Laborator 7: Development and Integration of Information Systems
Laborator 7: Development and Integration of Information Systems
Laborator 7: Development and Integration of Information Systems
and integration of
Laborator 7
Sprint 1
(Week 1- Stand Up Meeting)
1. For each task assigned, the responsible team member will create one
corresponding GIT branch (from master) specifying the task number and a short
Create new branch in Gitlab with : “feature/TaskNumber”
Move to the newly created branch, locally by using in Git bash:
➢ git pull
➢ git checkout feature/TaskNumber
Task Development (Step 2)
2. Start developing… The code developed (GIT commits ) will be pushed only on
this branch
Add , Commit and Push the local changes to the remote branch
➢ git add .
➢ git commit -m “short description of your work "
➢ git push origin feature/TaskNumber
Task Development (Step 3)
3. When the task is done the code will be reviewed and if everything
is ok, the branch will be merged in the master branch
In your branch you need to merge the last master updates (synchronize your branch with the
latest modifications from the master branch, if any)
!!! Be careful not to loose your work in the process, in case the merge conflicts are not handled
o Get locally the latest modifications from master
➢ git pull origin master
o Move back to your branch
➢ git checkout feature/TaskNumber
o Merge into your branch the modifications brought from master
➢ git merge master
o Fix all the conflicts
o Commit and Push your fix to the upstream :
➢ git commit –a –m “short description of the merge"
➢ git push origin feature/TaskNumber Ref:
Task Development (Step 3 cntd)
3. When the task is done the code will be reviewed and if everything is ok, the
branch will be merged in the master branch (cntd)
Once your branch is merged with the modification from the master branch, from your
branch create a Merge Request, and assign your Scrum Master (or another team
member as a reviewer)
The reviewer can choose to accept or deny the request
On Accept, the branch will be merged in Master branch (the developer should check that
after the merge in master the task is still functioning correctly => run your code from the master
On Reject, the reviewer should specify the problems and what should be fixed before a new
Merge Request is issued
Task Development (Step 4)
Team Member What did you do in the previous week? What will you do next week? Roadblocks
Ion Popescu … … …
George Ionescu … … …
Platform: Gitlab
1. The Branches corresponding to the tasks marked “In Progress” or further on the
Sprint Board, should be visible in Gitlab.
2. Create a PDF document per team, containing the Stand-Up Meeting Overview for
the first week of Sprint 1.