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Rylstone WS - River Pumping Station Concept Design Report: Prepared For Mid-Western Regional Council

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Rylstone WS – River Pumping Station

Concept Design Report

Prepared for Mid-Western Regional Council

Report No. WSR 09022A (Final Draft)

September 2009
This document has been prepared by the NSW Public Works for Mid-Western Regional
Council. Public Works acknowledges the assistance provided by the staff of Mid-Western
Regional Council. Especially, the assistance of Brett Corven, Carrie Hooper, Steve Hanthorn,
Scott Jackson and Peter Dunn in providing information pertinent to the preparation of this
report is greatly appreciated.

NSW Water Solutions Project Team members involved in this investigation were:

¾ Dayan Gunasekera

¾ Ken Kay

¾ Vu Dao

¾ Abdur Razzak

¾ George Fuller

¾ Sisitha Pathirana

¾ Nicholas Kaparos

Document History

Version Date Issued

Draft 11th September 2009
Final Draft 20th September 2009
Final To be issued

Contact: Kamal Fernando

T 02 9372 7869
F 02 9372 7877
E kamal.fernando@commerce.nsw.gov.au
Executive Summary
Mid-Western Regional Council (MWRC) engaged the NSW Public Works to undertake a
concept and detailed designs and tender documentation for a proposed river pumping station
for the Rylstone water supply system. This report presents the concept design of the river
pumping station and associated works.

A strategy study was previously carried out by Public Works to assess the capability of the
existing Rylstone water supply system and to identify improvements necessary to meet the
future water demand. One of the priority works recommended in the strategy report is the
construction of the new river pumping station.

Existing Raw Water Pumping Station

The dam and the pump station were constructed in early the 1950’s and have been in
operation since then.

Prevailing issues with the existing pumping station include (a) an inability to draw water
below RL 577m (30% unusable storage), (b) high head losses through the suction main; (c)
splash flooding of the pumping station during spilling of the dam; (d) aging of the pumps and
the pumping station; and (d) insufficient pumping capacity to meet the future demand.

Proposed Pumping Station

The proposed pumping station would consist of a dry pump well, a suction pipeline from the
dam and a delivery pipeline to the existing rising main. A brick building to accommodate the
electrical and telemetry controls would be provided above the pump well. This building would
also accommodate a PAC treatment unit which is currently at the treatment plant site. In
addition to the above works, the existing trunnion would also be replaced.

The pumping station would be able to draw water from the dam to a level of RL 572m which
will enable utilising over 95% of the dam storage volume. The required pumping rate in the
year 2031 is 67 L/s, however, the pumpwell and associated pipework would be designed for
slightly higher capacity (~85 L/s). Concept design details of the main elements are discussed

The location of the pumpwell was selected considering the topography, slope of the bank,
depth to bedrock, environmental aspects, suction main invert levels, flood levels and other
constraints such as an overhead power line.

The bedrock at the pump station location lies at a depth of between 0 and 1m. The rock is of
very high strength and therefore rock excavation will be a major cost factor.

The pumpwell could be constructed either in-situ or with pre-cast units. A 4m diameter cast-
in-situ well is recommended but the pumping machinery could be fit within a 3.6m well (which
is the largest diameter pre-cast units available) with very limited working space.

The base level and top levels of the pumpwell would be RL 570m and 575.5m respectively.
Two vertically mounted axially split centrifugal pumps of duty 67 L/s @ 23m would be
provided (one duty/one standby) with variable speed drives. Non-return and isolation valves
would be provided outside the well. The pump well would be equipped/provided with a sump
and a dewatering pumping system, a level sensor, air ventilation system, access ladder, a
davit, handrails, mono rails and a removable grate cover.
Pumping Station Building
The pumpwell would be enclosed in a building (13m x 7m) which would consist of two rooms,
i.e. “Switch Room” and “PAC Room”. The Switch Room would be directly above the pumpwell
and would accommodate the electrical and telemetry switch gear assembly. The Switch Room
also provides the access to the pumpwell and supports the monorail. The existing PAC plant
at the WTP site would be relocated in the PAC room. The Switch Room would have two doors
(1.2m and 2-3m wide) while the PAC room would have a GI mesh front with a door made of
similar material. The building would be a brick building on reinforced concrete floor supported
on concrete piers founded on the bedrock.

System Hydraulics and Operation

In order to minimise the depth of the pumpwell, the suction main and the trunnion arm
(except the trunnion & the pipe through the damwall) would be DN 300. The delivery main
would be DN250.

For efficient and flexible operation, the pump would be provided with variable speed drives. A
pressure sustaining valve would also be provided at the end of the rising main near the
treatment plant.

The trunnion, if made of stainless steel, would last more than 70 years. If made in mild steel
(epoxy coated after fabrication) it would last about 50 years. Without designing and preparing
shop drawings, the price of the trunnion cannot be estimated/obtained. The supply cost of
stainless steel is generally 3-4 times higher than mild steel, however, with the labour involved
in fabrication and the epoxy coating, the overall price difference between the two is not
expected to be significant.

It is recommended to include a mild steel trunnion in the tender as a conforming bid with an
alterative tender price invited for a stainless steel trunnion.

The trunnion arm would be made of epoxy coated mild steel.

Due to the rocky condition and the high overburden (3-4m backfill), rubber ring jointed
cement lined ductile iron (DICL) pipes are recommended on a well-graded bedding. For the
suction main, rock excavation is anticipated for about 70% of its excavation volume.
However, a lesser quantity of rock excavation is expected for the delivery main (~25%). Both
pipelines will be buried except the first 10m length of the suction main which will be
supported on concrete piers founded on the bedrock.

The pipelines would be connected to the existing lines with Tees enabling the use of the
existing system during construction and afterward.

Electrical and Telemetry

The existing transformer (100 kVA) would be sufficient for the new pumps and the PAC plant.
It is proposed to provide a new 100kVA transformer on a new pole near the new pumping
station. The existing transformer and the associated overhead powerlines would be removed
once the existing system is de-commissioned. Underground power and communication cables
should be laid from the new pump station to the dam.

