Influence of Spacing and Fertilizer Levels On The Leaf Nutrient Contents of Bhendi (Abelmoschus Esculentus L. Moench) Under Drip Fertigation System
Influence of Spacing and Fertilizer Levels On The Leaf Nutrient Contents of Bhendi (Abelmoschus Esculentus L. Moench) Under Drip Fertigation System
Influence of Spacing and Fertilizer Levels On The Leaf Nutrient Contents of Bhendi (Abelmoschus Esculentus L. Moench) Under Drip Fertigation System
Field experiments were conducted during 2010 to 2012 to study the effect of spacing and fertilizer levels
on the leaf nutrient contents of Bhendi (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) under drip fertigation
system at Horticultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore.
The treatments consisted two spacings (M1-60 x 45 cm and M2 - 60 x 30 cm) and eight drip fertigation
levels. The study revealed that drip fertigation at 125% recommended dose of fertilizers (250:125:125 kg
NPK/ha) as water soluble fertilizer combined with Azophosmet (0.5% at750 ml/ha) and humic acid (0.4%
at2.5 litre/ha) under wider spacing registered the highest leaf nutrient status like nitrogen (2.31%),
phosphorus (0.53%), potassium (1.33%), calcium (0.59%), magnesium (1.46%), zinc (45.55 ppm),
manganese (102.81 ppm) and boron content (16.70 ppm), whereas, the leaf copper content (22.31 ppm)
was the highest under 100% recommended dose of fertilizers as water soluble fertilizer combination with
Azophosmet and humic acid under wider spacing.
Key words: Spacing, fertilizer levels, Bhendi, drip fertigation, leaf nutrients.
Bhendi (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) is an per unit area by adjusting the spacing levels in bhendi crop
important vegetable crop belonging to the family unlike in normal spacing the plants grown in closer spacing
Malvaceae. It is also referred as ladies finger or okra. It is exhibited more vertical growth but give less yield and poor
an annual vegetable crop and generally propagated quality for need of sufficient space, light, nutrient and moisture
through seeds. It is a cheap and nutritious vegetable. due to heavier plant population pressure (Dhanraj et al.,
Hundred grams of consumable unripe bhendi contains 2001). Whereas the plants grown in the wider spacing
10.4 g dry matter, 3100 calories of energy, 1.8 g protein, exhibit more horizontal and continuous vegetative growth
90 mg calcium, 110 mg iron, 0.1 mg carotene, 0.01 mg due to less population pressure per unit area but they
thiamine, 0.08 mg riboflavin, 0.08 mg niacin and 18 mg also give less yield per unit area (Anilkumar, 2004).
vitamin C (Thamburaj and Narendra, 2001). The dry However the plants grown under normal spacing will
seeds contain 13 to 22% edible oil and 20 to 24% protein. have optimum population density per unit area which
It is essential to provide optimum plant population density provides optimum conditions for luxuriant crop growth
and better plant canopy area due to maximum light S4 - Drip fertigation with WSF at 100% RDF, S5 - Drip fertigation
interception, photosynthetic activity, assimilation and with SF at 125% RDF + Azophosmet + Humic acid, S6 - Drip
fertigation with SF at 100% RDF + Azophosmet + Humic acid, S 7 -
accumulation of more photosynthates into plant system and
Drip fertigation with SF at 75% RDF + Azophosmet + Humic acid,
hence they produce more yields with best quality traits S8 - Drip fertigation with SF at 100% RDF.
