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J. Am. Ceram. Soc.

, 98 [7] 1983–2001 (2015)

DOI: 10.1111/jace.13700
© 2015 The American Ceramic Society

Additive Manufacturing of Ceramics: Issues, Potentialities, and Opportunities
Andrea Zocca,‡ Paolo Colombo,‡,§ Cynthia M. Gomes,¶ and Jens G€

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, University of Padova, via Marzolo 9, 35131 Padova, Italy
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16801

Division of Ceramic Processing and Biomaterials, BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Unter den Eichen
44-46, 12203 Berlin, Germany

Additive manufacturing (AM) is a technology which has the technologies, but also the manufacture of semifinished parts,
potential not only to change the way of conventional industrial requiring additional processing, has turned out to be techni-
manufacturing processes, adding material instead of subtract- cally and economically feasible. The material (feedstock) is
ing, but also to create entirely new production and business typically fed into the process as a powder/granulate, paste or
strategies. Since about three decades, AM technologies have suspension, that is, the material is in a state optimized for
been used to fabricate prototypes or models mostly from poly- the layer deposition process. In the manufacturing process
meric or metallic materials. Recently, products have been intro- itself, the material is used to build up the desired object and
duced into the market that cannot be produced in another way it is simultaneously transferred into a state possessing its final
than additively. Ceramic materials are, however, not easy to physical properties, or at least a mechanical strength suffi-
process by AM technologies, as their processing requirements cient to transfer the built object to further processing steps.
(in terms of feedstock and/or sintering) are very challenging. According to the needs of the particular material used, the
On the other hand, it can be expected that AM technologies, desired geometry or the purpose of the object being built, an
once successful, will have an extraordinary impact on the entire set of AM technologies has been developed.2–5 Poly-
industrial production of ceramic components and, moreover, meric, metallic, and ceramic materials can be all processed
will open for ceramics new uses and new markets. by these technologies.6–11 The initial motivation for the
development of RP technologies, that is, technologies for the
manufacturing of individual products without any require-
I. Introduction ment for dedicated tooling, was to reduce the time to market
of new products by shortening the time span between design,
A DDITIVE manufacturing (AM), also designated as solid
freeform fabrication (SFF), Rapid Prototyping (RP), or
3D printing, describes a class of technologies in which a part
testing and implementation. While in the ’80s and ’90s, the
basic technologies for AM were developed and flexibility in
is directly generated from a virtual model by adding material design was the first priority, nowadays the physical proper-
to form the part. AM is defined by ASTM F2792-12a (Stan- ties of the parts generated are a major concern. Accordingly,
dard Terminology for Additive Manufacturing Technologies) the terminology for this class of technologies shifted gradu-
as the “process of joining materials to make objects from 3D ally from RP to AM. With minimum lead time and design
model data, usually layer upon layer, as opposed to subtrac- modifications by the click of a mouse, AM stimulated an
tive manufacturing methodologies, such as traditional entire industry. AM technologies based on the processing of
machining”.1 According to the philosophy of AM, the choice polymeric and metallic materials have been, in this context,
of a 3D computer graphic, 3D model, and material system the most successful. Even multimaterial textures and func-
are sufficient to build a part. Consequently, it is possible to tionally and compositionally graded structures can be syn-
generate parts with arbitrary geometries without the need of chronously fabricated during the manufacturing process.12–14
adapting the typical manufacture process itself. Preferably, To develop a more general understanding of the technical
parts ready to use, that is, possessing the final physical challenges associated with AM of ceramics, it makes sense to
properties of the desired object, are generated using AM divide the following discussion into two main categories,
defined by the macroscopic physical properties and architec-
ture of the ceramics parts generated via AM, that is: (i) por-
D. J. Green—contributing editor
ous components and (ii) fully dense monolithic components.
Accordingly, we will distinguish between three classes of AM
(1) technologies not capable of producing dense structures
Manuscript No. 36490. Received March 1, 2015; approved May 10, 2015. (which means, a microstructure without residual porosity),

Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. e-mail: jens.guenster@bam. (2) technologies capable of producing fully dense monolithic

1984 Journal of the American Ceramic Society—Zocca et al. Vol. 98, No. 7

ceramic bodies with restriction in dimension, that is, dense a ceramic. The most critical, in this context, is the release of
filaments or small structures including solid ceramic parts gaseous species during the pyrolysis of the preceramic poly-
not larger than a few mm in diameter, and (3) technologies mer, with its associated shrinkage, which prevents the direct
capable of producing fully dense monolithic ceramic bodies production of bulk components. Strategies exist to reduce
without restriction in dimension. these issues, such as adding inert or reactive fillers, but the
It is well-known that the many AM technologies success- production of fully dense parts remains a challenge. More-
fully applied to the manufacture of ceramics have been used over, most preceramic polymers would lead only to silicon-
to fabricate porous structures, for example, scaffolds for bio- based ceramics, with boron-based systems being a notable
logical applications, filters, lightweight structures etc. In these exception.16 Nonetheless, for AM of filigree, porous and
cases, the success of the respective technology is not only small structures, the PDCs are an attractive alternative to
based on its ability to exactly generate the desired porous conventional ceramic feedstocks.
structure, but on the fact that a certain amount of random This study aims to discuss the current status and perfor-
and residual porosity in the solid ceramic part of the scaffold mance of AM of ceramics. An overview of technologies for
is tolerated or even desired, as it provides further functional- the fabrication of porous components will be given, and par-
ity to the component. ticular applications will be highlighted. Moreover, the tech-
The fact that, so far, a major part of the research on AM nologies capable of providing dense monolithic ceramics will
of ceramics has focused on porous structures, is due mainly be carefully analyzed, and general strategies for the produc-
to two reasons: tion of ceramic parts via AM will be formulated. Finally, a
comparison of the state of the art of AM of ceramics and
1. AM enables the production of complex-shaped porous
metals will help to predict what we can expect for AM of
architectures with a precise control of the dimension,
ceramics in the future.
shape and amount of pores, which is not achievable by
any other technology currently used for the fabrication
of macroporous bodies. In these cases, AM is not in II. Overview of AM Processing of Ceramics
competition with traditional manufacturing, but it
This paragraph gives an overview and a comparison of the
opens up completely new fields of research and appli-
AM technologies currently available for ceramic materials,
see also Fig. 1.
2. Many of the AM technologies existing nowadays are
For a detailed description of the various AM technologies,
intrinsically particularly suited for the generation of
we refer the readers to some recently published
fine filigree structures. The specific reason for this
reviews.4,5,17,18 The following description aims, rather, at
statement will be discussed later, when describing the
comparing the main characteristics of the AM techniques
individual technologies, because it is different from
with respect to both the properties of generated parts and
case to case. However, a general observation that can
processing-related aspects, to provide a tool for roughly eval-
be made here is that technologies that are suitable for
uating which AM technology may be more indicated for a
fine porous structures have shortcomings when scaling
specific product and process chain.
up to large bulk parts, and, vice-versa, technologies
Table I summarizes some of the general characteristics of
more suitable for the fabrication of dense parts may
the most used AM technologies described in literature for
have difficulties in producing highly porous and fine
manufacturing ceramic components. Indications about the
quality and size of the produced parts (ability of making
There are very few AM technologies on the market capa- dense and/or monolithic parts, precision, surface quality) and
ble of generating fully dense monolithic ceramic bodies. AM cost of the production (cost of the feedstock preparation and
of monolithic ceramics, enabling the components to fully cost of the process) are included.
retain their superior physico-chemical properties, is still a Before commenting on the individual technologies, it is
challenge and remains the most important task that needs to appropriate to qualify further the content of the columns in
be solved to promote AM of ceramics to more than a niche Table I.
technology. AM of ceramics has the potential to open new
1. Dense struts: this term indicates technologies that can
markets for ceramic products, as it is not strictly bound by
provide a dense material (that is, without any residual
the paradigms of ceramic processing, such as high processing
porosity), at least for some of the possible geometries
cost for small lot productions, low flexibility, complex
and features that they can produce (specifically, only
machining, and limited molding shaping technologies. The
features possessing a small length scale or volume) and
current situation, however, is not much different from what
some ceramic material systems. Importantly, it is rele-
Cawley stated about 15 yrs ago: “The need for ceramic pro-
vant to notice that there is a correlation between the
cessing expertise to prepare feedstock and the fact that SFF
use of a liquid-based feedstock and the possibility of
methods only yield partially processed parts means that their
achieving a dense microstructure in the struts (or small
introduction does not open this class of materials to new users.
printed features), as opposite to solid-based and, in
(This is quite unlike the situation with their application in the
particular, powder-based technologies.
field of polymers. . .)”. Moreover, many of the processing
2. Monolithic: this term indicates technologies that are
issues involved in AM of ceramics are the same as those that
able to generate parts without residual microporosity,
characterize ceramic processing in general, and the field of
at least for some ceramic material systems, regardless
users of AM technologies for ceramics is practically limited
of its volume and thickness. A part with these charac-
to those already engaged in ceramic production or
teristics is what we define as a “ceramic monolithic
part”. Naturally, the possibility to sinter to full density
For the sake of completeness, it should be noted that the
is related to the composition of the feedstock (i.e.,
preceramic polymer approach to obtain polymer-derived
presence of sintering aids, composition of the ceramic)
ceramics (PDCs) offers a viable alternative to the powder
and on the sintering schedule and technique employed.
processing route, not only in terms of classical fabrication
Here, however, we consider as given that the ceramic
technologies but also in the context of AM. The striking
powder could be sintered to full density (for instance if
advantage of PDCs arises from their relatively simple pro-
it was shaped into a tablet by cold pressing), and are
cessing starting from polymeric precursors, which enables the
interested in discussing whether it is the AM process
components to be fabricated using technologies suited for
itself that prevents this full sintering to happen in the
polymers. However, there are several technological challenges
final produced part.
associated with the pyrolysis of the polymeric structure into
July 2015 Additive Manufacturing of Ceramics 1985

