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Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2006/0230987 A1

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US 20060230987A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2006/0230987 A1
Burgals et al. (43) Pub. Date: Oct. 19, 2006
(54) SURFACE-DEACTIVATING COMPOSITION (30) Foreign Application Priority Data
COMPRISING ANONONIC SURFACTANT Nov. 25, 2004 (EP)........................................ O42927814
(75) Inventors: Frederic Burgals, Saint-Hilaire de Publication Classification
Brethmas (FR); Joel Chaignon, Ecos
(FR) (51) Int. Cl.
C04B 40/00 (2006.01)
Correspondence Address: BOSD 3/00 (2006.01)
OLIFF & BERRIDGE, PLC (52) U.S. Cl. ............................................ 106/823; 427/331
P.O. BOX 19928
(73) Assignee: SIKA TECHNOLOGY AG, Baar (CH) A subject-matter of the present invention is a Surface
deactivating composition for concrete or mortar comprising
(21) Appl. No.: 11/280,179 at least one setting retarder and at least one nonionic
Surfactant, and a process for the application of Such a
(22) Filed: Nov. 17, 2005 composition.
US 2006/0230987 A1 Oct. 19, 2006

SURFACE-DEACTIVATING COMPOSITION FOR vary under these same temperature conditions. In the end,
CONCRETE OR MORTAR COMPRISING A and at a given temperature range, the operating range for
NONONIC SURFACTANT carrying out the stage of cleaning the Surface layer, namely
0001. The present invention relates to a composition for when the setting of the body of the concrete is sufficient and
deactivating the Surface of concrete or mortar, to a process that of the surface layer is incomplete, is of the order of 2 to
for obtaining a concrete or mortar deactivated using this 3 hours under high temperature conditions and of the order
composition, and to their uses. of 4 to 6 hours under low temperature conditions. These
0002 Deactivated concretes or mortars are materials in relatively short operating ranges place major constraints on
which the surface layer of cement has been removed in order the building sites since they make it necessary to regularly
to allow the aggregates to appear in relief and to make it carry out tests on control areas. In addition, they require the
possible to obtain an aesthetic effect. permanent presence of an operator, sometimes even over
0003. This is because, for conventional concretes, the night, and tie down the cleaning equipment (high pressure
surface aspect is determined either by the quality of the cleaner) at the same time.
mould (vertical surfaces and bottom of mould) or by the 0008 Surprisingly, the Applicant Company has been able
quality of the Surface finishings obtained by trowelling to demonstrate that the addition of a nonionic Surfactant to
(horizontal surfaces). The aspect which results therefrom is
generally that of a smooth concrete, the colour of which is a Surface retarder makes it possible to obtain a Surface
essentially determined by that of the cement. For some deactivating composition having a much longer duration of
applications, such as road maintenance and facing elements, action than those of the deactivating compositions of the
it is advantageous to provide concretes which, while retain prior art, which makes it possible to have a much greater
ing their structural performances, exhibit a greater variety of operating range. The durations of action and the operating
aspects. Thus, in order to bring about the appearance of the ranges obtained with the composition according to the