(Mazumdar et al., 2007). Similar to spacing, judicious In WSF 100% NPK application through drip fertigation system. In
application of balanced and adequate nutrients play vital SF 100% phosphorus applied as basal and 100% nitrogen and
role in deciding the ultimate success of yield and quality potassium applied through drip fertigation. The water soluble
of bhendi crop by realizing higher yield and the best fertilizer sources for supplying NPK through drip irrigation were
urea, poly feed, MAP and Multi-k. The straight fertilizer sources for
quality. supplying nitrogen and potassium through drip irrigation were urea
The growth, yield and quality of crop are largely and MOP and the 100% phosphorus applied as SSP as basal. Leaf
influenced by the fertility status of the soil (or) soil fertility nutrient contents viz., Nitrogen, Phosphorus. Potassium, Calcium,
status apart from genetic potential of the variety. Altering Magnesium, Copper, Manganese, Zinc, Iron and Boron was
the soil nutrients and fertility status by providing balanced estimated by the following methods.
and adequate major nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus
and potassium as per the crop requirement is one of the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
easiest way to boost up crop productivity of bhendi. Since
the interception in the supply of major nutrients even for a Efficient use of fertilizers in any crop plant was necessary
brief period is determined by pattern of crop growth and for optimum growth and yield. So knowledge about the
development which may produce less yield and poor availability of nutrients in the soil is very essential.
quality and it cannot be corrected or altered at later A clear understanding of specific nutrient requirement of
stages of the crop growth even by supplying with heavier the crop during various stages of growth will substantially
doses of major nutrients (Dwivedi et al., 2002). It is reduce the possible wastage of applied nutrients and
estimated that losses of water and applied nutrients in the improve both potentiality of the plant and nutrient use
conventional method of usage of water and fertilizers are efficiency. During vegetative stage, the plant vigorously
more than 30 to 40%. absorbs nutrients to build up the plant framework
So, there is a need for proper fertigation management in (Pflunger and Mengel, 1972). Plant analysis serves as an
order to ensure maximum crop productivity. It is well known elegant tool for understanding the growth and physiology
that organic manures, inorganic fertilizers and biofertilizers of the plant at various growth stages (Hartz and
are essential to increase the yield of vegetable crops. Hochmuth, 1996).
Therefore, it is imperative that the judicious combinations Among the spacing, leaf nitrogen content was higher at
of chemical fertilizers, organics as well as biofertilizers wider spacing. At vegetative stage, the content was
are to be utilized properly and effectively not only as higher (Tables 1 and 2). The mean leaf nitrogen content
source of the nutrients but also for increasing nutrient use was higher in wider spacing (M1) and it was 1.83%,
efficiency without adversely disturbing the soil health. whereas in closer spacing (M2) it was 1.45%. Among the
With this context, this research will closely monitor the different levels of drip fertigation, the 125%
leaf nutrient content of hybrid bhendi under different recommended dose of fertilizers as water soluble fertilizer
doses of fertilizers and spacing by utilizing drip along with Azophosmet and humic acid (S1) registered
fertigation. This research will also offer information on the maximum leaf nitrogen content (2.17%), whereas the
spatial variations in relation to drip fertigation system. minimum leaf nitrogen content was registered in 75%
recommended dose of fertilizers as straight fertilizer
along with Azophosmet and humic acid, S7 (1.10%) at
vegetative stage. The interaction effect was maximum in
A field trial to study the influence of fertilizer levels and spacing on the 125% recommended dose of fertilizers as water
the leaf nutrient contents of Bhendi (A. esculentus L. Moench) soluble fertilizer with Azophosmet and humic acid (M1S1)
under drip fertigation system was conducted at Thoppur village in which showed the maximum value (2.31%) under wider
Dharmapuri district of Tamil Nadu, India during Rabi 2010 to 2012 spacing, whereas the minimum interaction effect was
and Summer 2011. The experiment was laid out in split plot design
observed in M2S7 (1.02%) in closer spacing at vegetative
(SPD) with three replications. Recommended dose of fertilizers –
(NPK at 200:100:100 kg/ha), liquid bio inoculant (Azophosmet at 0.5%) stage. The leaf nitrogen content was higher at vegetative
at 750 ml/ha, liquid bio stimulant (Humic acid at 0.4%) at 2.5 litre/ha at 15 stage and declined thereafter. Increased nitrogen content
and 30 DAS through drip irrigation. Bio inoculant and bio stimulant were in different plant parts are due to the higher availability in
purchased from the Department of Agricultural Microbiology, Tamil Nadu the root zone, uptake and accumulation of nitrogen,
Agricultural University. The treatments consisted of two levels of which may take place gradually with the advancement of
spacing in main plots and eight levels of drip fertigation in sub plots.
