permissible working pressure may be connected
to the condensate collecting line.
Fig. 11 shows an installation recommendation.
Condensate flows downward in the collecting line. This prevents condensate flowing back to the
If condensate flows at several points into the condensate collecting line, you must install shut-off
valves in the condensate lines to shut the condensate line off before commencing maintenance

Condensate line

Feature Value
Max. length [ft]
1) 49
Max. delivery head [ft] 16
Material Copper
(pressure-resistant, cor‐ Stainless steel
Hose line
For longer lengths, please contact the manufacturer before installation.

Tab. 20 Condensate line

Condensate collecting line

Feature Value
Gradient [%] >1
Max. length1) [ft] 65
Material Copper
(pressure-resistant, cor‐ Stainless steel
Hose line
For longer lengths, please contact KAESER before installation.

Tab. 21 Condensate collecting line

Compressed air flow Line cross-section ["]

rate1) [cfm]
<350 3/4
350 – 705 1
706 – 1410 1 1/2
Compressed air flow rate as guide for the condensate volume to be expected.

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30 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
6 Installation
6.5 Connecting the machine with the power supply

Compressed air flow Line cross-section ["]

rate1) [cfm]
>1410 2
Compressed air flow rate as guide for the condensate volume to be expected.

Tab. 22 Condensate collecting line: Line cross-section

Fig. 11 Connecting the condensate drain

1 Threaded connection 5 Shut-off valve
2 Condensate line A Delivery head
3 Condensate collecting line B Length of the condensate collecting line
4 Screw plug

Depending on the machine model, you may have several condensate drains.
➤ Directly connect every condensate drain to the condensate collecting line.
➤ Collect the condensate in a suitable container and dispose of in accordance with environ‐
mental regulations.

Further information The dimensional drawing in chapter 13.1 provides the size and position of the connection port.

6.5 Connecting the machine with the power supply

Precondition The power supply disconnecting device is switched off,
the device is locked off,
the absence of any voltage has been verified.
The tolerance limits of the main voltage (power supply) must be within the permissible tolerance
limits of the rated voltage (machine).

1. The power supply must only be connected by authorized installation personnel or an author‐
ized electrician.
2. Carry out safety measures as stipulated in relevant regulations and in national accident pre‐
vention regulations. In addition, observe the regulations of the local electricity supplier.
3. Test the overcurrent protection cut-out (backup fuse) to ensure that the time it takes to discon‐
nect in response to a fault is within the permitted limit.
4. Select supply cable conductor cross-sections and fusing in accordance with local regulations.

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No.: 9_5778 20 USE TD 31
6 Installation
6.6 Options

5. The user must provide the machine with a lockable power supply disconnecting device.
This could be, for example, a load disconnect switch with fused input. If a circuit breaker is
used it must be suitable for the motor starting characteristics.
6. Check that the tappings on the control voltage transformer are connected according to the sup‐
ply voltage.
If not, change the tappings to suit the power supply voltage.
7. Danger of fatal injury from electric shock!
➤ Switch off and lock out the power supply disconnecting device and check the absence of
any voltage.
8. Connect the machine to the power supply.
9. Ensure that the cabinet again complies with the requirements of degree of protection IP54.

Further information The electrical diagram in chapter 13.3 contains further details for the power supply connection.

6.6 Options
6.6.1 Option H1
Anchoring the machine
➤ Use appropriate fixing bolts to anchor the machine.

Further information Details of the fixing holes are contained in the dimensional drawing in chapter 13.1.

6.7 Option K6
Connecting relay contacts to the condensate drain
Precondition The power supply disconnecting device is switched off,
the device is locked off,
the absence of voltage is verified.

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32 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
6 Installation
6.8 Installing a bypass line (accessory)

Fig. 12 Option K6: Connecting relay contacts to the condensate drain

1 Screw
2 Enclosure top
3 Connection for relay contacts

➤ Undo the screw and remove the enclosure top.

Further information Connect the lines for external fault messages to the connection for relay contacts in accordance
with the circuit diagram in Chapter 13.3.

6.8 Installing a bypass line (accessory)

The bypass line is delivered pre-assembled. The dimensional drawing in chapter 13 includes addi‐
tional installation information.
1. Install the bypass line on the machine as described below.