The pumps would be automatically controlled depending on the requirements of the WTP. In
addition to pump controls, necessary monitoring, alarms and warnings signals would be
provided to the treatment plant control centre via telemetry. A lightening protection system
would also be provided.
Environmental aspects
The proposed pipeline alignment is not expected to disturb much vegetation, especially
mature trees. As such, for the purpose of the concept design there are no real constraints to
consider. It is recommended, however, that vegetation removal be kept to a minimum and no
mature eucalypts be removed during the construction. The pipeline alignments have been
selected avoiding these trees.

There are no evident Aboriginal cultural heritage constraints to the project.

Cost Estimation
The estimated capital cost for the pumping station and associated works is $0.94M. The
anticipated annual O&M cost (excluding replacement cost) is $31,000/year.

Testing and commissioning

The existing raw water supply needs to be interrupted at various times for connections of the
new system to the existing infrastructure. It will be necessary to maintain the supply during
the period of construction and installation of the new system. It is therefore considered that
the connection and installation should be carried out in a manner which will allow for a
change over before the old system is de-commissioned.

____ . ____
Rylstone Water Supply NSW Water Solutions
River Pumping Station – Concept Design NSW Public Works

Table of Contents
Forward i

Executive Summary ii

Table of Contents i

1 Introduction 3
1.1 Project Background 3
1.2 Existing Raw Water Pumping Station 3
1.3 Proposed Pumping Station 3
1.4 Concept Design 4
1.5 Report Structure 4

2 Proposed pumping Station 5

2.1 Infrastructure components 5
2.2 Pumpwell 5
2.2.1 Location 5
2.2.2 Dimensions 5
2.2.3 Type of well 8
2.2.4 Constructability 8
2.2.5 Pumping Machinery 8
2.3 Pumping Station Building 11
2.4 Pits for valves and PAC injection 12
2.5 Electrical works 12
2.5.1 Electrical works 12
2.5.2 Telemetry 12
2.5.3 Power supply to site 13

3 Hydraulic Analysis 14
3.1 Size of trunnion and pipelines 14
3.2 Operational aspects 14
3.3 Pump duties and system characteristics 15

4 Pipelines 17
4.1 Suction Pipeline 17
4.2 Delivery Pipeline 18
4.3 Trunnion 18

5 Miscellaneous 20
5.1 Environmental assessment 20
5.1.1 Ecological Issues 20
5.1.2 Aboriginal Cultural Assessment 20
5.1.3 Consultation 20
5.2 Temporary water supply 20
5.2.1 Testing and commissioning of pumps 21
5.2.2 Access to the Pumping Station 21

6 Cost estimates 22
6.1 Capital Cost 22
6.2 Operation and Maintenance Costs 22

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7 Conclusion & Recommendation 24

8 Reference 25

Appendix 1: Preliminary Geotechnical Assessment

Appendix 2: Capital and O&M Cost Estimates


Figure 1: Proposed Pumping Station and Pipelines – Concept Layout 6

Figure 2: Ground Profile across Pumpwell 7

Figure 3: Proposed Pump Installation Arrangement 9

Figure 4: Pumpwell – Plan & Sectional Elevation (4m well) 10

Figure 5: Pumping Station Building – Layout Plan 11

Figure 6: Hydraulic Grade Lines for 67 L/s & reduced flows. 15

Figure 7: System characteristics and a typical pump curve 16

Figure 8: Connection of new suction pipeline to existing pipe 17

Figure 9: Long Section of Suction Pipeline 17

Figure 10: Long Section of Delivery Pipeline 18


Table 1: Cost estimates for the pumping station and associated works 22

Table 2: Annual Operation & Maintenance Cost for the pumping station 23

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Rylstone Water Supply NSW Water Solutions
River Pumping Station – Concept Design NSW Public Works

1 Introduction

1.1 Project Background

The Rylstone water supply system currently provides potable water to Rylstone, Kandos,
Charbon and Clandulla villages.

Mid-Western Regional Council (MWRC) engaged the NSW Public Works to carry out an
investigation of the Rylstone water supply system. The investigation included a detailed
review of major infrastructure components of the system and an assessment of upgrades
necessary for the future demands.

Provision of a new raw water pumping station for the Rylstone water supply system is one of
the priority augmentation works recommended in this strategy study.

1.2 Existing Raw Water Pumping Station

The existing raw water pump station draws water from the Rylstone Dam which is located on
the Cudgegong River. The pump station is located approximately 35m downstream of the
dam by the side of the Cudgegong River. The suction pipeline which runs through the dam
wall to the pump station consists of a trunnion enabling drawing off water just below the
water surface. The dam and the pump station were constructed in the early 1950’s and have
been in operation since then.

Prevailing issues with the existing intake include: (a) an inability to draw water below RL
577m level (30% unusable storage), (b) high head losses through the suction main; (c)
splash flooding of the pumping station during spilling of the dam; (d) aging of the pumps and
the pumping station; (d) poor condition of the trunnion; and (e) insufficient pumping capacity
to meet the future demand.

1.3 Proposed Pumping Station

The recommended augmentation works for the Rylstone intake are as follows.
- A dry pump well accommodating pumping units (one duty/one standby);

- A building to accommodate: (a) electrical switchgear and other instruments

associated with pump operation and (b) the PAC plant which is currently at the
treatment plant;

- A new suction pipeline from the dam to the pumpwell;

- A new delivery pipeline from the pumpwell to the existing rising main;

- A new trunnion (replacement);

- Pits for valves and PAC injection;

- Electrical and telemetry works; and

- Associated minor works for the proper completion and operation of the system.

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1.4 Concept Design

MWRC engaged the NSW Public Works to undertake a concept and detailed designs including
tender documentation for the proposed pumping station. Specific tasks required to be carried
out at the concept stage included the following.
1. Engineering survey, geotechnical investigation and environmental assessment;

2. Concept design of the pump well (location, diameter, bottom floor level, top level)
including constructability (rock excavation, stability, type of pump well material etc.);

3. Finalisation of the hydraulic analysis to determine the pump duties, sizes of trunnion arm
and suction/delivery pipelines, pipework configuration within the well and operational
control requirements;

4. Concept design of the suction and delivery pipelines including alignment, depth, rock
excavation, constructability etc.;

5. Design methodology of the trunnion including type of material;

6. Adequacy of the power supply requirements; and

7. Identification of any environmental issues related to the above works.

1.5 Report Structure

The report structure is as follows.

