Journal of Materials Processing Technology: Mohammad H. Farshidianfar, Amir Khajepour, Adrian P. Gerlich
Journal of Materials Processing Technology: Mohammad H. Farshidianfar, Amir Khajepour, Adrian P. Gerlich
Journal of Materials Processing Technology: Mohammad H. Farshidianfar, Amir Khajepour, Adrian P. Gerlich
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: An infrared thermal imaging system is developed to compare the effects of cooling rate and melt pool
Received 25 May 2015 temperature on the microstructure of 316L stainless steel produced by Laser Additive Manufacturing
Received in revised form 14 January 2016 (LAM) with injected powder melting. The system captures the real-time cooling rate to provide online
Accepted 19 January 2016
monitoring and control of the microstructure at the onset of solidification. Further study is conducted
Available online 22 January 2016
to evaluate cooling rate effects on grain size, phase transformations and hardness. Cooling rate changes
are also studied with respect to the traveling speed, in order to identify a suitable controlling action for a
microstructural controller. The study provides a strong experimental justification of the current theories
Real-time cooling rate
in solidification and microstructural evolution during the LAM with injected powder melting process.
Laser Additive Manufacturing © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Infrared thermal imaging
1. Introduction the fine equiaxed grains in LAM has two main advantages (Kou,
2003). First, the fine grains help reduce susceptibility to crack-
Laser Additive Manufacturing (LAM) with injected powder melt- ing during deposition (Kou, 2003) in LAM as shown by Mitzner
ing implies layer by layer shaping of materials in the form of powder et al. (2012). Second, fine grains can improve ductility and fracture
to arbitrary configurations and geometries, using a comprehensive toughness of the deposit in the case of steels and stainless steels
integration of materials science, mechanical and control engineer- (Kou, 2003). These advantages make it possible to produce locally
ing, and laser technology. The technology is currently being used in tailored microstructures.
rapid prototyping, coating, tooling and parts repair, cladding and Therefore, there has been numerous attempts to understand
design of novel alloys or functionally graded materials (Toyserkani microstructural evolution in LAM to control material properties.
et al., 2005). Parts can be produced with material properties supe- These researches were mainly focused on trying to obtain a set
rior to those of the wrought material with a finer grain size using of optimized process parameters in an offline manner to obtain
LAM (Griffith et al., 2000). In general, the rapid solidification and desired properties. Ultimate tensile strength, yield strength and
high cooling rate values result in detailed finer microstructure. LAM total elongation of 316 stainless steel depositions produced by the
with injected powder melting is the technology that is applied and LAM process were compared to annealed bar stainless steels by
studied in this paper. For brevity, the technology will be abbreviated Ready (2001). In all cases, the strength properties of the LAM fabri-
as LAM throughout the whole paper. cated 316 stainless steel bars significantly exceeded that for the
Despite being a promising manufacturing technology, it is reported value of the annealed material, whereas, their elonga-
essential to understand and control the material behavior during tions did not differ. Pinkerton and Li (2004) studied the connections
the LAM process to be capable of producing functional parts for crit- between input parameters and final material properties and sur-
ical industries such as the aerospace, energy and automotive. The face finish in laser cladding of stainless steel 316L. Delgado et al.
real promise of LAM is the potential to integrate superior material (2011) examined the role of scanning speed, layer thickness, and
properties with a precise fabrication process. LAM provides attrac- building direction as process parameters, and noted these all affect
tive characteristics including minimal dilution, concentrated heat the part quality and mechanical properties of iron-based prod-
source and smaller heat affected zones compared to the more tra- ucts manufactured by Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) and SLM
ditional subtractive manufacturing techniques. The formation of technologies. Song et al. (Song et al., 2014) obtained different tensile
strengths of the Fe/SiC depositions through variations of the SLM
inputs parameters. The processing conditions, microstructural fea-
∗ Corresponding author. tures, and mechanical properties of DMLS-processed porous metals
E-mail address: (M.H. Farshidianfar). were assessed and the formation mechanisms of pores were elu-
0924-0136/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.H. Farshidianfar et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 231 (2016) 468–478 469
cidated by Gu et al. (Shen et al., 2008; Gu and Shen, 2008). Li to control the microstructure of the LAM deposition by means of
et al. (2009) later fabricated 316L stainless steel samples with a real-time monitoring of the cooling rate and melt pool temperature.