Fig. 13 Bypass line

1 Sealing tape
2 Shut-off valve

1. Close the user's shut-off valves.

2. Wrap the screw connections with sealing tape 1 and install the bypass line.
3. Check the proper assembly of the bypass line.
4. Close all access doors.
5. Open the user's shut-off valve.
6. Start the machine and check the bypass line fittings for leaks.

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No.: 9_5778 20 USE TD 33
7 Initial Start-up
7.1 Ensuring safety

7 Initial Start-up
7.1 Ensuring safety
Instructions for Safe Initial Start-up of the Machine.
Warning instructions are found before a potentially dangerous task.

Disregarding warning instructions can cause serious injuries!

Basic safety instructions

➤ Follow the instructions in chapter 3 'Safety and Responsibility'.

➤ Have installation work carried out by authorized installation personnel only.
➤ Make sure that no personnel is working on the machine.
➤ Ensure that all access doors and panels are closed and secure.

Working on live components

Touching voltage carrying components can result in electric shocks, burns or death.
➤ Work on electrical equipment may only be carried out by authorized electricians.
➤ Switch off and lock out the power supply disconnecting device and verify the absence of volt‐
➤ Check that there is no voltage on potential-free contacts.

Working on pressure system

Compressed air is contained energy. Uncontrolled release of this energy can cause serious injury
or death. The following safety instructions relate to any work on components that could be under
➤ Close shut-off valves or otherwise isolate the machine from the compressed air system to en‐
sure that no compressed air can flow back into the machine.
➤ Vent all pressurized components and chambers immediately.
➤ Do not open or dismantle any valves.

Working on the drive system

Touching voltage carrying components can result in electric shocks, burns or death.
Touching the fan while the machine is switched on can result in serious injury.
➤ Switch off and lock out the power supply disconnecting device and verify the absence of volt‐
➤ Do not open the cabinet while the machine is switched on.

Further information Details of authorized personnel are found in chapter 3.4.2.

Details of dangers and their avoidance are found in chapter 3.5.

7.2 Instructions to be observed before commissioning or re-commis‐

Incorrect or improper commissioning can cause injury to persons and damage to the machine.

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34 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
7 Initial Start-up
7.3 Checking installation and operating conditions

➤ Commissioning may only be carried out by authorized installation and service personnel who
have been trained on this machine.

Special measures for re-commissioning after storage

Storage period or Remedy

standstill longer
12 months ➤ Check condensate drainage.
➤ Check the refrigerant condenser.
➤ Check the electrical equipment.
➤ Check all pipes, hoses and fittings for leaks and any visible damage. Cor‐
rect any defects immediately.
36 months ➤ Have the overall technical condition checked by an authorized KAESER
service representative.

Tab. 23 Re-commissioning after storage

7.3 Checking installation and operating conditions

➤ Check and confirm all the items in the checklist before initial start-up of the machine.

To be checked See Confirmed?

➤ Are the operators fully conversant with safety regulations? —
➤ Have all the positioning conditions been fulfilled? 5
➤ Are the tolerance limits of the mains voltage (power supply) within 13.3
the permissible tolerance limits of the nominal voltage (machine)?
(see electrical diagrams)
➤ Are the power supply cable conductor cross-sections and fuse rat‐ 2.9
ings adequate?
➤ Have all electrical connections been checked for tightness? —
➤ A safety relief valve installed by the user? 6.3
➤ Shut-off valve fitted to the compressed air connections? 6.3
➤ Is the condensate drain connected? 6.4
➤ Option H1: Is the machine firmly anchored to the floor? 6.6.1
➤ Are all access doors closed and latched and removable panels in —
place and secured?

Tab. 24 Installation conditions checklist

7.4 Starting the machine for the first time

Precondition No personnel are working on the machine.
All access doors are closed.
All removable panels are in place and secured.

1. Open the shut-off valve to the air network.

Operator Manual Refrigerated Dryer

No.: 9_5778 20 USE TD 35
7 Initial Start-up
7.4 Starting the machine for the first time

2. Switch on the power supply disconnecting device.

3. Switch on the machine.
The refrigerant compressor starts. Compressed air will be cooled as soon as the thermal mass
is sufficiently cooled.
4. Watch for any faults occurring in the first hours of operation.

