Outline: Autism Spectrum Disorder (Part 1)
Outline: Autism Spectrum Disorder (Part 1)
Outline: Autism Spectrum Disorder (Part 1)
Module Home
• Module Description: This module, first in a two-part series, provides information on the early signs
of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), as well as an overview of the difference between a medical
diagnosis and an educational determination of ASD. Resources include notes on instructional
considerations for teachers who have children and students with ASD in their classrooms, as
well as things to keep in mind when working with the families of those children and students (est.
completion time: 2 hours).
• STAR Legacy Cycle
• Related to This Module
◦ Link: Module Outline
◦ Video: Navigating an IRIS STAR Legacy Module
◦ Link: IRIS and Adult Learning Theory
◦ Wrap-Around Content Map
• Video: Every child or student with autism spectrum disorder—or ASD—has his or her own
strengths, classroom needs, and challenges. Let’s briefly meet four students with ASD.
Initial Thoughts
• What is autism spectrum disorder and what are the characteristics associated with it?
• What should teachers consider when working with students with autism spectrum disorder?
The contents of this resource were developed under a grant from the U.S. Depart-
ment of Education, #H325E170001. However, those contents do not necessarily iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu
represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not 1
assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Project Officer, Sarah Allen. 120418
Outline v
Autism Spectrum Disorder (Part 1):
An Overview for Educators
Perspectives & Resources
v Module Objectives
• After completing the entire Perspectives & Resources section and reviewing the accompanying
activities, you should:
◦ Understand that the strengths and needs of students with ASD vary greatly
◦ Be aware of the early warning signs of ASD
◦ Know the difference between a medical diagnosis of ASD and an educational determination
of autism
◦ Be able to identify key IEP and IFSP team members
◦ Understand various factors that might affect family members of students with ASD
◦ Become familiar with strategies that teachers can use when working with students with ASD
• This IRIS Module aligns with the following licensure and program standards and topic areas...
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Outline v
Autism Spectrum Disorder (Part 1):
An Overview for Educators
v Page 2: Autism Spectrum Disorder Characteristics
• ASD is referred to as a “spectrum disorder” because...
• Differences in the symptoms displayed by the children highlighted in the Challenge video [table
with bullet points]
◦ Link: functional play skills [definition]
• Link: child or student [definition/clarification]
• Warning Signs of ASD in the First Two Years of Life [box with bullet points]
• Video: Bringing the Early Signs of Autism Spectrum Disorders into Focus
• Audio: Nancy Rosenberg, a parent of a young adult who has ASD, reflects on the early warning
signs that her son exhibited
• Audio: Adrienne Golden discusses the characteristics of the children with autism that she works
with and some of the early warning signs she looks for in the classroom
• Activity: View the videos. For each pair, compare and contrast the behavior of each child
◦ Links: video descriptions
v Page 3: Diagnosis
• DSM-5 vs. IDEA ’04
• Medical Diagnosis/Educational Determination
◦ Link: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA ’04)
• Medical Diagnosis
◦ Screening
◦ Diagnostic Evaluation [bullet points]
◦ Disability related services [bullet points]
◦ Research Shows
• Educational Determination
◦ Link: multidisciplinary team [definition]
◦ Evaluations conducted by a multidisciplinary team should involve... [bullet points]
◦ Note about educational determination vs. medical diagnosis
◦ Audio: Ilene Schwartz discusses why it is important to look beyond academic needs when
determining whether a student with ASD qualifies for special education services
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Outline v
Autism Spectrum Disorder (Part 1):
An Overview for Educators
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Outline v
Autism Spectrum Disorder (Part 1):
An Overview for Educators
◦ Audio: Nancy Rosenberg, a parent of a young adult with ASD, describes some of the stressors
her family experienced
◦ Audio: Andy and Becky talk about the challenges of parenting their child with ASD
◦ Research Shows
• Supporting Families
◦ Teachers can support families by...
◦ Audio: Adrienne Golden discusses the importance of caregivers and educators communicating
with and providing support for families
◦ Audio: Nancy Rosenberg describes some of the supports that helped her cope with stressors
she experienced
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Outline v
Autism Spectrum Disorder (Part 1):
An Overview for Educators
• Complete the numbered questions. Please note that the IRIS Center does not collect your Assessment
responses. If this is a course assignment, you should turn them in to your professor using whatever
method he or she requires.
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Outline v
Autism Spectrum Disorder (Part 1):
An Overview for Educators
You Have Completed This Module
• Give Us Your Feedback
◦ Link: Module feedback survey form
• Professional Development Hours
◦ Link: IRIS PD Options
• Related Resources [links]
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