graded porous microstructure along the speed gradient direction. The main objective of the present study is to develop a gener-
Zhao et al. (2015) studied the morphology of AISI 420 stainless alized methodology to monitor and control local microstructural
steel deposition during the SLM process and observed a cellular properties of the LAM process with injected powder melting using
microstructure along the direction of the maximum heat flow. In real-time cooling rate measurements. By integrating infrared ther-
addition, Shifeng et al. (Shifeng et al., 2014) observed a coarse mal imaging and processing techniques, the real-time melt pool
grain zone below the Molten Pool Boundaries (MPBs), and a long temperature and cooling rate measurements are obtained. A set
and thin columnar grains with the same orientations on two sides of combined energy and powder deposition density parameters
of the MPBs. Though, all these reports offer a good insight into are used to evaluate the pivotal role of the cooling rate and melt
microstructural variations during LAM, each only cover microstruc- pool temperature on defining the LAM microstructure. The effect
tural analysis of a specific material inside a specific window of of process parameters on the real-time cooling rate and melt pool
process parameters. In other words, none of the above researches temperature is evaluated. Moreover, the microstructural evolution
developed a general methodology which may be applied to control is studied based on the cooling rate and melt pool temperature
material properties during LAM in various materials and process variations to produce a general methodology for understanding
conditions. microstructural formation during the LAM with injected powder
Since LAM is a solidification process, the initial step towards melting process. This methodology is further expanded to under-
achieving a fully controlled material property is to understand the stand the influence of the cooling rate on the grain size and
thermal behavior (Flemings 1974; Kobryn and Semiatin, 2003). By geometrical dilution. The real-time cooling rate is found to be an
understanding the correlation between the thermal history and effective parameter for local microstructure control purposes, such
microstructure, precise locally tailored microstructures can be fab- as local grain refinement in ultra-precision parts.
ricated through graded deposition of single or multi-materials and
optimized process parameters. Elmer et al. (1989a,b) were the
first to characterize the effects of different processing conditions 2. Thermal characteristics of the LAM process
on the microstructure using the cooling rate in an electron beam
deposition process. They indicated the cooling rate and chemical Any solidification microstructure is defined by two main solid-
composition primarily determine the mode of solidification, solid ification characteristics: (1) solidification mode (planar, cellular,
distribution and nucleation. Their cooling rates were estimated columnar dendritic and equiaxed dendritic), and (2) size of the
indirectly (Elmer et al., 1989a) based on the dendritic arm spac- solidification structure. Additionally, the two most important
solidification parameters are the growth rateR mm/s , and tem-
ing measurements on 300-series stainless steel alloys, and were
found to range from 7 ◦ C/s to 7.5×106 ◦ C/s . In 1999, Griffith et al. perature gradient G ◦ C/mm . The travel speed of the solid/liquid
(1999) used a thermocouple for measuring the melt pool temper- interface is called the growth rate, R. The temperature gradient, G, in
ature at different passes of a hollow block during LAM. Although the liquid metal is defined as the tangent of the temperature profile
in-situ thermal measurements were acquired, no correlation was with respect to distance. The ratio G/R determines solidifica-
obtained between microstructure and thermal behavior. In a later tion mode (morphology) while the product GR ◦ C/s governs the
study, Hofmeister and Griffith (2001) used CCD thermal imaging to size of the solidification structure (Kou, 2003). Thus, to control the
study the microstructural variation of LENS processed 316 stainless whole solidification microstructure, one has to monitor and control
and H13 tool steels. Spatial temperature gradients were measured the ratio and product of the growth rate and the temperature gra-
online and later used to calculate the cooling rate since it was diffi- dient. Going from one solidification mode to another requires great
cult to measure online cooling rate values. Hofmeister and Griffith variations inside the LAM process, whereas, the size and morphol-
(2001) reported cooling rate values ranging from 200–6000 ◦ C/s at ogy is very sensitive to process parameters. Since LAM is a very fast
the solid-liquid interface. Doubenskaia et al. (Doubenskaia et al., solidification process compared to casting and welding, it is diffi-
2004; Pavlov et al., 2011; Doubenskaia et al., 2006) used pyrome- cult to capture real-time values of the growth rate and temperature
ters and infrared cameras to measure melt pool temperatures for gradient. Moreover, since in-situ real-time cooling rate measure-
monitoring laser cladding, however, no microstructural analysis ments are difficult to achieve (Hofmeister and Griffith, 2001), no
was carried out. Hua et al. (2008) found a relationship between the researcher has obtained a generalized logic on how to obtain
molten pool temperature and the cladding thickness. Zhang et al. optimized process parameters in order to obtain desired mate-
(2012) indicated that the thermal history of a deposition has an rial properties. However, it could be possible to measure real-time
important effect on the microstructure, and consequently on the cooling rate values with the current thermal monitoring apparatus.
final properties of a multi-layer stainless steel 410 (SS 410) thin Therefore, there is a great possibility that by measuring the cooling
wall. Despite having studied the microstructures in LAM based on rate and correlating its variations with microstructural evolution,
well-established metallurgy of solidification versus thermal behav- one could easily understand and control the local microstructure
ior, none of the researchers were successful to develop an online formation in real-time.