Operator Manual Refrigerated Dryer

36 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
8 Operation
8.1 Switching on and off

8 Operation
8.1 Switching on and off
Always use the «main switch» to switch the machine on and off.

Fig. 14 Switching on and off

1 «Main switch»
2 LED (green) Control voltage ON
3 LED (green) Refrigerant compressor ON

8.1.1 Switching on
Precondition No personnel are working on the machine.
All access doors and panels are closed and secure.

1. Switch on the machine at the «Main switch» .

The LED Control voltage ON is illuminated.
The LED Refrigerant compressor ON lights as soon as the refrigerant compressor starts.
2. Wait 10–15 minutes, then open the shut-off valve to the compressed air network.
If a power failure occurs, the machine is not prevented from starting automatically when pow‐
er is resumed.
The machine can automatically restart when power is resumed and when the cut-in tempera‐
ture is reached in the thermal mass.

8.1.2 Switching off

1. Switch off the machine at the «Main switch» .
2. Close the shut-off valves to the air main.

Result The Control voltage LED extinguishes. The machine is switched off (all poles) and disconnected
from the mains supply.

Operator Manual Refrigerated Dryer

No.: 9_5778 20 USE TD 37
8 Operation
8.2 RESETTING the Machine

8.2 RESETTING the Machine

If the safety pressure switch has shut down the machine, it can only be restarted when the RESET
key is pressed.

Fig. 15 Safety pressure switch


➤ Press the «RESET» key.

Result The machine is ready for operation again and will start as soon as pressure has equalized or oper‐
ating pressure is reached.

Operator Manual Refrigerated Dryer

38 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
9 Fault Recognition and Rectification
9.1 Basic instructions

9 Fault Recognition and Rectification

9.1 Basic instructions
The alarm indications valid for your machine are dependent on the individual equipment.
1. Do not attempt fault rectification measures other than those given in this manual!
2. In all other cases:
Have the fault rectified by an authorized KAESER service representative.

9.2 Faults
Fault Possible cause Remedy
Water in the compressed air Compressed air inlet and outlet Check the compressed air con‐
system reversed. nection.
The condensate is not draining Check and clean the conden‐
out of the system. sate drain and line.
Replace the service unit at the
condensate drain.
The safety pressure switch has Check operating conditions.
shut down the machine. Check the machine.
RESET the machine.
High pressure drop Dryer iced up on the air side. Switch off the machine and in‐
crease the ambient tempera‐
Continuous air loss from the Check the condensate drain.
condensate drain.
Pressure dew point too high Ambient or compressed air inlet Check installation conditions
temperature too high. are OK.
Low refrigerant level. Call an authorized KAESER
service representative.
Dirt collecting in the com‐ Call an authorized KAESER
pressed air system. service representative.
The safety pressure switch Ambient or compressed air inlet Check installation conditions
shuts down the machine temperature too high. are OK.
Refrigerant condenser dirty. Clean the refrigerant condens‐

Tab. 25 Faults and remedies

Operator Manual Refrigerated Dryer

No.: 9_5778 20 USE TD 39
10 Maintenance
10.1 Ensuring safety

10 Maintenance
10.1 Ensuring safety
Follow the instructions below to ensure safe machine maintenance.
Warning instructions are found before a potentially dangerous task.

Disregarding warning instructions can cause serious injuries!

Basic safety instructions

Ignoring safety instructions can cause unforeseeable dangers!

➤ Follow the instructions in chapter 3 'Safety and Responsibility'.
➤ Maintenance work may only be carried out by authorized personnel.
➤ Make sure that no personnel is working on the machine.
➤ Ensure that all access doors and panels are closed and secure.

Working on live components

Touching voltage carrying components can result in electric shocks, burns or death.
➤ Work on electrical equipment may only be carried out by authorized electricians.
➤ Switch off and lock out the power supply disconnecting device and verify the absence of volt‐
➤ Check that there is no voltage on potential-free contacts.

Working on pressure system

Compressed air is contained energy. Uncontrolled release of this energy can cause serious injury
or death. The following safety instructions relate to any work on components that could be under
➤ Close shut-off valves or otherwise isolate the machine from the compressed air system to en‐
sure that no compressed air can flow back into the machine.
➤ Vent all pressurized components and chambers completely.
➤ Do not open or dismantle any valves.