aggregates, the most widely used methods in the industries invention as a function of the temperature are described in
for the prefabrication of concrete and ready-mixed concrete, Table I below.
and for concretes prepared on site, consist either in altering
the Surface of the concrete (after curing and optionally TABLE I
removing from the mould) using mechanical means or in
“deactivating the surface of the concrete during the curing Duration of action Operating range
period using chemical retarders known as 'Surface retard
ers' or “surface deactivators'. Temperature ( C.) (days) (days)
0004 The concretes intended to be deactivated should 5 to 10 5 1.5 to S
preferably exhibit a specific distribution in particle size of 2O 10 1 to 10
the aggregates for the purpose of ensuring that their aspect
30 to 40 15 1 to 15
is uniform when they are visible at the surface.
0005 Having taken these precautions, the deactivation
consists in applying, to the Surface of the fresh concrete or
to the surface of the mould intended to receive the fresh 0009 Consequently, a first subject-matter of the inven
concrete, a compound having a retarding effect on the setting tion corresponds to a surface-deactivating composition for
of the cement corresponding to a “surface retarder. The concrete or mortar comprising at least one Surface retarder,
Surface retarder has to be in a concentration Such that its characterized in that it additionally comprises a nonionic
delaying effect occurs to a depth of the first few millimetres. Surfactant.
Thus, only the surface layer of the concrete will have a
delayed setting time. The body of the concrete, for its part, 0010 Mention may be made, as nonionic surfactant, by
will set normally. When the body of the concrete has way of example, of polyethylene glycol esters, fatty acid
sufficiently cured, its surface is cleaned with water (option esters, ethoxylates (polyoxyethylenated or polyoxypropy
ally under pressure) or “washed out'. As it has not yet set, lenated ethers of fatty alcohols or of fatty acids), sucrose,
the Surface layer is removed, bringing about the appearance Sorbitol and pentaerythritol esters, and, finally, oxyethylena
of the aggregates while leaving them integral with the ted or oxypropylenated derivatives of fatty acid esters,
combined product.
aminoalcohols, amides and amines.
0006 Mention may in particular be made, among surface
retarders, of the cyclic aminoplast resins or gluconates 0011. According to a preferred embodiment of the inven
disclosed in Patent EP 0 697 381 B1 or the carboxylic acids tion, the Surfactant is chosen from ethoxylates of linear or
disclosed in Patent Application EP 1 281 698 A1. branched, primary or secondary, C2-s alcohols, such as
0007. However, with current surface retarders, the time natural or synthetic fatty alcohols, branched alkylphenols
slot for carrying out the cleaning of the Surface layer is very with octyl, nonyl or dodecyl groups, fatty acids, fatty amines
short and fluctuates according to the Surrounding tempera and fatty acid esters, preferably from aromatic ethoxylates
ture conditions. Under high temperature conditions (30 to and branched alkylphenols.
40°C.), the duration of action of the retarders is of the order
of 12 hand, under low temperature conditions (5 to 10°C.), 0012. According to a second preferred embodiment of the
this duration of action is of the order of 36 h. At the same invention, the Surfactant is an oxyethylenated or oxypropy
time, the setting time of the body of the concrete will also lenated, Saturated or unsaturated, C.s fatty acid ester.
US 2006/0230987 A1 Oct. 19, 2006

