PLASTICIZER FOR GEOPOLYMERS [0010 ] There is still a need for a robust and inexpensive
plasticizer for geopolymers, specifically for geopolymers
TECHNICAL FIELD containing metakaolin , that overcomes the disadvantages of
[0001] The invention relates to the field of geopolymers the prior art.
and of plasticizers for geopolymers . SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
PRIOR ART [0011] It is an objectof the present invention to provide an
[0002] Geopolymers are known as an alternative to effective plasticizer for geopolymers that enables easy pro
cement- based building materials. Geopolymers are consid cessibility for a long period without too significantly retard
ered to be environmentally friendly building materials since ing the hardening or reducing the final strength to an
the production of their starting materials gives rise to much undesirable degree .
less Co , than the production of portland cement. Building [0012 ] This object is surprisingly achieved by the use of
an additive A as described in claim 1 . The additive A
materials containing geopolymers as binders , in the hard comprises at least one water- soluble polymer which is a
ened state , usually have better chemical stability and better homo - or copolymer of at least one monoethylenically
thermal stability than building materials based on portland unsaturated carboxylic acid that has been partly or fully
cement. Geopolymers generally consist of an aluminum neutralized with an alkali metal ion . A polymer of this kind
silicate component and an alkali metal silicate component is of excellent suitability for plasticization of geopolymers .
that react with one another in a geopolymerization reaction . At the same time, it improves the flow characteristics of
Aluminum silicate components used include fly ash , slag geopolymers and also has the result that they remain pro
and metakaolin . cessible over a longer period of time. The combination with
[0003] However, geopolymers are often difficult to pro an alkali metal silicate can distinctly increase the plasticiz
cess, especially when they contain metakaolin . Geopoly ing effect of the water -soluble polymer, giving geopolymers
mers having a high solids content, or a small amount of of high strength . Both the water- soluble polymer and the
water, are very viscous and often sticky, and hence difficult alkali metal silicate are commercially readily available and
to process . Although an increased amount of water improves inexpensive.
processibility , it has an adverse effect on strength and [0013] Particularly geopolymers containing metakaolin
durability after hardening . Since no water is consumed in the are difficult to process and usually sticky. Surprisingly, the
geopolymerization reaction , unlike in the case of hydraulic additive A of the invention is of a very good suitability for
binders such as cement, for example , the water which is plasticization ofmetakaolin -containing geopolymers .
required for processing is for the most part still present after [0014 ] Further aspects of the invention form the subject
the hardening and, after the shaped body has dried out, matter of further independent claims. Particularly preferred
leaves pores that reduce the strength and durability of the embodiments of the invention form the subject matter of the
shaped body. dependent claims.
[0004 ] In order to obtain geopolymers having high [0015 ] Ways of executing the invention
strength and durability, it is therefore vital to keep the [0016 ] The invention provides for the use ofan additive A
amount of water to a minimum in the course of processing , comprising
which is facilitated by the use of a good plasticizer . Owing [0017 ] at least one water - soluble polymer which is a
to the high pH of more than 13 , however, the selection of homo- or copolymer of at least one monoethylenically
suitable plasticizers for geopolymers and the effect thereof is unsaturated carboxylic acid that has been partly or fully
limited . neutralized with an alkali metal ion , and
[0005 ] US 2012 /0192765 describes specific geopolymer [0018 ] optionally an alkali metal silicate S1,
cements which may contain a crosslinked polyacrylic acid . [0019 ] as plasticizer for geopolymers .
Crosslinked polyacrylic acids typically increase the viscos [0020] A " water -soluble polymer” in the present document
ity of a solution . No plasticizing effect of the crosslinked is understood to mean a polymer which , at 20° C . under
polyacrylic acid is shown . standard pressure and at least one pH from the group of 2 ,
[0006 ] WO 2010 /079414 describes geopolymers compris 7 and 12 , has a solubility of at least 10 g per liter of water.
ing, as plasticizer, known plasticizers for portland cement Preferred water- soluble polymers under these conditions
based concrete mixtures. However, plasticizers of this kind have a solubility of 100 g per liter of water.
do not adequately plasticize geopolymers. [0021] A “ monoethylenically unsaturated ” organic com
[0007 ] WO 2011/072784 describes geopolymer composi pound refers to one that has just one polymerizable carbon
tions comprising a carbohydrate as water-reducing agent. carbon double bond .
But carbohydrates can significantly retard the setting of the [0022] “ Molecular weight” is understood in the present
geopolymer. document to mean the molar mass ( in grams per mole ) of a
[0008 ] WO 2015 /049010 describes geopolymer composi molecule . “ Average molecular weight” refers to the weight
tions comprising, inter alia , an organic acid , preferably average Mw or number -average M , of an oligomeric or
tartaric acid . Plasticizers used are polycarboxylate ethers polymeric mixture of molecules. It is determined by means
( PCEs ). But polycarboxylate ethers are costly, and tartaric of gel permeation chromatography (GPC ).
acid significantly retards the setting of the geopolymer. 10023 ] The additive A of the invention comprises at least
[0009] Nematollahi and Sanjayan , Materials and Design one water -soluble polymer which is a homo - or copolymer
57 (2014 ), pages 667-672 , describe the use of polycarboxy of at least one monoethylenically unsaturated carboxylic
late ethers (PCEs), sulfonated naphthalene condensates and acid that has been partly or fully neutralized with an alkali
melamine condensates as plasticizer for fly ash -based geo metal ion . A polymer of this kind is obtainable by homo- or
polymers. copolymerization of at least one monoethylenically unsatu
US 2019 /0202737 A1 Jul. 4 , 2019
rated carboxylic acid . The monoethylenically unsaturated potassium salt of polyacrylic acid , preferably a sodium salt .