imposes a limit to the maximum part size (area or

volume), but also the mechanical properties of the
parts during the printing process. For instance, struc-
tures constituted by thin filaments and not supported
by a liquid or powder bed can deform by their own
weight during fabrication, when they’re still not con-
solidated by sintering.
5. Precision and surface quality are partially related, and
are also correlated with the dimension and cost of the
part (printing speed) to be produced. On the other
hand, the surface of a part can become smoother due
to the minimization of its free surface energy, if suffi-
cient material transport can occur during fabrication
or sintering, or artifacts such as steps deriving from
deposited layers can be smoothed out by the presence
of a liquid phase during sintering. Here, only the best
state-of-the-art results achieved so far are listed. As the
dimension of the part increases, the precision in many
technologies can be reduced (e.g., by increasing the
diameter of extrusion nozzles or the thickness of
deposited powder layers) to obtain an economical
building rate. It is noteworthy to observe that surface
quality is important not only for aesthetical reasons
but also because it can influence the mechanical prop-
erties of the printed ceramic components. It is further-
more noteworthy to observe that filament-based
technologies can provide very smooth surfaces on a
microscale level, but by fusing multiple filaments a tex-
tured surface is generated, which can significantly devi-
ate from the surface contour of the 3D model.
6. The cost parameter is divided into two factors: cost
related to the feedstock and cost related to the pro-
cess. Cost for feedstock does not include the cost for
ceramic raw materials, as this would be similar for a
conventional fabrication process. A low feedstock
cost means that the material can be bought commer-
cially and is usable with none or minimal further pro-
cessing, irrespective of the cost of the specific ceramic
raw material selected; this is typically the case for
powders to be used in powder-based and slurry-based
technologies. Medium and high cost indicates that
the material requires extensive secondary processing,
and often has to be designed specifically for the appli-
cation. An example is the ink designed for extrusion
through very fine nozzles. Finally, the process cost
considers depreciation of capital expenditure and
operating expenses for the particular AM equipment,
and costs related to necessary processing and post-
processing of the final product. Machines which
employ lasers, for example, are usually quite expen-
sive and are not faster than equipment based on
rather cheap inkjet printing heads. On the other
hand, the extrusion of pastes through fine tips is typi-
cally based on a rather cheap setup, and the produc-
tion rate can be adapted by changing the diameter of
the tip, which makes this a low-cost process.
Fig. 1. Schematic of AM technologies. 7. We can also point out that AM technologies can be
divided into two categories: direct and indirect. The
3. Part dimension: this is the maximum part size that terms “direct”, “indirect” and “negative” have not
can be produced. Based on the fact that the dimen- been used with consistent meaning in the history of
sion of the process area (printing envelope) can be AM, as already pointed out by Tay et al. in a review
potentially scaled-up for most technologies, it is diffi- in 2003.19
cult to provide precise data and trends. However, at In the following, we will use these terms with this spe-
the current state of the art, it is often the case that, cific meaning:
for dimensions outside a certain range, it becomes - Direct means that the material is directly depos-
more convenient, for economic and technical reasons, ited only in the position giving the desired shape
to switch from one technology to another. These of the final object.
dimensional ranges are indicated as sizes from XS to - Indirect means that, first a layer of material is
XL, corresponding to 100 lm or to 1 m, respectively, deposited, subsequently the cross section (slice)
as explained in the table caption. of the part is inscribed in the layer and, after
4. We should also note that it is not only the dimension completing all layers to complete the process,
of the printing envelope for each AM technology that excess material surrounding the part is removed
1986 Journal of the American Ceramic Society—Zocca et al. Vol. 98, No. 7

Table I. Main Characteristics of Additive Manufacturing Technologies used for Ceramics

Dense struts (size that Surface
(dense ceramic, can be (quality of parts, Cost of Direct
Feedstock but limited produced not of feedstock Cost of versus

Technology (liquid or solid) volume) Monolithic economically) single struts) Precision preparation process indirect

P-3DP Solid No No M-XL Medium 100 lm Low Medium Indirect

P-SLS Solid No No M-L Medium 100 lm Low High Indirect
P-SLM Solid No No M-L Medium 100 lm Low High Indirect
S-3DP Liquid Yes Yes M-XL High 100 lm Low Medium Indirect
S-SLS Liquid Yes Yes M-L High 100 lm Low High Indirect
SL Liquid Yes No XS-M High <1 lm Medium-High Medium Indirect
LOM Solid Yes Yes M-L Medium 100 lm Medium Medium Indirect
DIW/ Liquid Yes No S-XL Low 10 lm Low-Medium Low Direct
FDM Liquid Yes No S-M Low 100 lm Medium Low Direct
DIP Liquid Yes Yes S-M Medium 10 lm High Medium Direct
Direct Dep Liquid Low Direct

The definition of the acronyms for each technology is given later in the text.

XS = 100 lm; S = 1 mm; M = 10 mm; L = 0.1 m; XL = 1 m.

to release the final object. Inscribing can be car- III. AM Technologies for Ceramics
ried out in several ways, each one with its own
characteristics. This section reviews the current state of the art of AM of
- Negative means that an AM technology is used ceramics, describing the main technologies developed so far.
to produce a mold, which is successively used to Specifically, the paragraph relative to each technology
produce the final part. includes a description of: (i) the fabrication of structures with
a designed macroporosity and considerations about the resid-
Already from this distinction, some general considerations ual microporosity in the parts, which might be resulting from
concerning the potentials and drawbacks of the two the respective fabrication technology; (ii) the possibility of
approaches can be outlined: producing monolithic ceramics, according to our previous
1. The excess material in indirect technologies forms a sup- definition.
port to the successive layers, enabling the generation of
parts with large overhangs. Direct techniques, on the other
hand, require support structures for overhangs above a (1) Indirect AM Technologies
certain dimension, which may be often impractical or (A) Powder-Based 3D Printing (P-3DP): In powder-
time-consuming, and furthermore need to be removed to based AM technologies, a solid structure is realized by the
obtain the precise desired shape of the final object. successive deposition of layers of a flowable powder. A layer
2. Indirect technologies require the removal of the excess of powdered material is first spread and subsequently the
material in the form of powder, liquid or solid pieces of corresponding layer information is selectively inscribed by,
a sheet, which can be difficult or impossible for certain for example, local compaction or gluing; these steps are itera-
geometries. For example, if the excess material is a tively replicated until the object is completed. The layer
powder, it may be complicated to remove it completely information is defined by the corresponding cross section of
from small open pores and cells. In any case, it is not a sliced virtual 3D model of the object to be built. At the
possible to print any form of closed porosity, because end, the part is completely embedded in a powder bed, from
the material inside the pores that has not been inscribed which it can be easily extracted and cleaned. The technology
cannot be removed. The direct deposition of material, used to inscribe the layer information depends on the specific
instead, does not have such geometrical limitations. process considered: two of the most well-known and world-
3. Indirect technologies have the potential to be faster, wide spread processes are: “Three-dimensional printing”
because the material is deposited in one complete layer (3DP) and “Selective laser sintering” (SLS).21 The milestone
and the layer information, that is the cross section of patent “Three-dimensional printing techniques”22 by Sachs
the part to be built, can be printed on the entire area, et al. was filed in 1989, whereas Deckard’s patent “Method
selectively inscribing the desired profile. Moreover, the and apparatus for producing parts by selective sintering”
simultaneous fabrication of multiple individual parts dates back to 3 yrs earlier.23 Within powder-based AM tech-
can be achieved. In direct technologies, instead, the nologies, powders are bound or fused to more or less dense
material is usually deposited only in specific positions parts, often ready to use. The former method uses a printing
and in a sequence. head to selectively spread out droplets of a liquid binder,
4. Direct technologies offer straightforward possibilities whereas the latter employs the energy of a focused laser
to use multimaterial systems (ceramic/ceramic with beam to selectively sinter/melt a powder.
functional grading, ceramic/plastic, ceramic/metal In the P-3DP process, an inkjet printing head spits a bind-
interfaces,). Indirect technologies can also do this, but ing liquid onto a powder bed, thus defining the cross section
with much more limitations, for example, the addition of the object in that layer. Some P-3DP setups stabilize the
of metallic materials acting as conductor in multilayer powder layer by misting with water droplets to avoid distur-
ceramic systems is possible, but their concentration is bance of the powder by the ballistic impact of the binder
limited.20 droplets.24 Multiple nozzles can also be used, allowing to
cover a wide printing area. Printing machines with print
Table II summarizes some of the relevant characteristics heads consisting of a few hundred of parallel working jets
of feedstocks used for AM of ceramics, which are categorized and with a printing envelope as large as 6 m 9 6 m 9 6 m
as powder, paste or suspension. are used to fabricate ceramic objects for architectural
July 2015 Additive Manufacturing of Ceramics 1987

Table II. Feedstocks for Additive Manufacturing of Ceramics

Notes about
Type of feedstock Habitus Rheological and physical properties processability Technology Notes about composition

Powder Particle Solid Poor flowability P-3DP Several possible

size > 20 lm P-SLS binder systems,
>20 lm Good flowability P-SLM organic or
80 lm> inorganic based.
<80 lm Excellent
high powder
Paste Filament Viscosity:107, 110, 146 Shear thinning DIW Ceramic solid
diameter 10–100 Pas @ 100 s1 Robocasting loading 35–55
50 lm< G0 (eq) = 105–106 Pa vol%. Use of
<1000 lm Yield stress 102–103 Pa flocculated
suspensions or
of polymeric
100 lm< FDM Typical ratio
<1000 lm ceramic/polymer
= 60/40 vol
Suspension Layer thickness Viscosity:11, 64 Shear thinning, SL Typical composition
10 lm< 100 mPas–110 Pas @ 100 s1 suitable viscosity includes: monomer,
<50 lm highly depends photoinitiator,
on the recoating dispersants
system Ceramic solid loading
40–60 vol%
10 lm< Viscosity:97, 98, 147, 148 Shear thinning DIP Solids loading
<50 lm 5–15 mPas @ 1000 s1 2–30 vol%
Surface energy: 20–70 mN/m
50 lm< Viscosity:1 mPas–1 Pas Shear thinning S-3DP Water basedCeramic
<200 lm S-SLS solid loading 30–50

applications based on the cold consolidation of inorganic (a) Porous Components: The vast majority of the
powders (such as marble) using a hydraulic or nonhydraulic research on powder-based 3D printed porous parts has been
binder.25 In Fig. 2, we show, as an example, a large artwork devoted to the shaping of biomedical scaffolds for tissue
piece which is 1.28 m wide, but could be printed up to a engineering (TE). Two major classes of material-binder sys-
diameter of 3.5 m using such an equipment. tems have been used for this purpose: (1) the ceramic powder
The polymer–polymer-derived approach has been applied is bound by an organic glue, which is dissolved in a water-
to P-3DP, and in this context it offers several advantages. or solvent-based liquid and sprayed on the printing bed28;
When using pure preceramic polymer powders, it is possible alternatively, a polymer can be mixed with the ceramic pow-
to achieve a high polymeric density (~80% TD) because the der and then used to glue the powder when in contact with
sprayed solvent locally dissolves the preceramic polymer the jetted liquid.29,30 The green part has to be successively
binding the particles together, filling also the interparticle sintered at high temperatures to obtain the final ceramic
voids.26 The resulting ceramic part after heat treatment still object. (2) a reactive liquid-powder system is employed,
had a similar level of residual porosity, as the material does which involves a setting reaction at low temperature. There
not sinter during the process. Moreover, the preceramic poly- are several examples of systems based on calcium phosphates
mer can be used as a nonsacrificial, reactive binder mixed using phosphoric acids as a binder.31–33
with a glass powder to create bioceramic scaffolds based on A review of the important scaffold parameters for this spe-
wollastonite-apatite.27 cific application, mostly focused on the P-3DP process, is

