Company Background: Dina Farms Product
Company Background: Dina Farms Product
Company Background: Dina Farms Product
In1987 Dina farms was founded and has become Egypt’s and Africa’s largest private dairy farm with
more than 15,000 head of cattle of which over 8,000 are milking cows. The farm is established over an
area of 10,000 acres strategically located on the busy Cairo-Alexandria Desert road close to the major
local consumption markets and the coastal city of Alexandria.
At Dina Farms, there are two types of agricultural processes that are applied:
Pivot agriculture system dedicated to the implemented dual cropping mechanism (farming two
cycles per year). The company cultivated an area of around 4,000 acres in the winter and 2,300
acres in the summer.
Drip Irrigation system dedicated to the farming of orchards namely grapes, mangos, peach,
oranges, bananas, olives, and apricots which span over an area of 1,000 acres and harvested
once a year.