Chapter Contents

1 Project background and concept design tasks

2 Concept design of the pumpwell and the building including location selection,
type, size and constructability of the well and geotechnical aspects

3 Hydraulic analysis including sizing of the trunnion, suction/delivery pipelines

and pumps including operational aspects

4 Pipelines and trunnion including material types, alignments, geotechnical

aspects, connection to the existing pipes and constructability

5 Miscellaneous information such as environmental issues, temporary water

supply during construction, testing and commissioning

6 Capital and O&M cost estimates

7 Conclusion followed by References and Appendices

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River Pumping Station – Concept Design NSW Public Works

2 Proposed pumping Station

2.1 Infrastructure components

The main civil infrastructure associated with the pumping station are:
- A dry well to accommodate pumps (“pumpwell”);
- A building to accommodate electrical switch gear assembly, other control units and a PAC
- Pits for valves and PAC injection;
The trunnion and suction/delivery pipelines are discussed in Chapter 4.

2.2 Pumpwell

2.2.1 Location

An approximate location of the pumpwell was identified during a joint site inspection carried
out at the inception meeting. The final location of the well was determined taking into
consideration the topography, slope of the bank, depth to bedrock, environmental aspects,
suction main invert level, flood levels and other constraints such as an overhead power line.

It was not possible to locate the well 10m away from the powerline due the steepness of the
slope. Therefore it was decided to re-locate the powerline to suit the well and the building. A
new transformer would be installed on a new pole closer to the new pumping station. The
existing transformer including the power line would be removed after commissioning of the
new pumping station. The proposed location of the well and the new power pole are shown in
Figure 1.

2.2.2 Dimensions

Geotechnical investigation results show that the bedrock is of very high strength and
therefore rock excavation would be very costly. The size of the pumpwell has therefore been
sized as small as possible to minimise the cost of construction.

In order to reduce the size and provide clear space as much as possible within the well, the
inlet (suction) bifurcation has been made outside of the well. It is envisaged that this
arrangement would be suitable because of the method of rock excavation/removal. The
discharge isolation valves and non return valves have been arranged in a separate valve pit
outside the pump well to once again to provide clear space in the well.

The minimum size of the well which could accommodate the above pumps would be 3.6m,
however a 4m diameter well is recommended considering other issues such as access,
working space etc. This is further discussed in section 2.2.3 to 2.2.5.

The bottom level of the well should suit the invert level of the incoming suction pipeline and
the depth required for the pump installation. Allowing a gradient equivalent to the headloss
and another 0.5m for the pump installation, the floor level of the well was selected as RL
570.0 m.

The top level of the well was selected as RL 575.5m which is 2.2m above the 100 year flood
level. A cross section of the pumpwell showing the profile of the bedrock is given in Figure 2.

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Dam Wall

Existing Suction Pipeline Existing Pumping Station

Existing Rising Main

Connection to
the existing pipe

Suction Main Connection to

the existing pipe

Indicative alignment for the

access road is shown in green

Proposed Works are

shown in 35m
Delivery Main

PAC Injection Pit

station building

Rylstone River Pump Station

0 5m 10m Proposed Pumping Station and Pipelines
New power pole
Figure 1 & transformer Layout Concept Plan
Rev A (17 Sep 09)
Rylstone Water Supply NSW Water Solutions
River Pumping Station – Concept Design NSW Public Works

2.2.3 Type of well

The well could be constructed either in-situ or with pre-cast concrete cylinders. Pre-cast
method is generally cheaper in excavatable materials, if sunk as a caisson, than cast-in-situ
construction especially for smaller diameters. Because of the anticipated rock, an open cut
excavation would be required which lends itself to cast-in-situ construction. The other
advantage of a cast-in-situ well is that it would be a monolithic construction unlike the pre-
cast concrete wells which have joints between each cylinder (i.e. at 1.22m spacing). On the
other hand, the available largest pre-cast concrete cylinder size is 3.6m.

It is recommended to design a 4m diameter cast-in-situ well, however, an alternative tender

price for a pre-cast concrete well of 3.6m diameter should also be invited. If the alternative
tender price (3.6m pre-cast well) is significantly less than the conforming tender (4m cast in-
situ well), it would be worth re-considering a 3.6m well.

2.2.4 Constructability

The major constraint in the construction of the well would be the excavation of rock which
would be encountered at a depth of around 0.5m. The rock has a yield strength of 110 -130
MPa requiring blasting. Because the site is on close proximity to the dam blasting would not
be allowed except pre-splitting which is a slow process. Excavation works, if carried out by
pre-splitting the rock, would take 3-4 weeks as it has to be done stage by stage.

It may be possible to excavate vertically without shoring, however, it should be carried out
after a thorough examination of rock characteristics and on advice from geotechnical experts.
Vertical excavation would enable construction of the well either in-situ or with pre-cast units.

The access to the well during construction may be from the trench excavated for the suction
main. Accordingly, the excavation near the suction main entry point to the well would be
larger than the normal pipeline trench enabling installation of the bifurcation pipework outside
the well.

2.2.5 Pumping Machinery

Vertically mounted axially split centrifugal pumps (one duty/one standby) each with a duty of
67 L/s at 23 m are recommended for the Rylstone river pumping station. These pumps have
an efficiency around 80-83%.

The pump installation arrangement is shown in Figure 3. As shown in the figure, the pumps
would be installed with thrust bearing dismantling joints on the discharge side, to assist pump

By using standard joints for pumping machinery to deliver 67 L/s larger pumps can be
installed for 85 L/s by substituting these with short bodied thrust bearing dismantling joints, if
required, in the future.

The plinth height to 67 L/s pumps and pipework centre height will also allow for the
installation of larger pumps for flow rates up to 85 L/s.

As discussed before, the non return valves would be installed outside the pumpwell to
maximise the space within the well. The two delivery pipes from the pumps would come up
through the wall and then under the building. Each pipeline will have a non return valve and
an isolation valve on either side prior joining together. The PAC injection point would be on
the common main.

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The pump motors are air cooled and do not require mechanical ventilation. However, for
OH&S reasons, an air ventilation system (a duct consisting of a blower or fan) would be

Figure 3: Proposed Pump Installation Arrangement

A sump will be provided within the well with a submersible dewatering pump. A level censor
will also be provided in the sump to give warning if flooding occurs inside the well. In case of
emergency, the isolation valve on the suction main near the dam could be closed if the
isolation valves in the pump well cannot be reached.