carboxylic acid here may be in the form of the free acid or In a further preferred embodiment, the water- soluble poly
of an alkali metal or alkaline earth metal salt, and the mer is a sodium or potassium salt of a copolymer of acrylic
polymer, if the monoethylenically unsaturated carboxylic acid and methacrylic acid , preferably a sodium salt .
acid was in the form of the free acid , is subsequently partly [0032 ]. In a further preferred embodiment, the water
or fully neutralized . In the case of a copolymer, the mono soluble polymer is a sodium or potassium salt of a copoly
ethylenically unsaturated carboxylic acid may have been merof acrylic acid and maleic acid , preferably a sodium salt .
polymerized with other unsaturated carboxylic acids and /or [0033 ] Suitable water- soluble polymers are commercially
with other polymerizable , monoethylenically unsaturated available , especially Sokalan® CP or Sokalan® PA products
monomers. Unsaturated carboxylic acids suitable for the from BASF.
purpose are especially acrylic acid , methacrylic acid , maleic [0034 ] In a particularly preferred embodiment, the water
acid , maleic anhydride, fumaric acid , crotonic acid or soluble polymer is a homopolymer of acrylic acid in the
itaconic acid . Suitable polymerizable , monoethylenically form of the sodium salt and having an average molecular
unsaturated monomers are especially allyl alcohol, ethylene , weight M , in the range from 2 '000 to 8 '000 g /mol.
propylene , vinylsulfonic acid , methallylsulfonic acid , acry [0035 ] The additive A is used as plasticizer for geopoly
lamido - 2 -methylpropanesulfonic acid , acrylamide, alkyl mers. For this purpose , it is preferably used in such an
esters of methacrylic acid or hydroxyalkyl esters of meth amount that the water -soluble polymer is present in an
acrylic acid . amount of 1 to 10 parts by weight, preferably 1. 1 to 8 parts
[0024 ] The water-soluble polymer is especially a linear or by weight, more preferably 1 .2 to 5 parts by weight, calcu
branched polymer that has not been crosslinked . The water lated in solid form , to 100 parts by weight of the aluminum
soluble polymer is preferably a linear polymer. The water silicates present in the geopolymer .
soluble polymer is especially preparable by free - radical [0036 ] Such an amount of additive A results in very good
polymerization . Initiators suitable for the purpose are espe processibility of the geopolymer .
cially peroxides , hydroperoxides, persulfates or azo initia [0037 ] In a preferred embodiment, the additive A com
tors . The free -radical polymerization here is preferably prises at least one alkalimetal silicate S / . The combination
conducted under conditions that control the molecular of alkali metal silicate S , and the water-soluble polymer in
weight, especially by addition of mercaptans, alkali metal the additive A shows a higher plasticizing effect than the
sulfite , alkali metal phosphite or alkali metal hypophosphite . water- soluble polymer on its own . Moreover, the alkali
[ 0025 ] Preference is given to a water -soluble polymer metal silicate S , enables elevated strength of the geopoly
which is a homo- or copolymer of at least one monoethyl mer.
enically unsaturated carboxylic acid from a free - radical [0038 ] Alkali metal silicate is also referred to as water
polymerization in water in the presence of alkali metal glass and is a substance of the formula M , 0 * n SiO , where
sulfite or alkali metal hypophosphite . M is Na, K or Li and n is the ratio of SiO2 to M20 .
[0026 ] The water-soluble polymer may also have been Commercial alkalimetal silicates typically have values of n
prepared by means of “ living” free -radical polymerization . in the range from about 0 .5 to 4 . Alkali metal silicate
[0027 ] Preferably, the water-soluble polymer is a homo - or dissolved in water is an alkaline, clear, colloidal solution or
copolymer of acrylic acid , especially a homopolymer of a gel. The alkali metal silicates also include orthosilicates
acrylic acid or a copolymer of acrylic acid and methacrylic M _ O _ Si with n = 0 . 5 , and metasilicates M , O Si with n = 1 .
acid or a copolymer of acrylic acid and maleic acid . More [0039 ] In a preferred embodiment, the alkalimetal silicate
preferably , the water-soluble polymer is polyacrylic acid or S , is a sodium or potassium silicate .
a copolymer of acrylic acid and maleic acid . [0040] Preference is given to an alkali metal silicate S ,
[0028 ] Most preferably, the water -soluble polymer is poly with a molar ratio of SiO , to M , O in the range from 0 .8 to
acrylic acid . Polyacrylic acid is readily available and inex 3 .6 , preferably 0 . 8 to 2 , more preferably 0 . 8 to 1. 5 , where M
pensive and shows a particularly good effect as a plasticizer. is Na and/or K . Such an alkalimetal silicate S , enables an
[0029] The water - soluble polymer preferably has an aver additive A with particularly good storage stability, especially
age molecular weight M ,, in the range from 1'000 to 20 '000 in powder form . Moreover, it shows a particularly good
g/mol, more preferably 1'000 to 10'000 g/mol, especially effect as a plasticizer and enables particularly high strength
2'000 to 8'000 g/mol. Such polymers show a good effect as of the hardened geopolymer. A preferred alkali metal silicate
plasticizers without having too severe an adverse effect on S , is sodium metasilicate having a ratio of Sio , to Na2O of
the processibility , hardening or compressive strength of the 1.