Working on the drive system

Touching voltage carrying components can result in electric shocks, burns or death.
Touching the fan while the machine is switched on can result in serious injury.
➤ Switch off and lock out the power supply disconnecting device and verify the absence of volt‐
➤ Do not open the cabinet while the machine is switched on.

Further information Details of authorized personnel are found in chapter 3.4.2.

Details of dangers and their avoidance are found in chapter 3.5.

Operator Manual Refrigerated Dryer

40 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
10 Maintenance
10.2 Regular maintenance tasks

10.2 Regular maintenance tasks

The refrigeration circuit is fully hermetically sealed and needs no maintenance. Repairs may only
be carried out by certified personnel.
The table below lists the required maintenance tasks.
➤ Carry out maintenance tasks, or have them carried out, punctually as determined by ambient
and operating conditions:

Interval Maintenance task See chapter

Weekly Check the condensate drain. 10.5
Monthly Clean the refrigerant condenser. 10.4
Quarterly Check lines, hoses and screw connections for leaks. –
Annually Check refrigerant circuit for leaks. –
Have the pressure control checked by an authorized –
KAESER service representative.
Check that all electrical connections are tight. –
Up to 6000 h, Condensate drain: 10.5.2
at the latest every Change the service unit.
2 years.

Tab. 26 Regular maintenance tasks

10.3 Regular service tasks

The table below lists necessary service tasks.
➤ Have an authorized KAESER service representative carry out service tasks.
➤ Have service tasks carried out in a timely manner, taking the ambient and operating conditions
into account:

Interval Service task

Up to 36,000 h Have fan motor (refrigerant condenser) replaced.
up to 36,000 h, at least Have the plastic pipes and hose lines replaced.
every six years
h = operating hours

Tab. 27 Regular service tasks

10.4 Cleaning the refrigerant condenser

Regular cleaning of the refrigerant condenser ensures reliable cooling of the machine and the com‐
pressed air. The frequency is mainly dependent on local operating conditions.

Material Compressed air for blowing out

Brush and cleaning cloths
Water with cleaning agent additive

Operator Manual Refrigerated Dryer

No.: 9_5778 20 USE TD 41
10 Maintenance
10.5 Electronic condensate drain

Fig. 16 Cleaning the refrigerant condenser

1 Refrigerant condenser

Precondition The power supply disconnecting device is switched off,

the device is locked off.
the absence of voltage has been verified.

1. Use compressed air (<6 bar) to blow the refrigerant condenser clean at regular intervals.
2. Use a grease solvent detergent on heavy contamination.

10.5 Option K5 / K6
Electronic condensate drain
The condensate is removed by an electronic condensate drain.
If there is a condensate drainage malfunction, the valve opens at intervals (about every 3 seconds)
to rectify the fault.
Check the condensate drain regularly and replace the service unit as necessary.

Precondition The power supply disconnecting device is switched on.

Machine is pressurized.
The Power/Service LED is illuminated.

10.5.1 Check condensate drain

Dependent on the condensate drain version, the controller is equipped with an additional
LED Alarm.

Precondition The power supply disconnecting device is switched on.

Machine is pressurized.
The Power/Service LED is illuminated.

Operator Manual Refrigerated Dryer

42 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
10 Maintenance
10.5 Electronic condensate drain

Fig. 17 Check condensate drain

1 Power/Service LED
2 «TEST» key
3 Alarm LED (Option K6)

1. With one hand, lightly touch the condensate drain hose at the condensate drain.
2. With your other hand, push and hold the «TEST» key at the condensate drain for at least
2 seconds.

Result As soon as the condensate drain opens, you will feel a short burst at the condensate drain hose.
Replace the service unit if you do not experience a burst during manual test.

10.5.2 Replace the service unit

The condensate drain cannot be cleaned. The service unit must be changed if condensate does
not drain.

Material KAESER service unit

Sealing tape to seal the screw-in part
As required: O-ring 16x2 (5.1519.0)

Precondition TThe power supply disconnecting device is switched off,

the device is locked off,
he absence of voltage has been verified.
The Power/Service LED is extinguished.

Danger of fatal injury from electric shock!

➤ Never open the control unit.

