Codd's Rule
Codd's Rule
Codd's Rule
Tuple: Row
Attribute Domain
When an attribute is defined in a relation(table), it is defined to hold only a certain type of
values, which is known as Attribute Domain. Hence, the attribute Name will hold the name
of employee for every tuple.
Relation Schema: A relation schema describes the structure of the relation, with the name of
the relation(name of table),
its attributes and their names and type.
Relation Key
A relation key is an attribute which can uniquely identify a particular tuple(row) in a
Relational Integrity Constraints
Every relation in a relational database model should abide by or follow a few constraints to be a
valid relation, these constraints are called as Relational Integrity Constraints.
The three main Integrity Constraints are:
• Key Constraints
• Domain Constraints
• Referential integrity Constraints