monitoring and control methodology for the microstructure. There are four main mechanisms for grains to nucleate during
There are widely used passive microstructure controlling tech- LAM (Kou, 2003): (1) dendrite fragmentation, (2) grain detach-
niques in the welding and casting industries (e.g. grain refinement ment, (3) heterogeneous nucleation, and (4) surface nucleation. The
and inoculation), however, they are only ideal for bulk material of clad-substrate interface provides nucleation sites for the colum-
low dimensional tolerances, and not suitable for local microstruc- nar growth. The axes of the columnar crystals are normally in the
ture control in graded structures. Furthermore, all grain structure direction of heat flow (Davies, 1973). Two phenomena are respon-
control techniques in welding are open loop, meaning that they sible for production of equiaxed grains, which are desirable in
cannot be monitored online and adapted accordingly. Yet again, the process (Flemings, 1974): grain multiplication and convection.
the need for a generalized microstructure control method that Modeling or predicting convection is a difficult process, however,
can locally control the microstructure and grain size in real-time convection can be monitored and predicted more easily through
is required in LAM. However, in a recent work by the authors cooling rate monitoring.
(Farshidianfar et al., 2015), which is also the basis for the current The amount of actual heat input during the LAM process defines
study, a real-time thermal monitoring apparatus was developed the values of the melt pool temperature and cooling rate. A large
470 M.H. Farshidianfar et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 231 (2016) 468–478
variety of operating parameters and physical phenomena deter- The cooling rate estimation therefore, is not very sensitive to the
mine the amount of heat input. The main input parameters of the emissivity changes for the current application. Moreover, because
current LAM system can be categorized as the travel speed, laser a comparative study is used, no knowledge of the exact tempera-
power, laser beam diameter and powder feed rate. Since these tures are required. Hence, an average emissivity of 0.6 is calculated
parameters affect the heat input simultaneously, it is essential to for the material (stainless steel) being deposited and this emissiv-
use a combined parameter to address their combined influence. The ity is kept constant throughout the whole process and real-time
effective energy per unit area E, and the powder deposition density temperature calculations.
PDD (Toyserkani et al., 2005) are two widely used parameters in lit- The deposition powder used in this work is stainless steel (SS)
erature that can express combined influence of all the main input 316L powder, –325 mesh, from Praxair Surface Technologies. The
parameters. SS 316L powder had a composition of 0.003 wt% C, 17 wt% Cr,
The effective energy measures the amount of energy delivered 65.5 wt% Fe, 1 wt% MN, 3 wt% Mo, 13 wt% Ni, less than 0.005 wt%,
to the process by the laser. This energy is principally responsible 0.01 wt% S and 0.45 wt% Si. All experiments conducted used AISI
for melting the substrate surface and powder, and is defined by 1030 medium carbon steel substrates with a composition of:
(Toyserkani et al., 2005): 0.28–0.34 wt% C, 0.6–0.9 wt% Mn, less than 0.04 wt% P, and less than
0.05 wt% S. Specimens were sectioned in the longitudinal direction
E= (1) for microstructural examination. Samples were prepared using SiC
grit paper with grit mesh sizes from 240 to 1200, polished with 1m
in which P is the laser power (W ), V is the traveling speed of the sub- alumina powder and auto polished with 1to 0.5m diamond paste.
strate (mm/s), and D is the laser beam diameter (mm). The effective After each polishing step, the samples were placed in an ultrasonic
energy E is measured in units of J 2 . machine to remove contamination and later air dried. Stainless
The powder deposition density is also a good indicator of the steel samples were etched in Marble’s reagent (10g CuSO4 in 50mL
amount of powder fed to a unit area of the substrate during deposi- HCl and 50mL H2 O), to expose grain structure and morphology.
tion. The powder deposition density is defined by (Toyserkani et al., The microstructures were analyzed using optical microscopy with
2005): images obtained from an Olympus AH microscope with objective
R magnifications of up to50×. All of the height and dilution measure-
PDD = (1) ments were also conducted by the Olympus AH microscope.
Where R is the powder feed rate. The powder deposition density
PDD is measured in units of g 2 . 3.1. Thermography analysis and processing techniques
The effective energy and powder deposition density are two
parameters that describe the combined effects of the laser power, Thermal images taken using an IR camera only provide temper-
travel speed, laser beam diameter and powder feed rate on the atures of each pixel and thus, require processing and analysis to be
amount of heat input during the LAM process. The amount of heat functional for exact microstructural analyses and control applica-
input defines values for the melt pool temperature and cooling rate. tions.
Thus, E and PDD are directly related to the melt pool temperature The intensity of each pixel is directly related to its temperature,
and its cooling rate, and indirectly related to the microstructure the greater the RGB value (the brighter the pixel) the higher the
formation. temperature. The camera was located at a distance of 20 − 25cm
from the substrate that provided a resolution of 0.5 to0.65 pixel .