Operator Manual Refrigerated Dryer

No.: 9_5778 20 USE TD 43
10 Maintenance
10.5 Electronic condensate drain

Removing the service unit

Fig. 18 Option K5/K6: Removing the service unit

1 Service unit 8 Condensate inlet
2 Control unit 9 Shut-off valve
3 Sensor 10 O-ring
4 Sensor opening 11 Screw-in part
5 Snap fastener 12 Sealing tape
6 Condensate drain hose fitting 13 Union nut with vent holes
7 Contact springs 14 Insulation (if provided)

1. Serious injury or death can result from loosening or opening components under
➤ Fully vent all pressurized components and enclosures.
2. Close the shut-off valve 9 upstream of the condensate drain.
3. Unscrew the fitting 6 at the condensate line.
4. Press the snap fastener 5 and carefully remove the control module 2 from the service unit 1 .
5. Carefully loosen the union nut 13 at the shut-off valve 9 until remaining residual air has esca‐
ped through the vent holes.
6. Unscrew the screw-in part 11 from the service unit 1 and place aside.
7. Remove the insulation 14 (if available) from the service unit 1 .

Installing the service unit

Use only KAESER service units to ensure correct function of the condensate drain.

Precondition Ensure that the top of the service unit 1 and the contact springs are clean and dry.

1. Fit the insulation 14 to the service unit 1 .

Operator Manual Refrigerated Dryer

44 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
10 Maintenance
10.5 Electronic condensate drain

2. Carefully insert the control module sensor 3 in the opening 2 of the service unit 1 .
3. Place the snap fastener 5 of the control module 1 into the service unit eyes.
4. Press the control module 2 against the service unit until the snap fastener audibly clicks into
5. At the screw-in part 11 , replace old sealing material with new sealing tape.
6. Install the screw-in part 11 in the service unit 1 .
7. Tighten the union nut 13 at the shut-off valve 9 .
8. Attach the condensate line.
9. Open the shut-off valve 9 upstream of the condensate drain.
10. Close all access doors, replace and secure all removable panels.

Operator Manual Refrigerated Dryer

No.: 9_5778 20 USE TD 45
11 Spares, Operating Materials, Service
11.1 Note the nameplate

11 Spares, Operating Materials, Service

11.1 Note the nameplate
The nameplate contains all information to identify your machine. This information is essential to us
in order to provide you with optimal service.
➤ Please give the information from the nameplate with every inquiry and order for spares.

11.2 Consumable parts and operating materials

KAESER consumable parts and operating materials are all genuine KAESER parts. They are se‐
lected for use in KAESER machines.
Unsuitable or poor quality consumable parts and operating fluids/materials may result in damage to
the machine or impair its proper function.
Personal injury may result from damage.

There is risk of personal injury or damage to the machine resulting from the use of unsuita‐
ble spare parts or operating materials.
➤ Use only original KAESER parts and operating materials.
➤ Have an authorized KAESER service representative carry out regular maintenance.

Name Number
Service Unit condensate drain 9602

Tab. 28 Consumable parts


■ authorized KAESER service representatives with KAESER factory training,
■ increased operational reliability ensured by preventive maintenance,
■ energy savings achieved by avoidance of pressure losses,
■ optimum conditions for operation of the compressed air system,
■ the security of genuine KAESER spare parts,
■ increased legal certainty as all regulations are kept to.

➤ Why not sign a KAESER AIR SERVICE maintenance agreement!

Result Your advantage:

lower costs and higher compressed air availability.

Operator Manual Refrigerated Dryer

46 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
12 Decommissioning, Storage and Transport
12.1 Decommissioning

12 Decommissioning, Storage and Transport

12.1 Decommissioning
This is necessary under the following circumstances:
■ The machine is temporarily not needed.
■ The machine is to be moved to another location.
■ The machine is to be scrapped.

Temporarily decommissioning

1. Switch the machine off and is shut-off all connecting lines.

2. Drain condensate from the condensate drain.

Permanent decommissioning

Precondition the main disconnecting device is switched off,

the switch is locked in the off position,
a check has been made that no voltage is present.
Machine fully vented (no pressure).

1. Drain condensate from the condensate drain.

2. Allow the machine to cool down completely.
3. Drain cooling water from water-cooled machines (option K2).
4. Disconnect all supply lines.