0013. According to a third preferred embodiment of the 0023 The amount (by weight) of surface retarder in the
invention, the Surfactant is a fatty acid ester of general composition is between 0.05 and 25%, preferably between
formula 0.1 and 15% and particularly preferably between 0.2 and

0024 Advantageously, the surface-deactivating compo
sition for concrete or mortar according to the invention
R additionally comprises at least one polyol.
0025 Mention may be made, as examples of polyols
which can be used in the composition according to the
invention, of a polyether polyol, a modified polyether polyol
0014 in which R is chosen from an alkyl or an alkenyl comprising a polyurea or a polyurethane in dispersion, a
with a carbon number of between 2 and 20 and R' is a polyol polyvinyl-modified polyether, a polyester polyol, a polycar
P having q+r hydroxyl groups, all the hydroxyl groups of bonate polyol, a polycaprolactone polyol or a glycol. Pref
which are removed. Preferably, the said polyol P is chosen erably, the polyol has a molecular weight of less than 2000
from ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, Sorbitol, glucose, g/mol and it is chosen from a polyether polyol, a polyester
glucoside, Sucrose, pentaerythritol, trimethylolpropane and polyol and a glycol. More preferably, the polyol is a poly
glycerol. Preferably, the sum of q and r is an integer between ether polyol with a molecular weight of between 50 and 500
2 and 8, in particular 2, 3 or 4. Preferably, q is 1, 2, 3 or 4. g/mol.
Preferably, r is equal to 0 or 1.
0015 Preferably, the fatty acid ester is chosen from the 0026 Preferably, the polyol is chosen from a triol and a
ester of stearic acid, of oleic acid and of vegetable oil fatty
acids. 0027 Preferably, the composition according to the inven
0016. The amount (by weight) of surfactant in the com tion comprises a mixture of polyols and particularly prefer
position is between 0.2 and 5%, preferably between 0.3 and ably a mixture of at least 3 polyols.
3%. Unless otherwise specified, the amounts of the various 0028. The amount (by weight) of polyols in the compo
constituents of the composition according to the invention sition is between 0.1 and 15%, preferably between 0.1 and
are expressed as percentage of the weight of each of the said 10% and particularly preferably between 0.1 and 5%.
constituents with respect to the total weight of the compo
sition. 0029. In addition to the duration of action, the effective
0017 Mention may in particular be made, as surface ness of a deactivating composition is also improved if its
retarder, of a phosphate, an aminophenol, a carbohydrate, or Viscosity is increased after addition of a thickening com
a carboxylic or hydroxycarboxylic acid or acid salt, such as pound or “rheology modifier”. This increase in the viscosity
gluconic or glucoheptonic acid or Sodium gluconate or makes it possible to restrict the nonuniform dispersion of the
glucoheptonate. composition. This is thus the case when the surface for
application is not horizontal or when the levelness of the
0018. According to a preferred embodiment of the inven latter is not satisfactory. The uniform thickness of the
tion, the Surface retarder is a carbohydrate Such as a composition thus obtained makes it possible to obtain a
monosaccharide of general formula C(H2O), with n=5 or 6. deactivation which is itself also uniform and an unvarying
Such as glucose (n=6), a disaccharide which results from the Surface layer of uncured concrete.
condensation of two monosaccharides, such as Sucrose,
lactose and maltose, or a polysaccharide of general formula 0030 The addition of rheology modifiers is known in the
(CHO), with n' between 2 and 10, and the mixtures of prior art. However, the rheology modifiers used in the prior
these Sugars. art increase the viscosity of the composition from their
0.019 According to a second preferred embodiment of the introduction into the formulation. Thus, the thickening com
invention, the Surface retarder is a carboxylic acid or a salt pounds used in the prior art are used at low concentrations,
of Such a carboxylic acid. of the order of 1% or less, to make possible correct spraying
of the composition. However, this low concentration does
0020 Mention may be made, as examples of carboxylic not make it possible to suitably avoid the problems of streaks
acids or their salts, by way of examples, of aromatic car of the composition after the application thereof. Conse
boxylic acids of general formula R"—CH COOH, in quently, the Surface layer of uncured concrete obtained after
which R" is chosen from H, OH, CH, COO or CHO, and application of Such compositions is variable.
carboxylic acids of general formula R" -COOH, in which
R" is chosen from COOH and CRRR, with R chosen 0.031) Patent Application EP 1 281 698 A1 has been able
to demonstrate that the addition to the formulation of a
from H and CH-COOH, R chosen from Hand OH, and rheology-modifying agent of HASE type (emulsion soluble
R chosen from H, CH (CHOH). CH-OH and in alkalis of a hydrophobically modified polymer) makes it
—(CHOH), COOH where x is an integer from 1 to 3.
possible to obtain a transition of the composition from a
0021 Preferably, the surface retarder is chosen from liquid State of low viscosity to a very viscous liquid State
oxalic acid, Succinic acid, malic acid, tartaric acid, citric during contact with fresh concrete. This is because the
acid, gluconic acid and their salts. different chemical nature of this rheology modifier does not
0022. According to a third preferred embodiment of the modify the rheology of the starting mixture but brings about
invention, the Surface retarder is an aminophenol or deriva an increase in the Viscosity of the composition on contact
tive of the latter. Such as para-, ortho- and meta-aminophenol with fresh concrete of basic pH. This makes it possible to
and N-acetylaminophenol. obtain good spraying of the composition and a uniform and
US 2006/0230987 A1 Oct. 19, 2006

