Appendix A: Guidelines For The Development of The Business Plan
Appendix A: Guidelines For The Development of The Business Plan
Appendix A: Guidelines For The Development of The Business Plan
32 Part 1 Business in a Changing World
Operational Issues. How will you make or business. This must include startup costs, opening ex-
provide your product? Location rationale, facility type, penses, and estimation of cash inflows and outflows. A
leasing considerations, and sources of suppliers need to breakeven analysis should be included and an explana-
be detailed. Software/hardware requirements necessary tion of your expected financial expenditures.
to maintain operations must be determined.
Human Resources Requirement. Num-
ber and description of personnel needed, including re-
alistic required education and skills.
Phase 3: Oral Presentation
Financial Projections. Statement of cash Specific separate guidelines on the oral presentation
flows must be prepared for the first 12 months of the will be provided.