(a) (b)

Fig. 2. (a) powder-based 3D printed “The Flower” artwork model (the part is 1.28 m in diameter); (b) image of a layer during the 3D printing
process (model designed by Yassi Mazandi; image courtesy of Antonino Italiano, Desamanera SRL, Italy).
1988 Journal of the American Ceramic Society—Zocca et al. Vol. 98, No. 7

already present in the literature.34 A more general review higher densities after the heat-treatment process. Three dif-
describes benefits and drawbacks of various AM technologies ferent approaches have been mainly investigated with this
in scaffold fabrication.35 Typically, TE scaffolds have pores aim.
in the range 50–1000 lm and a porosity >60%, because these The first approach consists in modifying the composition of
characteristics are considered a requisite for successful bone the ceramic material to enhance the sintering, by addition of
ingrowth and full vascularization of the implants. Residual dopants or of a viscous liquid-forming phase. Fielding et al., for
microporosity (< ~10 lm) in the printed part (i.e., not the example, obtained 95% density when adding ZnO and SiO2 to
designed macroporosity) was also recognized to be important tricalcium phosphate (TCP),28 whereas Suwanprateeb et al.
for increasing the surface area, which leads to higher protein took advantage of liquid phase sintering producing a 97.5%
absorption and ion exchange. It should be noted that small dense HA + HA/wollastonite glass-ceramic composite.40
pores (< ~500 lm) cannot be printed because of resolution The second approach is the infiltration of a porous pre-
limits and, more importantly, because of the difficulty in form produced by P-3DP. Melcher et al. used P-3DP to print
removing the excess powder. alumina preforms which had a porosity of 36% after sinter-
Calcium phosphate scaffolds made by P-3DP tend to have ing, and infiltrated them with Cu/Cu2O.41 The resulting
exactly this bimodal porosity: a designed porosity produced Al2O3/Cu/CuO material had a flexural strength of 236 MPa
by P-3DP, in the range ~0.5–2 mm, and microporosity in the and fracture toughness of 5.5 MPam1/2 thanks to the crack
struts due to incomplete densification after binder/powder bridging mechanism of the metallic phase. A similar process
reaction and/or after sintering. In particular, sintering of the was followed to infiltrate alumina preforms with glass.42
3D printed material to high density is hindered by the large Another interesting material system achievable with this
particle size (indicatively 30–100 lm) of the powder used for approach is the formation of reaction-bonded silicon carbide
printing, which is necessary to have a suitable level of flow- (RBSiC) ceramics. In a first example, Fu et al. printed by P-
ability during the deposition of the layers. Even though the 3DP a mixture of Si, SiC and dextrin.43 Successive infiltra-
flowability can be improved by granulation of a fine tion with a liquid silicone resin and pyrolysis at 1000°C in
(<10 lm) powder, many authors recognized that during the nitrogen yielded carbon from the dextrin and an amorphous
heat treatment, a good level of densification can be achieved SiOC residue from the silicone resin. Infiltration of liquid sili-
within the single granules, but only sintering necks are con at 1500°C in vacuum finally led to the RBSiC material.
formed between the granules.30,36 An alternative approach to Moon et al., instead, printed by P-3DP a carbon preform
improve the flowability of fine powders is the surface treat- which had 48% open porosity, by using a binder based on
ment of the particles, for example, by plasma-enhanced furfuryl resin.44 Following infiltration of Si at 1450°C in
chemical vapor deposition, as discussed in reference34 and nitrogen led to the desired RBSiC composite. It is interesting
the literature cited therein, especially.37 However, the intro- to notice that in this latter example part of the carbon was
duction of fine silica on the surface of the particles resulting derived from the polymeric binder, and this allowed the gen-
from the plasma process may be considered as a contamina- eration of functionally graded parts by varying the dosage of
tion, especially in the field of bioceramics where a high purity carbon-yielding binder and thus controlling the amount of
is a requisite. SiC formed.
Parts made by P-3DP generally have a high level of resid- The first two approaches may be however difficult to apply
ual porosity and this limits their mechanical properties. to pure technical ceramics, such as alumina or silicon nitride.
Chumnanklang et al. made HA samples by P-3DP which A third approach has been developed which consists of cold
had 20–40 vol% microporosity and a 3-point-bending isostatic pressing or warm isostatic pressing (WIP) the green
strength <1.5 MPa.30 Klammert et al. developed a P-3DP body printed by P-3DP, before sintering. Yoo et al. obtained
process for Brushite (CaHPO42H2O) which had a micropo- almost dense parts (99.2% relative density) by applying WIP
rosity of 38.8 vol% and a compressive strength of 23.4 MPa, to alumina parts (with MgO dopant) which had a flexural
and similarly for Monetite (CaHPO4), obtaining 43.8 vol% strength of 324 MPa after sintering.45 This method has been
of microporosity and 15.3 MPa compressive strength.33 Cas- applied also to other ceramic systems, such as Ti3SiC2, yield-
tilho et al. measured the compressive strength of calcium ing almost dense microstructures, but it poses geometrical
phosphate cylinders, which reached a maximum of 23.8 MPa limitations when applied to complex geometries, such as
for a microporosity of 43.1 vol%.29 parts with internal cavities.46
In addition to applications for TE, P-3DP of silicate Concluding, P-3DP is very attractive because it has almost
ceramics for different applications, including art and architec- no limitation regarding the parts geometry (except for closed
ture, and foundry sands are rapidly growing markets.38, 39 porosity) and dimension; however, it is potentially able to
(b) Monolithic Components: P-3DP is very well suited produce ceramic monolithic parts only for specific material
to generate porous ceramic structures. Still, a major issue, systems, typically involving postprinting infiltration with met-
hampering a completely autonomous production of parts als of semimetals.
and even restricting the freedom of design by means of these (B) Powder-Based Selective Laser sintering (P-
technologies, is the low density and stability of the parts SLS): The P-SLS process works similarly to the P-3DP
during the building process, which is a direct result of the one, with the difference that the cross sections of the part to
low powder packing in the powder bed [as low as 25% TD be built are inscribed by means of a laser beam. The local
(theoretical density)]. The powder bed surrounding the part densification of the powders can be obtained by directly sin-
has an essential role, since it should support the structure tering the ceramic powder, or by mixing the powder with a
during building, until it’s ready for removal. Furthermore, binder phase (inorganic or, more often, polymeric) which is
powders with appreciable flowability for the deposition of then melted by the laser light. Direct laser sintering of ceram-
thin layers are in a particle size range >20 lm which gener- ics is complicated by the poor resistance of this class of
ally does not provide sufficient sintering activity to form materials to thermal shock. Furthermore, the short interac-
dense ceramics. One straightforward approach to increase tion time between laser and powder limits material diffusion,
the density of the powder bed and to use more fine powders leading to poor sintering.17, 47–49 Binders within the powder
is the deposition of ceramic slurries instead of dry powders. which can be thermally activated, on the other hand, have
This approach, which will be introduced in a following sec- been successfully used to shape porous ceramic parts, for
tion, results in powder beds with powder packing densities applications and with results similar to those produced by P-
>55% TD, and thus sufficient for a full densification in sub- 3DP.50, 51 In the context of also this AM technology, prece-
sequent sintering steps. Even though, as discussed above, the ramic polymers can offer some interesting opportunities, as
microstructure of parts obtained by P-3DP usually contains highlighted by the work of Friedel et al., which used a laser
a high amount of residual porosity, some authors achieved light to selectively melt and crosslink a solid silicone resin
July 2015 Additive Manufacturing of Ceramics 1989

mixed with SiC powders, to generate complex structures later Table III. Density of an as-Printed Sample (cylindrical,
sintered and infiltrated with a Si melt.52 height ~11.8 mm, diameter ~10.0 mm) and of a Printed
(a) Porous Components: Kolan et al. produced bio- Sample After Debinding, Made from Alumina Powder (purity
glass scaffolds with 50% porosity and pores in the range level 99.9%) by the Lithoz SL Process
300–800 lm by using an acrylic binder, followed by sintering
at 675°C–695°C.53 Liu et al. deposited layers of a slurry As-printed green compact (g/cm3) Brown compact (g/cm3)
made of hydroxyapatite powder and silica sol, exploiting the
Bulk density† 2.561  0.020 2.211  0.006
gelling of silica as binding mechanism, followed by sintering
True density‡ 2.568  0.002 3.971  0.003
at 1200°C.54 The produced scaffolds had pores in the range
750–1050 lm and a porosity of 25%–32%. †
Measured geometrically.