The operational aspects of the pumps are discussed in Section 3.2. A typical cross section of
the pumpwell is shown in Figure 4.

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Figure 4: Pumpwell – Plan & Sectional Elevation (4m well)

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2.3 Pumping Station Building

The pumping station building would be above the pumpwell enclosing the well within the
building. The building would consist of two rooms. The room directly above the pumpwell
(“Switch Room”) would accommodate the electrical switchgear for the pumps, telemetry
control, monorail etc.. The other room (“PAC Room”) would accommodate the PAC plant
which is currently at the treatment plant. The layout plan of the building is shown in Figure 5.

5500 7000

SCA Retaining wall

for access road

Access to

Mono Rail

lines SWITCH

25mm GI mesh & sliding door


Figure 5: Pumping Station Building – Layout Plan

The building would be a brick building with a steel portal framed structure on a reinforced
concrete foundation. The walls would be single brick. The foundation would be a concrete
slab and beam arrangement supported on concrete piers founded on bedrock. The pier height
would vary from 0.5m to 2m and would be anchored to the bedrock using dowel bars. The
foundation (slab, beams and piers) would be a monolithic structure including the pumpwell.
The building would have a single pitched roof made of metal sheet cladding.

The switch room would have two exits i.e. a 1.2m wide door on the southern side (facing the
existing access to the dam) and a 2-3m wide door on the eastern side (facing the dam).
Vehicular access would be provided to both these sides as shown in Figure 1. The PAC
building would consist of brick walls except the front (southern side) which would be a 25mm
galvanised steelmesh and a door of similar material.

A monorail would be provided for the pumps. The monorail would be extended outside the
building through the 3m wide door for about 2m length. The monorail would be hung to a
cross girder which is fixed to the portal frame.

Other necessary features in the building would include handrails around the pumpwell, access
ladder to the well with removable ladder entry rail, a davit, ventilation system, switchgear
assembly and PLC.

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River Pumping Station – Concept Design NSW Public Works

2.4 Pits for valves and PAC injection

Non return valves and isolation valves would be on individual delivery mains from each pump
whereas the PAC injection would be on the common line.

Reinforced concrete pits will be provided for the non return valves (NRV) and PAC injection
pit. The pits will be covered with aluminium gratings. The pit for the NRVs would be common
to both pipelines.

Installation of a new magflow meter near the pumping station is not considered as there is an
existing magflow meter on the rising main near the treatment plant. It is envisaged that low
PAC dosages would not affect the magflow metering performance.

2.5 Electrical works

2.5.1 Electrical works

Main components of the electrical works would include:

- New consumers main from the proposed pole-mounted transformer to the new
switchboard in the pump station building.

- Metering Enclosure (Meter Box);

- Main Switchboard – indoor type, Form 3b. This Switchboard will contain a main
switch, motor starters, feeder for PAC Switchboard, Telemetry compartment, feeder
for supplying power to existing Dam equipment, and other essential components;

- Cables and cable supports;

- A lightening protection system; and

- Building services – lighting and general purpose power outlets.

A performance based technical specification (clauses) will be prepared for design, supply,
installation, testing, demonstration and commissioning of all electrical components. Several
standard (typical) drawings will be included as part of the specification, however, detailed
design drawings and related documents would be prepared by the Contractor.

It is assumed that the Council will relocate the existing PAC system including the electrical
switchboard from its present location to the new pump station site. Necessary clauses for
provision of power supply to the PAC electrical switchboard/control panel from the main
switchboard will be included in the technical specification.

2.5.2 Telemetry

It is understood that the existing ROMTECK telemetry system will be replaced with SERCK
Control Telemetry system.

Main telemetry components would include:

- Telemetry RTU;

- Antenna;

- Modification of existing SCADA, if required.

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River Pumping Station – Concept Design NSW Public Works

The Serck Telemetry RTU will be used for automatic control and remote monitoring of pump

A list of input and output signals will included in the technical specification for automatic
control and remote monitoring via existing telemetry system.

A performance based technical specification (clauses) will be prepared for a Design and
Construct (D&C) type contract for design, supply, installation, testing, demonstration and
commissioning of the telemetry system at the pump station.

2.5.3 Power supply to site

Integral Energy advise that the existing pole-mounted transformer is 100kVA rated. This
capacity would be sufficient for the power supply to the new pumping station, to the PAC
system (relocated) and to the existing equipment at the Dam.

It is understood that MWRC would liaise with Integral Energy and provide a new transformer
on a new pole located closer to the new pumping station (refer to Figure 1 for the proposed
location for the transformer).

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Rylstone Water Supply NSW Water Solutions
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3 Hydraulic Analysis

Hydraulic analyses were carried out to determine the size of the trunnion, trunnion arm,
suction and delivery pipelines, pump duties and the operational control of the pump.

3.1 Size of trunnion and pipelines

The required flow rate in the year 2031 would be 67 L/s. However, considering the demand
beyond 2031, it was agreed with MWRC that the pipeline and the trunnion be designed for a
further 25% increase in flow i.e. 85 L/s.

The head loss for a flow 85 L/s through a DN250 pipeline would be about 15m/km (including
losses through specials). This would be equivalent to a loss of 1.5m through the suction
pipeline, requiring the pump well floor to be at RL 569m. If a DN300 pipeline is selected, the
pumpwell could be raised by about 1 metre (headloss is 5m/km). Velocity through the DN300
pipe for 67 L/s is 0.9 m/s and would not cause any siltation.

Additional cost of increasing the diameter would be approximately $8,500 whereas the
increase in the cost of the pumpwell due to additional rock excavation and the height would
be over $20,000. Therefore DN300 is recommended for the suction pipeline.

Additional 1m headloss is not critical for the rising main and therefore DN250 pipeline is
recommended for the delivery line (note that the existing rising main is also DN250).

The size of the trunnion cannot be increased due to installation problems, however, the
trunnion arm may be increased to DN300 which would reduce the headloss further.

Final design data:

Trunnion arm - DN300

Trunnion - DN250
Suction pipeline - DN300
Delivery pipeline - DN250

3.2 Operational aspects

With the pumping station sited at the recommended location the characteristics for the
pumping machinery have been determined with a detailed hydraulic analysis. This will be
revised, if necessary, during the design phase to take into account any changes which may
found necessary.