The treatments consisted spacing of M1 (60 x 45 cm) and M2 (60 x
crop growth phase.
30 cm), drip fertigation levels of S1 - Drip fertigation with WSF at Similar findings were also reported by Colla et al.
125% RDF + Azophosmet + Humic acid, S2 - Drip fertigation with (2001) and Umamaheswarappa et al. (2005). The
WSF at 100% RDF + Azophosmet + Humic acid, S3 - Drip principle physiological function of humic acid is that it
fertigation with WSF at 75% RDF + Azophosmet + Humic acid, reduces the oxygen deficiency in plants which result in
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Table 1. Effect of spacing and fertilizer levels on the nutrient content (N, P, K, Ca and Mg) of Bhendi under drip fertigation system.
uptake of larger amount of nitrogen reported by maximum leaf phosphorus content (0.37%) was was found (0.23%) in M2S7 in the closer spacing
Bhuma (2001) and Kandasamy (1985). The very observed and in the closer spacing (M2) the at flowering stage. This finding was in accordance
high ion exchange capacity of humates may bring minimum leaf phosphorus content was 0.35% at with Balasubramanian (2008).
about better utilization of applied nitrogen by flowering stage. Different levels of drip fertigation The application with humic acid recorded the
making the nitrogen available in root zone (Seitz, showed significant differences. Application of highest level of phosphorus content at the
1960; Virghine, 2003). Another reason for 125% recommended dose of fertilizers as water flowering stage of the crop growth. The nutrients
enhanced nitrogen content may be the acid soluble fertilizer along with Azophosmet and present in humic acid might have increased the
functionality of humic acid, which stimulated the humic acid (S1) registered the maximum leaf synthesis of cytokinin and auxin in the root
nitrate uptake by the plants. Humic substances phosphorus content of 0.50%, whereas the tissues, which would have resulted in the better
would have induced the activities of enzymes minimum leaf phosphorus content was registered mobilization of assimilates from the source.
such as invertase and nitrate reductase and in 75%recommended dose of fertilizers as straight Similar findings were recorded by Ken (2000) in
thereby helped in increased assimilation of fertilizer along with Azophosmet and humic acid, onion.
nitrogen by plants (Ferretti et al., 1991). S7 (0.24%) at flowering stage. The maximum Potassium being a protoplasmic factor is an
Phosphorus plays key role in the plants energy interaction effect was found in 125%recommended essential plant nutrient. Many enzymes are
transfer system. The data on leaf phosphorus as dose of fertilizers as water soluble fertilizer along activated by potassium and potassium is also
influenced by spacing and different levels of drip with Azophosmet and humic acid (M1S1) under involved in photo and oxidative phosphorylation
fertigation. Under wider spacing (M1), the wider spacing (0.53%). The lower interaction effect thus augmenting the energy required for pod
Rajaraman and Pugalendhi 6347
Table 2. Effect of spacing and fertilizer levels on the nutrient content (micro nutrients) of Bhendi under drip fertigation system.