geopolymer . Polymers having higher or lower molecular [0041 ] The suitable amount of alkali metal silicate S , in
weights worsen processibility and /or reduce compressive the additive A depends on the composition of the geopoly
strength in an undesirable manner . Polymers having lower mer and the water - soluble polymer and may therefore vary .
molecular weights additionally show inadequate plasticizing Preferably , the alkali metal silicate S , is present in an
action and /or retard the hardening of the geopolymer to an amount of 10 to 100 parts by weight, more preferably 15 to
undesirable degree. 80 parts by weight, especially 20 to 60 parts by weight,
[ 0030 ] Preferably 20 % to 100 % , more preferably 50 % to based on 100 parts by weight of the water-soluble polymer,
100 % , especially 80 % to 100 % , of the acid groups of the both calculated in solid form .
water- soluble polymer have been neutralized . Such a poly [0042 ] The additive A may be in the form of an aqueous
mer can be mixed particularly well with the geopolymer, solution, of an aqueous suspension , or of a dry or moist
especially without flocculation or gel formation. powder.
[0031] Neutralization is especially effected with a sodium [0043 ] Use as an aqueous solution or aqueous suspension
hydroxide and/ or a potassium hydroxide. In a preferred enables simple and good dosage and mixing with the geo
embodiment, the water - soluble polymer is a sodium or polymer. Preference is given to an aqueous solution or
US 2019 /0202737 A1 Jul. 4, 2019
suspension having a proportion of dissolved additive A or [0059 ] The additive A is used as plasticizer for geopoly
having a solids content of 25 % to 75 % by weight , especially mers .
30 % to 65 % by weight. Such solutions or suspensions can [0060 ] A suitable geopolymer especially consists of
be handled and stored particularly efficiently . [ 0061] a powder component comprising at least one
[0044 ] Use in powder form has the advantage that the aluminum silicate and
storage stability of the additive A is particularly good and a [0062] an aqueous component comprising at least one
particularly low water content in the geopolymer is enabled . alkali metal silicate S2,
10063 ] which harden after mixing to give a solid body.
A high water content in the geopolymer can result in a 10064 ]. Suitable for this purpose are all aluminum silicates
reduced strength . with which a geopolymer is producible .
10045 ] In the form of an aqueous solution , the additive A 10065 ) Particularly suitable aluminum silicates are clay,
can be produced in a particularly simple manner. The calcined clay, fly ash , blast furnace slag, aluminum slag ,
water - soluble polymer can be dissolved in water or is zeolite , feldspar or mixtures thereof. Preferred aluminum
already in the form of an aqueous solution . If an alkalimetal silicates are selected from the group consisting of clay,
silicate S , is additionally present, the additive A can be calcined clay, fly ash and blast furnace slag . Among these ,
prepared by mixing an aqueous solution of the water-soluble preference is given to a mixture comprising fly ash and blast
polymer with an aqueous solution of the alkali metal silicate furnace slag , special preference to a mixture of fly ash and /or
S , as an aqueous solution , or by dissolving a solid alkali blast furnace slag with calcined clay , especially metakaolin ,
metal silicate S , in an aqueous solution of the water -soluble particular preference to a mixture ofmetakaolin with fly ash .
polymer. The composition of the ingredients of metakaolin varies
only slightly from production batch to production batch ,
[0046 ] In powder form , the additive A can especially be which constitutes a particular advantage of these geopoly
prepared in that the water -soluble polymer is in solid form mers . The mixture of metakaolin with fly ash and/ or blast
and , if desired , is mixed with solid alkali metal silicate S?, furnace slag is of particularly good suitability for the pro
or by drying the additive A in the form of an aqueous duction of geopolymers having high stability and strength .
solution , for example by freeze -drying or spray drying , [0066 ] “ Clay” refers to water -containing aluminum sili
optionally with a carrier material, and optionally with sub cate which is formed in weathering processes . The clays
sequent grinding , to obtain a fine powder. include kaolinite , bentonite , common clays and kaolinite
[0047 ] The additive A may comprise further ingredients clays.
besides the water - soluble polymer and optionally the alkali [0067] " Calcined clay ” refers to the reaction product from
metal silicate S . Suitable further ingredients are especially the calcining of a clay mineral, typically at 600 to 850° C .
organic acids or hydroxycarboxylic acids, such as, in par 10068 ] “Metakaolin ” refers to the amorphous reaction
ticular, adipic acid , succinic acid , maleic acid , tartaric acid , product from the calcining of the clay mineral kaolin ,
citric acid , salicylic acid or gluconic acid , or alkali metal typically at 600 to 850° C . The resultant structure , usually in
salts thereof, and also customary cement plasticizers such as, platelet form , of the metakaolin makes such geopolymers
in particular, lignosulfonate , sulfonated melamine conden sticky and difficult to process .
sate, sulfonated naphthalene condensate or polycarboxylate [0069 ] Suitable metakaolin is commercially available , for
ethers . example from Newchem AG , Switzerland .