The image array has a size of X × Y in which X is the total num-
3. Experimental setup
ber of pixel rows and Y is the total number of pixel columns of
the image. Each element of the array has an assigned row r, and
A schematic view of the state of the art Laser Additive Manufac-
columnc, with a position vector (c, r). The intensity (RGB value) of
turing (LAM) apparatus with injected powder melting used in this
each pixel indicates the magnitude or size of each element.
research is illustrated in Fig. 1. This system is composed of several
As stated earlier, to be capable of monitoring changes in the
integrated instruments such as a high power laser (1.1kW IPG fiber
solidification mode and structure size, it is required to have in-
laser YLR-1000-IC with 300m feeding fiber and a Gaussian power
process knowledge of the temperature gradient and growth rate. It
distribution), powder feeder (Sulzer Metco TWIN 10-C), multi-axes
was also realized that the cooling rate, which is the product of the
CNC machine (5-axis Fadal VMC 3016), nozzle and an intelligent
temperature gradient and growth rate, has direct influence on the
controller with a data acquisition system and sensors.
solidification mode and solidification structure size. Therefore, con-
A Jenoptik IR-TCM 384 camera module with a resolution of
trolling microstructure during the LAM process requires a complete
384 × 288 pixles and a measuring accuracy of ±2% is used to moni-
knowledge of the real-time cooling rate values. A general descrip-
tor the thermal behavior of the LAM process. The IR imaging is used
tion of the thermal algorithm that extracts the real-time cooling
to directly measure the cooling rate and temperature of the melt
rate is discussed below.
pool in real time.
An IR camera defines the real temperature of an object using
a constant emissivity valueε. The emissivity of metallic powders 3.1.1. Measuring the melt pool temperature and cooling rate
deposited during LAM (such as stainless steel and titanium) are When a thermal image is taken, the pixel with the maximum
highly dependent on temperature, especially at the elevated tem- RGB value Imax in each frame, represents the melt pool. Thus, the
peratures of the LAM process 800–2000 ◦ C. The change of emissivity center of the melt pool and temperature is found by identifying
with temperature in steel is attributed to the formation of an oxide the maximum element and averaging its’ value with the surround-
layer on the surface of the steel as its temperature increases (Sadiq ing elements inside the image array. The cooling rate is calculated
et al., 2011). This change of emissivity may lead to errors in captur- by deducting the melt pool temperature reduction with time at
ing the real body temperature as high as 100 ◦ C (Felice, 2008). the onset of solidification. In other words, the real-time melt pool
Since in the current application two temperatures at different temperature is stored and later subtracted from the reduced tem-
instances of time are subtracted to find cooling rate values, and also perature of that point in time. Therefore, temperature reduction in
cooling rates are compared and correlated with microstructural the melt pool is compared with a measured line of points, having
evolutions, a comparative study of the cooling rate values are used. the highest temperature progressively further from the previous
M.H. Farshidianfar et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 231 (2016) 468–478 471
melt pool point. More details on the algorithm are provided in prior
work (Farshidianfar et al., 2015).
3.2. Experiments
Table 1
J g
Laser processing parameters of A samples with similar E = 110 and PDD = 0.008 parameters (beam diameter is2.5mm).
mm2 mm2
Sample No. (W )Laser power Travel Speed (mm/min) Powder Feed Rate (g/min)
Table 2
Laser processing parameters of B samples for studying the effects of cooling rate on microstructure, and effects of travelling speed on cooling rate.
Sample no. Laser power (W ) Travel speed (mm/min) Powder feed rate (g/min) Effective energy (J/mm2 ) Powder deposition density (g/min)
Table 4
Geometrical dilution and clad height of the A samples with similar E = 110 J/mm2
and PDD = 0.008 g/mm2 parameters.
Sample A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
J g
Fig. 6. High magnification 50× micrographs of samples A1 through A5 with similar values of E = 110 and PDD = 0.008 parameters.
mm2 mm2
Table 5
Average cooling rate and melt pool temperatures B samples for studying cooling
rate effects on microstructural evolutions.
Sample no. Average cooling rate (◦ C/s) Average melt pool temperature (◦ C)
B1 22 2053
B2 39 1630
B3 248 1434
B4 764 1153
Table 6
Micro hardness results of B samples.
Table 7
Grain size number of the B samples with changing speed.
Sample no. G-ASTM grain size (No.) NA -Grains/unit area (No./mm2 at1×) d̄ -Average grain diameter (m)
B1 9 3968.0 15.9
B2 10 7936.0 11.2
B3 12 31744.1 5.6
M.H. Farshidianfar et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 231 (2016) 468–478 477
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