Tutorial For Buried Piping Modeling and Analysis Using CAEPIPE
Tutorial For Buried Piping Modeling and Analysis Using CAEPIPE
Tutorial For Buried Piping Modeling and Analysis Using CAEPIPE
The following are the Steps to perform Buried Piping Modeling and Analysis using CAEPIPE.
Soil in Buried piping analysis is modeled by using bilinear restraints with an initial stiffness and an ultimate load.
After the ultimate load is reached, the displacement continues without any further increase in load, i.e., the yield
stiffness is zero. The initial stiffness is calculated by dividing the ultimate load by the yield displacement which is
assumed to be D/25 where D is outside diameter of the pipe.
Soil modeling is based on Winkler’s soil model of infinite closely spaced elastic springs. Soil stiffness is calculated
for all three directions at each node. Pressure value in the load is suitably modified to consider the effect of static
overburden soil pressure. Model is analyzed for operating (W+P1+T1) condition and the displacements in the
three directions are noted. A check is made for whether skin friction is mobilized and the soil has attained the
yield state. If true, then the spring is released in that direction indicating that soil no longer offers resistance in that
direction. This modified model is again analyzed and checked for yield stage. The iterative process is continued
till the percentage difference between displacements at each node for two successive iterations is less than 1%.
The final stiffness is the true resistance offered by the soil to the pipe.
Snap shot shown below is a sample model for Buried Piping Modeling and Analysis.
Step 1:
First define soils using the command Layout window > Misc > Soils.
If a part of a piping system uses a certain pipe section with some portion of it buried and the balance not buried,
then two separate sections have to be defined, with one of them without soil and the other with soil.
Step 3:
Use the appropriate section for each element on the Layout window that is buried with this soil around it.
Step 4:
Review the stress layout by highlighting the buried sections of the model in graphics. If your model contains
sections that are above ground and buried, then you can selectively see only the buried sections of piping in
CAEPIPE graphics by highlighting the section that is tied to the soil. Use the Highlight feature under the Section
List window and place highlight on the buried piping section (see Highlight under List window>View menu, or
press Ctrl+H). The Graphics window should highlight only that portion of the model that is using that specific
section/soil. See the portion shown in green in the figure below.
Step 5:
It is at the bends, elbows, and branch connections that the highest stresses are found in buried piping subjected
to thermal expansion of the pipe. These stresses are due to the soil forces that bear against the transverse run.
The stresses are proportional to the amount of soil deformation at the elbow or branch connection. Hence, piping
elements at the junction of bends, elbows and branch connections are to be refined in the stress layout.
This can be performed through Layout window > Edit > Refine Nodal Mesh > Buried Piping. Please see the
section titled “Buried Piping” in CAEPIPE User’s Manual for details on “Nodal mesh generation”.
Step 6:
Save the refined model as “BuriedPipingRefined.mod”. Analyze the model through File > Analyze. Upon
successful analysis, CAEPIPE displays an option “Soil Restraints” in addition to other analysis results.