[0048 ] In a preferred embodiment, the additive A is an [0070 ] “ Fly ash ” refers to a by-product from coal- fired
aqueous formulation of power plants which is filtered outof the waste air in the form
of a fine powder. Suitable fly ash is commercially available ,
[0049 ] 20 % to 45 % by weight of water-soluble polymer for example from BauMineral GmbH , Germany. “ Blast
as described , especially a sodium salt of polyacrylic furnace slag ” , also called foundry sand , refers to the non
acid , having an average molecular weight M , of 2'000 metallic by -product in the production of iron , with formation
to 8'000 g /mol, of different types of slag according to the process in the
[0050 ] 5 % to 20 % by weight of sodium silicate or cooling and hardening of the molten material. Blast furnace
potassium silicate having a molar ratio of SiO2 to M20 slag is especially used in the form of fine powder. Suitable
of about 0 .8 to 2 , blast furnace slag is commercially available , for example
[0051] 0 % to 5 % by weight of further additives and from HeidelbergCement AG , Germany
[0052 ] 35 % to 75 % by weight of water, [0071] “ Aluminum slag ” refers to the waste product
obtained in the recovery of aluminum oxide , an intermediate
[0053] based in each case on the overall aqueous formu in aluminum production , from aluminum - containing ores ,
lation . especially bauxite . Aluminum slag is also referred to as red
[0054] In a further preferred embodiment, the additive A mud.
is a pulverulent formulation of [0072 ] Preferably, the additive A is used as plasticizer for
[0055 ] 50 % to 90 % , preferably 65 % to 85 % , by weight geopolymers wherein the powder component comprises at
of water-soluble polymer as described , especially a least 10 % by weight of metakaolin , especially 10 % to 60 %
sodium salt of polyacrylic acid , having an average by weight, based on 100 % by weight of the powder com
molecular weight M , of 2 '000 to 8'000 g/mol, ponent.
[0056 ] 10 % to 50 % , preferably 15 % to 35 % , by weight [0073 ] The composition of the ingredients in the alumi
num silicates obtained as by - products from industries , for
of sodium silicate having a molar ratio of SiO2 to M20 example fly ash or slag , often varies significantly from
of 1 to about 1. 5 and production batch to production batch . The composition of
[0057 ] 0 % to 5 % by weight of further solid additives, the ingredients of metakaolin varies only slightly from
[0058 ] based in each case on the overall pulverulent production batch to production batch , which constitutes a
formulation. particular advantage of geopolymers containing metakaolin .
US 2019 /0202737 A1 Jul. 4 , 2019
[0074 ] Geopolymers in which the aluminum silicate in the [0089 ] The additive A exerts a good plasticizing effect on
powder component contains metakaolin only are generally the geopolymer in the processing of the composition . As a
less easy to process than geopolymers containing the same result, the geopolymer can be processed efficiently with a
amount of water but in which the aluminum silicate in the small amount of water, which enables a particularly high
powder component also comprises fly ash and /or slag . strength .
[0075 ] Preferably , the powder component of the geopoly [0090 ] The plasticizer may be present as a constituent of
mer contains not more than 10 % by weight, more preferably the powder component or as a constituent of the aqueous
notmore than 5 % by weight, of cement or gypsum , based on component of the geopolymer or as a separate component.
100 % by weight of aluminum silicate ; most preferably , the Preferably , the plasticizer is in the form of a separate
powder component is free of cement and gypsum . component which is mixed with the components of the
[0076 ] Especially preferably, the powder component in the geopolymer only in the course of processing of the compo
geopolymer contains aluminum silicates only. sition .
[0077 ] This increases the storage stability of the powder [0091] Geopolymers containing metakaolin are particu
component of the geopolymer; specifically the water sensi larly demanding in relation to processing. Such geopolymers
tivity is low , and can contribute to better water stability and are typically comparatively sticky and hence difficult to
chemical stability of the geopolymer after curing. process , which means that a good plasticizer is particularly
[0078] Preferably , the median particle size D50 of the important .
aluminum silicate , calculated as the average value for all [0092 ] Preferably , the powder component of the geopoly
aluminum silicates in the powder component, is between 1 mer in the composition contains at least 10 % by weight of
um and 300 um , more preferably between 2 um and 250 um , metakaolin , especially 10 % to 60 % by weight, based on
even more preferably between 3 um and 200 um , especially 100 % by weight of the powder component.
preferably between 5 um and 150 um , most preferably [0093] Preferably , the powder component of the geopoly
between 8 um and 100 um , especially preferably between 10 mer in the composition comprises fly ash and/ or blast
um and 50 um , measured by static light scattering in furnace slag , especially fly ash .
isopropanol and dispersed with the aid of ultrasound. [0094] More preferably , the powder component of the
[0079 ] If the average particle size is less than 1 um , the geopolymer comprises a mixture ofmetakaolin and fly ash ,
amount of water required for good processibility of the where the metakaolin component is preferably 10 % to 60 %
geopolymer is distinctly increased . However, high amounts by weight, especially 30 % to 50 % by weight, based on the
of water reduce the strength and durability of a shaped body sum total of metakaolin and fly ash .
produced from the geopolymer after hardening. If the aver [0095 ] Geopolymers containing only fly ash as aluminum
age particle size is greater than 300 um , the reactivity of the silicate have very slow development of strength .
aluminum silicate is low and the geopolymerization is slow [0096 ] Further preferably , the powder component of the
and/ or incomplete . geopolymer comprises a mixture ofmetakaolin , fly ash and
[0080 ] Likewise suitable as alkali metal silicate S , are the blast furnace slag , where the metakaolin component is 30 %
already as suitable alkalimetal silicates S , optionally present to 60 % by weight, based on the sum total ofmetakaolin , fly
in the additive A . ash and blast furnace slag.
