IC Temperature Sensor Provides Thermocouple Cold-Junction Compensation
IC Temperature Sensor Provides Thermocouple Cold-Junction Compensation
IC Temperature Sensor Provides Thermocouple Cold-Junction Compensation
National Semiconductor
IC Temperature Sensor Application Note 225
Michael X. Maida
Provides Thermocouple April 1979
Introduction acteristic differs from that of an ideal thermocouple and has
nothing to do with nonlinearity. Tolerance is typically ± 3⁄4% of
Due to their low cost and ease of use, thermocouples are still reading for J, K, and T types or ± 1⁄2% for S and R types, so
a popular means for making temperature measurements up that a measurement of 1000˚C may be off by as much as
to several thousand degrees centigrade. A thermocouple is 7.5˚C. Special wire is available with half this error guaran-
made by joining wires of two different metals as shown in teed.
Figure 1. The output voltage is approximately proportional to
Additional error can be introduced by the compensation
the temperature difference between the measuring junction
circuitry. For perfect compensation, the compensation circuit
and the reference junction. This constant of proportionality is
must match the output of an ice-point-referenced thermo-
known as the Seebeck coefficient and ranges from 5 µV/˚C
couple at ambient. It is difficult to match the thermocouple’s
to 50 µV/˚C for commonly used thermocouples.
nonlinear voltage vs. temperature characteristic with a linear
absolute temperature sensor, so a “best fit” linear approxi-
mation must be made. In Figure 2 this nonlinearity is plotted
as a function of temperature for several thermocouple types.
The K type is the most linear, while the S type is one of the
least linear. When using an absolute temperature sensor for
cold-junction compensation, compensation error is a func-
tion of both thermocouple nonlinearity and also the variation
in ambient temperature, since the straight-line approximation
to the thermocouple characteristic is more valid for small
FIGURE 1. Thermocouple
varying composition of the wire material. Note that this tol- beck coefficient of the thermocouple. The LM329B and its
erance states how much the voltage vs. temperature char-
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Circuit Description (Continued)
A circuit for use with grounded thermocouples is shown in follows: first short out the LM329B, the LM335 and the
Figure 4. If dual supplies are available, this circuit is prefer- thermocouple. Measure the output voltage (equal to the
able to that of Figure 3 since it achieves similar performance input offset voltage times the voltage gain). Then apply a 50
with fewer low TC resistors. To trim, short out the LM329B mV input voltage and adjust the GAIN ADJUST pot until the
and adjust R5 so that Vo = < 5˚C T, where < 5˚C is the output voltage is 12.25V above the previously measured
Seebeck coefficient of the thermocouple and T is the abso- value. Next, short out the thermocouple again and remove
lute temperature. Remove the short and adjust R4 so that Vo the short across the LM335. Adjust the TC ADJUST pot so
equals the thermocouple output voltage at ambient. A good that the output voltage equals 10 mV/˚K times the absolute
grounding system is essential here, for any ground differen- temperature. Finally, remove the short across the LM329B
tial will appear in series with the thermocouple output. and adjust the ZERO ADJUST pot so that the output voltage
An electronic thermometer with a 10 mV/˚C output from 0˚C equals 10 mV/˚C times the ambient temperature in ˚C.
to 1300˚C is seen in Figure 5. The trimming procedure is as
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Circuit Description (Continued)
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Circuit Description (Continued)
All fixed resistors ± 1%, 25 ppm/˚C unless otherwise indicated.
A1 should be a low drift type such as LM308A or LH0044C. See text.
The error over a 0˚C to 1300˚C range due to thermocouple Construction Hints
nonlinearity is only 2.5% maximum. Table 1 shows the error
due to thermocouple nonlinearity as a function of tempera- The LM335 must be held isothermal with the thermocouple
ture. This error is under 1˚C for 0˚C to 300˚C but is as high reference junction for proper compensation. Either of the
as 17˚C over the entire range. This may be corrected with a techniques of Figure 6a or Figure 6b may be used.
nonlinear shaping network. If the output is digitized, correc- Hermetic ICs use Kovar leads which output 35 µV/˚C refer-
tion factors can be stored in a ROM and added in via enced to copper. In the circuit of Figure 5, the low level
hardware or software. thermocouple output is connected directly to the op amp
The major cause of temperature drift will be the input offset input. To avoid this from causing a problem, both input leads
voltage drift of the op amp. The LM308A has a specified of the op amp must be maintained at the same temperature.
maximum offset voltage drift of 5 µV/˚C which will result in a This is easily achieved by terminating both leads to identi-
1˚C error for every 8˚C change in ambient. Substitution of an cally sized copper pads and keeping them away from ther-
LH0044C with its 1 µV/˚C maximum offset voltage drift will mal gradients caused by components that generate signifi-
reduce this error to 1˚C per 40˚C. If desired, this temperature cant heat.
drift can be trimmed out with only one temperature cycle by
following the procedure detailed in Appendix B.