The dam level varies between RL 572m to RL 580m. In order to deliver a constant flow rate of
67 L/s it is proposed that the pumping machinery is controlled by variable speed drives. This
is the most efficient means of delivering the flow required.

This form of control will also allow for a reduced flow delivery and therefore longer plant run
times in non-peak periods, which is desirable for stable operation.

The rising main delivers water to the WTP at a level of RL 576.6m. However the rising main
route is over a hill of RL 588m and a further rise at RL 585m.

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Because of the pipe size and flowrate the water will flow under gravity from the RL 588m
level. The gravity flow under these conditions may cause some sections to not run full and to
drain when the pump stops. This can cause some turbulence because of air and water mixing,
producing a form of hydraulic obstruction and random intermittent variations in flow.
Maintaining a full pipeline is the best hydraulic operation.

In order to overcome these possible problems it is considered that an artificial head should be
induced at the end of the pipeline with a pressure sustaining valve (PSV). This will maintain a
full pipe and provide the optimum hydraulic conditions. It is proposed to install the PSV u/s of
the existing magflow near the WTP. This is mainly considering any possible modification to
the inlet pipework which may be required as part of the proposed improvements to the WTP.

The pressure sustaining valve could be fitted with two control pilots which would be set to suit
the flow rates with either manual or automatic selection. The hydraulic gradelines are shown
in Figure 6.

HGL - Reservoir @ MOL


590.42 590.01
590 590.72
589.48 588.7
588.3 589.18
Hight / Head (m)




572.6 572.6 572.31

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Distance (m)

Ground Profile HGL @ 39 l/s HGL @ 65 l/s

Figure 6: Hydraulic Grade Lines for 67 L/s & reduced flows.

3.3 Pump duties and system characteristics

The type of pumps suitable for this type of drywell arrangement are axially split centrifugal
pumps. These pumps could be expected to have an efficiency in the order of 80% plus. To
maximise the space within the well, the pump motor could be installed in a vertical
configuration. The duty and operating range of the pump is 67 L/s @ 23m and 39 L/s @11m.
For low flow rates the pump would run at a lower speed but almost at the same efficiency.

The system characteristics and a typical pump curve are given in Figure 7.

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River Pumping Station – Concept Design NSW Public Works

Rylstone Proposed Raw Water Intake

60 85


50 65


40 45


Efficiency (%)
Head (m)

30 25


20 5


10 -15

0 -35
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Flow (L/s)

Sys Curve (FSL) Sys Curve (MOL) Eta Omega 125-290 B (288) % Curve

Figure 7: System characteristics and a typical pump curve

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4 Pipelines

4.1 Suction Pipeline

The new suction pipeline from the dam to the pumpwell is 104m long. Considering the rocky
condition of the site and the 3-4m backfill over the pipe, ductile iron pipes (rubber ring joint
cement lined) are recommended on a well graded bedding. The new suction will be connected
to the existing pipeline at the dam wall with an angle branch and isolation valve as shown in
Figure 8.


Dam Wall

Existing pipeline Existing pipeline

Existing supports pipeline

Angle Branch Tee to be installed

with FlxSP & couplings after
cutting the existing pipe

Note: All fittings to be New supports

flanged DICL except

So x Sp pipes

Figure 8: Connection of new suction pipeline to existing pipe

The alignment of the suction line has been selected to minimise the impact on vegetation.
The alignment is mostly through hardrock as shown in Figure 9. The amount of rock
excavation is expected to be around 70% of its total excavation volume of (189m3).

580 Suction Pipeline - Long Section

RL (m)


Ground Level
Likley bedrock
Pipe Invert Level

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Chainage (m)

Figure 9: Long Section of Suction Pipeline

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The excavation volume includes a trench width of 0.9m for construction access. The pipeline
would be laid underground except the first 10m which will be supported on concrete piers
anchored to bedrock.

4.2 Delivery Pipeline

The new delivery pipeline from the pumpwell to the existing rising main would be 72m long.
Considering the rocky condition of the site and being a pumping main, rubber ring jointed
cement lined ductile iron (DICL) pipes are recommended. The pipeline would consist of a PAC
injection point in a concrete pit. The alignment has been selected avoiding all existing trees
and also minimising the rock excavation. Two additional bores were drilled in order to
determine the route which would encounter minimum amount of rock (refer to Appendix A –
geotechnical results for test bore locations). The final alignment is shown in Figure 1 and the
long section is shown in Figure 10. The amount of rock anticipated for the delivery pipeline
would be about 25%.

Delivery Main - Long Section

RL (m)


575 Ground Level

Likley bedrock
Pipe Invert Level

0 20 40 60 80
Chainage (m)

Figure 10: Long Section of Delivery Pipeline

The new delivery main would be connected to the existing rising main using an angle branch
tee similar to the suction main connection. The provision of the Tee would enable using the
existing rising main during the contract period as well as afterward.

4.3 Trunnion
The trunnion would be designed as a welded fabrication unit of steel plates with necessary
bearings etc. It could be made either from stainless steel or epoxy coated mild steel. The
supply cost of stainless steel is generally 3-4 times higher than mild steel, however, with the
labour involved in fabrication and the epoxy coating, the overall price difference between the
two is not expected to be significant.

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From a durability point of view, the epoxy coated mild steel, if manufactured strictly in
accordance with specified requirements, should last at least 50 years. The stainless trunnion
should last over 70 years.

The trunnion is not a common item fabricated for water supply use and therefore budget
prices cannot be obtained without carrying out the design and preparing shop drawings for
the trunnion.

It is recommended that the trunnion to be made of epoxy coated mild steel, however, an
alternative tender price should be invited for a stainless steel unit.

The trunnion arm would be made of epoxy coated mild steel.

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5 Miscellaneous

5.1 Environmental assessment

5.1.1 Ecological Issues

The proposed pipeline alignment is not expected to disturb much vegetation, especially
mature trees. It is quite likely that some of the vegetation within the study area and
surrounding vegetation conforms to Box-Gum Woodland ecological community, which is listed
as a critically endangered ecological community under the Environment Protection and
Biodiversity Conservation Act (Commonwealth) and an endangered ecological community
under the Threatened Species Conservation Act (NSW). While this will require an assessment,
the impact of the works is expected to be very low and will be unlikely to have a significant

As such, for the purpose of the concept design there are no real constraints to consider. It is
recommended, however, that vegetation removal be kept to a minimum and no mature
eucalypts be removed. There were three main Eucalypts identified in the subject area - one
approximately 10m west of the pump shed and the other two upslope towards the access
track in the south of the study area. It is not considered that these 3 trees fall within the
proposed pipeline alignment; however, they may suffer some root damage as a result of the

It has been suggested that the alignment be moved closer to the powerline easement so as to
reduce the loss of plants and habitat. However, this is not considered to be a viable option, as
it would require excavation deeper into the bedrock in this area and would greatly increase
the cost of the project.