[0081 ] Preferably, the alkali metal silicate S , has a molar [0097 ] If blast furnace slag is present in the powder
ratio of SiO , to M , 0 in the range from 0 .8 to 2 .4 , more component of the geopolymer, the proportion of blast fur
preferably of 1.0 to 2 .0 , especially of 1.4 to 2 .0, especially nace slag is preferably 20 % to 40 % by weight, more
preferably of 1.4 to 1. 8 . This preferred ratio may have been preferably 25 % to 35 % by weight,based on 100 % by weight
established by addition of NaOH or KOH , for example . of the sum total of all aluminum silicates in the powder
[0082] Preferably, the alkali metal silicate S , is a potas component.
sium silicate and /or sodium silicate, especially a potassium [0098] Likewise suitable as alkali metal silicate S , are the
silicate . alkali metal silicates S , already mentioned as suitable .
[0083] It has been found that, surprisingly, geopolymers [0099] Preferably , the alkali metal silicate S , has a molar
containing a potassium silicate as alkali metal silicate S2 ratio of SiO2 to M20 in the range from 0 .8 to 2 .4, preferably
have much better processibility and are less tough and sticky of 1 .0 to 2 .0 , especially of 1.4 to 2 .0 , especially preferably
than geopolymers containing a sodium silicate as alkali of 1 .4 to 1.8 . This preferred ratio may have been established
metal silicate S . . by addition of NaOH or KOH , for example . If the ratio of
[0084 ] Preferably, the alkali metal silicate S , is a potas SiO2 to M20 is in the region of 0 .8 or lower, the processing
sium silicate having a ratio of SiO , to K , O of 0 .8 to 2 . 4 , time of the geopolymer can be very short and the geopoly
more preferably of 1.0 to 2 .0 , especially of 1.4 to 2 .0 , mer is highly alkaline, which constitutes an elevated safety
especially preferably of 1.4 to 1.8 . risk to the user. If the ratio of SiO2 to M20 is higher than 2. 4 ,
[0085 ] Geopolymers with such alkali metal silicates have the geopolymerization reaction is very slow , especially
good processibility and harden rapidly . when the hardening is effected without supply of heat, and
[0086 ] The invention further provides a composition com so shaped bodies produced are often still not solid even after
prising 24 hours .
[0087 ] at least one geopolymer comprising a powder [0100 ] Preferably , the alkali metal silicate S , is a potas
component containing at least one aluminum silicate sium silicate and /or sodium silicate , especially a potassium
and an aqueous component containing at least one silicate .
alkali metal silicate S2, and [0101 ] Preferably, the aqueous component of the geopo
[0088 ] a plasticizer comprising the additive A as lymer contains 30 % to 50 % by weight of alkalimetal silicate
described above . Sz:
US 2019 /0202737 A1 Jul. 4 , 2019
[0102] In a particularly preferred embodiment of the [0116 ] The shaped body here especially has a three -di
invention , if the additive Acomprises an alkali metal silicate mensional shape.
Sj, this alkali metal silicate S , and the alkali metal silicate [0117] This process is used to obtain an article comprising
S , in the aqueous component of the geopolymer are different the hardened composition . The invention further provides
in relation to the alkali metal present. Preferably, the alkali such an article .
metal silicate S , present is a sodium silicate and the alkali [0118 ] The shaped body or the article preferably consti
metal S2 present is a potassium silicate . Such a composition tutes a component of a building or a built structure, espe
shows particularly good processibility and strength after cially a shell, a wall, a floor, a coating , a screed or a filling .
[0103] The composition may consist solely of geopolymer EXAMPLES
and the additive A and be used as such for injections, for [0119 ] Working examples are adduced hereinafter , which
example , or it may comprise further ingredients. Preferably , are intended to elucidate the invention described in detail . It
the composition additionally comprises sand and /or gravel will be appreciated that the invention is not restricted to
and/ or further additives. Such a composition is particularly these described working examples .
suitable as mortar , concrete, render, grout or coating . f0120 “ P ” stands for " geopolymer mixture ” .
[0104 ] The plasticizer here is especially present in such an [0121 ] “Ref.” stands for “ reference example ” .
amount that there are 2 to 7 parts by weight of plasticizer, [0122] “ Ex .” stands for " example ” .
calculated in solid form , per 100 parts by weight of the [0123] Description of TestMethods
powder component of the geopolymer. 0124 ] The solids content of the solutions was determined
[0105 ] The composition is processed by mixing all the with a halogen drier from Mettler Toledo .
components of the composition together. More particularly, [0125 ] The SiO2, Na , O and K , O contents and the alkali
the powder component and the aqueous component of the metal silicate content of the alkali metal silicate solutions
geopolymer and the plasticizer are simultaneously mixed were taken from the manufacturers ' datasheets.
with one another, or the powder component and the aqueous [0126 ] The average molecular weight Mw of the polymers
component of the geopolymer are first mixed with one was determined by means of gel permeation chromatogra
another, and the plasticizer is added to the mixed geopoly phy (GPC ).