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Construction Hints (Continued)
*Has no effect on measurement.
TABLE 1. Nonlinearity Error of Thermometer Using Type K Thermocouple (Scale Factor 25.47˚C/µV)
˚C Error (˚C) ˚C Error (˚C)
10 −0.3 200 −0.1
20 −0.4 210 −0.2
30 −0.4 220 −0.4
40 −0.4 240 −0.6
50 −0.3 260 −0.5
60 −0.2 280 −0.4
70 0 300 −0.1
80 0.2 350 1.2
90 0.4 400 2.8
100 0.6 500 7.1
110 0.8 600 11.8
120 0.9 700 15.7
130 0.9 800 17.6
140 0.9 900 17.1
150 0.8 1000 14.0
160 0.7 1100 8.3
170 0.5 1200 −0.3
180 0.3 1300 −13
190 0.1
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Construction Hints (Continued) the thermocouple function with a straight line and determine
< 5˚C from the line’s slope for the temperature range of
Before trimming, all components should be stabilized. A interest. On a graph, the error of the line approximation is
24-hour bake at 85˚C is usually sufficient. Care should be easily visible as the vertical distance between the line and
taken when trimming to maintain the temperature of the the nonlinear function. Thermocouple nonlinearity is not so
LM335 constant, as body heat nearby can introduce signifi- gross, so that a numerical error calculation is better than the
cant errors. One should either keep the circuit in moving air graphical approach.
or house it in a box, leaving holes for the trimpots. Most thermocouple functions have positive curvature, so
that a linear approximation with minimum mean-square error
Conclusion will intersect the function at two points. As a first cut, one can
Two circuits using the LM335 for thermocouple cold-junction pick these points at the 1⁄3 and 2⁄3 points across the ambient
compensation have been described. With a single room temperature range. Then calculate the difference between
temperature calibration, these circuits are accurate to ± 3⁄4˚C the linear approximation and the thermocouple. (Note 2) This
over a 0˚C to 70˚C temperature range using J or K type error will usually then be a maximum at the midpoint and
thermocouples. In addition, a thermocouple amplifier using endpoints of the temperature range. If the error becomes too
an LM335 for cold-junction compensation has been de- large at either temperature extreme, one can modify the
scribed for which worst case error can be as low as 1˚C per slope or the intercept of the line. Once the linear approxima-
40˚C change in ambient. tion is found that minimizes error over the temperature
range, use its slope as the Seebeck coefficient value when
designing a cold-junction compensator.
Appendix A An example of this procedure for a type S thermocouple is
Determination of Seebeck shown in Table 2. Note that picking the two intercepts (zero
Coefficient error points) close together results in less error over a nar-
rower temperature range.
Because of the nonlinear relation of output voltage vs. tem- Note 2: A collection of thermocouple tables useful for this purpose is found
perature for a thermocouple, there is no unique value of its in the Omega Temperature Measurement Handbook published by Omega
Seebeck coefficient < 5˚C. Instead, one must approximate Engineering, Stamford, Connecticut.
Note 3: Error is the difference between linear approximation and actual thermocouple output in µV. To convert error to ˚C, divide by Seebeck coefficient.
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IC Temperature Sensor Provides Thermocouple Cold-Junction Compensation
Appendix B Technique for LM329B) and op amp offset drift. Performance will be limited
only by TC nonlinearities and measurement accuracy.
Trimming Out Offset Drift (Continued)
Next, short out the LM329B and adjust the TC ADJ pot so References
that VOUT = (20 mV/˚K − β) x 298˚K at 25˚C. Now remove the R. C. Dobkin, “Low Drift Amplifiers,” National Semiconductor
short across the LM329B and adjust the ZERO ADJUST pot LB-22, June 1973.
so that VOUT = 246 mV at 25˚C (246 times the 25˚C output
Carl T. Nelson, “Super Matched Bipolar Transistor Pair Sets
of an ice-point-referenced thermocouple).
New Standards for Drift and Noise,” National Semiconductor
This procedure compensates for all sources of drift, includ- AN-222, February 1979.
ing resistor TC, reference drift ( ± 20 ppm/˚C maximum for the
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