attractive surface condition of the concrete after deactiva 0045. The present invention will be better understood
tion, whatever the nature of the surface for application of the with the help of the following examples. These examples are
composition. provided by way of illustration and should not under any
0032. However, the concentrations of HASE used in circumstances limit the scope of the present invention.
Patent Application EP 1 281 698 A1 are between 0.5 and EXAMPLE 1.
0033. The Applicant Company has now been able to 0046) Various concrete slabs exhibiting the following
demonstrate that, at a high concentration, a rheology modi composition (in kg/m) were subjected to various deactiva
fier of HMASE type (aqueous emulsion, soluble in alkalis, tion tests.
of a hydrophobically modified acrylic resin) also acts as
"curing product’, which, in the prior art, was generally a
resin dissolved in an aliphatic solvent or aqueous composi Cement CEMI 42.5 350 kg
tions based on latex of styrene-butadiene type, the function Sand 0.5 mm 770 kg
of which is to limit the drying of the concrete before the Gravel 520 mm 980 kg
“washing out” by the formation of a film. Plasticizer 1.5 kg
Water 165 kg
0034. According to a preferred embodiment of the inven
tion, the Surface-deactivating composition for concrete or
mortar also comprises a rheology modifier of HMASE type, 0047 The constituents were introduced into a 90 litre
the concentration of which is preferably between 20 and mixer. After a prehomogenization stage, the water was
50%, preferentially between 30 and 40%. introduced. The mixing was prolonged for a further 5
0035 Advantageously, the rheology modifier of HMASE minutes and then the concrete was poured into 130 cm x 120
type can be composed either of homopolymers obtained cmx2 cm moulds.
from acrylic acid, methacrylic acid or acrylamide or of
copolymers of the same monomers with in addition acrylic 0048. Once the concrete had been spread using a metal
esters in various proportions. screed, it was trowelled so as to obtain a perfectly smooth
0.036 More advantageously, the surface-deactivating Surface and the same orientation of the gravel particles.
composition for concrete or mortar also comprises an oil in 0049 Immediately after having smoothed the concrete, a
aqueous emulsion. This is because the mixture of cutting oil layer of the deactivating composition was applied using a
and rheology modifier makes it possible to obtain optimum manual sprayer.
effectiveness as curing product.
0050. The formula of the deactivating composition used
0037 Mention may in particular be made, as example of is as follows (proportions expressed as percentages by
Such oils, of light liquid paraffins. weight):
0038 Preferably, the concentration of cutting oil in the
composition according to the invention is between 5 and
Glucose 1
0.039 Advantageously, the composition according to the Aromatic ethoxylate O.S
invention additionally comprises at least one antifoaming Polyether polyol 1.5
compound for preventing the composition from foaming Oil in emulsion 7
during the production and the packaging of the composition. Bentone 1
Biocide O.S
0040 Advantageously, the composition according to the Antifoaming agent 1
invention additionally comprises at least one compound for Water make up to 100
preventing the growth of microorganisms.
0041. The present invention also relates to a process for
deactivating the Surface of a concrete or of a mortar during 0051. In this example, as in all the following examples,
the setting thereof, comprising a stage of application of a the HMASE used comprises an actual solids content of 30%.
deactivating composition according to the invention in pro 0052 The amount of deactivating composition applied
portions of the order of 0.20+0.05 litre per square metre of was 0.19 litre per square metre. The temperature was 17°C.
the said Surface and a stage of washing this Surface with during the test with a high degree of humidity.
water after a predetermined period.
0.042 Another subject-matter of the present invention is 0053 A washing-out stage was carried out at various
the use of a composition according to the invention for times by applying a jet of pressurized water to the concrete
deactivating the Surface layer of a fresh concrete or mortar. slab coated with deactivating agent. The results obtained are
summarized in Table II below.
0043. The composition according to the invention can be
used for the deactivation of concrete or mortar produced TABLE II
with any type of cement, in particular cements of CEMI or
CEM II type. Days after the pouring Results
of the concrete obtained
0044 Finally, the present invention also relates to the use
of a nonionic Surfactant for the preparation of a Surface 1 --
deactivating composition for concrete or mortar according to 2 ----
the invention.
US 2006/0230987 A1 Oct. 19, 2006