12.2 Storage
Moisture can lead to corrosion, particularly on the surfaces of the machine.
Frozen moisture can damage components such as diaphragms, valves, and gaskets.
Please consult with KAESER if you have questions about appropriate storage and commis‐

Precondition Condensate drain and condensate lines are completely empty.

1. Moisture and frost can damage the machine!

➤ Prevent ingress of moisture and formation of condensation.
➤ Maintain a storage temperature of >32°F.
2. Store the machine in a dry, frost-proof room.

12.3 Transport
12.3.1 Safety
Weight and center of gravity determine the most suitable method of transportation. The center of
gravity is shown in the drawing in chapter 13.1.

Operator Manual Refrigerated Dryer

No.: 9_5778 20 USE TD 47
12 Decommissioning, Storage and Transport
12.3 Transport

➤ Please consult with KAESER if you intend to transport the machine in freezing tempera‐

Precondition Transport only by forklift truck or suitable lifting gear and only by personnel trained in the safe
transportation of loads.

➤ Ensure the danger area is clear of personnel.

12.3.2 Transport with a forklift truck

Precondition The forks are fully under the machine.

Fig. 19 Transporting with a forklift truck

1. Take note of the center of gravity.

2. Drive the forks completely under the machine or pallet and lift carefully.

12.3.3 Transport with a crane

Only suitable and approved load-carrying and attachment devices ensure proper transport of the
machine with a crane. Suitable crossbeams ensure sufficient distance of the attachment resources
from the machine housing to prevent damage.
The machine is not equipped with fixing points.

Examples of unsuitable fixing points:

■ Pipe sockets
■ Flanges
■ Attached components such as condensate drains.

➤ Consult KAESER if you require suitable load-carrying and attachment devices or have
questions regarding the correct use.

Precondition Load-carrying and attachment devices meet the local safety regulations.
The crane, load-carrying and attachment devices or the lifted machine do not endanger personnel.

Operator Manual Refrigerated Dryer

48 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
12 Decommissioning, Storage and Transport
12.4 Disposal

Fig. 20 Transport with a crane

1 Load carrying devices
2 Attachment resources

1. Risk of accident caused by incorrect use of lifting gear and attachment devices!
➤ Comply with permissible load limits.
➤ Comply with specific safety information of used load-carrying and attachment devices.
2. Properly use load-carrying and attachment devices:
■ Ensure proper distribution of the fastening points relative to the centre of gravity position
(symmetrical load distribution).
■ Ensure equal slope angles of 15° to 45° for attachment devices with multiple strands.
─ Slope angles between 45° and 60° may be unsuitable.
─ Slope angles larger than 60° are prohibited.
■ Ensure the maximum incline of 6° of the machine to the horizontal.
■ Ensure sufficient distance of the attachment devices to the machine.
■ Ensure a positive stability height: Dimension B > Dimension A
■ Do not attach the attachment devices to any machine component.
3. Carry out a lifting test:
Slightly lift the machine to check whether machine remains in horizontal position and does not
4. Transport the machine only after a successful lifting test.

12.4 Disposal
The sealed refrigerant circuit still contains both refrigerant and oil.

Operator Manual Refrigerated Dryer

No.: 9_5778 20 USE TD 49
12 Decommissioning, Storage and Transport
12.4 Disposal

1. De-commission the machine.

2. Hand the machine over to an authorized disposal expert.
➤ Refrigerant and oil must be drained and disposed of by an authorized body.

Operator Manual Refrigerated Dryer

50 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
13 Annex
13.1 Dimensional drawing

13 Annex
13.1 Dimensional drawing

Operator Manual Refrigerated Dryer

No.: 9_5778 20 USE TD 51
No.: 9_5778 20 USE TD 52
Refrigerated Dryer Operator Manual
Die Zeichnung bleibt unser ausschließliches Eigentum. Sie wird nur zu dem vereinbarten Zweck anvertraut und darf zu keinem Drawings remain our exclusive property. They are entrusted only for the agreed purpose. Copies or any other reproduction, Entwicklungsbedingte
anderen Zweck verwendet werden. Kopien oder sonstige Vervielfältigungen einschließlich Speicherung, Verarbeitung oder including storage, treatment and dissemination by use of electronic systems must not be made for any other than the agreed Änderungen vorbehalten.
Verbreitung unter Verwendung elektronischer Systeme dürfen nur zu dem vereinbarten Zweck angefertigt werden. Weder Original purpose. Neither originals nor reproductions may be given to or made available to third parties. Zeichnung darf nur über CAD
noch Vervielfältigungen dürfen Dritten ausgehändigt oder in sonstiger Weise zugänglich gemacht werden. geändert werden.
1/4-18 NPT