mer immediately thereafter and mixed in well . [0127] GPC Measurement Conditions
[ 0106 ] Preferably, the plasticizer is present as a separate [0128 ] Columns : PSS Suprema 10 um , 2x1000 A , 1x30
component and is mixed into the freshly mixed components A , all 8x300 mm with precolumn, from PSS Polymer
of the geopolymer. This mode of processing enables par Standards Service, Germany
ticularly good plasticization . [0129 ] Eluent: 0. 1N NaNO3 adjusted to pH 12 with
[0107] The mixing of the components of the geopolymer NaOH
is preferably effected with a mixing tool customary in mortar 10130 ] Flow rate : 0 . 8 mL /min
production . Especially intensive mixing or additional grind [0131 ] Temperature (column oven and detector ): 45° C .
ing of the components is not advantageous for the process [0132 ] In - line degasser AF, Waters
ing and use of the geopolymer. Excessively long and exces
sively intensive mixing costs time and energy , undesirably [ 0133 ] Pump : Varian Pro Star Model 220
increases the input of air into the mixture and can hinder the 101341 Detector: Waters 2414 RI detector
geopolymerization reaction . 0135 ]. Standards: polymethacrylic acid sodium salt M ,
[0108 ] The mixing time of the geopolymer is preferably 1'220 , 3 ' 180 , 8210 , 34' 900 , 163'000 from PSS Polymer
not more than 6 minutes, more preferably not more than 5 Standards Service
minutes, even more preferably not more than 4 minutes , [0136 ] Concentration of the standards, dissolved in the
especially preferably not more than 3 minutes. eluent: 1 mg/mL
[0109] The mixed composition is converted to the desired [0137 ] Concentration of the samples calculated in solid
shape , suitably within the period of time within which it has form , dissolved in the eluent: 10 mg/mL
good formability . [0138 ] Evaluation software: BreezeTM 2 , Waters
[0110] The contact of the powder component with the (0139 ] The Compositions were Tested as Follows:
aqueous component commences the hardening of the geo [0140] Slump was determined to EN 1015 -3 . The values in
polymer by chemical reaction . This forms Si- O Al - O the tables are based on the diameter of the mortar directly
bonds with formation of a three-dimensional inorganic poly after the raising of the slump cone and awaiting the end of
mer structure , which ultimately results in hardening of the the flow movement without lifts of the flow table . Slump
serves as a measure of the flowability of the composition , a
mass to give a solid . The hardening of the composition high slump showing high flowability of the composition or
typically proceeds at temperatures of 10 to 120° C . Prefer a good effect of the plasticizer present. Slump was deter
ence is given to hardening at ambient temperature , espe mined immediately and, if appropriate , after 10 , 20, 30 and
cially at a temperature in the range from 20 to 35º C . 45 minutes after the mixing of the mortar.
[0111] The invention further provides a process for pro [0141] For the determination of compressive strength of
ducing a shaped body, comprising the steps of the hardened compositions, prisms of 4x4x16 cm were
[0112 ] providing the composition comprising at least produced , demolded after 24 hours and stored at 20° C . and
one geopolymer and at least one plasticizer as 65 % relative air humidity and tested to EN 196 - 1 .
described above, [0142 ] Materials Used
[0113 ] mixing the components of the composition , [0143 ] Metaver® R , metakaolin , Newchem , Switzerland
[0114 ] applying the composition , [0144 ] MetastarTM 501, metakaolin , Imerys, USA
[0115 ] hardening the composition . [0145 ] EFA® - Füller, fly ash , BauMineral, Germany
US 2019 /0202737 A1 Jul. 4 , 2019
[0146 ] SH 20 foundry sand , blast furnace slag , Heidel mixing was continued until the mixture was homogeneous ,
bergCement, Germany but for not more than 8 minutes. Subsequently , the slump of
[ 0147 ] Untervaz foundry sand,blast furnace slag , Holcim , each composition was determined . The results are reported
Switzerland in table 1 .
[ 0148 ] WG - 1: aqueous potassium silicate solution having
an alkalimetal silicate content of 41 % by weight and a molar TABLE 1
Si0 , /K , O ratio of 3 .
[ 0149] WG - 2 : aqueous potassium silicate solution having GP 11 ) GP 22) GP 32) GP 42) GP 5 GP 6 GP 7
an alkali metal silicate content of 48 % by weight and a molar Metaver ® 864 785.5 576 518.4 259.5 86.4 0
Si0 , /K , O ratio of 1 . R [ g]
[0150 ] WG -3 : aqueous potassium silicate solution having EFA ? 78. 5 288 345 . 6 604 . 5 777 . 6 864
an alkali metal silicate content of 30 % by weight and a molar Füller [g ]
SiO2/K20 ratio of 2 . Metakaolin
to fly ash
1:0 10 :1 2:1 1.5:1 1:2.3 1:9 0:1
[ 0151] WG - 4 : aqueous potassium silicate solution having [parts by
an alkalimetal silicate content of 45 % by weight and a molar weight ]
Slump [mm ]
SiO2/K20 ratio of 1.5 .