Another approach in the production of scaffolds for TE Measured using a helium pycnometer.
applications is the use of a bio-compatible polymer as binder.
Simpson et al. reported the shaping of 95/5 Poly(L-lactide-
co-glycolide) and HA/TCP composites,55 whereas Tan et al. provides densities of a cylindrical alumina part manufactured
employed a PEEK/HA composite.56 It is worth noting that, by this process, measured before and after debinding. The
in this case, the parts produced are a biopolymer-ceramic powder compact after debinding is sometimes denoted as
composite and they do not necessitate a sintering posttreat- “brown” compact. According to Table III, the powder pack-
ment, hence they are potentially ready to use as they come ing density in the compact after debinding is 55% TD. With
out of the SLS machine. this material system, it is possible to achieve densities exceed-
(b) Monolithic Components: Similarly to P-3DP, there ing 99% TD after sintering.
are some rare examples in which dense monolithic ceramics (a) Porous Components: The utilization of this tech-
have been obtained by P-SLS by infiltration with metals of nique was investigated by several authors for the generation
semimetals after printing a porous ceramic preform. One of of porous ceramics for various applications, taking advan-
the early results concerns the generation of Si/SiC parts. tage of the high precision that this technology provides and
Within the SLS process, SiC particles are glued together as a the possibility of obtaining dense struts. Kirihara et al. pro-
result of the formation of SiO2 in oxidizing atmospheres, that duced various types of samples possessing an ordered poros-
is, ambient air. The highly porous parts have been used as ity, all with a total porosity value of 75 vol%.62 YSZ lattices
preforms for the silicon infiltration.57 More recent work con- had about 100-lm-long and -thick struts with a lattice con-
centrates on selective laser melting (SLM), where the forma- stant of 250 lm, and they were designed for anode electrodes
tion of a liquid phase ensures rapid densification.58 The use in solid oxide fuel cells. Al2O3 parts were created based on
of dense alumina and zirconia spherical particles (30 lm) as the diamond structure, and their properties for an applica-
feedstock results in a high packing density of the particles in tion as photonic crystals were simulated and measured.
the powder bed. Preheating of the powder bed to a tempera- Finally, hydroxyapatite could be shaped into a dendrite
ture of at least 1600°C reduces the thermal shock within the structure with graded porosity, for TE applications. In all
part to be built. Alumina–Zirconia eutectic mixtures reduce cases, the struts density ranged between 95% and 98%. Chu
the melting temperature of the powder bed to about 1860°C. et al. also produced hydroxyapatite porous implants with a
With this approach, dense ceramic parts with remarkable designed porosity of 40% and orthogonal pores.63 The
mechanical properties could be generated via SLM. Nonethe- authors measured their mechanical properties and in vivo
less, crack formation within the ceramic bodies could not be behavior, reporting a high compressive strength of 30 MPa.
avoided completely and an uncontrolled infiltration of the Chartier et al. made Al2O3 parts with a highly concentrated
preheated powder bed by the liquid phase formed within the ceramic suspension (60 vol%) and recoating layers as thin as
laser spot results in an ill-defined outer contour of the parts 25 lm.64 1 and 2 mm-2D porous meshes were produced to
generated. Even though there is currently no strategy in sight demonstrate the process resolution.
which would allow the formation of dense monolithic cera- Bian et al. produced bioinspired osteochondral scaffolds
mic parts via SLM, with precise contour and properties simi- by first generating a porous b-TCP scaffold by SL followed
lar to conventional manufactured ceramic parts, the laser- by debinding and sintering and successively simulating a car-
based technologies SLS and SLM are the only processes tilage phase by freeze casting and cross-linking of a type I
which could potentially deliver ready to use ceramic parts collagen suspension.65 In parallel to the traditional stereoli-
from ceramic materials that require sintering. thography process, a novel nano-stereolithography technique
(C) Stereolithography (SL): The stereolithography employs a two-photon equipment to achieve the cross-linking
technique is based on the photopolymerization of a liquid of a resin with a resolution down to 200 nm. Pham et al.
resin filled with ceramic particles, in a layer-by-layer fashion modified a polyvinylsilazane preceramic polymer and used it
similarly to the other indirect AM technologies. to shape complex micrometer-sized structures.66 The polymer
Typical compositions for the slurry include a monomer was subsequently pyrolyzed at 600°C in nitrogen to obtain a
solution, a photoinitiator and additives for the dispersion SiCN ceramic. Silica nanoparticles were added to obtain a
of the ceramic powder, with a concentration of 40–60 reduced and isotropic shrinkage. In particular, the generation
vol%.11, 59–61 of a 9 lm 9 9 lm 99 lm scaffold with approximately 1 lm
Contrary to powder-based AM, in stereolithography the cells was reported.
material surrounding the part is liquid and therefore it is (b) Monolithic Components: In general, it is possible
unable to provide any support; for this reason, depending on to produce dense monolithic ceramic parts via SL, because
the specific geometry of the part, support structures are built powder compacts with powder packing densities higher than
together with the part, requiring subsequent removal.59 Due 55% can be generated. The only restriction is imposed by the
to the high green densities and the use of fine ceramic parti- debinding step, which is required to remove the binding addi-
cles, stereolithography permits the production of almost tives from the green compacts before sintering. The thermally
dense ceramic parts after a sintering posttreatment.11 There activated debinding steadily transforms the binder into gas-
are different technical solution for the SL process on the eous species, and is one of the most critical steps in the SL
market. Lithoz (Lithoz GmbH, Vienna, Austria) follows an process due to the possible formation of defects in the brown
approach with the part built not fully immersed in the liquid compact. As thermal debinding takes place in the volume of
feedstock, but mounted upside down on the building plat- the part and dissociation and combustion products must
form and dipped in a thin slurry layer deposited on a glass leave the bulk by diffusion, the heating process has to be car-
plate. The striking advantage of this strategy is the small ried out very slowly keeping the pressure inside the part
amount of slurry required for building the part.60 Table III below a critical threshold avoiding the formation of cracks
1990 Journal of the American Ceramic Society—Zocca et al. Vol. 98, No. 7

and voids. On the other hand, there already exists a vast blade relative to the dry layers must be high enough to pre-
expertise on the thermally and solvent-based debinding of vent collision of the cast with the doctor blade. On the other
ceramic green compacts, from injection molding of ceramics. hand, when the speed of the doctor blade is too high, layer
Injection molding also uses pastes with high organic content, deposition is not uniform, because shear stresses within the
as binders, plasticizers, dispersants and lubricants, to produce suspension will result in an inhomogeneous deposition. For
parts with high complexity.67 Thus, regarding the production commercial silicate ceramic slurries, a speed of the doctor
of dense monolithic parts, a clear restriction of the SL pro- blade of 50 mm/s is typically chosen. For technical ceramics,
cess is, similarly to injection molding, the maximum volume the cast grows significantly faster and the speed of the doctor
or wall thickness of the ceramic green body at which debind- blade must be increased to 100 mm/s or higher. In the P-
ing can be achieved in a reasonable time.68 At wall thickness- 3DP and P-SLS powder-based processes, the part built is
es of about 1 cm, debinding already requires a thermal easily released from the powder bed, but this is not the case
treatment over a time period of several days. for the slurry-based process. After deposition of all layers
(D) Slurry-Based 3DP (S-3DP) and Slurry-Based SLS required for building up the desired geometry, the laser sin-
(S-SLS): S-3DP and S-SLS are technologies which are a tered or printed body is embedded in the powder bed which
logic extension of powder-based technologies. Instead of now is a block of densely packed particles. For the release of
spreading a dry powder into thin layers, a ceramic slurry or the part, the powder compact must be dissolved by a solvent.
slip is used to increase the powder packing density in the In case water-based slurries are used for the layer deposition,
powder bed. Already in the milestone patent “Three-dimen- water can act as a solvent for the powder bed. Figure 3
sional printing techniques” by Sachs et al., filed in 1989, the shows an example for the release of two espresso cups fabri-
dispersion of powders “in a liquid vehicle” is suggested “to cated by the S-SLS process.
provide the desired uniform depositions of such powders at For the manufacture of powder compacts with properties
the required rates and densities”.22 In a later patent by Sachs comparable to those produced by classical powder process-
et al., filed in 1998, the use of liquid dispersions of powdered ing, S-3DP has the highest potential. By the use of small
materials for the built up of a powder bed in a layer by layer amounts of organic or inorganic binders provided by a print-
fashion is explicitly described.69 ing head, the particles in the densely packed powder bed are
A major concern at that time was, however, the deposition locally glued together, and compacts generated by this tech-
of uniform layers with a flat and smooth surface. Since then, nology don’t require any additional treatment prior to sinter-
technologies capable of repeatedly depositing thin layers of ing. Thus, we can forecast that S-3DP will be more and
ceramic slurries to build up dense powder beds for S-3DP more used for the printing of ceramic compacts. The laser
and S-SLS have been developed.70–72 A survey of recently treatment in S-SLS, however, will affect the microstructure
published work reveals a great potential of this technology of the powder compact typically in a direction which is not
for the manufacture of dense powder compacts, comparable favorable for the manufacture of advanced ceramic.
to those produced by classical powder processing, that is (E) Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM): Origi-
with low organic content. nally known as layered laminated manufacturing, later on
In S-3DP and S-SLS a liquid suspension of ceramic parti- commercialized under the trade name LOM by Helysis (now
cles is spread as a thin layer comparable to tape casting, Cubic Technologies; Torrance, CA) or CerLAM and Met-
whereas within this layer a cast is formed comparable to slip LAM by Javelin 3D (Draper, UT), this AM process deals with
casting. In the slip casting process, the slip is brought into the 3D building of parts by the lamination of paper, tapes, or
contact with a porous body, the casting mold. When a liquid similar shapes at low-medium temperature and pressure. LOM
is wetting a porous body, capillary forces draw the liquid has been considered as an alternative for the lamination of
phase of the suspension into the porous mold. The particles green ceramic tapes into 3D dense or semidense parts.74–81
start to form a powder compact, the cast, at the molds sur- The main advantage of this technique is the possibility of
face. The cast formation kinetics obeys a square-root-of-time producing laminates directly from green tapes, which in turn
law by depositing individual particles from the suspension to are produced by extrusion,82 tape casting,74, 75 or preceramic
the surface of the mold. In case of the layerwise slurry depo- paper.80, 81 In addition, LOM processing: (1) does not intro-
sition (LSD) process the mold is formed by the previously duce an extra organic component that must be eliminated dur-
deposited and dried layers.73 Slip casting results in the for- ing the thermal treatment process, such as for
mation of powder compacts with densities potentially exceed- stereolithography; (2) compared to low-temperature lamina-
ing 60% TD. Furthermore, due to the free settling of the tion process, the applied pressure and temperature are lower,
powder particles from the suspension, no obvious interface is which prevents delamination caused by an inhomogeneous
formed between individual layers. The formation of a cast pressure distribution in complex shapes; (3) does not require
starts as soon as the slurry is in contact with previously higher capillary forces to promote the union between adjacent
deposited and dry layers. Hence, the speed of the doctor tapes during thermal treatment; (4) allows the lamination of

(a) (b)