growth (Ghanta and Mitra, 1993). The results M2S7 in closers pacing (0.84%) at flowering stage. noticed at 75% recommended dose of fertilizers as
showed that both spacings and fertilizer levels Fontes et al. (2000) and Dangler and Lacascio straight fertilizer with Azophosmet and humic acid
had significant variation on leaf potassium. Under (1990) opined that application of N and K in (S7) with 0.35%. The maximum interaction effect
the wider spacing (M1) at flowering stage the leaf combination with drip irrigation increased the was found in 125% recommended dose of
potassium content was found maximum (1.07%), potassium content and yield by the way of fertilizers as water soluble fertilizer along with
whereas in closer spacing (M2) the leaf potassium maximizing the mobility of the nutrients around the Azophosmet and humic acid (M1S1) under wider
content was found minimum (1.02%). Application root zone. These results were in agreement with spacing (0.59%). The lower interaction effect was
of 125% recommended dose of fertilizers as water those obtained by Kavitha (2005) in tomato. found (0.33%) in M2S7 under closer spacing at
soluble fertilizer along with Azophosmet and The different levels of drip fertigation showed vegetative stage. The improved content of calcium
humic acid (S1) registered the maximum leaf significant differences. Under wider spacing (M1) leaf by the highest amount of nutrients along with
potassium content (1.29%), whereas the Ca content was maximum with 0.48%, whereas in humic acid may be attributed to (i) complexation
treatment S7 registered the minimum leaf closer spacing (M2) the leaf Ca content was found of calcium by various functional groups of humic
potassium content (0.86%) at flowering stage. minimum (0.43%) and which was observed at acid, (ii) altered membrane permeability of humic
The interaction effect was found maximum vegetative stage (Table 3). At vegetative stage, leaf acid, which allows active nutrient uptake process
(1.33%) in M1S1 (125% recommended dose of Ca content was the maximum at 125% and (iii) enhanced cuticle and cell membrane
fertilizers as water soluble fertilizer along with recommended dose of fertilizers as water soluble penetration. Similar results were obtained by
Azophosmet and humic acid) under the wider fertilizer along with Azophosmet and humic acid (S1) David et al. (1994) and Virgine (2003) in tomato.
spacing, whereas the interaction effect was low in with 0.57%. The minimum leaf Ca content was Among the spacings, the wider spacing (M1)
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Table 3. Methods of chemical analysis on the nutrient contents of Bhendi under drip fertigation system.
recorded maximum leaf Mg content of 1.28%, whereas in ppm. The minimum leaf Fe content was registered in the
closer spacing (M2) the leaf Mg content was found treatment applied with 75% recommended dose of
minimum (1.20%) and was observed at flowering stage. fertilizers as straight fertilizer with Azophosmet and humic
Considering the treatments and stage of growth, the acid (S7) with values of 238.44 ppm. The interaction effect
treatment S1 (125% recommended dose of fertilizers as showed non-significant variation among the spacing and
water soluble fertilizer plus Azophosmet and humic acid) drip fertigation treatments. Enhanced solubilisation and
recorded the maximum leaf Mg content of 1.41%. The increased extractability of iron and reduction of non-
minimum leaf Mg content was noticed at 75% available higher oxidase forms to available form may
recommended dose of fertilizers as straight fertilizer with account for its increased iron content. The results of the
Azophosmet and humic acid (S7) with 1.07% at flowering present study are in accordance with the findings of
stage. The maximum interaction effect was found in 125% Dursun et al. (1999) in tomato and Demir et al. (1999) in
recommended dose of fertilizers as water soluble fertilizer cucumber.