0062) The results show that the deactivating composition

TABLE II-continued used makes it possible to obtain a gritted Surface of unvary
ing depth after cleaning of the Surface layer. The duration of
Days after the pouring Results action of the deactivating composition is between one day
of the concrete obtained
and at least ten days.
5 ----
7 ----
0063. The protocol used for the preparation of the con
Keys to the table: crete is the same as in Example 1. The formula of the
deactivating composition according to the prior art used is as
0054) - no elimination of the Surface layer follows (proportions expressed as percentages by weight):
0.055 -/+ elamination of the surface layer and of the body
of the concrete, the aspect is nonuniform with a significant
depth SBR(=styrene?butadiene rubber) latex 10
Nagluconate 5
0056 + resistance-free elimination of the surface layer, HMASE
Oil in emulsion
nonuniform aspect Biocide O.S
Antifoaming agent 1
0057 ++ resistance-free elimination of the surface layer, Water make up to 100
uniform and homogeneous aspect
0.058. The results show that the deactivating composition
used makes it possible to obtain a gritted Surface of unvary 0064. The amount of deactivating composition applied
ing depth after cleaning of the Surface layer. The duration of was 0.25 litre per square metre. The external temperature
action of the deactivating composition is between one day was less than 10° C. during the test.
and at least seven days. 0065. A washing-out stage was carried out at various
times by applying a jet of pressurized water to the concrete
EXAMPLE 2 slab coated with deactivating agent. The results obtained are
Summarized in Table IV below.
0059. The protocol used for the preparation of the con
crete is the same as in Example 1. The formula of the TABLE IV
deactivating composition used is as follows (proportions
expressed as percentages by weight): Days after
the pouring
of the Results
concrete obtained
0.75 ---
Aromatic ethoxylate 1 ----
Polyether polyol 2 --
Oil in emulsion
Antifoaming agent 1
Water make up to 100
0066. The results show that the deactivating composition
used makes it possible to obtain a gritted Surface of unvary
0060. The amount of deactivating composition applied ing depth after cleaning of the surface layer. However, the
was 0.22 litre per square metre. The temperature was 22°C. duration of action of this deactivating composition is very
during the test with significant gusts of wind. limited in time and the range for carrying out the washing
out stage is between the 1st and the 2nd day after application
0061. A washing-out stage was carried out at various of the composition.
times by applying a jet of pressurized water to the concrete
slab coated with deactivating agent. The results obtained are EXAMPLE 4
summarized in Table III below.
0067. The protocol used for the preparation of the con
TABLE III crete is the same as in Example 1. The formula of the
deactivating composition used is as follows (proportions
Days after expressed as percentages by weight):
the pouring
of the Results
concrete obtained

1 -- Glucose
2 ---- Aromatic ethoxylate
5 ---- Polyether polyol
10 ---- HMASE 3
Oil in emulsion
US 2006/0230987 A1 Oct. 19, 2006

0073 A washing-out stage was carried out at various

-continued times by applying a jet of pressurized water to the concrete
Bentone 1
slab coated with deactivating agent. The results obtained are
Biocide O.S
summarized in Table VI below.
Antifoaming agent 1
Water make up to 100 TABLE VI
Days after
0068 The amount of deactivating composition applied the pouring
of the Results
was 0.2 litre per square metre. The temperature conditions concrete obtained
were the same as those in Example 3. 1 --
0069. A washing-out stage was carried out by applying a 2 ----
jet of pressurized water to the concrete slab coated with 5
deactivating agent at the same time intervals as in Example
3. The results obtained are summarized in Table V below.

0074 The results show that the deactivating composition
used makes it possible to obtain a gritted Surface of unvary
Days after ing depth after cleaning of the Surface layer. The duration of
the pouring action of the deactivating composition is between one day
of the Results and at least sixteen days.
concrete obtained

0.75 --- EXAMPLE 6

1 ----
2 ----
0075 Various concrete slabs exhibiting the following
3 ---- composition (in kg/m) were subjected to various deactiva
5 ---- tion tests.
7 ----

0070 The results show that the deactivating composition Cement CEMI 42.5 500 kg
Sand 0.3 mm 1500 kg
used makes it possible to obtain a gritted Surface of unvary Plasticizer 2 kg
ing depth after cleaning of the Surface layer, as is the case for Water 230 kg
the composition of the prior art. However, the duration of
action of the deactivating composition according to the
invention is much longer at a temperature of less than 10°C. 0076) The constituents were introduced into a 90 litre
than that of the prior art. Specifically, this duration of action mixer. After a prehomogenization stage, the water was
is between one day and at least seven days for the compo introduced. The mixing was prolonged for a further 5
sition according to the invention whereas the duration of minutes and then the concrete was poured into 50 cmx100
action of the composition of the prior art is limited to the cmx2 cm moulds.
range from 24 to 48 hours. 0077 Once the concrete had been spread using a metal
EXAMPLE 5 screed, it was trowelled so as to obtain a perfectly smooth
0071. In this example, a “ready-mixed mortar Chapdur Surface.
Décor DésactivéR) (SIKA) was prepared according to the 0078 Immediately after having smoothed the concrete, a
manufacturers instructions. The concrete slabs were poured layer of the deactivating composition was applied using a
with this mortar according to the same procedure as in manual sprayer.
Example 1. The formula of the deactivating composition
used is as follows (proportions expressed as percentages by 0079 The formula of the deactivating composition used
weight): is as follows (proportions expressed as percentages by