Fig. 3. Release of two espresso cups made of porcelain by employing the Layerwise Slurry Deposition (LSD) technology. (a) powder bed,
formed by 132 layers with a thickness of 200 lm, containing the two laser-sintered cups; (b) cups partially released from the powder bed.
July 2015 Additive Manufacturing of Ceramics 1991

water-based green tapes, which is not successfully achieved by ation of structures with well-controllable material gradients
thermo-compression, for example. is possible in multimaterial DIP setups.93 The printing of
Compared to some conventional manufacturing processes complex-shaped structures with overhangs and undercuts can
such as injection molding,83 extrusion,84 or roll pressing,85 be realized by printing support structures with an ink provid-
LOM parts exhibit moderate values of flexural strength at ing a sacrificial material (e.g., carbon black), which is conve-
relatively high porosities.75, 86 Values of mechanical strength niently removed during firing in oxidizing conditions.
for silicon nitride parts obtained by LOM of ~475  34 MPa Currently, DIP of ceramic materials is industrially developed
have been reported,87 which is comparable to silicon nitride for the fabrication of 2D components (e.g., printed electron-
ceramics prepared by pressureless sintering88–90 and higher ics)102 but not yet well exploited for making 3D parts.
than for the components fabricated by gel casting An alternative approach is the direct printing of a prece-
(54.5  2.3 MPa).91, 92 ramic polymer solution, which takes advantage of the solu-
The main drawbacks of this technology, as in most lami- bility of many preceramic polymers in several solvents. Mott
nation process, are related with the quality of the interfaces et al. for example used polycarbosilane to produce silicon
between tapes and presence of defects. Common issues being carbide parts using DIP, with or without the use of SiC par-
reported are delamination, interfacial porosities, and differen- ticles in the ink.103
tial shrinkage.75, 86 (B) Filament Extrusion 3D Printing: Robocasting,
Direct Ink Writing (DIW), Fused Deposition Modeling
(FDM): The direct deposition of ceramic slurries is argu-
(2) Direct AM Technologies ably the most used AM technology for the generation of por-
(A) Direct Inkjet Printing (DIP): Direct inkjet print- ous structures. It consists in the extrusion through a nozzle
ing is a technology which uses a ceramic suspension to build of a viscous ceramic paste in the form of a filament. The
up structures by the successive deposition of individual drops control of the rheological properties of the filament is essen-
provided by a printing head. The ceramic suspension, or ink, tial to prevent deformation of the part after extrusion and
consists of ceramic particles (typically <30 vol%) dispersed sagging of the filaments, especially when the geometry
in a liquid carrier containing different additives to stabilize includes spanning features as in most porous components.
the suspension, adjusts its viscosity and surface tension, and The technique was originally patented and developed by Ce-
to control the spreading and drying of the deposited drop- sarano at the Sandia National Laboratories in the USA
lets.93, 94 Derby et al. modeled the conditions for a stable under the name of “Robocasting”.104 In Robocasting, a cera-
drop formation and proposed that the inverse Ohnesorge mic suspension with a high solid loading undergoes a trans-
number should be in the range 1 < Z < 10 (the Ohnesorge formation from a pseudoplastic to a dilatant behavior when
number is the ratio of the square root of the Weber number extruded in air, triggered by minimal drying of the slurry.
and the Reynolds number),95, 96 even though there is not Drying in air, however, limits the minimum diameter of the
always a clear correlation between Ohnesorge number and printing nozzle to about 500 lm, otherwise clogging is expe-
the characteristics of drop formation.97 As liquid carrier, rienced. To overcome these issues, inks have been developed
water or organic liquids can be used, depending on the spe- which have a reversible gel transformation and are deposited
cific requirements of the printing head. To ensure that cera- in a nonwetting (often oil) bath. Briefly, they behave like a
mic particles can be fed as a suspension through the viscous gel when loaded in the printing head, but as they are
individual deposition nozzles of the printing head, their size extruded the shear stress breaks the gel structure and the vis-
(d50) is typically kept in the submicrometer range at a narrow cosity decreases of several orders of magnitude. After extru-
particle size distribution.98 Different to powder-based 3D sion, the fluid undergoes a quick gelation increasing again
printing (P-3DP) DIP builds up structures directly from the the viscosity to a level before shearing which prevents defor-
material provided by the ink. DIP technology is capable to mation of the filament. This behavior can be achieved by
generate complex structures with a high powder packing den- controlled flocculation of a ceramic suspension (e.g., by a
sity, as it uses ceramic suspensions. Together with a good change in pH, ionic strength of the solvent, addition of poly-
sintering activity of the generated green parts, ensured by the electrolytes) to form a gel,105 or by using gelling additives,
use of submicrometer powders, DIP can provide parts from for example, by using an inverse thermo-reversible gel.106
oxide and non-oxide ceramics with appreciable mechanical Recently, Eqtesadi et al. showed that the use of polyelectro-
properties.99–101 Figure 4 presents a printed zirconia molar lytes and the control of the pH may be a difficult approach
crown made by DIP. for bioglass inks, because of the glass dissolution and leach-
Furthermore, due to the small volume (picoliter) of the ing of ions in water. In this case, carboxymethyl cellulose
individual droplets provided by the printing head, the gener- was successfully used as an additive to disperse the glass
powder and to obtain a suitable rheological behavior.107
Another possibility is the formulation of a ceramic ink con-
taining a polymeric binder and plasticizer (e.g., PVB and
PEG), which can be added up to 23 wt% (relative to the
ceramic phase).108 For fine lattice structures, defects gener-
ated by debinding were not reported. These variations in
Robocasting have been mostly denominated DIW technolo-
Typical nozzle sizes are in the range 100–1000 lm and,
after drying, the material has a high green density (up to
60%), which allows to achieve an almost complete densifica-
tion upon sintering. The combination of fine and dense fila-
ments makes the technology particularly attractive for the
production of components suitable for several applications,
based on structural and functional ceramics.
(a) Porous Components: Stuecker et al. reported the
production of mullite porous meshes with 100–1000 lm pore
sizes and 225–1000 lm filament diameter, obtaining a rela-
Fig. 4. SEM micrograph showing a DIP 3D printed occlusal tive green strut density of 55% and a sintered strut density
surface of a dental crown (image courtesy of Prof. Rainer Telle, of 96%.109 Smay et al. produced PZT periodic lattices with a
University of Aachen, Germany). diameter of 200–400 lm, consisting of linear or radial
1992 Journal of the American Ceramic Society—Zocca et al. Vol. 98, No. 7

arrays.110 The rod spacing varied from 300 to 1200 lm, thus and fed to the printing head, but it is very difficult to prepare
determining spanning features. The same material system has a filament with a high loading of ceramic particles that is not
been used more recently to produce PZT arrays for ultra- brittle and can be collected in spools to be continuously sup-
sonic sensing applications in the 2–30 MHz frequency plied to the printing head. After printing, the polymeric bin-
range.111 These arrays were densified and infiltrated with an der is burnt out and the ceramic phase is sintered. Grida
epoxy resin to fabricate PZT–polymer composites with 2–2 et al. extruded a mixture of 55 vol% zirconia in wax through
connectivity. Smay et al. also demonstrated the DIW of ter- nozzles with diameter between 76 and 510 lm.123 The mini-
nary mixtures of BaTiO3, BaZrO3, and SrTiO3 by using a mum diameter of the nozzles is usually larger in FDM than
nozzle mixer.112 Furthermore, they produced Ni-BaTiO3 in DIW. The same authors observed that fine log-pile struc-
metal-ceramic multilayer structures by using an array of sin- tures could be produced with a 100 lm diameter filament
gle nozzles, demonstrating that by this technique it is possi- but not with a 76 lm filament. The reason was that the latter
ble to fabricate graded and multimaterial porous structures. filament solidified too quickly in ambient air. Park et al.
Also for this fabrication method, a major part of the instead extruded 40 wt% HA mixed with PCL at 100°C
research has focused on the shaping of bioceramics into por- through nozzles with diameter 400–600 lm.124 They also
ous scaffolds. Genet et al. modeled the compressive strength measured the influence of the deposition pattern on the com-
of hydroxyapatite porous scaffolds based on a Weibull pressive modulus and they studied the attachment and prolif-
approach.113 They could fit well-experimental data showing a eration of osteoblast-like cells.
decrease in compressive strength upon increasing rod spacing Kalita et al. similarly produced composites polypropylene-
(i.e., porosity), keeping a constant rod diameter. Interest- TCP composites by FDM, and obtained scaffolds with a
ingly, even when the rod spacing (400–985 lm) and diameter compressive strength of 12.7 MPa for 36% total porosity
(200–610 lm) were varied to keep the porosity constant and a pore size of 160 lm.125 Bandyopadhyay et al. investi-
(45 vol%), there was almost a four folds decrease in strength gated the processing of piezocomposites by FDM, both using
as the rod diameter increased. Franco et al. formulated an a negative approach (producing a polymeric mold and filling
ink containing a thermo-reversible gel which had low viscos- it with a ceramic slurry), and a positive approach, extruding
ity at low extrusion temperature and underwent a quick gela- a polymeric filament loaded with 50–55 vol% PZT powder.
tion following deposition in a warm (60°C) oil bath.114 They A spool of filament (1.75 mm in diameter) was first produced
produced HA, TCP and biphasic calcium phosphate scaffolds and extruded through the nozzle of a commercial FDM 3D-
and found that the microporosity in the struts varied in a printer, at a temperature of 140°C–200°C, to produce a 3-3
wide range 5%–40% as the content of thermo-reversible gel piezocomposite ladder structure after sintering and impregna-
was increased, and the bending strength decreased accord- tion with epoxy resin.126 At Rutgers University (New Jersey),
ingly from ~25 to ~2 MPa. an FDM apparatus has been developed which is able to
Miranda et al. produced HA scaffolds which had 39% deposit up to four different materials in the same layers,
total porosity and 15% strut microporosity, and studied the employing four deposition units.127 Jafari et al., in the same
fracture modes under uniaxial compression.115 These scaf- work also produced a multilayer piezoelectric component
folds had a compressive strength of ~50 MPa, and in a simi- transducer composed of soft and hard PZT, and they sug-
lar work it was shown that this value was doubled after gested the fabrication of components based even more com-
2 weeks immersion in simulated body fluid.116 Fu et al. pro- plex composite materials, for example, through the
duced particularly strong bioglass scaffolds with completely simultaneous deposition of ceramic, metal, electrode, and
dense rods of 100 lm diameter and a total porosity of fugitive phases.
60%.117 These scaffolds had unidirectional pores and, as Scaffolds produced by DIW generally possess better
expected, anisotropic mechanical properties, reaching mechanical properties compared to scaffolds produced by
136 MPa in the channels direction and 55 MPa in perpendic- powder-based technologies. Figure 5 shows the dependence
ular direction. The dependence of the compressive strength of the compressive strength on the porosity, for various
on the porosity in the 60%–80% range was also in good porous scaffolds fabricated using different AM technologies
agreement with the Gibson-Ashby model for closed-cells cel- and having a total porosity in a wide range (20–80 vol%).
lular ceramics.118 It is not easy to directly compare scaffolds with different
It is worth noting, however, that by DIW it is also possi- geometries and made of different materials, but the exam-
ble to obtain scaffolds with porous struts by adding a poro- ples reported in the plot include only biomaterials, in par-
gen to the ceramic paste.119, 120 Dellinger et al. added Poly ticular based mainly on calcium phosphates. Scaffolds
(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) microspheres to the ink and produced by DIW generally had a cubic geometry with
produced scaffolds with three levels of porosity: macropores orthogonal pores, whereas scaffolds produced by indirect
(100–600 lm) were designed by controlling the arrangement AM techniques mostly had a cylindrical geometry with
and spacing between rods of HA; micropores (1–30 lm) were orthogonal or radial pores resembling the structure of bone
produced within the rods by including PMMA microspheres; implants. Both geometries are possible to be replicated by
submicrometer pores (less than 1 lm) were the result of direct and indirect AM, but a cubic geometry is used in the
incomplete sintering.119 case of DIW because it simplifies the deposition path,
A further degree of versatility for this 3D printing tech- whereas indirect technologies are almost geometry indepen-
nique can be achieved when using extrusion nozzles which dent.
enable the fabrication of cross sections different from the Plotting the y-axis with a logarithmic scale allows us to
standard circular one, such as square, hexagonal and other observe that the strength data tend to follow a linear depen-
complex micrometer-sized geometries,121 or even hollow fila- dence with the porosity, corresponding to a well-known
ments.122 exponential law: r (P) = r0 exp (bP), where r (P) is the
In parallel with the extrusion of ceramic pastes, and in compressive strength, r0 a constant related to the strength of
analogy with the most popular process used for the produc- the zero-porosity material, b another constant and P the
tion of polymeric components, another approach has been porosity.128
developed: the FDM of ceramics. This techniques is based The absolute values of compressive strength are distrib-
on the extrusion of a mixture of a ceramic powder mixed uted in a wide range of values, from 0.5 to over 100 MPa;
with a significant amount of a polymer, which is melted dur- however, there is a clear trend. Scaffolds produced by P-3DP
ing the extrusion because the printing head is heated, and have, in particular, a strength which is up to one order of
solidifies by cooling immediately after to prevent deformation magnitude lower than the strength of scaffolds made by
of the filament. Ideally, in analogy with FDM of conven- DIW. It seems reasonable to correlate this observation with
tional polymers, a continuous filament should be produced the microporosity in the scaffold struts: even though this
July 2015 Additive Manufacturing of Ceramics 1993