Machine mountings
Condesate drain

24 5/8
(e) 48 1/4 46 3/4
Compressed air
internal thread ASA B2.1

15 1/8

20 1/4
TD 76 2x internal thread ASA B2.1 NPT 2

ATTENTION! -Allow 4" clearance in narrow

17 1/8
passages and doorways - Crating has not been
TD 51/61 2x internal thread ASA B2.1 NPT 1 1/2

4 1/2
6 7/8
8 1/8

20 3/4


2 x dia. 1/2

CG : Centre of gravity position marginally dependent on design


Compressed air

46 3/4 (e)
1 1/2
5 1/4
23 5/8

45 1/2
35 5/8

43 7/8
33 1/2
Cooling air
Instrument panel


All dimensions are in inches!

TD 76
5 7/8 18
4 5/8

45 5/8
TD 51/61 45 1/2
Cooling air inlet


10247848 D 00
Dokument TZD
Dokument TZM
10247848 USE 00
21 5/8

4 1/8
139 5 1/2



Änderungs-Nr. Projektion Maßstab



3 7/8


18 7/8

29 7/8
21 5/8

Dimension and connection dim.

6 3/4
5 1/2

24 3/8 18 7/8


18.06.2018 HUEBNER1
17.05.2013 HUEBNER1

Freigeg. 18.06.2018 MUELLER24


1 1/2
dia. 1

3 7/8 3 7/8 /2

1 von 1
Dimensional drawing 13.1
Annex 13
13 Annex
13.1 Dimensional drawing

1 2 3

vormontiert / pre-assembled
--> lose mitgeliefert /
loosely delivered 20

vormontiert / pre-assembled
B 10 42
30 50
20 40
31 Alle vormontierten
Gewinde verklebt mit /
42 all pre-assembled
threads glued with
Loctite 9466 (896887.0)
41 60

Für die silikonfreie Version 896383L1
sind die Arbeitsanweisungen
Reinigen/Verpacken gem. AW-09030026-CG und
PS = 16 bar Reinigen von Kugelhähnen gem. AW-10040009-CG
E 232 psig zu beachten
------------------ For silicone-free version 896383L1
TS = -5°C / +65°C take notice of the work instructions
Cleaning/Packaging acc. to AW-09030026-CG and
23°F / 149°F Cleaning of ball valves acc. to AW-10040009-CG
1 2 3

Operator Manual Refrigerated Dryer

No.: 9_5778 20 USE TD 53
13 Annex
13.2 Pipeline and instrument flow diagram (P+I diagram)

13.2 Pipeline and instrument flow diagram (P+I diagram)

Operator Manual Refrigerated Dryer

54 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
13 Annex
13.2 Pipeline and instrument flow diagram (P+I diagram)

Operator Manual Refrigerated Dryer

No.: 9_5778 20 USE TD 55
13 Annex
13.2 Pipeline and instrument flow diagram (P+I diagram)

Operator Manual Refrigerated Dryer

56 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
13 Annex
13.3 Electrical Diagram

13.3 Electrical Diagram

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13 Annex
13.3 Electrical Diagram

Operator Manual Refrigerated Dryer

58 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
13 Annex
13.3 Electrical Diagram

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13 Annex
13.3 Electrical Diagram

Operator Manual Refrigerated Dryer

60 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
13 Annex
13.3 Electrical Diagram

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13 Annex
13.3 Electrical Diagram

Operator Manual Refrigerated Dryer

62 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
13 Annex
13.3 Electrical Diagram

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13 Annex
13.3 Electrical Diagram

Operator Manual Refrigerated Dryer

64 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE
13 Annex
13.3 Electrical Diagram

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13 Annex
13.3 Electrical Diagram

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13 Annex
13.3 Electrical Diagram

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13 Annex
13.3 Electrical Diagram

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68 TD No.: 9_5778 20 USE

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