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Sybase System 11 SQL Cheat Sheet

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Sybase System 11 SQL Cheat Sheet

SQL Server Date Retrieval and Manipulation

Retrieve rows of data from table. select [all |distinct] select_list [into table_name]
[from {table_name | view_name} [alias]
[where search_conditions] [group by [all] aggregate_free_expression]
[having search_conditions] [order by {col |col_no} [{ asc | desc}]
[compute row_aggregate(column_name) [,…] [by column_name [,…]]]
Add rows to a table. insert [into] {table_name | view_name} [(column_list)]
{values (constant_expression [,…]) | select_statement }
Modify rows in a table. update {table_name | view_name} set col_name1 = {expression | NULL | (select_statement)}
[, col_name2 = {expression | NULL | (select_statement)}]
[from {table_name | view_name} [,…]] [where search_conditions]
Remove rows from a table. delete [from] table_name [from {table_name | view_name} [,…]] [where search_conditions]
Drop a table. drop table table_name
SQL Server Functions - Date Functions
getdate() Returns the current system date and time.
datename(datepart, date_expr) Returns a specific part of date_expr value as a string.
datepart(datepart, date_expr) Returns a specific part of date_expr value as an integer.
datediff(datepart, date_expr1, date_expr2) Returns date_expr2 – date_expr1 as measured by specific number of dateparts to date_expr.
dateadd(datepart, number, date_expr) Returns the date produced by adding specified number of dateparts to date_expr.
SQL Server Functions - String Functions
Length and Parsing
char_length(char_expr) Returns integer number of characters in char_expr, ignoring trailing spaces.
substring(expression, start, length) Returns part of a string.
right(char_expr, int_expr) Returns int_expr characters from right of char_expr.
upper(char_expr) Converts char_expr to uppercase.
lower(char_expr) Converts char_expr to lowercase.
space(int_expr) Generates string of int_expr spaces.
replicate(char_expr, int_expr) Repeats char_expr, int_expr times.
stuff(char_expr1, start, length, char_expr2) Replaces length characters from expr1 at start with expr2.
reverse(char_expr) Reverses text in char_expr.
ltrim(char_expr) Removes leading spaces.
rtrim(char_expr) Removes trailing spaces.
ascii(char_expr) ASCII value of first character in char_expr.
char(int_expr) ASCII code-to-character conversion.
str(float_expr [, length [,decimal]]) Numeric-to-character conversion.
soundex(char_expr) Returns soundex value of char_expr.
difference(char_expr1, char_expr2) Returns difference between soundex values of expressions.
charindex(char_expr, expression) Returns the starting position of the specified char_expr, else 0.
patindex(“%pattern%”, expression) Returns the starting position of the specified pattern, else 0.
SQL Server Functions - Mathematical Functions
abs(numeric_expr) Absolute value of specified value.
ceiling(numeric_expr) Smallest integer greater than or equal to the specified value.
exp(float_expr) Exponential value of the specified value.
floor(numeric_expr) Largest integer less that or equal to the specified value.
pi() Returns the constant value of 3.1415926…
power(numeric_expr, power) Returns the value of numeric_expr to the power of power.
rand([int_expr]) Returns a random float number between 0 and 1, optionally using int_expr as a seed.
round(numeric_expr, int_expr) Rounds off a numeric expression to the precision specified in int_expr.
sign(int_expr) Returns the positive (+1), zero (0), or negative (-1).
sqrt(float_expr) Returns the square root of the specified value.
SQL Server Functions - Row Aggregate Functions
sum([all | distinct] expression) The total of the (distinct) non-null values in the numeric column.
avg([all | distinct] expression) The average of the (distinct) non-null values in the numeric column.
count([all | distinct] expression) The number of (distinct) non-null values in the column.
count(*) The number of select rows.
max(expression) The highest value in the expression.
min(expression) The lowest value in the expression.
isnull(expr1, expr2) Replaces expr1, if null, with expr2.
SQL Server Functions – Access and Security Information
host_id() Current host process ID number of client process.
host_name() Current host computer name of the client process.
suser_id([“login_name”]) User’s SQL Server ID number.
suser_name([server_user_id]) User’s SQL Server login name.
user_id([“name_in_db”]) User’s ID number in database.
user_name([user_id]) User’s name in the database.
user User’s name in the database.
show_role() Current active roles for user.
valid_user(login_id) Returns 1 if specified login_id is a valid user or alias in at least one database.
SQL Server Functions – Database and Object Information
db_id([“db_name”]) Database ID number.
db_name([db_id]) Database name.
object_id(“objname”) Database object ID number.
object_name(obj_id [, db_id]) Database object name.
col_name(obj_id, col_id) Column name of column.
col_length(“objname”, “colname”) Length of column.
index_col(“objname”, index_id, key #) Indexed column name.
valid_name(char_expr) Returns 0 if char_expr is not a valid identifier.
curunreservedpgs(db_id, lstart, unreservedpgs) Used in query against sysusages; returns number of free pages on device fragment.
data_pgs(object_id, {doampg | ioampg}) Number of data pages used by table (doampg) or index (ioampg).
reserved_pgs(object_id, {doampg | ioampg}) Number of reserved pages for a table(doampg) or index (ioampg).
rowcnt(doampg) Number of rows in a table.
used_pgs(object_id, doampg, ioampg) Total number of pages used by a table and its clustered index.
SQL Server Functions – Data Functions
datalength(expression) Returns length of expression in bytes.
tsequal(timestamp1, timestamp2) Compares timestamp values; returns error if timestamp vales do not match.
convert(datatype, expression,[format]) Converts expression to datatype. Format specifies the display format for datetime values
when converted to character string.
Useful System Stored Procedures
Display information about an object. sp_help{type_name | procedure_name| table_name | view_name | rule_name | default_name}
List all referenced objects. sp_depends {trigger_name | procedure_name}
List all triggers and stored procedures. sp_depends {table_name | view_name}
View current locks. sp_lock [spid]
View current process. sp_who [login_name | spid]
List databases. sp_helpdb [db_name]
Display keys. sp_helpkey table_name
Transact SQL Programming Constructs - Generate Messages
Print a text string. Print {“character_string” | @variable | @@global_variable} [, arglist]
Raise an error message. Raiserror error_number {character_string | @varibale} [, arglist]