Fig. 5. Compressive strength versus porosity for bioceramic porous components fabricated using different AM technologies.

value depends also on the specific material system used, there (b) Monolithic Components: Previously, we mentioned
is a clear influence of the process, which can be found when that extrusion-based AM produces potentially dense struts;
examining the properties of parts shaped without designed however, there are issues when this process is used to pro-
porosity. Parts produced by P-3DP generally have a high duce monolithic ceramics, according to our definition. First
level of residual microporosity, whereas parts produced by of all, in technologies which make use of a high amount of
liquid-based processes (such as DIW and SL) can be almost polymeric binder, such as FDM, the debinding is potentially
dense after sintering. A clear example is given in Fig. 6, problematic for monolithic components. Even for DIW,
which shows HA scaffolds produced by P-3DP (a,b) and which uses a feedstock which is almost free of organics, the
DIW (c,d). stacking of filaments creates a textured structure which is far
The scaffold produced by P-3DP had only the presence of from that of a homogeneous ceramic monolith produced by
sintering necks between granules, leading to a high residual traditional ceramic technologies and this, as a consequence,
porosity,129 whereas the struts produced by DIW could be affects also the surface quality and the mechanical properties
sintered to much higher density, although complete densifica- of the printed part. As an example, which also illustrates the
tion was not achieved even in this case, as there was ~15% difference between AM technologies for ceramics in terms of
residual microporosity in the struts.115 As mentioned before, surface finish of the printed part, we show in Fig. 7 images
for specific applications such as TE, this strut microporosity of a zirconia impeller produced by SL [Fig. 7(a)] and of alu-
may be desirable, despite detrimentally affecting the mechani- mina crucibles [Fig. 7(b)] produced by Robocasting. Note
cal properties of the scaffold. that, with SL, a much smoother surface can be obtained,

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 6. SEM micrographs of hydroxyapatite scaffolds produced by: (a) and (b) powder-based 3D printing; (c) and (d) by direct ink writing.
1994 Journal of the American Ceramic Society—Zocca et al. Vol. 98, No. 7

(a) (b)

Fig. 7. Optical photographs of: (a) zirconia impeller produced by stereolithography (image courtesy of Lithoz Gmbh, Austria); (b) alumina
crucibles and labware produced by Robocasting (image courtesy of Joe Cesarano, Robocasting Enterprises, USA).

leading to parts with excellent strength. In the case of Robo- porosity; in this case, a gel-casting technique was employed
casting (and similarly for DIW and FDM), the surface qual- to improve the strength of the ceramic green body.135
ity depends on the diameter of the filament and diameters Bose et al. produced molds by FDM of a commercial
below 100 lm can be used.130, 131 The result is generally a thermoplastic polymer, which were subsequently impregnated
compromise between the desired quality and processing time. with TCP or Al2O3 slurries to produce porous scaffolds, and
Figure 7(b) also illustrates the surface texture that is created investigated the influence of the pore size (300–500 lm) and
by the deposition of filaments with a diameter ~200 lm. porosity (25%–45%) on in vitro cell tests.136 Guo et al.
We should also mention that it is possible to couple fila- instead produced polystyrene molds by SLS, which were then
ment-based AM technologies with computer numerical con- used as molds for PZT ceramic components obtained by gel-
trol machining that, at the same time, shapes the object and casting; the selection of the polymer and of the decomposi-
produces a good surface finish.5 In any case, the surface tex- tion thermal treatment is essential to avoid deformation of
ture is not always problematic, but since it is a specific char- the parts, which was instead observed when using molds pro-
acteristic of these extrusion-based technologies, it has to be duced by FDM of ABS polymer.137 Ortona et al. applied a
taken into account when designing a component. Conclud- technology (“Polyjet”) which dropwise deposits a photo-cur-
ing, extrusion-based AM technologies are particularly suit- able resin to produce a polymeric template possessing a com-
able for producing arrays of separate struts, but are not able plex, regular three-dimensional cellular structure.138 In this
to produce proper monolithic ceramics according to a most case, the polymeric template was coated with a SiC slurry
general definition. and after pyrolysis it was reactively infiltrated with molten Si
to generate RBSiC cellular structures with hollow struts.
Finally, Franchin et al. used FDM to fabricate polymeric
(3) Negative AM Technologies scaffolds which were infiltrated by a geopolymer slurry,
While most current research focuses on the use of AM tech- resulting in parts with different pore geometries.139
nologies that can directly produce ceramic components, nega-
tive replica methods are attractive because they can IV. Feasibility of AM Processing of Monolithic Ceramics
overcome at least some of the limitations in the physical,
As already mentioned, AM of dense monolithic ceramics is
functional, and geometrical characteristics of components
still a major challenge. The problem can be reduced down to
produced. In this approach, a sacrificial polymeric mold is
a few issues:
fabricated by AM and then, generally, impregnated with a
ceramic slurry. After polymer removal (by decomposition, 1. The superior physicochemical properties of advanced
burn-out or dissolution) and sintering, a ceramic component ceramics critically depend on their microstructure,
is obtained; however, infiltration is by itself a delicate process which is intrinsically linked to the particle packing of
especially for complex and lattice structures which are the the powder compact and the sintering schedule
ones taking the most advantage of AM technologies. The applied, as well as to their composition (e.g., presence
fabrication of molds by AM adds a step to the processing of sintering aids). Obtaining a green compact with the
route, but it allows the use of AM technologies for polymeric desired microstructure is far from trivial when using
materials, some of which are at a greater stage of develop- AM as an advanced shaping technology. From an eco-
ment compared to AM of ceramics, implying an easier pro- nomical perspective, this statement should be under-
cess and often better resolution and surface quality. We stood as a well-meant advice: the integration of AM
should also note that negative replica methods have been technologies into existing industrial ceramic production
long used for the casting of metals, by producing using AM is a prerequisite for making AM of ceramics reliable,
either a ceramic mold or a wax pattern for the investment high quality, and economically viable.
casting process.132 2. Advanced ceramics are generally produced from very
Almost every AM technology can be used to fabricate the fine powders showing a poor flowability. A good flow-
mold. Detsch et al. used a printer which deposits dropwise a ability is, however, required for the deposition of lay-
wax, and impregnated the wax mold with a HA slurry.133 ers in powder-based AM, such as P-3DP or P-SLS.
They also replicated a similar geometry by Robocasting, Spreading fine, submicrometer powders into thin layers
obtaining scaffolds with 44% porosity in the case of negative is very difficult to impossible. Furthermore, fine cera-
AM and 37% for the sample produced by Robocasting. In mic powders are prone to agglomeration and electro-
both cases, the pore size and strut diameter were 300 and static charging and, thus, do not pack well. Packing
500 lm, respectively, and the strut relative density reached densities of dry ceramic powders in a particle size
96% after sintering, indicating the two approaches are fully range from 20 to 100 lm are generally below 50% of
interchangeable. the theoretical density (typically between 25% and
A similar fabrication route was followed to produce by SL 45%).140 The density also depends on the particular
epoxy molds to generate TiO2/SiO2 diamond structures for layer spreading technology used, that is, blade, roller
application as photonic crystals.134 SL has also been used to etc. The use of ceramic suspensions or pastes, on the
produce resin molds for HA scaffolds with 50% geometrical other hand, enables deposition of very thin layers,
July 2015 Additive Manufacturing of Ceramics 1995

down to 10 lm thickness, and the use of finer particu- (a)

