Findings: Type of Style Mean Standard Deviation
Findings: Type of Style Mean Standard Deviation
Findings: Type of Style Mean Standard Deviation
Research Question 3: Is there any relationship between lecturers’ teaching styles with
student academic engagement?
Based on the results shown in Table 3, students’ academic engagement level
and lecturers’ teaching style were positively correlated, r = .188, p = .655. However,
Pearson’s correlation analysis results show that the students’ engagement level and
lecturers’ teaching style has a weak relationship.
Academic Engagement
Teaching Style .655*
Note: Correlation is significant at 0.05
6.1 The relationship between the lecturers’ teaching style and academic engagement
This section is divided between students’ academic engagement level and
lecturers’ teaching style. The findings showed that the lecturers’ teaching style is
strongly positively correlated yet weak relationship with students’ academic engagement
Teachers who have a Facilitator teaching style can use analytical strategies
which help the students to work with others. Ahmad Farris (2008) supported this by a
study where students improved their approach on science when analytics strategies
were used on teaching them.
In addition, Adesoji (2009) findings explained that if lecturers use analytical or
problem solving method of teaching, students will most likely lead to positive direction.
According to a study of Grasha (2003), Facilitator and Delegator teaching style relates
to problem solving methods of teaching.