along with Azophosmet and humic acid (M1S1) under wider All the drip fertigation treatments had significant
spacing (1.46%). The lower interaction effect was found influence on leaf Zn content. Among the different drip
(1.03%) in M2S7 in the closer spacing at flowering stage. fertigation treatments, the leaf Zn content was maximum
This may be due to altered membrane permeability by under wider spacing (M1) with 37.07 ppm than under
nutrients, which would have allowed higher nutrient closer spacing (M2). The leaf Zn content was minimum
absorption process and enhanced the cuticle and cell with 34.84 ppm at flowering stage (Table 3). Application
membrane penetration Singh et al. (1995) humic acid by of 125% recommended dose of fertilizers as water
the formation of complex compounds with magnesium soluble fertilizer in combination with Azophosmet and
probably would have played a decisive role in the humic acid (S1) recorded the maximum leaf Zn content of
transport of magnesium in tissues (Mylona and McCants, 43.06 ppm, whereas the minimum leaf Zn content was
1980). Similar findings were reported by Pal and registered in the treatment applied with 75%
Sengupta (1985) and David et al. (1994). recommended dose of fertilizers as straight fertilizer with
All the drip fertigation treatments had significant Azophosmet and humic acid (S7) with values of 30.63
influence on leaf Fe content. Among the drip fertigation ppm at flowering stage. The maximum interaction effect
treatments, the leaf Fe content was higher under wider was found in 125% recommended dose of fertilizers as
spacing (M1) with 252.02 ppm than under closer spacing water soluble fertilizer along with Azophosmet and humic
(M2). The leaf Fe content was lowers with 244.50 ppm at acid (M1S1) under wider spacing (45.55 ppm). The
flowering stage. At flowering stage, application of 125% minimum interaction effect was found (29.99 ppm) in
recommended dose of fertilizers as water soluble fertilizer M2S7 in the closer spacing at flowering stage. The better
in combination with Azophosmet and humic acid (S1) photosynthetic efficiency coupled vegetative growth
recorded the maximum leaf Fe content of 259.11 would have encouraged nutrient absorption of nutrients. It
Rajaraman and Pugalendhi 6349
is in confirmation with the findings of More and Shinde (75% recommended dose of fertilizers as straight fertilizer
(1991). The results may also be attributed to the 3 x 10 with Azophosmet and humic acid) with 13.45 ppm at
times increase in zinc solubility due to humic acid which flowering stage. Considering the treatments and stage of
contains fulvic acid and act as chelation of native zinc by growth, the treatment application of 125% recommended
chelating agent. Singaravel et al. (1998) opined that the dose of fertilizers as water soluble fertilizer plus
beneficial influence of humic acid in soil would have Azophosmet and humic acid under wider spacing (M1S1)
prevented the formation of insoluble complexes of zinc recorded the maximum leaf boron content of 16.70 ppm
and facilitated its uptake by plants. Similar findings were at flowering stage. . The increased manganese and
recorded by Chen et al. (2001) in cucumber and Virgine boron contents in the leaf might be due to the effect of
(2003) in tomato. higher level of nutrients availability which resulting in
All the drip fertigation treatments had significant increased intake of micronutrients from soil (Samson and
influence on leaf Mn content. Among the different drip Visser, 1989). Similar findings were recorded by Adani et
fertigation treatments the leaf Mn content was higher al. (1998) in tomato.
under wider spacing (M1) with 95.67 ppm than under It can be concluded from the foregoing discussion that
closer spacing (M2). The leaf Mn content was lower with drip fertigation at higher percentage of recommended
92.80 ppm at flowering stage. Application of 125% dose of fertilizer as water soluble fertilizer along with
recommended dose of fertilizers as water soluble fertilizer Azophosmet and humic acid was higher nutrient content
in combination with Azophosmet and humic acid (S1) in leaves at all the stages of crop growth under wider
recorded the maximum leaf Mn content of 100.33 ppm, spacing (60 x 45 cm).
whereas the minimum leaf Mn content was registered in
the treatment applied with 75% recommended dose of Abbreviations: RDF, Recommended dose of fertilizer;
fertilizers as straight fertilizer along with Azophosmet and DAS, Days after sowing; NPK, Nitrogen, Phosphorus and
humic acid (S7) with values of 90.91 ppm at flowering Potassium; SF, Straight fertilizer; WSF, Water soluble
stage. The interaction effect was found in 125% fertilizer; SSP, Single super phosphate; MAP, Mono
recommended dose of fertilizers as water soluble fertilizer ammonium phosphate; SPD, Split plot design; MOP,
along with Azophosmet and humic acid (M1S1) which Muriate of potash.
produced the maximum leaf Mn under wider spacing
(102.81 ppm). The lower interaction effect, 89.84 ppm in
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