lates. After removal of the liquid phase or plastifier,
appreciably high densities can be achieved. However,
according to the state of the art, the majority of cera-
mic suspensions or pastes used as feedstock for AM
are based on a significant amount of organic binders
40 to 60 vol%.11, 60 The removal of organics remain-
ing as a residue in the produced compact is a well-
established process, but limitations are still existing
when it comes to monolithic structures exceeding cer-
tain wall thicknesses or volumes. Nonetheless, organic
plastifiers are favored because their rate of evaporation
can be very well adapted to the specific needs of the
particular AM process. In this context, one of the
most successful technologies is stereolithography (SL),
using ceramic slurries containing photosensitive resins
for the layerwise buildup of ceramic compacts. So far,
little work has been devoted to the development of (b)
AM processes for the deposition of thin layers using
water-based ceramic suspensions or pastes with low
organic content.70–72Slurries facilitate the use of pow-
ders with a size ranging from <100 nm to >100 lm,
and classical ceramic processing know-how can be
applied for their preparation. Moreover, interparticle
interactions can be very well controlled and the mobil-
ity of particles within the slurry enables their free set-
tling, both a prerequisite for an effective powder
packing. The high powder packing obtained by the
LSD process73 can be understood within the frame-
work of a model taking into account the forces acting
on each individual particle, as represented in the draw-
ing of Fig. 8. In the LSD process, a thin (typically
100 lm) layer of a water-based slurry is spread on pre-
viously deposited and dried layers forming the powder
bed.73 As soon as the slurry is brought into contact Fig. 8. Illustration of the forces acting on each individual particle
during layer deposition in: (a) slurry-based 3DP and SLS, (b) gas
with the surface of the powder bed, capillary forces
flow assisted powder deposition. Fg = mg, with m the mass of the
will draw the liquid phase of the slurry into its net- individual particle and g the gravitational constant, Fpp is the
work of pores [see Fig. 8(a)]. The concomitant mate- interparticle force, Fd the force induced by the flow field of the
rial flow drags the particles of the freshly deposited liquid or gaseous medium into the porous support, that is, the
layer into locations at the surface of the powder bed powder bed, and Ff the buoyancy in the suspension.
which are characterized by a maximum contact with
the already settled nearest-neighbor particles, accord-
ing to a random close packing assemblage. Further- powders (d50 = 17 lm).140 Compared to slurry-based
more, each individual particle has the chance to freely technologies, the low mobility of individual particles in
settle into this favored position, whereas the rest of the the dry-state is hindering their free settling to a closed
not yet settled adjacent particles, which are still float- packed configuration in the recoating process, irrespec-
ing in the suspension, do not hamper the settling pro- tive of the type of recoating unit used.
cess. The particle settling is basically dominated by the 3. Concerning ready-to-use parts, the first question must
three forces acting on each individual particle: be: can the sintering step be directly integrated into an
Fg = mg, with m the mass of the individual particle AM process? This would imply that sintering is
and g the gravitational constant, Fpp representing the achieved simultaneously to adding material. Sintering
interparticle force and Fd representing the force is a very delicate process step, as it ultimately defines
induced by the flow of the liquid medium into the por- the microstructure of the material, its final physico-
ous support, that is, the powder bed. In suspensions, chemical properties and also has a strong influence on
the buoyancy Ff must also be taken into consider- the parts geometry. Therefore, a technology allowing
ation. In case of AM processes using dry powders, Ff sintering during additive buildup of a ceramic part
and Fd do not exist, and flowing of particles in the with physical properties comparable to a convention-
layer deposition process is dominated by gravitational ally processed part is hard to envision. Based on the
and interparticle force. It is intuitively clear that for SLS technology, ceramic powders have been sintered
smaller particles the interparticle force will dominate, layer by layer by the local application of laser energy.
as the gravitational force scales as the third power of Different to conventional sintering, which works with
the particles diameter, whereas the particles surface, heating rates of some K at most up to some 10 K/min
responsible for the interparticle force, as the second and dwell times at maximum temperature in the range
power of the diameter. This, in turn, explains why of hours, the so called laser sintering is a shock ther-
small particles do not pack well when freely set- apy for the material which by far exceeds thermal gra-
tled.Figure 8(b) illustrates an alternative approach in dients that ceramic materials, with their typically poor
which a gas flow is established throughout the powder thermal shock resistance, can withstand. Accordingly,
bed. The effect of this gas flow is comparable to the densification of the powder to a nonporous material is
slip casting process, and has shown its potential for hardly achieved. From all the experimental work done
the deposition of fine powders (<20 lm particle size) in this direction, it can be concluded that short anneal-
with appreciable packing densities which, however, still ing times associated with a local laser irradiation
not exceed 45% TD when using commercial alumina can result in the bonding of particles by the in situ
1996 Journal of the American Ceramic Society—Zocca et al. Vol. 98, No. 7

formation of a liquid phase. In this context, two differ- ensured that the sintering activity of the powders used is not
ent laser annealing strategies are applied on the basis reduced in the AM process prior to the final sintering.
of existing laser systems. The first strategy maximizes We conclude this section, by discussing examples for clas-
the time the material is annealed at a certain position, sical manufacture and industrialized AM of ceramic parts.
and laser systems providing continuous laser radiation The first example illustrates how small series and single piece
are used. In the second strategy, lasers providing short production of ceramic parts using conventional technologies
pulses, typically of the order of some nanoseconds, are is a time-consuming and complex process, which, depending
used to apply extremely high radiation intensities. The on the particular geometry of the part, also consumes a lot
first approach aims to initiate, similarly to classical sin- of material. In Fig. 10, a housing structure of an avionic pod
tering, diffusion driven material transport and the for- camera, made from silicon nitride, is shown. The housing
mation of a liquid phase for consolidation of powder green body was machined from a green powder compact
particles.47 The second approach aims to produce a weighing ~130 kg, prepared by cold isostatic compaction of
liquid phase for a short time interval and, by the for- a silicon nitride powder. About 80% of the powder compacts
mation of an ablation plume, an additional force par- material has been removed in a subtractive manufacturing
allel to the surface normal resulting in a compression process, employing classical CAM/CAM machining technol-
and fusion of powder particles.49 ogy. The machining took seven days working round the
clock. In addition to extensive knowledge and experience in
The formation of a liquid phase is the only way to achieve
ceramics manufacture and processing, a powder compact
a rapid densification, which is fast enough to meet the
with an extremely homogeneous microstructure and powder
requirements of SLS technologies. In case an appreciable
packing density is a prerequisite to obtain a net-shape-sin-
densification is achieved, cracks are formed due to the high
tered body. This example is not uncommon for the ceramic
thermal gradients introduced into the material by the local
manufacturing industry. Companies specialized on the manu-
laser treatment.48, 58 To the best of our knowledge no dense
facture of individual complex ceramic parts receive hundreds
and crack free ceramic parts comprising multiple layers of
of orders per month with about 50% of them requesting new
deposited material could be produced by SLS or melting up
designs at an average lot size of 10–20. As already discussed,
to now. It is noteworthy to observe that postsintering of
the manufacture of suitable green powder compacts by AM
laser-sintered and not fully densified ceramic bodies not
technologies is still a challenge. Stereolithography might be
always leads to a significant additional densification. The
capable to provide homogeneous green bodies with a powder
local formation of a liquid phase during laser sintering
packing density sufficient for a complete densification during
results in extended structural defects in the sintered body,
sintering, but binder burn out would be extremely time-con-
such as larger pores and cracks, which cannot be removed
suming to impossible at such voluminous and compact struc-
during sintering even though the initial powders used provide
tures and, even worse, lower packing densities, as compared
a high sintering activity. Figure 9 compares the pore size dis-
to conventionally manufactured powder compacts, result in
tribution of a laser-sintered porcelain part with that of the
an enhanced sintering shrinkage, which significantly raises
powder bed from which it was generated through slurry-
the challenge to obtain net shape parts after sintering.
based selective laser sintering (S-SLS). In S-SLS, the powder
One the other hand, an example of a successful integration
bed has a density comparable to conventionally produced
of AM into an existing processing chain has been announced
green parts, that is, ~60%TD. However, it is clearly notice-
very recently.142 Schunk (Schunk GmbH, Lauffen/Neckar,
able in Fig. 9 that the laser treated material possesses large
Germany) has advanced its shaping technology for the produc-
residual pores, which would significantly reduce its sintering
tion of silicon-infiltrated, RBSiC components by using pow-
activity during a post-laser-sintering heat treatment.141
der-based 3D printing (P-3DP). With this new approach,
Furthermore, one must bear in mind, that sintering does
labeled IntrinSiCÒ (Schunk GmbH), large, complex, mono-
not only result in the densification of a powder compact, but
lithic ceramic components can be produced with a high degree
also determines the phase composition of the material. In
of design flexibility and short production lead times (see
this context, liquid phase formation might provide a route
Fig. 11). Additional advantages of this process, which derive
for the rapid densification of a powder compact, but not nec-
directly from the use of an AM technology, are: no time-con-
essarily result in the desired phase composition and, thus,
suming manufacturing going from patterns to molds (CAD-
does not result in the desired properties of the part gener-
data means parts immediately ready for manufacturing) and
ated. Alternatively, sintering could be a final treatment
design modification by the click of a mouse. From a ceramist
embedded in an AM process. This scenario, however, is basi-
point of view, the silicon-infiltrated silicon carbide material
cally a direct replication of the powder process chain for the
system is certainly very well suited for 3D printing, as the
manufacture of ceramics, in which shaping of a powder com-
residual porosity of the printed parts is of no concern, the par-
pact precedes sintering and, as already mentioned, it must be
ticle size of the SiC powders used ensures excellent flowability
and formation of defect-free layers, and there is almost no
shrinkage associated with sintering and silicon infiltration of
the printed powder compacts. Moreover, the binder infiltrating
the SiC powder in the printing process may add just the right
amount of reactive carbon required to form secondary SiC
after its pyrolysis during sintering and Si infiltration. Aside
from these obvious synergies between material system and AM
process, these green SiC powder compacts formed by 3D print-
ing do not require a special treatment before and during sinter-
ing. Printed parts can be processed the same way as compacts
formed by conventional technologies, such as slip casting and
isostatic compaction. Thus, not only the material system per-
fectly fits to the specific needs of 3D printing but, on top of
that, all criteria for a successful implementation of AM in an
existing processing chain are fulfilled. The striking advantage
of the implementation of 3D printing in a conventional pro-
Fig. 9. Pore size distribution of a laser-sintered part and the cessing chain is the combination of mass production of stan-
powder bed from which the part was generated through the S-SLS dardized products with exclusive small series production, as
process, measured by mercury intrusion porosimetry. well as single piece production. Except for 3D printing, all
July 2015 Additive Manufacturing of Ceramics 1997

