Night Breaker Silver H4: Excellent Performance-Lifetime Ratio
Night Breaker Silver H4: Excellent Performance-Lifetime Ratio
Night Breaker Silver H4: Excellent Performance-Lifetime Ratio
Technical data
Product information
Electrical data
Power input 75 / 68 W 1)
1) Maximum
Photometrical data
Diameter 13.0 mm
1) Filament 1 / Filament 2
ECE category H4
Logistical Data
Product code Product description Packaging unit Dimensions (length Volume Gross weight
(Pieces/Unit) x width x height)
4052899578920 NIGHT BREAKER Shipping carton box 485 mm x 315 mm x 52.71 dm³ 5702.00 g
SILVER H4 200 345 mm
4052899992337 NIGHT BREAKER Hard Cover Box 114 mm x 48 mm x 0.58 dm³ 134.68 g
SILVER H4 2 106 mm
4062172058803 NIGHT BREAKER Shipping carton box 268 mm x 126 mm x 4.22 dm³ 758.00 g
SILVER H4 10 125 mm
4052899992467 NIGHT BREAKER Shipping carton box 335 mm x 115 mm x 5.62 dm³ 466.00 g
SILVER H4 10 146 mm
4052899992627 NIGHT BREAKER Shipping carton box 485 mm x 250 mm x 19.40 dm³ 3213.00 g
SILVER H4 100 160 mm
The mentioned product code describes the smallest quantity unit which can be ordered. One shipping unit can contain one or
__ more single products. When placing an order, for the quantity please enter single or multiples of a shipping unit.
Legal advice
Light output compared to the minimum ECE 112 requirements.
Application advice
For more detailed application information and graphics please see product datasheet.
Subject to change without notice. Errors and omission excepted. Always make sure to use the most recent release.