5.1.2 Aboriginal Cultural Assessment

A site inspection carried out by a representative of the Mudgee Local Aboriginal Land Council
(LALC) did not identify any Aboriginal items or artefacts which would be impacted by the
proposed works. As such, there are no evident Aboriginal cultural heritage constraints to the

5.1.3 Consultation

The Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (DECCW) and the Department of
Industry and Investment (I & I NSW) have been consulted regarding the proposed works. The
NSW Office of Water (within DECCW) has identified an existing licence which authorizes the
dam and two 150mm centrifugal pumps (within an extraction rate of 120L/s). As the new
extraction rate will not exceed this limit and the extraction location will not be changed, a
replacement licence is not required. No other issues have been raised in response to this

5.2 Temporary water supply

Arrangement for a temporary water supply at various stages of the construction may be
required. The raw water supply needs to be interrupted during the following activities.

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- Installation of the trunnion;

- Connection of the new suction pipeline to the existing pipeline near the dam;

- Connection of the new delivery pipeline to the existing rising main;

- Installation of a pressure sustaining valve on the rising main near the WTP;

- During on site testing of pumps (due to limited capacity of transformer)

Investigation on temporary water supply arrangements is outside the scope of work of this
engagement. However, the responsibilities of the temporary supply (i.e. Contractor’s or
Principal’s) and consequences or losses due to delays in completion of these activities etc.
should be clearly defined and agreed at the concept stage. This information is required in the
preparation of the tender document.

5.2.1 Testing and commissioning of pumps

The new pumps would be tested at the manufacturer’s works prior to installation. The new
system would be tested when completed. The testing of the new pumps cannot be done while
running the existing pumps (a) due to limitation of the power supply; (b) without connecting
the new pipelines to the existing pipelines; and (c) without installing the PSV.

The limitation of power supply would not be a problem if a new transformer is installed
without removing the existing transformer.

It will be necessary to maintain the supply during the period of construction and installation of
the new system. It is therefore considered that the connection and installation should be
carried out in a manner which will allow for a change over before the old system is de-
commissioned. Careful consideration and thoughtful planning is required for a smooth
transition from the existing system to the new system.

5.2.2 Access to the Pumping Station

It is understood that MWRC would construct the access road to the pump station using hired
labour. Therefore the access road is not included in the construction contract. However, the
Contractor would have to construct a temporary access road for the construction work and
this access could be upgraded later as the formal access to the new pumping station. An
indicative alignment of the access to the pump station is shown in Figure 1.

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6 Cost estimates

6.1 Capital Cost

The estimated capital cost of the works is given in Table 1. A detailed breakdown of costs is
given in Appendix B.

Table 1: Cost estimates for the pumping station and associated works

Item Description Amount

1 Trunnion (supply & install) $80,000
2 Suction pipeline (DN300-DICL) – 104m long $158,000
3 Pump well (4m dia. X 5.5m deep) $151,000
4 Pumping Station building (13m x 7m) $113,000
5 Delivery pipeline (DN250-DICL) – 72m long $80,000
6 Pumps & internal pipework $127,000
7 External pipework including NRV & isolation valves $27,000
9 Electrical and telemetry $120,000
Sub Total $856,000
Contingencies (10%) $86,000
Grand Total (including GST) $942,000

The estimated capital cost has increased by about 20% from the estimated cost in the
strategy study. This is mainly due the rock excavation and the building. The estimate in the
strategy study allowed for a nominal volume of rock excavation which was far exceeded after
the geotech investigation. The original estimate was for a smaller building outside the
pumpwell and did not include PAC Room.

6.2 Operation and Maintenance Costs

The annual operation and maintenance (O&M) cost of the pumping station is based on an
annual supply of 500 ML/yr (Commerce, 2009-2). The O&M cost includes the power cost and
other maintenance cost of the operation of pumps, other costs involved in the general
maintenance of system infrastructure but does not include replacement costs. The power cost
was assumed to be $0.15/kWh.

Details of O&M costs are given in Table 2.

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Table 2: Annual Operation & Maintenance Cost for the pumping station

Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

Power cost of pumps kWh 49,220 $0.15 $7,383

Maintenance of M&E works Sum $9,160
Maintenance of civil works Sum $6,370
Operational personnel (4hrs/week) hrs 208 $40 $8,320
Total $31,233
Production of raw water ($/kL) $0.06
1). 3% of the capital cost of mechanical and electrical works;
2). 0.5% of the capital cost;
3). Based on an annual supply of 500 ML.

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7 Conclusion & Recommendation

A 4m diameter cast-in-situ reinforced concrete pumpwell is recommended, however, an
alternative tender price should be invited for a 3.6m dia. pre-cast pumpwell. The base level
and the top level of the pumpwell are RL 570m and 575.5m respectively. Two vertically
mounted axially split centrifugal pumps of duty 67 L/s @ 23m would be provided (one
duty/one standby) with variable speed drives. Non return and isolation valves would be
provided outside the well. The pump well would be equipped/provided with a sump and a
dewatering pumping system, a level sensor, air ventilation system, access ladder, a davit,
handrails, mono rail, a removable grate cover and other necessary items.

The pumpwell would be enclosed in a building which would consist of two rooms, i.e. “Switch
Room” and “PAC Room”. The switch room would be directly above the pumpwell and would
accommodate the electrical and telemetry switch gear assembly. The Switch Room also
provides the access to the pumpwell and supports the monorail. The existing PAC plant at the
WTP site would be relocated in the PAC room. The Switch Room would have two doors (1.2m
and 2-3m wide) while the PAC Room would have a GI mesh front with a door made of similar
material. The building would be a brick building on reinforced concrete floor supported on
concrete piers founded on the bedrock.

Pipelines and trunnion

The designed pipe sizes are as follows.