Fig. 10. Complex housing structure of an avionic pod camera made from silicon nitride (image courtesy of FCT Ingenieurkeramik GmbH,
Germany). The camera housing was machined from a ~130 kg powder compact by employing classical CAD/CAM technology (lot size 25).

the latter not applicable to ceramics, as most ceramic materi-

als do not possess sufficient electron conductivity. The suc-
cess of AM of metals is also based on a broad base of
existing knowledge concerning the handling of metal powders
and laser material interactions for the important alloy sys-
tems in use in AM. For example, the study of laser material
interactions for similar processes, such as laser cladding, has
been long-standing, and there is a strong foundational and
multidisciplinary knowledge base from which to draw. The
alloys selected can be easily welded, making them very much
compatible with achieving defect-free microstructures during
AM. It is also important not to discount the commercial
availability of high quality metal powders in the appropriate
size ranges. With the wide use of powder metallurgy, laser
Fig. 11. Tube of a recuperative burner made by 3D printing of SiC cladding, and coating technologies, there is a built-in supplier
(image courtesy of Schunk Ingenieurkeramik GmbH, Germany). The base that can produce consistent powder sizes and chemis-
tube shown has a length of 900 mm, and its larger diameter is
320 mm. The material is silicon-infiltrated, reaction-bonded silicon
tries. This wide availability of feedstock material makes the
carbide (RBSiC), with a density of 3.05 g/cm3. powder-based AM for specific alloy systems more economical
than for different materials systems which are not as widely
used. From an economic relevancy, DED processes have a
equipment and know-how derives from existing and well- stronger economic argument, as they can provide product
established processes. repair and material grading capabilities that the powder bed
systems cannot get anywhere near close to. The DED process
has also much higher deposition rates, but with high deposi-
V. State of the Art of AM Technologies: Comparison
tion rates, the ability to produce fine features and internal
Between Ceramics and Metals
structures is not available. However, the most stringent limi-
As AM for metals has graduated to a rather mature technol- tation to the powder bed fusion processes is that the designs
ogy with an ever increasing industrial support and expanding are limited to a single material. The future in metallic sys-
applications, it is worth having a closer look into this tech- tems will be the ability to use multimaterial systems (metal/
nology. The hope is that we, as ceramists, would benefit from metal, functional grading, metal/plastic, metal/ceramic inter-
these successful experiences, and that a similar trend would faces), and the powder bed fusion systems will not be able to
occur also for ceramic AM technologies. produce these different material combinations.
Economically relevant technologies for metals are mostly From an historical perspective, the major advances that
based on powders, with a particle size range 5–50 lm. Metal have helped to mature AM of metals involve the develop-
wires are also used as feedstock in industrial equipment, with ment of improved enabling technologies. Energy sources, pri-
pastes or slurries currently of interest mainly to research lab- marily lasers but also e-beam devices, have been greatly
oratories.143 There are two basic AM processes which differ improved and made more reliable. The development and
in the ways to apply the powder during the build process: fielding of fiber laser systems and the integration of 1 lm
the powder bed fusion process, which includes the SLS/SLM wavelength lasers has probably done more to advance the
processes, and directed energy deposition (DED), which technology than anything else. In addition, process controls,
includes the LENS process.143 In terms of the powder bed motion control systems, and others, such as computer sys-
processes, their widespread use for metals derives from wel- tems, have finally caught up with the process.
dability of the materials systems. Whether they are called The primary market currently driving AM for metals is
SLS or SLM processes, the metal feedstock is melted and the aerospace market. After aerospace, biomedical and
completely fused, resulting in a theoretically dense compo- energy related applications have, at this stage, the greatest
nent, or at least higher than 99% of the reference density. potential. As for the automotive industry, most of the mar-
The energy for fusing the powder can be provided by two ket demand will be for relatively low-scale applications,
different types of energy sources, laser or electron beam, with where complexity or cost is driving innovation. There is also
1998 Journal of the American Ceramic Society—Zocca et al. Vol. 98, No. 7

a market driver for other uncommon materials. One in par- particle size distribution and homogeneous particle
ticular that is receiving attention is refractory metals. The packing density;
selection of AM as a process for fabricating aerospace com- 2. cost-effective AM of high quality dense monolithic
ponents was primarily based on the weight ratio between the ceramic parts must follow the powder processing route
raw material used for a component and the weight of the of classical ceramic manufacturing;
component itself. This so called “buy-to-fly” ratio can be as 3. the more classical powder processing know-how can
high as 15–20 for flying components, adding a lot of cost to be implemented into AM of ceramics, the higher the
the component for material and machining. Most of the quality of parts and more cost-effective the manufac-
materials selected are expensive feedstock materials, and their turing process will be;
development for AM was primarily based on the need to 4. AM technologies capable of providing powder com-
replace expensive forgings and castings that were largely pacts with appropriate particle size distribution and
machined away before being put into service. AM enables homogeneous, high particle packing density and with
“buy-to-fly” ratios of nearly 1. On the other hand, the design maximum freedom in design will be economically the
freedom granted by AM processes has largely not yet been most successful. Until this goal is reached, the success-
exploited. ful implementation of AM technologies for ceramics at
The choice of technology to directly fabricate parts an industrial scale will be limited to a few specific
depends on the application and the material. Compared to material systems and component geometries.
AM of metals, the current limitations in AM of ceramics are 5. AM technologies capable of producing complex cera-
not the availability of starting materials for the production mic parts with very fine (from micro down to the
of the feedstock or motion control and computer systems. nano-size scale) filigree but dense lattice structures
Ceramic powders with a wide range of characteristics are (struts) will hold an outstanding position within all
commercially available for almost all ceramic systems. There AM technologies, as ceramic materials are thermody-
is also a great interest from the market for ceramic parts that namically more stable than metals and polymers. In
are additively manufactured. Molds used for forming ceramic this context, PDCs can be considered as an enabling
bodies are expensive and require thousands of parts to be technology.
produced before becoming competitive and cost-efficient. The 6. the bioceramic market is currently driving, and will
marked demands single piece and small series production continue to drive, the development of AM of ceramics,
with a lot size typically in the range between 10 and 20 parts, followed by the advanced ceramics and silicate ceram-
which requires CAD/CAM processing and machining of ics markets.
ceramic green bodies. Single piece and small series produc- 7. AM of ready-to-use ceramic parts will remain a chal-
tion perfectly suited AM, which, moreover, provides a much lenge, and technical solutions for the manufacture of
higher degree of freedom in design. dense monolithic ceramic parts will likely significantly
Despite the larger number of AM technologies suitable for deviate from the powder processing route of classical
processing ceramics, each with its strengths and limitations, ceramic manufacturing.
the main problem seems to lie in the coupling of a specific
AM technology with the formulation of a proper feedstock
that would enable, in particular, the fabrication of dense Acknowledgments
ceramic parts with optimal properties (density, mechanical
The authors gratefully acknowledge the generous assistance and valuable
strength, surface finish, etc.). information provided by Todd Palmer (Pennsylvania State University) on
additive manufacturing of metals and of Thomas Mühler (Clausthal University
of Technology) on additive manufacturing of ceramics.
VI. Future Developments
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Andrea Zocca graduated from the waste. He is a member of the Engineering Ceramics Division
University of Padova, where he since 1992.
obtained his Bachelor’s and Master’s
degrees in 2009 and 2011, respec-
tively. Since then, he worked at
BAM, Federal institute for materials Cynthia M. Gomes is research scien-
research and testing in Berlin, and at tist at the BAM, Federal Institute for
the University of Padova in the Materials Research and Testing in
frame of a co-tutored doctoral degree Berlin, Germany. She received her
between the University of Padova Diploma in Materials Science and
and Clausthal University of Technology. After his expected Engineering from the Federal Univer-
defence in June 2015, he will obtain an Adolf Martens post- sity of Paraiba, Brazil, with M.Sc.
doctoral fellowship at BAM. His main research interests are and Ph.D. in Materials Science and
in the field of additive manufacturing of ceramic materials, Engineering both from the Federal
particularly technical ceramics, and the application of addi- University Santa Catarina, Brazil.
tive manufacturing to preceramic polymers. After working as guest visitor scientist and a two-year post
doctorate at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg she has
Paolo Colombo is a professor at the joined the BAM. At the Division for Ceramic Processing and
University of Padova. He graduated Biomaterials she has been working mainly in the field of
from the University of Padova with additive manufacturing of ceramic materials, co-working also
a degree in chemical engineering in on national and international (DIN, ISO) groups for stan-
1985. Previously, he was an assistant dardization of these technologies.
professor at the University of Padova
and an associate professor at the
University of Bologna. He is also an Jens G€ unster is head of division
adjunct professor in the Department “Ceramic Processing and Biomater-
of Materials Science and Engineer- ials” at the Federal Institute for Mate-
ing, Pennsylvania State University, a rials Research and Testing (BAM) in
visiting professor in the Department Berlin and a professor at Clausthal
of Mechanical Engineering of University College London, a University of Technology. He grad-
member of the World Academy of Ceramics, a member of uated from Clausthal University of
the EPSRC Peer Review College and has been elected to Technology with a degree in physics
Fellow of the American Ceramic Society and of the Institute 1995. He has worked as an Alexander
of Materials, Minerals and Mining. In 2015, he is a Foreign von Humboldt Fellow with Ryutaro
Scientist at INSA, Lyon, and in 2016 he will be a DGF Souda at NIMS in Tsukuba, Japan, and as a postdoctoral fel-
Mercator professor at the Technical University Freiberg, low with Wayne D. Goodman at Texas A&M, USA. As a
Germany. He was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship for the research assistant of J€
urgen G. Heinrich he received his Venia
Pennsylvania State University in 1991, the 2007 Pfeil Award, Legendi in Materials Physics from Clausthal University of
the 2010 Global Star Award, the 2011 Edward C. Henry Technology in 2002 and joined 2003 the International Center
Award and the 2013 Verulam Medal & Prize. He is in the for Young Scientists ICYS at NIMS as visiting member. From
editorial board of 11 international scientific journals, and an 2008 to 2010 he worked as laser and glass specialist for Oerli-
Associate Editor of JACS. His current research interests kon Solar in Switzerland. He is board member of the German
include novel processing routes to porous glasses and ceram- Ceramic Society (DKG) and Associate Editor of the Journal
ics (including 3D printing), the development of ceramic com- of Ceramic Science and Technology. His current research
ponents from preceramic polymers and geopolymers, and the interests include functional materials, laser processing and
vitrification and reuse of hazardous industrial and natural additive manufacturing of ceramics.

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