Compiled by Scott M Ferguson on 05/23/02

Sybase System 11 SQL Cheat Sheet

Transact SQL Programming Constructs – Flow Control

Insert a multiple line comment. /* Comment */
Single line comment. --
Exit a batch. return
Exit a stored procedure. return [return_status]
Declare a local variable. Declare @variable_name datatype [, …]
Set a local variable. Select @variable_name = expression [, …]
[from … [where …]]
Evaluate a condition. if boolean_expression
{statement | statement block}
[else {statement | statement block}]
Check for existence of rows. if [not] exists (select_statement)
{statement | statement block}
[else {statement | statement block}]
Create a statement block with if or while. begin
Execute repeatedly. While boolean_condition
{statement | statement_block}
Restart while loop. continue
Exit while loop. break
Declare a label execute from. goto label
A labeled spot label:
Wait for an event. waitfor {delay “time” | time “time” | errorexit | processexit | mirrorexit}
Modify the environment. Set condition {on | off | value}
Transact SQL Programming Constructs - Stored Procedures
Create a procedure create proc procedure_name [; number]
[(@parm_name datatype = default_value [output] [,…])] [with recompile]
as SQL_Statements
[return [integer_status_value]]
Execute a procedure [exec[ute]] [@status =] procedure_name [; number]
[[@parm_name =] expression [output][,…]]
Transact SQL Programming Constructs - Cursors
Define the query for a cursor. declare cursor_name cursor for
Select select_list from {table_name | view_name}
[holdlock | noholdlock] [shared] [,…]
[for {read only | update [ of column_name_list]}]
Execute query and set row pointer to 1st row. open cursor_name
Set the number of rows for a fetch. set cursor rows num_rows for cursor_name
Retrieve a row or rows. Fetch cursor_name [ into variable_list]
Stop a cursor processing and release locks. close cursor_name
Release cursor name and resources. deallocate cursor cursor_name
Data Types, Formats, and Date Parts
Date Parts Date Part Abbreviation Value Range
Year yy 1753-9999
Quarter qq 1-4
Month mm 1-12
Day Of Year dy 1-366
Day dd 1-31
Week wk 1-54
Week Day dw 1-7 (1 = Sunday)
Hour hh 0-23
Minute mi 0-59
Second ss 0-59
Millisecond ms 0-999

Date Conversion Formats Value Format of Date in Converted String

0 or 100 mon dd yyyy hh:mi AM
1 or 101 mm/dd/yy
2 or 102 yy.mm.dd
3 or 103 dd/mm/yy
4 or 104 dd.mm.yy
5 or 105 dd-mm-yy
6 or 106 dd mon yy
7 or 107 mon dd, yy
8 or 108 hh:mm:ss
9 or 109 mon dd, yyyy hh:mi:ss:ms AM
10 or 110 mm-dd-yy
11 or 111 yy/mm/dd
12 or 112 yymmdd

Data Types Data Type Range of Values Size in Bytes Example

char[(n)] 1 <= n <= 255 n (default is 1) ‘Scott’
varchar[(n)] 1 <= n <= 255 data length ‘123 Elm St.’
text BLOB Up to 2147483647 bytes 16 + multiple of 2k ‘Scott’
binary(n) 1 <= n <= 255 n 0xa1b3
varbinary(n) 1 <= n <= 255 n + 1 0xf1
image BLOB up to 2147483647 bytes 16 + multiple of 2k 0xf1. . .
datetime 01/01/1753 to 12/31/9999 8 ‘Jul 4, 1972 14:47:00.000’
smalldatetime 01/01/1990 to 06/06/2079 4 ‘Jul 4, 1998 15:30:00’
bit 0 or 1 1 1
int(integer) + or – 2147483647 4 123456
smallint + or – 32767 2 2134
tinyint 0 to 255 1 30
float[(precision)] machine dependent 4 or 8 123.1234567
numeric(p,s) + or – 10 to the 38th power 2 through 17 12345.123
p is precision (total digits)
s is scale (decimal digits)
decimal(p,s) same as numeric
money + or - $922,337,203,685,447.5807 8 $150,235.56
smallmoney + or _ $214,748.3647 4 $25,078.23
{} Indicates that you must choose at least one of the enclosed options.
[] The value / keyword is optional.
() Parentheses are part of the command.
| Indicates that you can select only one of the options shown.
, Indicates that you can select as many of the options shown, separated by commas.
expression An expression that returns a single value; may be restricted to one of the following types: char_expression, constant_expression,
float_expression, integer_expression, numeric_expression, binary_expression.
… Indicates the previous option can be repeated.

Compiled by Scott M Ferguson on 05/23/02

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