Glucose syrup 6
Aromatic ethoxylate 2 N-Acetylaminophenol 0.4
Polyether polyol 5 Ethoxylated alkylphenol O.S
HMASE 37 Polyether polyol and polyester polyol 3
Oil in emulsion 7 HMASE 30
Bentone 1.5 Oil in emulsion 9
Biocide O.S Biocide O.S
Antifoaming agent 1 Antifoaming agent 1
Water make up to 100 Water make up to 100

0072 Immediately after having smoothed the concrete, a 0080. The amount of deactivating composition applied
layer of the deactivating composition is applied using a was between 0.20 and 0.25 litre per square metre. The entire
compressed air sprayer. The amount applied is 0.27 litre per test was carried out inside the laboratory, at a temperature of
square metre. The temperature was 34° C. during the test. between 18 and 22° C.
US 2006/0230987 A1 Oct. 19, 2006

0081. A washing-out stage was carried out at various EXAMPLE 10

times by applying a jet of pressurized water to the concrete
slab coated with deactivating agent. The results obtained are 0088. The protocol used for the preparation of the con
summarized in Table VII. crete is the same as in Example 6. The formula of the
deactivating composition used is as follows (proportions
EXAMPLE 7 expressed as percentages by weight):
0082 The protocol used for the preparation of the con
crete is the same as in Example 6. The formula of the
deactivating composition used is as follows (proportions Nagluconate 5
expressed as percentages by weight): Oxypropylenated stearate 1
Polyether polyols 3
Oil in emulsion 9
Biocide O.S
N-Acetylaminophenol 0.4 Antifoaming agent 1
Ethoxylated alkylphenol 1 Water make up to 100
Polyether polyols 3
Oil in emulsion 9
Biocide O.S 0089. The application and washing conditions for this
Antifoaming agent 1 composition were the same as those in Example 6. The
Water make up to 100 results obtained are summarized in Table VII below.

0083. The application and washing conditions for this
composition were the same as those in Example 6. The Days
results obtained are summarized in Table VII. after the
EXAMPLE 8 of the Results obtained

0084. The protocol used for the preparation of the con concrete Ex. 6 Ex. 7 Ex. 8 Ex. 9 Ex. 10
crete is the same as in Example 6. The formula of the 2 ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
deactivating composition used is as follows (proportions 5 ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
expressed as percentages by weight): 8 ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

N-Acetylaminophenol O.8 0090 The results show that the deactivating composi
Oxypropylenated stearate 1 tions used in Examples 6 to 10 make it possible to obtain a
Polyether polyol and polyester polyol 3 Sanded surface of unvarying depth after cleaning of the
Oil in emulsion
surface layer. The duration of action of the deactivating
Biocide O.S
compositions is between two days and at least eight days.
Antifoaming agent 1
Water make up to 100 EXAMPLE 11
0091. In this example, a “ready-mixed mortar Chapdur
0085. The application and washing conditions for this Décor DésactivéR) (SIKA) was prepared according to the
composition were the same as those in Example 6. The manufacturers instructions. The concrete slabs were poured
results obtained are summarized in Table VII. with this mortar according to the same procedure as in
Example 1. The formula of the deactivating composition
EXAMPLE 9 used is as follows (proportions expressed as percentages by
0.086 The protocol used for the preparation of the con weight):
crete is the same as in Example 6. The formula of the
deactivating composition used is as follows (proportions
expressed as percentages by weight): Glucose 1
Aromatic ethoxylate O.S
Polyether polyol 1.5
Nagluconate 3 Oil in emulsion 7
Ethoxylated alkylphenol O.S Bentone 1
Polyether polyol and polyester polyol 2 Biocide O.S
HMASE 35 Antifoaming agent 1
Oil in emulsion 9 Water make up to 100
Biocide O.S
Antifoaming agent 1
Water make up to 100 0092. The amount of deactivating composition applied
was 0.19 litre per square metre. The temperature was 15° C.
0087. The application and washing conditions for this during the test with a high degree of humidity.
composition were the same as those in Example 6. The 0093. A washing-out stage was carried out at various
results obtained are summarized in Table VII. times by applying a jet of pressurized water to the concrete
US 2006/0230987 A1 Oct. 19, 2006