Trunnion arm - DN300 – Epoxy coated mild steel

Trunnion - DN250 – Epoxy coated mild steel (alternative stainless steel)
Suction pipeline - DN300 - DICL
Delivery pipeline - DN250 – DICL

A pressure sustaining valve should be provided in the rising main near the treatment plant.
Concrete pits would be provided for the PAC injection and non return valves.

The estimated capital cost of the pumping station is $0.94M. The annual operation and
maintenance cost (excluding replacement cost) is $31,000 per annum.

Testing and commissioning

The existing raw water supply needs to be interrupted at various times for connection of the
new system to the existing infrastructure. It will be necessary to maintain the supply during
the period of construction and installation of the new system.

It is therefore considered that the connection and installation should be carried out in a
manner which will allow for a smooth change over before the old system is de-commissioned.

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8 Reference
Commerce, 2009-1: Rylstone Water Supply System - Reticulation System Hydraulic
Analysis, A report prepared for Mid Western Regional Council by the Department of
Commerce, (Final Report, September, 2009).

Commerce, 2009-2: Rylstone, Kandos and Villages Water Supplies Strategy Options Study,
A report prepared for Mid Western Regional Council by the Department of Commerce, (April

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Rylstone Water Supply NSW Water Solutions
River Pumping Station – Concept Design NSW Public Works

Appendix 1
Preliminary Geotechnical Assessment
Rylstone WS – River Pumping Station
Preliminary Geotechnical Assessment

1. General
The site is located within rhyolitic tuff. Bouldery outcrop is evident throughout the
slopes along the mains alignment and pumping station site. Bedrock crops outs in a
series of ledges on the slope leading to the creek and is exposed in the creek bed.
Generally the soil profile is very thinly developed. There is some fill along the suction
main alignment, especially in the vicinity of the dam where boulders appear to have
been placed. Some fill associated with the construction of the existing pump station
may also be expected on the upper slope leading to a levelled area adjoining the

2. Pumping Station
At the pumping station site (borelog reference PS1 & PS2), bedrock was encountered
at depths of 0.14m/0.15m. In borehole PS1, the bedrock was cored between 0.14m to
6.01m. In borehole PS2, the TC bit penetrated the bedrock to a depth of 0.5m at which
point TC bit refusal was recorded.
The bedrock, within the depths of coring, is a rhyolitic tuff. The tuff is typically very
coarse grained with occasional medium grained interbeds and commonly includes
pebble-sized clasts.
The degree of weathering varies. The bedrock is moderately weathered to an
approximate depth of 1.2m and then becomes slightly weathered with rare moderately
weathered interbeds.
The rock sub-strength is assessed as very strong. For the three samples tested uniaxial
compressive strength ranged from 120 MPa to 146 MPa. The defect spacing ranges
from closely spaced in the upper 1m/1.4m and then becomes moderately widely
spaced to widely spaced.
The proposed 3.6m diameter well may need to be constructed by sinking a shaft.
Open excavation, due to the moderately steep slope leading to the creek, may not be
practical. Excavation in bedrock will be difficult due to high rock substance strength
and unfavourable defect spacing. A large excavator (30 tonne) with a rock breaker
will be needed in combination with blasting. Blasting will be required.

3. Suction Main
One borehole (M1) was cored adjacent to the existing building. Bedrock was
encountered at 0.86m depth. The bedrock is of similar type and quality to that
encountered in pumping station borehole PS1. Difficult excavation may expected.
Rock substance strength is also very strong. For two specimans tested, UCs test
yielded strengths of 99.5 MPa and 111 MPa. Blasting will be required.
4. Rising Main
The rising main from the pump station to the connection point of the existing rising
main will traverse a moderate slope characterised by bouldery outcrop.
A total of four boreholes (M3-M6) were drilled on the slope. Generally, the soil
profile is thinly developed, ranging in thickness between 0.15m (M3) and 0.8m (M2).
The stratum is a silty sand with gravel, locally with traces of clay, organics or cobbles.
Rhyolitic tuff underlies this surficial horizon.
When first encountered the bedrock is extremely and highly weathered. This quality
bedrock extends to depths 0.6m (M3). 1,6m(M5) and 0.6m (M6). In borehole M4, the
TC bit refusal failed to penetrate the bedrock for any appreciable depth. TC bit
refusal, inferred to be in moderately weathered bedrock , was recorded at depths of
0.65m (M3) 0.7m (M4) and 0.6m (M6). Borehole M5 was terminated upon reaching
nominal target of 1.5m.
Excavation to TC bit refusal should be achieved using a large excavator. If
excavations below refusal levels are proposed then an assistance from a rock breaker
will be required. In area of outcrop, a rock breaker will be required.

Encl. Bore logs

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River Pumping Station – Concept Design NSW Public Works

Appendix 2
Capital and O&M Cost Estimates
Rylstone WS - River Pumping Station Created - 05Sep09
Concept Design Cost Estimate Revised - 17Sep09

No Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Total

1 Trunnion
Fabrication of trunnion & trunnion arm Item 1 $30,000 $30,000
Replace the trunnion (DN250) and arm (DN300) Item 1 $50,000 $50,000 $80,000

2 Suction Main
Supply & deliver DICLpipes (DN300 - SoxSp) m 103 $198 $20,394
Excavation and laying m 103 $137 $14,111
Extra over for rock excavation m 131 $700 $91,700
Bedding m 69 $85 $5,865
Backfilling m 108 $35 $3,780
Concrete supports Nos 4 $2,500 $10,000
Connection to existing pipework near the dam Item 1 $12,535 $12,535 $158,385

3 Pumpwell
Site clearing Item 1 $5,000 $5,000
Excavation and dispose within site m 12 $150 $1,800
Excavate in rock and dispose within site m 91.0 $700 $63,700
R.C walls (cast-in-situ) m 19 $2,000 $38,000
Base concrete incl.r/f & rock anchors (0.4m thick) m 5.8 $2,000 $11,600
Cover (GI gratings) m 4 $3,800 $15,200
Acceess platform Item 1 $12,500 $12,500
Access ladder m 9.5 $350 $3,325 $151,125

4 Pumpwell - Pumps
Pumping units Nos 2 $35,000 $70,000
Pipework within well (incl suction Tee) Item 1 $28,490 $28,490
GI davit Item 1 $4,500 $4,500
Allow for pump plinth, pipe brackets etc. Item 1 $5,000 $5,000
Dewatering pump and pipework Item 1 $12,000 $12,000
Ventilation system Item 1 $7,500 $7,500 $127,490