[0152 ] WG -5 : aqueous sodium silicate solution having an immediate n .m .3) n .m . n . d .4) n. d .4 ) 229 290 278
alkali metal silicate content of 42 .6 % by weight and a molar 10 min . n.m .3) n .m . 146 154 246 297 288
20 min . n .m .3 n .m .3 175 182 254 293 288
Si0 , /K2O ratio of 1.5 . 30 min . n .m . ) n . m . ") 185 195 265 293 286
[0153] NaMS: sodium metasilicate pentahydrate , Sigma 45 min . n .m .3) n .m .3) 162 198 268 279 278
Aldrich , Switzerland . Solid after yes yes yes yes yes yes no
[0154 ] PA -15 : Sokalan® PA 15 (from BASF ), polyacrylic 24 hours
acid sodium salt, Mu = 2 '400 g /mol, solids content of the 1)mixing time 8 minutes
aqueous solution 45 % by weight, pH (10 % solution ) 8 . mixing time 5 minutes
[0155 ] PA -25: Sokalan® PA 25 XS (from BASF ), poly 3)notmeasurable, too tough and sticky
4 measurement not made owing to prolonged mixing time
acrylic acid , Mu = 4 '000 g /mol, solids content of the aqueous
solution 49 % by weight, PH 2 . 8 . [0164 ] Test Series 2 — Workability of Geopolymers with
[ 0156 ] PA - 40 : Sokalan® PA 40 (from BASF ), polyacrylic Sodium Silicate /Potassium Silicate
acid sodium salt , My = 14'500 g/mol, solids content of the 10165 ] 259 .5 g ofMetaver® Rand 604. 5 g of EFA? Füller
aqueous solution 35 % by weight, pH 7 .
[0157 ] PA -70: Sokalan® PA 70 PN (from BASF ), poly HP were mixed in a forced mixer from Hobart at level 1 for
acrylic acid sodium salt, M .. =43'800 g /mol, solids content of 1 minute. Within 30 seconds, with continued stirring , the
the aqueous solution 30 % by weight, pH 5 . waterglass (WG -4 or WG - 5 ) and the water according to
[0158 ] PA -80 : Sokalan® PA 80 S ( from BASF ), poly table 2 were added . Mixing was continued at level 1 for a
acrylic acid , M , = 79'500 g /mol, solids content of the aque further 30 seconds and then at level 2 for a further 2 minutes .
ous solution 35 % by weight, pH ( 10 % solution ) 2 . If the geopolymer was not homogeneous enough after these
[0159 ] Dolapix SPC 7 ( from Zschimmer & Schwarz Che 3 minutes of mixing time of the wet mixture, mixing was
mische Fabriken ), dispersant and plasticizer, aqueous solu continued until the mixture was homogeneous , but for not
tion having a solids content of 52 % by weight, containing a more than 8 minutes. Subsequently , the slump of each
water - soluble polymer having carboxyl groups having an composition was determined . The results are reported in
average molecular weightM of 3' 200 g /mol and a sodium table 2 .
silicate , pH 13 , specimen from 2013 . TABLE 2
10160 ] Quartz sand : Quarzwerke Austria , Austria .
[ 0161] In the assessment of the results in tables 1 to 7 , it GP 5 GP 81)
is important to take into account that the geopolymer com WG -4 [g ] 348
position , for every new batch of metakaolin and fly ash , WG -5 [ g ] 0 348
owing to variations in the composition of these raw mate Water [g ] 10 1. 5
rials , particularly of the fly ash , had altered properties and in
some cases had to be adjusted . This adjustment was made by Total water in the geopolymer [g] 201 201
Slump [mm ]
slight variation in the amount of alkali metal silicate and in
the amount of KOH . Within a test series , the same geopo immediate 229 n .d .2)
lymer composition was used in each case with identical 10 min . 246 134
batches ofmetakaolin and fly ash . This explains the different 20 min . 254 n.m ,3)
values of Ref. 1, Ref . 12 and Ref . 13 . 30 min . 265 n.m .3)
45 min . 268 n.m .3)
[0162 ] Test Series 1 – Workability and Hardening of Deo Compressive strength after 24 hours 23 . 0 17 . 4
polymers Composed of Metakaolin and Fly Ash [MPa]
0163] Metaver® R and EFA? Füller HPwere introduced 1)mixing time 5 minutes
into a forced mixer from Hobart in the amounts specified in _ measurement not made owing to prolonged mixing time
table 1 and the powder was mixed at level 1 for 1 minute . 3not measurable, too tough and sticky
Within 30 seconds, while stirring at level 1 , 348 g of WG - 4
and 10 g ofwater were added . Mixing was continued at level [0166 ] Test Series 3 — Test of Plasticizing Action of Com
1 for a further 30 seconds and then at level 2 for a further 2 mercial Plasticizers for Cementand Gypsum in Comparison
minutes . If the geopolymer was not homogeneous enough [0167 ] 329 g (21.9 parts by weight) of Metaver® R and
after these 3 minutes of mixing time of the wet mixture , 767 g (51. 1 parts by weight) of EFA® Füller HP were mixed
US 2019 /0202737 A1 Jul. 4 , 2019
in a forced mixer from Hobart at level 1 for 1 minute . Within TABLE 4 - continued
30 seconds , with continued stirring, a solution of 348 g ( 23 . 2
parts by weight ) of WG - 1 and 56 g (3 .7 parts by weight ) of Slump [mm ]
a 50 % by weight aqueous KOH solution was added . Within Plasticizer Dosage immediate 20 min . 45 min.
a further 30 seconds, the plasticizer according to table 3 was
added in the dosage specified and the composition was Ex . 6 PA -25 pH 8 3 . 0 1) 252 263 242
mixed at level 2 for a further 2 to 3 minutes. Subsequently , NaMS 17 .2 2 )
Ex . 7 Dolapix SPC 7 2 .0 1) 233 228 210
the slump of each composition was determined . The results Ex . 8 Dolapix SPC 7. 3.0 1) 252 247 232
are reported in table 3 .