slab coated with deactivating agent. The results obtained are 2) Composition according to claim 1, characterized in that
summarized in Table VIII below. the nonionic Surfactant is chosen from polyethylene glycol
esters, fatty acid esters, ethoxylates (polyoxyethylenated or
TABLE VII polyoxypropylenated ethers of fatty alcohols or of fatty
Days after the pouring
acids). Sucrose, Sorbitol and pentaerythritol esters, and,
of the concrete Results obtained
finally, oxyethylenated or oxypropylenated derivatives of
fatty acid esters, aminoalcohols, amides and amines.
--- 3) Composition according to claim 1, characterized in that
---- the Surface retarder is chosen from a phosphate, an ami
nophenol, a carbohydrate, or a carboxylic or hydroxycar
boxylic acid or acid salt, such as gluconic or glucoheptonic
acid or sodium gluconate or glucoheptonate.
EXAMPLE 12 4) Composition according to claim 1, characterized in that
amount (by weight) of nonionic Surfactant in the composi
0094. In this example, a “ready-mixed mortar Chapdur tion is between 0.2 and 5%, preferably between 0.3 and 3%.
Décor DésactivéR) (SIKA) was prepared according to the 5) Composition according to claim 1, characterized in that
manufacturers instructions. The concrete slabs were poured the amount (by weight) of Surface retarder in the composi
with this mortar according to the same procedure as in tion is between 0.05 and 25%, preferably between 0.1 and
Example 1. The formula of the deactivating composition 15%.
used is as follows (proportions expressed as percentages by
weight): 6) Composition according to claim 1, characterized in that
it additionally comprises at least one polyol.
7) Composition according to claim 1, characterized in that
the polyol is chosen from a polyether polyol, a modified
Aromatic ethoxylate
polyether polyol comprising a polyurea or a polyurethane in
dispersion, a polyvinyl-modified polyether, a polyester
Oil in emulsion 7 polyol, a polycarbonate polyol, a polycaprolactone polyol or
Bentone 1 a glycol.
Biocide O.S
Antifoaming agent 1 8) Composition according to claim 7, characterized in that
Water make up to 100 the polyol is chosen from a diol and a triol.
9) Composition according to claim 1, characterized in that
the amount (by weight) of polyols in the composition is
0.095 The amount of deactivating composition applied between 0.1 and 15%, preferably between 0.1 and 10%.
was 0.19 litre per square metre. The temperature was 15° C. 10) Composition according to claim 1, characterized in
during the test with a high degree of humidity. that it additionally comprises an aqueous emulsion, Soluble
0096. A washing-out stage was carried out at various in alkalis, of a hydrophobically modified acrylic resin
times by applying a jet of pressurized water to the concrete (HMASE) as rheology modifier.
slab coated with deactivating agent. The results obtained are 11) Composition according to claim 10, characterized in
summarized in Table IX below. that the concentration of rheology modifier of the emulsion
in the composition is between 20 and 50%, preferably
TABLE IX between 30 and 40%.
Days after the pouring 12) Composition according to claim 1, characterized in
of the concrete Results obtained that it additionally comprises a cutting oil.
13) Composition according to claim 12, characterized in
that the concentration of cutting oil in the composition is
between 5 and 10%.
14) Process for deactivating the surface of a concrete or
of a mortar during the setting thereof, comprising a stage of
application of a deactivating composition according to claim
0097. The comparison of example 11 and examples 12, 1 in proportions of the order of 0.20+0.05 litre per square
which differ by the additional presence of a polyol in the metre of the said Surface and a stage of Washing this surface
deactivation composition, show the beneficial effect of said with water after a predetermined period.
15) Use of a nonionic surfactant for the preparation of a
Surface-deactivating composition for concrete or mortar,
1) Surface-deactivating composition for concrete or mor characterized in that the said composition is as defined in
tar comprising at least one Surface retarder, characterized in claim 1.
that it additionally comprises at least one nonionic Surfac

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