Pumps (Problems)
Pumps (Problems)
Pumps (Problems)
1. A Centrifugal pump is to discharge 0.118 m3/s,at a speed of 1450 rpm against a head of
25m.The impeller diameter is 250mm,its width at out let is 50mm,and manometric
efficiency is 75% .determine the vane angle at the outer periphery of the impeller.
3.Acentrifugal pump impeller having external diameter and internal diameter having
480mm and240mm respectively is running at 1000 rpm .The rate of flow through the pump
is 0.0576m3/s, and velocity of flow is constant and is equal to 2.4m/s. The diameters of
suction and delivery pipe are 180mm and120mm respectively. and suction and delivery
heads are 6.2m(abs) and 30.2m of water respectively. if the power required to drive the
pump is 23.3kwatts and out let vane angle is 450 determine i) inlet vane angle ii) the overall
efficiency of the pump iii)The manometric efficiency of the pump.