1fly) parts by weight of solids per 100 parts by weight of powder component (metakaolin and
ash ) of the geopolymer
TABLE 3 2) parts by weight of NaMS per 100 parts by weight of PA -25 pH 8 solution
5) not processible (too stiff and sticky )
Slump [mm ]
[0174 ] Test Series 5 — Test of Plasticizing Action of Poly
Plasticizer Dosage 1) immediate 20 min. 45 min. acrylic Acid and Mixtures of Polyacrylic Acid with Alkali
Ref. 1 none 0 178 166 140 Metal Silicate
Ref. 2 Ultrazine NAS 2) 0 .75 115 [0175 ] A geopolymer having the following composition
Ref. 3 Ultrazine NAS 2) 1 .5 100 np ) was prepared analogously to test series 3 :
Ref. 4 Ultrazine NAS 2) 3. 0 np ) [0176 ] 21. 6 parts by weight of Metaver® R
Ref. 5 Borrement CA 120 3) 1.5 100 np ) np ) 0177 ] 50 . 4 parts by weight of EFA? Füller HP
Ref. 6 Borrement CA 120 3) 3.0 np ) [0178 ] 21 .2 parts by weight of WG -1
Ref. 1 Sikament ® FF- 86 4) 3.0 100 np ) np [0179 ] 6 .8 parts by weight of KOH (50 % aqueous solu
Ref. 8 Na gluconate 0 .1 187
Ref. 9 Sika® ViscoCrete ® 1. 5 100 np np tion )
120P 5 )
np 6) np 6)) [0180 ] Added to this geopolymer in each case was the
Ref. 10 Sika® ViscoCrete ® 3.0 100 plasticizer specified in table 5 , and the slump of the com
120P 5)
position was determined as described for test series 3 .
parts by weight of solids per 100 parts by weight of geopolymer [0181] The Plasticizers used were Produced as Follows:
2) Na lignosulfonate powder ( from Borregaard ) [0182 ] The respective polyacrylic acid solution was
3) Ca lignosulfonate powder ( from Borregaard) adjusted to pH 13 by addition of NaOH and used as such in
4 ) sulfonated melamine condensate powder ( from Sika )
» polycarboxylate ether powder (from Sika ) examples 9 to 12 . In examples 13 to 16 , 17 .2 g of sodium
not processible (too stiff ) metasilicate pentahydrate (NaMS) in each case , based on
100 g of the polyacrylic acid solution, were also mixed into
[0168 ] Test Series 4 — Test of Plasticizing Action of Poly the polyacrylic acid solutions of pH 13 .
acrylic Acid and Mixtures of Polyacrylic Acid with Alkali [0183] The plasticizers used were dosed such that 3.0 parts
metal Silicate by weight of polyacrylic acid solids were present per 100
[0169 ] A geopolymer was prepared analogously to test parts by weight of powder component (metakaolin and fly
series 3 . ash ) of the geopolymer.
[0170] Added to this geopolymer in each case was the TABLE 5
plasticizer specified in table 4 in the dosage specified , and
the slump of the composition was determined as described SC 1) Slump [mm ]
for test series 3 .
[0171 ] The Plasticizers used were Produced as Follows: Plasticizer % by wt. 5 min. 20 min . 45 min .
[ 0172 ] PA -25 pH 2 .8 : PA -25 was diluted with water to a Ref. 12
Ex. 9
PA- 15 pH 13
solids content of 37.7 % by weight. Ex. 10 PA - 25 pH 13 255 250 251
[0173] PA - 25 pH 8 : PA - 25 was adjusted to a pH of 8 by Ex . 11
Ex. 12
PA - 40 pH 13
PA - 70 pH 13
addition of NaOH and the solids content was adjusted to Ex . 13 PA- 15 pH 13 45 256 270 278
37 . 7 % by weight by addition of water. For ex . 4 to ex . 6 , with NaMS
according to table 4 , the amount of sodium metasilicate Ex. 14 PA -25 pH 13 37 268 269 269
pentahydrate (NaMS) specified was mixed with the amount with NaMS
of PA - 25 pH 8 specified , and this mixture was used as Ex. 15 | PA -40 pH 13 35 247 238 225
plasticizer. with NAMS
Ex . 16 PA -70 pH 13 30 248 242 227
with NaMS
1) solids content of the polyacrylic acid solution of pH 13
Slump [mm ]
Dosage immediate 20 min . 45 min.
[0184 ] Test Series 6 — Test of the Effect of Polyacrylic
Plasticizer Acid and Mixtures of Polyacrylic Acid with Alkali Metal
Ref. 11 PA - 25 pH 2 .8 3.0 1) np 3) np 3) np 3) Silicate on Flow Characteristics and Development of
Ex. 1 PA - 25 pH 8 2 .0 1) 213 206 177 Strength
Ex. 2 PA -25 pH 8 3.01) 211 204 167 [0185 ] A geopolymer having the following composition
Ex. 3 PA - 25 pH 8 5.0 1) 186 172 136 was prepared analogously to test series 3 :
Ex. 4 PA - 25 pH 8
JO1 226 229 214
(0186 ] 21.6 parts by weight of Metaver® R
Ex . 5 PA - 25 pH 8 3.0 1) 237 237 221 [0187] 50 .4 parts by weight of EFA? Füller HP
NAMS 10 .32) [0188 ] 21.2 parts by weight of WG - 1
[0189] 3.4 parts by weight of KOH powder
US 2019 /0202737 A1 Jul. 4 , 2019