5 SCA & PAC Building (excluding PAC plant & accessories )

R/C columns (450x450) from bedrock including excavation m 26 $350 $9,100
Beams & slab for the building floor m 27 $1,300 $35,100
Brickwork m2 102 $180 $18,360
Steel portal frame m 60 $250 $15,000
Roof m 112 $35 $3,920
Door (1.2m wide) Nos 1 $2,400 $2,400
Door (3m wide) Nos 1 $4,200 $4,200
GI mesh for PAC room m $135 $0
Mono rails m 10 $450 $4,500
Handrail for pumpwell m 15 $85 $1,275
Lighting Item 1 $5,000 $5,000
Rainwater down pipes m 18 $95 $1,710
Retaining wall for access road next to main door exit (5m long) Item 1 $12,000 $12,000 $112,565

6 Delivery Main
Supply & deliver DICLpipes (DN250 - SoxSp) m 71 $157 $11,147
Excavation and laying m 71 $127 $9,017
Bedding m 43 $115 $4,945
Backfilling m 26 $35 $910
Extra over for rock excavation m 20 $750 $15,000
Concrete bulk heads Nos 10 $1,500 $15,000
PAC & valve pit Nos 2 $7,500 $15,000
Connection to existing rising main Item 1 $8,762 $8,762 $79,781

7 External pipework
Pump delivery pipes (DN200 double lines) Item 1 $27,314 $27,314 $27,314

8 Electrical & Telemetry

Electrical works Item 1 $85,000 $85,000
Lightening protector Item 1 $15,000 $15,000
Telemetry Item 1 $20,000 $20,000 $120,000

9 SUB TOTAL $856,659

10 Contingencies
Add 10% (of sub total) $85,666


This estimate does not include:
1. Cost of temorary water supply arrangement
2. Access road
3. Relocation and installation of PAC plant and associated works
4. Power supply to site including new transformer and pole
5. Construction supervision cost

Costs for O&M cost calculations

M&E costs $305,400
Other costs $636,925
Rylstone WS - River Pumping Station Created - 05Sep09

Concept design - Cost Estimate for pipework at the damwall (suction main)

No Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Total

1 Connection at the damwall

Angle branch Tee (250x250x250) Nos 1 $850 $850
Fl x Sp (DN250) Nos 2 $350 $700
DN250 couplings Nos 2 $365 $730
FlxFl (DN250) x 1m Nos 1 $350 $350
DN250x300 taper (FlxFl) Nos 1 $400 $400
DN300 - FlxFl pipe 2m Nos 1 $420 $420
DN300 - 22.5 bend (FlxFl) Nos 1 $600 $600
DN300 - FlxFl gate valve Nos 1 $2,800 $2,800

Sub Total $6,850

Delivery (10%) $685.0

Installation $5,000

Total ( for connection of suction main) $12,535

Rylstone WS - River Pumping Station Created - 05Sep09

Concept design - Cost Estimate for pipework within pumpwell

No Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Total

1 Suction side (All DICL , supply price)

DN300 FlxSo Nos 1 $480 $480
DN300x300 Tee (all flanged) Nos 1 $950 $950
DN300 FlxFl 90 deg bends Nos 2 $500 $1,000
DN300 FlxFl pipe (0.55m long) Nos 1 $600 $600
DN300 FlxFl pipes 0.7m long Nos 2 $650 $1,300
DN300 butterfly valves Nos 2 $2,200 $4,400
DN300 FlxFl pipes 0.5m long Nos 2 $450 $900
DN300x200 Taper Nos 2 $480 $960 $10,590

2 Delivery side (All DICL - supply price)

DN150x200 Taper Nos 2 $460 $920
DN200 Thrust dismantling joint Nos 2 $2,300 $4,600
DN200 - FlxFl 90 deg bends Nos 4 $390 $1,560
DN200 - FlxFl pipe 4m Nos 2 $410 $820 $7,900

Sub Total $18,490

Delivery (10%) $1,849

Installation $10,000

Total ( for pipework within pumpwell) $28,490

Rylstone WS - River Pumping Station Created - 05Sep09

Concept design - Cost Estimate for pipework at the rising main (delivery main)

No Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Total

1 Connection to the existing rising main (All DICL)

DN250 couplings Nos 3 $685 $2,055
DN250 equal tee Nos 1 $810 $810
DN250 - FlxSp (1m long) Nos 2 $375 $750
DN250 pipe (1m) Nos 1 $350 $350

Sub Total $3,965

Delivery $397
Installation $3,500
Thrust block for the tee and valve $900

Total ( for connection of delivery main) $8,762

Rylstone WS - River Pumping Station Created - 05Sep09
Revised - 17Sep09

Concept design - Cost Estimate for pipework outside the pumpwell (dual lines)

No Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Total

1 DN200-DICL double lines from pumpwell wall

DN200 FlxSp pipes 1.8m long Nos 2 $350 $700

DN200 dismantling joints Nos 2 $490 $980
DN200 couplings Nos 2 $325 $650
DN200 FlxFl NRV Nos 2 $3,500 $7,000
DN200 FlxSp pipes - 0.4m long Nos 2 $215 $430
DN200 - FlxFl bend (90deg) Nos 1 $380 $380
DN200 - FlxFl gate valves Nos 4 $1,800 $7,200
DN200 FlxFl pipes - 0.7m long Nos 3 $450 $1,350
DN200x200 Tee Nos 1 $475 $475
DN200 FlxFl pipes - 0.4m long Nos 4 $280 $1,120 $20,285

Sub Total $20,285

Delivery (10%) $2,028.5

Installation $5,000

Total ( for pipework outside pumpwell) $27,314

Rylstone River Pumping Station - O&M Cost Calculations

Common inputs:
System capacity 5.28 ML/d
power cost 0.15 $/kwh =(15*5*0.2+0.1*(9*5+2*24))/(24*7)
Annual supply 500 ML
Pump head 23 m


Civil works 631
M&E Works 305.4




Power costs (pumps+other minor) 7.38 Add 10% to pump cost
Operator (4 hrs a week) 8.32 @40/hr


Civil works (1% of capital cost) 6.31
M&E works (3% of capital cost) 9.16

Not considered 0


[* Does not include PAC costs]

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